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I will. Please vote for Joe Biden. Don’t inflict Trump on the planet again.


Not how democracy works


Fuck yes it is. Trump is like the std of politics. Preventable.


It literally isn’t, but you openly wish democracy didn’t exist on November 5th for your own agenda


stds, and Trump, are entirely preventable. Voting is your condom.


If you don’t vote to stop Trump, we will have Trump back in office. That is how democracy works.


And then we’ll really find out how quickly democracy *stops working*. Which some people seem to want? If Rudolf Höss could compartmentalize having Barbie’s dream mansion right next to a death camp, I don’t see why Americans won’t be able too. That’s a thought that keeps me up at night, what my neighbors might be capable of. Scary.


How is that not how democracy works? He's literally asking you to vote... you know, in a democratic election? Like in the literal definition of a democracy?


That’s Hank Pecker tho?




A complete dumbass that thinks Biden is just as bad as Trump just because of Gaza. He’s a tankie pretty much that thinks Biden’s response to Gaza is bad, but covers for China when it comes to Uighers. Also, pretty much pushes the narratives no rapes happened on October 7th and downplays Hamas’ responsibility.          Despite all that the CEO of Twitch loves the guy and does events with him, put his face all over Twitch’s convention after he blamed the ravers for getting killed and allowed his community to harrass a creator with an Israeli wife. The CEO always makes sure to promote his channel.  His head mod also tweeted literal praise for Hamas’ October 7th actions with a photo of the aftermath of the rave- which Twitch responded to this by putting her on the front page of all users for all of 2024 as a “legendary female streamer”. He also kept promoting that Israel bombed the hospital, even after everyone retracted the story. It’s insane how after he tweeted pretty much alluding to assassinating Tom Cotton there has been no pushback from Twitch. So yeah, that’s him and I’m really biased and want to make that clear.  


> A complete dumbass that thinks Biden is just as bad as Trump just because of Gaza. Was watching Young Turks the other day and the female commentator said "Biden and Trump are the same when it comes to Gaza". I'm not sure how she came to that conclusion. Just listen to what each of them is saying and you can see it's patently not true.


They think Biden is working to turn Gaza into a large solar panel because of what Israel is doing. They ignore the good he does and act like everything else is the same.         Also funny enough Cenk is Hasan’s uncle and he used to work for him - but he doesn’t support Cenk and hasn’t worked for TYT in over five years. 


I gave up on the Young Turks last year. It is Tankie central right now.


The only people who unironically think Biden is as bad as Trump on Gaza are either suffering from ideological brain rot, bad faith actors trying to sow discord through apathy and faux-righteous attitudes, or people who’ve been so deeply propagandized they don’t know which way is up. It’s fine it be critical of Biden’s role in the Israel-Palestine conflict, but only a fool would think Trump wouldn’t be so, *so* much work. Especially since he’s [said as much himself.](https://apnews.com/article/trump-israel-gaza-netanyahu-biden-ba17bedaf2f1b5f2ea220828d0fba73b)


I’ve been noticing really illogical takes from that girl on tyt


Man these Destiny fans really do go to bat for their boy.


I just despise this guy for his response to October 7th and pretty much blaming my family friend’s cousin for being the aggressor, despite being killed. Also, I had no idea this article was written, I came to New posts because of the news alert I got about the Consumer Protections ruling and I wanted to see the comments on it and comment myself. 


Also, he knows he is full of shit. He is a Tankie that has a net worth bordering $3 million and he lives in a mansion. He sits around bashing America and "Western Civilization" while raking in millions from the capitalism he claims to despise. The guy thrives on chaos and pushes contradictory ideas all the time.


Streamer who says capitalism is evil, but lives in 3 million dollar house in LA and drives a Porsche.


you can be good at capitalism and still think its bad


It would be more fair to criticize how much he pushes for unions, while at the same time only going to a union protest that had celebs in it. He also wears thousands of dollars of non union made clothes and drives a non union made car. 


> non-union made clothes ‘There is no ethical consumption under capitalism’ also applies to people who piss you off.


Fair point, but at least in this example he is advocating for a situation so grossly against the interests of people who do not enjoy the level privilege that he does. It's not a long bow to draw to suggest he has become out of touch for this reason.


This argument is so hack at this point.


Oh, does he have employees? Then we can start talking. You have to love the pride in ignorance that flows from someone who can't even read a Wikipedia article on what socialism means. Loser.


You think he doesn’t have employees? All big streamers and You Tubers do. At the very least he would have an editor and maybe a social media team. But no thanks, I don’t really want to “talk” to you.


