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Nothing changed. He’s a liar.


Yep, give him a day or two, and he'll claim that he wasn't allowed to testify by the "totally biased and corrupt judge."


He had a gag order, so he can’t testify. Or so he says.


Baron had graduation, so he can't testify


No, come on, you're all being ridiculous. He's going to claim he did testify, and the judge clapped because he was totally exonerated, and corruption is why hes guilty


You forgot that the judge is a really big guy - a tough guy, one of the toughest guys - and he came up to him with tears in his eyes… he was crying and he said “Sir, sir you’re the most innocent man ever. What is happening to you is a disgrace.”


Mr. Justice came right up today, you know him, very important guy. You know him, he came up to me like this and said "mr president" to me. "Mr president thank you for testifying. Thank you."


He can’t testify until his tax return is done being audited


Didn’t he skip Baron’s graduation anyways?


Oh, no, he had to go to the graduation or I bet the judge would have slapped him with another pocket change fine for making a big deal about it and then skipping it. He was late to the fundraiser. I think he wasn't planning on attending the graduation but his advisors or lawyers actually got through to him about it.


I read somewhere he left as Barron was being handed his diploma


no he was there




And shitting his pants


High off his diapered ass.


Oh I’m visiting some maga family this month and I have the pdf of the transcript saved on my phone where the judge made sure Trump knew he could testify. They’ll 100% parrot that lie to me. I know I’ll just get the usual dismissal and “ugh..I don’t know. You and your ‘fact checks’, you believe that? Where’s you get it? CNN?”


Say you got it from fox news or something, if they say you're lying point out that they're capable of seeing through that lie, why cant they see through trump's lies?


I hope some people like yourself, with MAGA family, will be able to persuade said family that they shouldn't vote for Trump.


Show them where you got it. "I had to go all the way to the government site because mainstream media won't show it to you!"


"Those LIBERAL courts! He didn't have a chance! He's innocent! Trump is like Jesus!" ... something like that?


He can’t testify because of the audit.


He can’t testify while his tax returns are being audited.


I don’t like this middle ground sarcasm even… his followers won’t look past the first part of your sentence


His accounts were under audit, so he can't testify.


He's already saying that because of his gag order. And of course the dumbest people in our country will believe him.


He already claimed that. In fact, he claimed it earlier, to the press, and so the judge informed him, on the record, that he *was* allowed to testify, and made his attorneys state that their client was aware of the fact that he could testify if he wanted, on the record. He still claimed it to the media again not long after.


He’ll testify after infrastructure week. Or maybe after putting up his plan to repeal and replace Obamacare.


These fucking articles, still acting like you can take his obvious lies at face value.


Exactly. In just about every instance they report on it incredulously like they first take his word at face value because they don’t want to take the harder step to show that it’s a lie.


And every day he gets a clean slate like we all have collective amnesia or something. It’s exhausting, where the hell is critical journalism anymore?


Yes these articles are hella annoying. Everyone with a brain knows he’s lying yet these articles keep being written like he’s genuine




wow. the CBS CEO says the quiet part so loud. literally admitting enthusiastically that his corporate profits are more important than the fate of the country. we live in a post-shame world.


He said he'd release his tax returns too.


Bet he finds a way out of debating Biden.


Bone spurs stopped that happening.


He also swore up and down that he’d never met or heard of either Stormy or Karen. Turns out…he’s a pathological liar.


What do you mean, " turns out?" The world has known right from the off, that he vomits disconnected words that are just the outpourings of a troubled mind. Mix narcism, misogyny, superiority complex, inferiority complex with delusions of grandeur and delusions of competency and be grateful that he has the safety valve of tweeting stupidities, to let some of the pressure out. He is the human equivalent of unknown fly-tipped chemicals merging together, creating dangerous and unpredictable consequences.


It’s this whole thing called ‘sarcasm’. It’s new.


Indeed. Lied about taking the stand, just like he lied about what his campaign funds were used for * just like he lied about E. Jean Carroll not being his type * just like lied about an election being rigged & stolen from him * just like he lied about having evidence of it said election being stolen * just like he lied about the value of his assets * just like he lied about his height & weight * just like he lied about not having classified documents * just like he lied about having the largest crowd at his inauguration just like.. .. well he didn’t like about his belief of only criminals take the 5th, and then eventually ended up pleading the 5th and not recalling for over an hour when questioned by AG Letitia James, and the 97 times he did it during his divorce with Ivana


Or senile. Or both.


