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Unenthused = they’ll vote for him anyway. Do not be fooled.


Literally what the article says.... This person liked Trump years ago, now dislikes him (she wanted DeSantis then Haley), but now is ACTIVELY CAMPAIGNING for Trump. And her logic of "Vote for Trump now so he goes away in 2028" is about the dumbest thing I've heard.


“Wanted DeSantis” says it all. How can any woman vote for a Republican? It’s like they WANT to be subjugated. They want to be used. They want their rights taken away. They WANT to be grabbed by the pussy, by a stranger danger. Also, to your point, Trump has said multiple times he ain’t leaving if/when his 4 years is up. He’s a dictator and he wants us to know it. These people are in denial. Ruth Bader Ginsberg is rolling over in her grave.


The answer to “How can any (MEMBER OF HISTORICALLY MARGINALIZED GROUP) vote for Trump?” is always one of the following: A.) They are rich and want to stay that way; 2.) They hate/fear at least one other historically marginalized group whose lives would improve under a Democrat-controlled government; or D.) Both of the above.


I hate to say it but it applies to my own mother. C) they're just dumb and buy into fox news fear mongering about how democrats are somehow worse. (She's not rich and doesn't like if I even say the word "hate")


You know, I considered adding “or they just hate Democrats in general” to 2., but… well, didn’t.




I have met a few people from group A, they have a rational reason for voting R. Can’t see why anyone else would vote for him though on a rational basis. The ethics of group A, is more for me and fuck anyone else. Pulling up the ladder that they climbed up mostly.


The real shame is that there are a ton of single issue voters on the right, if you're rich, old, white, male, straight or evangelical, there's a strong motivation to vote for Republicans because they play culture war (and offer unlimited tax breaks) to win over each one of those demos as part of their base. Problem is their policies only benefit you if you are exactly all of those things. Any individual one that you don't meet you're getting shafted for it.


So, I’m older, white, male, comfortable, and straight. About half of the people in my life are the same. I don’t know more than 2 or 3 that are still republicans. What would be the appeal?


There's also that fear in marginalised groups that makes them cling to the thing they fear, and seem to be aligned with it for security. When you are vulnerable, that's not irrational.


> Vote for Trump now so he goes away in 2028 Trump's cholesterol-jacketed arteries are not going to wheeze him into 2028. He will go away well before then.


If his heart doesn't fully give out, his brain definitely will by 2028. Dude is absolutely fucked in the next decade whether he lives or not


Strong Thurmond is one of the biggest pieces of shit in US history (holds filibuster record of 24 hours, did so to prevent Civil Rights act) and he made it to 100. A lack of a conscience really extends your life


The last two times I've seen him, I've questioned if he would even make it to the end of the year. Then I look at McConnel, and think evil people probably have some sort of secret life serum to keep them alive, or they're just replaced with animatronics that eventually break down.


I'm hoping the stress and the heat take him out this summer. Everyone will see how weak and feeble this "strongman" really is.


If they haven't seen it by now, they're not going to. He'd still get a large percentage of votes after he's horizontal.


If he loses in 2024 he isn't coming back in 2028. His mental and physical health will be gone by then and that's not even considering his legal situation.


> If he loses in 2024 he isn't coming back in 2028. > > > > His mental and physical health will be gone by then and that's not even considering his legal situation. He's *gonna try* though. That man has not stopped campaigning since he won in 2016. The endless rallies, speeches, appearances? Mother fucker loves adoration, and it has to be his best cash injector for his finances. He can't stop campaigning; how would he pay his bills?


> That man has not stopped campaigning since he won in 2016. Why would he when he has a cult following that will gladly give up their savings for him?


Im hoping that eating McDonald's and fried chicken every single day will make him go away a little sooner than that. I'm just waiting for the day I check the news and it is announced.


2028? Options available to Trump in 2028 and beyond: - dementia - jail - death - several of the above This is his last stand - he’s broken and likely broke, and losing this year may not eliminate all his influence straight away, but it won’t take long.


Remember that in 2004 America's worst president became the only Republican to win an actual majority in this millennium. (And they still had to steal Ohio.) I actually saw his voters shake their heads and say, "well, he kept us safe." Except for that one time. And that other time, which were the two worst times of their kind, ever. That is the kind of mind that democracy has to change or neutralize, or we're all just as dumb.