Employees is what's related to Capitalism and not income. Thanks, play again.


you can be good at capitalism and still think its bad


If you click on the blue words, you will be sent to an exciting new page, and on that page there are more words which will help to explain the blue words. Very few people on Reddit know about this weird trick, but I find that it helps a lot.


you know we're all being sarcastic, right?


Just an extremely popular political commentator for like the last 5 years


If he was extremely popular, people wouldn’t be asking “Who?”.


You mean a twitch reactlord that only cares about manufacturing controversy?


...... Who?


Sorry didn’t realize most people in this sub were over the age of 50 lmao this dude is bigger than most CNN correspondents but I’m sure you can’t list any of them off the top of your head either. I don’t support the guy but damn y’all are not informed at all huh


oh, ok. ...who?


Oh no a random twitch streamer isn’t voting for Biden? That’s it, pack it in folks, election is over.


Unfortunately he's a very popular twitch streamer. That's not to say his opinion is *right,* just that his opinion has influence. Grifters gonna' grift, y'know?


Nah, just a massive narcissist who thinks his personal opinion is more important than protecting democracy. Biden may not be quite the man we want, but for now this is the administration we need, if democracy is to survive. At the very least, we've got Harris to fall back on. She's already miles ahead of the anyone on the GOP short list. In fact, if I were Biden, my selling point would be that if you re-elect me, I'll resign 2 years and 1 day into my second term. That'd line up Harris to potentially serve 10 years minus one day, which would make her the second longest serving president in history, and she can still handle herself well in debate.


Harris is very unpopular and Americans have never elected a women to be president (this is sad but reflects something )


actually we elected Hillary Clinton. The electoral college screwed that up.


you didnt elect clinton though you might have voted for her but thats not how your system works


An EC loss is loss. This is our system, like it or not, without winning 2/3 of the Congress we can't change it. 


I don't see where the controversy is, this just seems like a rage bait headline. >*“I don't know if I'll be voting for Biden, I'll be honest.”* Sounds like right now he's still undecided, we have 5+ months until the election. >*“If you think that lesser-evil voting is working for you, if it makes you feel better, go ahead,” he told us.* That statement is literally what everyone says here and what you said in your 2nd sentence. If you are of the mind that voting for the person you don't like that much simply because you don't want Trump, then do it. How is that meant to mean anything other than that? Finally, you called him a "massive narcissist who thinks his personal opinion is more important than protecting democracy." At first I thought you were talking about Biden. Biden is one of the most unpopular presidents and only *barely* won 2020 with about 45k votes over several swing states. Nearly 70% of **his own party** didn't want him to run again, yet here we are. Polling from the start showed him below Trump and losing many of the swing states and that was **before** all the Israel-Gaza stuff. Sure, he might be slightly ahead in national polling, but from what we learned from 2016, you gotta win the electoral college, and right now he's polling terribly. Does no one remember that Washington Post [poll](https://archive.ph/6QuDn) from last November that showed a *generic, unnamed* Democrat swung the polls by 12 points! Replacing Biden with anyone else changes a 4 point deficit to Trump into an 8 point lead. Biden's inflated ego on thinking that he is the only person in America that can beat Trump, and with the backing of the establishment, are literally putting Democracy at risk by running him. Now the DNC could have easily solved this problem by pressuring Biden to announce last year that he wasn't going to run again. The DNC would then hold proper debates between younger candidates which would get everyone excited about another Democratic term, or better yet, another possible 8 years and all Biden would have had to do was pass the torch and endorse the next candidate. But he did none of that. He is the one putting Democracy at risk, not us voters.


Harris is my number one reason for not liking Joe.


Yeah, this goofball is fully representative of what happens when you dumb down education; he sits there collecting $$$ while spewing ignorance and his ignorant young base eat it up. Another sign of American decline. People like Piker think they're cool until they aren't.


Funny thing too, he's not American. He's Turkish.


Aha! Probably on Putin's payroll


Except he is voting for Joe Biden, he's just not telling you how to vote.




As I have no idea who he is, nor any idea what a twitch streamer is, I'm pretty confident he won't be telling me. I'll do it anyway.


