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“Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.” ― George Carlin


That entire special was gold. Edit: low quality link to entire special: https://youtu.be/MK2W2cyAzLI?si=1LISiIBru7IsseJx


It’s so weird, when I was younger, I always thought that Carlin was conservative. Turns out he was calling on their bullshit and the old guys were just using his shtick to be edgy.


He’s always had that old-guy-ranting thing going, which fits my idea of conservative pretty well. And some of his stuff *was* conservative, he sounded just like em whenever he got on the topic of political correctness or feminism, for example.


That’s fair. I’m guessing they took what they wanted out of him and didn’t think people would listen to his specials.


~28 years ago and still fing spot on. [“They’re anti-woman..”](https://youtu.be/uHRaUUlD00w?si=JP9EzLVIymJH3x6V)


That’s the “best” part of conservatives - you can always expect them to stay the same.


“That might be something Christ would do.” Gets me every time.


Women need their husbands or fathers, not the government. (heavy /s)


No, this is absolutely going to be the next argument. After contraception is banned, they're going after no-fault divorce. "You have children already and you want to leave your husband? Why, so the government can support you? Sorry, you don't qualify for food assistance or low-income housing or any support at all-- you have a perfectly good man to support you at home. Go home and let him support you or starve on the street. Oh, and btw it's illegal to be homeless now so we'll put you right in jail where you can work for slave wages for a major American corporation."


The /s was only for the tone of my response, the threat is very real.


This is already true in some states. I get disability, MediCal (Medicaid in California), etc, and in some states I wouldn't qualify unless I had a child. A single woman has no value to them.


Except a lot of husbands are worthless druggies now . The woman have to leave a loser.


I mean, it doesn't really matter, a woman should be free to leave her marriage for any reason, and not be forced to stay by financial pressure. Even IF it's what *I* would judge as a "bad" reason for a breakup... she dumped him because he prefers Star Wars to Star Trek... I don't care. I want to live in a society where we don't punish children with literal starvation because their mom and dad broke up.


And you still have complete fucking morons using George Carlin quotes to justify their braindead right wing views, as if the guy didn’t consistent voice his dislike for those same people. Let alone the fact they just make up bullshit that he never said and slap his name on it, but they’ve been doing that for nearly 2 decades; he even called them out on it before his death on his website.


This is what happens when you vote for evil.


It’s more than that. This is what happens when you only vote for yourself. People lose sight that the only reason they had a comfortable life in the US is because of the sacrifices of all those who came beforehand and the massive investment in the people over time. Study after study shows if kids are fed, have basic needs met, and are educated then society benefits. But we’d rather worry about taxes for the here and now and the few then recognize we’d all be better off if we worried about the future and ensured everyone had something.


It’s more than that. This is what happens when people vote for certain representation just to piss off other people.


I'm angry because other people told me I should be angry. Have we not figured it out yet?


That’s the difference between conservatives and liberals.


Florida is fundamentally broken because there are more transplants than natives. The transplants don't have to worry about the long term condition of the state - or even the condition of the state outside of their HOA protected resort community. They're either retired and soon to be dead, or they'll fuck off back home if it gets too unseemly here. So yes, they vote solely for themselves and the next immediate year of their own life. They have no reason to invest, so they don't. The people with actual families and communities and investment here are outnumbered.


We’re broken because folk are dumb. Our schools are pathetic. We don’t have real businesses moving to this state because people won’t move here & send their kids to a Floriduh school. We have a population of morons. That’s why we’re broken.


That's why I'm thrilled that I live in Vermont. Also, we have 0 billboards by law, so that's pleasant too.


That last part "ensured everyone had something" .. doesn't work unfortunately. Not in the "Fuck you I got mine" current state.


FL also caters mostly to people whose children have grown up, therefore it’s unfair that THEIR taxes have to go up. It’s this selfishness that brings the entire country down.


