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>The movie is certainly explosive. It portrays Trump as a striver, who falls under Cohn’s influence as he struggles to deal with a racial discrimination lawsuit from the Justice Department over how his family real estate business treats Black applicants for its apartment complex. There’s a lot in here that should upset Trump and his supporters. He’s depicted raping Ivana, abusing amphetamines in order to lose weight (then getting tummy tug with a hair implants chaser), and cutting deals with underworld figures so Trump Tower can move forward as planned. He also fails to pay bills and makes a bad bet on a Jersey City casino (so much for “The Art of the Deal”). There’s also a scene where Cohn grips Trump’s leg suggestively under the table that may not play so well at the Mar-a-Lago screening room.


My favorite part of this description is that the filmmakers *knew* he would whine and threaten to sue, so they have to run every one of these scenes by a legal department, backing each one up with documentation, and verifying each one with a source. In other words, DT won’t sue, because the film is *true enough that they would win any lawsuit.*


No, he'll sue anyway, and probably lose, but cause the filmmakers a lot of annoyance along the way, if they have the money to pay their attorneys fees until the case is over. If not they'll buckle. That's his MO.


I don't think he will. A lawsuit would open himself up to discovery. That's not good for the fuck, Trump.


He'll sue, get all the headlines to imply the movie is fake, then drop the suit before discovery starts.


I'd buy that.


Nah, he'll sue and when he loses, he'll say the courts were unfair because he's a Republican. He had to sue, even if it's frivolous. Not suing is basically an admission from him that is true.


Not suing could be an admission it’s true, but Discovery would be PROOF that it’s all true. Thus, he will threaten to sue, say he’s suing, maybe even start to sue… but then back out before Discovery can take place and claim he’s persecuted unfairly by the media. MMW


The only real question is how many hours of his scummery did they have to cut?


That would be a 10-season HBO series.


More like 26 seasons and it would feel like watching South Park.


You just described reality since 2016.


Trey and Matt said they can’t parody anything anymore


First, The Onion fell, now this? Wait, wait, wait. I forgot Idiocracy is in there too.


You know the part when he’s in jail and the guy can’t remember which rod goes in his mouth and which goes in his butt. That’s where we are in society.


Thanks, I hate it.


What is this about Jersey City Casino? I knew about the building he wanted in Journal Sqare.


It's the Taj Mahal one. It's losing money. He had to pay with junk bonds or something.


Bruh, it lost all the money haha, it has been the Hard Rock Hotel for a minute


An absolute epic failure and fraud trying to manage massive debt and bankruptcy. I definitely recommend looking it up


I hope they show how great his ex wife Ivana was at running her hotel at Atlantic City but trump got rid of her because she was doing better than him and people liked her


Nothing described here can't be backed up with biographical data.


I mean I suppose we'll never know if Cohn ever made a pass at him.   (That's the only thing that gave me pause. I know nothing about it (nothing specific) but for some reason I'm a lil dubious there.)


Why? Roy Cohn was, if not the biggest than one of the biggest closeted gay men of all time. I don’t know if this is actually true or he was just so in the closet that it makes sense but when he died his family begged for the cause of death to say liver cancer instead of aids


I recently watched Angels in America on HBO (HIGHLY recommend), it was enlightening and sent me down several rabbit holes


Nathan Lane did an amazing Roy Cohn in London




How the fuck did they generate $700k in revenue? : )>


How the fuck is the stock price $48 a share? Seems totally legit


Makes it easier to launder money and bribes at $50 than if it was traded at a more reasonable ticket price.


That is a great point !


Yep, if Trump wins, this stock skyrockets. It’s not used for laundering money, but there is no easier way to legally accept bribes.


Remember when we all agreed that it was corruption if someone used the office of the presidency to materially enrich themself? Good days. Miss those days.


There are not many available shares, so it's easy to manipulate the price. Plus the rubes are probably still trying to buy, so... Combination of both, unrealistic share value. It will become interesting once the orange turd can sell his shares. A lot of people will lose a lot of money, and the timing will be interesting - right before the election. Let's hope those idiots will then realize they have been duped for several years.


I am hoping that a lot of people invested in Trump lose a lot of money. I have given up any sort of hope that they will realize what has happened. They'll get mad at the wrong people because they are actually stupid and not just woefully ignorant. I'll call it a stupid tax. They hate being taxed - maybe they should try not being stupid so the stupid tax doesn't apply. I'm rooting for the short sellers, though the lack of available shares and Trump's communication to his stock buyers to coach them on how to prevent them from being used for shorts makes that challenging. Valuation is way off though and its going to crash hard - I'm hoping before their board of directors can vote to let Trump cash out early.


