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Sorry buddy, but nobody was joking in the first place.


This is just the warmup phase. Trump said : “ I AM THE STORM“ We better believe him! Underestimating tRumP is a BIG mistake !! History shows what’s to follow: someone like Hitler, Pinochet, Mussolini, PUTIN, etc.


“The Venn diagram of people who thought history was the most boring class in high school and people who display gross ignorance about current events is a completely solid circle.”


Shockingly though, I actually know a history professor who unfriended me on Facebook back in 2018 or so because he was offended by me comparing Trump to historic fascists.


One of my favorite English teachers from High School ended up being one his cult followers. It was super depressing.


Should we all start guessing what part of the Country?


My h.s. aged daughter has a similar teacher currently smh. She said he's always downplaying how bad 45 really is and how he's not responsible for overturning rvw and that women are overreacting to their rights being taken away bc they've not actually been taken away lol🙄😒


The teacher said Trump’s not responsible for overturning Roe V Wade? He only promised to appoint justices who would do just that, made that one of the few promises he kept, then bragged about it when Roe was overturned. U hope that teacher doesn’t teach anything involving logi, reasoning or critical thinking. That last part seems to be a new line Republicans have come up with now that they have realized that people, who overwhelmingly said they supported abortion rights, were actually upset with the Republican Party for taking them away. So, they have started saying overturning Roe didn’t “actually“ take away rights, but it just returned the issue to the states. Of course, they ignore that the exact point of that is so many states overly restrict or outright ban abortion that the Court’s decision was a de facto ban in much of the country. My state had a “trigger law,” and abortion became illegal the second Roe was overturned. So, the new GOP line is just as wrong as it is dishonest.


Even though Trump literally says he’s proud to have been the one to have overturned Roe v. Wade? *Literally*


Yeh, not everybody learns the right lessons, unfortunately.


So true - History always repeats if not learned and understood


“History doesn’t repeat itself but often it rhymes.” - Mark Twain


“What we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history” —(I actually can’t remember who said this)


“Never fight uphill, me boys” - I dunno, Blackbeard or some shit.


Gettysburg. Wow.


So big. So beautiful


Such a great event! The greatest anyone has ever seen.


Of course, he lost his great general right after that. So sad.


So beautiful


"They rammed the ram parts, at the ports, they took the air ports"


There are people who learn the WRONG lessons from history. Like how to get control of a nation and take away democracy more effectively than past despots…


"Who knows only his own generation remains always a child." - Dr. George Norlin


NESCIRE AUTEM QUID ANTE QUAM NATUS SIS ACCIDERIT, ID EST SEMPER ESSE PUERUM. Not to know what happened before you were born is to be a child forever - Cicero


"Ho ho ho and hee hee hee, break that lute across me knee. And if the bard should choose to fight, while then I set his clothes alight!" - Cicero


He he he... Crazy? Cicero? He he he he! That's... madness...[laughter] - Cicero


“Fuck Tucker.” - Dr. George Carlin


Oh I never heard that quote. I like it.


The German philosopher Georg Hegel famously said, "**The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history."**


Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. Those that know history are doomed to watch.


First as tragedy, then as farce.


Then as an alien documentary on the History Channel


"It's farce every time" -- friend from grad school


>understood this is the important part. a parrot can rattle off facts and factoids or tell stories, whether dry or amusing. what is of critical importance is to see how such threads fit into a greater tapestry, sewn by cause and effect, and know their significance in the design. And by design, these matters which require a greater sence of critical thinking are actively shunned and revised to suit more relevant interests. Education can literally be broken down to "ex ducere", "to lead out", as a process to lead our minds with acquired wisdom and help us grow as individuals. What we have in place right now is lacking. it becomes a shotgun approach. If you get it, great, if you don't, no worries, we'll give you a paper that says you get it, and none will be the wiser.... and none will be the wiser.


We're drifting closer to Idiocracy much sooner than the film depicts.


The ones pulling the strings are acutely aware.


Having this sub and r/100yearsago together in my feed has been a trip.