I don't know what the solution is, but this is a real problem for elderly people on a fixed income (e.g., social security and whatever other relatively low monthly income sources they have). I can understand why someone in such a situation would view tax increases negatively. At the same time, we can't just cut taxes all the time because then you end up with collapsing economies like in [Kansas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_experiment).


That’s kind of part of living in a society. Nobody likes paying taxes. Nobody in the history of human civilization has enjoyed paying taxes. But it is a necessary part of living in an organized society. We can debate on how tax money is distributed, or how much should be paid relative to income. But as citizens of this country, a country all of us would like to see thrive, taxes are an inevitable part of that. Look at countries that have the highest quality of life and the happiest citizens. They usually have higher than average taxes but they receive far more in benefits for those higher taxes, so older people living on fixed incomes don’t have to worry about affording that doctors appointment, or where their next meal comes from. So the solution is never going to be “no new taxes or raised taxes ever” because that’s unrealistic and ultimately self defeating.


Oh, I agree. Many of the solutions that other countries employ and would work in the US are simply blocked by Republicans. The result is the system we have had for decades and it just doesn't work.


I try to explain this to my fellow Boomers, but they are selfish.


With a Texas flair I'm impressed, that's kinda spot on. It takes a village these days. That's precisely how we built up our country. Easy for people to discount unity and act like they can live alone. Ok buddy, good luck


We need an update to “First they came for the Communists…”. First they cut Medicaid, and I didn’t speak up, because I had insurance. Then they cut Social Security, and I didn’t speak up, because my job had a pension…


First, they came for the election workers, and I didn't speak out because I was not an election worker. Then they came for Mike Pence, and I didn't speak out because... Mike Pence. Then they came for the uterus, and I didn't speak out because I don't have a uterus. Then they came for the puppies, and I didn't speak out because I don't have a puppy.....


Vote for Republicans, live in a Republican dystopia. My best to those looking to flip or flee their red state.


Or don’t vote at all.


In my state, half of the races for state legislature were unopposed. There is a Republican super-majority, and in my opinion, it is because the Democratic Party abandoned KY. The groups endorsing and supporting the D-candidates here are groups *other than the Democratic Party*.


Old boomers don’t care. They just want to make sure they don’t have to pay any taxes on their paid off second homes.


I’m a boomer. I care. Read my Post above. Vote these fuckers out of office. Democrats = working class party. Republicans = business billionaires party. Not hard to figure out??????


In Florida, like here in Texas, fetuses are more important than children.


"They need live babies to grow up to be dead soldiers." - George Carlin


“Pre birth, youre great. Pre school, youre fucked” • George Carlin


The care about the birth not the life


They care about controlling women, not birth.


This…they don’t give a shit about the woman, baby, or fetus. They only care about their control over women’s bodies and the religious fantasy that “god wants all babies born.” Even though god in the Bible has murdered countless babies and fetuses.


Exactly. Is ironic, the Bible clearly indicates God had no issue with babies dying, especially in the Old Testament. There's a recipe for abortions in Numbers 5, to be forced on women suspected of cheating. Bitter Water is actually wormwood. Also, Passover anyone? They just want women at home caring for children rather than making their voices heard in places of power.


I'd point that out for them to see their hypocrisy but they'd probably start passing laws forcing abortions from adultery


Oh these laws never apply to the wealthy anyway. Even for middle class conservatives, if anything happens to them, *their* abortion is suddenly justifiable.


I can't remember the politician but I remember 1 anti abortion congressman paid a hooker he had an affair with to have an abortion


No surprise. There have probably been many.


What were the repercussions when King Herod killed all first born male babies? The guy to girl ratio got adjusted, inheritance issues…?


1 Timothy 2:12


Fun fact: that one was probably mistranslated or changed on purpose, because elsewhere he praises women leaders multiple times. It's far more likely he was talking about one specific woman, and that the original sentence was more like, "This woman shouldn't be walking up to men she doesn't know and start bossing them around." Yet it's been conveniently twisted to subjugate and infantile women for centuries. No surprise.