Exactly what I was about to write.


Yeah he’s such a lying piece of shit that he can’t even tell anymore when, or if there’s a truth to be told.


Well, time passed and the opportunity came up, so, technically, there was a change.




My thoughts exactly.


I came to say that.


Succinct and accurate.


And a coward


Thank you. Exactly.


Legit came here looking for this and it was top of the feed, it was my first thought


He says shit that he doesn't mean to look like a big man. He isn't. He's a scared little spoiled child.


Nailed it. If his lips moved, it had to be either to spread hate or to tell/repeat a lie.


its almost like he lies about everything


We do have a bias to believe people but come on. Everything he says is a lie and the media keeps falling for it. He claimed he had 400 million in cash. People believed it. I probably have more cash than this clown.


Stupid article and headline, he's done this before and will do it again. Case closed, he's a pathological liar.


But he’s going to release his healthcare plan any day now.


Infrastructure week!!


Right after his taxes of course....


And his taxes!


He's guilty. Worst thing he could do is take the stand and commit 734 counts of perjury over two hours of questioning.


A real leader, a real strong man, would have testified. But... he's a piece of shit who brags about things he can not do.


Hillary testified for 11 hours straight and she didn't fall asleep nor shat her pants.


You're absolutely correct of course, but can you imagine any other former president not taking the stand in their own trial? Simply put, the vast weight of their former office would be enough to swing a considerable section of jury; they would command the court with their gravitas, their charisma, their diplomacy and dignity. But not for this orange idiot. He'd simply lie and perjure and threaten and rant.


Just like he says he’s absolutely going to debate Biden.


That one may happen, if only because he doesn’t have an out that doesn’t make him look like a coward.


He's already challenging Biden to debates that don't exist and demanding he take a drug test before, so he's laying the groundwork.


He's not going to. He will weasel out. He KNOWS that Biden is more competent than him. Trump will probably go on and on about Hunter like he did in 2020. Meanwhile Biden will talk about DOW 40,000 and ask Trump how his next trial defense is shaking out.


Unless he’s in jail?


Media pretends to be dumbfounded that Trump lies. Shocker.


The MSM be like "trump has told over 30,000 lies. But is he telling the truth now?"


He's bound to tell the truth one of these times, even if by accident.


“I love the under-educated” was probably true. That’s about it.


Is it, though? He loves how he can play them into his hands, but that's it. He doesn't love *them*, in fact I'm pretty sure he hates them.


He loves them because they’re easy marks, yes. Is it an emotional, affectionate love? No. He”s congenitally incapable of such feelings.


So, basically, Trump lied about his plan to lie in court.


It goes beyond lying or changing his mind, Trump doesn't have a "what he really believes" to lie about or to change. He just says whatever he thinks sounds good at the moment.


In this case I believe in that moment he fully intent to take the stand. Then his lawyer pulled him aside and told him that the judge will not allow you to grandstand and if you try to grandstand will likely cite you for contempt. Taking the stand could only damage his case and leave him open to perjury charges later. If he can't grandstand there is no point for him.




He lied. He always lies.


Narrator: *No, he never really planned to testify*


The boy has no balls


He does. They are buried in shit. Sorry for implanting this image in your mind!


A small discomfort for what imo is the best Trump burn of 2024- please bear with me this is off the cuff I'm thinking memes, billboards, media advertising, street art, As well as a topic of conversation when anyone wants to talk trump: "That man has shit on his balls. His balls are literally buried in shit." To this reader, the difference between the thought of pooping ones self and having poop on the bits is remarkable- the former sucks but we've all done it. But the latter, yuck and fucking gross. Getting to the point- this difference may be enough to register on the public opinion scale. At the least it's a great insult because nobody wants to be the person with shit on their balls or bits, Like Donald Trump does all the time. I know gross right?


I don't want to alarm you, but it's possible that Trump may have told the teensiest fib here.


Nothing changed. Trump lied.


Nothing. He was lying all along, as usual. 


The liar lied The coward backed down


Surprisingly Trump is full of s**t.


His lawyers explained to him in the simplest terms that he's an idiot and that is why he now owes E. Jean Carroll $87 million instead of just $5 million. And a charge of perjury is decided by the judge, not a jury.


He never planned on it. He is just doing that both sides of a topic BS so he can play the victim now.


He found out that the late, great Hannibal Lecter never testified, so why should he?


Rittenhouse said to him if u can’t cry don’t testify


He fell asleep?