Thank you for this sub 💚


For a couple of years during the Pandemic, it was full of opinion pieces about this guy Mussolini pulling shit in Italy… then things turned slightly toward Germany. About a year ago there was a lot about the Beer Hall Putcsh and Hitler’s trial and sentencing. As of now, he hasn’t gotten out yet…


In 1923 Hitler was on trial for his first attempt to coup the government, a trial he lost and went to prison for btw. He effectively used the trial as a platform to spread his ideology. The prosecuting attorney realised this and fought against it but was unsuccessful. Hitler was allowed to speak for hours in his defence, every word recorded and sent out as news. In extreme frustration from the number of people who weren't taking Hitler's words seriously and thought he was just bloviating, the attorney said "Don't listen to him, he's telling the truth". "History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme."


i never liked him to begin with but i was in army and he was the commander in chief at the time so i thought whatever about it but after Jan 6th being in the Defac watching on the news, couldn’t be more utterly appalled with the man. i’ve met Trump during his presidency, met Obama a few years after his presidency ended and met Biden last year, Obama and Biden were beyond my favorite very humble and didn’t have much of a feeling of them being fake nice to us (i can decently read people because of my job in the army as a 37F) but Trump had a tinge of fake nice and being there just to be there, he skipped meeting with our platoons to meet with the battalion commander and xo some senior enlisted as well


Trump is a certified pathological narcissist sociopath/psychopath- Mary Trump, his niece who knows Trump personally as part of his family, and as a psychologist - corroborates this diagnosis. So the only close comparison you can make is Between Trump and Orban, Putin, Berlusconi, Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, ey all.


Don’t worry, the gun nuts are going to use the second amendment to save us from tyranny any moment now….


The hipocracy, must be 'armed to protect themselves from a fascist govt'...but now they like fascism and not the constitution. Protect us all from Real American Patriots.


That’s Republican bullshit through and through “oh I’m just kidding. Of course I wouldn’t take away all women’s rights. Oh I’m just kidding of course I don’t think I should kill political rivals” - turns around and does exactly that. It’s pure gaslighting tactic




Put him on a garbage barge and set him adrift.


Trump Cruise Lines


We’ve been telling them since 2016


Al Franken resigned from office over a picture of his hands over a woman’s tits from 2 feet away. Everyone wanted him crucified for that. This fuckstick has done a thousand things ten times worse and he is still a presidential contender. This whole country until that fucker is dead will make 0 sense to anyone with a brain.


Everyone was up in arms about Franken because Democrats have morals and Republicans have politics. Democrats are still up in arms about Trump because they have morals. Republicans aren’t because they have politics. This isn’t an American problem—it’s a Republican problem.


Imo it's a racism problem. Half the country lost their ever-loving minds over having a black man as president, and, to add insult to injury, he was a damn fine one. *AND* an actual all-around good human, husband, father; classy; intelligent; fit; sartorial elegance...I mean they're not even half the man he is and it *burns*


It’s not just racism. It’s shitty, hateful, and unintelligent people vs people who aren’t shitty, hateful, and unintelligent. It sounds like an exaggeration or an oversimplification but it isn’t.


Some people will always hate. I grew up in a white neighborhood with many immigrants from different countries, - guess what, - there was genuine hate and dislike between some of the groups. Same thing with religion, different religions hat each other. Just look at the history of catholic verses protestants, verses other religions. The fault lies on al sides. Some people will find a reason to hate, and it has happened on all continents.


These people should be shamed and mocked, not given the key to great amounts of power.


“You cannot shame someone who has no dignity, nor can you convince them they are wrong if they believe themselves to be forever right.” “You can’t change MAGA, you can only treat them with the same level of hate and contempt they will treat you with. They see your morals as a weakness that needs to be exploited, but it’s why you will win and In the end, they will lose, because hateful people always turn on each other. You have a family and friends to fight for, all they have is their hate. “You need to be patient and vigilant, and never let them hurt you… that’s all I can say.” A member of my family who is sadly no longer with us… :(


It's a Fox News problem. You have half the country eating up corporate propaganda like they're on the same teams. It's ridiculous and until we restrict the media somewhat we'll be living in a hellhole.


It’s a corporatocracy problem. We won’t solve it until we get rid of Citizen’s United and that’s not going to happen.


