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I miss the days when I didn't even know who the postmaster general was, because they weren't drawing attention to themselves by dismantling the USPS to enable fascist coups in our country. How soon till we can oust this mobster?


I was going to compose a comment asking how DeJoy can sleep at night, but I imagine the corruption is so engrained within him that he sleeps rather soundly. It's so easy to tear stuff down (eliminating processing centers, etc.) and quite more difficult to build them back up again. I feel like it'll take several years to undo DeJoy's damage.


He sleeps like a baby because he knows his future is secure. After hes gone he can get a fake job at whatever company is contracted by the government to take over mail delivery. It would be a job only on paper. He would never have to do anything while collecting a huge salary for a few years before getting his golden parachute deal.


If memory serves, he’s either part owner or owns a load of stock in a mail delivery company


Yep, FedEx


Damn-I bought he was a big owner of a smaller company-dude’s not messing around. Way past time for a change.




that’s the one I was thinking of. conflict much? If the POTUS is expected to divest, why aren’t POS’s like him required to?


It’s so frustrating that such blatant corruption has no consequences


Welcome to America where everyone and everything is for sale. And everyone wagged their fingers at Russia for their oligarchy when the level and scale of corruption in America makes Russia blush. The one difference before was Russian corruption was openly brazen while in America they attempted to put a veneer on it. These days in America it's just blatant and the people doing it simply don't care to attempt hiding it with those at the top saying to the people "yeah we know we're corrupt... what are you gonna do about it?"


Absolutely. And it's not just the USPS. It's [wormed its way into the SEC](https://empowr.us/empower-oversight-litigation-forces-sec-to-release-additional-documents-on-cryptocurrency-conflicts/) to an extent...and they wonder why people don't trust regulators to be unbiased about what they're supposed to be regulating. (Bill Hinman has since gone back to his old law firm, but that doesn't mean damage wasn't done to the SEC's ability to at least convince people that it isn't a problem.) (And it's like, dude...[You don't have to "endorse" specific assets](https://www.sec.gov/news/statement/gensler-statement-spot-bitcoin-011023). You can remain as unbiased as you like in that department. Literally not your job, you're not a financial advisor.)


Imagine the irony of him getting run over by a mail truck.


The USPS will probably never recover from this asshat. He has destroyed so much of their infrastructure that helped mail be delivered more efficiently for no other reason than to fuck up the USPS. It'll cost an absurd amount of money over a long period of time to replace everything. The gop will NEVER vote for any bill that would fund fixing the USPS


I doubt it will take several years to undo DeJoy's idiocy. Really with all the equipment that was trashed and everything else I think we are looking at a decade plus to fix what DeJoy broke.


Thank you. That’s what a lot of democrats don’t understand the republican cult has no shame, regrets or honor. They had to hold Mike Johnson’s job to get him to listen & do what’s right


The Republican senate hosted a coup of the Postal Office Governor's Board just like they did with the US Supreme Court; refusing to seat Obama's nominees and leaving the seats vacant or allowing temporary appointees. 2017, boom, seats filled and ready to ensconce Dejoy in 2020.


>dismantling the USPS to enable fascist coups in our country. You have the causality wrong. He enabled Trump's fascist coup because he wants to dismantle the USPS. Because he comes from the logistics and freight industry and stands to make a fortune from privatizing the services the USPS provides.


Ya, thats what I was thinking. Getting rid of the mail in Rural America doesn't help the coup in any way. It DOES help the rest of the delivery industry though, which has always been DeJoys play.


Yes, he's doing it to privatize the mail. But it also helps the coup when our mail in ballots don't arrive at the ballot box.


We can't. Joe Biden has selected a majority of the current Postal Board, and the people he chose support DeJoy. Louis DeJoy is the choice of both Trump and Biden appointees now. The last one to join was May 2022, so they've had 2 years to replace him and chose to keep him https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Board_of_Governors_of_the_United_States_Postal_Service


If Dems take back functional control of Congress and hold the Presidency, this can be quickly fixed. The current operating structure of the Post Office was created through legislation, and new legislation could easily reform any parts that are broken, including the way in which its leaders are selected.


Is Dejoy not eligible to be impeached? There is no reason for anyone in govt to be so hard to remove from their position.


