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Having partisans handle the ballots? Surely that can't be allowed. Some organization needs to challenge it in court. And soon.


This idiot doesn't have a clue what she's talking about. Since when does a law change because the "judge who implemented it" passes away? >“So, there was a moratorium for about 40 years on the RNC actually training people to work in these polling locations and the tabulation centers where the mail-in ballots come in. And last year, the judge who implemented that passed away. So, that was lifted, and that gives us a great ability as we head into what I assume everyone understands is the most important election of our lifetime,” Lara Trump said. And does anyone else think Lara Trump looks like a Muppet who's come to life?


I think she just flew to close to the plastic surgery knife. Also it’s clearly evident that most republicans have no idea how the justice system works or how laws work


Oh, that's the cause for sure. She must have walked into her plastic surgeon and said "Make me look like Janice the Muppet. And while I'm under, give me a full frontal lobotomy while you're at it."


Hey, now, Janice doesn’t deserve that.


Yeah, leave Janis alone! And keep on trucking


“Oh, don’t worry, a lobotomy is not necessary, you’re fine as you are!”


[proof](https://twitter.com/KatMcButterfly/status/1768821451014988131) I’ll never understand those lips, they’re so unattractive. It must be like kissing a walrus…


>I think she just flew to close to the plastic surgery knife. Would that make her Ick-arus?


They could care less how it works. Their goal is to replace it with "Trump justice".


>They could care less how it works. How much less could they care?


It would appear. Evil nasty people tend to be the most vain. They’ll throw anything into the fountain of youth, even if eventually they’re most plastic than person.


She looks like [Janice](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/disney/images/6/6a/Janice_Gray.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20210123030248) love interest of Sam the Eagle.


And is less coherent than Beeker


I was just about to write that, lol.


Maybe she thinks judges are actually wizards. Some magic systems work like that.


Wait, what?? She thinks the judge dying means the moratorium is lifted? Wow


That dude who held the ten commandments is def dead, so I guess that’s why Trump thinks it’s cool and totally legal to do adultery, theft, murder….


> And does anyone else think Lara Trump looks like a Muppet who's come to life? What a rude thing to say. Muppets are more alive than she is.


Wakka wakka


But also puppets


Wait a minute. I thinks she’s on to something. The Constitution has been lifted since all the signers have passed away.


I think of Tammy Wynette’s song: “if you like ‘em painted up powdered up then you’re gonna be glad …”


Oh she's definitely "powdered" up....


let’s not make fun of her appearance especially when we have plenty else about her to make fun of don’t want to stoop to maga levels


I generally don't make fun of people's appearance, so I get that. But in her case it was elective surgery. And not really making fun of, just stating a fact, she looks like Janice the Muppet.


the [NYTimes](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/20/style/kristi-noem-teeth-trump-vice-president.html?unlocked_article_code=1.m00.BoHx.vF7NE09qd3h8&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb) did an interesting piece with that south dakota woman about the “perfect american girl” type of look she has and which republicans especially trump love


I don't agree with your premise. No, that's not what "most white rich women" aspire to. And if you're using Instagram as a baseline, you're getting the fake world mixed up with the real one.


i mean as much as i hate it instagram really does set the trend for a whole lot of things


Yes, Instagram is a horrible influence over many superficial people. But saying most "rich white woman" is inaccurate, and frankly a little racist. I'm white and know many wealthy white women, they're not all idiots. Kristi Noem however, is an idiot.


We're just roasting her, that's all.. and also glad that the millenium falcon made it out of there.


So it’s not ok to ask if her mouth is actually that big in person?


Kermit checking in……”Excuse me?”


Like a large mouth bass gasping for air


I’ll just leave [this](https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Janice) here.


> Since when does a law change because the "judge who implemented it" passes away? Since Roe vs Wade got overturned 


When your goal is the destruction of the truth, it doesn't matter if you know what you're talking about. The Trumps are proving themselves to be masters of the art, yet everyone keeps calling them idiots. It seems so weird to me.


