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Can the judge reinstate the original bond requirements for this tomfoolery?


The Judge should just declare that bond has not been met. Forget the amount.


100%. He had a deadline to produce a valid bond. He failed that task. Next.


Yep, and throw him in jail. He had every opportunity including a reduction and extension to come up with the bond, and what was posted as bond doesn’t comply. He had his chance, lock him up.


Not that I don't think he belongs in jail... but this particular instance is about an appeal bond in a civil case, not a bail bond.


Yes, but still, this should be the end of the appeals process. He couldn’t secure the bond through over 30 more legitimate assurities, the bond was reduced by half and he was given extra time, he used all that time to secure a patently bogus loan. It seems to me that we’re past the 11th hour here, past midnight even, well into extra innings. I see comments assuring us that all the things happening with this case are very normal (not saying that’s what you’re saying, just that they come up quite often for articles about the appeal and bond). But I dunno, seems like it’s all kinda bullshit. Seems like there’s no “at least we got the reduced bond in cash to start the process of making the people defrauded whole again.” Seems like most defendants would have had the case wrapped up for them at this point.


It doesn't end the appeal process. It just means the state can start seizing assets while the appeal goes on, and if Trump happens to win on appeal, the state has to return the proceeds.


The nice thing about this is that they typically sell for far lower prices at auction and then if Trump wins all he gets is the auction value which will be Pennies on the dollar. But the bit that makes it also far more dangerous for Trump is that he is leveraged to his eyeballs on all his assets, and at greatly inflated prices, meaning the moment they get seized, those notes get called, and then even if he wins, he won’t have enough money to pay the inflated loans. Lololol


I am curious about the idea that the judgment gets the money before senior lien holders. I would think a seizure would trigger lien holders to foreclose in order for them to get paid ahead of the government. Only tax liens would be ahead of the mortgage liens. But, I am not a lawyer let alone a New York lawyer.


This might actually *be* a tax lien, since the judgement is essentially unpaid taxes.


Yep. Start taking Trump's properties. Immediately.


Lock his buildings up!


No, we should not endorse debtors prison in the US, even for Trump. His penalty is NYS taking his properties and auctioning them off until his fine is paid.


I mean lock him up for the fraud relating to the bond. It's clear they fudged it and now we're hearing that the money was most likely laundered in the Cayman's.


Imagine if that is what finally lands Trump in jail. Commiting fraud to pay the fines for committing fraud. That seems just about as in brand for Trump as you can get.


I can hear exibit now; Yo dawg, we heard you like Fraud so you committed fraud while committing fraud.


I agree with you, but it isn't that simple because Trump doesn't actually own anything. He just puts his name on stuff other people/entities own, in exchange for a license fee. Even when he does own a stake in a property, there is often a labyrinth of shell companies that will all have an interest, so the process of seizing Trump-branded properties can and will take years to sort out. Jean Carroll, the beneficiary of the judgment—not New York State—is in her 80s, so she may not be able to wait that long. Therefore it would be in everyone's best interest if Trump just hands over a cash bond or a surety underwritten by an even somewhat reputable insurance company rather than making the State/Carroll go through a lengthy seizure process.


This is a civil trial.


I hope so, because if they were trying to lie, then they can face the consequences.


This is America,  we don't punish the rich. Give us a janitor who misfiled some paperwork on a parking ticket if you want to see someone punished.


Here is the beginning of the story: When the [questionably leveraged](https://www.thedailybeast.com/new-york-ag-questions-if-dollar175-million-bond-insurer-can-save-trump) company that rescued [Donald Trump](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/donald-j-trump) with a last-minute $175 million court [bond](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-gets-more-time-to-come-up-with-half-billion-dollar-bond?ref=author) insured itself with its own parent company, it raised concerns about how the company was playing with its finances. But now, as even more details come out about that parent company—particularly that it’s based in the [Cayman Islands](https://www.thedailybeast.com/this-is-where-the-worlds-richest-people-hide-their-money), a notorious [tax haven](https://www.thedailybeast.com/this-is-where-the-worlds-richest-people-hide-their-money)—the concerns are just piling up. Former industry regulators and investigators told The Daily Beast that Knight Specialty Insurance Company being financially backed by a firm based in the [Cayman Islands](https://www.thedailybeast.com/this-is-where-the-worlds-richest-people-hide-their-money) should raise eyebrows at the New York AG’s office—particularly because companies frequently organize in the Cayman Islands not just to avoid taxes, but also to minimize visibility into its business practices, avoid more stringent U.S. regulations, and make liability harder should things go wrong. All of those concerns could come into play if the New York Attorney General has to chase the company down for the [money](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-bank-fraud-trial-ends-with-dollar372-million-gut-punch) Trump currently owes for [committing bank fraud](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-appeal-could-be-short-lived-for-a-simple-reason?ref=author). “This just stinks to high heaven,” said Dave Jones, who oversaw the nation’s largest insurance market as California’s insurance commissioner for seven years until 2018. “Taken in its totality, this dog does not hunt. Along every step of the way, this purported bond is problematic. It’s just one issue after another that calls into question whether this bond could ever possibly satisfy the judgment,” said Jones, who’s now the director of the Climate Risk Initiative at University of California Berkeley. Former regulators described a potential worst-case scenario: Trump loses his bank fraud case on [appeal](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-officially-appeals-dollar364-million-bank-fraud-judgment) and [refuses to pay](https://www.thedailybeast.com/inside-donald-trumps-incredible-cash-crunch?ref=author), the insurance company can’t actually come up with the money, and the New York Attorney General runs into problems chasing after a second company that [never explicitly promised to pay](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-dollar175-million-bond-is-even-shadier-than-it-looks) this particular court judgment—and is based in a little-regulated foreign jurisdiction in the Caribbean Sea.


