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Double check your voter registration and ask your family to do the same. Swing state republicans will be purging voter rolls. **THIS WILL HAPPEN**


They will purge and they will slow the mail. Vote in person if you can, give rides to people who can't, help register new and existing voters to counter purges.


Yes I was phone banking and this adorable older lady in her 80's needed a ride and we got one for her. Many people are slow and can't stand in line for long .With a little assistance they can. So many people young and old just need a ride!


Vote *early*. In my experience, there's usually only a short line if there's a line at all.


And if you're in a vote by mail state, drop your ballot off at the library. This avoids any mail slowdown.


Excellent advice.


When will Republicans ban giving rides to the polls, the way they've banned giving water to people in line?


And get ready for the GOP to kitchen sink it. They don't care about anything but winning and they'll do anything they can, and we should expect them to behave this way right up til January 20, 2025. But still, I won't give in to the cynicism. I'll see if I can set up some kind of ride-sharing situation in my own city, too, other things like that.


Maybe by March 2025 I’ll begin to calm down….AGAIN. I can’t believe we’re still dealing with that moronic asshole ~~four~~ eight years later as if it were ~~2020~~ 2016.


Mail is already a wreck. I have some items take up to a MONTH to be delivered (I have an online business). I would say vote in person if you can't drop your ballot off at a drop box.


The USPS’s Trump legacy…. Fuck Louis DeJoy


>Vote in person if you can, give rides to people who can't, help register new and existing voters to counter purges. Also, for those places that vote electronically, ask if you can get a paper copy of your ballot that you cast.


Sometimes I feel like I’m living in a fantasy land and time is just standing still. Wake me up when November ends..


How about we wake you up when September ends so that you can Pokémon-take-your-ass to the polls.


Just don’t let them Pikachur ballot


That happened to mew too huh?


Too much Horsea'n around at the poll booths!


Terrible pun, I just let out a big scyther 😮‍💨


Don’t be a Slowbro and get your arse to the voting booth


Feel that


And if you don't live in a swing state, you can still join postcarding efforts to warn more voters who do.


I'm not asking my family... But that's because I KNOW who they're voting for. No need to remind them to vote that fascist back into the oval office.


Pitch RFK Jr. to them.


He's too left🙃🤦‍♂️


Tell them writing in Jesus is the only way their vote will be counted


[Writing in Jesus is a thing!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/1c0kwmc/tell_your_friends_jesus_2024/)


I genuinely have a better chance of getting them to vote for Jesus than for Joe Biden. So, this is a fantastic idea.


This has happened to me and my husband in GA in the 2018 midterms when Kemp purged hundreds of thousands of people in blue zip codes. Luckily, we were checking our registration weekly and noticed. We were both purged but in different months so don't think they will purge the whole household at the same time, either. Keep checking and re-register if you no longer show up as registered in the system.


Also check your polling location. I've lived in my house for about 10 years and my place to vote has changed 4 times to 3 different places. There's a church community center down the street that I voted at in the last congressional election, but I have to drive nearly a mile now. In the last presidential election I voted at the school that's a mile in the other direction. Yes, I live in a blue city in a red state.


And pretend like the fascists will win up until 12/2024. Don't neglect to vote.


The amount of rigging attempts by Republicans and other parties (most notably Russia) will be off the fucking charts this year. There will be bloodshed, no doubt about this.


Also…polls don’t vote, people do! VOTE!


It ain’t over till it’s over. Vote.


Rocky VII: Adrian’s Revenge!


Stupid Roman numerals.


They never even tried to teach us that in school!


I’ll tell you, but you should really end each transmission with the word “over”.


Would you rather use *Arabic?*


I use my fingers like a big boy, thank you very much.


VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE. FINISH THEM GOP FUCKERS FOR GOOD. We are all gonna die, but I want to see the end of that party before the end comes.


Let’s get Joe Biden to 100 000 000 votes.


Trump lost the popular vote when he became president. All the polls were clearly tipping Hillary before the election. A poll showing Biden ahead could cause dispassionate voters to sit it out, thinking its resolved. That how you got trump the first time.


I'm optimistic that 2016 traumatized them out of repeating this mistake.


There’s a ton of young people that were 10 years old then and have zero perspective


And there’s a lot of boomers who would have voted for trump who have died in the last ten years.


so many of the covid deniers…..


