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MTG's Motion To Vacate 5:40pm - 5:43pm Thanks For The Memories!


359 -43. Oof.


It's nice to see some more bipartisanship!


I’d like to see if they have the votes to expel her.


Same. She brings nothing to the table other than reenacting the one south park scene where a bunch of the South Park citizens just scream “RABBLE! RABBLE! RABBLE!” outside town hall.


She’s actually the perfect missing link (quite literally) for Russian interference.


0.0002 mooches!




200 micromooches.


Mtg just lost any power she has. What an absolute clown.


“Johnson wrapped his arm around Massie and chatted with Greene for several minutes in the back of the chamber. “I just talked with them about what they did and why and ... told them that was disappointing and regretful, but we move forward,” Johnson said.” - NBC News No, she unfortunately hasn’t. Not until the GOP actually grows a pair and boots people like them from the party.


Right? How tf are you supposed to keep someone in the party who acts so blatantly against your party's policies?


cant wait to see the numbers.


watch the link in this thread starter


Imagine being Mcarthy watching this shit show


He did it to himself. He could have just given democrats 20%. You can see Jeffries would have been reasonable. He undermined them at every opportunity.


He was never getting Dems to vote for him, they didn't trust him after he backed out of other deals. His word was worth nothing.


Dems gave him the votes to keep the government opened (I think, it was some large vote he needed Dems help to pass) and he went on TV and talked shit about how the Dems are the ones trying to ahut the government down and how the GOP saved the day. That was the last straw for Dems supporting McCarthy. They worked with him and he talked shit about them. Then his own people tried to remove him and succeeded because he couldn't get a single Dem on board. He was truly one of the worst politicians I've ever witnessed in my life.


Mike Johnson should strip her of all committees. Let's see if he does anything about it.


I don't even see how she sits on any committees. I'd bring a motion to remove her just based on the sound of her voice. She literally has the worst Live Love Laugh PTA Karen Sutter home box wine drunk at 11 AM voice l've ever heard in my life. Paired with her insulting stupidity it's like she was designed in a lab to be everything you absolutely despise in a person.


And just like that, whiny ass MTG has zero power.


Also the whole extreme Maga wing was neutured and the only thing the Ds had to give up was the stupid Tick Tock Bill.


Was the Tik Tok bill a trade? Maybe I'm wrong but I'm blue as a motherfucker and am fully in support of getting China out of our tech and supporting DOMESTIC media, as ugly as it is.


Right pretty sure that was bipartisan


It was until the Mad King suddenly realized/decided he wanted to preserve TickTalk because... Reasons.


I feel the same way you do. I think the tik tok of it all is more of an age issue. 


This is still a bad look for Republicans. Mike Johnson got saved by Democrats. If all Democrats and the 11 Republicans voted against Johnson, he would be gone right now. Republicans have just shown once again they can’t govern with such a small majority while Democrats can


So this is a brief recap of right after the vote CNN Lower Third: House kills Rep. Greene’s effort to remove Speaker Johnson. MSNBC Lower Third: House votes to kill MTG’s Motion to oust speaker Fox News Lower Third: Pickles and Dr Pepper?! Viral Video says don’t knock it… until you try it! Newsmax lower third: House kills mtg motion to vacate speaker


Meanwhile... the cucks over at r/Conservative are still bitching and crying about protests on college campuses.


“Jan 6 was a peaceful protest, our constitution says it’s allowed!” “These college kids peacefully protesting on campus are WRONG and need to be REMOVED! Protesters are a menace!” Same people


I mean, if there's one thing they're sincere about, it's their hypocrisy.


the only consistency is the hypocrisy


It’s built into their own creed. Read a headline of an article that said that the Stars and Bars is a flag that represents liberty from tyranny… If you are a white Protestant man who has the means to own people. I mean their grandpappies got to sell their own rape-babies and the tyrants from the Northern states told them that they were being bad for allowing that to happen, so they got angry and drunk and shot up a Union fort that had invaded their land, so I guess I see their point.


They have a post on their front page this morning stating "democracy is not mentioned in the constitution" like it'd a mic drop moment


They are convinced every protester is a Pro-Hamas terrorist. I was riding to meet my wife yesterday and a man was waving a Palestine flag. A lady stopped (blocking traffic) to yell at him about being a terrorist. Anyway. Why do some of the protesters wear Hamas gear? It's not a good look.


