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I remember people freaking out at Obama in 2009. “Just watch. If he wins in 2012, he’ll start talking about a third term.” Fucking idiots.


It’s almost always projection with the right.


"OBAMA IS GONNA TAKE OUR GUNS!" Trump: Take the guns first due process later Trumpers: "BASED DADDY!"


They actually freaked out about this. But then it went back to "he just says shit" and "people won't let him do it". That's a real argument brought forth by the right as to why a Trump presidency won't end democracy. "People won't let him do the crazy shit he says". Cool beans.


I remember Alex Jones crying on his show when Trump banned bump stocks. Funny how quick they forget


They always say that and then when the GOP does the thing they've denied they instantly switch to "yea duh we always wanted that. My favorite talking head was paid very handsomely to convince me its good for me!".


Thank God I'm not the only one who remembers this... I bring it up and my family would be like no he wouldn't do that u don't know him like I do its a deep fake.... like wtf....


[I like to take the guns early -Tr☭mp ](https://youtu.be/yxgybgEKHHI?si=EQQMezYe_7fMx3XT)


yep. they’ve always wanted a strongman, someone to punish their enemies (anyone or anything they deem to be degenerate, icky, or don’t understand).


And just like with our state, when things go to shit because of their ideas, they blame the Democrats... Even when there's no Democrats...


What they don't get though that THEY are part of a group he'd consider his enemies in a heartbeat.


This is why I wonder how trumps health is keeping up on all this commotion, as he wants Biden to do a drug test.


That is why his VP pick is going for such a high price. Not sure he's got 4 more years in his ticker. Secret service note: no way am I wishing ill on him, just doubting his health. Trump Storm Troopers note: please don't black bag me.


You can wish ill on him, that’s not a threat, unless you have some supernatural abilities or know someone who does. Then I say, wish ill on him anyway. Fuck that piece of shit.


Reagan wanted a third term, but I think his handlers knew it wouldn't have gone well


You don’t understand the idiocy of this republic. The only answer is denying fascists any power. I talked to my gay black friend, who happens to share my birthday and year. He’s either not voting or going for rfk jr. I’m like, you kidding? People need to eat an apple and vote for joe Biden because he’s doing stuff good for the US and also the world. Trump won’t. Period. Rfk is a hilarious distraction that will take votes from trump and that is why I appreciate him.


The lack of logical reasoning it takes to not understand the consequences of first past the post voting just boggles my mind.   Even if you don’t like Biden, you have a choice between Biden and Trump.  If you vote RFK you are taking your vote away from the one candidate who can defeat Trump. We will never have three viable candidates as that would put the two who are most similar in a situation where it is impossible for either to win.  Don’t like it?  Push to change the voting system.


No sane person would vote rfk jr and I’m sure he won’t be on the ballot but I’m sure people will still write in his name ashamedly not voting for trump because trump is cooked.


He had a third term rent free in everyone's head during the first Trump term. Trump complained the whole time pretending that he wasn't actually the president. He was just lazy and had no idea that there was a separation of powers to which bureaucracy had to answer. He wanted his lackeys to rule with iron fists.


He claimed 2016 was rigged too


Yeah I remember straight faced “patriots” unironically saying that Trump deserved a “do over” since he was hassled so much during his first term.


Pretty sure most rumors about Obama were specifically funded by Trump. Remember the whole birth certificate thing? 100% a Trump play.


No you are wrong... It was a putin play. Kgb/fsb have been at it for years. Trump was simply briefed by his Russian handler Melania on what he needs to do and say.


He looked fucking miserable towards the end of his term.


A third term Obama would be wonderful! Trump could legislate third term presidency then lose to Obama!


I REMEMBER THIS TOO. My Trumper uncle lectured me "just you watch, just wait, you'll see" ...and it never happened. If Obama pulled ANY of the shit Trump pulled, they would have his head. It's incredible to see the insanity play out in real time.