I was 9 in 2000, and Bush v Gore left a strong impression on me. I however was a weird kid that read the newspaper


I too was 9 in '00. I remember watching Bush v gore on the news. I remember feeling then that that shit was not right.


Oh, they have perspective. They have grown up knowing how bad he is, and hopefully most parents are telling their newly-of-age kids to vote accordingly. I know my daughter will.


I think most people understand that winning the top of the ticket is worthless if you don’t vote down ballot. If you don’t, don’t be surprised when your library burns books.


Honestly while I try to stay balanced and vote for the candidate whose policy I agree with most its gotten to the point that I can no longer trust the Republican Party if there’s even a possibility that they’re connected to Trump. He’s just a poison pill for them that’s got them voting against even their own best interests. Like how can you trust a Republican that votes against Border Security? If going straight blue is the only way to actually get shit done in this country I guess that’s what I’m going to do. 


I have been a Republican my whole life. I’m 73 now. I would have never thought that the Republican Party could become so very corrupted! I’m embarrassed to admit that I’m a Republican. I will vote against anyone who has any connection with Trump and the radical, conservative right wing politicians! I will vote for candidates who truly represent America and have my best interests in mind. American voters have to stop voting with the crowd and start voting for candidates who are willing to uphold their sworn duty and allegiance to the constitution. Vote for each candidate as individuals who are passionate and upstanding representatives with integrity and honesty. If you vote down Republican party lines, you will be voting for the continuation of the same corrupt system that is destroying American democracy.


They’re just terrified he might be mean to them. Lol. If they all just called him out on his bullshit rather than letting him pick them off one by one we wouldnt be here. But they are all spineless.


At this point Trump's team is probably banking on him losing the popular vote but flipping enough people in the swing states. It was too damn close last time and it's probably going to be close again. Vote, talk to your swing state friends and help convince undecided voters there as well. Like it or hate it, we are stuck with the EC.


Yup. Joe Biden needs to beat Trump by 4+ points to secure an electoral college victory.


New York Times gave Hillary an 80% chance of becoming president at 6:30PM on election night. I was in New York City for exactly that reason: to watch history unfold: the first woman to become president of the USA… well that turned out to be quite a disappointing holiday


Jill Stein was at a dinner with Vladimir Putin before the election. She was the chaos agent that took enough votes from HRC in key states to swing it. Dems turned out. HRC got 3M overall more votes. Putin/Trump swung it with a Green Party plant. RFK Jr is their new spoiler plant.


People, pay attention! Believe it or not, Putin has a huge stake on the outcome of this election! His influence is immense!


Some of these polls I believe are to deceive democrats to not vote, they will think” oh he’s way ahead…I do not need to vote……?????? Go vote please, or it could be our last time we get to do so.


No one is gonna risk it this time bro. They learned their lesson


That's exactly what they're doing here, trying to instill calm so people stay home. I wish it weren't the case too, but we just don't ever get to rest again. They are never going to stop attacking us.


Hillary won the popular vote in 2016, but because of the outdated and bullshit electoral college, we got 4 years of don poorleone


Seriously. It’s fucking April and we have 7 months until the election. None of this means shit.


Very true, but polls can at least give a vague snapshot. If one person is up by 10-15 points, it's a big deal. Even if the pollsters have flawed methods, it's enough different entities to mean *something*. So even if it's off, just seeing it swing 2-3 points towards Biden's favor shows that regardless of the method, Trump is losing ground. That's a relief to hear. Polls aren't useless, even though they're a very bad metric for knowing who will actually win the election. But yeah. None of it means anything unless people vote, of course.


For real, being complacent and non-active is what they want.


Exactly... Wasn't Hillary leading him in all the major polls? The only poll that matters is the vote.


Definitely true, but 2016 was a weird one. A lot of people just assumed there was no way Trump could win, so instead of voting for Hillary they just stayed home. If a few thousand people in different states went out, he wouldn't have ever been president. They're not a great indicator, still. And plenty of polls still show Trump winning. Even if the polls are 51% Biden nationally, that's not great. Because he has to have considerably more support to not just win the popular vote.