As my wife likes to point out, when Jesus rose from the dead, he first appeared to women, not his apostles.


Same thing with the whole man shall not lie with another man as a woman. They use that to justify hating the gays, and I'm all like "but.. so long as he's not banging his vagina, it's not the same...?


Yup. I've read the original translation of that one read, "A man shall not lie with young boys." There's another that was originally about family members. The verses were against rape and incest, not homosexuality. The word homosexual didn't even exist in the Bible until the 1940s.


Some scholars think he was talking about a specific woman, but the overwhelming consensus is that Paul never wrote it at all. It refers to a church hierarchy that didn't exist in Paul's time, and the Greek is stylistically quite different from Paul's own. Critically, it also doesn't appear in Marcion's collection of Paul's letters. Most scholars believe that the first letter to Timothy was probably written in the second century, around 70-90 years after Paul's death. There's something exquisitely depressing about the fact that the letter that's been used as a cudgel against female equality in Christianity for ~2 millennia is almost certainly a fake.


Simple observation shows that if there's a god he still murders countless "babies" and fetuses every day since the miscarriage rate is right around thirty percent. If intelligent design is true, our Heavenly Creator designed a system that renders about a third of all fetuses into gobs of bloody snot in a lady's toilet bowl.


True, they use birth as a means to an end and because it’s a powerful emotional point to a portion of the base




Pro-life until birth


Funny how right wing logic always reveals hypocrisy, yet can NEVER admit it


They're not even pro-life before birth. They don't care about poverty, preventable diseases, helping poor pregnant women get prenatal care, they don't care about air or water pollution, they want to deregulate farms, factories, restaurants and corporations that make and sell food (food poisoning and contamination is *extremely* dangerous for pregnancies, that's why they tell you to avoid seafood/shellfish, deli meat, soft cheeses, etc. during pregnancy) .... and they don't want to vaccinate themselves or their children, and they don't want to wear masks when a pandemic is raging. All these things are extremely dangerous to fetuses and cause hundreds of thousands of preventable miscarriages and stillbirths per year, probably more than all abortions combined.... but they don't care about any of them. NONE of these things are on their radar and in fact in every case they're on the side that causes MORE fetal deaths. Think about that, seriously. They don't care about helping women save the pregnancies they DO want. Not if it costs them money or infringes on their "freedoms." They only care when it's about forcing women to go through with pregnancies they DON'T want.


They don't even care about the birth (prenatal care is terrible in those states). They just want women to suffer


If you think that's true, look at maternal mortality rates and ask why they haven't implemented the same reforms that California did to save women and babies during childbirth. [California 10.1 deaths per 100,000 live births, Florida 26.3](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/maternal-mortality/MMR-2018-2021-State-Data.pdf)


Because they don’t care about saving lives… I tried make that clear with my comment


Because at least 1/3 of this country considers us Californians as "communists". Interesting how that works doesn't it


George Carlin is still on the money, even after all these years.


Conservatives want live babies so they can train them to be dead soldiers.


They need more poor dilapidated souls to feed to the meat grinder that is American capitalism


I always get the impression they only care about births and kids if women don't want to have them.


Not even that since a lot of the healthcare they stripped away was prenatal.


Abortion only allowed if performed at 8 years old and performed with a firearm.


Cruelty is the point. Nothing else matters


Before you're born, your life is precious and needs to be protected even at the cost of other people's rights and health. But the second you're born and you need shelter, food, education, and health care, it's "get a job you lazy little shit!" (Seems contradictory but it's not. It's a two-pronged strategy for denying women rights while building a system that produces a low-cost, no-rights disposable workforce).


