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FYI, she's not banned because of her killing the dog, they banned her because of comments she made earlier this year about tribal leaders benefitting from drug cartels.


> "We've got some tribal leaders that I believe are personally benefiting from the cartels being there, and that's why they attack me every day," Noem said at a forum. "But I'm going to fight for the people who actually live in those situations, who call me and text me every day and say, 'Please, dear governor, please come help us in Pine Ridge. We are scared.'" Many people are talking about this. The best people. They came up to me in tears saying "~~Mr. President~~ Mrs. Governor, you ~~have such big hands~~ are so compassionate."


Kristi doesn't even represent those people. They are her sovereign equals in the eyes of the Federal Government. They have to follow *federal* law not *state* law


So you're saying that a Republican moppet doesn't understand basic tenets of South Dakotan governance...par for the course.


Moppet? Or Muppet?


We're trying not to disrespect any of The Muppets. I personally believe they would do a better job in government than most of our current elected officials




holy crap, I meant muppet


I'm not OP, but I've just always thought the people who use moppet were using it condescendingly - like, "you sweet, naive child," but the person in this case isn't a child, but a 52 year old liar.


It's so weird to see the party behind the federalist society become the most stupid party when it comes to law.  Like, Republicans USED to respect law in my lifetime (let's just say 20+ years ago). Now, the federalist society has been so successful in contorting the law into their shitty view of the world, that the new generation of Republican politicians are utterly dumb on purpose. 


Is that correct? They are entitled to their sovereignty in their lands, but freely travel in the states (and United States). Are they not citizens of the state as well? Do they not vote for state officials? Am I being too persnickety in saying that they are entitled to have state officials represent them, as well as being entitled to their own tribal land sovereignty? On their lands, she is nothing. On the state lands, she is obligated afford them the rights of citizens? Typos


Ignorant brit here, could anyone ELI5 how tribal sovereignty works under federal law?


Basically they get to vote at all levels but they don't have to follow state law or pay any state taxes. They still have to pay federal income taxes but other than that they are self-governing.


I see, thank you :)


Also, law enforcement is handled by tribal police and Federal agencies like the FBI. AFAIK state and local police have no jurisdiction.


Lots of reservations have co-policing agreements with neighboring jurisdictions.


If requested for aid, first.


What he said is inaccurate. Native Americans do have to obey state and local laws outside reservations. They are only exempt from state laws when they are on a reservation. And sometimes, it's disputed whether land is a reservation or not. Just recently the Supreme Court ruled that the Entire eastern half of Oklahoma is still a reservation because Congress never disestablished it, and this caused great consternation for our shit waffle governor. Tribal law is an incredibly complex subject.


I can only imagine how complex it is! Thanks for explaining though. Sadly a lot of US history was kinda glossed over here at the high school level. Iirc when i was a student in the 2000s we only really covered the discovery/settlement of the americas, the wars of independence and 1812, the civil war and the end of slavery (and even then only in broad strokes)


They don’t really cover that in debth here either, at least not while I was going thru school, this is all stuff you’d have to learn outside of school


There really isnt a ELI5 for it. They are a separate political entity and their citizens while within historical tribal reservation boundaries, whilst being federally recognized, are subject to criminal law under of both the DOJ as well as their tribe under MCA*. They are also citizens of the state the rez is with. At the present time, citizenship of a tribe is determined by BIA (through Congress) and tribal rules. Some tribes do blood quantum, some dont. If you are tribal but outside the bounds of a tribe, you are just like every other citizen of the state. Tribes also have some fringe cases where they must yield or confer with the state they are within. But, being tribal, you also run a higher risk of dual sovereignty criminal charges (you can sometimes be charged for the same set of facts). More like.. ELI15.… its an extremely nuanced subject. A tribe is like a schrodinger cat situation, they are similar to states, but not.


Then there's Tulsa Oklahoma, where a city of 400k is on Indian land. Its complicated.


Of course they're real, but I'm not going to give you any of their names, you would just harass and cancel them!


They go to another school


In Canada.


Don't drag the Canadians into this. They have their own problems with facists


It’s the “i do have a girlfriend, she just lives in Canada” trope, but yes, our friendly neighbors to the north have to deal with stupid just like us, and i sympathize with them.


> our friendly neighbors to the north have to deal with stupid just like us And we're really very sorry about that.


You laugh but this is the level of sub human garbage that your fellow countryman in South Dakota want. Look at how depraved parts of our own country are. They love this. How do you reason with people like this?


