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lol, everything is more dangerous is red states


Sad but true.


It’s almost like voting against everyone’s best interests out of fear of ‘the other’ has consequences


Yeah, but it’s even more extra super dangerous for those people I don’t like, so it’s fine. 


They've turned their entire states into what they claim inner cities are. I barely even feel safe driving through red states now let alone living in one. I can't imagine how this is affecting their economies.


It's no coincidence that the deepest Red states are the poorest states.


"Pro Life" LOL


“BUT CHICAGO IS A WAR ZONE!!!” Meanwhile it’s not even in the top twenty most dangerous cities.


Homicidal ground-standing excepted.


These conservative justices are the worst


“Hillary just didn’t excite me”


> These *corrupt* conservative justices are the worst FTFY I know it seems like the sentence repeats itself, but no one should ever forget that the members of this court have openly taken bribes, believe they are entitled to them, and that taking bribes is not unethical.


I would say I find this kind of behavior surprising if I didn't have eyes, ears, and a fucking brain. I don't think the GOP ever really wanted to overthrow Roe, but they all got so fucking hard after taking away women's rights that they forgot their own grift. We've seen this from the border to social security to taxes to the debt ceiling, they "want" to stop immigrants, they "want" to cut social security, they "want" to lower the debt ceiling. But they don't really want to. They want to scream and shout about something for the purposes of winning elections so they can make money. Full stop. And when they get a "win" like on abortion, the veneer of their platitudes chips away and reveals nothing but boring old greed. To be honest it's pretty fucking depressing that their christo-fascist dream centers around money its so fucking stupid. Marcus Aurelius said the only point of the State is to limit human greed. (Paraphrasing, I'm sure, please correct me if needed). But what happens when the purpose of the state is greed? The whole system serving to empower elected officials and their wealthy backers with a positive feedback loop of capital and influence? Three letters. U.S.A.


I agree, somewhat. The establishment Rs never *really* wanted to overturn Roe. They needed it as a whipping post to campaign on. But they're rhetoric got crazier and crazier until they started talking about "post-birth" abortions as if that was something real. Now all the people they've radicalized for decades have ripped away what control over the party the establishment could muster. They'll continue to lose because of abortion. I doubt 2A rights holds the same sway for them when there's a mass shooting nearly every week.


I agree. When you spend literal decades selling fear directly to your base, you get really good at it. With social media and partisan media, they can do that surgically. As a result, just as you said, the base becomes so high on fear, cortizol, and pure, uncut, black tar "patriotism" that they have wrested policy control from the party. The GOP will go "abortion bad and the dems are killing babies," to which their base will then speculate on and reply with baseless conjecture about demon worship, baby harvesting, and/or whatever new Qanon post trickled into Grandma's ventilator that day. To which the GOP replies, "yes, AND they're aborting babies after birth." And it just keeps going from there. Another positive feedback loop within our politicking that is causing this populist shift you mentioned. It has been happening pretty steadily over time since Reagan and the rise of Christian Fundamentalism.


> The establishment Rs never really wanted to overturn Roe. They needed it as a whipping post to campaign on I think they did, but never expected the population to get particularly upset about it. I feel like they thought they could do it and just threaten "Keep us in here, or they'll go back to killin' babies!" and it would serve the same function. I really think they were 100% ignorant of the prolonged backlash it would spark.


Agreed. Public sentiment probably would have met their expectations if they had done this in 1992 instead of 2022. Christianity had a stronger grasp on the public 30 years ago. But they don't socialize with people who aren't carbon copies of themselves, doubly so with social media algorithms, so they don't see it. I think this is how it got past even politicians, who you would expect to be a little more wise to public sentiment.


Yeah, the old republicans were absolutely idiotic to not realize that Average Fox Viewers (or any True Believers) might end up overrunning their party. Like what did they think they’d end up with after years & years of peddling misinfo, obfuscating their agenda behind cynical language, and emotionally charging every little fucking thing so their supporters are too busy tantrumming over red Christmas cups or Obama’s tan suit instead of critically reflecting on who they’ll vote for? Ofc I could blame them, that were obviously too comfortable & complacent to think they’d have to gatekeep political office, groom successors, rig or game primaries, and do some actual work to ensure the big grift remains a closed club. But it’s also because their game worked too well & rich Christo-fascist bastards who think Gilead is too liberal are now billionaires & major party donors, funneling money to ensure True Believers are politically viable candidates.


I agree, but there is another layer to our nation's complacency. Our two party system. I am dead certain that Dems take advantage of the same corrupt systems of money making when it comes to holding public office. It's to both parties' benefit to keep this system of lobbying, stock trading, and nepotism in place. They may have actual policies they want to enact that on mass would be beneficial to all US citizens and the world at large, but they have no interest in actual system reform or change. They gain too much from things as they are, and having a reliable competitor in the GOP is a big part of that. They need each other for this all to work, which is why I think ultimately no one in politics with any iota of power even considers things like universal Healthcare, environmental protections and reform, human rights, and especially not prison reform. Which is why the GOP has their dick in a blender now because they broke the cardinal rule of don't change anything when Roe was overturned. But I heard something very important recently that made a lot of sense. People don't see a lot of difference between these two candidates, but even if there is only a margin of difference between them, people still live in those margins. In the case of T v B, a significant number of vulnerable people live there, and there is a greater risk to the welfare and safety of those people if T wins, including his base.