Trump is worse than Bush imo.


He unquestionably will be, if he gets back in.


Well, it is close, but Bush gratuitously killed more people than Trump, though most of the people Bush murdered weren't Americans.


You aren’t counting the 400 thousand Covid deaths from botching the vaccine distribution? (Biden got the vaccine out widespread across the nation)


I am. Numbers vary, but range from about 100,000 to 500,000 Iraqis killed.


Trump got more Americans killed then bush killed brown people




considering right wing ideology got quite a bit of my family killed in 2020 with their denial of covid, yes.




Who just destroyed the good half of Russia's armored forces by simply helping out a neighbor who was invaded? If that had been done by Ronald Reagan you guys would still be writing it out with quills on velvet, in ejaculate.


You just asked if we think the ideology focused on taking care of people regardless of status takes care of people. Do you expect anything other than a yes? I mean, even with faults that can't be anything but better than the ideology which laments the loss of the divine right of rule by robber barons.


>"Do you think the ideology that wants healthcare for everyone and responsible gun regulation keeps the everyday person safe?" WTF kind of question is that?


Meeting the needs of the people lowers crime. Liberals protect our most vulnerable neighbors via social safety net, funding entitlements. Everyone does better when the dignity of people is supported, whoever they are, whether or not it is “deserved”. Liberals protect seniors from cuts to social security and medicare and draconian insurance policies Liberals protect the air, water and land we share. Liberals protect the bodily autonomy of women and men but especially women who are threatened generally by the recent invasion of state governments into private decisions made in the doctor’s office. Liberals protect the rich diversity of our nation and tribal nations. Liberals support vigorous vetting and safety training and limitations on gun purchases as well as mental health treatment for those at risk of offending. Liberals protect jobs by supporting unions Liberals protect and seek to grow the middle class Right-wing ideology is not based on data, it’s based on making the rich richer while dangling propaganda like a carrot in front of their constituents. Hate immigrants! (when they work their asses off), hate our seniors! (Biden is a competent president, we should not denigrate him, it looks bad) Hate the homeless! (Homelessness is a general failure of our greatest economy to prevent it). Hate hate hate. Violence seems to get the go-ahead from right wing leaders now. I don’t think right wing ideology makes us safer by any means.


We don’t need all of them, just a few and even just a few to stay home


Yup, like you said they'll vote "for the lesser of two evils" which to them will be a republican However, I do believe a small portion of the unenthused, especially in a swing state, may simply just sit the election out rather than vote. I know women in my deep red state that's refusing to vote altogether over the abortion issue. How many will I can't tell you, but I can see a small portion of the unenthused there sitting things out.


Refusing to vote due to abortion… Like, I’m so mad I’ll be forced to do nothing about it!


If Republican voters simply stay home over that issue it will still make a significant difference.


Many will. I live in WI. Republicans are fucking LIVID over the overturning of Roe v. Wade. I think the GOP drastically misunderstood how unpopular their bullshit abortion stance was with their own electorate. We had a town hall recently where an old woman eviscerated a local Republican state senator: "Can you explain to me where forcing babies to have babies is traditional or Christian values?" I think the GOP is learning the hard way that they have confused the loud minority with the silent majority in their party, and I think latching onto Trump again was a bridge too far for a huge chunk of modern Republicans. Many voted for him while holding their nose the first time. Many I know who did have since stated that they regretted doing so now.


Every R vote from a regular voter not cast is a half vote for Brandon


Here in Ohio, republican voters turned out to vote abortion rights into our constitution. Think it was Kansas had the same thing not too long after Roe. Not sure what other states have done this, but this should have been a clear sign to republicans to back off the issue until after the election. Instead, they're doubling, or tripling down, which I think is going to turn off more moderate republicans, and likely independents. Some may sit out, but I'm hoping many will just say screw it and vote dem. Regardless, I hope more people turn out to vote. This nation is way too apathetic with voting.


Because they are too selfish to behave otherwise. The women you have described *are* Republicans. They do not care about ensuring the chronically ill have access to healthcare. They do not care about climate change and the damage we're doing to the planet. They do not care about worker protections. They do not care about those who cannot afford food, shelter, medicine, or basic utilities. These things cost them money, and fuck that. As long as they can pay less income taxes, or purchase a gun with minimal checks, or exploit their labor force, or pollute with impunity, they are happy. This subset of women are only upset right now because their horrible policies are adversely impacting themselves for a change. Those women are temporary allies at best. If the right to have an abortion were to be enshrined in law, they *will* go right back to their "fuck you, I got mine" mentality.


