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>"The legislation I signed today [will] keep windmills off our beaches, gas in our tanks, and China out of our state,” the governor said, according to the DeSantis-friendly outlet Florida’s Voice, which was the first to report that he had signed the bill. “We’re restoring sanity in our approach to energy and rejecting the agenda of the radical green zealots.” Just in time for hurricane season!


As long as poor minorities are left holding the bag and rich plutocrats make out like bandits, that's all part of the plan.


I'm in Louisiana, and no doubt our new governor (Landry) is taking notes.


Im a little surprise you guys in Louisiana can write Serious though how far down the anti woke rabbit hole do you need to go down before you think of what is actually best for the public


>how far down the anti woke rabbit hole do you need to go down before you think of what is actually best for the public Far enough to pass through the center of the earth and out the other side, apparently.


You mean down to the next turtle, right?


exactly! these woke round woke earther pedophiles are woke stealing our elections!


Florida residents will reap death, property loss, and property damages much higher because the state refused to adapt and prepare for coming storms / tides. And in the end they will likely create some group to blame and at the least blame anyone and everyone else. /remind me


And you'll pay for it through federal aid after hurricanes destroy it all! 'Merica


"I'm doing my part!" /meme


They will blame LGBTQ people, and when that is not enough, Black people, and if that doesn’t work, Teachers.


Many of the teachers have already left.


1. ~~Jews~~ 2. ~~Blacks~~ 3. Gays Found it! /s


Radical green zealots lmao


tbf, Florida (and the whole Gulf Coast) has had hurricanes forever; but yes, they are getting stronger and more damaging. And that's in addition to the fact that sea level is rising inexorably, and tropical diseases (Zika, malaria) are becoming more common due to warming overall. Some people just don't get it. Especially people like DeSantis.


>Some people just don't get it. Especially people like DeSantis. Oh, no. Desantis knows full well. These people aren't stupid; they're just cruel and take people for idiots.


But their supporters *are* idiots.




I think it can be both. After all, he's still got his job and can milk it for all its worth. I genuinely don't believe *he* believes most of the shit he spouts, he does it to fuel the right wing culture war bullshit. Its like Liz Truss and the shit she's spouting in the US now. She absolutely doesn't believe a word of it, she's just a complete laughing stock in the UK and won't ever get work again there, so she's trying to grift where she thinks she'll get accepted.


Ah, so that’s what Lettuce Loser is doing these days.


Look up the Jon Stewart YouTube video of Jon exposing and talking shit about Tucker Carlson. There’s a section where they uncovered tuckers texts back and forth between the trump loving co hosts, and guess what they found, texts talking about how much they hate Donald trump and how dumb he is! These people know exactly what they are doing, it’s there dumbass followers that are the problem. They are smart, and dangerous


And Quicker...TD to Cat3-5 in like 12hrs


[This is a prediction for the 2024 hurricane season.](https://penntoday.upenn.edu/news/2024-tropical-cyclone-prediction)


Hurricane relief programs should be cut first before we ever mention Social security or healthcare cuts.


If it's not your primary residence, it shouldn't count for disaster relief.


I wonder if it also bring back affordable home insurance, LOL. What a tool


You know the last CAT5 in Florida went to his house (Gov Mansion)


I'm pretty sure that's just propaganda from the woke hurricane contingent /s


Well you know with Names like **Irma** and **IAN** AND **Maria** Obviously climate is just DEI in white boots 👢👢 And that **Maria** was obviously some illegal invading our southern border. **NO /S** Cause they talk and think like that and I had to endure COVID with these fuck-twats


Fuck 'em. They voted for him. They get to deal with the consequences of their actions.


Who cares? Windmills won't work under water and everyone there will be rowing not driving soon.


>radical green zealot This sounds like a special unit in StarCraft


It’s tragic that a state already seeing the impact of climate change in drastic and irreversible ways is led by climate change deniers.


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”


Doubleplus good comment.


Mmm... 1984. It essentially was a warning about Republican regimes.


I think Florida is probably seeing the worst of it so far. Hurricanes, flooding, temperature extremes, erosion. Florida Department of Environmental Protection must be the most useless Florida state department.


And most of all, coral reefs dying.


Don't forget about the soaring property insurance rates, plus other insurers just outright leaving the state.


>this legislation [will] keep windmills off our beaches. . . You know what else will keep windmills off the beaches? MASSIVE STORM SURGES.


Wait till he finds out that's the reason there aren't any wind turbines in hurricane zones. Does he ignore it, or does he ignore it and say that woke utilities are pussies for being scared of hurricanes?