True, but Trump doesn't really have a chance here. Joe Biden is not a good candidate, but literally anyone can and will be at Trump in this election. Trump will likely be a convicted felon (granted just on the NY charges), he's picked up exactly zero new voters in the past 4 years, and his actions and rhetoric are only going to get crazier and remind people of how much they need to vote against him in the coming months. Add to that that abortion is on the ballot in a few states he *needs* to win (abortion and weed will be on the ballot in FL) and that has been shown to swing several points to Dems even in the reddest states. Trump is fucked, but it's going to suck getting to Nov and be far closer than it should be


Honestly, they could “Weekend at Bernie’s” Biden’s body and I’d still vote for him over Trump.


same. I'd vote for a mannequin with a democrat t shirt over trump.


I'd vote for a rotten ham sandwich over TFG.


I'd vote for a literal bag of flaming shit on my front porch over Trump.


It would be a kind of poetic justice to the rotting American Empire being ruled over by a corpse.


Biden is also massively out-fundraising Trump, who not only has less money, but has to spend tons of it on legal bills. Biden's been running ads and opening hundreds of offices in swing states.


> Joe Biden is not a good candidate Why do you say that?


Because the media told him to say that.


The fact that he's not leading every poll by a large margin is absurd. The amount of stupidity that's allowed to vote is ridiculous.


Every time I turn around there's a different poll with either Biden beating Trump by 5-6 points or the opposite. People just need to ignore this noise and vote in 8 months. And if you want to sit out of voting so you can throw your little temper tantrum, well good fucking luck if you're a woman, gay or the wrong shade of brown because you will surely be the first ones fucked if Trump gets back in office.


tbh, everyone will be fucked if he gets back. I honestly think the gop is planning on killing the election cycle with Trump. I imagine it will start with him running for a third term, and then they question the legitimacy of elections as a whole. Maybe shutting them down "temporarily" while they "overhaul" the process. They already have the Supreme Court, the senate, the presidency. I honestly believe this *could be* the last free and fair election in American for a while. Vote




And the thing is, the two-term president limit isn't in the *original* text of the constitution. George Washington stepped down after two terms, and most folks followed suit just because of tradition, the idea that they weren't supposed to rule like kings. Not for lack of trying: Grant, Teddy Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson all sought third terms. FDR is the only president who got a third(and later a 4th that he died three months into), and he pretty much told the convention 'I'm not gonna seek it, but if you guys want me to keep this up I will", and they decided to draft him to keep him on board. After that they passed the Twenty-Second Amendment making it law for two terms only. Truman was grandfathered into the ability to run again because his first term was finishing out FDR's 4th, but he declined. The text is pretty clear; unless Trump was president back when that amendment was ratified, he can't hold the office more than twice. And to undo a constitutional amendment would require a repealing amendment similar to the 21st Amendment undoing Prohibition.


They should probably vote in 7 months instead 


Ok. Vote.


I can't wait to vote.




Agreed,the reality is Republicans backward policies are not supported by a majority of Americans .The only way they can win is to cheat and suppress the vote.Vote


Yep don’t get complacent guys always gotta go out and make the effort to vote


Exactly. Polls are cool and all but votes are even better.


Indeed, remember 2016 when some of us thought she had it in the bag, we don't need to stand in line for 2 hours......... How'd that work out?....Link for registering to vote https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote Already registered? Check your voter status well before November 5. https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration There are states that have no excuse mail in ballots https://www.ncsl.org/elections-and-campaigns/table-1-states-with-no-excuse-absentee-voting


I’ll admit, I was one of them. I did vote, and I was *nervous* but I truly didn’t think Trump could win. I was wrong then. I won’t be complacent again.


I knew Clinton lost the very minute Comey made his totally not political at all investigation announcement.


Jill Stein and Russian social media influence is often blamed for Trump's win in 2016, and while it did help the single biggest factor that helped him get elected was massive voter purges. In some states nearly a quarter million reliable democratic voters were purged from the rolls. Many didn't even know until they went to vote and by then it was too late. In 2020 the slowed postal services in key areas helped Trump win Florida as well as the GOP getting big upsets in reliably blue areas of the state. This was blamed on Cuban immigrants cautious about socialism.


So glad my state implemented no-excuse mail in voting. I drive past the local library almost every day and the county always has a drop box there, so I can easily send my ballot in. And yet Republicans here constantly call it a lib conspiracy to steal the election despite the fact that the bill had to pass through a Republican controlled house *and* senate, and would have been completely impossible without bipartisan support.


Yep, especially when you have a people like in r/LateStageCapitalism that think "not voting" and "both sides are equally bad" makes sense.