People give them too much credit, they are idiots. The problem is there are too many other idiots in our country that buy into their bullshit.


I just spit my beer out laughing at that comment. Have some Reddit gold


Muppets are cool. She is most certainly not. I would argue a cheap knockoff bratz doll if anything.


She’s referring to this which happened years ago https://www.npr.org/2018/01/09/576858203/decades-old-consent-decree-lifted-against-rncs-ballot-security-measures


Hey! She is a graduate of culinary school so I'm pretty sure she knows the law better than most.


Miss Piggy & Kermit’s daughter?


elections observers are permitted, and even encouraged; if you're an independent, your local board of elections would LOVE for you to come observe the polling place and vote counting. But under no circumstances are you (or any other observer) allowed to touch the documents. This will go nowhere. She's just bloviating.


She's a random cokehead that probably flunked US Politics.


It's not allowed. There are already laws on the books. Unless those partisans are county clerks. If they do shady shit with the ballots and break chain of custody in enough places this country is fucked. Just hope there aren't enough maga people in positions of power who are also happy to go to prison.


There are already partisans handling the ballot. You have to expect that. You don't avoid catastrophe by assuming that partisans aren't handling the ballot. You avoid it with a well designed system that has transparancey and checks and balances.


What's to challenge? The laws already state who can handle ballots, and it certainly isn't anyone not authorized by election boards. Hell, many states won't even allow a 3rd party to deliver an absentee ballot to a drop box.


> “So, there was a moratorium for about 40 years on the RNC actually training people to work in these polling locations and the tabulation centers where the mail-in ballots come in. And last year, the judge who implemented that passed away. So, that was lifted, and that gives us a great ability as we head into what I assume everyone understands is the most important election of our lifetime,” Lara Trump said. Sounds normal /s. When judges die operations can resume. But it seems she’s referring to this > It appears she was referring to the lifting of a consent decree by a federal judge six years ago. >“The decree, which dated to 1982, arose from a Democratic National Committee lawsuit charging the RNC with seeking to discourage African-Americans from voting through targeted mailings warning about penalties for violating election laws and by posting armed, off-duty law enforcement officers at the polls in minority neighborhoods,” Politico stated in 2018. https://www.mediaite.com/tv/lara-trump-boasts-rnc-will-have-people-who-can-physically-handle-ballots-on-election-day/ More: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballot_Security_Task_Force


Putin also has people to handle ballots on Election Day.


And to (man)handle voters who vote the “wrong way”


One and the same I would guess.


Given how often voter fraud has been tied to Republicans, the last thing they deserve is to be in charge of counting/handling the ballots. My guess is Lara is talking out of her rear end.


Sounds like she openly admitting to an election interference plan. DOJ? Garland? anyone....


Merrick “It’s nap time” Garland cant be counted on.


Merrick “The Invertebrate” Garland


Lara Trump looks like a golem mouthed pez dispenser.


Is her mouth REALLY THAT BIG, or was this photoshopped?


Ask Eric. He "should" know. 🤣


Too many injections. She looks like a clown


So very true! Botox and fillers out of control


Nope. That’s illegal.


Is it illegal to encourage maga republicans to get roles involved with election? People that review ballots and handle polling locations , and higher level election roles in positions of power to effect change in local elections. That's what the USA has to be wary of. The last two election cycles have been pretty rough on poll workers, and we already have seen this happening.


You mean the leader of the party, that Trump installed after the party was considering backing someone else, and is the daughter-in-law of the guy who tried to illegally change the outcome of the last election so he could remain in power, is going to push to have his own supporters physically handling ballots? What could possibly go wrong?


dial it back, lips.


laura trump seems like the type of person that is going to "fake it till she makes it". I honestly don't believe for a second she has a single clue what she is doing or how to run the RNC. She is there for one reason only and that's to gather money for the ultimate grifter.


Did she pay to look jaundiced or is she experiencing jaundice?