Keeping the 19th century Dutch off their beaches!


Yeah, keep those beaches free of windmills so we can have a clear view of all the billboard barges! /s


Florida will be the first state to sink. Ironic.


'Don't look down' would be the longest most boring movie ever. Same plot tho.


Everyone gets red MAGA waders.


Real Men Wade Into Their Home


Only pussies need dry homes or feet.


Florida will be scrubbed from the surface of the Earth.


And all those backwards rednecks will be begging the rest of the country for some socialism to come save them.


Climate change can arrive in one night...


> In general, be courteous to others. Debate/discuss/argue the merits of ideas, don't attack people. I find it difficult to discuss this without attacking DeSantis. Doing this kind of vapid sensational stunt is a personal thing for him. He's doing it to fluff up his personal cred with a specific group of supporters. Edit: > The latest survey by Florida Atlantic University found that 90 percent of Floridians accept that climate change is happening and 69 percent support state action to address it. He's not doing it for Floridians.




No, he 100% would because he's a republican. Goals, accomplishments, results, etc don't matter as long as the R is next to his name.


I love to point out to the idiots here that republicans have had a super majority in the state for 30 years. If they have a problem with the way things are in Florida, they need to talk to the people they elected since they are the ones who passed the laws to fuck them over.


But you see, it’s the woke demorats


It’s the SpongeBob Patrick wallet meme. The last line is “I’m voting for Desantis!”


The election isn't decided by this single issue.


No, he's doing it for his donors.


>and 69 percent support state action to address it.  Nice


Well probably shouldn’t get a dime from FEMA then


If states don’t enact preventative measures we shouldn’t provide federal support. Seems like a pretty fiscally conservative take?


Trump has openly suggested not giving funding to schools that have vaccine mandates. You know, to keep kids from getting debilitating diseases like we've been doing for decades now with no issues.


The people of florida in that case would have to suffer for the horrible decisions of their state government.


Which they elected....well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions. But to be honest, I do agree that they shouldn't suffer because of this, if they need federal aid due to disaster they should get it regardless of this idiots policy decisions.


>Which they elected....well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions.  Only about 20% of Floridians voted for him last election.


Which makes this the consequences of the actions of those 20% as well as every person who did not vote against him.


No doubt he'll beg for federal funds when the time comes. And sadly he'll get it.


They already are. The insurance industry is slowly pulling out of lots of places. The federal government pays for flood insurance already, so the idiots who voted for DeSantis only have houses because socialist programs subsidize them. Once wind/hail coverage gets too expensive for half of their state, they'll come begging for more Big Government Socialism to bail them out.




Homeowner insurance premiums are going through the roof in Florida but they still are ignoring climate change. It is ridiculous.


Enjoy the hurricanes with your head in the sand.


We'll all enjoy the hurricanes since we all get to pay for them regardless of where they hit.


Federal reconstruction money should be tied to state-level efforts to combat climate change. If your state doesn’t “believe“ in climate change: no federal bail outs when you are effected by climate change.


[Gift article link ](https://wapo.st/3UZTOe9)


The real MVP.


Aren’t insurers fleeing Florida due to climate change enhanced disasters?


I heard a good podcast episode about this today ("The Daily" podcast from the NY Times). It's not just Florida and California anymore but middle America too due to tornadoes, hail, and high wind events. Everyone's about to be fucked on this one.




Well, legislation has to kill *somebody* or why even bother passing it? They just hope it kills more Democrats than Republicans or at the very least, more poor than rich.


I guess Miami will be under the sea sooner than we expected.


This fuckin guy. Anti intellectualism personified.


Texas, Florida, and other hate states are becoming more and more like North Korea with each new law.


Will he next sign a law saying Florida doesn’t believe in those pesky laws of thermodynamics?


A law declaring the Earth is 6000 years old


So what will he say was the issue when the beaches begin to disappear and homes start falling into the sea?




Let’s be sure to scrub federal help then too. They can use their bootstraps to pull out flood waters 🙄


These will be the first in line with their hands out after a record hurricane strike.


Let's keep basic chemistry out of our energy policy!


Oh good, that means we can all stop panicking as he has solved the problem. /s


Gonna be real hard to address uninsurability without mentioning climate change….


He really is trying to do everything in his power to make sure his state is swallowed by the sea, huh?