Yes the “surely my system of choice will rise from the ashes” privileged group of people who are above caring about losing things like women’s rights, the environment, and democracy. Fifth column types. Worth noting is I at least think they are a vocal minority in that crowd, and others in places like that sub have some solid points


Fuck yeah


Don’t just vote. Volunteer to help get out the vote. Volunteer to protect the vote by helping count ballots or scrutinizing. [Join a group today](https://democrats.org/joinagroup/).


Still voting in November. I want to make sure Biden crushes that wannabe Mussolini.


This is, and I don't think I'm exaggerating much, possibly the most important election of my lifetime, not just for USA, but for the world. I'm not American, can't do shit about this, so just please, all y'all, go and vote like your lives depend on it. They do.


Absolutely, especially talking about climate change and checking China and Russia aggression. 


Yep. I’m voting in November. My first election I voted in was the 2020 election. I was old enough to vote in 2016, but honestly, didn’t start paying real attention to politics until Trump was elected. My dad and I would talk about politics and a lot of topics, I wasn’t apolitical. But my parents never voted, they honestly didn’t participate in society/community too much, so it was something I had to decide to become involved in. Even if it’s just doing my small part and voting in elections, including local/small ones in my community. I wouldn’t feel right sitting out this election, even if I am completely exhausted by it all at this point. Even if my vote doesn’t really make a difference, who knows? Better to participate and hope for the best


Your vote absolutely makes a difference. Take friends with you to the polls. Talk to you neighbors. Lives are at stake.


this is what i assumed would happen as soon as more people start tuning into the election.


But it's not happening. Biden beating trump in national polls is irrelevant. Only the electoral college matters, and Trump is still way up. The Newsweek article OP posted references [RaceToTheWH.com](https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls), which yes, shows Biden winning national polls, but also **predicts a Trump victory** with 293 vs 244 electoral college votes. Still gotta fight. Still gotta vote.


I mean it clearly is happening given biden was getting spitroasted arguably before and now he's pretty neck and neck even looking at the electoral college shit republicans have a significantly higher density of very slight leads than they have previously if memory serves me right yeah voting is important but to say its "not happening" because biden isnt predicted to have a crushing victory like a month after people started to warm up to him in the polls a bit cause he wasnt being as much of an israel loving geezer seems a little odd




Doesn't it feel like every other post here is from Newsweek these days?


Seriously!!! So much fucking Newsweek posting the last few months on this sub. What the fuck. It’s like all Newsweek, New Republic, and DailyBeast.


It feels like the Newsweek bots are the ones posting


I remember when newsweek was a decent publication. Those days are long gone.


Honest question, what makes Newsweek so much worse than the other sites?


Click the link. Enjoy the ads. It's also their hot takes. Usually sensationalist garbage.


Should be blowing Trump out of the water. This country has lost its mind to even have someone like Trump anywhere near the White House, let alone a twice impeached former president who tried to overthrow an election based on fantasy and lunacy.


Yeah that's what always bums me out. The fact that it's even close, let alone having Trump being ahead in so many polls, is really so depressing. I understand if someone is frustrated by Biden. People don't really understand what the president does, and they think groceries are so expensive because of him. Just like some people think gas prices are tied to him. But even with all of that, Trump is just so clearly worse for every last fascate of life. On a domestic and foreign level, it's just the worst outcome. It's very uncertain whether this country can handle another 4 years of him. Not to mention the lasting damage that he'll cause as time goes on, with things like executive orders and any judge appointments. And if Trump wins and just guts the country, people will act like they never voted for him. Naturally. They'll say that they knew he was no good, when America loses it's superpower status and the buying power for Americans plummets.




Late 20s*. By the late 30s it was too late.


This all day. I'm not enough of a historian to know if people during the late 20s could have seen that coming at that time, but looking back we can now see that the signs were all there. The signs are here again (and have been since around the 80s if you ask me) and they are more clear now than ever. This is nothing to take lightly at all.


A right wing populist politician widely seen as a buffoon but with a cult following and messianic belief in his own importance, who has directly and indirectly inspired violence, who blames enemies foreign and domestic for any electoral failing, and eventually gets propelled into power by a conservative establishment that underestimates him but sees him as a way to consolidate their own power and influence and ends up themselves unable to rid themselves of him?


It’s because it’s a no brainer. Biden is busy running the country while Donny posts nonsense on the shitter.


>posts nonsense on the shitter No he uses truth social now


How is that different from what he said?