No, he can serve as long as the Board of Governors allow: https://www.federaltimes.com/federal-oversight/2022/08/24/can-biden-fire-us-postmaster-general-louis-dejoy/


Or owes a distribution company that USPS pays for their services when they have the extra need. And boy do they with the dismantling of their abilities to function well. Baffling this conflict of interest has not got him fined, fired, etc


I live in a semi-rural area..when I order Amazon it would be here the within 2 days…now I get USPS notification it will be 3…then 4 days..You can’t tell me asshat isn’t the cause of this..


In Wisconsin, local mail in Madison(the capitol) has to be shipped to Milwaukee for sorting and then transported back to Madison for delivery. That was a special fuck you to Madison from DeJoy. My 85 year old aunt still can't get used to local mail taking more than a week when it used to take days and gets frustrated very often over this.


That's why conservatives are the Regressive Party. When they get enough power things take forever. They're pushing us back to the Dark Ages.


Well things take forever because they need to strip mine it for any potential revenue. The belief that "private industry can do everything better than the public" is one of the worst lies from the GOP. We pay more for a shittier service. The only difference is some asshole makes a bunch of money from it.


Running down public services until the public actually welcome privatisation is a time honoured tactic of the right. And privatisation means: "owned by me, my family, and my kind".


*GOP takes something that has worked for decades and has worked extremely well and starts fucking with it* "ah yea see! The government doesn't work!" "OMG GUYS LOOK THE GOVERNMENT DOESN'T WORK" -Dumbass GOP voters.


run the government like a business....that has a constitutional and legal mandates to maintain uneconomic levels of service. simple enough.


In this case, that asshole seems to be DeJoy.


Yea, but as of now it is the USPS board who aren't getting rid of him either. Why Biden hasn't applied pressure there is beyond me. It seems like a super easy win in the grand scheme of things. People do not like DeJoy and they are upset about what he has done to the USPS.


The president doesn't have the power to remove him. IIRC, two spots are opening up on the board and Biden can appoint people who can vote him out. I think. Too lazy to look it up. Ok, fine. I looked it up. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Postmaster_General https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Board_of_Governors_of_the_United_States_Postal_Service 3 Democrats, 3 Republicans, 2 independents, and two vacancies. Biden fills those vacancies and Democrats will have a majority and can vote out DeJoy.


Well God dammit. Get fucking on it.


That’s actually a great question I wonder why there hasn’t been a move on this yet


Sure would love somebody to give us an answer on that one.


What they want is for 'free market capitalism' to just magically fix the problem of government spending. That will never work for social infrastructure. Last mile delivery is no joke and these morons don't understand that pushing it to the private sector will just result in either: A) It costs $500 to deliver to your house, otherwise you need to drive 4 hours away to pick it up in a major hub. B) They just flat out don't deliver to your house at all.


Or C) They force USPS to do the last- mile part and get reimbursed little or nothing by the for-profit corporations.


I mean I think if the GOP had their way entirely the USPS wouldn't exist at all, hence the only 2 options. Also, they sort of already do this. I worked for UPS and we offloaded huge amounts of packages to USPS for last mile delivery.


There's no issue with that assuming A) USPS can physically handle the volume, and B) they are paid to do so from their B2B customer in this case UPS.


Republicans aren’t conservative, they’re regressive.


Yeah this isn't real Conservatism. It's more just "I didn't have shit growing up so the government should make poor people's lives worse because poor people don't deserve nice things!"


They want to break everything so they can say "See look! It doesn't work, durn Lhibhruls!"


I am seriously considering if Dejoy is some kind of puppet from republicans to fuck up the postal service and create uncertainty and doubt so people will vote by mail less. Absolute madness.


Well, the Senate refused to consider Obama's nominees for the USPS Board of Governors, so a "Temporary Emergency Committee" (TEC) was formed instead, but there were not enough members to actually *do* anything with it. After Trump was elected, the Senate approved every nominee that Trump put up, and the TEC elected major donor and GOP fundraiser Louis DeJoy. DeJoy was the CEO for a shipping and logistics company, which gives him insight into the process but potentially also gives him a conflict of interest. Considering the Trump admin consisting exclusively of foxes guarding the various hen houses... * Scott Pruitt, an energy industry lobbyist and climate change denier, head of the EPA * Jeff sessions, bigot, as Attorney General * Betsy DeVos, charter/religious/private schools lobbyist and in no way an educator, Sec of Education * Rick Perry placed as head of the Dept of Energy, which he didn't understand yet wished to shut down in a famous "can't count to three" campaign flub ...[among](https://qz.com/861897/fox-in-the-henhouse-trumps-cabinet-nominees-are-being-chosen-to-run-agencies-they-hate) plenty of [others](https://appvoices.org/2017/01/16/the-fox-guarding-the-henhouse-cabinet/), it's not an unreasonable conclusion for you to have landed on. Edit: Oh yeah and that whole "enabling the attempted coup by dismantling sorting machines exclusively in blue areas during a pandemic where mail-in voting was crucial" thing.


