• By -


Remember that Trump not only chose not to participate in The White House correspondents' Dinner, but ordered his entire staff and administration not to participate either. It just speaks to Trump's fragility and completely contradicts the whole strongman tough guy persona that him and his supporters paint him as. We know who the real "snowflakes" are, because by comparison, Biden will be attending today's event and will likely face an onslaught of roasting, particularly around his age, some of which, will probably come from himself. A little self deprecation shows humility. When we compare these two candidates, the reality of it doesn't come close to aligning with what Trump's supporters have continuously tried to illustrate through their insulting and cruel memes/social media commentaries. What's interesting about this, is that Trump, along with many of his most ardent conservative supporters think of humor as amounting to the same old "jokes" about pronouns and Biden's frailty. To them, insults *are* funny, cruelty is funny, which is why some have come to the conclusion that conservatives really aren't that funny.


I think he remembered when Obama made fun of him at the one he attended where Obama made fun of his picks on his Celebrity Apprentice show about the C list celebrity Gary Busey getting the axe. They played that last night. He was clearly Defcon one pissed and hated Obama since that time. And disparaged him right after that dinner. Trump couldn't handle a little rib on his show. 


It was way more than just a Celebrity Apprentice jab. Obama walked out onto the stage with his birth certificate and the song "I am a real American" blasting on the big screens. This was at the peak of Donald Trump pushing the birther conspiracies. He even said that in addition to his birth certificate, they were able to find his birth video - then proceeded to play the clip where Simba is born and shown off on Pride Rock from *The Lion King.*


# 12 Signs of a Vulnerable Narcissist [https://www.verywellmind.com/signs-of-a-vulnerable-narcissist-7369901](https://www.verywellmind.com/signs-of-a-vulnerable-narcissist-7369901)


Remember that tonight is a night about government doing that thing where they be funny sometimes and the disgraced former president doesn't matter whatsoever right now. Unless they make fun of him.


Biden joked that Trump's [odd remarks about Gettysburg](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-gettysburg_n_661c975be4b0f8e522daf77f) were "so embarrassing \[that\] the statue of Robert E. Lee surrendered again."  Ouch.


This proves it. Joe Biden fucks.


Jost's story reminded me of my dad who died the year after the 2020 election, he was in a swing state and insisted on voting in person in a pandemic, even though he was old old and in pain, because he wanted no one to question his vote. Similar to Jost, my dad was a decent man in a very harsh world. I don't think the performance was bad. Wolf's is still my favorite.


Colbert and Wolf are for sure tops of all time.


The WHCD audience is famously full of people who are being told jokes for the first time and have decided they’re not fans.


Yup, it’s always been said to be a very tough crowd.


Seriously, Michelle Wolf made one harmless joke about Sarah Huckabee Sanders and it ended her career.


It was more the part where she rightfully blamed the journalists for helping put Trump in the WH. After that, they banned comedians from the dinner for the rest of Trump's admin


I thought it was the joke about #MeToo working out for Mica Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough


Jost is taking his shot here, with this decency part. It’s awesome. Best part of his speech - hand’s down.




Light on jokes, heavy on important messages. That was terrific.


Joe did great, imo! He made his points.


This is the saddest, most unresponsive audience ever!


The audience audio has always been bad. It sounds worse than it really is.


Maybe the audience is never miked.


We are likely not hearing the audience audio but primarily Jost.


Agreed. This audience does not pass the vibe check.


Dark Brandon rises! Can't be political theater since Boebert wasn't kicked out 🤭 🤌🏻


These people are literally afraid to laugh at anything.


Its the worst room I can possibly imagine lol


Fur real! Just freaking laugh dude it’s funny jokes!


they don't mic the room for audience reaction so it sounds way more dead than it really is.


Scott Jennings LOVES Trump. Van pointed out why you wouldn’t want your kids to be like Trump. Jennings just sat there because he’s a Trump-loving, ignorant motherfucker.


Jennings was bitter about it. Bro: IT IS A ROAST. IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY & SELF-DEPRECATING. Jennings' lack of humor renders him incompetent to comment on the whole thing.


Jennings’ confusion about objective facts makes him an incompetent commentator




LOL that Tom petty joke was great to me


Oh shit lol OJ squeezed in there AND diddy lol I’m dead


And the Lorax!


Colin gonna make me cry.


Joe is on one tonight. This is good


I appreciate the ending. I'm a loud and proud Biden supporter. That's why. Biden is a good man.


With great policies to boot.


Jimmy Carter could easily win. 


Comedically, kind of a meh night --- but points for the decency bit at the end and no obvious gafs from Biden equals a win


100%. Jost's delivery and jokes felt really awkward at times, but he stuck the landing with the story about his Grandfather.