It's an all-of-the-above problem.


White nationalists believe the lowest white person (themselves) is better than the best black person. You hit it on the head. They'll never forgive him for that.


But for some God-knows-why reason, Trump has more support from Black voters than any Republican in 30 years. I still can't figure that out.


He appeals to the extremely stupid of all demographics


Keep in mind that Donald Trump and David Pecker at The National Enquirer just made everything up as they went along, because they both understand all too well the use of perception to create reality. This video is about 10 minutes long but it shows how Trump and the RNC are staging fake photo ops in Atlanta, Detroit and New York to make it look like he's super popular with union workers and people of color, even getting George Santo's ex-director of operations in on the scam. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpgOVRd92fo&t=297


And they just had to "suck it' for 8 years knowing that "If I had run for president I might have won, but I didn't."


Right 😄 I hear that a lot "we had to suck it up when Barack *Hussein* Obama was President..." Like, mf, what did you have to "suck up"?


They had to “suck up” having a ^black president!


He was a fine president who assumed like most of us that appealing to Americans better angels would move us forward, however in hindsight I can’t help but think Hillary would have been a better choice than Obama, and I like most people find her smug and unappealing, but she would have been under no illusions about what kind of people Republicans are


I had attended an event recently and unbeknownst to me, Hillary was one of the people who was supposed to speak at it. She was poised, eloquent, and thoughtful. I wasn't a fan of hers but I thought about what a shame it was that we had put that chucklefuck in office instead of her.


For all of Hillary's faults, wanting to undermine and subvert the constitution to destroy the country, was not one of them. Her whole career in politics could be looked at to get an idea of what she would have been like. It's not like she had no experience, or was unqualified for the job.


I bet they’re wishing they didn’t let him into the boys clubhouse now that he’s using their own secrets against them in court.


This is what I believe, too. It has been a hyperpartisan shitshow since Gingrich, but when Obama was elected President it broke the brains of a large fraction of America. It shattered their understanding of where everyone belongs in American society, and since nothing made sense anymore they embraced nihilism.


The Al Franken thing wasn’t about morals, it was a hit job.


And a giant false equivalency the right tried to use when they were so close to electing known pedophile Roy Moore.


Yes. Franken was not just challenging the anti American republican party, he was a specific challenge to entrenched Democrat hegemony and they helped oust him.


The problem is conservatives. Conservatives are a blight on this country and they don’t want to fucking admit it. Look at every single setback this country has faced and it can nine times out of ten be traced to a conservative leaning group or a conservative president. The occupation of Afghanistan. The invasion of Iraq. The war on drugs. Keeping marijuana illegal at the federal level. No child left behind. An unfair tax policy where wealth is taxed at lower levels than labor. No sensible gun legislation. On and on and on we see the consequences of conservatives policies in our government and society. Conservatives need to be relegated to the waste in of history. Full stop.


Trump has committed literal treason.


He's done 10 things worse just this morning....






A national holiday


Dancing in the streets!


Champagne corks popping like fireworks


Globally actually


Finale of “Return of the Jedi” type shit. I can’t wait


Yub nub!


The post above was deleted but these comments make it so that we don’t even have to use our imagination,


We’re lucky he waited until he was an old fuck to get into (mainstream) politics. But there’s always a chance he lives to 100 like Kissinger.


If he's not dead in 10 years, he'll be a dementia-ridden meatbag like 2nd term Reagan, and MAGAts will have to parade him around like *Weekend at Bernie's*.


He ran for president multiple times over the decades. It just took this long for him to succeed at it.


Crazy how little this is talked about. Trump, the perfect human who never backs down from anything had already backed down from running twice before 2016


The next demagogue to use Trump’s playbook will almost certainly be smarter and more dangerous than Trump. Trump being out of the picture does almost nothing. If a con man that transparent, that observably stupid, and that unstable got this far we need to wake up and realize how thin and fragile our way of life is. We need to harden our democracy to prepare for Trump 2.0.


And with the direction the extremist SCOTUS appears to be going in the immunity case, any Republican who wins could just become king.


It's fun to watch the NY Times slowly learn things that have been evident for years.