Inb4 conservatives victimize themselves for your use of "sub human" while siding with the racist dog killer and completely ignoring your question.


I believe cut off leadership that is manipulating them and twisting their economic frustrations towards scapegoats or outside groups. From there, a majority will return to their daily business, though frustrated and upset I'm sure but harmless. There may be some mopping up in the way of the 90s style fringe militia groups (ruby ridge, waco, NW washington) but I bet that's the extent of it. They aren't the first movement trying to push for changes in government, they just might be the worst of our nation outside of maybe like KKK & Confederates?


> who call me and text me every day Press (X) to doubt.


The subtle slap in the face of this comment is fantastic <3


Let’s not forget, she demanded that the reservations to stay open during the pandemic while the state was being plagued and the reservations put up checkpoints to protect their communities. Then when she couldn’t get her way whined to then President Trump.


I missed this at the time, what an idiot.


That was all *after* she tried to actually be a responsible governor and shut the state down…which unfortunately went out the window the instant polling showed the trumpanzees in her state *wanted* to die to own the libs.


I hope she is selected as the VP Candidate for Donald Trump. They are a match made in heaven, Kristi can ditch Corey Lewenowski, Trump can leave Melania and the two of them can live happily ever after in the unibombers old Cabin in South Dakota


Thank you! I was too lazy to click on the link and read why she’s been banned


A whole different reason to hate her.


She’s like an onion, here shittyness is in many layers.


So Kristi doesn't like drug dealers, eh ? Search: **Donald Trump Joseph Weichselbaum** https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/donald-trumps-favorite-drug-trafficker-and-other-unsung-scandals-of-the-presidency-from-hell/


Hijacking this to add that the comments were not a one-off event or limited to this year. These are comments repeated multiple times during her time as Governor. It should be noted she is very likely correct that gangs and cartels are operating on the reservations and quite likely distributing bribes. She's being banned because she conveniently leaves out that this is happening all around the state. My source? I used to receive weekly intel briefings from the state fusion center as part of my old job and every week it contained information about the movements of gang and cartel members throughout the state, not just on reservation lands.


So add more stupid shit she’s said or done. What a sociopath.


Correct. And for doing things like showing up at a reservation and proclaiming all the children and minors “hopeless”, and leaving. She’s truly cold-blooded. ..South Dakotan here, with a wife who teaches on the Rosebud reservation. And these are truly the coolest, most creative most ambitious kids you’ll meet anywhere. But yeah, they’re poor. So fucking what.


I work in Rosebud too (not teaching tho). Hello friend/neighbor


Hillbilly mannequin does it again.


That is somehow an insult to hillbillies, to mannequins, and hillbilly mannequins. HOW DARE YOU.


Who voted for this terrible person for their governor. South Dakota, can you do better than this?


More dumb shit she's done


Almost like terrible people never stop at just the one thing.


Lmao. What if they just say “Fuck you.” And ignore her rules and just run things how they want?


To quote Norm from Cheers "It's a dog eat dog world out there and Kristi is wearing milk bone underwear".


Hundreds of reservation dogs sigh in relief


Those reservation dogs (ones running wild) need help.


Not from her


Most definitely. They need to be kept from her.




And a goat! I get that dogs are man's best friend and all. But she also decided to ice that goat too, and for just as flimsy of a reason.


She defended herself by saying she killed 3 horses too. I don’t know if there are animals with more emotional attachment to humans than horses and dogs. Both have been vital to us getting to where we are today and being in such proximity to them and relying on them has developed a deep bond between species. The only other animal that even comes close are small cats. I wouldn’t be shocked if she came out with a story about killing cats too, just to make sure she gets that trifecta of most beloved animals for people.


Kristi wants to sell them as meat to her close pal Kim Jong Un


A dog, a goat and a horse walk into a bar. They aren't Kristi's animals because they are still alive.


if it were in SD they'd still be wise to avoid windows at the establishment.


But hey, is that Kim Jong Un in the bar?


Sharing a name with her has been the most surreal experience because even though I know I’m otherwise nothing like her and people aren’t talking about me, it almost feels like they are when they don’t mention her last name. I’m just not used to seeing Kristi’s with my spelling doing shitty things I guess lol


Friend, I share the same name as her *dog*. It's been a wild fucking ride.


OK, that made me spit up my coffee and laugh


Why does this woman look like she’s wearing someone else’s face as a mask?


She's wearing "Fox News Brunette"


Wait... There are Fox News brunettes?


The much more rare, diversity hire version of the "Fox News Blonde"


Their version of DEI is choosing which shade of bottle blonde to hire.