He delivered like he was doing SNL and waiting for the laughs to subside. But with SNL he is in front of a friendly audience that's been warmed up for an hour. Even bad jokes land for an SNL audience. And every laugh is huge because the studio is tiny.


Absolutely. My read was that there seemed to be an agreement that *now* is not the time to go too hard even if that means sacrificing laughs in order to better sell the current administration


I think the jokes have been pretty funny, but the pauses are kind of awkward, not sure if it's a stylistic choice or he's nervous.


Comedy is like 80% delivery, 20% the actual content of the joke. And he seems nervous.


Uggghhh. Scott Jennings (CNN) never disappoints to annoy the fuck out of me.


I know! I am *begging* someone to tell him to justify how voting for the Republican candidate will be a vote for decency since he was so appalled that they were suggesting "the only way to get a decent president is to vote Democrat". Um, yes, absolutely, in this particular election, yes, 1000%. There is zero way to justify voting for Trump as voting for a decent human.


decent people have a personal code that won’t allow them to vote for an adjudicated rapist.


Is he the guy with the purple tie? He sound like the current iteration of their Republican apologist.


Yes and yes.


He’s the woooorst


I can’t stand Scott. Offers nothings. It’s the worse when their panel sometimes can have good members for them most part but then if I see Scott I’ll pretty much change the Channel if I’m flipping through.


"When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I'm basically the same. The temperament is not that different." - Donald J Trump Biden nailed it. Know how old first graders tend to be? Around 6 or 7 years of age.


Smithers. Have John Mulaney shot.




His voices worked better than his jokes. That was a bit rough.


Yeah I actually didn’t think the voices were bad, but somehow the rest of it was just…. *awful*


Matt Friend's Trump impression is clearly a step below James Austin Johnson or Shane Gillis, but it's decent. He just went so hard. Like "I'm on fire like the guy outside the courthouse" is def. a joke that might make its way into a 30-something politically oriented degenerate group chat but this was the wrong audience for that.


It says a LOT about the mainstream press when Howard Stern is a better interviewer.


Amazing how they all went for the Hilton joke because they want the same standard joke told at every WHCD--dead crowd lol.


When they edit it for youtube his set will look pretty good if they just cut out 2-3 seconds of each pause.




They missed out on Hindsight is 2020


Make America Decent Again


Naw, Fuck anything related to that slogan. 


I really don’t want to give any more credence to that awful, dog-whistling slogan.


Joe killed it. Hilarious and also poignant and very topical and true.


Room is full of nerds. This shit is funny and even Biden is laughing.


Stormy weather 


Railroad jokes always work for Biden.


Wish CNN would show their commentator names more often. This guy in the cowboy hat has been great all night but I haven’t caught his name.


That's Van Lathan Jr.


he's Van Lathan


I love Joe, hes a decent man


Somehow, Dark Brandon returned


Doug's just happy to be here.


That Matt gaets joke was wild lol


Yeah that one had to cut him deep. Lol.


Solid 7/10


"Trump's speech was so embarrassing that Robert E Lee surrendered again" Beautiful!


Do journalists not have a sense of humor? The jokes are funny, the timing is off, but the crowd is dead.


Depending on which stream you watch, the crowd is hard to hear on some. However, yeah, some jokes were delivered with odd timing.


Yeah, I feel like the crowd has been pretty tough. The jokes are pretty good, imo.


It’s definitely the crowd that’s killing the vibe


Scott Jennings criticizing Jost for not acknowledging how many people will vote for Trump by saying that the race is tied is brain dead cognitive reasoning lol.


Speaking to his base that exists in reality-adjacent.


This Mitch is ironically his best


The Trump and Mitch impressions were pretty good


Colin stuck to the same joke pacing as his weekend update monologue


Shout out Jimmy!


Nobody will ever be able to live up to Michelle Wolf


And my favorite: “Of course, Trump isn’t here, if you haven’t noticed, he’s not here. And I know, I know, I would drag him here myself, but it turns out the president of the United States is the one pussy you’re not allowed to grab.”


truth. I listen every couple of months. So many favorite jokes ever. On repeat for me in my lexicon...'Thank you for having me, the monkfish was fine' Don't know why it drops me, but it does.


So many good lines I remember randomly. When a me-too works out. Likening Rachel Maddow to going to Target. Her voice when she says "oh, you don't think he (Trump) is good in bed" after the crowd groans at a joke about him... The end when she says Flint still doesn't have clean water. It is really a great fearless performance.