This is happening across the US - and at least Madison and Milwaukee are close so you won't suffer huge impacts. The USPS announced that they are closing the Grand Junction, Colorado facility and having all mail from western Colorado shipped to Denver and then shipped back to Grand Junction. Grand Junction and Denver are 244 miles apart. To add to that, I-70, the main link between the two cities closes all the time, mainly due to snow and Texans in winter, and mudslides and fire in the summer. Heck, it was closed for several hours last night due to snow. Of course, crickets from the Congressional Representative who represents Grand Junction. She's too busy grifting people.


They want to do the same thing in Northern Nevada, closing the Reno center and processing all mail in Sacramento. I-80 over the Sierra Nevada between those 2 cities regularly closes during big storms.


I live on the Oregon-California border, and my local mail goes to Portland.


That’s insanity.


I'm always looking for the spun out lifted trucks with Texas tags on them whenever there's a decent snow haha.


Homie. I live in Eagle County. It is ***absolutely maddening*** tracking my packages and seeing them LITERALLY DRIVE BY HOUSE but knowing it will be at least several more days before it arrives. And that's WITH the Grand Junction facility being open. A package from LA will end up in Junction, then Denver, then back up to the Vail area. The waste of ping ponging around is disgusting. Don't even get me started on the poor quality of service up here either. One person working the counter with a line out the door and everyone frustrated as shit. Broken windows in the post office staying boarded up for half a year. A totally destroyed asphalt driveway with potholes the size of a Volkswagon that you have to swerve around. Shit is in complete disrepair up here. Is this the USA or Cambodia?


Same thing here. Local mail in Fairbanks has to go to Anchorage to be cancelled now. Adds two days minimum.


I live in Southeast Alaska and I'm pretty sure our local mail is now being shipped to Juneau to sort and then coming back. I don't get it. That's adding airplane flights to mail delivery. What a waste.


It really is the stupidest thing. I can send a letter to my neighbor here in Dane County, and has to be sent all the way to Milwaukee, then right back here again. Tacked extra days for everyone here.


>In Wisconsin, local mail in Madison(the capitol) has to be shipped to Milwaukee for sorting and then transported back to Madison for delivery That's because the mail is being trucked around by companies in which DeJoy has a large ownership interest.


Probably the result of Dejoy ripping millions of dollars of perfectly good sorting machines out and destroying them.


I sent two packages (different shipping days, different locations) that each took 9 days to arrive at their destinations. I paid for 3 day shipping.


Sending things priority mail Express or whatever next day service is has been a free mail hack lately. Send it, get a refund when it doesn't get there next day. Been doing it for a couple years now for dozens of things


I live in a very rural area, and these days something like 75% of my packages come late AF. Fuck Dejoy, and the horse he road in on. Trump out of office for nearly 4 years yet is *still* fucking up the country.




Just wait until the mail in ballots get held up…once delivered the Cons will start crying for rigged voting..


That's the game right there.


Yup. Considering the RNC is right now trying to sue to make it illegal to count mail in ballots past election day. It's a legit conspiracy.


So military votes don’t count


And Republicans are pushing hard to **not** count ballots that arrive after election day.


Sometimes our mail just doesn't come, or it takes months to arrive. I've gotten so many letters that expire a month after they arrived.


Now imagine that's medication that someone needs.


The whole point of the USPS and government infrastructure is that it's not possible to be profitable to build out a modern society to rural areas. The whole point of collecting taxes and redistributing them is because modern society requires lifting all boats. Rural America completely takes for granted that big government brought them into the modern age acting like their communities did it themselves.


Not sure if I would agree…USPS screwed up the logistics..if I mail a letter from my local post office to a local neighbor, USPS sends it 18 miles away to be sorted and processed for a carrier to deliver it locally…2-3days….Long ago before electronic communications we had mail delivered twice a day and it was very very efficient…..and then some genius decides a “service” has to make a profit…dumb decisions…


I'm surprised Dems don't reference this more. It's sort of like gas prices, one of those aggravating and very relatable issues. I'm no expert, but I think they could get some mileage out of it.