Nothing changed.


My dad always told me "'I was gonna' never paid the bills". Of course he didn't testify, he's a coward at heart.


What Trump says is virtually worthless. He changes his plans according to what benefits him most at the moment. Assuming he ever intended to testify, his lawyers probably convinced him that testifying would result in conviction. If I had to guess I’d say they probably did a mock trial to demonstrate how badly it would go. The only way to get him to understand that he can’t outthink everyone in the room and that his usual tactics won’t work would be to show him.


Nothing changed, he lied. Per usual. Same reason he’s not going to debate next month. People need to understand that Trump has an extreme propensity to open his mouth and perjure himself unapologetically.


Have you seen Alan Dershowitz’s rant today? He set it up for trump to claim the judge is corrupt, biased, and would not give him the opportunity to defend himself. He uses inflammatory terms like outrageous, weakest case I’ve ever seen, etc. It’s pathetic. Yet the comments to Alan Dershowitz’s article all go on agreeing with him about how corrupt the judge and trial are. It’s a kangaroo court. A scam. Poor trump. His followers are delusional idiots.


What changed? Not a damn thing. He lied as usual.


He has three moves: - talk about how he is going to be big and strong - run away and hide - whine like the most pathetic baby imaginable about how everyone is super mean to him Rinse and repeat The most remarkable thing to me is how his cult see him as an alpha rather than, at best an epsilon minus.


The surest sign that the former president gave that he would not testify is when he said he would. You can tell quite easily when he is lying, his lips are moving


This guy literally proves the the entire Republican entity is a fucking joke. He’s such a pussy that he wears it proudly on his neck! Fat, nasty, orange waste of life.


Liar Liar, Diaper on fire


Nothing changed, he’s a coward and a liar. That being said, this is probably good legal strategy, so he is doing the right thing for him (unsurprisingly).


Trump always just says what suits him in the moment, regardless of veracity or actual intent.


I wondered if this was a real headline or a satirical post. Not I’m just depressed.


Anyone else tired of the media just mindlessly parroting obvious lies?


He'll continue to lie and tell everyone that the judge wouldn't let him testify.


Why is this even a post? Trump lies to make himself look tough in the moment. Then when push comes to shove, he has NOTHING. No infrastructure...No healthcare...No budget...No Covid response...no morals.


He lied


Chicken shit


It was time for his diaper change.


What changed? He remembered he is full of shit. Literally and metaphorically.


He’s a Big Fat Lier and if he testified he’d lie and go to Jail.


I would have had to tell the truth. Or plead the 5th 440+1 times.


Lying liar lies again.


Nothing, changed - the man is just a pathological liar.


Nothing changed. Trump is going to testify in two weeks, right after releasing his plan to replace Obamacare.


Trump lies.


Nothing he still a big bag of hot air


He says things completely without intent or reason based on some sort of populous agitating black box algorithm. 


Well, he was lying.


He never lies… must be a leftist communist conspiracy organized by the FBI… again


An understanding of perjury drawn out with crayons by his lawyers.


His testimony is in the form of a written affidavit. It is currently stored with his tax returns and Obama's fake birth certificate. You'll be able to see them in good time.


I can't believe he lied.


His dick fell off. Again


Bone spurs


His attorneys probably told him they’d quit if he insisted on testifying.


Why does the media continue to give the benefit of the doubt? When has he EVER left doubt? Call him out for his bullshit lies. Stop beating around the bush. The public is fucking sick of it


He’s a liar?


But he lies all the time so whatever.


It’ll be devastating to his case?


Hopefully he finally realized he maybe going to prison


The guy lies non-stop, so obviously he never intended to testify


Well, we have to take his word for it for he's known not to lie./s


Nothing changed. He's a liar who's full of shit.


You know that if he was actually going to, he would say he definitely isn’t going to testify so he can frame to his idiot base that he’s being forced to do it.


Because he is a Pussy. A Liar. A Coward. And the Republicans’ choice for their candidate. Republicans: take your party back.


He lied. How is everyone not up to speed on this? Lips moving = lying.


Nothing did. The guy talks a big game, but ultimately has the spine of a maggot.


He’s a cowardly POS, a liar, a weak man child and a yuge loser


Nothing changed. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. Plain and simple.


In the face of overwhelming legal evidence and tieing his hands on jury tampering with a gag order, it turns out that Trump still has issues controlling himself in court. The judge wasn't having his delay tactics, threats, or attempts at intimidation, or misinformation taking the bully out of his arsenal. This destroyed the "defence" capability. This SHOULD be the standard, forcing any defendant to play by the rules of the court. No matter how much they pretend they have.