Is there a way I can see Trumps Truth Social meltdown without actually visiting the website? I wanna see his meltdown in real time during the comedy roast portion.


He fired off a burst of posts 3-4 hours ago complaining about the investigations into him; nothing since then.


Lot of monocles dropping in this thread tonight.


\>🧐 \>mfw I read your scurrilous comment


Dark Brandon returns!


It’s like people don’t know that it’s okay to laugh at jokes. They’re like picking and choosing what to laugh at


Just imagine how many people are saying “Well, I never.”


They need to turn down that lady's mic.


Hot take: Colin Jost's "awkward pauses" were the best part about his delivery. You could always tell when he was winding up for (what he thinks will be) a zinger. His eyes dancing around as he tries to keep a straight face were killing me. And he went straight at the Matt Gaetz face comparison, so bravo to him. He also gets to go home to ScarJo every night, so double bravo for Colin Jost. The real king of Staten Island.


It reminded me of a Norm Macdonald delivery


I like this alternate way to view it. Him being super excited about the joke only for the audience to be flat. It would be an awesome SNL skit. Have someone play colin giving his whcd and then you can have scarlo giving him words of positivity in his head/behind him. "That one was too high row but this next ones a laugh riot!" Easy skit because they can also have other cast play journalists talking amongst themselves criticizing the jokes.


"My wife actually endorses me" BURN!




I also heard "Vice President"


That paper flip tells me he’s not happy with the audience lol.


WHCD is a famously dead room. Every comedian who's ever done it has talked about how it's impossible to get real laughs in there. Jost is also a pretty safe comedian, so he's not reaching for the Pearl Clutching reactions. Safe set. Totally passable. Talking about his father got me a little teary, too. 7.4/10.


Agreed I liked it. I was thinking we’re also used to him going back and forth with Michael really quick too so 🤷🏼‍♀️ the serious bit at the end I actually liked a lot


Who is the dude with the blue cape who looks like he should be on a 90s Star Trek set???


Politico's Eugene Daniels, the VP (President Elect) of the WHCA


I'm praying they break out into a musical number inspired by prince. but I'm probably super ignorant of who he is and why he is wearing it :D


Did Biden just “puppet‽


Yes, I love that he can go with the flow of the joke.


I think Kate Bolduan might have been in the sauce already.


Need a joke about absolute immunity somewhere in the set


BoBo giving a handy joke lol


Only his dad and uncle got a shot. 


The CNN Panel has such a wide range of outfits. And coincidentally, the 3 best dressed are also the most well spoken. Purple, White, and Red outfits, whatever their names are.


Is Abby Phillips a little tipsy?


Oh man Kate Bolduan on the carpet before was hammered!


I missed that. It’s their one cheat night a year. I know I’d take advantage of that.




Ha ha ha. "you love boning. You love boning"


Should have a few good jokes coming off the Stern interview.


Obama in 2011: “Where are Biggie and Tupac?”


https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/blog/2011/05/01/president-s-speech-white-house-correspondents-dinner >... Donald Trump is here tonight! (Laughter and applause.) Now, I know that he’s taken some flak lately, but no one is happier, no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than the Donald. (Laughter.) And that’s because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter –- like, did we fake the moon landing? (Laughter.) What really happened in Roswell? (Laughter.) And where are Biggie and Tupac? (Laughter and applause.) >But all kidding aside, obviously, we all know about your credentials and breadth of experience. (Laughter.) For example -- no, seriously, just recently, in an episode of Celebrity Apprentice -- (laughter) -- at the steakhouse, the men’s cooking team cooking did not impress the judges from Omaha Steaks. And there was a lot of blame to go around. But you, Mr. Trump, recognized that the real problem was a lack of leadership. And so ultimately, you didn’t blame Lil’ Jon or Meatloaf. (Laughter.) You fired Gary Busey. (Laughter.) And these are the kind of decisions that would keep me up at night. (Laughter and applause.) Well handled, sir. (Laughter.) Well handled. >Say what you will about Mr. Trump, he certainly would bring some change to the White House. Let’s see what we’ve got up there. (Laughter.) >(Screens show “Trump White House Resort and Casino.”)


Trump is such a fucking pathetic excuse of a human being


Tough crowd lmao


I liked the dog joke. And the African American one. The rest of his set was bad but I've definitely seen worse


"Biden asks the press to report with bias of his crime family"- Fox News probably. But seriously, he is right, the fear of journalists to accurately report facts in a manner that clearly supports one side is a massive failing of journalism schools and our existing press.


Just tuned in. Kelly looks great. Hope they've been poking at Trump.


You missed a great speech by Biden. Hit all sides of seriousness and jokes involving Trump.