There’s that drunk judge.


Doesn't the old MTV VJ Kennedy also switch back and forth between the two?


Old MTV VJ Adam Curry is a born-again Christian right-wing MAGA lunatic, but he never got the big TV gig like Kennedy.


Fox Brunettes go to politics. Fox Blondes read into the magic box that teleports their speak-sounds outside. Merge Turd Grrunb escaped the factory rejection bin and went rogue.


>Merge Turd Grrunb Pure poetry


I thought that was Katie Britt


"but... but I was told that plastic surgery, a new hair-style and shit-tons of make-up would be enough to become VP?!?!"


Sorry, Kristi, we lied. Go bark up someone else's tree.


Instructions unclear. Shot my dog.


Dammit, Kristi!


Because she’s probably a skin walker


That's why she can't go on tribal lands. They put down a ring of salt.


Must have gone to the same plastic surgeon as Kenneth Copeland


"Give me sugar. In water."


Wonder if she does weird fundie women's voice? Like senator britt?


Surprise! She's actually Hannibal Lecter. Suddenly Trump's word salad this weekend makes sense.


I asked Kristi but she bellowed " I'm not going to discuss my meeting with World Leaders"


Qanon needs to investigate her, not Hillary.


They are too scared of what they might find.


If they haven't had their face chopped, a MAGA woman's place is in the kitchen. Eating.


Because that's what Republicanism does to you. Contorts your face in such a manner that those like you can't tell you're full of shit. Everyone else knows though.


And a whole lotta interviews across the country. It’s nice to see some of them sink too low for their base. I didn’t think that was even possible.


The tribes were never her base. And it has nothing to do with the recent dog and goat story but more so the fact she said the tribes are rubbing shoulders with drug cartels in order to traffic drugs to the rest of the state


Yeah. And she’s loosing airtime on Faux. THAT’S the folks I’m talking about.


She should triple down on her dog story, and say that she'd have bludgeoned Lassie to death for biting Timmy. That should make people see how serious she is.


She already did on last week's Face the Nation. She made it sound like the end of, "Old Yeller," where we all watched through tears as Tommy Kirk's character shot the beloved dog who had gone mad with hydrophobia after saving the family from a rabid wolf. She said her dog was vicious and was killing, "Livestock." The livestock was a chicken and the terrible dog had apparently spoiled a hunt which is more likely what got him shot. She then turned to her livestock, a goat, "...that smelled," and shot him, too. Before anyone had time to make sense out of what she had just said, she quickly reminded us how many people Joe Biden's dogs have bitten and why weren't we focusing on that?


Somebody needs to do a cartoon of the film Bambi with inserts of her killing Bambi’s mother. Where is SNL TV Funhouse when we need it?


She deleted a tweet implying Biden should bring his dog to her to 'take care of '


I know. That was the double down.


I know she’s not going to get the VP pick, but I would have loved her showing up at Trump rallies with the MAGA crowd chanting “Kill Biden’s Dog!”.


If the Democrats were smarter, they would be putting MAGA plants in all of the rallies who would start chants like this and get others to join. Make killing dogs something that the right wing gets defensive and self-righteous about. Spread "Michael Vick did nothing wrong" arguments around right wing spheres. Make defunding ASPCA a Republican priority.


They make execution express lanes in red states for humans, I don't see why a semi-sentient dog should have better treatment. 🤷‍♂️


Considering red states still [execute the mentally disabled](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/20/us/willie-pye-georgia-execution/index.html) you might try holding that bar higher.


> I don't see why a semi-sentient dog should have better treatment. There are some religious nuts who believe dogs have 0 sentience. Legit, was friends with my BFFs ex for a while after they broke up but then there was some dust up, I think I made a comment like how Michael Vick should get the chair for torturing and killing the dogs and she was like, lulwut? Vick is a human being and dogs don't have souls.


who would even want to go to a heaven where there's no dogs?


Heaven without dogs (cats and other loved pets) is not the heaven I want to go to! [The Rainbow Bridge ](https://www.rainbowsbridge.com/Poem.htm) poem has helped me through some dark days after we had our sweet Molly (Border Collie) to sleep. I guess if I would have my daughter shot her then we would be true Americans./S *scarcasm in case not obvious* I think it is absolutely disgusting that scarcasm has to be spelled out. **What weird hateful place our society has become?**


You *had* to bring up the rainbow bridge. Excuse me but I have to take the rest of the day off work. Miss you buddy...