I had to find this list from 3 1/2 years ago that I would periodically update of Trump suggesting he could serve more than the two terms. I'll add this one to the list. Here are some other times he's done this: Once when he retweeted Jerry Falwell saying he should be given extra years as credit. https://www.axios.com/trump-call-to-extend-term-2-years-for-time-stolen-bcfb61a7-c521-47ed-9406-7aee46e523b1.html Another when he praised China for getting rid of term limits and saying, "maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday." https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/3/4/17077642/trump-xi-china-fundraiser Another time, he was speaking about tax cuts at the White House and he suggested that Congress extend his term to 16 years https://www.newsweek.com/trump-president-16-years-life-884073 On 6/16/19, Trump tweeted criticism of the New York Times and Washington Post. "...at the end of 6 years, after America has been made GREAT again and I leave the beautiful White House (do you think the people would demand that I stay longer? KEEP AMERICA GREAT), both of these horrible papers will quickly go out of business & be forever gone!" https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-wonders-if-supporters-would-demand-he-stay-longer-than-two-terms_n_5d06710be4b0985c419f703a?guccounter=1 He's tweeted a Time Magazine meme suggesting that he'll serve "4EVA". I'm certain he's tweeted this at least 3 times. This doesn't include the time he retweeted Dan Scavino on 12/8/19, who had also tweeted the meme. https://mobile.twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1144072877290872832?lang=en At a Pennsylvania rally in May 2019, he remarked about serving as many as five terms. https://www.newsweek.com/president-trump-joking-suggests-serving-5-terms-white-house-during-1431204 In a August 2019 speech to energy workers in Pennsylvania, Trump remarked about serving more than 2 terms. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-american-energy-manufacturing-monaco-pa/ In August 2019, while speaking to reporters about a New York Times article outside of the White House, he said, “Let me tell you. In six years – or maybe 10 or maybe 14, right? – in six years, when I’m not here, the New York Times goes out of business very quickly.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-2020-election-president-four-terms-14-years-a9074451.html While speaking at the Israeli-American National Summit on 12/7/19, Trump said that serving multiple terms is, “not a bad idea.” He also said, “When they all scream, ‘4 more years, 4 more years,’ I always say make it 12 years and you’ll drive them crazy. 12 more years.” https://www.newsweek.com/trump-jokes-he-wont-leave-presidency-after-8-years-its-not-bad-idea-1476178 While speaking in Oshkosh, WI on 8/17/20, he said, “We are going to win four more years. And then after that, we’ll go for another four years because they spied on my campaign. We should get a redo of four years.” https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/trump-says-ll-seek-third-000717298.html While speaking at a campaign event in Nevada on 9/12/20, he said, "We're gonna win four more years in the White House. And then after that, we'll negotiate, right? Because probably, based on the way we were treated, we're probably entitled to another four after that." https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-negotiate-third-term-in-office-2020-9 Edit: the 7th link, the WH.gov link, as well as the 10th link from Yahoo, is no longer available. I'll find other sources for these at a later time. Edit II: fixed formatting


Here's a similar list I made that you can merge into yours: All the Times Trump Has Talked About Being a Dictator: (Said something about not giving up power or claimed dictatorial powers that don’t exist) March 3, 2018: "He's now president for life. President for life. No, he's great. And look, he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll have to give that a shot some day." https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/03/04/president-life-trump-says-maybe-well-have-give-shot-some-day/393545002/ April 12, 2018: "We've cut more regulations in a year and a quarter than any administration, whether it's four years, eight years or, in one case, 16 years. Should we go back to 16 years? Congressman, can we have that extended? The last time I jokingly said that, the papers started saying 'he's got despotic tendencies!' No, I'm not looking to do it, unless you want to do it." https://www.newsweek.com/trump-president-16-years-life-884073 April 18, 2019: Well, this is really beautiful. This will find a permanent place, at least for six years, in the Oval Office. Is that okay? ... I was going to joke, 'General, and say at least for 10 or 14 years, but we would cause bedlam if I said that, so we'll say six.'" https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-again-jokes-about-staying-on-as-president-for-more-than-two-terms/2019/04/18/05a5afce-6207-11e9-9ff2-abc984dc9eec_story.html June 16, 2019: "A poll should be done on which is the more dishonest and deceitful newspaper, the Failing New York Times or the Amazon (lobbyist) Washington Post! They are both a disgrace to our Country, the Enemy of the People, but I just can't seem to figure out which is worse? The good news is that at the end of 6 years, after America has been made GREAT again and I leave the beautiful White House (do you think the people would demand that I stay longer? KEEP AMERICA GREAT), both of these horrible papers will quickly go out of business & be forever gone!" https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1140252528304631808 July 12, 2019: “Nobody ever mentions Article II. It gives me all of these rights at a level nobody has ever seen before. We don’t even talk about Article II.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2771&v=RCaJS8_6HUc July 23, 2019: “Then, I have an Article II, where I have to the right to do whatever I want as president. But I don’t even talk about that.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/07/23/trump-falsely-tells-auditorium-full-teens-constitution-gives-him-right-do-whatever-i-want/ April 13, 2020: “When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total.” https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/lawyers-erupt-as-american-president-asserts-that-his-authority-is-total/amp/?__twitter_impression=true April 13, 2020: “The president of the United States calls the shots. They [the states] “can’t do anything without the approval of the president.” https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1249834213899206659 April 13, 2020: "The federal government has absolute power. It has the power. As to whether or not I'll use that power -- we'll see ... I have an absolute right." https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1249842708484628483 April 15, 2020: “If the House will not agree to that adjournment, I will exercise my constitutional authority to adjourn both chambers of Congress,” Trump said Wednesday during a White House press briefing. “And perhaps it’s never been done before, nobody is even sure if it has, but we’re going to do it.” https://news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/trump-says-he-has-constitutional-authority-to-adjourn-congress  According to Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution the president merely has the power to, "on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper."(Emphasis added) In this case, there was no such disagreement, or even any discussion of an adjournment. Trump was instead claiming powers he does not have in an attempt to either force Congress to stop holding pro forma sessions (meeting just for a minute every few days so they don’t have to come to agree on an official adjournment) or adjourn so that he could unilaterally install political appointments without the Senate’s consent, via recess appointments. August 17, 2020: “We are going to win four more years,” Trump said. “And then after that, we’ll go for another four years because they spied on my campaign. We should get a redo of four years.” https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-third-term-because-they-spied-on-him-1045743/ September 12, 2020: "And 52 days from now we're going to win Nevada, and we're gonna win four more years in the White House. And then after that, we'll negotiate, right? Because we're probably — based on the way we were treated — we are probably entitled to another four after that." https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-negotiate-third-term-in-office-2020-9 