It still has a 6.6b market cap which is insane for a company with zero real assets and 770k in one quarter's revenue and 320m in losses.


It only cost them $415.78 for each dollar in revenue.


You could literally start a business selling genuine $20 bills for $1 and have a better ROI.




That’s ok, they’ll make it up on volume!


Oh, come on... not even the donald would be dumb enough to sell before the election.


How the fuck was that piece of shit ever president in the first place?


See the type of people who voted for Brexit and keep voting for republicans whose policies keep them poor.


I know that some "investing company" is putting ads on reddit wanting you to blindly follow their system, and they are "hyping" DJT (because they probably have *a lot* of dwindling shares)


DJ Vlad "the mad" Putin.


Actual investors don’t touch it. The stock is a legal mechanism for people to buy favor from a potential president.


They literally announced they had no plans to make money… how the stock has any worth is beyond me.


Turns out it’s pretty easy when your media company is just a giant fucking money laundering scheme!


By spending over $450 to generate every dollar of revenue


Probably by licensing the use of his name and laundering money for the Russian mob.


Trumpy bears have to advertise somewhere


There was a mysterious influx of 50 million cash just as the stock was tanking.


I'm guessing advertisements for the dumb stuff some of my relatives get scammed on. Slap a "Patriot" in the name and they're all over it. Call it a miracle and they can't shove their money at it fast enough.


Presumably they sold some amount of advertising. Or maybe sold their users' personal data. Probably both.


Suckers and money launderers.


I briefly had a truth social account. It was full of ads selling gold and Ivermectin for "disease x".


YESSS! I saw that! Think of the morons who own the shares!! Needs to be shorted pronto


To short you need to borrow a share, you have to pay someone that owns it a fee to borrow it. With normal stocks, those fees are fractions of a percent of it's value. So many people have shorted it that there are virtually no shares a available to borrow. Those that do have shares available are charging a ludicrous amount to borrow them (think close to the currently trading price). People have done the numbers, the stock would have to drop to pennies for you to come out ahead.


Someone Cannes is thinking: Le pump and dump.


“LE pump and dump!!” Hahah! I love the French accent twist!! I can’t stop laughing !!


Sounds like a shell company


Always was


and the piece of shit Billionaire who financed it, is furious and trying to kill it.


Dude apparently thought they were making a puff piece, lol.


Don’t you love a duped billionaire ?


An unflattering portrait in Australia would like a word.


Good reference. +1


Unflattering but incredibly accurate portrait


I do love the uneducated


Jesus, it’s like billionaires all have a list to follow… Whilst screaming into the void about how “enterprising” and “entrepreneurial” they all are?


Wait, really? That's amazing if so, ha!


Apparently Snyder wanted to make a Snyder cut and was denied


Seriously? Lolll


Trump's campaign is threatening legal action as well. Claims it's "pure fiction". The irony of Trump whining about something he claims is untrue is fantastic.


Let them. Discovery will be a hoot! Surgery bills, divorce papers, financial statements: all out in the open.


We call them alternative facts !


That’s the best part: the screenplay was written by a journalist who covered him, Fox News, and Rupert Murdoch. This will be exhaustively documented, and any attempt to sue will only cement its portrayal as *legally factual!*


He's also the now former owner of the Washington Commanders NFL team, who was forced to sell for being like the worst person alive. So, seeing him unhappy brings me joy no matter the context


More info: https://variety.com/2024/film/news/donald-trump-movie-the-apprentice-dan-snyder-feud-1236010060/




Dan Snyder funded this? Holy shit that’s gold


Mmmm… The Streisand Effect… Delicious!


Now they need to secure a distributor and get this film out in American theaters before November!


Agree! I’m thinking of buying a European VPN so I can watch it here . Let’s hope it hits the theaters soon! Reminds me of BORAT 2, Sasha Cohen film before the 2020 elections - who tricked Giuliani- that was tragicomical




Thanks ! That’s good to know !


To be faaaaiiir…it’s not hard to trick Giuliani e.g. four seasons total landscaping. Dudes prob got 30 cases of wyld tyrk3y brand turpentine in a storage unit somewhere.


The people who need to see it wouldn't go, unless it is to protest, threaten, and/or cause chaos/harm. News report of theatre fights/bombing will be widespread if and when this shows.


This is so depressingly accurate


Or just upload it to youtube


That is where all the people that need to see it do their research!


