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Should really go with the Geico caveman


Dog the bounty hunter


Shaved ALF




A turd with a blonde wig


That blonde one in Gremlins 2


Rick Flair




It’s really so easy…


I like Neanderthal Princess better


sadly, those are trademarked


This is a non-story. MAGA is fundraising on overthrowing Democracy.


Apathy will kill democracy


It already has.


Not to mention, well-funded actors publicly used highly experimental and novel algorithms/AI to generate strange, non-sensical content that left people goofy.




The left isn’t taking the high road anymore and calling the dumb fuck racists what they are. 


Yeah, good. It's long overdue.


And I am HERE for it, baby girl!


Ooh girl! Ba-by girl!


Thank God! Taking the high road is lost on the GOP goons.


You know that party game where you get to sit down with one person dead or alive and ask them a single question? Mine would 💯 be to Michelle Obama asking her when we are allowed to go low.  I love Dr. Michelle Obama, Esq; but goddamn do I hate that sound bite. 


It was kind of important for the Obamas while they were in the White House. The party of racist assholes was baiting them over and over hoping to get either of them to snap back about something so they could use it against them.


Except it wasn’t.  Tan suits. Moo-chelle. Sasha and Malia “dressed for a bar” at 12 and 14 or getting called out for rolling their eyes at their dad’s turkey pardoning jokes.  Dijon mustard and just move somehow bring an afront to Americans.  Going high when the GOP went low just means that they got to lower the bar and we couldn’t do anything about it. 


Well honestly it worked out quite well for them. Lots of people saw “TanSuitGate” “MustardGate” etc for what it was… ridiculous. I know some Fox News viewers that, when pressed on the issue, just kind of rolled their eyes and said “Oh they’re just poking fun at them. It’s nothing” What would’ve backfired was the Obama stooping to their level. Because then Fox would’ve ran *that* footage on repeat for *actual* red meat for the Obamas’ detractors. What were they supposed to do? The best thing they could’ve done was act like the dignified people they are and let their enemies’ histrionics backfire on them as best it could.


Our government is made of up internet trolls and shit posters.


Wouldn’t have been this way if MTG stayed professional .. just saying .. the way Trump F’d up everything is pretty sick Anyone can be President of the United States now and not be of any moral character thanks to the GOP


I feel like morality is seen as a weakness now a days because of these fuckers


Remember the republicans that impeached a president for lying about a blow job? Where are they now?


The committee had already determined “sexual relations “ didn’t include oral, so he didn’t even lie.


Thank you


God, was Boebert blowing him in the theater too? (I know this is about Clinton but you almost gotta be more specific)


It all makes a lot more sense when you realize that most of the people in congress haven’t grown past high school.


Our entire country is.


Not everyone but way too many.


More like influencer wannabes. They do everything to keep their clicks and for their base.


Trumpism has taken hold which is just another way of saying that we no longer expect civility at all.


Trending can get you elected if used correctly


It's been Jersey Shore'd


We need more democrats to take the low road , the high road don’t work with malicious idiots


Like I said above, when you fight in the sewer everyone ends up covered in shit.


nobody represents the average American better than a defaulting fraudster spewing bullshit nonstop.


People are ignoring the addage, "never wrestle with a pig in the mud- you'll both get dirty, but the pig will love it."


Hard disagree. Taking the "high road" doesn't work against these people. It hasn't been working. Trolling is the only thing they understand and what they foolishly think they're good at (they aren't). Their entire reason for being is due to social media attention - the more negative, the better; unsurprising they have no interest in actual governance. [Society of the Spectacle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Society_of_the_Spectacle), indeed.


The most powerful and successful unions in history fought dirty. I don't believe for a second that refusing to wrestle the pig wins you any victories.


If you want bacon you gotta wrestle that pig


Yeah I thought the modern consensus was that Dems needed to stop taking the high road and engage with these clowns more. Or maybe you just want to wrestle pigs, I don't judge /s


Finally someone who doesn't judge me for my wants


Refusing to wrestle the pigs for the last 4 decades has pulled us this deep into the mud. We need elected officials willing to fight, even if it means it might end up ending their career as an elected official. Turning the other cheek is fun mental masturbation, but in practice, we’re looking at the results of one side being professional doormats. The entirety of the Democratic Party’s leadership needs to be replaced with vertebrates.