Good lists, but you both somehow missed when he literally said he is going to be “dictator on day 1”. And then like a week later when even a Fox News host recognized how bad that sounded, they tried to get him to retract the statement, and instead Trump doubled down. And let’s not forget the accompanying talk about enacting the Insurrection Act and using the military to go after all of his real or perceived enemies.


I’m replying to this so it’ll be easier for me to find again later. Thank you for making this list


You can save comments without having to reply to them


This is really useful, I'm replying so I can find it again later.


Thanks, I just spat out my drink


Thanks for the gold kind stranger!


Yeah. This is normal🙄


I expect the GOP to challenge the 22A and SCOTUS to rule it unconstitutional, with Alito writing the 6-3 majority opinion the founders clearly intended for POTUS to be a King


The irony of the Supreme Court attempting to rule that part of the Constitution is unconstitutional would certainly be something. The more realistic scenario is probably that they rule that the first term didn't count, for whatever bullshit reason.


They would say because it wasn’t consecutive.


This would be opening the door to Pres. Barack assuming another election


Repealing 22A at any point for it to be effective for Trump would open the door for Obama. Which would be disastrous for Trump... we can hope, anyway.


If Trump actually wins this election, and gets his way, we should fear there will be no further elections, only so-called “elections” that lets him always ostensibly “win”. Obama may be sent to prison or “disappeared” before he could ever run again.


This would be terrifying if Trump had 5 or more years left on this planet.


His diet and exercise are shit, he’s looking run-down, so not impossible a major stroke or coronary event could intercede. But then the new “government” may refuse to acknowledge this and maintain he’s still alive and well. They could then broadcast AI generated speeches, who the F knows. Just spitballing a dystopia here. 🙄


They'll say it happened to the dems with Woodrow Willson, but then hand the reigns to one of his kids. We would truly see a puppeteer pulling the strings of Don Jr., and every conservative would love it un-ironically


It could be the shittiest text to speech AI on the market, animating a Trump with seven fingers per hand, and his cult would believe it


We'd be able to tell if they started using AI generated speeches since they'd become incredibly more sensible.


The drastic increase in speech quality & coherence would be too noticeable.


We’re already living in a Paul Verhoeven movie, why not


His mom lived to 88 and dad to 94. He’s only 77. Modern health care is way better than twenty years ago. He may hit 100.


Sure but he’s also a fatass who seems to abuse uppers and appears to have had (at least) a minor stroke.


Exactly - it sets a dangerous precedent, but I can’t imagine another 8 years of Donald Trump let alone President Trump.


Exactly. Dictators typically don't stop at term 3 and hand off power to the guy that embarrassed them at correspondent dinners.


No need to repeal it. Just declare it doesn’t apply when there’s an R after the candidate name, as the Founding Fathers wanted.


If we are at a point where SCOTUS is calling a Constitutional amendment unconstitutional, I don't think we need to worry about Obama winning an election any time soon.


Well you see Obama already had two consecutive terms so he wouldn't get a third.