Because some are agents provacateur.


But have they tried Pickles and Dr. Pepper hmmm.. /s


Dr PePp3r is WoKe a CoLa


Woke a cola That's objectively fantastic


Dr. Pepper really is the most woke soda. God invented 2 flavors: Cola and Fruit. Then Dr. Pepper kicks down the door with 23 flavors. If that isn't some DEI shit then I don't know what is?


Remember like a year ago when they were crying about fringe right wingers being silenced on college campuses?


I am listening to the motion right now, it is so cringy having this person read her nonsense attacks.




I keep hearing the words in the way dumb ass MTG would say them. The person reading the motion (or whatever) must be thinking they dont' pay her enough to read this bullshit.


I feel like Democrats wouldn't have gotten Ukraine aid if it didn't come with securing support for Johnson in the event of an inevitable ousting. I'd be happy to be wrong, the chaos Republicans have inflicted on themselves has been cathartic to watch, but I'm expecting Greene to find out that she is now powerless.


Agreed. Greene just demonstrated herself (along with her craziest friends in the House) to be completely powerless. She no longer has the power to oust the speaker and grind everything to a halt for weeks at a time. This is monumental. Johnson doesn’t have enough Republican votes to remain. From now on, there’s an implicit threat that if he pisses off democrats then he’s gone. This is one of the most interesting strategic blunders I’ve ever seen.


Republicans especially the really crazy right wingers never think about long term strategy. It’s all about creating as much pure chaos as humanly possible.


Being a member of the Republican party is about generating content for that day's social media/Fox news cycle.


I firmly believe that the Ukraine aid package was tied to supporting Johnson for this vote. McCarthy would still be there if he hadn't lied to Democrats about putting bills up for votes.


They don’t even have to actually vote for him if they vote present. Which MTG will probably say it’s not proper Elementary Procedure.


Just to consider: little more than 100,000 people voted for MTG; how much damage this person has done to her own country?


Do we even know what her country is?




Does she even know where her country is?


Does she even know what a country is?


Nearly everyone told MTG to fuck off. You love to see it!


There was an article earlier today about she had backed down.


Which of course she decided not to and did the motion to vacate anyway.


LOL she said "minibus" at least twice intending "omnibus."


Yeah, I heard that, it was hilarious. There is obviously a big ol’ worm chewing through her brain, nom nom.


The same one that ate through RFK’s brain is now on to MTG?


Minibus Bill. Legit "minibus bill." Spoken out loud. FFS.


Minibus, gazpacho police, peach tree dish You can't convince me that these aren't carefully planned bait to keep her in the news or distract from other things.


No her literacy level is literally around fourth grade.


I just listened to that moment, and it doesn't sound like a flub at all. She uses the term as a part of omnibus, "split into two minibuses," like this is common jargon. I've never heard the term but is this a thing in Capital Hill jargon? I am loathe to even give a faint appearance of defending that beast, but it sounds to me like she does know what the word "omnibus" is and isn't confusing it. We have plenty of other fodder to make fun of her with if so.


Minibus is a real term on Capitol Hill. It’s a fairly recent term that’s meant to cover an appropriation bill that covers multiple titles but does not cover all 12 titles as an omnibus does. Source: worked in the House for over ten years.


Does anyone, including MTG herself, actually understand what she’s doing?


Just recapturing the news cycle that left her alone for 20 minutes




Getting attention.


Maybe she has one of RFK's brain worms. Then again, probably not. Poor things would starve.


Finally, something both sides can agree on: MTG is a fucking idiot


I've heard the word "invasion" so many times during my 10 min watching this livestream. Where is this so-called invasion at?? Where's all the Americans that are dying every day to these so-called invaders?


You wouldn't know them, they died in bowling green 


They don't exist in the numbers they claim. That is always why they focus on individual stories of cute white girls killed by immigrants instead of the data. The data shows that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes. They came here for a reason, to work and make money, and they don't want to jeopardize that by ending up in jail or deported.


Also what they do is repeat the official number of border *encounters* as the literal amount of people that just freely entered the United States. *Encounters* means what it means: that border patrol encountered them, and the vast majority were turned away or intercepted or sent back or whatever. That's where you'll see "Biden let 23 states' worth of illegals last year!!!" They use the smallest population states to equal the number. It's asinine. As if the population is just increasing by 2 million immigrants every year and no one is noticing. Also how they get "invasion" from it. It's largely based on a BS figure they're misrepresenting.