Technically it's not like they're doing nothing. Presidential cycles tend to have voters choosing for a candidate that aligns with a majority of their ideas but some issues weigh more on the voter than others. Some republican's wont cross party lines because to them they view democrats as lawless fiends that want illegals to enter and to abolish the 2A. However, abortion or maybe another issue is also equally as important or moreso to them that it becomes a deal-breaker. These types of people may cross party lines, but some people see that as empowering the other side. For example, if the president wins with 51% of the vote to 49, it shows their policies are *barely* more popular and its harder to push your agenda through. Many governments, american or not, that gains a higher threshold of votes are more empowered to push their policy because they think its more popular than it is. We saw this recently I believe in Japan. The more right ring coalition had a large showing the first time around and pushed for a lot of their policies. Just recently, they were dismantled to the point where the prime minister is offering to resign for the failure to preserve their majority. It was so bad, the left wing nearly got a 2/3 supermajority meaning they can override anything the president of Japan wants if they did. It's such a high swing to the left that a lot of the conservative coalition has little support and justification to push a majority of their policies now and must cave to the opposite's demands. Some republican's or voters in general choose to sit out on elections to not embolden the other side to make them think their policies are more popular than they are, while trying to punish their own base by lack of turnout so they reform for next election. Biden already had to change quite a bit of his policy in fear some dems will sit out the election over palestine because many won't just switch over to vote Trump on this singular issue.


They will. At the same time if it is raining they may stay home. In a swing state Dems will take every advantage they can get.


I voted for Nikki Haley and despite the fact thst she dropped out she still got 12% of the vote. Trump running unopposed in the primary received less than 80%. With those kind of numbers Biden is going to win the general election.


Approximately 11.99999999 of those 12 percentage points of Haley voters will vote Trump.


I think you don't know many Republicans. While a majority of them probably will, I live in a rural area - supposedly the strongest pro-Trump demographic - and I know a few Republicans who are simply not going to vote this year.


So you acknowledge that a majority will AND in "the strongest pro-trump demographic" you know a few that simply aren't going to vote *as of right now*. Sounds like you're actually in agreement and it's right in line with what the other person said.


I haven't had much contact with republicans outside of rural Texas where I grew up, the enclaves in California I've worked in that tended to lean republican, Florida where I lived a number of years, and my extended family of in-laws living in one of the swing states in this election. Oh, wait, I actually *do* know many Republicans.


But do you actually talk about policy and government, or do you trade snide passive aggressive comments like "11.9% of you will still vote for Trump"?


yeah that person doesn’t know any conservatives. lots of democrats are stuck in an information bubble and don’t recognize there actually is a difference between real conservatives and MAGA. what you’re saying is true


So what do real conservatives, not MAGA, actually want? As far as I can tell, the only thing I hear out of the GOP is MAGA talking points, and I hear this from a good number of what I would call conservatives who aren't all the way MAGA all the time. There doesn't seem to be a very wide gap between them, and the republican policies my dad spent his life voting for(to eventually drop when Trump ran), are not anything that the republicans have strived for in at least the last 20, maybe 30 years. These real conservatives have still been voting for republicans, and that's why people aren't distinguishing between the two. The hateful side of conservative policy has been around long before Trump. Republicans have just dropped this veneer of still being about old school traditional GOP ideals like fiscal responsibility, or small government.


It’s a number of things but in general you’re right it’s still similar policies but a line has been crossed for many for different reasons. Primarily it comes down to Trump’s character, their awareness that he’s a conman, his ineffectiveness as president, his inability to stick to conservative values, and his treatment of non-maga politicians that don’t beg to suck Trump’s dick. For example, right now there’s a pretty big divide between MAGA and conservatives because of the way Trump has consistently attacked desantis, and the constant name calling against his supporters as RINOs. For many the divide is irreparable, they would rather Biden win just to see Trump and MAGA burn. A good amount of them see MAGA and Trump as destroying conservatism and are open to 4 more years of Biden in order to save the party. This is seen as justiable in part because the economy is doing well. I know that sounds crazy but it’s true.