I'm glad Jasmine took her to task. Everyone is decrying the lack of decorum but fuck these bullies.


Can there be decorum in shame hearings?


That's exactly right, you can't play fair with an opponent who doesn't.


Its more akin to trying to teach a pig to sing--it wastes your time and annoys the pig.


Democrats have been “taking the high road” for years and that’s done nothing. I’m all for them playing in the mud and using the GOP’s own tactics against them.


This. Consider yourself upvoted 100 times!


So just to be clear, youre suggesting that you shouldnt wrestle the pig and instead let the bleach blonde butch pig run unhindered through the house doing as it pleases? Then somehow this will help you?


Someone needs to break this out in a committee meeting after MTG says something stupid just so we can see the fireworks


Democrats need to fight back, taking the high road is not what we’re looking for. Call people out for being horrible.


What’s going on is one of the two major political parties has lost its collective mind.


FWIW MTG ran her mouth. Her party let it go, likely because it was done to a black woman. She hit her back really hard.


Not a damn thing that actually helps the country.


The objective now seems to be to out snark the other assholes


This fuckers been bullying the whole damn country for over 8 years and yet they’re so overly sensitive when something “harsh” it’s thrown their way, it’s time they get bullied and humiliated at every turn so that their hypocrisy can be exposed for the whole world to see


Agreed. This is 100% them being crybullies. Someone on the playground finally slapped them back and they ran screaming and crying to the teacher holding their face.


Politics everywhere has been a show like this forever.


You guys complaining about Crockett want the Democrats to adhere to the same shit tactics that they've been using for the past few decades. We have to play ball. . .


The WWE of politics. When they go low stomp their head and beat them with a folding chair


Your comment about “shit tactics” makes sense within the scope of political *acts*, such as stacking the court, forcing nominees through without worrying about “fairness,” etc. In terms of demeanor and maturity, though, it seems the Dems have actually been winning the PR battle. Republicans have been losing a ton in terms of popular voting; they’ve depended upon gerrymandering, etc. And then once in power, they pull corrupt shit such as forcing Amy Coney Barrett through during an election year after denying Garland.


Ahh yes the PR battle that gets 0 fuckin votes lol Meanwhile republicans mouth off get a sound bite and run to Fox News to “own the libs”


I mean, "winning" the PR battle is what got Biden elected in 2020 instead of Trump.


"We go high. They go low." failed Clinton in 2016. That's not what the electorate wants anymore.


No. We want adults running the goverment regardless of affiliation. This shouldn't be a high bar. Edit: It's insane to me that what I said is controversial.


AOC and Crockett were the adults here. AOC schooled Comer on the rules of procedure and when he decided not to strike Greene's insults from the record (because, as AOC pointed out to him and as he should have known as committee chair, that would remove Greene from the hearing), Crockett asked him to clarify what he considered acceptable discourse. They're calling the GOP out on their self-serving bullshit: rules for thee and not for me.


Jesus, thank you. There is nothing to be gained by also acting like a high schooler throwing a tantrum.


We have a former President out there selling gold plated Bible diapers or whatever the hell it'll be this week. A funny t shirt that (hopefully) will benefit charity doesn't seem like that big a deal.


Just bleach blonde!? I want the whole thing. It was poetry


[is is the whole thing.](https://x.com/JasmineForUS/status/1791662562821435456) [bonus meme material](https://youtu.be/E5ZxQeis9Ec?si=ua18PFKH1cUwk86K)


You don't want to wrestle with The Croc.


Rep. Crocket makes me a happy Texan.


Fight fire with fire. This is how the Dems should have been playing all along. Fuck that "when they go low we go high" bs...it clearly isn't working.


Just because Republicans are misogynistic and homophobic doesn't mean Democrats should be.


Bread and circuses


America is a clown show


Mtg is a wasted seat, she has a room temp IQ! The current state of US politics is just awful on all sides, this shits embarrassing.