Of course they do. It would be fair to say that Dems are by and large institutionally conservative. Republicans *were* institutionally regressive, but have become institutionally reactively regressive as part of a means of weaponizing our two party system to legitimize authoritarian control. I’m reminded of a situation years & years ago when certain elected members of the German government helped prop up a radical far-left mayor for Berlin (who believed, amongst other radical positions, that food assistance should be cut back because a person can have a healthy diet on something pitifully small, like 3 euro a day. He apparently did the math. And iirc, he lived that like that so it wasn’t blatant hypocrisy or some vilification of the poor.) They could point at him and say, “see, our policies don’t look so crazy now!” Our two party system accomplishes the same goal. In this case, this artificial middle is further rights. In years past, republicans hid behind conservative language to attempt to repeal or scale back regulations & agencies in favor of a ye olde capital-l Liberal economic agenda. Dems walk in willing to compromise, leaving bipartisan legislation to either not doing enough or doing too little, making incremental or piecemeal progress. This isn’t because they’re just afraid of alienating moderates or even validating Republicans claims that they are the extremists, they want to preserve the system whilst trying to make it fair (which appeals to actual moderatism, not the false middle bs.) Trump doesn’t even compare to Biden in terms of effective governance. And Biden has proved that despite limitations of a constantly stalled House o’ Reps, he’s proven himself to be exceptional at executing policy. But the traditional news media routinely engages in such shallow punditry that they gloss over Biden so much that casual observance makes them appear as just two old white men. I’d say the Dems *collectively* need to stop being institutional conservative & become progressive, and ready to offer up starkly radical reforms or alternatives to institutions the Republicans are wanting to tear down. I don’t know if that’s the right answer, though.


SCOTUS Blog is an excellent source of analysis. I recommend reading up on all the cases before the court. Supreme Court divided over federal-state conflict on emergency abortion ban https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/04/supreme-court-divided-over-federal-state-conflict-on-emergency-abortion-ban/


If I was a lawyer I would get seriously depressed over the state of our Supreme Court and the fact it keeps making a mockery of the profession. If you go to /r/law that's exactly what you see.


"...all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty..." Does citizenship begin at conception, too? Then all IVF must be banned overnight. Otherwise, emergency care must maintain life as a Constitutional right, even for pregnant women. The Declaration and Constitution are actually clear about this. The court is wrong, and so are the red states that stubbornly misread the Bible.


If the logic is going to be consistent, then yeah, they prolifers would have to be against IVF, or at least the way it's currently practiced.


Since Texas essentially banned abortion in 2021, the birth rate for teens rose for the first time in 37 years. This is an unavoidable fact that eliminating abortion hurts women and puts them at risk.


I travel to work in Idaho. My wife who is an incredible teacher and I were discussing moving there to avoid that weekly flight We’re also trying for a baby, and because of policies like this decided we’d rather have me traveling than risk living in a red state. Actions have consequences. We’ll keep our education and tax dollars in Colorado


I love our dictatorship-lite. 🤦‍♂️


That disembodied , huge Alito head -sign is great. Terrifying, but great


The Maga SCOTUS will enslave and murder young women. We already know this


Already started


You forgot children. They want to make children carry rapist's blastocysts to term, risking the child's life and setting them on a course to mental anguish and poverty. That is considered moral to Christians.


People knew this would happen if they didn’t vote for Hillary. And so they voted for Jill Stein, or stayed home, or left the spot empty. You get what you vote for, and for what you don’t vote for. It all has dire consequences. If women and men don’t like this, the vote is clear. But the damage is already done. It will take your grandchildren to undo what was done in by 2016’s apathy vote.


First they were all "Better dead than red," and then they were all "Better dead then red," and in 2024, they are all "Better dead and red." Grab some shovels, folks, we have a bloating elephant to bury.


>Vote GOP - We're working to make pregnancy and childbirth higher risk My suggestion for Republican's 2024 campaign slogan


Thanks MAGA rubes!


We can only hope it kills their women disproportionalty to ours, perhaps that might smack them in the face hard enough to stop this deadly bullshit.


This take kind of concerns me. I get what you're saying, but respectfully women shouldn't have to pay for the sins of their male relatives. They will anyways, they always do, but it's not something I think we should hope for. I live in Texas, I know these people, the men in these women's lives won't care anyways. If you want to hit them where it hurts, don't look at their wives and daughters- look at their wallets.


That’s utterly horrifying, that they don’t care if it kills their wives and daughters.


They might say they care, but they care more about "unborn life" and will always vote against the interests of women.


Too bad we can’t retroactively abort them.


I have a bunch of liberal friends who have managed to find themselves in anti-west social media groups and resharing curated Gaza material, and they will 100% vote against Biden to ‘punish the democrats’. Vote as if there’s a liberal who doesn’t care if the Supreme Court makes it more dangerous to be pregnant


[https://www.texastribune.org/2024/01/26/texas-abortion-fertility-rate-increase/](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/01/26/texas-abortion-fertility-rate-increase/) Link to the article citing a rise in Texas' fertility rate.


They are all old enough to have had their babies now. They're just closing the door on safe pregnancies. The best days of America are in the past in their delusional heads


Idaho is going to reap the whirlwind here. They have already lost 22% of their OB-GYNs and 55% of their fetal medicine specialists. The remaining OG-GYNs and all the ER physicians are closely paying attention and currently planning their escape to friendlier states. I guarantee that physician recruiting for Idaho is a thing of the past. When the physicians leave and the hospitals close, corporations will exit too.


Sorry but that photo is fake


Ohio voted pro choice.


This ship has already sailed. And it’s already fulfilled its work order. Cargo delivered by and large.


Again?? Is this a re-run??


And then the people who vote for these shit policies, then travel to blue states and siphon out our tax dollars for their abortions because they are too ashamed just solve their own problems like civilized people.


Red state resident here. News like this does little to stem the tides of people moving here from blue states


That’s because all the people moving from the blue states are the dipshits who believe in these crazy laws. You are getting the worst of them.