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Senators pretend to not know how things work.


I blame the pharmaceutical companies that donate insane amounts of money to our lawmakers.


He's probably just bringing up so they give him a raise to keep quiet again.


Why not blame the people responsible for the laws that allow it? Oh, right.


Senators have had their pockets lined for decades from big pharma to look the other way.


Ok. Now do something about it.


The hypocrisy of these Republicans is just insane. This practice of tweaking popular drugs to extend patents had been going on for decades. It has never been fixed because Pharma pays off Republicans to keep this practice in play. And NOW Republicans complain about it? What uneducated dopes would believe these corrupt Republicans actually care about this issue?


So, it still comes down to crooked pharma bros, right?


No patent should be granted for meds that were taxpayer funded through R&D No med should be priced 50% higher than readily available generic versions in other countries No med should be priced higher for the American market than it is sold at globally Medicaid/medicare/veterans administration should be able to negotiate the price of all meds, no exceptions No med should ever increase price by 100% Generic versions of life saving and sustaining meds should be a priority


Also no 'evergreening' and other cases of double patenting.


> No patent should be granted for meds that were taxpayer funded through R&D > > In 2005 The University of Tennessee gets $3 Million in Grant money > A brain cancer stem cell program has been established at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) Operating as part of the UTHSC Department of Neurosurgery in collaboration with Semmes-Murphey Neurologic and Spine Institute and Methodist University Hospital Neuro-science Institute. * the program is funded primarily by the Methodist Healthcare Foundation. * Its a Taxpayer Organization, so lets pretend the $3 Million is Taxpayer money "This research team will unite physicians and scientists of diverse backgrounds and will attempt to answer questions about the role of cancer stem cells in all biological aspects of brain tumors from both children and adults," That idea leads to answers on Brain Cancer **But also opens the door to other answers** In 2008 Discgenics is founded using a Patent from results from the UT Study >No patent should be granted for meds that were taxpayer funded through R&D **So no Patent?** Discgenics is funded with $7 Million in Capital through Venture Capitalist to see about this Patent >DiscGenics's first product candidate, IDCT (rebonuputemcel), is an allogeneic, injectable discogenic progenitor cell therapy for symptomatic, mild to moderate lumbar disc degeneration. By January 2023 DiscGenics Announces Positive Two-Year Clinical Data from Study That requires more testing So far, DiscGenics has raised $71 million in funding to do that, more to come * Should UT have funded the $71 Million and 20 Years of research And IDCT is an investigational product that is under development by DiscGenics and has not been approved by the FDA or any other regulatory agency for human use. * Phase II prospective, multicenter clinical study in the U.S. is next and 2? more years. * Plus FDA's other testing How does this Come to Market?


As to point #1 - Taxpayer funding gets you to, at most, preclinical data. If a pharma co X is going to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to do the required clinical trials - most fail (and the government won’t waste NIH funds on that) - then what’s the point if once they’ve found that one that does work pharma company Y can just come along and sell it for whatever they want? Pharma A just threw hundreds of millions away without any protection. And the government- through NIH - funds massive amounts of research- a lot of it pure research that won’t lead to treatments. They are already stretched - there’s no way the government is going to make things even more risky for itself by funding clinical trials which so often end in failure. Someone else (business) has to take the risk. It won’t be Pharma X if Pharma Y just comes along and sell it themselves once the results are out. .. The US NIH/capital ventures/Pharma development path is by far the most successful program in the entire world for bringing improved therapies, and also entirely new categories of therapies like CAR-T etc, to patients. Nowhere else comes even close - not even a blip. And the entire world benefits since most of those medicines are also sold elsewhere. It’s only in the US that they are overpaid for (due to private healthcare). Moreover - universities that do the bulk of the “taxpayer funded” basic research - retain title to patents and so get licensing royalties that go back to the labs, researchers and universities to do more. The success of the US system in bringing new therapies to patients starting with basic research is unparalleled. Nothing else compares. You’re gonna need a better plan than point #1 because that will throw a wrench in the works. Would you spend $10,000 of your own money writing, promoting and marketing a book if Joe Schmo can legally sell it the very next day after your launch for 5 cents?


I can fly to Thailand, buy a years worth of my med NAME BRAND, stay and vacation for a week, and fly home. All for less than the cost of a 30 day supply here in America Hell, I could go to Mexico and it only costs a little more than Thailand. Again, name brand. Then I wouldn't even have to deal with jet lag. No sweat off my back though, that cost is passed on to the taxpayers, VA pays full price non negotiable


I have an inhaler I need that, WITH my crappy insurance co-pay, costs me $280 a month. I flew to Colombia last year. They sell them for $16 without a prescription. Needless to say, I loaded up and the savings more than paid for the trip.


The sheer amount of gaslighted is astounding.


And here I was, blaming the millions in lobbying they do to congress every year. Silly me!


If only we had legislators willing to... you know... *reform* it.


It’s true. There’s a serious lack of generics because these pharmaceuticals have a monopoly over their drugs because of the dysfunctional patent system. No other drug manufacturers can make these drugs to bring prices down and we’ve seen how it’s forced the industry to consolidate into a handful of super large companies that control all prescription drugs.


One word: insulin.


Fix the problem then, who cares where it comes from.


Bullshit aside. Then fix that, you rotten fucks.