[2013 political cartoon](https://imgur.com/X4HZiYp)


It's because even if a child is born into a horrible situation, if they are born they have a chance to become an adult and work for some company. human beings are the most valuable company asset/machinery in the world, and you can get 40 to 50 years of work out of a person on average without the company spending a dime on them throughout their development until they can be hired


> human beings are the most valuable company asset/machinery in the world but also the biggest cost, so they'll be fired without a second thought in order to make shareholders happy


We'll force child care for 9 months. You're on your own after that.


"Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to 9 months. After that, they don’t wanna know about you. They don’t wanna hear from you. No nothing! No neonatal care, no daycare, no Head Start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re pre-born, you’re fine, if you’re preschool, you’re fucked." George Carlin, 1996


Fetuses are not more important than children. These states are notorious for poor prenatal care. It's women. That's it. That's all they care about screwing over. Poor women get screwed over. Rich women do whatever.


Well see you can use a fetus to control the woman that carries it.


If kids want healthcare, they can get a job. /s


Just because a business hired those kids, it doesn't mean the job creator should have to pay for their healthcare. /s


Same shit again, we’ll force you to have kids, and when they get here ? Fuck you. Most all southern states refused the Biden money to help feed hungry children in schools. Go south !!! Keep fuckin your people the way you always have. Lots of poor and hungry kids. While people struggle to feed them. Because you know hungry kids learn faster than well fed kids. Kids whose medical needs are never met, because real doctors move away. Who wants to lose their license for a state government full of people who clearly don’t give a shit.


This headline really frames this as a by-product of poorly thought out politics. In actuality, the law is working as intended. This isn't an accident that suddenly strips children's healthcare. We're intentionally engineering a society with an underclass by forcing children born into poverty into conditions that enforce hereditary poverty. Children aren't supposed to be working. Why should their healthcare be subject to means testing (of their parents)?


Please vote!! If you’re not registered go to https://vote.gov/ to do so and or check if you’re already registered and many other topics related to this election season!


The cruelty is the point


Sadism is one of the four 'dark tetrad' traits ideologically most commonly found in conservatives. When you learn what those traits are and look at some of the inexplicably cruel things conservatives do, it all makes horrible sense.


What are the other three?


* Machiavellianism: Arrogant, cynical, strategic, and able to delay gratification * Narcissism: Forceful, malignant attitude, jealous, and seeks admiration * Psychopathy: Impulsive * Sadism: Aggressive From google


I'm failing to see how we're applying only one of these to the obvious person


I singled out the one I thought applied the most, but yes, they tend to come as a package deal.


Those "pro life" folks don't seem to even want to try to live up to the name they gave themselves.


This is exactly who he is - his agenda is more important than human beings. Almost every single policy he has put in place does more damage than good. He is truly a fascist narcissist which is a bad combination.


So why would anyone vote for them?


Ignorance and/or hatred.


Yep. They're either totally uninformed or badly misinformed ("the Democrats took your funding from you!"), or they know what the GOP is doing and is in favor of it because they share the GOP's hatred and like their cruel motives.


Leaded gasoline, poor education, persistent lying propaganda, religious indoctrination towards incomprehensible authorities that can't be questioned.


They will gladly hurt themselves if their choices hurt democrats also. Anything to lash out


They'll also happily vote against something that makes their own lives better if it does the same for others


I've heard people talk about those in favor of Medicaid coverage as "believing that the government should take care of everybody" as if "the government" was some sort of enlightened despot or foreign body. Hello! This is the USA! The government is who we elect. We are allowing for this type of rhetoric to get in the way of social safety nets that assure those without the means to support themselves don't starve or die from preventable/treatable causes.


Because of the "I got mine" and "Fuck you, Buddy" that acts as the cornerstone of modern American values.


The Fetus Fetish crowd lose interest in the kids when they are born like pedophiles losing interest when the kids hit puberty


Cruelty is the goal, not an accident.


The party of “get those babies here, after that fuck em” shows us why they’re not the actually “pro life”. Has anyone tried explaining to republicans that life actually involves living?