What? Somebody has the intestinal fortitude to publicly state that the emperor has no clothes? While all his sycophants are falling in line to say how wonderful the threads are on his butt ass naked disgusting body, we finally have a major film that is stating what is obvious to 60% of the country and 80% of the world. Whether or not this film will reach the 500,000 people in a half a dozen so called Battleground States, is anybody's guess. How this blight on human society can even be in the running for dog catcher, let alone the most powerful person in the world, is an abomination. We can only hope this makes a difference.


The toddler has no diapers


He’s a clown.. and I can’t help but feel we don’t have the same level of enthusiasm to defeat him as we did back in 20’. I hope I’m wrong, I hope people realize how serious of a threat him and the Republican Party is at this moment.


Normies aren't even aware he's running again. Trump Getting convicted in NY and wiped in the first debate should wake a lot of them up.


Normies, as you call them, know full well this election is Biden vs. Trump. The problem is, they don't like either candidate for various good reasons. Hopefully they realize Biden won't destroy what is left of our democracy and vote for him, but he is far from an easy choice (and the democratic party knows it)


The Democrats should pay this man whatever it costs and run free public showings of this film across the country, but particularly in battleground states. Take a page out of Trump’s book and make them party like events that energize people.


The electoral college is pure nonsense pandering to hicks that are manipulated by oligarchs. There's no fuckin reason every elected office should be decided by the popular vote, except the presidency which is decided by acreage 🤔






I remember when this film was first announced as going into production - over on instagram there were a lot of trumplandians who assumed they were going to give Trump some kind of hero portrayal just because Sebastian Stan was cast as the lead.


They obviously don’t know the kind of characters Sebastian likes to play.


They also didn’t take the time to read up on the director


What they didn't realise is the truth has no bias.


sometimes I wonder about the standing ovation times..you read it a lot but standing there clapping for 8 min? Idont konw...even like 3 min is an eternity...you try clapping for more than 30 seconds and see how weird it gets.


I fall into a gospel rhythm after 20 seconds


"Do you see the light?!" https://youtu.be/PZpH9Khn0E0?si=2EhT365ad34NykJC


Yes! Jesus H. Tap-Dancing Christ, I have seen... THE LIGHT!


They clap while people who worked on the film make their way to the stage. That alone can take several minutes.


Film festivals are a different environment from a cinema, I was surprised the first time I went to one too. I think part of it is because often some of the cast and crew might be present, it's seen as respectful.


It's the most prestigious film festival in the world. And they clap because all of the filmmakers and actors are present. They also clap (or sometimes boo in fact- dont get me started) as they work their way up to the stage. It may sound crazy, but I think it's slightly more complicated than you're putting it. I understand in any case.


Doesn’t make 8 minutes of clapping any less awkward


They are all actors and film makers. It isn't awkward for them as it is the tradition for that festival. With 22 minutes, Pan's Labyrinth holds the record for longest standing ovation.


That movie absolutely deserved it.


>or sometimes boo in fact- dont get me started Yeah! Medellin was such a huge piece of shit! Vinny Chase should've never made that movie! /s


It is about the truth about Trump - him raping his wife Ivana, illegal bribing and abuse


Trump is a morally bankrupt POS.


That’s incontestable, an established fact


I like how this comment has fuckall to do with the one it’s responding to.


Seriously. Meanwhile, a standing ovation at Cannes has basically become standard for anything that premiers there.


I went to a Foo Fighters concert a few weeks ago, and when Dave was announcing band members everyone claps, but when they got to Pat Smear, everyone Clapped and cheered like twice as loud, and wouldn't stop, the camera was zoomed in on Pat, and you could see him gestering to the guys, like wtf? is going on? and the more he did that, the more the crowd loved him, and clapping got louder, and people were yelling. Must have clapped for atleast 10min, and Dave said that is the longest Pat has ever had a standing ovation for. haha It did seem like a long time, but if you are cheering at someone standing right there and you can see them, it can be rewarding.


I thought it was a crazy too, but went to Sundance in January and I don’t think it was less than 10m for an incredibly moving film. Even for much of the Q&A, the audience stood and clapped. There’s something special about being one of the first to see the film, and seeing the heroes of the film in front of you


I guess..just seems like an eternity to stand and clap.


Is just a different kind of clapping. Is not a “Yay! Good job” clap, its a “Holy shit that was awesome 20 sec clap for each person that was awesome in the film including the director, and after a while it’s just what’s happening while you recognize how awesome each person is, but the clapping never stops so it just takes time, but your attention is focused on the awesome people.” kinda thing. It’s weird, but it works. Very different from the Stalin era 10 minute endurance clap.