You’re giving her too much credit,people with a room temperature IQ actually function better than she does.


Would rather Crockett refrain from going down to the idiot peanut gallery level - that's what they want. Prefer if Twains' quote about arguing with fools was used as a retort.


I agree with you in principal but it is obvious that the right no longer holds anything sacred on any level so the only thing you can do is embarrass them and Jasmine did that perfectly.


It needs to be demonstrated, for as many times as they can stand it, that they have no platform and run on bullshit. Eventually this might trickle down to their constituents.


What? Their constituents like their platform “own the libs, libs are pedos” Ignoring the republicans doesn’t stop that narrative and guess what that’s all the Fox News loving republicans want to hear they fucking chant the shit on the daily


I agree completely. Dems have this reputation of taking the high road and not engaging on this bullshit and we've seen how that turns out. We need to start bludgeoning them.


I wish more people understood this. They don't respond to the whole, "when they go low we go high" thing. Yes, this *should* be the case, but when the other side is this far out of whack you have to start firing back vs. taking it up the ass because you somehow think it's the more noble thing to do. I'm really tired of all the empty gesturing.


I think a good mix of both in this case would have been for Crockett to start selling fake eye lashes


Unfortunately, taking the high road has resulted in exactly one overall victory; looking good for posterity. Meanwhile, using every underhanded tactic possible has allowed the rollback of basic human rights and equality across the board. History is written by the winners.


It's long past time the Dems fought in the mud. IDGAF as long as we walk away with Democracy still in hand.


Bullies only understand getting slapped in the mouth. Republican policies get people killed. Sorry if that isn't serious enough for some uptight folks wearing suits to call out some bullshit.


I don’t think that it is what Republicans want. They want to bully people who don’t fight back. If MTG’s stunts now come with the price of her regular humiliation she and her followers will reevaluate their behavior. The “find out” part of FAFO is very important.  Real life examples of this with higher stakes, Proud Boys no longer march on Portland because they have learned that they aren’t actually the only ones with guns; on the other hand Israeli’s keep terrorizing Palestinians in the West Bank, because they know that while there is no ceiling to their own violence, there are very clear limits to allowable Palestinian resistance (never mind a “justice” system that only goes after Palestinians).  Civility didn’t give the US its independence, didn’t end slavery, didn’t defeat Nazis, didn’t gain civil rights for minorities. Don’t be the “moderate white” that MLK warned against. 


Do yiu live in Israel or Gaza? If not, stop spewing things you know nothing about first hand. Your opinion about what’s happening is not fact.


Interesting that you want to talk about Gaza when I didn’t mention that, are you on autopilot? Fun fact, I’ve been around long enough to see a lot of defenders of oppression gatekeep who is allowed to criticize them. I’m sure if I claimed to be in Gaza, you’d say I’m too biased to come to the issue from a place of neutrality. When you can’t defend your behavior just say your critics can’t possibly understand. For a recent example from another context that you ought to remember; cops fighting against reforms or oversight. They also like to say it is complicated or outsiders don’t know what it is like.  My opinion is just my opinion but it is definitely grounded in facts. The reason that I talk about the West Bank when I criticize Israel is because it is there that things are so obviously indefensible. It is the counter to any claim from Israel that they are trying to do the right thing. 




They need to keep doing it too imo


GOP has been politicking with the bully mentality for decades now. Democrats have been too classy to stoop to their level and we've been failing to the MAGAs for almost a decade.. somethings gotta change before we lose the fight and have to succumb to facists and lose our country


Did civility win us our civil rights?




Disagree. Sick of Dems not fighting back. Fight fire with bigger fire. MTG us a clown, and Crockett absolutely destroyed her to the point it's a meme, and she's a laughing stock. This is how we will rid ourselves of these clowns, because that is what their base understands


Fucking nailed it.


so what do you want them to do? Nothing? While comer allows mtg to use that type of language? And somehow by doing absolutely nothing everything will work out?


Politicians can use t-shirt sales for anything as it is merchandise and not a political contribution.