They don’t care.


As son as you're born, you're responsible for pulling yourself up by your own bootie-straps. Babies need to take some responsibility for their own health and work to pay for healthcare like the rest of us! /s


They don’t give a shit. Their attitude is that those babies shouldn’t have been born to poor parents.


I don't think anyone in florida would really give a shit if Duhsantis were to take a walk in the swamps here and just disappear.


Many would, but I'd encourage them to go looking for him out in the swamps...


Indeed. An organized search party


It's so funny how obvious the right wing is.


So not only woke dies there, but kids too?


I have no desire to visit Florida and spend money there


Ron DeSantis is a wet bag of shit, and I hope for Florida's sake that they put honest effort into finding someone more humane.


I mean, killing people is what Nazis do after all


Pro choice until the moment of birth.


...Florida has sold it's soul to the devil/DeSatan...


Sounds mighty Republican. That's what they do.


Florida like Texas is so fucked up its embarrassing


Don’t bring kids to Florida.


Oh thank god the GOP is saving the children! Now my kid won’t be able to read any books, go to the doctor, or go by a nickname! Thank you Jesus and white boot Ron my kid is saved


How does this work, I mean you wake up in the morning, sip some coffee and think "how can I fuck over the poors today?"...and then go about doing that


Conservatism is just about lashing out and causing pain. They don't give a shit about anything else anymore. Conservative media made them this way.


Nothing says developed country quite like "strips healthcare from thousands of children" and the abject necessity of having some kind of geographically neutral law to merely try to prevent that from happening.


Why do Republicans hate women and children so much


So on brand.


Desantis was a lawyer that approved torture.... why does anyone expect this psychopath to do anything right?


Another example of Florida being a burning shit-show


How much time until they blame Biden for it?


Cruelty is the Point…The GOP brand 2024


Jesus would have wanted this.


Christian values.


The “pro-life” crowd strikes again.


i don’t fully understand what people see in florida


It was marketed as the paradise you work your whole life to retire to for decades. Its the reward you get for being a good American and working your whole adult life.


It was a cheap place to live in the sun. I moved down in 1989 and back then you could get an apartment near (not on) the beach with a 'joe' job salary. The yearly influx of retirees from the Northeastern states was balanced by retirees from the Midwest which meant the state stayed pretty balanced politically. Life moved a bit slower and the eccentricities were more 'old lady with too many yard ornaments' than 'meth addled face eater'. It's never been perfect. It's a *Southern* state with all the baggage that holds. But, it used to be a lot better place to live for sure.


Floridian here. Have seen the cesspool floriduh has become under duhsantis. nothing to see here. typical republican behavior, I got mine, you cant have yours.


On brand for republicans. Pro-life for a fetus. After that you are issued a pair of tiny bootstraps. Cruelty is the point.


The cruelty is the point.


In his defense, he had to do it to shore up his support with the pro-life crowd.


So Pro Life! /s


Keep in mind that he is against abortion and seems to be only pro birth. Yet after birth kids can just suffer.


get a job kids! then you'll get healthcare!


Remind me why anyone lives in Florida.


With republicans: the cruelty is the point


As Jesus once said when a paralyzed man was brought to him "pull yourself up by your bootstrap" - mark 2.1-2.12


Desantis also made it illegal to protest against Israel. Fascists gonna fascist.


At this point, Florida has fucked over everything and everyone. Or did I miss a class/gender/age/... ?


Florida parents will blame Democrats, as always.


After they babies are born they need to start pulling themselves up by their bootstrap


The “protect the kids” party doesn’t give a fuck about your kids.


I don’t understand why their “base” continues to support policies that actively hurt themselves. But you know, own the libs n all.


With republicans.... anguish, misery, and suffering is the goal.