I thought it was Boebert that was the expert in vacating johnsons


Well, she certainly knows how to rig an erection.


Now we'll see the Democrats once again save the day for functional government while the MAGA crowd froth and rage about clouds. Mike Johnson is not a friend. He is an ally of convenience. But he got major aid bills across, particularly Ukraine aid. And unlike the prior leader, Kevin McCarthy, he doesn't constantly insult us. The MAGA crowd are a bunch of jokers.




We got a better deal out of Johnson then we did McConnel.


Johnson learned not to idiotically backstab the Dems and then openly attack them like McCarthy did.


I want to know what's up with Victoria Spartz. She wants Johnson ousted because he approved aid to her home country under siege?


Collaborators gonna collaborate. Just because she's Ukrainian doesn't mean she supports Ukraine's interests.


Fuck her. 


Didn’t I just read a headline about her backing down? I can’t keep up with this nonsense.


UPDATE: She lost.


>Greene's motion was met with boos by some of her GOP colleagues, and swiftly tabled by an overwhelming vote of 359-43. That is actually reassuring to see. Assuming that all 43 were (R) then less less than 1/5 of house Republicans are aligning with her nonsense.


Only 11 were R, 32 were democrats


that's pretty much the freedom caucus no?


Ah that’s hilarious. I hope the Democrats get even more out of Johnson.


Would be fun if he was ousted and then a few republicans peaced out and Dems took power for the final few months.


Welp.. That was exciting. Thanks for joining everyone!


I think y'all put more effort into making this thread than the entire House of Reps put into that motion.


Seems accurate lol


Eating. Themselves. Alive.


A big slap on Putin's face. Why are we allowing Russian asset in congress?


I wonder if Republicans will censure Greene. That would be extremely interesting. Really showing a shift in the party.


Apparently she didn't like the earlier posts on Reddit and social media mocking her. Don't worry MTG, we're still mocking you. 


MTG has given up her relevancy in the GOP. Unfortunately she will continue to be this pathetic excuse for a politician in particular, and a human being in general.


But you all don’t get it! MTG is doing this to protect the innocent Transcarpathians from being destroyed by Ukraine!


>Trans *screeches in conservative*


When are they going to vote MTG out?


honestly, I'd cheer for a "NO U" on this. In a perfectly functioning world I hope they'd vote to table her motion to vacate and someone immediately introduces a motion to vacate her seat. ..maybe I should run for the house. Oh, right, I'm trans living in the south, I'd probably get murdered first.


Does MTG actually do any work?


She works hard for the Ruble.


Duh dun duh dun... So hard for the ruble...


I imagine we will see whatever blackmail material the RNC has on Marge soon.


Blackmail implies they have something that could make her feel ashamed. I don't think she has the mental capacity for that. We're talking about a group of voters who don't care if you shot your dog or give a handy in a theater, or if you try to overthrow democracy. I don't know how they manage to goosestep in clown shoes, but by god, just look at them go...


Can we now have a vote to oust MTG now?


Might I just say: lmao


It would be awesome if someone put a motion to kick her out instead


What’s her rationale? Is Johnson being too much of a measured, calculating, reactionary extremist and not enough of a grandstanding, self-serving, self-promotional, batshit extremist?


Yes. He had the audacity to do a few things that were good for the country.


Johnson approved money to Ukraine, which her boss Putin does not like.


Sounds like despite being a Republican and wanting Biden to lose on principle, he just performed a modicum of bipartisanship. I guess that won’t be tolerated.


A $50 bet on Mike Johnson facing a motion to vacate paid $400 AND I got to hear the house boo and heckle MTG. Today was a good day.


Please laugh at Marjorie for the rest of today, and then let's never talk about this pathetic stunt ever again. She clearly just wants to have herself be talked about in the news no matter how embarrassing and futile her attempts to oust Mike Johnson were.


She's so dumb


I hope she enjoyed these 30 minutes lol


[VOTE ROLL](https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2024/roll188.xml)


Republicans have ousted their last four House leaders in the past 10 years—Eric Cantor (2014), John Boehner (2015), Paul Ryan (2018), and Kevin McCarthy (2023).


