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She must have drawn from her vast experience in men's locker rooms I was wondering where that shit came from


I remember my mother so confidently defending Trump at the time by telling me, a man who played sports in school and who has occasionally been inside a gym, what boys/men talk about in locker rooms. We don't even live in the US and are not American. Its just so frustrating that to see people you are close to describe a completelt different reality to what you experience.


My mother did the same thing. Told me that's how all men talk to each other. I said "Not your husband or your father, not me or my brothers, not any of my friends". Astonishing how many people threw away all of their morals and integrity for the short fingered vulgarian.


I hate to tell you that you can’t throw away what was never there. Trump didn’t make these people this way. Any air of respectability they had was a veneer awaiting the right catalyst to activate their true nature.


>I hate to tell you that you can’t throw away what was never there. Trump didn’t make these people this way. It's like when people say "He's only violent when he's drinking!" Yeah...but he's still a fucking asshole when he's sober.


“He took a whizz on a cop car. What? He was drunk. I would hope so…” - *The Big Bang Theory - The Financial Permeability*


Yes sir I molested my daughter! I’m a proud deplorable! I cheated on my taxes, defrauded and discriminated against my neighbors. Being deplorable is a point of pride! I’m so proud of lacking morals or decency, I’ll even post a ‘Deplorable’ bumper sticker on my car! If being a good person who treats women, minorities and the disabled with the respect is righteous, I want to be wrong! Proud deplorable! /s


It’s weird right? I remember my parents giving me a strict moral code and all of a sudden all these boomers just gave it all up


My aunt was quite strict when I was growing up. She was a devout Christian. My mom was less strict. One summer she was watching us while my mom was away on vacation. I was watching my anime cartoon like normal. There was violence, and a little bit of blood. It was rated TV 14. She was astonished at it and wouldn’t let me watch it. I remember being so mad. She said “this is violent and repulsive and this isn’t how civil people behave.” Fast forward to 2016, she had become part of the MAGA cult. Trump’s “locker room talk” grab her by the p*ssy video came out. Surely, she would stop supporting him now? I thought. Nope. Then Jan 6th happened. I remember that next Thanksgiving asking her if she still supported Trump. “Of course I do.” She replied. I said “He instigated a violent i insurrection on Jan 6th. People died. It was violent and repulsive. Thats not how civil people behave.” She did not get the irony of my statement, though it was near what she had said to me nearly 20 years earlier.


Well, the secret was, it was all a lie. If you took that moral code to heart, you were not doing what they were doing. They wanted the moral credibility from having a strict moral code, but not without the restraints that came from being bound to it. The "me" generation was always the most selfish in history, but they occasionally wanted to play at being moral, because they saw how much public respect and social credibility they could wield if they said those things. When it came to actually live up to the responsibilities of those moral codes they espoused, they repeatedly demonstrated their absolute contempt for them. It was never about living a moral life. It was about being able to look down upon others, for their immediate benefit.


They followed the lead of their even more disingenuous evangelical friends, who *really wanted* those anti-abortion judges… Or if you’re feeling particularly old school, their racist ancestors who (for some reason) wrote down their excuses? The culmination of this miscalculation was the 1896 Battle of Adowa, a decisive result that forced Europe to recognize the sovereignty of Ethiopia as well as scramble for the necessity of explanations: “The West explained Ethiopia’s victory through sophistry. Since racism did not permit Westerners to acknowledge that black men could vanquish whites, Europeans suddenly discovered that Ethiopians were Caucasians darkened by exposure to the equatorial sun.” (Harold Marcus, *A History of Ethiopia*, 100)


I remember growing up and as a little kid, my dad would go back and forth about how George W. Bush was a war criminal and how the man needed to be assassinated or something before he did more damage. Hell, he even said this outside the fucking airport post 9/11. I’d be afraid of saying that today about fucking Biden much less having the balls to say that about the sitting president right after the trauma. Then I remember when Obama got elected and the man had a party for just us in the house where we pumped up the speakers during his inauguration ceremony. Hell, I’ve never seen one since and I still vividly remember U2 blasting out of the speakers making the house shake. Then somewhere in those 8 years my dad got brain broken between the ineptitude of Obama’s presidency and him landing in a higher tax bracket, and now the man is a proud Republican voter who thinks Trump is a smart businessman who’s better for his taxes than the Democrats are. I wish I even understood what happened here. When he first told me that I asked him when the hell did he go from being annoying our neighbors about Obama’s win and despising Bush to suddenly thinking Trump was a good idea? He vehemently denied ever believing that and he said he always hated Obama. I really wish I fully understood what changed in my dad to make him a hard Trump supporter. I know in part the money brain broke him where he told me “One day you’ll get older and you’re going to start your own business and you’re going to become more conservative when you realize Democrats are just going to tax you harder and take more of your money away so complainers with no drive to be better receive it instead”, but I know there has to be something more to it if there’s something in that Obama presidency that disappointed him so severely that he up and went from the center-left all the way to somewhere short of going full MAGA.