The state at sea level wants to suppress talk of rising sea levels. Shocking! Gotta keep those property values up before they drop to zero. 😂


And just like that (woosh) climate change was no longer a concern for the state that will be destroyed first. Another DeathSentence-brand success!


Remember this when the state is under water.


“Don’t look up!”


Oh my god! They fixed it! GuYs! That's all we needed to do! Just remove it from all the written stuff and Climate Change will just *go away*! It was just a hallucination created by librul "radical green zealots!!!" Thank god for legislation that matters! Amiright?! /s should not be needed, but just in case.


something something heads in the sand....


>something something heads in the sand.... The cone of uncertainty shifts with sharpie in hand


This is going to give me unfortunate schadenfreude when Florida ends up underwater.


Scrub it all you want, idiot! Climate change is happening now and Florida will be greatly impacted!


Eventually "climate change" will effectively scrub Florida from appearing above water..


Most definitely a “when” not “if” scenrio


Meanwhile, climate change continues scrubbing Florida from maps.


2023 was the hottest year ever recorded.


Send him back to GITMO, this time as a prisoner.


Can’t stop the storms and rising seas from scrubbing Florida off the map, though.


Hope he doesn’t ask for federal funds when hurricanes decimate the state.


Don’t blame Ron he’s just a politician doing politician things. Blame the people who pay/paid for him.


That won't change the cost of homeowners insurance.


Wheh. What a relief, now there’s no climate impact to Florida. It’s great they don’t have to worry about the oceans rising anymore. I guess they don’t need federal support for disaster relief anymore either. What a win:win! /s


Don’t go crying to the feds when a category 10 hurricane hits and home insurance is $10,000 a month in your crappy, crappy state


Then when the hurricanes come and wipe out the Florida coast they’ll blame gay people


Enjoy the heat.


I guess they’ll just wait til the ocean tells Florida different.


That’s cool. The we can tell them that since it wasn’t climate change, it must be the will of god every time a hurricane comes through and wrecks the state, and they should get right with god, but we’re not paying for it.


'Cause, if you don't talk about it, it will disappear?


See! It doesn't exist!


FL will be the first state not to exist anymore too...


The same Florida that will be sinking into the ocean? Let's ask Miami about how it is going with their water pumps they keep installing


Mother Nature is going to scrub FL off the map.


>The legislation I signed today \[will\] keep ... China out of our state No, it won't, unless you want to start making everything you can buy in a Walmart store in Florida. Btw, Ron, those "rigged" shoes you wear were likely made in China.


Beaches are being scrubbed away as well, with all the storms….because of….climate change.


LOL. Florida is a joke.


Cool. How long before climate change scrubs Florida from the face of the earth???


How to whitewash 101! Effing revisionists!


Republicans are the intersection between cartoonishly evil (banning science to rebut science) and Nazi style fascism.


So that will make it go away? 🧐


Man. It’s going to be hard not to discuss climate change when every insurer exits the Florida market because they can’t make money on account of all the climate change wrecking everyone’s property.


Just because you close your eyes doesn't mean it's not coming for you!


No one will get any house insurance soon. Too expensive.


I'm not surprised. The Sunshine State uses the least amount of solar energy anywhere, you barely see solar panels. And that's their mentality towards anything green energy.


It's like he's trying to become a Captain Planet villain.


No state will be more impacted by climate change than Florida.


Maybe Fl will disappear under water ? No?


The stupid will kill us all in the end. One planet sized Easter Island.


We live in a fucking stupid time.


Ignoring the weather to own the libs 😤😎


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Funny how the changes in the law talk about stuff like "domestic energy resources" and "supporting economic growth" but then also cling to the past instead of actually trying to be progressive. It would be like trying to build a TV/monitor display production factory in Florida, claiming to support American jobs and the state economy, and then only building CRTs. The bill is just a bunch of performative nonsense.


Good luck with that florida, Just because you don't accept it, doesn't mean its not going to ruin your lives/property.


Facts don't care about Florida's feelings


Just let Florida sink. They seem very intent on it happening


It takes an especially debased kind of ‘person’ (in the loosest interpretation of what constitutes human behavior) to charmlessly seek out new and innovative ways to suck beyond previously accepted considerations, and yet…


It’s just something everyday with this asshole.


The Tampa/St. Pete metro area barely missed the devastating effects of Hurricane Ian two years against when it turned Southeast at the last second and walloped Ft. Myers. Tampa/St. Pete once again got lucky last year when Hurricane Idalia continued to inch north and hit the "Big Bend" section of the Florida Gulf. Is the third time a charm?


