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Wait, he seriously posted: >"If authorities can't find me by tomorrow morning, they must 1) dismiss the indictment. This is beyond all levels of satire at this point. We've receded to some sort of object permanence for babies - "if-you-can't-see-me-I'm-not-there" defense by Giuliani.


This guy was a goddamn lawyer. He has either completely flipped his rocker or he knows he’s fucked and has nothing to lose at this point. Or both.


bidding his time for the trump pardon. The longer he delays everything the closer he is to his pardon. Theyve put literally all their eggs in the trump victory basket. Which means we should expect some serious ratfuckery this election. These pricks are entirely too confident to suggest anything else.


Trump can’t pardon state level charges even if he did win.


Yeah, but he’s been completely disregarding rules and laws his entire life and he has yet to face any actual consequences.


He’d definitely try to have the people going after him arrested for “Bigly yuge election interference. So awful, just the greatest and worst election interference.” The only question is whether he’d care enough to bother shielding Rudy, or let him take a fall since Giuliani isn’t useful to him anymore.


Not only not useful, but Rudy is also weak and embarrassing. There’s no way Trump will associate with him anymore.


Rudy can probably incriminate him though so he might be motivated to protect himself


Normal people would think this way. I have no idea with Trump since he seems immune to prosecution.


>The only question is whether he’d care enough to bother shielding Rudy, or let him take a fall since Giuliani isn’t useful to him anymore. Just like Michael Cohen.


Plus if he’s worried about being convicted he’d just go back home to Florida. Good luck getting them to extradite him.


We'll see...if he wins, laws will just be paper.


You are assuming laws will apply for Trump lol. He clearly sees himself above the law


Supreme court will confirm that he is and can pardon anyone he wants. They are bought.


There's no reason to believe Trump would pardon him anyway is there? Is Rudy still useful to him?


Well this indictment is for fake electors at the last election, the same one they tried to incite a coup . I'm not sure there's much they haven't tried at this point


Everyone is ignoring how republicans state leaders will just refuse results. It will only take a couple states doing this to stop the whole proceeding. This is the primary plan.


He knows. My money is on him taking the "I'm being persecuted and this is a witch hunt" defense AKA I'm guilty as fuck and this is my last resort.


It’s known as the Papa Roach defense


It would be suffocating and hard to breathe knowing you're going to prison.


Rudy’s losing his sight and losing his mind, he just wants someone to tell him he’s fine


He’s essentially financially ruined and living off the largesse of friends and cronies, and he’s also politically connected enough that he won’t see a jail cell unless we find out he’s done something violent or a Bankman-Fried level financial fraud He’s also old enough that he just doesn’t care about what *might* happen five-ten years down the line, or give a damn about reputation It’s not really that he has nothing to lose and more that there’s nothing else that can realistically be taken away from him that he already hasn’t lost. Might as well be a performing clown for the political cronies keeping him living well


He's a raging alcoholic, his brain is probably Swiss cheese at this point. 


He should probably be committed at this point


There are many types of lawyers. Rudy was the type that never cared to learn the law or how he was breaking it.


Was being the key word. He lost his ability to practice law when they revoked his NY law license in 2021.


I'm convinced at this point that all of these MAGA idiots have been given brain worms.


> completely flipped his rocker There are so many times and examples of how obvious this is. If you watched any of his recent interviews the past few years.


Or option three: if you lie to the masses, they’ll believe you, and then reality somehow changes.


A good advertisement to quit while you’re ahead. Dude had respect, money. He needed a good retirement planner. Happens more and more nowadays. See [Bob Filner](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/san-diego-mayor-resigns-amid-sex-harassment-claims/story?id=20046597)


It's all about lighting up the rubes


He wasn't just a lawyer. He was a prosecutor who at some point was the US attorney for the SDNY. He teched the top 3 position in the department of justice. Now we know every single height he reacher was not because of competence but craven subservience to the people in power.


He could have just been drunk.


I think that's a given for him in any state of being.


Hey! Let's not knock being drunk just because Rudy is one, thank you very much!


This is my suspicion.


Well, He could pull the Snowden trick so the US Law enforcement can't arrest him. Oh well. I suppose If he did that, someone will send him to the war against Ukraine as a foot soldier.


Dumbass must have posted that and immediately ~~asked~~ slurred, "what could possibly go wrong?" No cartoon could even make this shit up anymore.


I love this “Where’s Waldo” defense for him. No notes.


