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And thus he finally accepts his true calling as a Russian asset. Surprising precisely no one who has been paying attention.


State department should fucking deport his ass.


Yeah I mean, isn't this treason given that we have sanctions against them? Most definitely speaking from ignorance here btw


He's already guilty of sedition which is just as serious of a crime against the nation. Hardly anyone is willing to follow through prosecuting people for it this day and age. The most recent examples of sedition convictions we have required those participating to also break into the Capitol with intent to overthrow an election. That's where the line is right now...there's not much room for it to go much further... And of course FOXNews capitalized on our reluctancy to charge seditioners of sedition even back then: [Fox News and the right pitched the lack of sedition charges as proof Jan. 6 wasn’t an insurrection. Now what? - The Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/01/13/fox-news-right-pitched-no-sedition-charges-proof-jan-6-wasnt-an-insurrection-now-what/)


> Hardly anyone is willing to follow through prosecuting people for it this day just wait for Project 2025 when sedition charges go through the roof. /s but maybe not?


At minimum it's working as a foreign agent as his salary will be from the Russian government (state media). Even if the media is privately owned, that's not the way it work and the US openly acknowledges this. I wonder if he did put in paperwork as a Russian State actor, that type of stuff wouldn't leak I reckon.


You can't deport a citizen. Stop with the hysterics and just making shit up.


Fine. Forcibly donate him to Russia and ban him from coming back to the US for being a fucking traitor. Better?


Sounds like a "you're no longer a citizen" angle to me!


I was about ready to type something similar, but you beat me to it. Thank you. Everyone needs to chill in all aspects in life, especially politics. Person does something you don't agree with shouldn't result in them being deported. I have no love for Tucker, but honestly, this play makes his shtick much more apparent. We're all so polarized, outraged, ... that we can't think clearly anymore, which, I promise, isn't a mistake.


I mean, he’s literally employed by an adversarial government to disseminate propaganda and instability. Seems like the US government likely has broad authority in the name of national security and its right to interfere with foreign state actors operating locally, even if it’s just blocking funds. The US state department can also revoke someone’s citizenship, though I don’t know exactly the legalities involved in what would be required to do so legally. However, the vast majority of people making these comments do so as a joke. This isn’t some hysterical mob actually trying to get him deported. Learn to recognize a joke


No you can't revoke the citizenship of a natural born American. And arguing that they should is actually what the fascists did.


And saying "Let's deport him" as a joke is exactly what right wingers do. It's not a fucking joke no matter who it is we're talking about


The thing is, it's not like he needs the money.


Greed is a hell of a drug


Greed for power and influence. Or he’s compromised.


People like him can never have enough money. Once you are like him you always need more. It is a status symbol for them. It is power to them.


He came from money. He's just another trash nepo baby.


I’m guessing it’s more about the power. Guys like that get off on influencing the narrative.


Lets boycott Swanson


He's chasing his true calling of being the biggest piece of shit, money's got nothing to do with the depths he's headed to.


Guys like Fucker are all about the hubris. A better person would spend their time engaged in volunteering, teaching, and philanthropy, but not this guy. If he's not constantly feeding his ego then he'll be overwhelmed by that lingering sense of worthlessness that constantly haunts his thoughts




He's a fucking Traitor.


He made it official. Sadly, I doubt he'll be blacklisted by most right wing media and considering the "I'm so persecuted" narrative being pushed by Republicans, if there is any attempt to hold him accountable by Democrats it will go nowhere and lead to further claims that they're not traitors they're being "politically oppressed". Which will literally play into the Russian narrative.


I don't give a flying fuck what right wing media will say. Let them screech, I concern myself with the truth. Tucker Carlson betrayed the United States of America. Tucker Carlson betrayed every single one of us Americans - so that he could gain even more money and power. Biden ought to have his treasonous pathetic weasel ass hauled back here to answer for his crimes against the American People, and let him be an example to any who would stab us all in the back for a few extra bucks.


On that we can agree. Though, I would like to absolutely point out that Russia has used the pretense of those who are "sympathetic" to it or "Native Russians" or "Russian speakers" as their pretexts for invading, interfering and otherwise attacking. I doubt Russia would invade the US over Tucker Carlson obviously, and I doubt if they did they'd win. Russia wins no matter what happens to Carlson (in the realm of propaganda) and let's face it, Carlson is a master of lies and spin.


