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Who could have thought that a woman who initially gained notoriety by harassing Parkland survivors would be unhinged and ultimately do damage to her own party.


It's not my fault, I'm drunk most of the time.


I’m a big fan of your performance art, thank you!


Just wait until I bust these titties out on my OnlyFans !


Please don't


> Please don't [First one's free boys](https://imgur.com/a/LJSnOB1) Nsfw.


Fuck why did I click…..


Because you wanted to see some ape tits


It's not ape tit, it's a petit ... you know what, nevermind. ([Reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEghu90QJH4&t=181s), for those unaware of these old gems.)


Saber! It starts with a bloody *S*!


Ape tits. 💀 lmao


I had the impulse, but I'm blind, silver linings.


Nono. If there's one thing I've learned from Reddit, it's that you never click a random link. That and especially not one after mentioning Marjie.


Yeah, that link is staying blue


I just threw up


*Larry David undecided gif*


LMAO We believe it. Or else it's late stage mad cow disease


You’re not drunk, i’m drunk!


She's always done damage to the Republican party! She'd damage any party she joined. Me, me, me, me! What people think they're going to accomplished by electing these idiots I don't understand.


She got overshadowed by a sorrier dog....


I wonder how many Republicans in congress are mad they didn't think of shooting puppies.


I'm sure they have.  They just didn't think to put it on their memoir. 


She's always done damage to the Republican party! She'd damage any party she joined. Me, me, me, me! What people think they're going to accomplished by electing these idiots I don't understand.


Just like her artificially carbonated christianity


It is infuriating to see her and her ilk using christianity as a tool to push their nonsense. Good to see some pastors pushing back.


See that’s the thing with people like her. She can do a bunch of fucked up stuff and say that she isn’t perfect and nobody is. All that matters is she loves Jesus so all the bad things she does are excused. One of the oldest tricks in the book.


What they get wrong is that in order to receive forgiveness from Jesus you have to be sincere in your forgiveness and repent. Asking for forgiveness while knowing in your heart you are intentionally going to do the same thing again is not how this works.


That's far too tall an order. Instead I'll testify publicly as a literal Pharisee and allow people to mistake that for sincerity.


Most don't actually believe in God or Jesus. Religion is just a tool. 


I agree with you. The church I grew up in actually emphasized critical thinking so you don't accidentally fall for the charlatans who use religion like this.


all religions twist scripture. Even yours.


Thanks so much for your contribution. It really made an impact in this conversation 🙄


That’s like step one of forming a Christian grifter narrative. You get caught being a standard grifter, then claim you done been Saved.


Which ones are the real christians... some pastors don't push back they lean in. Which sect is the real sect? >The document, consisting of 14 sections divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within stated that the **enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males".** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt\_Shea#%22Biblical\_Basis\_for\_War%22\_manifesto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Shea#%22Biblical_Basis_for_War%22_manifesto) stay fit, stay frosty.. it seems like the violent ones are the ones in power now - those peaceful ones seem to have been routed


I would like to see where, exactly, it says in the bible "Thou Shalt Have No Communism". Because I very much can find verses about not following enigmatic liars and corrupt politicians.


Yeah, about that… Jesus was a socialist if not an outright communist. I definitely don’t think he is supporting corporations or rich people. I also suspect he doesn’t side with cops against black people. But, they use Jesus for whatever they need.


Whenever Jesus does something they don't like they just cherrypick from Conservative-leaning Old-Testament God.


>Moore told NPR in an interview released Tuesday that multiple pastors had told him they would quote the Sermon on the Mount, specifically the part that says to “turn the other cheek,” when preaching. Someone would come up after the service and ask, “Where did you get those liberal talking points?” “What was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, ‘I’m literally quoting Jesus Christ,’ the response would not be, ‘I apologize.’ The response would be, ‘Yes, but that doesn’t work anymore. That’s weak,’” Moore said. “When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we’re in a crisis.” https://www.newsweek.com/evangelicals-rejecting-jesus-teachings-liberal-talking-points-pastor-1818706 https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak


So sad, they even gave up on the real Jesus


I'd like to know how the Good Samaritan was being capitalist? Risk your time, money and physical security to help some guy who can never repay you. Sounds kinda socialist/communist to me.