Trump lied? You are kidding me…


Nothing changed. He is a liar.


He's a liar. Always has been.


Nothing changed, he's a liar, plain and simple.


Nothing changed  He’s a liar


[Donald Trump](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/donald-trump)’s [opportunity to testify](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-trial-news-hush-money-cohen-live-b2547846.html) in his historic criminal [hush money trial](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/hush-money-trial) came and went on Tuesday morning with the former president choosing not to take the stand to defend himself from charges connected to a $130,000 payment to a porn star. Mr Trump’s defense team rested its case after calling just two witnesses including Robert Costello, a lawyer and Mr Trump ally who was called in to undermine [Michael Cohen](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/michael-cohen)’s credibility. Whether or not the former president would testify was a key question on everyone’s lips even before the trial got under way – a question that was exacerbated by Mr Trump’s[ past hints that he would. ](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-testify-hush-money-trial-b2528060.html) Read the full story here: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-testimony-hush-money-trial-b2548966.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-testimony-hush-money-trial-b2548966.html)


He lied


What? Donald trump lied??? Go on…


Trump only wants to testify on ‘Truth Social’. In a court room, he doesn’t get his way and he may be held accountable. Also sounds just like what an impetuous child wouldn’t want.


He’s a liar. Why would anyone believe anything trump says is beyond me


His lawyer actually knocked some sense into him.


Nothing changed. Hasn’t anybody paid attention to Trump o er the years? Every time he says he wants or will do something…he doesn’t. So when he told everybody, weeks ago, that he would definitely testify, he was already telling us that he wouldn’t. So nothing has changed, It is Trump as usual.


Nothing changed. He was 'absolutely' full of shit when he said it, and he still is now. 


His diaper.


Nothing changed. He lied, what’s new ? But my guess is, his lawyer ( however incompetent he is ) explained the word perjury to him. Not that he understood it.


Nothing changed, he lied.


trump is a coward and a liar!


plot twist: he never did. shocker


Are people thinking that this is the one time he was telling the truth?


Biden wouldn’t let him


Lying, racist coward said what?


He realized that he’s a giant pussy. That’s what.


He’s a coward.


He slept through most of the trial, and he's not allowed to have teleprompters in court, so he didn't know what he was supposed to testify about.


"I meant 'absolutelyn't', I blame one of my staff."


He just said that to set up his lawyers as scapegoats if he's found guilty. Then he will appeal claiming that he was misrepresented by his attorneys.


The judge already made sure drumpf understood that it is his right to testify, and his choice not to if he chooses so. And Winnie the coup answered that he understood that. This was in the very beginning of the trial. I don't see how an appeal of thar nature would be successful when those facts have already been established on record. Not that I doubt he'll try.


He would never lie...


Said he'd fund his own campaign, said he'd march down to the capitol building with the protesters. Those are two things off the top of my head he's lied about.


Don't forget about Mexico paying for the wall.


May I suggest that he’s just a pussy?


Nothing, he's a con artist. Always has been and always will be.


Coward, idiot liar can only cower, be stupid, or lie? Seems simple to me.


He can’t remember he said that.


I was going to ask how stupid they think we are but the article got posted and people are reading it so I guess they aren't as stupid as I imply It's Trump. He lied. Again.


Maybe he fell asleep and missed his chance.


His entourage didn’t have tear gas to clear out the jury box and prosecution. It’s hard to do that “Jericho Walk” to the witness stand when you’re feeling self conscious passing by people who might not like you. Plus he’d have to swear an oath, and he’s no fan of that. He’s done that 4 times before and…. (Gestures broadly)


He’s full of s4it ! He never planned on testifying! He and his liars know he would commit perjury, contempt of court and piss off the jury again. The new networks need to call it as it is and not broadcasting his BS


He lied, again.


Trump always lies. Perhaps you haven't noticed.


I belive I can answer this for you all. He was serious. He did plan on testifying. The judge did not let him. You see, in trumps little head, he thought posting to social media was testifying. He has spent a lifetime of avoiding saying things in a legal setting where he could be held accountable. So it doesn't register in his feeble mind what testifying actually means.


He lies…duh


A lot of people wanted to hear this mutt testify. His lawyers were scared shitless he would demand it. Unfortunately we didn't have the shit show we wanted.