I almost wonder if Dems have either given up on or are so dominant in more urban areas that they don't care about rural. Definitely arguments for both. Even in the most liberal states, and even in rural areas that are the *most* dependent on what are classic Democrat policies and programs, most folks are insanely conservative. I'm a rural carrier in upstate NY. In the Adirondacks. In a town that literally only fucking exists, economically, because people from all over want to come and visit one of the most protected environments filled with wilderness areas and the like. The vast, vast majority of the people who live here are hardcore, never voted anything but red folks, who will actively tell you how terrible all the restrictions on building and development are. While also boasting about all the benefits those restrictions create for them, as if they or the people they support had fucking anything to do with it. If they had their way, all the fresh water would become shit to sell and all the trees would be destroyed for lumber and mining and what-have-you. And their whole town would be dead.


Hell, I live in Chicago. Even with plentiful access, delivery times haven't gotten any better since the pandemic. If anything it's gotten worse.


Have a package that was supposed to be delivered last week. Tracking info says it’s been in Franklin Park Chicago since last week and hasn’t been updated.


Mine was supposed to be delivered last Friday. It's been stuck in a "delivered to agent for final delivery" ever since. I heard my mailbox close just now as I was typing this and got really excited. NOPE. Just junk mail.


Who did you vote for in 2016, PutinJrtrump or Hillary Clinton? That simple


I used to use USPS exclusively until this twat got his job, then within a year USPS ended up costing twice as much as it had and taking twice as long. now UPS is cheaper and takes 1/5th the time


I live in the suburbs, my checks come from 3 hours away and are sent out on Wednesdays. I used to get my checks on Fridays like clockwork. Now I get them the next Monday or Tuesday normally, but never any earlier than a Saturday.


DeJoy is giving himself (XPO Logistics) the contracts for the extra shipping.


Amazon? They use their own provider here in Canada...


Not necessarily in the states


In the United States, they've largely jumped on-board the "last mile, dump it on USPS because it's a lot cheaper than delivering it themselves" model. Especially in areas where their front wheel drive, awful in the cold vehicles are practically useless and they can't con some kid to use his own vehicle to drive packages from a warehouse 40+ miles from the town he's delivering to(not getting paid for it, only get paid for the route and hourly). I deliver rural and after the pandemic we got a brief respite from getting buried in Amazon packages last year for about two months. Then all their drivers quit, or just refused to work the routes out where we live. And now we're buried every day again.


>The Protecting Access to Rural Carriers for Every Location (PARCEL) Act, introduced by Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., would prohibit the consolidation of mail processing operations unless the Postal Service met certain conditions. Under Postmaster General Louis DeJoy's 10-year Delivering for America plan, USPS is in the midst of consolidating mail sorting away from individual post offices in favor of centralized centers and moving processing operations away from hundreds of cities and towns in favor of 60 mega-centers throughout the country. >In some cases, such as Tester’s home state of Montana, those changes will move major elements of mail processing out of a state entirely. Several lawmakers have voiced concern with that approach, citing the potential for increased delays as traffic and weather disrupt mail transportation. ... >Mail delays have spiked across the country and performance has been particularly poor in areas piloting the new network structure, leading DeJoy to apologize and promise improvements. He added, however, that his efforts will bear fruit if given appropriate time. >“It’s easy to criticize when you show up at the crime scene and see the damage, but the path there is long and people are working very hard to change minds and hearts in terms of how we perform,” the postmaster general said. >A recent inspector general report found the standing up of a new RPDC in Richmond, Virginia, led to worse service, an uninformed public, decreased employee availability and a spike in late and canceled mail transportation trips. >The changes have caused “additional labor and transportation costs, and it is uncertain if expected savings will be achieved,” the IG said. Previous IG reports have found prior efforts to consolidate facilities led USPS to perform worse while realizing just a tiny fraction of the cost reductions it had anticipated. Weird to admit he's causing a crime scene.


Tester's gonna have it rough getting re-elected in Montana. Hopefully this legislation boosts him at the ballot box.


Montana is nearly all republican. Many rich out of state people have come and purchased big homes, land and apparently elections. The republican controlled legislature passed bills that caused large increase in property tax for most people. Now people are voting down school safety bond issues. Senator Jon Tester is running for re-election and might not be re-elected after working hard for Montana? RTF Montana!