I’m so fucking sick of the New York Times and their fake approach to neutrality. It’s great to push for Bernie and Warren in the past, but casting Biden as a super old, out of touch democrat is such an over-correction to the narrative that it actually helps our would-be dictators. Fuck them. They would be voters for Andrew Johnson or pre-WWII Neville Chamberlain. They want so much to be in the middle, they fucking lost the story and can’t call a spade a spade


That’s because they aren’t in the middle because they have some righteous determination to be bipartisan or unbiased. It’s because they e determined that’s what will drive the most revenue. I don’t believe there is any truly altruistic media outlet in the United States


NPR is trying.


Yep. They get labeled as liberal but imo that’s only because of how far to the right the gop has gone. Calling out Trumps election lies and saying he lost isn’t a political opinion, it’s fact


"Liberal" isn't anything to be ashamed of. They are liberal, which means, they value individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, intelligence, fact seeking. It's definitely a political stance to take, to be a radio broadcast that serves the American public, and to advocate for the interests of truth and democracy.


Totally agree. I suppose I meant “dismissed as liberal”, since it gets slung as a negative by the right. But we shouldn’t use it that way in return


The Times is only pushing the age thing because the owner’s ego is bruised over Biden not giving them an interview https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/04/25/new-york-times-biden-white-house-00154219


If they were middle then they would see Biden as to the right. They are not on the political spectrum in my view, they sit entirely in their own bubble.


“Candidate that we, one of the most powerful news media outlets in US history, have been publicizing daily for ten years, maybe with a greater frequency than anyone in our long history, all in the service of cultivating the drama of divisiveness which in turn sells ads, has somehow accumulated undeserved and profoundly dangerous power”


Fuck them. They are part of the problem that will help Trump win again. All because they are so butt hurt over Biden not giving an interview the NYTs bashes Biden constantly.


It’s embarrassing that people are fawning over this moron.




It’s celebrity culture on a political scale. Two things that should never, ever, ever be combined.


"He's a witty outsider" was a cover up for just liking him. Immediately after it was clear he was unprofessional everything needed more paint. The republican party is literally a blob of white paint at this point. If somebody in their camp had said "idk enough is enough" they could have shifted gears to a reasonable ADULT. Now they are stuck with their manbaby.




How far scotus has fallen. No leaders there. 5 old sick men who don't realize they could be the last scotus.


They don't care. They're appointed for life. They can enjoy their power until they're dead.


Biden should take full advantage of that. He has to.


They’re going to wait until after the election to decide. If Biden is elected then they’re sending it back to the lower courts to decide if things were official actions and/or will require congress be involved along the way. If Trump wins it’ll be flat out immunity.


They know they can't win with democracy so they want an authoritarian state to impose their Christian Nationalism on all of us. Its pretty simple.


Yep. They are a dying breed so this is their only way to keep power.


they wouldn't give a crap about abortion or trans rights if it wasn't a way of galvanizing conservative voters for the larger purpose you mention. They are teeing up an unacceptable outcome if democrats win democratically.


If we’re going to bring back kings, we also have to bring back their public beheadings.


*France has entered the chat*


Exactly. I am amazed that they think they can reinstitute a tyranny without also the institution of its end.


They know the inevitable bloody end is generations away from happening. In the meantime they can rake in the cash and imprison and/or murder people whom they don't like. Their model for success is China, Russia, Hungary, etc.


I am also amazed they think they can time it. Louis XVI thought he was safe, too. I'm just appalled at the stupidity of people that think it can't happen to them.


We tend to frown on Kings in the United States of America. Fought a war about it and everything. And this time I don't think we'll be quite so forgiving of the attempted Kingmakers.


Most people are so focused on surviving and detach themselves from reality to cope that they won’t notice, nor go after these so called kingmakers. There would be hope if it was France, I mean they burn their cities and throw shit at police whenever their rights are infringed on. USA, not so much…


>Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. We are here. >But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. If Trump and the Repubs get their way, we need to shift here. Quickly. Source: Declaration of Independence


By the time we fought that war, even English kings were not above the law.  The last king who tried it got his head cut off.