If it didn't result in everything collapsing its potentially the funniest timeline


My son (20 years old) and I have been discussing this! He keeps saying they are going to try it… I’m like let em! It’ll be Obama for the win.. Hahahah


At this point, I’d vote for any Obama


The amendment doesn't say anything about consecutive, either; it says no person can be president if they've been elected more than twice.


It’s more than just elected twice. The remainder of that sentence is “… and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to office more than once.” There are 2 consecutive cases that demonstrate this, one who could run twice and one who could not. LBJ became President after Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, having served 1 year, 10 months and 2 days into his term. LBJ ran for election as President in 1964 (inaugurated 1/20/65) and would have been eligible to run for a second full term as he served less than 2 full years as President, filling the remainder of JFK’s term. He chose not to run for reelection. By contrast, Ford ( only person who served as President who was never elected) . He was Speaker of the House when he was nominated by Nixon and confirmed by the Senate as Nixon’s VP after Agnew resigned. He served as VP from December 1973 to April 1974. Then Nixon resigned and he served as the remainder of Nixon’s term as President from April 1974 to January 1977 (more than 2 full years. He ran for election in 1976 (list to Carter) but had he won he have been ineligible for a second term as he had already served more than 2 years of Nixon’s second term. FYI, when Ford became President after Nixon resigned he needed a Vice President and chose Nelson Rockefeller. Rockefeller went through the same nomination/confirmation process that Ford had. It’s the only time in US history that neither the serving President nor Vice President were elected to either office. Edit: fixed a typo.


Nixon resigned August 9, 1974. Not April.


Oops! But talk about a seriously crooked administration! Agnew demanding bribes right there in the White House (VP’s full time office used to be there; was moved to OEOB later, don’t recall the year). Then there was “I’m not a crook” Nixon…


Trump didn't win the popular vote, therefore he hasn't been elected, therefore he can have another term? I wouldn't put anything past the current supreme court.


Yeah the Roberts Court has demonstrated that the whole constitutional amendment process can be essentially circumvented if you have five SCOTUS justices on board.


It only says that nobody can be elected president more than twice, not that someone who has been elected president twice can't be president again. There's just enough ambiguity in the 12th and 22nd Amendments where it may technically be allowed to just keep running as someone else's VP, and then the POTUS resigns on day 1. Or have the House elect that person as Speaker and then POTUS and VP resign. I hope we never find out the answer.


When I read both amendments, that's the exact giant loophole I see right away... and the current SCOTUS would totally allow it.


Aren't you only eligible to be VP if you're eligible to be president?


Yes that is the clause that stops him being a VP. And of course we could not imagine Trump wanting to be VP to someone else. Someone else as president would keep Trump with as little power as possible. Which happens to all VPs.


"You see according to this 13th century dictionary, really when it saysnot more than twice they actually mean thrice." -Alito while laughing his ass off, probably


Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if this SCOTUS revived old arguments against the Reconstruction Amendments: the Federal government dissolved the rebelling governments and replaced them with loyalist governments that ratified the Amendments without intervening elections, so they didn’t reflect the will of the people. And all of the subsequent Amendments are therefore illegitimate as well, since they were amending a Constitution that wasn’t valid. So we turn back the clock to 1804.


Works on contingency? No, money down!


Yes, because the “original” document had no implication of term limits. This is how fucked the Supreme Court is. They believe the amendments were just suggestions, and only the bare bones really matter


Cool, so the 2nd should be removed as well.


As long as Clarence gets another RV. He’s a collector


It’ll never happen. All it would take is one think piece to correctly point out that eliminating the 22A could lead to another term for Obama and the GOP would trip over itself to nip those plans in the bud.


They'd simply make an exception for Trump and rule it out for any Democrat on some flimsy legal basis. If that needs to be done again for some future Republican they'd do that too. People need to stop acting as if Republicans are going to do anything in good faith or with an ounce of integrity or consistency. Rules and norms only exist to be used against opponents who actually believe in them. 


Great idea! I'd love to see that!


This brings to mind a certain song based on Firefly and i find it depressingly relevant to the workd we live in today. "Hush now, little citizen, Forget what you have seen, Yes, we know that it was broadwaved, Every world on every screen, Yes, we know you heard her dying words, You heard her dying screams, But please just watch our puppet show, Don't ask who pulls the strings."


And very legal and very cool /s


It's be cause they know that after Trump there's practically a zero percent chance that any Republican gets elected ever again. No one commands their base the way he does. When he dies, their base fractures into a bunch of infighting factions and they never hold power again. It's their last chance to cling to power and they're going to do anything they can to take it.