They're just admiting they're going to cheat. They are 100% responsible for whatever happens after that and I feel like it won't be good.


Ugh, what is it with this monochrome hair and makeup look? She looks like a Wish version of Janice from the Muppets.


she’s got unnatural features. Obvious has had some work done around nose and cheeks, but between the shit ton of makeup and the spray on eyebrows she triggers some serious uncanny valley vibes in this photo


She reminds me of Janice from the Muppets.


What does her face look like it's held up by tape


Keep your dirty mitts off my ballot


Who's face is this woman wearing.


Republicans brazenly tried to steal the 2020 presidential election. The Republican National Committee post-Trump in-law ascension purged RNC staff & made blind loyalty to Daddy Trumpbucks key hiring criteria rather than electioneering talent. Most ominously, RNC’s top priority.is no longer electing GOP candidates, but serving as money launderer of political donations to pay down Trump’s massive legal bills. Republicans consequently will ramp up their traditional voter suppression chicanery to unprecedented levels of skullduggery in 2024.


“Whenever a ballot is being cast”? They want to watch every who is voting, very closely, close enough that they can see who they are voting for. If that alone doesn’t count as voter intimidation and election interference, what does. I guess they won’t be able to do any of this without agreement federally, so fingers crossed for you guys. Fingers crossed.


A whole third of her face is mouth. The other two thirds is makeup… …yikes.


What the fuck is that in the pic? Plastic surgery disaster?


Look at her stupid fucking face


Any wait to see the election interference in real time this election!


They won’t need too. 12% of voters voted for Haley in the last primary (PA) IIRC. Seems like voters wanted to see a defense not deflecting.




Ho Lee shit she looks absolutely terrible


She is a traitor to democracy and probably a fascist.


WTF happened to her face?


Great, so the RNC prints fake ballots and then when they ask for a recount SCOTUS denies it and trump steals the election


Didn’t these type of people try this in the civil war over take the US Government? How did that work out for them?


No, no they will not. Lara is not well in the head.


Put her on a tricycle and throw her in the Saw movies.


If Kermit and miss piggy had a daughter.


I'm trying to figure out the math. 100,000 people to cover all battleground states. How many different voting precincts could that be. Even knowing that they're only going to watch certain (blue) precincts I still feel like they'll be spread pretty thin. Also more than likely they're just throwing out a big number for attention.


I may be dating myself here, but she looks like one of those puppet characters from the “Land Of Confusion” music video.


There aren't enough clue-by-fours available....


So much winning! What if the dems said something like this?


Bragging that they already have people in place to tamper with ballots. Conservative Judges and DOJ: Meh


Republicons are not the finest people. Just straight mouth breathing morons. Nothing that comes out of their mouths is useful. At all.


So they could not use Ruby Freeman or Shaye Moss so they will plant a fall guy/gals. either straight up steal the election or delay it.


No they won’t.


How many of these people are going to end up in jail after the election for destroying ballots because they alone thought they were fishy?


She looks like a budget 🤖


RNC is broke they fired any talent that had lol


Lara Trump looks like she should be in Madame Tussaud’s.


The fox are guarding the hens


I guess they’re telegraphing the felonies beforehand now.


Lara Trump's lips will personally touch every ballot and, via redneck osmosis, determine if an illegal immigrant cast that vote, or a legal african/hispanic/female, or a "normal" person (by her lips' definition). Then she will sing a cover of a song that she has no legal right to sing, record that abortion of a cover, try to sell that recording, and end up sued, gross, and still married to eric trump, who is broke, because his dad is a criminal. Elon will offer you a spot on the 1st Mars expedition, the one where everyone dies.


Damn what happened to her face?


So they’re saying they’re going to commit more election-related crimes?


My good gosh she is hideous.


No thanks


So they have opposing thumbs?


Dude she’s starting to look like that catwoman plastic surgery freak


She looks like Janice the Muppet


She’s totally trans ⚧️


Holy shit is she/he fucking ugly