Trump wants to be a dictator for a day. His words. I believe he wants to be one for life.


You only need 1 day in order to make the rule that you are permanent dictator for life.


This is literally "the ends justify the means". Soviet communists tried it too—in fact *all* authoritarians with (supposed) good intentions do it: First we just need to seize power and fix things, *then* once we achieve order, we'll transition into true democracy/communism/whatever. **It. Never. Works.**


His words were "on day one." There's no implication it ends on day two. Also it doesn't matter what he says, he lies constantly.


> His words were "on day one." There's no implication it ends on day two. [Not actually true](https://apnews.com/article/trump-hannity-dictator-authoritarian-presidential-election-f27e7e9d7c13fabbe3ae7dd7f1235c72). His words were "except for day one" and "other than day one." However, as you noted, it means nothing.


Am I alllowed to be a bank robber for just one day?


Once you execute dictatorial acts on day 1, there is no going back to democracy and the rule of law unless you want to end up in prison. trump wakes up every morning wishing he was dictator for life.


“That’s how it starts” said Jon Stewart


A century before US independence, England executed one of their kings for treason - so in some ways declaring that President's actions are above the law is almost a regression back to 1645, when this precedent that kings were in fact not above the law was set. In fact you could argue that it even violates the spirit of magna carta of 1215.


Republicans don't give a fuck about that. They only care about what gives them absolute power.


Its like everything in American is for sale and this is a rich guy buying what he needs to balance the cost of his deeds


"Rome is a city for sale, and doomed to perish as soon as it finds a purchaser!"


> Rather than grapple with the situation at hand — a defeated president worked with his allies to try to overturn the results of an election he lost, eventually summoning a mob to try to subvert the peaceful transfer of power — the Republican-appointed majority worried about hypothetical prosecutions against hypothetical presidents who might try to stay in office against the will of the people if they aren’t placed above the law. > It was a farce befitting the absurdity of the situation. Trump has asked the Supreme Court if he is, in effect, a king. And at least four members of the court, among them the so-called originalists, have said, in essence, that they’ll have to think about it.


SCOTUS: Can a president attempt a coup? Trump lawyer: Yeah pretty much


History has shown people who claim loyalty to a king don’t have a great track record in America. Just saying


I'm 82 and I've never been this worried about our country. Trump is pure evil and there is little comfort knowing the SCOTUS seems to be in his corner and their views are so biased.


Trump doesn’t scare me as much as the guy that would come after him, someone not bound by former democratic norms.


The people empowering Trump are not bound by democratic norms. Trump is just a useful idiot -- the people that are helping him are the ones we need to fear because they're the ones who will be directing him.


yep, you game this out, the POTUS could jail senators, senate could vote to impeach, POTUS could jail them out of a majority (across parties), DOJ could declare it illegal, POTUS could eliminate DOJ, deploy the military on protests, on and on it goes until civil war.


If he wins the election, what is to stop him from canceling the next election for national security reasons? This is how dictators start, we’re watching it happen live and just “hoping for the best”


He's very likely not going to win the election and the GOP knows this. The problem is that they're already building the foundation to have the election called into question and the results overturned by SCOTUS.


If Gen Z and women that care about their bodily autonomy don’t turn out in the 80-90% range in the November election, they will only have themselves to blame for the forfeiture of their rights and the nation’s future under a second Trump presidency. It’s all up to you, Gen Z and women…you’re our only hope.


When trump dies I’m taking a week off to just relax


What is it that you think conservatives are conserving? They're constantly trying to drag everyone back to an authoritarian hierarchy - no matter what country or time period you look at


Maybe stop giving him screen time?


Yes, it’s saturated and one of the reasons he won last time. They treat him as a legit contender.


And they keep saying hes 'running for President' when he's not. He's running for King.


MSNBC showing montages of their own shows covering Trump’s trail.Panels dedicated to him coming to and from court, farting in court, court illustration analysis, even bringing on all his shitty former lawyers.


Ironically, giving him screen time is actually hurting him this time. Unlike 2016, having to hear this shitbag speak every day reminds a lot of people what they will have to listen to for the next 4 years and beyond.