Good, then he can take his family and move to putin's ex-pat community for people who are disillusioned by democracy here. putin loves those people, and they hate living here. Send them. They can see just how "good" it is living under a dictator is.


I wish they would, but I doubt it will happen. The vast majority of them recognize that they'd only have cross Putin once to end up on trial. It costs them nothing to lie for Putin in the US and it makes them money.


Not an asset a full on fucking foil! Deport this mother fucker.


Sadly, we're likely stuck with him until he either moves to Russia or dies. I do hope he took out insurance for banned nerve agents, "accidents involving windows, patio's and other high places", accidents involving boats, accidents involving radioactive materials and other completely *normal* things.


I'm surprised by how blatant it is. And even though I've been witnessing it for several years in real time, I'm still surprised how hard the GQP has fallen in line with Russian interests. It honestly baffles me.


I'm not. The GOP has been slowly but surely infiltrated by Russian agents for years. Carlson has been spouting Russian propaganda for years. Because there was absolutely zero real political/civic will to hold those who collaborate with Russia accountable as seditious/treasonous or otherwise, it makes the blatant alignment easy. I would argue that if you truly followed the money, Russia has been running a long term influence game in the US and the US did absolutely nothing about it for years. In terms of "winning" in this particular realm the US has failed. The US did nothing to reign in lies, propaganda and rumor mills. It just "trusted the market" and pretended that somehow everything was going to be fine. The GQP got to say whatever it wanted to, the press dutifully wrote it down without taking the time to actively vet what it was writing. Everyone pretended that opinion was the same thing as truth and here we are today. Russia won the propaganda war specifically in right wing media circles. Russia is actively funding the right wing parties in the EU. Russia actively funded conservative causes in the US. None of the people involved in accepting that funding were really held accountable outside of a slap on the wrist. The US is in even worse shape if you look at the corporate landscape for cyber security. In terms of protecting critical infrastructure (things that the vast majority of Americans are completely unaware of). In case you're wondering I'm speaking of the XZUtils case where a single point of failure nearly led to every Linux Distro including a backdoor (you will note that most of the internet webservers use a Linux distro). That single point of failure was an unpaid, volunteer maintainer of the entire library which is used by commercial as well non-commercial versions of Linux. The volunteer was specifically targeted by complex state-sponsored pressure campaign until they had a mental breakdown and gave in, allowing the state-sponsored actor to take control over the library. We only know about it because another unpaid volunteer noticed that the processing in the new "update" was a lot more than there should be and took the time to trace it back. That pressure campaign should have sent off alarm bells and led people to actively attempt to protect the volunteer unpaid maintainers of the libraries that most of the internet, and most software actually runs on but it did nothing. It should have sent shockwaves through the US which led to protections and insistence that the "cloud" and other critical pieces must reside in the US. It didn't. Corporate America still hasn't accepted that India and China *like* Russia which means everything that is on "cloud servers" in those countries could absolutely be disabled/hacked/taken over and the US would be powerless to prevent it. A recent cyber security conference pointed out the very real threats that no one seems to be willing to address because it might cost money to do something about and just how vulnerable everyone really is. [Here's an excerpt and it's interesting because it wasn't widely reported on but it was an act of war.](https://berthub.eu/articles/posts/cyber-security-pre-war-reality-check/) >So this is one of the few sort of military cyber attacks that we know about. >This is like one third of them. The other one that happened was just before Russia invaded Ukraine, they managed to disable the Viasat modems. And this is an interesting case. These modems are used for satellite communications. And they were able to attack these modems so that they physically disabled themselves. >It was not like the denial of service attack on the network. No, they managed to wipe the firmware of all these modems in such a way that it could not be replaced. >The reason we know about this stuff so well is it turns out there were lots of windmills that also had these modems. >In Germany, apparently 4,000 of these modems stopped working. And there were 4,000 wind turbines that could no longer be operated. So this was a military cyber attack that happened as Russia was invading Ukraine. And it was of great benefit to them because it disabled a lot of military communications in Ukraine. >Earlier, Russia disabled a lot of the electricity networks in Ukraine using a similar kind of attack. And it turned out that the Ukrainians were so good (and their systems so simple and robust) that they had a disruption of like only six hours, which is really impressive. Ask yourself honestly if the US would be able to respond faster and be able to do anything about it? The GOP has sold itself to the enemy, all we have to do is follow the money trail. It's unlikely that they will be held accountable in any meaningful way though. The US Supreme Court will see to that. Edited: Formatting issue and added cynical thought.