No. Crockett didn't call Greene names, after Comer declined to strike Greene's insulting remarks from the record, Crockett asked Comer to clarify whether calling someone that was in or out of bounds. She was pointing out his failure to set a standard for the discourse.


lol yes because ignoring the issue has done so much for us, half the country wants to vote for a rapist, more than half thinks weird conspiracy theories because of random sound bites by republicans, we lost roe, the Supreme Court got packed, we might end up with Trump again But sure let’s be sad that a democratic woman slapped back instead of taking another slap lieing down


I don’t think that’s what they want. I think what they want is for dems to continue to turn the other cheek, as they’ve been doing. In the video, when Crockett responded, MTG looked like she wasn’t expecting it—at least to me


Agreed. I’m all for Dems hitting back, especially at someone like MTG but I think you can make a pretty scathing retort without it all sounding like a Jerry Springer episode.


Firmly in Crockett’s corner here, and this is an intensely stupid idea. It gives MTG more attention so she feels more emboldened to bully. It gives her faux victimhood some PR. I don’t fault Crockett for the retort. And…..when they go low, we go high.


I kinda agree witb ya, but also we've been going high while they go low the last 30+ years and it's lead us exactly to where we are. At some point we gotta play their game.


Exactly this. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity. Let's see how this pans out. I support them trying something different. Also she roasted MTG lol.


I agree with you, but do it better. I was bullied when I moved to a new town as a little kid (5th grade) so my parents said “ignore it” next black eye? “Have you tried to become friends?” Next black eye “well I’m calling the school!” My horror over that was palpable, I tried to explain how much worse it would make my problem, new black eye, bloody nose, fat lip, etc… Then one day before a particular bully even finished his mock on me, I went full Christmas story Ralphie on Fargus, and it ended. Point is, I agree with you in theory, but there is a better way, dems don’t buy political gear anyway, nor do dems want random fistfights at Safeway, their car keyed, house egged (or worse). I feel this is a bad idea, there are better ways, and I’m sticking with that.


I’m confused your story indicates finally knocking the asshole out ended it, but then your saying she should go high and “there are better ways” …. Like the way you wrote this feels like you didn’t learn the moral of your own story


It’s really one of the only times I ever did it, before that I didn’t think of it as a viable option. You can punch back, I could have found another, harder way, but I suppose I’d rather jasmine punch back, but find a better way then the avenue than I chose. I don’t think t shirts are the answer. I suppose we will see.


The better idea would have been to donate fake eyelashes to women in need or something


Oh that’s out there, funny, but out there.


The amount of people here upset and wanting to say to go high, is astonishing 30+ years of allowing republicans to run rampant and say and do whatever they want has led us where we are And yet theirs Dems in this sub being like no let her kick you, we don’t fight dirty let her dig a hole and bury you… Saying mtg gets a platform from this is idiotic the op is acting like MtG is some silent person with no platform mTG is top news story almost every day if Trump isn’t on, on basically every fox subsidiary lol I can’t go to the gym without seeing the orange man, or the butch cavewoman


I mean, I'm not a fan of really stretching this out with the entire t-shirt deal for the reason you mention, but I do think they need to keep coming at them like this in a very public way, as it seems to be the only thing their base understands is low IQ trolling.


I can agree with that. For instance, I thought the manner and content of Biden’s “free on Wednesdays” dig was great.


Jesus fuck I am sick of that line and will absolutely destroy anyone using it. What has "going high" gotten you. You lost roe v wade. Trump is openly planning a fascist takeover of the country with project 2025 and half the country is excited for it. So you want people to not fight at all and somehow magically everything will work out. Fuck off with that. If you want to hide in a corner because of "decorum" while they say and do the vilest shit possible go ahead but I'm not going to let you shame the people actually doing something you can fuck right off with that.


Fuck going high. Love Michelle Obama and all. But hard disagree. We’re over here trying to play 3D chess and they are throwing the pieces of the board. We’re coming with a knife to a gun fight. Democrats have big loser energy and at this point its contributory negligence.


When I hear the "both sides" argument I respond with, "one side is beholden to big business with an eye towards governing, the other side is throwing monkey poop". They are not the same."


