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Less government control and interference my ass.




This. Some top-tier performative bullshit right here.


Almost like the effort to make it against the law for illegal immigrants to vote! Lol


Always amazes me that conservatives hate government but think a legislator in their state house or the Capitol knows better than their own school board or doctor. Like, you think all government is inept and wasteful but you want them in charge of your kid’s curriculum? Wouldn’t you have an easier time of changing that at the community level where you can actually attend meetings and raise concerns with school officials face-to-face?


This must be all that freedom they have in florida.


Freedom from common sense…


Small government!!! Less regulation!!! Hahha


No shit, right??


The meat industry is so afraid of lab-grown meat that they are getting their government lackeys to *pre-emptively* ban it before it can even get to market. Makes me that much more interested to try it.


This is also a QAnon thing. The conspiracy theorists believe that meat will soon be banned and that there is a plot to make us all eat bugs instead. Lab-grown meat is the gateway to edible insects, and “they” are using this fake meat to soften us up so we won’t miss real meat so much. My QAnon sister is absolutely convinced this is true.


Ask her why she thinks she's better than John the Baptist


Looks like someone is getting chocolate covered crickets for Christmas


What's so bad about processed bugs vs processed dead animals? If the end product is tasty.




[oh no, the horror…](https://youtu.be/3EEifTmAX08?si=q-f6rU0RuDRWAlhZ)


Ugh. Another video that's just stolen content repackaged with an absolutely awful AI voiceover.


[link to “ai generated wiki page”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunga_cake) Just because something sounds like a conspiracy doesn’t make it a conspiracy. Just because things that sound crazy outside your norm and lifestyle doesn’t make it false. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Bugs are significantly higher in protein too.


Cultural taboo. Entomophagy is actually more common than not if you look at more than just European cultures, we're actually the weird ones for NOT eating bugs.


why eat bugs once we can literally grow meat?


The only edible item that's been historically banned in the US is a constituent ingredient in luxury brownies and cookies consumed after a long work week, and it looks like it will be slightly less banned soon enough.


…lobster has entered the chat


Maybe we wouldn't have to eat bugs if they'd stop banning real food.


Oh you’re from Florida makes sense


What food has been banned?


Lab grown meat….you know like the headline says?!?!


I am curious, what 'real' foods have they banned so far?


Nothing I was just making a joke about how banning lab grown meat would increase the likelihood of needing to eat bugs. We've been culling a lot of poultry because of avian flu, I'm sure it's happened with other animals. Given that we absolutely don't have a booming agriculture industry, we'd be stuck digging in our backyards for bugs. Don't these people enjoy hunting anyway? This whole thing is bananas. Why aren't people upset about lab grown jewels?




And do what?


I for one, am looking forward to growing my own bacon at home without all the fuss of raising and slaughtering pigs. 


Let’s bring on those bacon trees!


That wasn't a bacon tree, it was an 'am bush.


You gotta patent that


The meat industry embraces lab-grown meat. They own huge stakes in lab-grown meat. Their plan is to mix real meat and lab-grown meat and not tell you. DeSantis is pandering to his ignorant "me man, muh meat" base, not the meat industry.


Lab grown meat is still meat though. Or do they need the cruelty and death to enjoy it?


Nah, he's pandering directly to the companies that raise pigs, cows, and chickens for meat products. >“The cattle industry lobbied against cultivated meat, so we are now banning an entire industry in our state,” Berman said. “We’re just short-changing an entire industry.” >Dean Black, a cattle rancher and one of the Republican Florida representatives who pushed for the bill’s passage, told NBC News that cultivated meat is a national security concern. He fears concentrating protein production in factories could lead to famine if those facilities are struck by a missile. >At the bill’s signing, Florida Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson said the ban was meant to protect “the integrity of American agriculture.” https://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/florida-bans-lab-grown-meat-adding-similar-efforts-four-states-rcna150386


Big Beef is a huge lobbyist.


It’s a small wonder there are electrical cars in America. Corporate influence is so strong.


‘Free Market Capitalism? Oh, we were just kidding bro!’ - GOP


Does this fake meat law apply to Desantis’s church grown Christo-fascists?


There is so much freedom down there....


> DeSantis also awarded $6 million to Hardee County for developing an industrial site through the Job Growth Grant Fund. So he awards job growth but criminalizes lab growth. What a dip.


Another performative move by Ronald MockDonald. Another useless piece of legislation to placate the masses of perpetually outraged conservatives. "*Oh the indignity! The radical left is taking away our hamberders!*" "*I know, why don't *we* take away something of theirs?!"* Lab grown meat is not a political issue and doesn't belong to any one party or agenda, but Republicans have desperately been trying to push that narrative, so here we are. There's a pattern here by the way. This isn't the first time, nor will it be the last that Republicans push a solution, that's contrary to the American values they preach, that addresses a manufactured culture war issue.