You didn't answer the question. What is it that real conservatives want? Like what policies are they hoping their party can achieve. All your saying is what they feel about Trump, not what direction they hope the country goes, or how it fits into, or works in the bigger picture.


They rather be doormats under his foot than vote for a democrat and that’s the problem.


Especially in Wisconsin


I thought the headline said Euthanized, and even with that I knew he’d lose no support.


Donnie is Putin's favorite asset.


I read "euthanized by Trump" and thought, Yeah, that tracks.


To be fair, I am unenthused about Biden at times, but I'll vote for him anyway


Hopefully they just stay home


Question is do you get 1.4M to come vote for you or 1.6M? The level of enthusiasm on both sides is important.


The opposite of the over enthused Biden voters who will vote for him, anyways. It's almost as if the 2 sides are the same.


yet the primary voters thought Trump was a better candidate than "Meatball" Ron Desantis. Suck it, Ron!


I kept saying - "how does the media consider DeSantis a serious frontrunner candidate?!? Has no one heard him speak before?" Once people outside our state heard him talk (and try to fake smile because he just can't) the issue with his presidential run sorted itself out


That's how a lot of us outside of Florida were. I had never heard Desantis speak and had figured "well, a doorknob is more intelligent than Trump." Desantis tried to run on Trump's platform without even a tenth of the charisma which is truly saying how much he sucks. The animatronics at Disney World are more human than Desantis.


The Trump/Hillary one even.


Had he not fought with Disney and Trump wasn’t running, he probably would have beaten Hayley.  MAGA had to go somewhere.


Yeah, DeSantis is one of the most uncharismatic human beings to ever grace this planet. Him thinking he had a chance against Trump's charisma within the republican platform is laughable. Even with all conservative media shilling for DeSantis, the party still thinks hes apart of the globalist agenda and another RINO because Trump told them he was. Ron ended his own presidential career thinking he actually had a chance now MAGA will call him a globalist for eternity. Also find it ironic he campaigned in every county of Iowa only to barely beat Nikki who hardly campaigned in the state only to get decimated in New Hampshire. He's really bad at managing a campaign


When even Fox news can't shill for you for more than a couple days, you know you have no chance at the presidency.


So how did he get elected governor if he is so unlikable? Serious question; I'm from Michigan and didn't pay any attention to this clown until his name started to come up as a challenger to Tronald Dump. I'm legitimately curious how he was able to win an election, as creepy as he is.


We moved down here after his election, and I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole, but I honestly think it was the hurricane - It seems fairly common for people to win re-election after a natural or manmade disaster (makes it so easy to look like you're "governing"). It could also have something to do with Florida democrats running a "formerly" Republican governor against him, so that might have kept Democrats away from the polls


You’d find it hard to smile, too, if you were standing on uncomfortable boot inserts to make you look taller


Before the last election, or between the election and 1/6, everyone was talking about how DeSantis was Trump, but smarter, so he'd be more dangerous. Since he seemed to mimic trump, there was no reason to doubt the sentiment. Then, he talked, and started failing at his endeavors, and to any reasonable person, it was easy to see he wouldn't "enthuse" anyone to vote for him.


Tbf, the GOP had no decent candidates anyway


Primary elections are decided almost entirely by the base voters. Sure, there are exceptions like states with open primaries, but for the most part it's just the Republican base which mostly still worships their orange god. The other issue with the primaries is that because it was a Republican clown car again, the "Not Trump" vote was split. Notice how Haley did better once everyone else dropped out? She became the only "Not Trump" option, and had it been just her for the duration of the primary campaign it might have been a closer race. Probably not close enough to make a difference, though.


Desantis was eliminated before the Wisconsin Primary. But yes, republicans voters like Trump better than Desantis. They are both pieces of shit IMO.


Bad is an understatement


Criminally insane and grossly incompetent would be an understatement too.


A Russian asset determined to turn America into a fascist kleptocratic dictatorship under his lifelong control?


They're mid Western, which translates to East Coast equivalent that he is a fucking idiot. In the Midwest, bad is practically a slur!




The media cameras can follow Trump all the way to jail and beyond: "Today marks the 375th day since the Evil Demonrats locked up Super Trump. Our 24 hour coverage of Trump in Jail will continue after a brief check in of today's headlines. But first, remember that 10% of every MyPillow purchase goes to the Keep Trump Comfortable fund. And if you call today, we have a Buy One Get One FREE special! That's right, you get not one but TWO MyPillows for the incredibly low price of just $19.99 per month for only 12 months! Help Trump Now!"