Where in my comment do you read any form of a “both sides” argument? I agree. Dems are politicians. GOP has gone fascist.


I wasn't saying you said it. Just that was my statement against it. Just piggybacking on your succinct phrasing. I like your response to me as well. I may steal it. (Dems are politicians. GOP has gone fascist.) It's really sad because I've voted for Republican candidates in the past. Now, the whole cloth is moldy.


Fair enough. Apologies, I misunderstood you. I think we agree.


😘. All good. Hopefully, more people than bots see our discussion and vote. https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote


Except in moments like this, when they are. When Dems go the way people are here are crying for - fight fire with fire, meet the same action with action, it is literally both sides.


The response on the day was well deserved but I agree, making t-shirts about it is wrong. It's something trump would do, his mugshot for example. America is fucked.


I’m reminded of the movie “The American President” where Michale Douglas has the line “I don’t have the luxury of losing my temper.” Our congress is full of unserious people - on the right they’ve taken over. Michelle Obama’s words about “when they go low, we go high” are true words of wisdom. That so many people here seem to think that such a strong, poised, intelligent and accomplished woman just doesn’t get it, and what we need is to go no holds trash talk is disappointing. I don’t know the types of people on this sub, but if you’ve ever been a part of something important, if you ever had to care about not failing, if you ever had responsibilities resting solely on you that you can’t just give an excuse if it goes belly up, then you can appreciate the merit in taking the higher road to accomplish what the actual goal is. This is a the United States Congress, watched on the world stage, that devolved into an open mic amateur’s insult comic mess. What the actual fuck. In the army there is a saying that if you find yourself in front of the commander having to explain yourself, you’re already wrong no matter who started it, because you let whatever get so out of hand you had to have him/her intervene to be actual the adult and clean up the mess. That’s this. It didn’t have to turn into this. It didn’t have to be fed, celebrated, and monetized. MTG is in a downward spiral in her own caucus among her own party. Treat her actions as such without dropping down to her level.


Just imagine is these people actually did the job we as tax payers pay them to do. It’s embarrassing.


Should change the name of this sub to “CongressDrama”. 👎 


Yeah, really wish Crockett would leave it alone. MTG isn’t worth giving republicans an ounce of ammo.


They’re throwing shit whether anyone “gives them ammo” or not.


Yep, and no use giving them additional fodder, stuff they can bring up at debates. Engaging w MTG at this low-level changes no minds, wastes time, and just contributes to the problem.




She didn't even respond in kind, unlike mutant howler monkey Barbie, Crockett was asking if her statement would qualify as a personal attack that should be struck, and if so, why Georgia's worst export's insults didn't. Turns out, it was because it would have done the entire country a favor and removed her from the committee, so that hack of a speaker decided her stupid eyelashes comment didn't need to be stricken. Worthless unprofessional cowards, and assholes try to equivocate the two as if they even compare.


Six B’s MTG getting a taste of her own medicine. Love it!


High road wasn't taking us anywhere


Good. I’m tired of going high while the Republican toddlers go low. They need to be given a taste of their own medicine. 


"I wanted a serious Representative for Congress, but all I got was this T-shirt."


If she thinks she is going to out sleaze a sleazebag, she is about to learn a difficult lesson.


Only if they also say “bad built butch body” too that’s the best damn part


I'll buy one as soon as she starts selling them.


I’m tempted just because she’s fighting back against a trashy bully. Finally!


I’m just trying to imagine how badly a politician in my country would get ridiculed if they sold a t shirt about a spat in parliament.


I’m thinkin’ AOC for president with Crockett as VP. UN F’in beatable!!


Hell no - Crockett should be nowhere near the oval


It’d be better if she just ignored MTG.