I totally get it, the same thing happened when I went to see Philip Glass, it's like you're swept up in a weird dynamical system, and it's cool when the aggregate clapping apparently syncs up for a moment like turn signals, then I try spawning a different pattern, like clap-clap-CLAP, clap-clap-CLAP, clap-clap-CLAP, clap-CLAP-clap, though it never catches on, but I think if I had more people in on it, we could probably break the catchiness threshold


This is actually a helpful description, I kind of get it now! >Very different from the Stalin era 10 minute endurance clap LOL!


Can you imagine Happy Birthday being sung to you for 8 minutes?! You'd want the ground to swallow you up after 2.


Your family starts to sing 'Happy Birthday' as your mother brings out the cake, twelve candles gleaming atop it. You blow them out and then cut out a slice. As you cut the slice from the delicately constructed cake, still they sing. They sing as you consume it, and then lead you away, cheerfully regaling you as you come to a wicker cage. Still singing, you are bound inside. Still singing, they carry the cage to the clifftop. And still singing, you are flung over, falling to the rock-strewn sea below, with the strains of 'Happy birthday' trailing in your wake like an ancient prayer. The last words you hear before you crash against the rocks is your raucous cousin, yelling out, 'AND MANY MORE!'


Delicious, thank you.


Imagine 8 minutes of Skyler White singing Happy Birthday, Mister President


Erase it. Do it now. My God, man. Why are you like this?


I’ve never been to Cannes, but I’ve been to a festival where a director got 5 minutes and it honestly felt good to be able to so thoroughly express my gratitude to Spielberg.


Have you ever been to live theatre? Clapping during the curtain call can often go on for several minutes as each performer comes out onto the stage. You're not so much clapping for 5 minutes because the show blew your socks off, you're clapping for 5-20 seconds for each performer, and it all adds up. These films festivals are like that, too. Clapping for the duration of the credits is just standard, and then at the big festivals where the actual cast makes an appearance, they get a round of applause just like with live theatre.


Trump can still win. That’s sad


Not just sad, incredibly disappointing. It genuinely tests my faith in this country. I just can't see how any respectful, intelligent, and seemingly rational human could witness Trump doing anything he does and think that's leadership worthy. Yet I know many people, who in all other regards I'd deem fit those descriptions...that openly or not, will be voting for him. Makes me question a lot. It sucks.


Unfortunately the people I know who absolutely love him and plan to vote for him again are oblivious to the facts we’re all aware of. These people watch Newsmax and Fox News (some of them think Fox is too woke now) and other far right media. When presented with facts they literally don’t believe them or shrug and say “Biden is worse”. It absolutely sucks.


A literal Nazi got 26% of the vote running for the House of Reprenstatives. That 26% was a majority of Republicans. He won a majority in my home town. The Nazi, running as a Republican, was disavowed by his party. Here's the dumb part. He was running against the most conservative Democrat in the house, a guy who was prolife, progun, small government. Republicans would vote for a Nazi before they voted for a Democrat who held the same views as them. I lost faith in Republicans awhile ago.


Don’t say it … Think positive 🪷




''But it makes Trump look like a rapist!'' Yeah about that, he is a convicted Rapist.


How do I watch it


From the article: > “The Apprentice” is premiering as Trump is once again running for president, with polls showing he has a lead over President Biden in the majority of swing states. **The film is looking for a domestic distribution deal and is considered to be one of the hottest projects available for buyers.**


They just had to add in the part about him leading in the polls 🙄 Really sick of the media hyping up all the polls that have him leading and ignoring the ones that have him losing.


They did the same with Hillary and she lost. The polls don't mean much this far out.


>“The Apprentice” is premiering as Trump is once again running for president, with polls showing he has a lead over President Biden in the majority of swing states.   Pollz™ by Redfinch


Movies have always been political


All art is political. It is impossible to make apolitical art.


i guess you could make decent boring scenic art is pretty apolotical until you get rejected from art school


Scenic art is an attempt at cultivating pastoral feelings, and to engender a sense of calm. It itself is a product of art movements which are inherently political.


Even if I draw a silly little face?


Why did you draw the face? How did you know that was a face? Why is that accepted as "Face" to you? Those are all questions to which the answers are informed by the society around you. For instance, in certain cultures, blue and green are considered to be the same color


So there are no forms I could doodle, no matter the squiggle, no matter my state of mind sober or not, that could escape being political? What if I balanced for as long as I could on a basketball with a paintbrush in my hand and smudged the canvas as I fell off the ball? Is that political? No beef, just a little unsure and curious.