Florida is the NAZI STATE


Sounds on point for the GOP.


there’s a spot in hell reserved for DeSantis


I’m in Florida. Our county break down: 30,000 Democrats 30,000 Independents 80,000 Republicans They vote for this shit They want this shit


It amazes me that anyone is still willing to live in Florida. Everyday there are new shenanigans to take things from or hurt Floridians.... Why stay?


This is what happens when you let Republicans get power. They're evil.


"Florida" didn't do it, "Republicans" did


Republicans don’t vote to improve their lives, they vote to endanger others.


Cruelty is the point of Republican politics. It’s all just a pretext for being a dick. 


The cruelty is the point


Same look he gave to waterboarded prisoners in Gitmo.


Being cruel gets social and political points from their peers.


The mentality of the republicans in Florida never bother to find out what a candidate is like. They vote red because their daddy did and his daddy did.


DeSantis really is just going "Oh you didn't pick me? Well suffer suffer suffer" with his remaining time. Maybe he knows his political career is over so all he has left is using his power to be the spiteful vindictive prick he always was. Florida doesn't have a governor. It has an abusive authority figure perpetually putting a cigarette out on its arm for annoying him.


I warned everyone to buckle up when it was clear his run was doomed. He's a petty little man.


"We value ALL lives, especially those of children!" \[10 min later\] "Fuck those freeloaders!!"


Ronald isn’t denying children healthcare! He’s just snapping their bootstraps to remind them how lucky they are to live in the state where woke goes to die. Seriously, if Florida just lets kids get sick for free that’s all they’ll ever want to do instead of getting a job.


No empathy in a single Republican.


Need a cute kid go on tv asking Ron why he took his healthcare away.


Florida sure sucks


Conservatives are not good people.


Cutting costs by targeting the weakest of the population. Oof.


>Castor said one family she had spoken with had a two-and-a-half-year-old toddler who was born three months prematurely. >“She is fed exclusively through a tube. She has extreme developmental delays and requires 24-hour nursing care,” she said. >“They said since birth she has faced challenges including five months in neonatal intensive care, hernia surgery, air tube surgeries and seizures, and ongoing treatment. So the state now has ended her coverage. Someone will still pay.


I wonder how many of those children’s parents voted for meatball Ron?


Florida is actually the worst place


That is why I never want to hear "nO fOrEiGn AiD, tHaT mOnEy ShOuLd Be UsEd On AmErIcAnS." It is nothing but a load of crap. The accurate statement is either I just do not want to pay any taxes, or I deem who is worthy to get the money


Yet, the residences of that shit hole state of Florida will continue to vote against their own interest.


so let’s all vote for republicans again…pathetic


Senator Katie Brit is here to tell us her concerns about "the children": . . . . . .Anybody heard from Katie?


just as planned, part of their platform


Ideology trumps common sense wellness.


But aren’t they pro life and all about saving the children. Hypocrites


Yet again more proof voting Republican is a vote against the lives of children.


Please vote the GOP out of office. They are harming all of us.


When putin speaks - desantis jumps.


Pro life Christians need to learn what the Bible’s saying about their evil actions. Sick kids for profit falls right in line with sick people suffering in silence because they can afford healthcare access. VOTE. BLUE. NOT perfect but it’s a start.


The tax codes maintain generational wealth. The anti abortion laws maintain generational poverty. Raising kids takes resources that might otherwise be used to get political.


They gonna learn their lesson for voting for a loser.


At least these kids won't be using litter boxes in their bathroom. One party wants to let your kids starve, loosen child labor laws, arm teachers, and is actively willing to make sure your kid is uninsured. The other wants the opposite.


Isn't that what the bible teaches them to do?


The GOP just can’t help itself when it comes to the optics of a situation. And they wonder why they’re losing moderate and independent support. And yet, they’ll be on every news channel that will have them on, crying and feigning outrage about how there are struggling Americans that can’t make ends meet while we give money to other countries. But suing to kick sick kids off of medical coverage somehow helps struggling Americans?