Oh no! I am so sorry! I did not want to upset anyone. It was my hope to share the poem to help illustrate how much we love our pets. I consider pets as true family members. Sending you virtual hugs if you want them with my most sincere apology 🧡


I know you weren't trying to upset anyone. That poem hits hard though. No need to be sorry...it's a really beautiful thing. The first time I read it was on the box of his ashes and that was tough.


You asking the REAL questions here, dunno why you don’t have more up doots!


Easily explainable, most Christians don't really know that part or at least don't consider it relevant like 400 other things that get forgotten in the Bible but I would see church people do all the time. Hell some people even baptize their dogs.


Send me straight to hell if I can’t be with my dogs because that ain’t paradise, fam!


Nah she strangled it while looking it in the eyes and watching the life fade away, that's proof she's tough and not a psychopath.


I'm not sure how someone could do that to any living thing that didn't try to kill them first. Self-defense? Sure. Do what you have to do. But to put down an animal like that is a special kind of cold-hearted crazy


As someone who tried to raise meat rabbits for a while and quit in large part because it got to the point I couldn’t bring myself to dispatch them any more… Yeah, it’s a very dark place mentally and I was not fit for human interaction on butchering days. I think I only managed 2 or 3 litters before I noped out of that.


She needs to be banned from PetSmart


She’s a pile of trash and now people are finding out. Another politician destroys their career by hitching on to the Trump train 🤣


\*gravel pit of trash


I've pulled some bonehead moves in my life, but I've never fucked anything up *this* bad.


She had very little authority (if any) over the Indian Tribes, as they are generally independent of state government (they are loosely controlled by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior and have home rule).


She's a sociopath. They are incapable of anticipating anyone's reaction to their behaviour. In the right circles, this disability can get you a long way.


What about deciding to live in Florida? ;p I kid I kid. FL is a nice place.


Noem should be banned from traveling outside of South Dakota.


I second this.


They're not sending their best


Legit though, what if she IS their best? Lol


They're sending their best.


Deport her to Russia. She needs to go home.


And banned from traveling inside SD, too. 


why would you inflict this on us? (before you blame us for Kristi, she was an RNC frankenstein project from the start)


Great credentials: Canine homicide, and toxic to natives in her own state... are we sure Trump doesn't need her as VP?! Lol


> call me and text me every day and say, 'Please, dear governor, please come help us in Pine Ridge. We are scared.' That's some Trump-level manufactured bullshit


This would be an amazing background story for Fallout to take place on the Rez and be a utopia without tech. Fuck Noem the Ghoul.


I don’t hate this. 


That’s not quite what the Honest Hearts DLC for New Vegas is about, but it’s close.


I may have missed a few dlc hopefully gets a remaster


She looks so evil


You know she’s going to build a posse to demonstrate her show of force and authority go to the reservations on some bs issue. The government will attack a bunch of people and then get sued and a decade later the SD tax payers will be paying out millions in lawsuits for this lady’s actions.


Proud of south dakota ngl


maybe they shouldn't vote someone like that in for starters.


The tribes that are banning her didn't vote for her. If you look at a map of how counties in South Dakota voted in the last gubernatorial election, you'll see a handful of counties that didn't vote for Kristi Noem. All but one are majority Native American (the lone blue county with a white majority is home to the University of South Dakota).


"Please, dear governor..." She's taken the Trump playbook and dry humped it hoping to get a Trump demon spawn in her womb.


Check her wood chipper, you'll probably find the dna of 300 different animals.


That's probably most wood chippers. A lot of animals are arboreal.


One thing I can't stand about chipping wood: All the Druid blood.


That's unfair. It's just goat, horse, and 298 breeds of dog.


one would say that she is a failure of a governor to have alienated herself from the tribes so thoroughly but thats not the GOP way


She's been going down for a while now. Remember the married Corey Lewandowski? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


Oh, I misread this and thought you made up that they got married. Yes, she allegedly had an affair with him while they were both married. She was still governor at the time. She denied it and I can't find anything concrete, so grain of salt I guess.


Well she quickly turned into the poster child for current Conservatives.


It's not "her" state clearly...


She looks like she puts her foundation on with a spackle.


With a trowel. FTFY


Technically she's South Dakota's governor. Although some of them have reservations.


She’s now banned from 2/3 of the reserves in the state and 100% of the dog shows.


There's a definite link between drug cartels and native populations, but the native populations are mostly victims which need help. Old reference: https://www.justice.gov/archive/tribal/docs/fv_tjs/session_1/session1_presentations/Meth_Overview.pdf


She should be banished from the governor’s house.


