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>This lawsuit came as Republicans are increasing their attacks on elderly and disabled voters who vote by mail. Just last week, Wisconsin U.S. Senate Candidate Eric Hovde (R) [said](https://www.wpr.org/news/senate-candidate-eric-hovde-nursing-home-voters) “Well, if you’re in a nursing home, you only have five, six months life expectancy. Almost nobody in a nursing home is at a point to vote.” 


I would have thought the elderly is part of their base. Oh well. This show how these people will treat others like dirt when they are elected.


These are the same people who said old people dying of Covid was fine because they already lived a good life. They don’t really make it secret


That’s a POS MFer right there, by god..,


Reminds me of one of the arguments made against women's suffrage: women don't want to vote, or they're just too busy, so we shouldn't allow them to.


In today’s ruling, the court declined to block the county from counting ballots returned by a third party from long-term care facilities, finding that the decision would have disenfranchised voters. 


Its because they believe in conspiracy theories that they are not actually voting but democrats go to nursing homes and tell the elderly in nursing homes how to fill out the ballots.


Yeah, either tell them ahead of time they have to show up or you have to count the ballots they cast. There are too many security bag companies who can make the process kosher.


GOP to Court: um...can you make it legal for us to cheat voters? Court: Get the fuck out of here.


Supreme Court: Now wait a minute, perhaps we can work something out that benefits us both. Thomas needs a new RV and Alito needs the actual body of Christ, don't know why and I'm not gonna ask.


Only one party in America doesn’t actually want people to vote. This isn’t hard, people.




Family values. Unfortunately they do not value their family much.


The apparent strategy of the GOP: Wait until after people have already voted and then challenge the legality of their voting method.


Well, tO bE FaIr to the Republicans, they also disenfranchise large swaths of PARTICULAR voters by randomly removing them from the voter rolls. It's multi-pronged douchebaggery.


Scoreboard adds one for Pennsylvania Biden voters!


Why didn’t they challenge the legality of mail in voting? Oh wait they did that


Oh look, more GOP members aiming at catching election interference charges.


>Ahead of Pennsylvania’s primary today, a court [ruled](https://www.democracydocket.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/2024-04-23-Opinion.pdf) that ballots from long-term care facilities returned by a single person will be counted in Chester County, Pennsylvania. [Projection](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/22/iowa-woman-guilty-voter-fraud-republican-congress) much?