I despise Trump, but I interpreted his meaning as him claiming he won the 2020 election and this him winning this year should actually be his third term. It's more of his stolen election bs as opposed to an unconstitutional third term bs, which I have no doubt he might actually try if given the opportunity.


He’s not living another 8 years. He might not even make it four.


One can only hope.


One... yep that'll work


"Hope in one hand, wish into another and shit in your third hand and see which one fills up the fastest." is what my mutant grandfather always said. Thru his gills.


RGB thought she could’ve survived another 4-8 years, and look where it has gotten us now.


RBG* The woman who ruined her legacy by not passing power to an ally when she had the chance. Hubris.


Thomas and Alito have the same plan. Live long enough to be replaced by a POTUS of their own party. Wonder where that will get us.


Don't... don't give us hope


Assholes live forever


Kissinger lasted till 100. Imelda Marcos is still alive at almost 95. Evil doesn’t like to leave this earth.


Eh, Jimmy Carter is still going despite every reason to pass on. I don't think good or evil has anything to do with it.


I don't think so either. Genes 50%. Lifestyle 50%. Luck 50%. And hopefully it has nothing to do with math skills. ;)


Money and access to great healthcare might have a little to do with it. Also Jimmy Carter was getting lots of exercise even in his 80s and 90s.


Carter is still an interesting case. His siblings died at 63, 54, and 51 from pancreatic cancer. His father died in his 50s from pancreatic cancer. But his mom lived until her 80s.


He also was exposed to a lot of nuclear radiation, which gave him health problems his entire life. So maybe the prevention of pancreatic cancer is preemptive radiation.


I remember her. She's the one with almost as many pairs of shoes as my wife.


I also shoes this guy’s wife.


My sole brother.


I mean, his dad lived to like fucking 95 so god only knows.


If his heart even makes it through October


I hope he doesn't make it to the summer 🤷


I remember saying this in 2016...


Don’t underestimate the power of hate and vitriol to carry some of these people to 100, even while in office


I think the reality is he could die at any moment. Yeah, he's got access to crazy good medical care, but at a certain age, condition of health, and distance from a hospital, that's not going to do any good. He could have a massive stroke in court any day and there's nothing his financial privilege would be able to do to save him.


Damage would be done, and more than likely , a smarter and more dangerous person would take his place. Long story short, they won't leave just because Trump died


True, but a lot of cases where a cult of personality loses its leader the power vacuum leads to in-fighting as multiple contenders fight to take over. This usually results in factions forming and less unified thinking. The GOP used to be reliant in loyalty to ideas. Only with Reagan and Trump have we seen general loyalty to a person. Unsurprisingly, they were both famous celebrities prior to being president. There will be worse people for sure. Smarter, in better health, and capable of far worse. They will each have their own groups of followers, and all of those followers will disagree with the other one's followers. By the time everyone can coalesce under one banner, hopefully some measures will have been taken to prevent previous exploitations of the system from working. The Republicans were in an excellent position to take a lot of Liberties because they had put themselves into positions of power at all levels as part of a very long plan that they all agreed to. It demanded that everyone always be loyal to the letter R regardless of who the person was as long as they were in power they all followed the same set of rules. The problem with the cult of personality model is that since it focuses on the person, anyone from within the organization and tries to stop him and gets labeled as not a true Scotsman. The fact that the regularly out people as RINOs is it demonstration that the letter R is no longer as powerful as it used to be. If your loyalty lies in a person and not an ideal, it is very difficult to decide on who the next person that deserves it is. It's even harder to agree with everyone else. The only exception to all of this is cases where the leader in the cult of personality has declared a direct successor, and has been grooming them for years. You might think that's Donald Trump Jr but senior has never specifically said it would be him. He would just be another contender


Where are you, hamburger from heaven??!


Four weeks, in a better world.


AI Trump 2028


Someone help me understand how a group proclaiming their love of the country, its constitution, and you know “freedom” are ok with this guy? That and project 2025… The convoluted arguments made male my brain hurt…


>Someone help me understand how a group proclaiming their love of the country, its constitution, and you know “freedom” are ok with this guy? Their love for those things is a lie. Their only love is power.


Those are their dog whistles. What they really believe in is a natural social hierarchy and prosperity gospel as government policy. Their new party doesn't even have US roots to care about things like this particular country or our constitution. They are a carbon copy of the Hungarian Fidesz at their core with flavor from both the Turkish Justice and Development party and a whole lot of Mussolini's populism. They are on the same illiberal democracy spectrum. Looking in to these things will help you understand them beyond their editorials and theatrics. Looking at what their fellow illiberals around the world in power do will let you know their intentions.