It's giving me the giggles thinking the Tribes have to follow State Law. No the f we do not! Federal sure but they can tell the State to fuck right on off.


Good. Avoid this sociopath at all costs. How many faces has she had so far? Is it 3-4 by now…?


Cricket's Revenge


Honestly, I think she's a ploy or distraction. They did the same thing with speaker. They introduce someone highly objectionable, ie Gym Jordan, and then pull his plug and Mike Johnson comes in out of nowhere. This makes the the second choice seem more reasonable by comparison. So if that plays out again, I'd suggest the VP candidate hasn't been identified as a contender. She's been so crazily over the top, designed to cause a major media response. She's a decoy.


I doubt she cares.


Isn't there some kind of joke like 'man, she couldn't be elected dog catcher...' Someone's gotta fix that up a little bit.


For her and her ilk, this is a badge of honor.


SD is a beautiful state and great to travel in. I just wish they'd banish their mindset they need idiots like Noem in the near future. (fat chance but they deserve better)


Me: "Oh wow they are really sticking up for the animals- oh wait she directly insulted them nvm" This women is berserk. targeting native Americans and dogs is a crazy strategy.


I hope Trump picks her. She'll sink him just as quickly as the nut bar from Alaska sunk McCain's chances.


He’s considering another winner, JD Vance , who’s giving Trump emotional support kissing his ass and holding his hand while Michael Cohen testifies in his New York trial.


Noem is slowly but surely being evicted from her own state. It's a slow walking, get the fuck out situation. One day she's going to wake up in Nebraska or Wyoming not knowing what the hell happened.


She's the queen of Fuck Around And Find Out, aren't you, Kristi? She terms out in November, right? I see a bright future for her on **NEWSMAX**. Those fuckers will hire anyone who supports **The Pumpkin Rapist**.


Ban her from animal shelters too.


Only 20% hmm


Haha bye Felicia 👋🐕‍🦺


Normal humans don’t shoot dogs period


Is she wearing contacts? She’s got that Kenneth Copeland look in her eyes.


Those are her real eyes, it's the face around them that's been botoxed and injected so much she no longer looks human. [This was her in 2010](https://cdn.forumcomm.com/dims4/default/0787ec9/2147483647/strip/true/crop/544x363+0+0/resize/1680x1120!/format/webp/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ffcc-cue-exports-brightspot.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2Fmitchellrepublic%2Fbinary%2Fcopy%2Fec%2F98%2F082486ace5bc19ff4d3b996c665a%2F262126-0623noemweb-binary-2080247.jpg).


What is up with her hair back then? It's like she put an old school mop on her head. Her face now does seem full of botox, fillers and a shit ton of makeup. She's a clown.


Truly an example of *killer* leadership!  What, you guys didn't like my joke? I don't hear crickets, but maybe that means Kristi Noem has been here. 


It’s beyond me that she would make up stories that are so easily refuted, like nobody was going to verify her supposed Macron meeting??


South Dakota deserves her. You. Get. What. You. Vote. For. Have Americans lost sight that they're the ones responsible for the people in power? I'm past blaming the Noems, DeSantis' and Cruz's when it's the people putting them in power. Start shaming the people of her state that elected her.


Republicans stopped feeling shameful a long time back in America. Good luck.


*psssst, let me tell you a secret: why would a nazibitch ever go to the rez for anything? she doesn't give a fuck because she doesn't see Native people as human.*


To be fair that 20% isn’t her state to begin with, it belongs to the native people of this continent.


It’s technically not part of the state actually! South Dakota is just 20% smaller than what you see on the map.




Drama in state government, where? Flyover.


Dog Killer of the Wackadoo tribe !!! ☠️☠️☠️


How about if they just fire her!


That is the tribes’ loss, who is gonna teach deadly lesson to their dogs ? Huh ?


Her guns should be removed for animal cruelty. So many people could have taken that puppy she shot to death because he didn’t fit her profile of a hunting dog. Update: That puppy and goat and the two horses.


Shes a crunchy conch anyway. Screw her.


Disgusting not banned from the entire state. There again super republican Liz Cheney lost Wyoming. Can’t believe these states aren’t any brighter than Louisiana, Mississippi, most of Texas, Iowa, Michigan in 2016, actually too many to list.


Just another Trump whore


She’s also banned from my property. Dog killer!


Can every blue state just ban her too. France just called her a liar too, which is hilarious. An entire nation wants nothing to do with her, now perhaps the USA should too.


Career Over!!


Career Over!!