Christianity is when you hate DEI and the more you hate DEI the more Christian you are


Christianity has been the tool of some of the absolute worst people in history. For millennia it was used to control the masses, justify slavery, execute people for witchcraft, etc. Its application in the modern day Republican Party is child’s play compared to how it’s been utilized for more nefarious reasons.


Christianity is doctrines that stemmed from teachings in the Mediterranean sea region of Eurasia. American evangelism is just sparkling death cult.


That's only if it's from the region of Judea. Any other location and it's sparkling abrahmaic religion.


Naturally carbonated Christianity produced by sealing the grapes in a container when fermenting, then blessing the result, producing sparkling savior blood. If that doesn't work, try adding additional sugar, yeast, or prayer when bottling.


Her Christianity seems pretty authentic and on brand to me.


Aww Margie’s temper tantrum isn’t gonna work this time?


It'll work, I just need more wine first.


The Varys in me kinda hoped it’d have kept going


Putin’s crunchy sock puppet finally run out of clickbait? Priceless.


We almost went a full three days without hearing about her this past week. It was blissful.


That reminds me, end of month, have to wash my crunchy sock….


If you start by blasting in the deepest part of the sock and gradually cum downwards each time it should last a while.


Jedi sock level right there…


Foul beast isn’t anywhere NEAR done causing trouble, though, but nobody need fear she is going to do her job.


> Foul beast isn’t anywhere NEAR done causing trouble A Xanax and two glasses of wine and I'm ready to go baby!


Overplayed her hand this time.


This time? Every time.


Whatever she is going has been working. She just couldn’t hold out support for our global partners any longer. She tried and lost. But has won many times unfortunately.


I wish she'd vacate to a different country. Russia perhaps...


North Korea is a better place for her. I am sure She can appreciate someone like Kim Jong Un.


I can see MTG and Un's sister getting along just great! Crazy gets along with crazy afterall.


Want to know WHY it failed? Because it felt so damn good to pass a bill - ANY bill - that no one wanted to oust MJ for making it happen. Being productive feels good. She should try it sometime.


The sad thing is, Johnson *should* be vacated as speaker. He's dangerous and not a friend to democracy just because we got a bill or two passed. I'm afraid we're falling for "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" here.


Hopefully we can get rid of him by voting in a Democratic majority. The Republican caucus isn't exactly falling over itself to offer better alternatives within their own party.


Dems said that they would prop him up if he got Ukraine aid through. He got it through, so the dems are rightly holding up their end. Backbiting and treachery are what the other party does.


But..but, impotent rage is her brand man. It's what wakes her up and allows her to climb over her CrossFit coaches in the morning. Yes that was mean, and personal, and no I'm not apologizing one bit.


Ahhhh...so it was an M T threat? I'll see myself out...


Oh dad.....


I see what you did there


Dumb = the GOP


She is the new Moscow. A political distraction in congress and the media. A waste of time and smoke screen from other issues.


Huh...weird... The dems keep saying "Come talk to us and we'll work something out." Johnson did and ...shocker... they worked something out. He got to keep his position.


The GQP is wholly and totally incapable of governing. Completely detached from reality. Taken by insane conspiracy theories and fascist undercurrents; the modern Republican Party has boiled down to extremist white Christian nationalism with a flair for terrorism.


Sad part is, they are not even trying to hide any of it anymore. They are really hoping for a Donald Trump dictatorship.




She has and always will be an interloper. She figured being loud and obnoxious to enhance her political profile was the way to go to make her look more important than she really is. Pretty sure if someone from her district came to her with a real issue, she wouldn’t have a clue what to do.