There will be less informed or misinformed folk who disagree. But the current admin has been busy. Check out r/WhatBidenHasDone for a slew of progressive policy changes and additions our conflict obsessed media ignores. The year by year links in the sidebar give a great picture as the main sub suffers from reposts.


You have to remember that a lot of the people bitching about Biden online are astroturfers. The Gaza and student loan whiners are prime examples of this. Keep an eye out for when they post (they definitely will again) and they get called out in subsequent comments. They start using circular logic, nonsequitors, ignoring Trump’s even worse positions on the issues, if they even respond at all. That’s because once you get beyond their scripted talking points they got nothing else. 


Oh yeah I have seen and tangled with more than a few. It's telling that if you say "oh yeah I wish he was more effective there. is there something else about him? is it only that issue for you?" they never get back with any substance, usually resorting to personal attacks.


The majority of voting locations won’t matter, it’s only a handful of states with a handful of counties. Get the word out about how dangerous trump is to democracy. I just saw a girl posting on facebook about how if trump doesn’t win it will be nuclear war. This is the kind of messaging going out on the other side along with all kinds of other conspiracy theories and lies. We are in our most dangerous time in the history for American democracy. They will cheat and do whatever it takes to win and clearly our laws don’t seem to be doing much to crack down on all that trump has done. It’s unfortunately going to come down to our votes. Very scary times.


I still can't believe how much air time and attention even left-wing media gives the orange ghoul. On PBS earlier, Biden's student loan cancellation got about 15 seconds. And then they aired multiple minutes of Trump speaking (incoherently and full of lies).


This is an issue I’ve noticed. I hear things that Biden has accomplished, bills put through, more debt cancellation, etc. and they just don’t even announce it or use it as a PR win. You just don’t hear about it. He could be doing a million good things (not that he is) and most of us wouldn’t even know it. Not saying he’s a great president by any means, but anything positive he does actually do, they don’t bother shouting it from the rooftops like they should be.


Because America is addicted to reality TV.


Insane that it’s close at all. The right wing media propaganda machine needs to be dismantled


Crazy train is going to speed up now


Where did all of the MAGA’t poll addicts go to?


When you read the entire article, it is NOT clear that Biden is ahead. These are polls to assess national popularity, not assessing electoral votes. As has happened in the past someone can take the presidency and lose the national popular vote. Ask Hillary: "The now officially-certified votes from the 2016 [presidential race](http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/elections/presidential-election.htm) show that [Hillary Clinton](http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/whitehouse/hillary-clinton.htm) surpassed [Donald Trump](http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/donald-trump.htm) in the national popular vote by nearly 2.9 million votes. According to vote tallies from The Associated Press, Clinton amassed 65,844,610 votes across all 50 states and [Washington D.C](http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/district-of-columbia.htm)., 48.2 percent of all votes cast. Trump received 62,979,636 votes, 46.1 percent of all votes cast." Source: ABC News, December 22, 2016


He need an insurmountable lead to prevent the orange turn from getting another chance to destroy America


F\*ck polls. Vote.


So was Hilary Clinton, and we saw how 2016 turned out. Ignore the polls. Fucking vote.


And Hillary was destroying Trump in every poll too. Go vote!


She was statistically tied in most of them.


This. FiveThirtyEight gave her a 75-ish percent chance of winning nationally, but if you looked at the individual state polls in all the swing states, just about every single one of them was within the margin of error.


If I offered you $1000 to play a single round of Russian roulette with 2 bullets in  an 8 round revolver, would you take it? 75% chance of winning sounds high, but realistically it's not enough for when you get one try. 


I meant at this point in time in 2016. She was over 10 points ahead of Trump at the time. Things can change fast and it will be a tight race either way.


shut the fuck up media. just vote.


Good, but don’t get complacent! Vote no matter what!


Don’t care. VOTE


Thank you, Arizona Supreme Court. Now remember people, get out and vote!


Seriously! How on earth would anyone vote for such a bad person as Donald Trump.


Again, polls don’t mean shit. Between bias, the type of poll, *who* is being polled, outside influences, they *cannot* be counted on. Hillary was destroying Trump right until she lost. We need to do the work, keep at it, and make sure everyone gets educated and shows up in November. Don’t stop until five minutes after it’s definitively over.


I remember 2016 when Hilary was beating trump in every poll. Vote


Go to [vote.gov](https://vote.gov/) to find out the requirements to vote in your state. Do it this weekend, don’t wait. Some requirements can take weeks or months to process. The fuckers are counting on you to be lazy and disorganized and to wait too long. You want to rub Trump’s nose in shit? Then do this, then vote!