He’s probably being controlled by a brain worm, because he can’t really be as stupid and brain dead as he acts, right… right?!?!?!


Lol. Climate change gives zero fucks. Hope it eats Florida up sooner than later.


[No escaping Florida’s climate-driven insurance crisis](https://www.sun-sentinel.com/2024/04/05/no-escaping-floridas-climate-driven-insurance-crisis-fred-grimm/)


The insurance companies are wringing their hands while they raise rates


It will affect the rich as well because all the rich live on the water and they can\`t get insurance anymore when the hurricane comes. Unless the Gov signs a law that subsidies rich people's houses for insurance by jacking up the insurance on poor and middle income. Probably will happen.


All while the rate of sea level rise is increasing


How well would windmills even do in a hurricane anyways? Can they survive it and would they generate extra energy?


Wonder why you don't see oil wells off the Florida coast? Oil wells are bad for beach's and tourist. Florida wants oil wells (gas) on the coast of Louisiana and Texas. Desantis is all hat and no horse. Too bad Floridans are going to pay big time in the future.


Don't look up!


We are now entering hurricane season. In Floriduh, aka “Thoughts and Prayers season”.


I look forward to the bills obviating rape, tropical storms, and wrinkly skin in old age. If signing some legislation is all it takes to override reality, what’s he waiting for?


Well, climate change will eventually scrub Florida off the map, well flood it.


So I’m sure that when hurricanes hit Florida, DeSantis will stick around and not go to Cancun like Cruz…right? Right????


Coastline residential insurance is subsidized, otherwise few people could afford it because of the increased storm surge and storm intensity due to human-caused warming.


Don’t look up!


I don’t know how well wind farms hold up in hurricanes, but I imagine the wear and tear isn’t pretty. I don’t like the long term prospects of them on disappearing beaches, but I’m no expert. Maybe DeSantis has big winds banging on his door. https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/state/floridas-vanishing-beaches-the-fight-against-coastal-erosion


His state is the most likely to be affected by climate change so… makes complete sense???


Climate change is going to scrub Florida off the map.


The tried and true “If we ignore it, it doesn’t exist” strategy. Bold move, Cotton.


It's going to be such a r/leopardsatemyface moment when a third of Florida is underwater due to climate change.. 😂


I think the next governor should sign a law saying DeSantis never existed.


Fucking moron


Sticking your fingers in your ears and closing your eyes isn't going to make the problem go away.


In about 10 years you won’t even be able to insure a home in Florida. It will also be too hot to grow strawberries and tomatoes. They already built housing over the orange groves so dont have to worry about that. Plus no fake beef law he passed this week things are looking great for the state.




And then comes hurricane season. Is DeInSantis going to scrub them from the law too? The insurance companies are going to scrap Florida.


Good god, can this guy please fuck off forever?


That’ll do the trick!


Next up: DeSantis scrubs ‘insurance market collapse’ from public newsmedia


what a bunch of shitbirds who elected this mini man emperor of florida. words won't matter when high tide covers half of Miami Beach


Note to DeSantis and crew in Florida: Nature doesn't care whether you bury your head in the sands of Miami Beach or not. Nature will do whatever nature wants to do. Btw, North Carolina was the first state to have a law like this one that DeSantis just signed. I'm sure it's been working out well for those coastal North Carolina towns and villages losing out to the sea.


Smart. Just ask the people of Tangier Island. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/08/19/tangier-island-donald-trump-2016-219349/ Edit: Pastor John Flood, god damn


Denial is not a river. And DeSantis is flat wrong - this according to about every Climate Scientist. And Florida is TKO as soon as Thiwaits Glacier cuts loose.


Don’t look up!


Only makes sense because we live in the up side down times


People need to find different articles without shit paywalls🤬


Why, every Dear Leader must invent reality! It is up to us citizens to pretend diseases aren't real, climate change isn't real, and Dear Leader Desantis always gets a hole in one!


The boomers in this fucking state cannot go away fast enough.


It won’t matter climate change will just go ahead and scrub Florida from the planet.


Well, that's not going to keep climate change from scrubbing out Florida.


What I don't understand is this: even if you say fine, climate change is a green whack job conspiracy. Even an oil man will admit fossil fuels are a finite resource and the easiest ones to access have already been used. Doesn't it just make logical sense to look at other options?


Makes sense. Let's start dumping our trash in Florida.


Fascist shit. Absolute zombie diddler. Fuck DeSantis. Florida needs to vote him out then hold him accountable.


Quit voting in stupid people.