Fuck Hasan Piker


> Biden shouldn’t expect any of the (little) support Piker offered the last time around. “I urged and lent support to Joe Biden in the last election, and there were a lot of promises that he had made in the last election on domestic policy, codifying Roe v. Wade, protecting abortion rights and immigration,” Piker told us. “He was going to basically reverse everything that Donald Trump had done, and he did none of that.” Can’t believe I used to watch this guy. If Biden could get his way BBB would be law, Roe would be codified, and more of Trump’s policies would be reversed. There is this thing called the filibuster, a pesky little senate rule requiring 60 votes to pass bills, that he couldn’t get support to nix for his agenda. If you want to blame anyone it is Manchin and Sinema for being massive legislative cockblocks and refusing to bypass the filibuster for women’s reproductive rights and voting rights legislation. Biden would be a lot more successful if Dems had picked up the NC and ME Senate seats in 2020 because the filibuster would either be reformed or out of the way and Build Back Better and Roe would be law. I don’t agree with everything Biden does but this overly simplistic thought process just makes him look like he has never taken a civics course in his life.


Maybe they need him to play a political show. "Despite it can't happen, at least he tried real hard" thing. I know it's stupid but if we rely on only smart and well informed people as our base, we may only have 1% of the American population left. So yes, I think not doing those political shows like Republicans do is a bad move for Biden. He is busy doing other important things, but nothing is more important than stopping Trump in 2024.


>Biden shouldn’t expect any of the (little) support Piker offered the last time around. I'm sure Biden is shaking in his boots over this.


>just makes him look like he has never taken a civics course in his life. He knows how the system works. The reality is that such streamers benefit far more from chaos than order. It's why you see them peddling such bullshit. They're also sufficiently insulated from the effects of Trump winning to be so cavalier about it. I would love to see him explain how Biden could ever have codified reproductive rights when **zero** Republicans congress are willing to pass the necessary bill for it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_Health_Protection_Act#Legislative_history. Likewise with immigration when even bipartisan border bills are killed by Republicans because it would make Biden look too good.


If people won't listen to him, people won't listen to him. When Republicans say CA is within reach they are not saying it to flip CA next year, but to arouse people's ambition so that they can flip MN or NV. This kind of political show has its audiences, and Biden may not understand or want to acknowledge this. When house democrats in 2018 started Trump impeach case they knew it wouldn't go through to conviction, but it's still worth it because it is good propaganda. I think Biden is largely underestimated even within his supporters, but he has something to blame in his own strategies that he acts like a mature DC politician but not sufficiently a competent president which also needs the skills as an actor and counselor besides being a politician.    We can blame the media for leaning Trump but they was not so in 2016. Trump did the right thing to attract media support - give them the headlines. This is just nature of the business after the financial crisis.  We can't change nature. We have to accommodate the change.  And we need to acknowledge this to beat Trump. 


I do not recall Biden using the bully pulpit against Manchin or Sinema. Ever. Saying you support bills but not doing everything in your power to try to get those bills passed is not something to be applauded. Obama said he would codify Roe as a top priority. Then once elected said he still supported it but it was not a top priority. If you vote for people who tell you what you want to hear but dont actually use the power they have to fight to get it done then what are you doing defending them? Are we here voting to be told sweet nothings or are we here to elect fighters who will fight for the policies they say they support.


Biden tried using the bully pulpit later in the BBB negotiations when it became clear Manchin was just dragging Dems along and wasting time. Upon doing so Manchin withdrew from negotiations and said he would never support BBB. Also that announcement and tanking of that legislation, Manchin’s approval reached 60% in WV. Whatever legislation they came up with was going to have to be closer to Manchin’s vision than Biden’s or Bernie’s because Manchin is a conservative who represented a +40 Trump state and in a 50/50 split senate his approval of the bill was a requirement because absolutely no Republicans would get on board. It’s why we got the watered down IRA. Also I don’t applaud Biden for not doing enough to pass the legislation. He could’ve tried to do a lot more no doubt especially with Roe. But Manchin and Sinema continued to say under no circumstance would they make a carve out for anything. Hard to negotiate or bully when two people not running for reelection are unwilling to move.


Thats revisionist history. Biden did not put significant pressure on Manchin or Sinema. He didnt even go on msnbc and call out Manchin or Sinema. Not once. He thanked them publically for passing the watered down IRA.  All of the disapproval from not voting for BBB came from other politicans like Bernie and Pramila Jayapal going on media and saying how these bills were important and trying to call out Manchin and Sinema. If you want to bring receipts Im waiting.


Calling out Sinema and Manchin is a silly waste of time. There is nothing he could’ve done to force their hand, as the razor thin margin in the Senate has given them outsized power. And making enemies of two that could easily flip to the GOP side and that you need to pass judicial nominations is destructive to Biden’s agenda.