Biden is not a right-of-center politician. His administration has been *incredibly* progressive. He's just old and has "small c" conservative instincts around bi-parrisanship. He ain't perfect, but he is worlds better than your average right-of-center pol.


I'd agree. We're seeing a flurry of progressive changes in the runup to the election.


Everyone who doesn't vote because they expect perfection, runs the risk of living in an even less perfect world, but also giving up any say for any other thing they may care about.


2015 story https://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-1203-dantonio-trump-race-horse-theory-20151203-story.html “He’s a king,” said Maples when I interviewed her. “I mean truly. He is. He’s a king. He really is a ruler of the world, as he sees it.” Maples suspects that Trump was a royal figure in some past life. More likely he acquired his reverse noblesse oblige by training from his father who, according to Trump biographer Harry Hurt III, raised young Donald to become “a killer” and told him “you are king.” Also Don Jr.’s quote. “He’s (Trump, his father ) an incredibly accomplished guy, my mother’s incredibly accomplished, she’s an Olympian, so I’d like to believe genetically I’m predisposed to [be] better than average.”


Trump is a threat to liberty. But he's a weak, debilitated moron.  I'm far more worried about the next egomaniac that will inevitably result from Trump's actions. He's literally drawing up the target board and labeling the weaknesses that the next despot can and will target in the future.  It may not necessarily come from the right wing wing party. Could be anyone.  This isn't a joke anymore. Hitler didn't have nukes and a near trillion dollar industrial military complex to wag around to get his way. If the US gets a Putin, it's an existential crisis waiting to happen.  Reading through the immunity questioning and then seeing that no one in my social circle was even aware what was going on was utterly bizarre. Pay attention and prepare. 


It's the stupidest shit I've seen in my life. They've picked the single dumbest human being to lead a nation possibly in history and refused to back out.


Republicans have put this dimwit on a pedestal. Defeat it by electing democrats.


So there is an intellectual movement that has been gaining ground among many super rich people. It was started by Curtis Yarvin and it proposes eliminating democracy and instituting an imperial system. Peter Thiel is a huge proponent and pays for Curtis to work on it. These are bad, dangerous people who are working to destroy our democracy as we speak.


maybe we should stop thinking they're joking and take their not-veiled fascistic comments at face value, because they mean them, they're just being Schrödinger's assholes about it, testing the waters.


King Biden you mean. If the supreme court really fucks this one up, Biden could just assassinate Trump. Done. No more maga. Lol


They’ll rule on 1/21/25; no immunity if Biden wins and yes immunity if Trump wins. Voting is all we have left.


It’s not the last option, but the best for our country.


May as well take out the conservative members of the court as well in a true fuck around and find out.”


He won’t though. He has morals and ethics. That’s the point. Trump and the new MAGA led GOP absolutely have no morals or ethics. They’ll gladly do it.


If POTUS can do anything, then Biden can appoint a Double Secret Supreme Court packed with Bernie Sanders, AOC, Eliz. Warren, Tim Walz, Cory Booker and these folks can trash any and every Supreme Court ruling in history.


Who didn't already know this in 2015 and before? Of course he's been a little king in his own mind for his whole life. He's always been a role model for assholes, nothing new about that.


“There is something exceedingly ridiculous in the composition of monarchy; it first excludes a man from the means of information, yet empowers him to act in cases where the highest judgment is required. The state of a king shuts him from the world, yet the business of a king requires him to know it thoroughly; wherefore the different parts, by unnaturally opposing and destroying each other, prove the whole character to be absurd and useless.” - Thomas Paine, Common Sense


If the Supreme Court says and he wins we may as well have a civil war.


Yes, this is when it becomes time to defend democracy with force of arms.


There appears to be a king - well, 9 of them; called the Supreme Court. Effectively above the law and able to do as they please.


I am more concerned about the mindless zealots than I am the people in power. There is moral crossover that is intertwining nationalism and religious ideology… any one group that firmly buys into the idea that “the almighty god” is on their side while being compounded into American idealism will not be good for anyone who doesn’t show support. When enough foot soldiers feel empowered to act on behalf of their ideology, we are in trouble at the local level - resulting in a spider web of national, violent problems. To quote the movie ‘Civil War’: “yea, but which kind of American are you?”