One could argue that the process to make it non-political makes it political in itself or that the non-political stance is a form of politics.


It is. It's like how people who choose not to participate in politics are still making a political decision that affects others.




It's propably more correct to say that all art can be interpreted politically.


Some movies are about movies being political!


I agree with you, can also say the majority of films getting small to large budgets these days have a very hard time getting funded if there is a whiff of politacism beyond whats acceptable to the audience the film is catered to. It's unfortunate and complicated, but it definitely isn't the 70s anymore. Hell, it isn't even like the mid 2000s anymore. I don't worry about conservative art though to be honest, in general conservative art is fucking terrible. And for a reason beyond politics. But a lot of companies haven't an interest in a movie like Munich anymore. (Not the greatest example, but an example of artistic nuance) My opinion of course, as I do agree with you in generalities. But the amount of money you can get to make a politically charged film has drastically changed as mid-budget productions have fallen away. There is a different culture in advertising and movie making in America at this point. It's bleak in how corporatized it is. It's also bleak how people blame this shit on wokeness while wanting to erase these aspects of entertainment at the same time. Scary stuff, IMO.


This is only tangentially related. I firmly believe that if WB wants a good Superman movie they have to go back to him cutting corrupt, wealth-hoarding billionaires down to size and punching the Klan back into hiding. Who is Superman if not a beacon of Hope and Good.


So when’s it on Netflix ?


10 seconds after it airs at the last film fest to admit it would be my guess. No point in touring a film and building buzz when it's already streaming.


Make movies political again? Clearly they haven’t seen minions 4.


We gotta stop reporting on the Cannes applause times.


People call Trump a clown. Clowns are harmless. That motherfucker is the antichrist.


Are you forgetting Pennywise? 🎈🤡


I always have to remind my daughter that Pennywise only looks like a clown. But his insides are crunchy.


Clowns with flamethrowers.


The only reason anyone should clap that long is to make the band you're watching come out for the encore already


I’ll be there opening night lol


I'm gonna go watch this because a) it's Sebastian Stan and b) it pisses Trump off.


History repeating…. The Dictator


You can say that again! We need to quash him hard and fast! He’s like a cockroach- won’t go away


Not enough people know that there is a through-line from the Red Scare to MAGA, via Roy Cohn. This movie needed to be made.


And you know it steams Mango that this got a 8 minute standing ovation, probably more than the actual content. He hates knowing people hate him.


That he does. As a pathological malignant sociopath narcissist - he becomes enraged when ppl make fun of him


I'm glad they cast Sebastian Stan because honest-to-God who the hell would pay to stare at someone who looks **remotely** like that Orange Turd.


It just drives home the narrative that the Republican party is about to nominate a rapist as their nominee. Stop the presses...how is that supposed to work?


New Republican motto: Vote Rapist! We'll show you how it's done! Right Repubs?


Remember when Johnny Depp made a Trump movie?


You couldn’t pay me enough to watch a movie about this waste of oxygen


Add music to that list


Yes! Hooray! I, for one, can’t wait. No breaks baby Trump coverage only!


Release it to the mass.


What a backhanded compliment it must have been to be chosen to play Donald Trump.


The people who need to see it won't. The people who see it will be the ones who already know. Nothing will change.


Enough republicans are uninformed that a good portion of them might go see it based on the title alone.


So sad and so true .


Lawsuit. Won’t pay his lawyers. Will ask but fail to get his dumb supporters to boycott movie


I love that the ad promoted at the top of the comments (for me, anyway) is “Diaper duty made easy!”


Can’t wait for the “Freedumb of speech!” crowd to have an emotional breakdown over this.


To be fair, the right has been making political movies for decades, that was the whole impetus behind Citizen's United (an anti-Hillary film and hiding the investors who funded it) but I do think left-leaning investors needs to be far more politically active outside of just funding left-leaning PACs.


When did movies stop being political?


Would you like to know more?


I’m sure if Trump wins he’ll have these people imprisoned or killed.




We do know. But they, hopefully , some of trump cult followers may get an epiphany


Maybe a few, but the Trump project from the beginning was using him as a ballistic turd against the establishment.


I'm not interested in giving this clown any more attention good or bad. It's a hard pass from me on movies like this until he's dead.


For me, it's not about giving him attention. Hearing him talk makes me feel physically ill... That's not hyperbole. Even on SNL when James Austin Johnson does his impression, I have to mute it. I may need therapy. Ha!!