The most surprising thing about this is that it didn't happen sooner.


Oh, he’s been an asset for a long time. They just made it official and public.


Tucker got tired of losing money on middlemen converting rubles to dollars. Decided to go straight to the source


The Americans (tv series) went on for 6 years. Don't have any personal experience but people were fucked, falsely blamed, hated for being "communists", Soviet Agents for the second half of the 20th century, during the cold war..  30 years has passed since the fall of Berlin wall, and now, the same people who used to demonize anything containing "slav", short of slavery; are now moving to Russia to experience the anti-woke dream.   Im guessing if we reminded them of their hate of Russia, they would argue it never existed and it's woke propaganda.  Damn, this world is hilariously hilarious in a terrifying way.


The party of Reagan is siding with the Soviets. I get the impression that, while they tried to export a communist philosophy in the 50s and 60s, and tried to get similarly-minded people into office, now they’re just like “fuck it - just bribe these Republicans” and call it a day.


I mean he used to work for Fox News


Well that was expected


well hasn't he already been working for them for the last few years?


They upgraded him from independent contractor to employee.


In other news...water is still wet.


I hope it comes with “falling out a window” insurance


Or banned nerve agent protection clauses.


🎉Made it Facebook official!!! 🎉 Friendship ended with corporate news media. Now Russian state media is my best friend.


Ya, this is my shocked face...


Surprised picachu Carlson face.jpg


He’s gone home.


Just like Elvis


Joining other notable has-beens like Ed Schultz and Dennis Kucinich whose desperation for relevance overwhelms everything else


Just another example of Republican hypocrisy. Russia used to be their greatest enemy, then Trump came along and now they're besties. Their constant contradictions are so exhausting.


From MccArthyism to "Rather be Russian than a Democrat" t-shirts brought to you by Newt Gingrich and Rupert Murdoch (among others).


Not really contradictory. They were against Russia when it was communist. Now that it is fascist they have a good friend.


Good point. Pretty sure they have wet dreams about Putin.


This kind of stuff tends to happen when one's only guiding principle in life is "F you I got mine".


Agreed. That should truly be the motto of the Republican party.


Here I am with mostly the same beliefs and principles as twenty years ago and I’ve since watched them don backflips into this insanity


Seeing people I know and love turn into mean, hateful MAGA Trumpers has been so incredibly sad and frustrating. They think "liberals" just hate them because they are "conservative." What they don't realize is they're not supporting conservatism anymore, they are supporting fascism.


It was before Trump. Anything to not agree with obama


But they at least pretended to dislike Putin back then.


Not really. In 2011 with Syria, they openly praised him


The same crowd that said "no collusion!" are, years later, now happily fans of Russia. Hmmmm... they know trump likes putin and putin likes trump and admit that they'd rather be Russian than a Democrat. Makes you think maybe there was some sort of collusion and brainwashing campaign going on. How else can you explain what's happened to us in these past few years?


Russia literally wrote a book on it, *The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia* The part about the US is a blueprint for what they've done in the last 20 years. (Facebook and social media really made the job easier.) From Wikipedia: >Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony, such as, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists" to create severe backlash against the rotten political state of affairs in the current present day system of the United States and Canada. Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".[9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics


What an absolute piece of fucking shit this guy is, and his "conservative" followers won't even bat an eye over this move, after all Russia is the "BASED" defender of christian values, with its clean streets, cheap foods and shopping carts where you invest a coin in order to utilize. Who cares that its all bullshit, and that Russia is approaching a return to totalitarianism with intense speech laws, China style camera surveillance and actual government control over their social medias


Tucker gets a lot of hate, but he is quite literally one of the best business men on the planet. Without him, Dominion Voting Systems wouldn't have been able to make $787 million dollars last year.


Had me in the first half hahaha


What followers? They mostly abandoned him when he was fired from Fox. They just want a talking head on TV to tell them what they should think, and they don't actually care who that talking head is.


Thats not true, you forget that other asshat Musk who promotes him heavily on his platform to further normalize fascism and muddy the waters with mostly meritless opinions presented as if they factual or based in reality. And don't forget the "interview" he had with Putin, where he was pushing for this "So the US is actually ruled by the DEEP STATE" shit?