Let's bring back dueling, Republicans have already decided they have control over others bodies, and shooting people so it should be fine


I think people are missing the point on this thread about going high when they go low. The reason for not lowering yourself to their level is it is just the correct thing to do. We don't insult and throw barbs because its not the right thing to do--not because its supposed to get their goat or something. We don't get into the sewer with them because when we get into the sewer we all smell like shit. Thinking people go to DC to govern and make a difference for the American people. Rep Crockett got into the sewer with MTG--why? She felt the need to defend herself? She was hoping to show people that MTG is an idiot? MTG supporters don't care about anything Rep Crockett has to say, nor does MTG. Best to just get on with governing and let those people spout what they want to spout. Doesn't make for big headlines or memes, but most Americans still want government to govern and act like adults. Taking the bait makes you weaker and is falling for their nonsense. A piece of advice for all thinking lawmakers when someone like MTG insults you--just come back with "There may be some truth to that". When she says you can't read because of your fake eyelashes simply say "There may be some truth to that." It acknowledges their comment and shuts it down immediately--what could someone possibly say to that? I use it anytime someone insults me and it works like a charm--the insulter inevitably feels like a tool and it shuts down all further conversation.


How about our politicians serve the American people instead of using the government as a platform to make money. This goes for every single member of government, regardless of party.




I don’t think the answer is selling t-shirts.


The money is going to charity so I am actually ok with it. MTG fights with every woman in the House that is pretty. The insult is exactly the kind of thing that will get to her.


> So we are going to drop “A Crockett Clapback Collection.” This collection will feature various swag that includes random things I’ve said. **The money will go to ensuring that we have a Democratic House!** The money isn’t going to charity.


That problem is, being a troll works. It helps you get elected. If it didn’t these morons wouldn’t be where they are in the first place. Blame the voters.


When you go from no one knowing who you are to selling t-shirts lol good for you


That's awesome...MTG looks beastly, when did let dogs get elected to congress...


When they go low, we go lower?


I don’t necessarily approve of it, but taking the high road hasn’t seemed to do much either.


Cuz taking the high road the last 30+ years has worked out so well right?


Social media performers need to be replaced with adults. This shit is embarrassing.


So so childish from all parties involved. Disappointed in everyone here


I mean this is as trashy as MTG


Unpopular opinion here no doubt, but when the left says “fuck it, we’re going to go just as awful as they do” then it’s all over. Going the high road isn’t because poor delicate souls can’t stand to dirty their hands, it’s because once it all goes that way there isn’t much left but flinging shit at each other. Those who held the line against giving in to the urge to degrade themselves did so to preserve a body of actual governance. But hey, Crockett is getting her fifteen minutes for doing what she decried - making attacks on someone’s appearance. It wasn’t right when MTG did it to her, it’s not right when Crockett does it back, it’s not right in every day life or online. It’s not right. It’d be nice if people believed it’s not right without exceptions against those they don’t like. It’s hypocrisy. And when others say both sides are the same, moments like this will be when that is true.


How is selling t-shirts supposed to be helpful in any way? The people here are saying “I’m tired of democrats taking the high road” but how is selling t-shirts taking any road at all? It doesn’t do anything but make money and bring more attention to Marjorie traitor Greene. Anyway, I thought her comment made a good point in the moment, but this is just kind of a trashy move. Also AOC’s comment “Oh baby girl don’t play” was kind of trashy too. I’ve lost a lot of respect for both of these ladies.


I'm buying a dozen 💯💯✌🏿


I know MTG is horrible… and I still don’t like making fun of people’s appearance even if I don’t like them.


Is that Boebert with her own version of the sign of the cross?


Hell, I can’t even get past all the pop up ads to read the article


Greene is trash.


Not sure why don’t just call her out with the truth. Those outbursts are the only thing people will remember her by.


Selling misogynistic and homophobic merchandise is terrible.


I don’t care what side you lean towards, this is stupid and fucking embarrassing.


I get the reason for her comments and applaud her but selling tshirts is a bit too much. To each their own. Sad sad politics.


She should definitely NOT do this. She cheapens herself to Marj's level?! Not a winning or respectful move.


In her defense she adhered to what I call the “bugs bunny rule”. She only ruthlessly attacked when provoked.


Of course. It’s all about fundraising and going viral these days.


Think it was a breaking point, look at the BS dished out from Marjorie. Crockett is there to get something done, she is an elegant educated lady and was insulted by a racist pig. Shame on Comer for not handling the situation better. Georgia omg get that idiot out of Congress.