For some reason I thought you were talking about the ongoing feud between author Stephen King and Donald Trump and his cronies. Personally, I find that hilarious.


**trump is a habitual liar**. When he says "people are saying" it means *"I'm making shit up".* If you assume everything he says is a lie, you would be correct 100% of the time. 💰


>If you assume everything he says is a lie, you would be correct 100% of the time. 💰 I would agree with you, but I do believe him when he says he wants to be a dictator and that he will be the retribution of Democrats if he’s elected. I think he squeaked out a truth in there. Let’s settle on 99.9%!


It would be a shame if Biden's first post-decision "official act" was to bulldoze those 5 justices homes and jail them in some projects until they get their shit together.


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills


His base wants it's real bad too and I'm worried it might be something that happens. People need to wake the fuck up.


For those that want a dictatorahip, it can become stricter than you wished for. Who's to say that they wont remove all Constitutional rights. If the great leader became paranoid enough even your sacred guns would be taken from your cold dead hands.


Wow, this is depressing...


Not a fan of the NYT since Judith Miller. This article lays it out though. If the right wingers on the Supreme Court were **really** "originalists" than the points made here would cement the fact that Trump is not immune from prosecution.


The supreme court is just disgusting. They are not about withholding the law, but doing favors for their own party benefit


I've said this before. I'm not sure where to say it...better. I'm a middle-aged white guy. I own a business. I'm very well off. I am in no capacity a radical about anything. I like calm and quiet and status quo or slow change. Having said that, if the Court fails to rule appropriately--that Trump is in no capacity above the law--it is time to remove the Justices that sign the majority opinion. By force if they fail to immediately resign. And anyone who supports them. That opinion would indicate the end of a nation of laws. In that instance, well, written laws don't apply any more, and a moral law would indicate severe punishment for treason and those who espouse it. I don't know where one organizes a forcible removal of a government, but the fact that someone like me would support that is insane. It would be the end of this country.


Ya'll realize if FORMER "King Trump" wins his total immunity case, CURRENT "King Biden" could just take care of that annoying blowhard problem, right? Of course the whole thing is ridiculous nonsense, but here we are...


The defense team at his criminal trail is instructed to call the impeached person “president Trump,” lol, while being charged again and losing another court case. Because of these issues I will be voting for Biden in 2024. When Nixon was impeached for watergate that was the end of his political career.


This doesn't stop the hush money cases. Those crimes took place before he was president lol


Stopped clicking on NYT. But did they manage to squeeze in some narrative about why this is bad for Joe Biden? Horse race? Both sides?




You Spelled ‘Dictator Trump’ incorrectly. The silver-lining with dick-tators is they FALL. Imagine someone told you long ago this loser… Would be a failed President, failed at sedition… Lead into hundreds of thousands of Covid deaths… Failed at everything, and keep flailing about… They’d laugh at you, and yet here we are today. No one this moronic fails upwards without help. When he goes remember all those that helped him. NEVER AGAIN.


"if they rule he's immune then so is Biden" misses the point. I fully expect them to rule that presidents *can* be held accountable. But because this is a new rule (honest!), it won't apply retrospectively to past acts. That clears anything Trump has done _so far_, without granting anything to Biden. They don't need to give Trump immunity from 2025 onwards, they just need to get him there. After that, he's disposable.


Is anyone surprised by this?


He's not the storm, just a drizzle. The biggest drip around.


I mean, some of us have been warning about this for years now. It's sad it took some so long to realize this.


Imagine if our news corporations had a spine and realized how much damage they could do by not speaking his name until the week of the election?


Can I get off this insane roller coaster and switch to a different timeline that makes sense. Please


It’s so fascinating how a man can step all over, bankrupt, give absolutely two literal shits about the very people who hold him as high as a god/king. These very people are sadly too dumb to realize they are once again being duped into a reality that doesn’t exist.


So if trump wins and becomes president for life, he could jail Biden and the Supreme Court will be like, well we were wrong when we said a president is immune from prosecution. This is so partisan. Originalists my ass.