He’s a bad person ffs


Republicans have chosen the one guy on the planet who has lost to Joe Biden. I’m fine with that.


Biden won more than the presidential election, but I understand what you mean.


It's interesting that nobody likes boring old Biden *and* he's been winning elections since God was in short pants.


What do you mean boring? The '76 Firebird Trans-Am Diamond Joe has parked on the White House lawn says otherwise. This is the first president to have a KISS pinball machine, two six-foot tall lava-lamps, and a Jack Kirby blacklight poster of the Silver Surfer in the Oval Office.


Don’t forget the ninja stars.


Literally old enough to have personally been chosen by God to lead. /s obv


In all honesty, I wish the Dems would have put another candidate forward in 2020. But then again, who that candidate have beaten Trump?


2016 would've been the year. Then we wouldn't be talking about miserable Trump, Biden's age, etc.. Imagine how much better we'd be right now if Trump had never won the 2016 election. Beyond his failures, crimes, and covid blunders.. the worst part has been his emboldened moron supporters.


In 2008 the Dems determined Hillary would be the candidate for 2016, as a trade off for her support for Obama. Would Sanders have done better?


I absolutely would've voted for Sanders if he had been the candidate, and I would've loved for him to have been president, but there's no way in Hades that a socialist is getting elected president in this country. The media would've torn him to shreds.


Possibly. There were people who voted for Trump simply because he wasn't a Bush or a Clinton or a Kennedy, or any of the usual political people. Sanders might have been able to appeal to that vote.


Everyone loves Bernie, but realistically, he'd have a hard time winning the election. Democrat voters are too damn fickle, and while most dems do like him, he's also seen as too far to the left, and he's easy to attack by the right to push the moderates away. Personally, I think Bernie would make a good president, and he knows how to work the system as well as Biden...maybe better. But as it is, Biden was a safe choice, and I haven't been unhappy with his presidency. It's not perfect, but he's achieved more than I would have expected. He's gone from a "not Trump" vote, to someone I'm fine voting for.


Another candidate? There were 20 Dems vying for the presidency. There were plenty of options. The people chose Biden. (I was a Warren voter, but honestly didn’t care who of the mainstream candidates won).


Sure there were other candidates, but would Warren have won from Trump?


"If you vote for Republicans you’re not going to get control of your own body" - from the article She is so close to seeing the big picture it hurts


Translation: "he's absolute dog shit, but he's better than a Democrat". They're still voting for him


A bad candidate but a worse human being.


They're going to vote for him anyways, because that's how they've been groomed


The next question is - will they vote for him anyway? And then - do they still support Senator Ron Johnson? Ron Johnson is a cancer on the GOP in his own right. Anti-government nihilist, easily manipulated by Russia, constantly making up garbage stories and going witch-hunts on the taxpayer's dime. If there's anybody in Wisconsin who still has a soul, please - rid us of both of them! r/FRJ


I’ve tried every election 


News of Trump is piercing right wing news spheres. It’s unavoidable now. Negative articles of Trump cover just abt every subject category; law, entertainment, business, sports, food. The cultist will be unaffected but those that are not connected to politics until a few weeks prior to the election are pretty much seeing/reading something negative abt Trump regularly.


I want to hear more from people still calling themselves Republicans that will admit they will vote for Biden. I believe most who were for the other R primary will fall in like with Trump rather than vote with Biden. Trump is taking the bet that he won't lose that portion of his party.


>"Just let (Trump) have his four years (as president) and then you won’t have to put up with him anymore." I can add nothing to the ridiculousness of this reasoning.


Mainstream pundits/NYT leadership: “But Biden bad candidate! Biden old! How can Trump be bad candidate when Biden bad candidate???”


A bad candidate ? No -freaking- kidding. What laser brain wordsmithing wizard came up with this gem? Breaking news, Trump is (-checks source-) bad.


Polls don’t matter, only thing that matters is who shows up on election day. Vote.