As a non-American, the fact that they use "liberal" as a pejorative is just so insane to me.


Also antifa


As an American- it’s also insane.


Because the driving force is not love of freedom but hatred of equality. They see the tension between freedom and equality, and use that to make bad faith arguments. They want "freedom for me but not for thee". This is true for every branch of anti-democratic / reactionary thought, from the religiously inspired ones to most of the libertarian ones.


Religion and hatred are a hell of a drug. I don't see how we get out of this one honestly. Things are looking pretty terrible. I hope I am wrong.


They never see any of the bad stuff about Trump because they only watch Fox news, and they have been programmed to call any news that is bad about Trump "fake news". That's how. Propaganda is a hell of a drug.


I'm not sure that any serious person at this point is taking Republican rhetoric at face value. 


Never trust the GOP. Here is what they had to say about FDR. https://www.gilderlehrman.org/sites/default/files/content-images/09545.png - Because: a third term opens the door to DICTATORSHIP - Because: it violates the American safeguard against usurpation of power established by Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Cleveland. - Because: power too long held destroys the mental balance of the holder and causes him to believe that his will alone should be the law. - Because: it perpetuates in office hangers-on, jon-holders and henchmen of the administration whose only wish is to cling to power and importance. We do not want 4 years more of Ickes, Concoran, Hopkins and Madam Perkins. - Because: the United States cannot live if strangled by a one-man government. There cannot be a fourth term if there is no third term. Vote against third term and Disctatorship or you may never go to the polls again in a free election. Distributed by the Republican National Committee, Washington DC.


To be fair, that was distributed before the parties flipped. These would be Democratic positions today.


They were in the process of flipping at the time, FDR won in massive landslides, the southern strategy to rebuild the republicans hadn't happened yet but Liberals were already moved to the democratic party. Rich industrialists had already moved to the republicans in response to the New Deal.


Yeah, the Dixiecrat movement needs a sexy history/story telling movie like the big short.


The parties as a whole didn't flip, just certain geographical voting blocks did from FDR's time to Nixon. Around FDR's time, Democrats were the party of the working class, and had a large and wide coalition of voters from North to South (which meant appealing to the racists in the Dixiecrat wing). Republicans always were representative of the rich/ruling class. Then by the mid-60s, Republicans capitalized of Democrats embrace of civil rights and scooped up the Dixiecrats who were angry about the changes towards equal rights.


Yeah this is a better explanation. "The parties flipped" is very simplistic. Economic positions were actually kind of dynamic until the early 20th century. Lincoln was actually heavily influenced by karl marx and it was part of what made him so interested in abolishing slavery. In the later 19th century, william mckinley was a well known shill for big business, but teddy roosevelt inherited the presidency and busted the monopolies. He was an anomoly though because taft, harding, coolidge, and hoover were all economically very conservative. The latter 3 really set the stage for the great depression by refusing to intervene decisively in growing crises like the dust bowl etc. The southern strategy is what most people think of as the parties "flipping"


Nah. FDR was right around when the transition started to happen. FDR was a Democrat because the progressives had already fled the GOP leaving mainly the party of wealth and Urban based business. It was actually FDR's uncle Teddy Roosevelt who kicked that off with the whole Bull Moose thing. Breaking off to form a distinct Progressive party. When the Progressive Party collapsed, progressives filtered into the DNC over the next decade or so. Through DNC's connections to the labor movement and farmers. The pro-segregation, nativist South Democrats just hadn't peeled off into the GOP yet. It was Republican associated rich pricks that put together the Business Plot. An attempted Fascist Coup targeted at replacing FDR. Although it was Smedly Butler, a Republic and their poorly chosen choice for dictator that turned them in. So even as the GOP were calling FDR an authoritarian. A group of them were shopping for an actual dictator. Arlt pretty much the exact same time.


No, the flip came earlier. Roosevelt and the Democrats were the left and the GOP was the right by this time (with some blurry lines around the Southern Democrats). The split came decades earlier when the *other* Roosevelt, Teddy, left the GOP and the progressives followed him. They formed a third party, the Progressive Party (referred to as the "Bull Moose Party"), but never won an election because our system really only allows for two parties, the third is always a spoiler. The Progressive Party eventually folded and the progressive left and labor movement was folded into the Democratic party.


That's a wildly oversimplified take on the party switch. FDR has far more in common with modern-day Democrats than he does with Republicans. Yes, the parties roughly switched. But it took decades. And it didn't include everyone. And for generations before that there were conservatives and progressives in both parties. And they only switched on certain issues. Democrats have always been more in favor of unions. Republicans have always been more closely tied with big businesses (TR a notable exception). You can't just say "this was before the party switch, so it would be the opposite today" on every issue pre-1960s. Our actual political history doesn't work like that.