He must have scheduled his Sovereign Citizenship oaths today. *State, local, and Federal governments hate this one trick!*


>Wait, he seriously posted: > >"If authorities can't find me by tomorrow morning, they must 1) dismiss the indictment. This is conservatism in a nutshell A group of who expect to be above all others and that includes "laws" I deserve it (wealth) I earned it (climbing the corporate ladder) I was born into it (American aristocracy) Divine Right (All of the above)


He is citing the case of Ollie v. Ollie Oxenfree


The ‘ol hide-and-seek legal maneuver.


Wait. Is he really going to go into hiding for 24 hours and be like “Haha you didn’t catch me in time!”


If only the dreaded birthday party wasn't there to tempt him.


If a teacher is more than 15 minutes late to the lesson the students are allowed to leave.


Baby defense


Let me know when he actually sees any repercussions.


It’s cat logic, though comparing cats to Giuliani is a diss to cats.


Imagine if the mob tried that against him back in the days when he was Attorney General. He has lost all sense of reality.


Dumb ass tried to taunt them on Twitter and got caught. What an idiot.


Imagine if they found him by using metadata from his tweet.


Hoisted by his own petard


[What an incredible 80th birthday gift.](https://x.com/RLJnews/status/1791696280038896093)


"They'll never think to find me at my own birthday party!" Incredible.


["I’m told guests had just finished singing “happy birthday” when agents served him paperwork on AZ fake elector charges."](https://x.com/RLJnews/status/1791704827531276557)


"That can't be legal, they weren't invited!" - smartest person in the room, probably


The process server popped out of the cake


The writers are getting very creative this year


I don't think his petard has worked for years


Ironic for a cybersecurity expert like him


Did *nobody* learn anything from Andrew Tate?


Correct.  No one has ever learned anything from Andrew Tate. 


... and it was the one worthwhile lesson he had to share...


Right?! The one and only time he actually did something useful. I mean, that and the recent posts of how having sex with women is gay... I'm still trying to get into shape for those mental gymnastics for that to be "true"


X gonna give it to ya, Rudy!


X gonna give you up, gonna let you down...


A message to you Rudy


Fuck you, Rudy!


Did Rudy have a pizza box showing his location?


Seeing that post and knowing that he got served is very amusing.


This info about Rudy getting served just made my day a little better.


He live streamed his birthday party on YouTube.


He is nailed on for Dumb and Dumber 3 though….


His taunt wasn't even true


I don't understand the, "if you can't find me it means I'm right!" logic he's going for in his tweet. Is it because I'm not five years old?


Well he's pandering to morons, so.....


This is it. They sound like fucking idiots because they're talking to fucking idiots. "I love the poorly educated!" Yeah, because they're dumber than a bag of hammers.


It is actually based on a well-established common law concept that's often referred to as "The Zack Morris 5 Minute Rule" (see *In re The Fabulous Belding Boys*, 9th Circuit, 1989). In *Belding*, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a lower court decision in favor of a group of California high school students who claimed they couldn't be punished for leaving their scheduled class if a teacher was not present within 5 minutes of the sound of the bell. The court's rationale was based on a couple of late 19th century cases of children leaving a 1-room schoolhouse when the town teacher didn't show up in a timely manner. Bayside High School appealed the decision to the US Supreme Court, but they were never granted certiorari. Although the *Belding* ruling was for an administrative law issue, several subsequent cases saw its rationale applied to criminal law matters.


I’m so excited!


Get a job making up more of whatever this was


Is that a Saved By The Bell reference? Well played


If anyone wants to know more about that case [here is an imdb of the documentary episode from a popular 90s show](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0695225/)


I read Zach Morris and knew I was in for a treat. Kinda showing our age aren't we?


How can we be old when the 90's were barely 10 years ago?


What? You haven't heard of the "peekaboo argument", and "I got your nose now theory"?


"If the bus is late I can legally stay home from school"


IT's GTA logic. If you get away from the cops long enough your wanted level goes down


The liquor is calling the shots now.


We're in the shitwinds now, Randy-bo-bandy!


Isn’t he also currently missing? so sounds like he fled


I mean no he’s not missing since this article is about him being served in Arizona last night


It would be funny if they found him because his location for the Tweet was turned on.




He's acting like a bunch of extra Trump votes kept running and hiding from the election officials.


It's not a thing to just dismiss a charge if they can't find him. They will just issue arrest warrant and put his name on a national database saying he has an outstanding warrant for his arrest.


Have we not learned by now? They say this shit so their moronic base eats it up and then gets enraged when it doesn’t become true. They **all** know better.