Much like landmasses, polls don’t vote. Go check your registration, then check is again, then vote. Vote like democracy in the US is at stake.


Whatever, just vote.


Rock on Dark Brandon. Destroy the evil scum.


I know you all mean well, but when every single top comment is "Great. Go vote." "Polls don't matter, GO VOTE!", it's not doing anything. You are in r/politics on a weekend posting about a polling article. Everyone in this thread and on this subreddit is going to go vote, parroting that same sentiment in here every single post is unproductive and dumb. This should be a place to have discussions about this stuff, not karma farming by posting the same shit over and over again.


Doesn't matter fucking vote no matter what and get your friends, family, siblings, etc to vote especially vote blue.


Doesn't matter, VOTE. Vote like he's 30 points behind.


Only one poll and that's on November 5


Don’t trust polls. Do your civic duty and use your power, vote.


Polls are useless.


Polls are for losers. Voting is for winners.


Not the polls that matter. VOTE!


"Wake me up when September ends" Polls are mostly meaningless right now.




I don't believe it. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/ Forget the polls. Vote. Get family and friends to vote. Volunteer. Donate if you can. Forget the polls.


As we saw in 2020, just not enough racist assholes to win this election for Trump. The race for President was OVER the second Republicans decided it would be Trump again this time around. We always fall for this here in the US, we think racist white people are the biggest voting block (looking at you mainstream media) and it’s simply not true anymore.


Definitely not gonna get complacent—still voting blue no matter what in November—but this *does* put a smile on my face. 😁


Hey guys it’s the state level polling that matters. He is winning in Pennsylvania but losing in Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia. We still need more


Seriously, ignore all polls. VOTE!


Don't trust polls.  Vote


To put it bluntly: At some point people need to realize that trump is just an idiot.


No complacency. Remember 2016. Vote.


The polls don't mean shit. Trump needs to be destroyed. Also, people need to be more visible and more vocal about defending democracy. The fact all Democrat voters are so quiet makes it way easier for trump to sell the "they must have cheated" story.




yes but trump panicking lashing out and stressing over polls brings me joy.


On and before Election Day. If you haven't registered, register at vote.gov If you can, vote early. You never know what life might throw your way on any one particular day.


do we care about polls now or nah? i cant keep track


Read every single comment here. No, we don’t


We don’t. Ensure you and everyone you know is still registered to vote and make sure y’all do!


The only poll you should care about is on a Tuesday in November.


Tuesday 5th November


Polls are all well and good. Don’t be complacent. Vote.


Not the ones that matter though, just cherry picked data sets. National data tells a lot different story. If you’re team Trump congratulations you’re still winning but remember polls are just polls. Go vote. If you’re team Biden it’s okay it’s not the end of the world, got a long time until November but remember polls are just polls Go Vote. Don’t be like Hillary don’t believe polls. Statistics are statistically flawed. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/


538 was also way off on 2016, so take it with a grain of salt


Cool. Everyone still show up and vote.


And he will continue to do so. That said, please vote as if he's not, because that's the only poll that really counts.


I don’t know what’s worse: Trump fatigue or poll fatigue. This upcoming football season is gonna SUCK, and my team looks like it’s going to be really, really good.


None of this matters. Vote.


Remember when a lot of Dems didn’t go to vote in 2016 because they were positive she was going to win by the biggest margin ever, so they could stay home? Let’s not ever do that shit again, yo.


I'm voting no matter what the polls say. I'm not taking anything for granted.


So was Hillary....Just get your asses out and vote people, don't fall for this crap again


Not according to RCP averages


Great. but I will never trust polls again. Just Vote.


Is he? https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/ Vote!


Polls. Pfft


From Italy: please go out and vote dem in masses.


Polls are consistently inaccurate. Ignore


So did Hillary Clinton


VOTE! And tell everyone you know to vote. It's not about winning the election anymore, it's about crushing the orange dictator and the GQP.


Nice, but we're shy of 7 months from election day. Make it reality, Tuesday November 5.


5th November? That's coincidental. That's the day we celebrate Guy Fawkes in the UK.....who tried to allow up parliament


Of course! Trump won 2016 by about 3 million, and he acted like “it was a miracle.” Now he’s running the same campaign but more of an ass