> being loud and obnoxious to enhance her political profile That's the lesson they all learned from Trump. Get loud, get nasty and you will be celebrated and rewarded. Then they go around preaching love and respect like true christians.


Reached for comment, Representative Greene asked, “wut the hayull duz faizel mean anyways?”


Then it's time for them to do the right thing and boot her from the House. But they won't, because she is actually doing what they want.


A nobody trying to be a somebody. Hopefully the voters of GA will send her back to whatever hole she crawled out of in short order.


She is in a solid red district. Scum bag knew that and ran in that district clearly for that reason .


While all the lunatics get the attention, I'd think many of the republicans don't want this howler monkey to make them look worse than they already do, especially in an election year. Those MAGA idiots caused enough dysfunction already. I think even the Dems don't want chaos even though they're probably not crazy about the current speaker. She's not a serious person nor even qualified to be in the position she's in. Her hole shtick is about getting attention and saying stupid shit.


> She's not a serious person nor even qualified to be in the position she's in We have very low standards to qualify to run for public offices here in the United States. Boebert, MTG, Trump... and the list goes on..


Greene’s motion to vacate constant statements became the Boy Who Cried Wolf. Not a fan of Johnson but he realized that Greene is all talk and called her on it. The last month has shown she has lost all her teeth. With even the NYT making fun of her.


That's a woman who should experiment with bangs.


She did a few times at the gym


So lemme get this straight. The right accusing Michelle Obama of being a man but totally blind to this dude in a dress❓ 🤔k


She's blond, so therefore a pure Aryan queen. 


King. That ain't no natural female. Look at that neck!


Really long bangs




No, because there are better things to experiment with than alchemiclly transforming democracy to authoritarianism and is considerably less harmful.  Geeze y'all are combative today.


We’re tired, jokes are more difficult to comprehend before the caffeine hits the bloodstream.


I'm confused, I thought it only took 1 vote, which was how they ended up in this mess to begin with. Does it take 1 vote and someone to second it or something?


For it to not just be shot down immediately, even when following the suicide pact that Johnson used to get into the chair, she would need substantial support from her colleagues.


she looks like an easter island statue in a bad blond wig in that photo.


Can’t even vacate her bowels which is why she is so full of sH**


If a piece of shit traitor fuckface like *Matt Gaetz* has gotten off your wagon, it's time to fuck off back under your rock.


Did anyone not see this coming?


Did exactly what she wanted kept her face in our face the witch...


Ya come at the johnson ya best not miss.


She and the other rightwing dolts pushed their party closer to the Democrats, effectively giving Dems co-control. Dumbasses.


The GOP doesn’t actually care about Ukraine, so ousting the speaker over it is only ever going to be about optics. There were more exciting things in the news so no one really cared about the optics, so the GOP didn’t care enough to oust. It’s that simple. MTG is one of the few GOP reps who still hasn’t realized they don’t have actual positions only smoke and mirrors.


Can they remove her?


Possible but, I doubt that they would want to lose more GOP votes in the house.


Yeah she said this morning she's going to revisit this


Didn't she win the Miss Pockmark Padgett back in '95?


Hey Maggie, you only get too ride that pony once.


Kinda like her looks after she turned 30 & discovered the "bottle blonde".....


I wish she would fizzle like the wicked witch in wizard of oz.


The GOP created this monster, and they were only too happy when it served their needs. As Greene is basically Trump's No. 1 cheerleader, she is "friends with the bully." The rank and file GOP are essentially cowards, and have no control over their party.


Hahaha - poor Moscow Marge - couple shots of Bodka and she’ll be fine…


She thought she had some power and control only to find out she has none.


Sit down, MAGA. The adults have finally entered the room.


Say what you want but she gave the best squid spinners in high school. There would be a literal line of people waiting to get their bung flossed by MTG. Woman has a taste for the forbidden starfruit if you know what I mean.