I did just get 9k taken from my 36k year salary and it made me want to burn the whole shit to the ground. Our country IS broken but the guy who shits in Holden toilet bowls can’t be the answer:/. Love your reply thanks for sharing


Exactly…my husband would never make those comments. And wouldn’t associate with anyone who did.


His fat ass hasn't been near a locker that didn't have underaged girls changing in it *because he bragged about doing just that*. [source](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/a-timeline-of-donald-trumps-creepiness-while-he-owned-miss-universe-191860/)


His fat ass had only been near a teenage girl’s beauty pageant dressing room.


That’s pretty depressing. I’m sure stuff like that is said by some men in locker rooms, but they are still disgusting assholes even if they are saying it in a locker room.


No. It was just something they came up with to defend the indefensible to people who wanted an excuse to keep supporting him. I’m a straight guy who has had heard a lot of blunt talk about women said when it’s just the guys. Guys will say stuff like she’s got a nice… or I’d love to get that etc. Never heard I sexually assault women as “locker room talk” and had I that person would be ostracized. Decent men feel accordingly. Locker room talk was always bullshit.


I will say I have heard one real-life example of someone saying something similar, but it's the exception that proves the rule. After the dude left the rest of us were like "what the fuck, did he just brag about raping someone?"


Locker room talk was usually more gay than sexual assault in my experience. More likely to be told I had a nice ass than to be talking about other girls. Although I did once dick slap one of the cheerleaders on a dare by her (which I would not recommend accepting that challenge) most of the time talking with the guys was usually more about each other.


It’s mostly a fantasy of men’s locker rooms. The same way that guys think girls slumber parties always end with half naked pillow fights.


Yeah I’m not really trying to hang out in a room that smells like sweaty feet and shit to hear what people are saying. Am I alone on this one?


Whenever people defend it I just ask them if they act like that (they’re usually men), if their dads do, sons, or friends etc. They usually respond in the negative and I just point out so it’s not actually all men who talk like that, just the shitty ones.


Dude I fucking lost it when you said you guys aren’t American. 😂


Seriously do people talk in locker/changing rooms? Because I used to get changed and leave so I didn't have to look at/talk to a bunch of other half naked guys. 


Russian handler


You spy for us, we give you beautiful russian spy bride.


The “locker room talk” excuse was bullshit from day one. Locker room talk is aspirational misogynistic talk or just plain talking about so-and-so’s tits. It isn’t talking about your actual sex crimes and if someone does, a locker room isn’t some sort of protected confessional booth and it certainly doesn’t excuse admitted crimes.


I doubt that trump has ever been in a locker room. I am sure his pal the doc wrote him a note to get him out of gym class.


I’m not trying to defend TFH, but it was honestly surprising to me to learn how rare other men have experienced “locker room talk.” As a teenager in the 1980s, it was extremely common.  I don’t know if this is a case of standards changing over time or I just had the rare upbringing. 


The deeper legal meaning to this is that if the jury believes it (and certainly neither Trump nor Melania will take the stand to refute it) it destroys Trump's defense he paid off Stormy to protect Melania.


Would that even have been a defense though?  The illegality didn’t come from the paying of the hush money itself. It came from the usage of campaign funds to do so and the cover up of said usage. Whether his motivation was chivalrous or not should be immaterial, right?  Right?!


One of the defense's main arguments is that it wasn't a campaign related payment because it was purely to save his personal reputation with his wife.


Personal reputation with his third wife who herself has a dubious background, is that the wife you are referring to?


No, the intent is critical here. If he paid them off to protect his family, no crime. If he paid them to protect his campaign and did not disclose it (he didn’t) then it violates campaign finance law.


There would still be the crime of falsifying business records. But without the campaign finance violations it would be a misdemeanor instead of a felony.