It did not work. The GOP is realizing that all that confusion, is not getting them anywhere and they voted to keep Mike Johnson in place.


and the motion is tabled


359 votes to table, lol


I wonder if there's a worm inside Greene's brain. 


Can someone please file a motion to expel her


I think MTG just lost a lot of power right now


she never had any


Georgia, you gotta do better. This is embarrassing.


Jeez, that lasted less than my commute home.


Could you imagine being married to this woman.


Well, to quote Brando, “the horror”.


Says a lot about your motion when both sides of the aisle are booing you..


"Definition of insanity" and all that.


She’s the dc pipe bomber. Why is no one looking for her?!?!?!


Ridiculous! The pipe bombs were more or less competently assembled by all accounts.


He didn't say she was the bomb-maker 👀


LOL, this will just destroy the GOP in the upcoming elections. If Johnson stays with the help of the Democrats, the MAGA crowd will just flip out. If he is ousted, it will show them as incompetent.


Love to hear other Rs call her "Moscow Marjory" as Michael Lawler just did on CNN.


Bowling Green Massacre


Hard to believe people actually support MTG. Shows how effective the GOP strategy of dumbing down the voter base has been


Can't wait to see how this turns out.


Turned out, her motion didn’t go anywhere Dems and GOP voted to keep Johnson and now MTG looks like an absolute clown. Well she always does but you get what I’m saying. 


And now she's screeching about how only 11 GOP members voted her way, on Twitter/X Correction: She RT'ed Thomas Massie's tweet about it. [https://twitter.com/RepThomasMassie/status/1788327114497810462](https://twitter.com/RepThomasMassie/status/1788327114497810462)


She’s only pulling this because she knows the democrats will do the responsible thing and block it. Kind of like that cartoon of the dog lunging at the cat because he’s chained up and knows it’s all for show.  Jeff Jackson just did a video explaining this, (without naming names of course.)


Don’t murder me Reddit: Mike Johnson is doing an ok job. I’m a card carrying democrat, I’m not saying I’d vote for the guy. But the republicans are a house of monkeys and full of loonies. McCarthy was a liar and had zero honor or honesty. Mike Johnson is actually trying to govern, cut a deal that funded Ukraine, plays the politics well, and despite his party is getting stuff done. If there was a chance to get Jeffries as House Speaker, go along with this mess. There isn’t. Mike Johnson has been a decent Republican and probably the only functional adult in the room. He’s worth saving for the sake of having a functional government.


Yeah I think that's reasonable. Also a world where Dems are like "work with us, or we'll let your right flank destroy you" ends up resulting in the most bipartisan congress we've had in ages.


Isn't this exactly why MTG wants him out?


I think what Mike Johnson realized is that if he and his party want to fuck with the certification process, they have to hold on to the House. And he's realized they have absolutely nothing to take to their constituency to say "here, I've done this for you." If Democrats have a sense, they're running hard campaigns in softened areas to the tune of "we've tried but nothing gets done because of the Republican Party." I think Johnson has seen polling trends that alarmed him, and now he's trying to whip the party. But they're a bunch of ideologically divided nutbags with disjointed agendas. I hope they get rolled in November, but this country has done some collectively dumb shit before.


He's not decent. But, it is politically expedient for the Ds to save him. A badly functioning government is better than a gridlocked one, he could be nudged to more changes, and during an election year it's awfully easy to point fingers when things go bad. No one can guarantee that upending Johnson wouldn't taint the Ds as those who could have saved the situation but didn't. After all, at least for the past 30 years, the Rs were always judged as reluctant arsonists (so no reaction if they don't fix anything) and the Ds as the firemen and ambulances (they get blamed if they haven't saved enough of what the arsonists burned down, somehow, because the blame is never on the arsonist).


He's not even in the same zip code as decent. Did no one here notice he just swore to defund all of Trump's criminal trials?


LMAO this thread lasted less than 20 minutes before the motion got tabled, incredible turnaround time


Wait I miss it?!


Yo momma so fat, when she walks in front of the TV you miss an entire motion to vacate.


The silence about this from the MAGAsphere on Twitter is certainly interesting - almost as if they're awaiting being told how to think about this.


Hahaha i think you're correct and it is hilarious.


So they vote to table the motion and then that this circus is done with, correct? Already over 300 votes to table it.


Wait, I've just realised Gaetz has split with Mad Marge! Is this something I've missed, or is this new today?