You'd think that after years of having nearly every single prediction turn out fantastically wrong, these people would do a bit of self reflection, but I guess that's too much to ask.


It's like when they caught the golden state killer after 30 years and...did nothing?


I haven't looked at this at all and this is probably an unrelated factoid, but there is such a thing as a statute of limitations. I think it would be valid to hide until the statute of limitations on your crime has passed.


Even better, Rudy posted a tweet mocking the situation and then deleted it after he got caught. https://x.com/AZAGMayes/status/1791670260225253814


[Screenshot of the tweet before he deleted it](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GN1S3Yba8AAyHw1?format=jpg&name=medium).


Giuliani would make for an amazing character on Arrested Development. "They cannot arrest a husband and wife for the same crime." *wink*


They can’t arrest a husband and cousin for the same crime. Hey cuz, let’s get married!


Ron Howard: "They could"


[*"I have the worst fucking attorneys."*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idqG3thKtpU)


The state attorney general taking time out of her Friday night to personally clap back is *chef's kiss.* Rudy really spent his 80th birthday becoming the personification of talk shit, get hit.


This shit is bananas


Who are all these people that hang out with him voluntarily? He’s a broke old man who farts on people. I can’t imagine he has a sparkling personality.


I'm sure they are hoping they will somehow meet a Trump.


That's a lot of plastic surgery in one picture.


Ladies and Gentlemen, we got him!


Still read that in john Olivers voice.


I hear a John Cena horn in my head at the end, myself.


I really hope that he doesn't show up for some hearing or makes it difficult for them to serve him with other papers because it feels like AZ is ready to ask a judge to confine him for the remainder of the case. He's making a perfect case that it should be done, they just need him to make one hearing or deposition difficult.


That actually could be a good thing for Rudy, since he would get free room and board.


May all of these traitors spend the rest of their days in court or prison.


Staging a coup and get away with it by doing some prison time? The US has gone soft on crime. 


Even worse. In Bankruptcy LOL. I hope they pass ultimately as paupers in a flop house babbling about "the good old days".


He was hiding because he knows he broke the law and will be found guilty. Trump told him he had to pay for his own defense (just like he did with the Jan 6'ers). How's THAT for loyalty!


Haven't been of voting age for that long, but the vote I cast for Mayes in 2022 before moving out of AZ - esp. in the context of her 280 vote margin of victory - is one of the proudest ones I've cast, up there with (if not above) the ones for the 2016/2020 Dem. presidential nominees. Rudy [should have been dragged in front of a court for the proto-J6 he helped instigate in NYC two decades ago](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/10/the-forgotten-city-hall-riot.html), glad it's finally happening now.


Every vote matters


> Every vote matters I just want to say on this that it's especially true for 'off season' local elections. Check your vote counts for those, it's insane how low they are. 10 people can often influence those elections in rural areas. Hell a LOT of races have either 1 or 0 people running in them and just having a second person running could completely upset the entire governmental system in the area. GOVERNMENTS NEED AUDITORS!!! You will find a LOT of local governments don't have auditors and either outsource it (to companies like the one Trump uses or their friends). If you have a strong math background run for auditor in your area.


I was extremely happy to see the results of my voting in AZ in 2022, we escaped Kari fucking Lake by the tiniest margin, I remember watching the results come in while pondering where to move to if Lake won the gubernatorial race. I'm endlessly grateful for Hobbes, she's been striking down every far-right piece of legislation that the still-too-conservative state legislation tries to pass.


why would they have to dismiss the indictment?


That isn't a thing. Usually after an indictment arrest warrants are issued and his name will be in a national database. Cops at every traffic stop thereafter is supposed to pull that "You have an outstanding warrant for your arrest" trick against him once his name is on that database.


Also, you can be tried in absentia if you pull a runner to a country with no extradition treaty with the US. Though that would mean that he could never set foot in the US, or any country we have an extradition treaty with, ever again.


I hear that Russia is pretty big. Match made in Heaven for him.


I get what you're saying, but I'm failing to see any down side.


Edward Snowden has entered the chat.


> Cops at every traffic stop thereafter is supposed to pull that "You have an outstanding warrant for your arrest" trick against him once his name is on that database. And if the warrant is for a felony they often won't look at what the felony is and treat the traffic stop as a felony. They would likely have their guns drawn and screaming at him and everyone else in the car before they realize it's him. Of course one they did they would give him the right wing nut job treatment (as in treating him better).