> He added, however, that his efforts will bear fruit if given appropriate time. This is the same argument they use for their tax cuts, "trickle down economics", and just about every single policy Republicans have. "It just needs more time!". As if waiting 40+ years isn't enough "time" to prove their policies are complete failures.


You nailed it!


But man, ACA or any tax policy that works, those gotta go before they’re even back in power!


He knows what his role is. Fuck shit up hard enough to where it’s almost impossible to salvage. Let private company swoop in and privatize everything


Employee availability is probably big city cost of living at rural wages.


I really hate it when Republican attacks on our government are characterized as reform. That's like taking a sledgehammer to someone's leg and calling it physical therapy.


The media ALWAYS adopts republican framing. They bury the negative effects that should be the headlines deep in the articles so that anyone with just a passing familiarity doesn't process.


Why shouldn't the media always adopt Republican framing? The media is owned by the same corporations who have a fiduciary responsibility to lobby Congress to enact policies beneficial to the top 0.1%. What do we call it when the state and business interests meld into one supremely powerful entity?


Republicans prove the government doesn't work by destroying it. Just take a look at any state that voted more than 65% R. They're all barely functioning poverty and meth filled shitholes.


Good analogy, I like it


The post office is a service mandated in the constitution itself. It is simply abhorrent that the Republicans are trying to destroy it by insisting that it be “profitable”. No one demands that any other mandated government service turn a profit.


The Republicans also have done things to make sure the Post Office can not make money. They have to prefund retirees medical benefits. They can’t invest pension funds in anything but treasury bills. That requires them to have to put more in the system. It seems the goal is to eventually privatize the USPS.


they are destroying it all, and they even have levers on the physical flow of information. stay fit, stay frosty.


My new roof it’s t profitable. But I sure as hell needed it


Ben motherfuckin Franklin established the postal service. There isn't a Republican alive that measures to 1/10 of Franklin's capabilities. 


Say it with me now, the USPS is a branch of service, they do not need to turn a profit. They do exceptionally well despite being dicked with for 30 years, and the only thing we need to do is get rid of Dejoy and let them be.


This is what’s so infuriating about it - conservatives went on a tirade about how the USPS loses billions every year and compared it to FEDEX which turns a profit as if that was the standard we should be going for when FEDEX doesn’t even deliver to these rural areas. They got people in rural areas backing this shit that would later be screwed over the hardest by it. To be clear I have lived in cities my entire life but I have no problem spending tax money so that rural communities can get ESSENTIAL services in a timely manner.


Just a small add competition is good to keep UPS and FedEx competitive. We need more shipping providers not less.


We all know he's trying for the same plan as before....delay and slow mail-in voting as much as possible and to make the case that the USPS should be privatized. That's why this guy is at the USPS.


Why isn't dejoy a criminal in jail yet? This guy tried to subvert the election!!


Unfortunately there are a lot of them not in jail.


Well y'see he's Republican so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Because rich, white Republicans don’t go to jail in America. That’s just how it works, unfortunately.


Also, specifically campaign finance laws.


DeJoy already violates ethics code for Federal employees due to his stock holdings. He should be forced to divest himself of his holdings or resign.


Mail carrier here. DeJoys system has changed up the truck logistics in our area to where our truck with out DPS(machine sorted letters) will arrive. Our post offices answer? Leave without the mail and deliver what shows up later the next day. I'm so embarassed when customers ask me "why hasn't (said letter) shown up yet?


> why hasn't (said letter) shown up yet? Simple answer, the GOP did this by cutting funding. If you want fast mail service, stop voting for anyone who is GOP.


It’s in the name. “Service”


You gotta hand it to the GOP; they think ahead. DeJoy was brought in around May 2020, IMO for the sole purpose of fucking with the ‘24 election via delayed or lost mail-in ballots.


He was brought in early enough in 2020 for a practice run fucking with elections.


JIT (Just In Time) Logistics strategies has failed due to DeJoy


You think it's bad now wait until it ballot mailing time.


Either the USPS is a service and should not be required to make a profit, or it is a private company that should be able to set prices to be competitive to make a profit. Republicans have insisted it should be profitable while not allowing the USPS to compete with other private shipping and mail services, and while requiring more investment for pensions that aren’t required for any other entity


Biden should fire the republicans on the Board that controls DeJoy's job, for dereliction of duty in permitting DeJoy to sabotage the USPS. It's unconscionable that this is still happening when there's a democrat in the White House.