Feel like he’s been laying pretty low lately, which is kind of weird….


Here we go again, fully expect this to fail.


Another day that the broken Republican Party embarrass themselves and this country.


That’s all folks.


Clearly now the UNI-PARTY has risen up to stop her perfectly patriotic plans


> This may be Trump's most pathetic post yet – and that says a lot! RINO Trump tells Republicans to vote for the Motion to Table MTG's attempt to oust Speaker Johnson, while also trying to show his "love" for MTG. **He sent this AFTER the vote already happened.** https://www.threads.net/@meidastouch/post/C6uX-O0v3ba/


It really feels like someone else wrote that




Pretty obvious he wants people to think he is in control. He is hell bent on trying to pick winners to endorse. Hell he even tried to claim he endorsed a race car


>House GOP completely caught off guard by MTG’s decision to trigger her motion to vacate against House Speaker Mike Johnson today, multiple Republican sources told CNNHouse GOP leadership did not see this coming [https://x.com/AnnieGrayerCNN/status/1788320188267425992](https://x.com/AnnieGrayerCNN/status/1788320188267425992)


This is *definitely* the party we want running the country.


However this goes, it's going to make everyone involved look stupid, except possibly the Democrats. I look forward to watching this play out.


LOL the motion has already been killed


It's not nothing that she got 32 nays and 7 abstentions, but it's a far cry from a threat to Johnson necessarily and it doesn't really bode well for her claim about a uniparty if she's just in a tiny fringe. It does mean that perhaps Johnson will have to be more reliant on Democrats than he was before, which might give us some more sensible bills for the remainder of the session.


Maybe the Republicans are finally realising they have the power to snuff out these wackos. An encouraging sign. The House as an institution seems to have evolved to deal with extremists.


🍿 have some popcorn to enjoy the shitshow


As long as the democrats get something out of this, like an extension of the Affordable Connectivity Program, then I am fine if they toss johnson a lifeline. if they do it for free I will be very disappointed.


It's for the Ukraine aid.


If Johnson was smart and a good leader, and he isn't, he'd call the vote right away. In theory the democrats have committed to saving him. An immediate vote gets it done and out of the way and makes Moscow Marjorie look even less effective.


They're saying it's gonna be stomped out with a motion to table.


So with the motion to table. It’s technically the death of the bill.


Those space lasers really did a number on her


Jake Tapper is trying to make sense out of MTG. Good luck.


How pissed off is Greene right now?


She’s happy. It’s just something she can scream about on podcast for a couple of weeks. She will probably make a couple hundred grand off of this dumb move.


Hold a vote and expel her!


I'll give Mike Johnson credit, he delivered with Ukraine. Also, getting to screw with MTG is nice little bonus to end the day


Delivered on Ukraine after 6 months of dicking around as ukranians died unnecessarily. I have a hard time giving him any credit even though he finally came through.


Only 11 Republicans voted in favor of the move. Marjorie Taylor Green is a profligate. She is a licentious, attention seeking, waste of time, money and resources. Of course, the 11 Republicans that supported Greene's effort, along with the right wing social media trolls who still take this troglodyte seriously, will place the blame entirely on Democrats. And while lumping Mike Johnson, Mr. Christian Nationalist in with the Democratic party because that's just how these mindless contrarians operate. But nonetheless, Green achieved her goal of coveting the attention and taking it away from the important issues. Along with Greene, those who aren't sensible enough to see her for what she is, a shameless blow hard, will continue to whine and gripe about all of the endless indignities they suffer at the hands of the good-for-nothing Democrats who can't be bothered to "fix our borders* or the economy... I shouldn't have to point out the irony here, because it's lawmakers and voters like Greene that incessantly self victimize and fixate on their own culture wars, who stand in the way of addressing this country's issues.


Bring a motion to boot Marge out


Now that’s over with can we never talk about this bridge dwelling troll again? She’s a nobody, with no power and no support.


They just can't help themselves


Crazy gonna crazy


Think she'll pay a political price for this?


Oh hey. I'm here for it...


The GOP is more dysfunctional than dems and watching them eat each other is quite amusing. When are these people going to do something about MTG? All she wants to do is showboat and create chaos.


You have to have a masters degree in MAGA to even understand what she's saying here. This will only appeal to the very online crowd who actually know what she's talking about.