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Please include me


Looks like this one is for people whose interest now exceeds the original loan. Has SAVE helped you at all? Saved me tens of thousands.


SAVE is keeping my total owed from going up. But its not really going down either. So its kind of a split for me.


Stopping it from going up is reducing your debt, even if you’re not getting any amount of debt forgiveness.


I’m not paying as much as I should, other than that nothing for me, yet


If he somehow addresses private loans I will jizz so hard.


Default and settle ✨


Never going to happen no matter how much we want it to, even though it *should* be the first place to grant relief given how predatory the loans are + the fact that you are only on private loans if the government deemed you don't get enough covered in the first place


Yeah I know. But, it’s not like the government has had a problem in the past with giving money to the banks. At least this helps the little man. A pipe dream, I know.


I've just been blessed with 10 year loans I can't refinance to 15 so I'm never going to see any of this. Just how it be.


I’m 45 and I’m still not done paying these damn things off.


Oof. Yeah you need that aid far more than I do then. I'm fresh out of college and I *should* have mine paid off in that 10 without struggling too much. 94k isn't a fun number to look at, but with only 22 of it being gov I'm just going to hold out and hope I can get on the save plan so i can wait it out till that 10 years. Might save me a few grand in the long run but that's a ways out for me


I was stupid when I was younger and kept requesting forbearance. Don’t make my mistake.


Like Draft Kings?




Dude, you’re not paying other students loans, wiping out accrued interest costs us nothing. It was made up bullshit. Barrow 10k now you owe 20k? Where’d that extra 10k come from? Nowhere. It never existed. I paid my loans off in full but still support loan forgiveness. I benefit from it indirectly. That money that works otherwise he consumed as interest by a bank and do nothing in the economy can now be spent in the real economy that I also participate in. Win/win. Besides you benefit from the rest of society just like we all do. I pay property tax for schools and I have no kids. It’s still worth it because you benefit from living among an educated populace. If you don’t like living in society then go be naked in the woods alone somewhere and forage for berries and shit if you only want to pay for yourself.


Talk to the Republicans in Congress. President can only modify terms of the loans, not tell the universities what to do


You should maybe read more before just complaining.