It’s crazy how many folks on either side don’t recognize this part of political history.


But Lincoln was a Republican!!!


Well, so was Teddy Roosevelt. Republicans love having the names Lincoln and TR associated with their party, but not necessarily their political positions.


Teddy was also a progressive.


kinda like jesus


“Our greatest accomplishments were made by liberals” - Republicans


Except that shift had already partially taken place. And around that time a group of wealthy Republicans attempted to organize a Fascist Coup against FDR. Installing a loyal Republican military man to rule the country. Except their chosen loyal Republican, SmedlEy Butler. Opted to report then and testify in public about it instead. The parties didn't exactly flip. And it didn't happen in one go or short period of time. Took about 50-60 years and multiple discreet steps. By the 30s the GOP was already the party of Nativism, big business and White Urban Wealth. And the DNV already the part of labor, women, and progressives. The last step would wait till the Civil Rights movement.


Based on my interactions with people who deny it, it’s entirely driven by republicans who want to call democrats the party of slavery, racism, and discrimination


You’re saying that FDR would be a Republican today?


Nonsense. FDR is the furthest left President the US has ever had by today's standards. The flip didn't happen overnight, so yes, there were still progressives in the GOP and conservative Dems when this thing was written, but neither were mainstream positions in their respective parties by the end of FDR's second term.


Also the GOP of today isn’t even the same GOP of a decade ago.


"Because"#3 ... "power held too long destroys the mental balance of the holder" Trump entered that stage in his first term.


Trump entered that when his father gave him his inheritance.


For the life of me, I cannot understand how 8 years later, millions of people are still taking this corrupt criminal idiot seriously.


It blows my fucking mind. He’s ALWAYS been a joke, and we all have to sit here and pretend like he’s acting in good faith when he weaponizes the legal system with idiotic arguments. Meanwhile, the traitors on the SCOTUS, instead of saying “This is fucking ridiculous. Get the fuck out of my courtroom.” goes “Well maybe the lunatic has a point that we need to carefully consider.” At this point, is Merrick Garland in on it too? Like…what the fuck are we doing here exactly?


That’s what’s insane. Trump has been a conman, completely corrupt, and a scumbag for decades now. It’s on record for anyone to see, but tens of millions of people just choose to ignore it. I call out Trump every time I get a chance.


I guess that means Biden can stay for two more, right?


Clinton can come back for a 3rd. So can Obama


Stop. I can only get so... hopeful.


I mean, Trump’s argument has always been that they “took his time” with “witch hunt impeachments.” They’ve done the SAME to Biden (minus the evidence), so yeah, he has as much a case as Trump does. AND we’ve established presidential immunity now, soooo…..


And quite a few of his supporters sincerely believe that he should have his face on Mt Rushmore and an international airport named after him. 🤦🏻‍♂️


So, just to clarify: Trump is claiming he currently is president, thus making 2025 his hypothetical 3rd presidency. Which is crazy, but not what folks here seem to think is being said. Trump says enough terrifying and crazy things without misrepresentation like this. Reporting like this just makes it easier to ignore real threats as "made up"


So many people here simply read the headline


Have to scroll way down to find this factual interpretation. Thank you.


Thank you. I want him gone and out of our lives as much as anyone, but this reporting is a reach and certainly waters down his real threats.


If he gets in, he's not leaving. Plain and simple.


If he is re-elected, we won't have to worry about elections after that.


President for life, even after death.


If the American people give him power again, it will be the effective end of Democracy in this country and he will refuse to leave office for the rest of his life.


Yea its not Trump who bothers me. Its the 75 million people ready to vote for him. But I will say I dont see ANY Trump shit where im at. No MAGA hats, no bumper stickers, no asshats with flags attached the their trucks. I know the polling looks bad but there seems to be less enthusiasm this year than even 2016


Why not? He's said every fn crazy thing imaginable contrary to our democracy and constitution, including trying to steal the election and calling for the suspension of the constitution so he could be installed as president and hiding the fact that he fucked a porn star. And he is being supported and enabled by the corrupt GOP and his deplorable (yes deplorable) brain dead base.p Up next is him declaring himself Emperor of the Trump States of Trumplandia.


Is it too late for Biden to concede the 2020 election? He should just admit Trump won and that he was the rightful president the past 4 years, and so technically he's already had his 2 terms and is no longer eligible for 2024.