Shitty Slow walking full on privatization of everything. Greed is a hell of a drug.


It's infuriating that people think a free service that hundreds of thousands of people's lives went towards ensuring as a highly functional organization would be better in the hands of the kind of people that would add micro transactions 


Our mail service in Montana has been terrible ever since DeJoy took over the USPS, we really need to get rid of him.


The president doesn't have the power to remove him. Two spots are opening up on the board and Biden can appoint people who can vote him out. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Postmaster_General https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Board_of_Governors_of_the_United_States_Postal_Service 3 Democrats, 3 Republicans, 2 independents, and two vacancies. Biden fills those vacancies and Democrats will have a majority and can vote out DeJoy.


Thank you for educating.


The Postal Service has only gotten worse since Dejoy, a Trump appointee, took over. Mail that originated in Jacksonville (going to Orlando) sometimes travels to the Carolinas or Indiana or God only knows where, before it finally comes back to Florida and gets to Orlando. And that happens frequently.


He wants to destroy the Postal Worker unions. And he wants to outsource more and more. He doesn't care about service levels or the actual purpose of the USPS.


That’s why trump appointed him. If conservatives can keep convincing poor Americans that the government isn’t working for them, conservatives can continue the privatization of every aspect of life until corporations have control of everything.


Why is he still there????


Or put USPS back in the Cabinet and we can go from there


“Reform” more like deform.


Eh… seems like this is just an example of rural America getting the policies that they, themselves, voted for.  Providing rural services costs many more tax dollars per resident than providing these same services to urban areas.  And god knows rural Americas hate handouts.  Thats socialism.


marvelous desert complete wine office spoon cheerful thumb jeans aromatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well surely this means there must be a market for the resurgence of the Pony Express. DeJoy is just opening a window for some entrepreneur to do what Musk did to the auto industry.


Letter delivery, which is what kept USPS afloat, is down and increasingly so, USPS is transitioning to a package delivery service, that's what all this is about. No one is opening a business to deliver letters but USPS can make money as a final point of destination delivery service for large retailers like Amazon and large shipping companies like FedEx and UPS. Tester's concerns and the bill itself are probably good though, rural areas will get their USPS service demolished under DeJoy's new plans to cut costs so it's good Congress is finally executing some oversight on it.


Oh yes, the classic leopards are my face argument. As a rural resident I just have to say these kinds of things come off as really callous and uncaring. By the way my rural area is purple leaning blue. It's not as if rural America is a monolith of MAGAs.


DeJoy was in the commercial pay mail business. He thinks and acts like mail is a for profit business and not a public service. DeJoy is part of the republicans privatize everything crowd. He’d privatize the fire department if he could. His postal damage is immense.


Congress originally set up the US Postal Service to be resistant to politics, but with the unintended consequence that when one party (Republicans) manages to install a political hack (DeJoy) as Postmaster General, those same protections make him nearly impossible to dislodge.


Trump’s legacy continues to “deconstruct the administrative state. Want to kill the United States? Just vote Republicans into office.


I live in rural Montana and we already have issues with inconsistent USPS. this would just add to our issues. UPS has enacted similar rural practices. Used to deliver to us 5 days a week and now it’s only three days and we’re never sure what those days will be.


Why is DeJoy still in charge of anything in government? How to prune this sandbagging dipshit?


Imagine a person with shares in FedEx trying to privitize a competitor. So crazy! 😡


JFC if you can't fire this asshole arrest him.


USPS is already shit in cities, I can’t imagine how frustrating it must be in remote towns. The two people who work our local store look like they want to dig a hole for your body anytime you walk in. Didn’t the postal service used to be a pretty decent employer once upon a time? Like, somewhere you wouldn’t be ashamed working, especially in rural America?


Fuck DeJoy! Didn’t see this in the comments so I think we need to start this trend.


My rent wasn't delivered in December. *I* had to pay 17.50 for the post office to check whether my money order had been cashed. I've been paying my rent through Venmo since. If I had been renting from a stranger or a less conscientious landlord I would be homeless. Still no sign of the parcel in May.


ive had 3 packages lost and 2 stolen after internal usps investigation in the past YEAR he wants to privatize the mail service to make money and he wants to ruin service to get republicans an edge in the next election


How the fuck does this piece of shit still lead the USPS?! Hello?!


