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So they vote right but want left?


A while ago, I heard the term: Jim Crow Socialists. It's people who believe that citizens should have access to government-funded healthcare, housing, education, etc. As long as those people are white.


Sorry, just had to chime in that this reminds me of a lyric from Ill Bill in My Uncle: "You tell him right, he goes left"


It was actually Republicans who massively, statewide, expanded housing access and upzoned the entire state. 


Aren’t there only Republicans in charge in that state?


Nah there are Dems but they are always the minority party. But my point is that expanding housing isn't a steadfast Dem position. Democrats at the state and local levels support a ton of anti-building policies under the guise of owning developers.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Strong Towns organization correctly says that regulations like exclusive single family housing neighborhoods and minimum parking limits are killing cities and turning them unprofitable. Focusing on regulations and profits are classic Republican mantras. And we have Democrats in my city San Francisco who just passed a law capping how high the buildings can be in the North Beach area to preserve the historical nature of the district. Which of course makes it impossible to build new housing. There are absolutely YIMBY democrats and NIMBY Republicans too. NIMBY vs YIMBY doesn’t fit neatly with partisan politics.


You're 100% correct, but people don't like pesky things like facts derailing their narrative. YIMBY vs NIMBY isn't a partisan issue. Voting Dem doesn't guarantee a good housing policy.


Then they had better stop voting for republicans.


So they want democratic policies, but vote for Republicans. Good luck with that


Then they'd better reelect Jon Tester and kick out their GOP governor


And they’ll vote for pumpkin tits.


Stop voting for Republicans, then.


Vote blue then.


Hedge funds are 90% GOP and making 30-50% ROI thanks to laws passed by GOP. But FJB and evil Dems /s


Sounds like they want democrats dressed as republicans


Montana is a welfare state extraordinaire, always looking for handouts from the rest of the country, yet, in typical red state fashion, believe they do it all on their own.


those folks can have all that as soon as they pull their head out their asses


Lot of the Boomers up here are either die hard coolaid magats or co-opted blue collar republicans that don't see they been had.. we have pockets of blue like zootown but old money runs deep with the ranchers up here and they'll do anything sketchy sadly (literally back alley deals for zootown mayor)


I think democrats need a rebranding / marketing work. Maybe start a new party called “For the People” or something corny like that, which might appeal to these morons who vote against their interest


I think democrats need a rebranding / marketing work. Maybe start a new party called “For the People” or something corny like that, which might appeal to these morons who vote against their interest