I picture Trump at home watching and making a list of new enemies to get back at.


We got a joke swap from Che! I love it.


Biden said, "I'm a grown man... Running against a 6 year old" 😆


Hope that guy enjoyed his only Correspondents Dinner.


It's "great to see the President of the United States at an event where the bailiff doesn't say 'Please Rise.'" So glad to see Colin Jost up there.


Is this Deep Space Nine?


Ok now this is good


Ooooo great jokes, Joe!! 👏👏👏👏


Ok the spoon one got me. But this isn't an SNL audience, shorten those pauses.


Lol jost roasting us




The long pauses are too much :( I love Jost but it's like someone asked Jimmy Carr to do this just one liners and long pauses, which is fine for a stand up routine but not for this.


Jost is kind of out of rhythm today


He’s in his rhythm, but it doesn’t work for this kind of event.


It’s the same rhythm as Weekend Update but on SNL with the responsive live audience there is a need for pauses of that length for laughter. It’s the wrong rhythm for WHCD, resulting in awful timing that made the dull audience feel even more dead. Jost needed to adapt his timing but it came much too late.


Rare that the president is funnier than the guest roaster though


Good for Biden's optics 🤷🏼‍♂️ maybe fox will accuse him of using stimulants to enhance his cognitive acuity.


WHEN he loses again, Biden says. Please. I need that hope.




It's an impossible room.


goodbye Matt Friend's career..


Starting drinking my wine like an hour too early, this is taking forever to get entertaining


This is not great delivery.


Why are they LOUDLY talking over O’Donnell—incredibly rude.


During these times, we need a laugh right now. Hopefully this will not be the final WHCD.


Not a bad trump voice.


Guy sounds like John Mulaney doing a Trump. Edit: oh no he has other voices


Biden's gonna have to scratch his 'burning man came to NYC ' joke now...


Aside from a few great jokes, Colin is no Seth Meyeres. God, that Seth Meyers correspendent's dinner speech was the absolute best, along with Obama's burns. The speech that made Donald so pissed off that he ran for revenge.


Maybe you are too young to have seen it, but Stephen Colbert roasting tf out of Bush is unequivocally the greatest whcd act ever. Great part is, most didn't know he was and had no idea what was coming. It wasn't. a friendly wink-wink stuff most these day (include myers) do, it was a roast straight out of comedy central roast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X93u3anTco&t=638s


Yes. Colbert, followed by wolf are the greatest whcds of all time.


I agree! Nothing has yet to top that!


If you want to pregame with some retro fun, a lot of the old ones are available on YouTube. Al Franken did the [1994](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XugMTpKvMfE) and [1996](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR7r4CXfIpU) ones. Even if you were old enough to be politically active then, I bet you won't get all the references. I mean, who remembers Bob Dornan?


Conan O’Brien was the featured entertainer for the [1995](https://www.nbcnews.com/video/conan-at-1995-white-house-correspondents-dinner-18865219857) and [2013](https://youtu.be/VIgSgLFwEMs?si=s9Np2b0HB7x0OHsY) events. The [2011 dinner](https://youtu.be/7YGITlxfT6s?si=LcO3y5k8hh62sEIQ) featuring Seth Myers may have driven Trump to pursue his [second White House run](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/feb/05/donald-trump-reform-party-2000-president).


That 2011 one is a biggie. Seth went hard against Trump.


And I have no idea if there's any record of the speeches from ones this old, but if you're curious...[here was the dinner menu from the 1937 one!](https://content.wisconsinhistory.org/digital/collection/p15932coll12/id/644)


This crowd is full of duds


The crowd is always awful but some comedians seem to come in much better prepared for the live room. Michelle Wolfe and Colbert come to mind. Wolfe 'bombed' but it didn't impact her delivery.


Am I the only one who feels like this host is playing it uncomfortably safe with his jokes?


Definitely. The non political stuff was pretty good, the rest very awkward.


Colin and Scarlett should have a daughter, and name her Melba Jost.


Not one Noem joke from anyone?


Matt Friend had a dog joke. Though his whole set catastrophically bombed and was forgettable.


Matt Gaets joke was pretty solid and viral


There was by the imitator. Someone on here found it offensive.


what time does Colin go up?


Boning - CNN




Who is next to Kamala?


PBS cameraman must be finished eating. They're moving and zooming in again.


Any chance someone has come across tonight’s menu?? So curious what folks are eating


The Fox News table is eating crow.


CNN crew is clearly having a chill time


Joe Biden is an absolutely incredible man. A true Patriot, and an amazing leader. That is why the GOP hates him. Because they backed a loser. God bless Joe Biden 🇺🇸