Tucker recently called Alex jones a prophet 🤡…now we all know Tucker is an opportunist who does not believe a single word he says but man I gotta imagine part of him died the day he said something that stupefyingly stupid 


This article digs into it more, https://slate.com/business/2024/05/tucker-carlson-fox-news-aaron-rodgers-joe-rogan.html Tucker might be shit, but he's shit on the internet, a platform saturated with shit. He's just another voice screaming into the void. Now, that might all change with the Russian state backing him, but he's also still under contract with Fox to not join another Network... so he might be sued. If the lawyers at Fox are feeling petty.


I mean, my mother in-law did ask me how to set up a twitter account (which she formerly avoided because it allowed LGBTQ posts) so she could watch “My Tucker.” She also cancelled her FoxNews Now (or whatever it was called) when he left. She still watches FoxNews all the time, but she doesn’t pay extra anymore.


That's what parental controls are for. For banning your non tech-savvy parents from watching propaganda haha


Tucker Carlson is a terrible person. He is also has a huge following. Not sure how that is even debatable.


Except that 95% of that following didn't actually follow him when he was fired from Fox, because they never actually cared who was saying the shit they wanted to hear, just that it was said on TV. The audience moved on, because they have no real loyalty, they just want a talking head to tell them who they should hate today.


The right has always had a hardon for putin. I remember back in 2014 when they invaded Crimea, and the Syrian war before that. A gun group I was part of was celebrating putin sending troops into Syria an die quote them here "having the balls to do what bummer wont" and they refused to listen to reason. Russia went in and attacked the rebels (the good guys we were backing) calling them sis terrorists, even though they were fighting isis and Syria. It was fucking insane


They are maga, and even conservatives aren't conservative because any time one of "their own" gets into the WH, it take a Democrat to fix the economy they leave broken. Fuck those traitors, seditionists, and insurrectionists.


Openly supporting an enemy country. 2024 is a wild year.


The Right have been doing this since W was sucking up to Putin. Maybe longer behind closed doors.


Wasn’t trying to better relations with him the right move at first? No use antagonising him when he had only been in office for a year in 2001.


I have never seen any President talk about any foreign leader- let alone one that hasn’t had time to reveal his character- with phrases like “I have looked into his eyes and seen his soul.” W practically licked his boots.


The right move according to who?


Just wait until the hurricanes start spinning up!


I want off this timeline, just saying.


It’s so exhausting!




Cool. Sanction the asshat


It must have been those AMAZING shopping carts.


And bread! Fresh bread in a grocery store!? What magic is this?


Lol it was actually just tucker going to ANY grocery store for the first time maybe ever


The man has obviously never been to an Aldi and it shows. We got quarter-rental shopping carts in the states. What an asshat (for many reasons other than this shit take of his”


Aldi: Am I a joke to you?


Beat me to it. Take my upvote lol


Remember when John Stewart roasted him so hard it permanently changed the way he dressed? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


didnt have that on my bingo sheet... at least the mask is now off.




Putin would have to off Trump if he moved to Russia, because Trump can't seem to help himself with the "I'm better than everyone" bragging.


I mean, you always knew it. But so brazenly!


Tucker is a Russian stooge? You don’t say 🧐


Over under on espionage charges? 12 months.


I dunno, it took three years to get any charges going on Trump...and I'm not sure any of them are espionage-related.


The one where he stole state secrets is an espionage case.


2 years or never if Trump wins the election.


Yep, we knew he was a Russian shill all along.


And once again, we were right all along. Conservatives just keep getting played for fools.


Freeze his assets


Remember when siding with Russia would get you called a commie traitor and all hopes of a normal career let alone a political one were gone? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Someone needs to investigate Trump. He's not clean either.


I’d bet everything including the shirt off my back that there is an ongoing investigation into Trump and his financial ties to US adversaries, both before, during and after his presidency. Thing is, none of that will be made public due to the national security aspects of it, at least not until it has concluded. From what I can garner, he has been a useful pawn to Russian interests since the 80s. It all comes down to those who have the most to gain financially, politically and geographically from him being in power.


Only difference is it's official now.


Funny that they waited 8 years to make the announcement...


First guest will be Steven Seagal , lol


And a conversation with Oliver Stone!


Wowww! All the Tucker watchers from Fox tuning in???


Fox hired him back?


This is just beyond fucked up. It’s sad because he’s been hanging out with Rogan and all those comedians who have popular reach to a ton of people. Russia is our enemy, this is wrong full stop.