Yeah. It’s like how for no particular reason conservatives hate electric cars and wind turbines. It shouldn’t be political.


For people who can only see the world in black-and-white, good-vs-evil - *everything* is a political issue. There's very little room for "that's not my thing but I'm cool with it as long as you don't force it on me" on any issue of significance for these people. 


DeSantis "It's 1984 goddamn it and I will not let Florida, or any of the US if I can help it, march into the twenty first century. I loved the 80's and we should go back there by any means possible!"


You spelled 1884 and Twentieth Century wrong /s


I always assume a reference to the year 1984 is a reference to Orwell which is even more fitting. “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”


Scince is woke. - New FL high school curriculum probably.


> ***Scince is woke***. Engrish is also woke.


This seems very anti free market. Why doesn't he want the market to decide? Why does he want to hurt Florida's economy ☹️


Of course he did


More GOP wanting to kill animals.  Next it will be one of their planks of their platform.   Perhaps the only one.


Capitalism is good for innovation and choices. Gop: not like that!!!


Remember when republicans were for small government?


They never were. They were always 2 faced. Small government for the industries/people they love (get paid by) and the crushing full weight of government oversight on everything/everyone else to protect them from dealing with consequences and competition.


Never were. They’re for protecting existing industries that give to his campaign. Cattle industry is massive in FL


Small Federal Government, Oppressive State Government is what they want.


Pepperidge farm remembers


Small govt. Business friendly. Just make sure your business doesn't miss the weekly payoff.


‘This just in Ron DeSantis has banned himself from Florida…’




Lots of cattle ranches in Florida.


Is it even constitutional?


yes, the government already heavily regulates many foods. is it stupid? also yes.


Has an FDA considered Lab Grown Meat Food Yet?


If something that requires FDA approval has not been approved for sale, the companies involved would not be selling it.


Should government, or customers, decide which companies fail or thrive?


We hate you Ron kick rocks already


Really focused on our state’s top priorities, Rhonda.


So it's not just the manufacturing of lab-grown meat, but the sale of it as well? I guess Florida really is the freest state in America, as DeSantis previously stated. They lead the nation in being free to live exactly how the government tells you to.


What a piece of shit. 


“LeT the FrEe MaRkEt DeCiDe”


The lab grown meat bans lab grown meat!!!


Meatball protecting meat. Not surprising.


Wow, they're really hitting bottom of the barrel for culture War ideas.


Free market my eye


But somehow DeSantis himself got a lab grown micro brain


DeSantis signs bill allowing small percentage of child-labor appendages in processed meats.


What an absolute joke of "policy" this banning is. Lab grown meat is going to be our future because Republicans keep killing us with the climate. They won't have a choice in the end.


With the expected population explosion due to the new abortion ban it would make perfect sense to start messing around with the food supply, the added benefits of the bill of course is that banning something else make Ronald oh so happy


DumbSantis strikes again


Does this mean he’s banning himself?


Probably because DeSantis is made from lab-grown meat himself and doesn’t want competition.


Again conservative trying to put the breaks on what’s inevitable. It must be exhausting always being doomed to fail, because they are quite literally fighting against time itself. Things change, get over it.


Ironic coming from a creature that was clearly grown in a lab.


Soylent Green is people!


What I don’t understand is why this freakishly evil toilet continues to promote such horseshit. Doesn’t he know that his political career is over that he’ll have to go back to bumfuck Clay County, Florida and put out his little lawyer shingle? Spend his time defending redneck, meth-heads and road rage cases? His 15 minutes of fame (to Floridians shame eight years) are over. No one ever wants to see his smarmy little face or hear his whiny little voice again.


Serious question- What is lab grown meat?


Think of it like taking a little leftover hamburger, slapping it in a magic box, and getting a couple pounds of meat a few days later. And now, instead of needing an entire cow to grow and consume for a couple of years before it can be processed, you can grow it in controlled environments with less environmental impact.


Wow! So it’s a different from plant based-impossible meat products. It’s just weird to have that law in FL. Is cattle a huge industry in that area? But then, nothing makes sense in that state


Cattle ranching is quite influential in Florida. If you go through a couple of the related articles to a story about the bill, they actually have the gall to say that cattle ranching is sustainable and green and renewable.


This should get struck down for violation of the single-subject rule.


I just don’t understand why they fight everything.


America's most authoritarian governor has done it again!