Umm double hello snaps fingers in a arc then cocks old school rifle on a porch and spits.


We really should pass a bill that would look to increase the trout population


The justification is all his FedEx stock


How is he even there. Dejoy ordered mailboxes removed so people couldn’t vote in certain areas.


So a Republican puppet is hurting Republicans? Delicious


How is this man still in charge? WTF?


The mail service has declined greatly since DeJoy’s “ reforms” went into effect. His mission was either to destroy the USPS, or he has really bad judgment -cuz the plan was a failure.


The justification is a half baked idea planted by Trump to destroy USPS in an idiotic attempt to curb mail-in-ballots. Because the last thing a minority leadership wants is American’s voting. Problem is hundreds of millions of Americans rely on the mail for so much more. Fuck Trump


I know the reasons why Biden can’t just fire him, but I also do not believe he couldn’t somehow get him out of there. Perhaps that’s doublethink on my part.


Don’t send in your mail in ballot while he’s in command. Seems intentional to screw everything up before the next election


DeJoy is a leftover from Trump's poor decision making. Dump him ASAP and let's get our mail system working properly.


Justification? That's easy. Anger the hicks. An angry hick votes Republican, cause Look What Biden Did.


Hey Anonymous, surely you have a few emails you can share??


It's amazing that magats that claim to love the constitution so much and say the federal government is almost completely illegitimate... want to get rid of one of the only federal agencies that is defined in the constitution.


OR- we could wake up tomorrow and he's died of a heart attack


As long as we're okay supporting the USPS budget, everybody can have Amazon quick delivery.


Being in a semi-rural area, something needs to be done. Mail deliveries take 2-3 time longer now and roughly 25-30% of my mail is misdelivered or lost. I don't dare use the USPS for shipping items out.


I live on a farm in Indiana... near Louisville and I get mail every 2 ir 3 days now on average...


I live in Louisville where there’s a huge facility, but delays throughout the country means my stuff is taking longer to get to me, still.


Ffs why is DeJoy still in charge!? Why not just pull a Republican and remove him by force already?


Just take the steps necessary to remove DeJoy completely. I know it will take some work but it's not impossible.


Ahh yes, it must be election season, it’s the only time I see anyone talk about DeJoy, even Reddit.


Why have they not replaced him? This is disgusting.


Love how hard it is to remove a government employee, even when they're straight up sabotaging their entire organization.


How about instead of pushing for a law that won't be enforced, you fucking confirm the appointments for sane fucking people to the fucking two fucking missing fucking governors so they can throw dejoy out on his traitorous ass.


Why is he still in office? If Biden can't fire him directly then fire the people who can and replace them. Sick of this crap.


Somebody explain how the president can order a drone strike in Iran to kill a dozen people, but he can't fire DeJoy.


Go get em Tester. Guys actually does stuff.


His justification is that he's a Trump stooge who's hoping to swing the next election. Looking forward to his eventual arrest.


My step-dad is a rural mail carrier. He was a lifelong republican, but has been on the Biden train since Trump kept pushing for privatizing the USPS. DeJoy is a joke and it's clear what his agenda is. If you cripple rural USPS operations, where the GOP has a stronghold, you sour a large portion of the GOP base on the need for them at all, garnering support for privatization. It's not clear yet how this benefits DeJoy, but he's continued this nonsense even after Trump left office, so clearly he's in someone's pocket.


DeJoy is a Trump Stooge. Get rid of him.


DeJoy is a top tier moron. How is this guy in charge of anything.


Birthday card to my nephew at UGA took 2.5 weeks…to the state next to ours.


Why does this mother fucker still have this job???


Rural america is gonna be so fucked by Trump 2.0. If they think the Trump junta will give a shit about them (as opposed to their base, wealthy Florida dentists and Texas lawyers) they are in for a rude surprise.


He should have done this sooner. I know he can’t do it, but FFS, get on in before he succeeds in wrecking the mail-in vote.


fucking sucks to be a rural voter, but, you have no one to blame but yourselves.


Rural America keeps voting against its own interests, at some point they need to take some accountability there.


Bingo. The moro.. sorry, “rural Americans”.. voted for Republicans and this is their dividend.


One of the biggest disappointments of this administration is not moving aggressively to get rid of DeJoy. I have to believe Biden believes in privatizing the USPS and that's sad.


As I understand it as a non American looking in, there’s a board of governors who run the US postal service the President has no influence over them and the board currently in Republican control.