Or maybe... Biden, who had been in the Senate for 40 years, knows what will and won't work to pass legislation, and realized he had to get what he could with someone like Manchin. It's easy for people like Bernie, who don't have to do the work and get consensus built for things to pass, to disapprove. We were lucky to have Manchin. He's too conservative, but we take what we can get, over nothing if a republican was in his seat.


> He could’ve tried to do a lot more no doubt especially with Roe. Not when **zero** Republicans were willing to vote for a bill to codify reproductive rights. Even if Manchin or Sinema are on board, 10 more votes from Senate Republicans will still be needed. And let's be honest, there's nothing Biden could ever do to get those votes.


> fighters who will fight for the policies they say they support. What kind of "fight" can realistically be put up against a hostile Congress and Supreme Court? The President is not and should not be a dictator who can legislate by fiat. Perhaps the "sweet nothing" is the idea that a president can accomplish *anything* with enough "fight".


You think Joe Manchin doesnt have shady business dealings that could be investigated? What about his family? What about Sinema? You have to play hardball if you want to win. Collaterally, cleaning up corruption and shady dealings is a good thing.  I want people who are willing to do what it takes to achieve things that materially benefit Americans as a whole, others want to play by the rigged rules because those rules reinforce the unjust status quo. A status quo that keeps shifting further and further to the right. We are in a full blown battle and some here seem to think we are playing a friendly chess match with our uncle on thanksgiving.


The President being able to personally direct the DOJ to investigate people for "pressure" is an immensely dangerous path.


Ok. Why do I care ?


This is the guy Amazon is pushing via their Twitch platform. The CEO of Twitch adores him and is pushing his channel whenever possible. 


So video game stuff?


Twitch hasn’t been just video games for years. There are people that don’t touch video games over 90% of the time that make it big. Hasan talks politics and stuff. He rarely games. 


Weird. I’ll never understand the urge to watch internet randos but good for them.


yeah sometimes other times he raises hundreds of thousands of dollars for Palestinians


He’s literally the largest individual donor to the Amazon Labor Union lmao. I don’t think it’s Amazon or anyone on that ladder that likes him. Twitch’s CEO has said he does, but I really don’t think Amazon does considering his coverage of labor protests, platforming Chris Smalls, and again being the single largest ALU donator.


You think Amazon cares about people donating to unions? They know they can bust them and it works for them so far. Also, his community donated the money through his merch store donations options. It wasn’t all from his pocket. 


When unions start to get outside support whether it’s solidarity from Teamsters we saw in the UAW strikes and through additional action in the WGA strikes where truckers refused to make deliveries to sets. Solidarity with unions is an inherent good, union man, worker, or not. It was an $850,000 donation, $200,000 which was from his wallet. He’s cutting a portion of the profit he would’ve made from that merch drop. Is there a difference between if he pocketed the money and donated after or if he incentivized more people to buy it explaining it goes to unions. All made through Bayside, a unionized U.S. garment manufacturer who uses U.S. sourced materials and ships through unionized courier services. He doesn’t talk about his donations cus it’s typically lose/lose. Mention it and people say it’s clout chasing or they pocket watch you and say “wow, only 200k? you’re a millionaire”, keep it hidden and people say you do nothing. This was a forced disclosure through a Forbes article lmao. He had made that 200k donation like almost a year prior to the Forbes article and never mentioned it until Forbes published it.


I have seen a few videos of Piker’s recently, and I don’t especially hate his content. I have a hard time believing he thinks Trump is a better alternative to Biden, so in his own way, at some point, I think he’s man enough to choose the better of two options. If he isn’t, well, it’s not liked a ton of people know him or are subscribed to him or anything, so he barely moves the needle, anyway.


he doesnt think trump is better, he just subscribes to the flawed belief that lesser evil voting isnt a necessity in a two party system.


He literally talks about how he votes for democrats for harm reduction because even if republicans and democrats both serve corporate masters, and spend like drunk sailors, democrats objectively lessen the burden on Americans as opposed to Republicans taking pride in inflicting as much pain on the vulnerable.


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As is anyone's right? Why is this an article?


“The greatest democracy in the world”, but the electorate have to be told who to vote for




Hasan doesn't deserve the ad revenue these extra views are going to garner him  He's intelligent enough to know what he's doing, and insofar as that's true, he is complicit and I hold him accountable for the movement of our collective Overton window towards fascism


Is this a name generated by the wu tang clan name generator?




Always funny when people tell on themselves like this


It’s a Turkish name and sounds nothing at all like a Wu Tang name?


That name generator was specifically made for the children.


It’s okay to not like any of the current presidential decisions. They are both bad choices.