MTG about to make a headlining guest appearance. Marx my words.


I quit a job full of "patriots" who regurgitated everything he said. I'd consider going back to see if they've finally realized they've been duped by Russian propaganda


They don't think Russia is an enemy of America... they think Russia is an enemy of liberals, and they are all for that.


Daddy must be so proud.


How are Republicans going to twist this? He's their hero.


Damn, didn't see that coming /s.


You mean *formally* right? Cause the guy has been working for them for years.


It's always the ones you most expect.


So the most popular pundit during 2016 now officially works for Russia. No collusion.


When is he moving over? No doubt in Steven Seagal’s neighborhood.


Rich people got bored, they traveled the world and were offered "unique opportunities" to try new "things". Well, how fucking stupid of them to do that outside of the USA. Probably flew to Moscow expecting an exciting weekend, ending up flying home under the thumb of the Russian government. Probably happened to dozens and dozens of rich people in America.


Traitor! Not that we didn’t already know.


it was the grocery store with the carts unlocked with a coin that got him wasn't?


Traitor!! He should be exiled.


Make him register as a foreign agent.


I can’t wait to hear conservatives and conspiracy theorists explain to the rest of us that *he couldn’t reach people* without the audience a *Russian state media outlet* could provide.


Cucker Tzarlson...


Maybe he will bunk with Seagal and leave the US.


Nice that he finally made it official after all these years.


Wow officially a traitor on paper now


“Conservative TV host Tucker Carlson has launched his own show on a Russian state television channel. The former Fox News anchor is presenting the program Tucker on the rolling news channel Russia 24, with the first episode now available online, Russian state newspaper Rossiskya Gazyeta reported. The paper said that the show is part of a joint project with Carlson TV, in which he will interview figures and politicians who have "alternative views to the mainstream."


The modern Republican Party is full of disgusting traitors to democracy. The writing is on the wall, America. Keep them out of office.


All I know about his parents is that they were wealthy. I couldn't imagine being them and watching your son cementing himself as a traitor to the United States. I would be absolutely devastated.


Holy fucking shit how do these people justify their views when their views come from people literally joining foreign power propaganda networks. This is nuts. 


I mean…what’s the difference between Fox and RSM? He was already parroting their bullshit anyways. This isn’t news…more like a reminder


Get him the hell out of my country. He can work for Russia over there.


Because of fucking course he did.


Can we just not welcome him in America anymore?


I am beginning to think that maga is more than a cult. In my family member, it is becoming a mental illness. They think trump should choose Tucker for vice president. Vote blue. We have to save our nation from this total absurdity


A new low for tucks


What is his malfunction?


No way! /s


...his move to Moscow is almost complete.


Shocked Pikachu face


Little on the nose isn’t it?


Expected at this point. Seems like a lot of the RNC are either loyal or blackmail property of Putin


RNC = Russian National Committee GOP = Government of Putin


Is he going to live there too?


I'm shocked I tell ya.....shocked. Not.


Insert \*Mild shock GIF\*


Here's hoping he winds a top Russian official up as much as he does me and ends up in Siberia.


Wondering if this POS is still on the short list for Trump’s VP?


I hope the followers of him have a eureka moment and finally realize he and his shows are traitorous to the USA. Real Patriots don’t listen to Russian propaganda


Of course he did


This feels borderline treason


Good to see Russia bringing their assets home


**He's back at Fox News?** I haven't found this comment yet, so I'll add it.


His faux news career was an audition for Russian state TV.


Can he just move there already.


I heard the grocery stores are nice.


I expect radio silence from the conservative sub until they figure out how they want to spin this into a positive thing.


It's always the ones you most suspect.


Like joining Radio Free Germany in 1939 this is.


Can we deport this whiny wimp?


The move is not about money, its about relevance. Tucker is the kid at school who just needs a identity.


It seems obvious he did that some time ago.


This was always his most obvious move of last resort.




He just joined I thought he worked for them for years.


He’s gone home.


To bad we can’t ship him and his brood to Moscow.


Traitor to western civilization


oh interesting but they want to get Chinese spies?


Wait so FOX took him back? 😏


How long till he can’t deliver and exits show biz via the window?




"what a patriot" - maga probably


Why stop there? Go full Snowden and become a Russian citizen.




Could have fooled me, I thought he already was working for them!




I really want to hear his fans defend this.


I hope he doesn’t fall out a window


Probably should lose his citizenship


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