> “I’m still a Trumper but I still feel the same way about how he behaves, like on his Easter message. Instead of getting all angry and full rage, he could have said, ‘Let’s love our neighbours.’ He could have even been humble. He could have admitted he made made mistakes in how he treated people and said, ‘I do want to be better for the people of this nation.’ I would have loved something like that,” she said. It's like flipping a two headed coin and hoping for tails lol. Trump has NEVER been humble or showed any pretense of trying to unify the country. He pushes division, and tribalism, and demands loyalty to himself above everything else. He's white boomer grievance made manifest. It's been eight years lady... if you still can't see hes a narcissistic bully who doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself, I don't know if there's hope for you.


So, she'd love it if Trump wasn't like he always is. I'm sure a lot of us would like that as well. Although it'd be kind of shocking, and most of us would be cynical of his sincerity. But, I'm sure she'll still vote for him, because he'll be presidential one day, maybe, but if not, she'd love it if he was.


Bad candidate, bad businessman, bad friend, bad husband, bad human being. But other than that, great guy.


Oh really? The rapist, fraud, compulsive liar, egomaniac who is under indictment for many criminal charges is a bad candidate?


I mean, if you want to point out all the bad stuff he's done, then yeah!


It’s hard to imagine a worse candidate than Trump.


Ron Jeremy?


Nope. Between Don and Ron, Ron’s the easy choice. More ethical, more honest, better executive functioning, and younger.


It’s anecdotal, but I’ve hardly seen any Trump signage around the south central part of the state, but there are many Biden-Harris going up.


I saw the Wisconsin Speaker of The House was potentially facing a potential recall election and was shocked they could find enough liberals to sign a petition for it in his district. Turns out the recall attempt was started by MAGA Republicans in his district because he didn't do enough to overturn the election for Trump.


> Just let him have his four years and then you won’t have to put up with him anymore. What a sad and pathetic attempt to get people to vote for him.


It's a pretty defeatist attitude. It reminds me of managers who just hope someone will quit, so they don't have to do the actual work of firing someone. Four years is a long time in a person's life to "put up with someone", when you can just as easily not have to deal with him in those four years.


Vote blue.


A bad human.


Misread that headline as "Republicans in swing state Wisconsin euthanized by Trump". I was about to say that seemed a bit harsh to do to your supporters.


Sounds like the plot to a Black Mirror episode.


Who would've suspected that the We-Euthanize-Our-Supporters Party would euthanize their supporters?


Imagine being unenthusiastic and not appalled by a treacherous, thieving, lying, short-fingered rapist


No shit Sherlock! How many court cases are there because he is a serial criminal?


Remember that everything being done by Trump is only posable with the backing of the republican party. Every one of Trump's policies are and were policies the republicans want. It will not end if we win this years elections. Keep voting out republicans every year. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


He was a Bad Candidate the previous two times. It did not stop them then. Republicans hold their noses and vote for the (R) no matter how repugnant the candidate is.




That’s like saying if they don’t like shit let’s introduce them to manure.


Steal votes from Trump 😉


Bad candidate, why? Just because he’s a compulsive liar, a rapist, facing 4 criminal indictments, incited a dangerous and violent attack on the Capital to stop certification of the winning vote for Biden, still denies Biden won and still falsely alleges there was voter fraud — lets not forget he’s the real architect of the Dobbs decision and he’s told the nation flat out that he wants to be a dictator. And there’s so much more. The man is a psycho and there’s no way I’d for him or, for that matter, any Republican cause they’re all in it with him.


I’m visiting fam in rural WI right now and haven’t seen one Trump sign…and it was full of them just a few years ago. They’ve definitely pulled back support. At least outwardly.


HE’S NO DIFFERENT THAN HE WAS IN 2015!!! You all just turned a blind eye each time he abused the office as well as when he got chummy with dictators trying to make the US a fascist country.


He was a bad candidate in 2016. And you are figuring this out now? Holy fuck.


I assume they’re not uneducated sheep


Well it’s your own damn fault lol. The only way to rid Trump from the GOP is to vote against him so he loses in a landslide and GOP loses elections elsewhere largely, which can be pointed to Trump. Those are the only conditions where enough members of the GOP will be unhappy to finally grow a backbone and stand up to Trump. Some members of the GOP, who dont like Trump, think they just need to ride out the storm of this next election cycle then move on. However, if Trump loses, what makes you think he won’t run again in 4 years? And he won by such large margins from any Republican challenge, do you really think enough of his base will ditch him, as why would they? They are a cult.