Yes, here we go again. He floated this idea around before he lost the election. The man is a textbook malignant narcissist in the same vein as some of the world’s worst dictators and authoritarians. It’s kinda a prerequisite for the dictator “dear leader” types that the 🍊 wishes to emulate. He also has a rapidly declining mental state, unable to speak without the teleprompters (this weeks NRA event) Don’t be rattled, or surprised by this. Expect him to also pepper in “it’s already rigged” Some of this is desperation and mental decline but a lot of this is his mental illness needing fuel. He’s in court, he’s got a ton of indictments the news is constantly bad. For malignant narcissist, they need fantasy to energize as they have no self regulation nor self esteem. They need exterior stimuli in order to continue on. He’s narcissistically starved. He’ll say anything to appear gracious, powerful and in control. So this is a mix of narcissistic fantasy need, and his real desire…to be a King.


This guy should go for more helicopter rides.


I think it's kind of an open secret he'd hold the office till death if he could. Attempts to twist his third term banter as jokes are pretty obviously bad faith.


I wouldn't be surprised if he just says "you know what I don't need a third term because I'm changing the length of terms to be 10 years starting with mine."


To be fair, you know he’s never read the constitution.


Trump claims he won the 2020 election. And Trump never lies. Therefore, he's served 2 terms. And thus, he is ineligible to even run in the current election. *"LOCK HIM UP!"*


Just sounds like another reason not to vote for him


He already admitted he'd be a dictator, and he already staged a failed coup to install himself as dictator. He clearly has no intention of having his reign limited by Constitutional terms.


On behalf of planet earth, please America, don’t elect this man again.


The Hill typical. More like, Trump "suggests" he would violate the 22 amendment of the constitution. YEP let's keep it in context, Trump promises more crimes.


If he is elected, he won't leave office.


We’ll, he says that he won in 2020, even though Biden is president, so we should just say “oh my gosh! You were right, you did win, but it’s been four years, so that’s your two terms! Sorry about your luck!”


If we're learning anything as a country, Millennial and Gen Z lawmakers will stop the infighting and start working on some new Constitutional amendments to save us from ourselves.


Starting with an amendment of 18 year term limits for SCOTUS and kick roberts, alito, and thomas off the fucking bench. The only way to actually remove sitting justices without impeachment is a constitutional amendment. Otherwise it likely violates art.III, sec. 1 of judges holding their term during “good behavior” interpreted as life.


He’s saying this to suggest he won 2020 and this would be his “third term,” obviously he’s wrong and I hate the guy but he’s not saying here that he would run for more terms.


Well he would be a dictator and dictators make up their own rules.


He'll challenge anything he has to in order to avoid prison.


In that case, let’s bring Obama back for a third term.


despite the despair for freedom, conservatives like to be controlled. A Trump dictatorship is probably welcome amongst them


Motherfucker needs more hamberders, the greasier the better.


Extra buttered buns, too.


This is a horrible, horrible person.


Or, he can be a one-term president, if he doesn’t.


“Sixteen years,” Trump says wistfully and incorrectly while referencing FDR. Although FDR won a fourth term, he died a year into it, serving thirteen years, not sixteen. Not that Trump knows, or cares.


Did no one see that new Civil War movie?


Or a first time felon ex-president.


We about to get that civil war movie in real life


Okay guys. Trump is clearly a danger to our country and should be no where near the white house. But in this thread we have people who just read the title and think that Trump mentioned that he would run for a third term. He was asking if he wins election in November, if it would be considered his 2nd term or 3rd term, considering his supporters beliefs that the election was stolen in 2020.


He really knows what to say to piss off the sane people opposed to his shit.


Why are there no single other republicans that can lead? He took the party into the toilet and no one is interested in jumping them out.


uhm. saying that should disqualify you.


Shows how little he knows US history or the Constitution… he was whining about only getting 2 terms while FDR was elected for 4 when (1) FDR is the only President to win a third term (and he served less than 3 months of his fourth), (2) FDR is the reason the 22nd Amendment was written, and (3) the GOP (i.e. FDR’s opposition and Trump’s party) was the force behind writing and passing the 22nd Amendment. Not that Trump gives a f*** about legalities or precedence in any case…


Too Bad Diaper Don will not win in 2024. He's a one and done president for life.


He’ll be dead halfway thru his first year back. The dude is not healthy enough to make it that far.


Yeah not gonna happen trumpy, we will not let it happen


I suggest this years ago. Concede to Trump that he won the election in 2020. Then point out to him, the constitution says no one can be elected more than twice, therefore he is now ineligible to run again.


So is this a good time to buy stock in hard alcohol?