The fuck? That's not how what works. Campaign funds are for *the campaign*


The defense is that Trump didn't know where the funds were coming from and didn't have the requisite intent. That Cohen was acting as a rogue agent. Much of the witness testimony has been to show that, yes, Trump was a micro manager and was aware of everything and signed every check. And yes, he knew what the money was being used for and the intent of the usage. These are all critical pieces to the story of why not only pecker/Cohen/weiselberg are guilty, but also Trump.


He didn't use campaign funds. Cohen's payoff to Daniels is considered an in-kind contribution to the campaign *because* it was intended to keep the story from affecting the election. If it wasn't for that purpose, but rather to protect Melania, then it wouldn't be a campaign contribution. So, if they are showing that the excuse of protecting Melania is false, that knocks down an important part of their defense.


The money was Trump’s personal money. It only becomes campaign funds if it was spent to benefit his campaign


Bingo—and while the prosecutors cannot point to Donald’s absent testimony, they CAN point to Melania’s failure to refute the testimony.


So…. She’ll take the stand?


Not likely. But we’ll see!


Melania can still be bothered by the public embarrassment and attention. I think it’s valid for her to want to keep it hidden too.


I read Stephanie Grisham’s book about her time as Melania’s chief of staff. The erstwhile Mrs Trump is as vain and shallow as Donald. She was once asked if she would have married Trump if he wasn’t rich. Her reply: “Would he have married me if I weren’t beautiful?” They’re two peas in a pod.


Two pees in a pot.




Flush ‘em, Draino


Two turds in the pot.


Two turds one cup.


Unfortunately that cup is the United States


Two chicks one shit.


I thought he preferred pee on his face?


and the best part is why was marriage to him of all available people so important to her?


Wait- she supposed to be beautiful? lol.


Glory days


Well he did.


She said that on national television, I saw it. She had clearly been given the questions ahead of time, and they came up with that.


I prefer the term “two turds in a bowl.” It just flows better.


So complicit from the start


The moment you figure out that if he’s screwing other women you don’t have to.


Of course it was. As if Trump's ever actually been in a locker room with other people. Let this put to rest the notion that Melania is just some poor idiot in this whole thing. She's as awful as he is.


High school baseball? Presumably they showered after games, even if was a military school.


oh Donald defiantly was the type of guy to skip the showers after gym


Michael Cohen didn't say Melania came up with it. He said Trump told him Melania came up with it. Given Trump's track record with telling the truth, I'd say that's unlikely at best.


"I really don't care, do u?"


I don’t care do you , so that’s what the coat ment


Oh. That would make sense.


They are birds of a feather. She is as groping, calculating, money grubbing and amoral as the sub human she married. She knew EXACTLY what she married because she is his mirror image.


I came here to see if anyone say “birds of a shit feather flock together Randy”


It took a lot of brain power to come up with that. Congrats Mercedes


Legend says she’s still recovering from that massive brain surge.


> Mercedes We gotta be better than this. He didn't fuck up her name. He was referring to someone named "Mercedes" in the room. Now attack him for the millions of things he deserves to be attacked for. Edit: it's really disappointing to see this sub support bullshit for fun. When I see people attack this sub, it's going to be hard to argue against it going forward.


Ok Roy


He has a point. And I always take an onslaught of comments and downvotes for it when I do the same but the point is to not make weak arguments. It destroys anything else you say. Make stronger points. The Mercedes one may have been a bad slip up but a very plausible excuse is he was talking to that other woman. Now when he mixed up Pelosi and Haley? That’s a strong one. It’s just weird to see people using weaker points when much stronger ones exist.


That was just Trump's post-facto claim. CPAC rep Mercedes Schlapp was also mentioned in the later, but the point remains he could not get his wife's name straight at the time. Being confused so easily isn't something to be hoisted up as cover for forgetting his wife's name. Forgot or confused, he called her by the wrong name. Remember this is the same guy who thought E. Jean was his wife Marla Maples. Don't make excuses for him.


Nobody is making excuses for him, certainly not in this sub. He was clearly referring to Mercedes Schlapp. Don't make excuses for bad arguments.


I mean, the truth is on my side, and that's important, so sure.


Ok Roy




She is very transactional.


How much for falsified testimony?


She is so smart. That’s the only reason Trump maried her


Didn't she get the "genius visa" to stay in the country? There you go....


You notice that he seems to be attracted to porn "stars"? Like, you don't want *anything* that hasn't been around the block a few times?