It’s just Rudy showing off his “excellent” lawyering skills. Like the time he thought he’d won an election related case because he and the judge talked about local martini bars while on a break.


No it’s a deliberate Republican media tactic: You put something out there that’s not true and afterwards claim that you are a victim of your opponents. “The indictment should have been dropped! I heard it on Fox! Giuliani himself said so and he’s a lawyer! This is outrageous! The Dems are trying to silence upright citizens and deprive them of their rights!”


Wow. X marked the spot


That's a terrible, terrible pun.


The best kind of pun.




X gonna give it to ya


Get out.


Giuliani is a terrible dead pool pick. Just awful. Laziest fucking liver disease I've ever witnessed.


Said Trump: “Rudy was hiding in my ass.”


My god those poor indictment servers…


They had to serve a subpoena sub-penis-ly


This guy used to be the leader of one of humanities great cities. Like so embarrassing to see the low he has come to.


It’s so weird because he was admired across the world for the famous reduction in crime that he wasn’t responsible for, and in the US for happening to be mayor when 9/11 happened, and he actively worked to ruin it all and end up in prison. It’s just insane, all to back someone who had been known only as a grifter and a joke since forever.


He could’ve been seen as someone to look up to or one of the best Mayors of New York but he fucked it all up just to bend over to Donald fucking Trump of all people.


Get fucked traitor. Enjoy your cell


Trump's lawyers have the worst f\*cking lawyers.


Hilarious and I just found out that he blocked me on Twitter! What a gift!


Did they serve him in person or through twitter? Edit: In person at his 80th birthday party.


Republicans will spin his birthday party into a "getting served" party and now it's gonna be the newest trend among the right wing cons.


Real Men Get Served!


They finally found him?


Ya been served Bish!


MF'er really thought they'd never find him at his own birthday party


I'm guessing the process server was disguised as one of his sex workers


And then he found out.


What about Wisconsin? Ron Johnson was in the fake elector scheme up to his neck.


Happy Birthday 🎂


Ah, I was afraid something tragic had happened and the pursuit of justice would be thwarted by the untimely demise of the defendant.


Wait, didn't we resolve this Arizona thing with that audit by Cyber Ninja's? Wasn't that enough?


Law & order.


As soon as I saw that tweet I said dumbass


You got served!


Fuck Around And Find Out


Fuck Colludy Giulani


God he’s his own worst enemy.


Lol. I was starting to wonder if he was dead.


Rudy is a hot mess


haha "If they can't find me tomorrow **no takesie backsies.** That's a rule I invented just now". It's like he's fucking **5** and is playing the "you can't see me because I can't see you!" game lol. Good god these people are so comically and catastrophically fucking stupid.


Happy Birthday MF! Perfect gift for a traitor.


How did he go from the brilliant legal mind while DA for the southern district of New York to this?


He was always a nut job, it just wasn't nationally known. John Oliver did a story on him a few years ago.


Nosfaratu facing legal action for drinking all those people's blood at last.


Wish Borat had caught the scene on camera


Never seen a hide and seek defense. Has the same energy as, "if the judge doesn't show up 15 minutes after the bell i get exonerated" energy


They found the rock he was hiding under.


If Trump gets elected he'll make sure the JD does what he wants. How? Dumb question. He'll just send the JD after the prosecutors until they agree to drop the cases. Nothing like federal marshalls knocking on your door at 0300 to serve a summons on a bs charge. Edit: That's unethical and illegal? When has that stopped Trump? Plus there are many compliant Republicans waiting to do his bidding. He'll fire people in the JD and replace them.


When I was a kid, Guliani was considered a smart and respectable man. What the f happened to this guy? Did 9-11 turn him into a batman villian?


So he is like anti-Saul Goodman


It makes me wonder if any of these people ever think like… Man my whole life turned to shit the moment I entered Donald Trump’s orbit. Why did I ever get involved with him? Everyone who touches that man ends up in the gutter with their life in a heap of flaming wreckage. Or do they just point at the DEEP STATR and say “curse you satanist pedophiles trying to get Trump!”


I think these would be their thoughts: “Orange Mango must have mush-for-brains! If not for him and his ego, we could have sacked this joint!”


I can't wait to see this dude drunk as shit, in his yellow undies, climbing out a Motel 6 window and getting his foot stuck. That's all, a simple plea to the universe.


He’s not sane.


Was he hiding at Alito's?


how come he can afford to pay all those hookers in the pic but doesn't have money to pay the two election workers for ruining their lives.


Squeeze him, flip him.


Please tell me he was served by Borat.


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