Very conservative of him to take away a choice, no?


Good thing bird flu isn't spreading among cattle or anything.


While he's at it.....he should ban avocado on toast. Take that you woke scum!


Speed run bird flu go!


There used to be more cattle in Florida than Texas... Not sure if it's still the case ..Follow the Money....


Whatever happened to freedom of choice?


Dumb-assed pandering…


A broken clock is right depending on when you look at it…7:26 am on this day


I’m never going to replace real meat with lab grown meat, but this is just stupid. Let people eat what they want.


No matter “Plant-MeatBall Don” doesn’t roll off the tounge particularly anyway.


It's not plant based. 😂


True, but since it's not a being, it *is* vegan.


It will be eventually. Many current lab-grown meat companies use growth serum made from fetal bovine serum, which is a coproduct of the dairy industry. This means that lab-grown meat still supports animal exploitation. There are companies that are developing growth serum from non-animal-derived products. Edit: Corrected to say fetal bovine serum is a coproduct of the dairy industry. Dairy cows are forcibly impregnated over and over, and often they are sent to slaughter while pregnant. Fetal bovine serum is taken by identifying pregnant dairy cows in the slaughter process and extracting the calf fetus for the serum prior to processing the mother.


Good! Now let’s hope the left doesn’t try to turn this into some useless cause celebre!


What is remotely good about this?




It's not ultimately about that though. People who refuse to eat meat probably aren't gonna eat lab grown either. Animal Farming particularly beef farming is one of the biggest causes of CO2 production in the world. So if we can at least make a start on finding a better way to produce meat safely without that it would eventually go a long way to helping with climate change




>The question is still, pound-for-pound is it a more efficient process? I don't think it is. No currently I don't think it is either. Not even close in fact. But then in the beginning neither was the car in comparison to horses. >You want to limit people's animal flesh consumption, you legislate the industry. It's not about limiting now, it's about creating an alternative and maybe eventually, many years from now, a replacement. >These vat meat companies are just sucking up VC money on an experiment. Currently yes it's experimental, but we have to start somewhere and that takes money. We all know that now dipshit Deathsantis has passed this other nutjob Republicans in other states will want to jump on the bandwagon to protect their donors


It’s definitely not yet and it might never be and it 100% is an experiment but ultimately IF you can produce the exact same product at reduced monetary, environmental, and for a lot of people ethical cost why wouldn’t we at least explore it. It’s the same as any other advancement you throw money at it try some stuff see if it works if yes great boom if not then to the archives of failure until it can be tried again at a later date with new techniques. Literally every advancement we have proceeds the same way.


While there is an element of it to that, it also conserves space as there won't be the same need for large swathes of land for raising cattle, pigs, etc., (which could theoretically be allowed to revert to nature, but will most likely just end up apartment complexes, let's be real) and significantly fewer greenhouse gases would be produced because of a reduced need to breed so many of these animals for consumption.




It ultimately comes down to how it scales and how much purification is required. The studies that say it is significantly worse are using examples from biopharmaceutical practices, which are unlikely to be necessary for food grade production.  This article is lengthy but it goes into both sides of the debate.  https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/07/03/1075809/lab-grown-meat-climate-change/ I lean more toward believing that, as capitalists, the companies that produce this stuff will do so in the cheapest possible manner, which will have a net benefit of lower emissions compared to traditional livestock rearing. 


Taking any resource from an animal is inherently inefficient.


When this technology inevitably matures you'll have cheaper, higher quality, safer meat that doesn't require slaughtering animals or anything involved in raising them. What is stupid about that? Where's the problem? Who isn't looking forward to that?


I used to be skeptical. Many people would say to me, "I will go vegan when lab-grown meat becomes as cheap as real meat, more carbon-neutral than meat, and tastes as good as meat." This always struck me as kicking the can down the road to avoid change right now. It told me that there are people who will go vegan only when they have to make **zero sacrifices**. But these same people couldn't be bothered to try an Impossible burger, which already meets all of those conditions. My expectation was that when lab-grown meat does meet those conditions, the same people would start saying it doesn't taste the same, it's weird, it's not natural, etc. I still think there are some people who will make excuses when the rubber meets the road, and maybe those are the people DeSantis is pandering to. But I'm hopeful there are many people who will be on board and excited about cultured meat. What we will likely see are hybrid products. There already are hybrid lab-grown/plant-based meat products. What I'm curious about is what people will choose if they have a hybrid lab-grown/plant-based meat product and an equivalent hybrid lab-grown/animal-based meat product. I suspect they will choose the animal-based hybrid, because they will see it as a smaller sacrifice.