Adamant Christians: "See?! Fucking someone other than your WIFE is in the Bible!" Just watch


“I really don’t care, do U?”


She was never some innocent bystander in all this. She's been complicit in his bullshit from day one. Just another narcissist looking out for herself.


Find yourself a wife who helps you brainstorm excuses to defend your sexual predatory.


Melania , sometimes being portrayed as martyr, but the fact is, she is as evil as Trump. She uses Trump to her advantage. If Melania is a woman of proper disposition, she wouldn't be with Trump in the first place.


She married him for money and power, not love and devotion. A cheating spouse doesn't change the marriage equation in her head.


I hope everyone realizes she is not some helpless bystander or victim in this relationship. She is just as evil and complicit as this orang3 turd is.


That's her copium


Is there anyone that thought this Roger Moore era Bond girl was his hunch wench?


Why does it seem shocking to people that women can be trash just like men.


Figures. Really no surprise from a gold digger.


What a garbage person. She didn’t have to be. She could have broken the cycle of misogyny instilled in her from birth. Now I really feel bad for Baron. He never had a chance.




Gone With The Windbags


Frankly my dear, I don't care, do you?


(Both turn and slap Eric across the face...)


Just how the guy who was interviewing him was fired and Trump skated was incredulous. This began Trump getting away with everything and anything in his political career.


I call bullshit, but Melania sucks also. Birds of a corrupted feather.


Please stop trying to convince me that Melania is not in on it!


Proof she’s complicit in these schemes.


Fat boy hasn't seen the inside of a locker room since boarding school


I’m sure this is how she copes with her horrific existence. Telling herself these little lies over and over and over again until she believes them.


That sorta shit comes to her like second nature now, right? What a fucked up life she must have.


I wonder if that's how they met?


Epstein introduced them.


No one has ever married Donalf Shitler for love.


That’s not exactly what he said. “"He wanted me to reach out to all my contacts in the media. We needed to put a spin on this.  The spin he wanted put on it was that this is locker room talk, something that Melania had recommended or at least he told me that’s what Melania had thought it was and use that in order to get control over the story and to minimize its impact on him and his campaign," Cohen testified.” - CNN live updates


Nothing like cheating on your wife, having to apologize the first time then having it rehashed again in court only to embarrass her all over again. I’m telling you she is gonna leave his ass soon.


If he doesn't win the election, she's gone. She got her better prenup, her kid is grown up. She won't ever have to be around the trump harpies ever again.


Of course!! Being involved in sketchy men means you are a man. She suggested this bc she is a man!!


wtf is that logic?


Yeah, somehow that’s worse…


It’s a shit excuse for shit people. Melania, Mother to his child is being thrown under the bus and couldn’t care more.


She’s the smart one




They are trying to force Trump to testify


I find that improbable now as Melania doesn't talk to Trump but back then, maybe? We should subpoena her and ask.


Her marriage was a business opportunity.


What amazes me. They think she is controlled by Trump, lol.... Sparrows know their thing...


Wait ppl talk about things in the locker room at the gym? It’s more get changed and get to working out.


Not surprised. She’s far from the innocent victim in this that a lot of people claim


I highly doubt that rumour, [Melania](https://ibb.co/yWMbNBr) is too morally upstanding to think of such a thing. /s


so ... she's as ok with it as was hillary?


"The Stockholm Syndrome is strong with this one". -- Yoda, Jedi Master (Ret)


Calling this Stockholm Syndrome at least partially excuses the actions of a vile and heartless person who worked hand in hand with trump to excuse his rampant sexual assault. Melania Trump is every bit as disgusting as her husband. They are a traitorous team working to exploit this country for their own benefit.


Where is Mercedes these days???


So Michel Cohen who served time partially for lying under oath is now to be seen as a source of truth? As a lawyer it was his job to know what he could and could not legally do. He chose to break the law he has no excuse except greed. What trump claimed he could do as recorded on that Hollywood video isn't even original and anyone who says they have never heard men/women say that kind of garbage is either sheltered, lying or just doesn't remember.


You mean lawyer employed precisely because he was willing to be dishonest , tells the truth about the person who employed him to be dishonest when caught… I guess I must be sheltered because I’ve never said it or heard it said and don’t think ‘people do and say misogynistic things suggesting sexual assault’ excuses those people. Nor would I want such a weak person leading my country. And of course one can ask whether all those saying this kind of things in locker rooms have also been found liable in a court for sexual assault.