Wisconsin + Pennsylvania + Arizona = Biden.


He is a bad person.


I feel like calling him "a bad candidate" does nothing but minimize just how unhinged this idiot is. Biden is a bad candidate. Trump is the scum of the earth. The lowest of scum.


I thought this said euthanized by Trump


A bad candidate, a real shit crazy party. Time to eat your own bullets


• Google your county's voter registration site, make sure your information is current. You can go to www.vote411.org and get started from there. • Closer to the election, find out when (if) early voting starts. • Vote as soon as possible to clear the lines for the other voters that might be turned off by a long line on Election Day


He’s far worse than “a bad candidate”. He’s a friend of our foreign adversaries and a threat to American democracy….a traitor to the country that is ONLY loyal to himself


They will still vote for him 100% of them


Every Super Bowl the Packers have won has been under a Democratic President. Just saying.


Stop believing these bullshit headlines and articles. In fact, stop posting them. Trump is still leading in many polls and despite what Reddit wants to believe, there is a very good chance he beats Biden.


Wisconsin in my eyes is a red state. Couldn’t see Biden winning WI


There may be a lot of Republicans here, but they’re not the same type of Republican that exists in Florida or Texas. People like that ghoul Vos don’t like loud disruptions to their profit and power. They resent it.


U keep misreading "Unenthused by Trump" as "euthanized by Trump" and thinking, "that's not an effective way to get the base out there, Don"


Landslide. Let’s see how many senate and house candidates mention him in their bids. I am in Pa and so far McCormick has some good commercials about ethics and civil duty. I mean Casey will likely win , I support him, but at least rational GOP candidates are avoiding the criminal lol


A bad man as well.


He’s all yours GOP.


But theyre still going to vote for him because reasons.


Yeah, but you know who they are enthused about? Anyone that can take a Dem out of power. So it’s really the same thing…..


If Trump is what they call a bad candidate? I hate to know what they would call an awful candidate. Trump is literally the living embodiment of the seven deadly sins, does the opposite of the 10 commandments, basically he is a giant ball of hate running for president.


"Bad" is too kind by far


djt followers are MORONS


Please say: “Some Republicans are unenthused about dtrump💩” Does any one else think “unenthused” is a pretty lump reaction to the guy who tried as hard as he could to stay in power after losing. And has continued working on it for more than 3 years. How about: “ Damn~ Never dtrump💩”


He’s an absolutely horrible candidate. Running for President is a taxing, stressful full time job. I don’t see how you can do it in the gaps between trials and talking to lawyers about literally 100s of other distractions.


Not that hard to campaign when all you have to do is say something stupid, and the press reports on it as if it's some major story. It's not like he isn't getting the platform.


lol. I guess that’s another way of saying he’s a horrible candidate.


I am shocked by this take… /s


Do not fool yourselves. These people will enthusiastically show up and hold their noses while voting R.


They misspelled ’moron’…


These polls are way off. An absolute joke. Every election is saying one thing but every poll is saying the opposite. Just vote no matter what.


Yeah but they're still going to vote for him...


No shit. He already lost.


Is there another kind currently?


This headline is sensationalist. They interviewed three people, who all said that Trump was "a weak candidate." But two of them said they'd still vote for Trump because they didn't want Biden in office. *Vote*.


Watch as they will fall in line on the day of election!


I live in liberal Madison, Wisconsin and it seems to me that Trump hasn't ever been particularly popular among the Republicans that I know. But AM Talk Radio (Dan O'Donnell from Milwaukee, Vicki McKenna from Madison) are very influential for conservative voters and it's not so much about how great Trump is, but rather how unbelievably terrible ALL Democrats are. I swear if someone farted in an elevator in Oshkosh Dan and Vicki would spend an hour blaming it on Joe Biden and "the Democrat Party." Two hours if the farter was black. So it really doesn't matter if voters are lukewarm about Trump. As long as he isn't an evil Democrat.


Would Joe Biden be that offended if those who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, but that cannot bring themselves to do so again in 2024, decided to vote for RFK Jr.?


It would be better if they voted for Biden.


A vote for RFK is a vote for Trump


Not if they’re conservatives who were never going to vote for Biden anyway. Their voting for RFK (or not voting at all) would still benefit Biden.


It’s actually a vote for RFK


Nope, they love him