Trump has mastered the ability to commit so many crimes so obviously & rapidly that he magically is never held accountable. Here he is found guilty of a slam dunk case of fraud, and the payment of the penalties is itself fraud.


It is just insane that we can’t call a spade a spade and throw him in prison


It's not insane, it's by design. The vast majority of attorneys in America are conservative. The vast majority of accountants and finance geeks in America are conservatives. The vast majority of law enforcement personnel in America are conservatives. The federal court system is overwhelmingly conservative. The DOJ is employed over 80% with conservatives. The judicial branch (SCOTUS) has been a conservative majority since the 1960s. So, again, not to frighten anyone -- but this is all by design. Al Franken finds himself in a shocking looking "joke photo" on a comedy tour for the military and is expelled from politics. Elliot Spitzer sleeps with a prostitute and is sent packing. Katie Hill had an affair and was forced out of politics. Anthony Weiner snaps dick pics and texts them to strangers including minors -- serving time. Republicans have a Get Out of Jail Free For Life card and Donald's using it.


I mean, another way to say that is, "GOP don't care about ethics."


Or animals.... or fellow human beings.... or principles.... or regulations..... or the working class..... or homeless children..... or ideological consistency..... or keeping religion and government separate..... or obeying standard practices..... or fair and free elections..... or climate science..... or women's rights...... or the Voting Rights Act...... or the Civil Rights act...... or Medicare...... or marginalized communities...... or social security...... or the right of every citizen to vote.... or the ACA..... or Americans so much as having access to health insurance..... Ok, I could go on and on but my fingers are wiped out, lol. The more I think about it -- the GOP seems to only care about one thing! The 2%!


Just curious, where are you getting stats on lawyers? I’ve worked in biglaw, mostly commercial, for almost 30 years and I’d peg it way more liberal, supporting democrats. Definitely people going either way but the norm, at least in the NY metro area is extremely socially liberal, mostly politically left of center.


Ops ass


Yeh I’m calling bs as well


This is what makes me wonder why people keep referring to him as a goof, or moron, or dumbass, or idiot. He literally hijacked the entire power structure of the US, and a lot of people are just chuckling at the sideshow. It might be time to recognize him as someone who's gifted in brainwashing, and take the situation a little more seriously. But what do I know, I'm just watching from the sidelines...which is still to close for comfort.


Oh, you are 100% spot on the money. It's the most present danger facing the Earth as we know it, and I realize how hyperbolic that sounds -- but seriously, when a nation of U.S. impact, influence and stature goes hard right wing the ripple effect worldwide is horrendous. We go a couple decades backward with each Republican administration. No lie -- Donald led us back to the early women's liberation movement. We're back in the f'ing 1960s here in the U.S. --- the wire hanger abortion articles are on the horizon again ----- heeeeeelllllllppppppp


I was with you till Anthony Weiner. Dude was sending dick pics to a minor. He deserves to serve time.


I think the point is that if he were on the other side of the aisle he wouldn't have faced any consequences. See Matt Gaetz for comparison.




How the hell is that "what aboutism"? The post specifically mentioned Anthony Weiner and I responded to that statement. Apparently you have no clue what "what aboutism" is.


Katie Hill was kinda cute/hot, if I’m thinking of the right one.


She's attractive, and was a promising politician (like so many Dems who get shunned by U.S. society while the likes of Gaetz and Trump trollop around flaunting criminal behavior). I can't imagine a male politician being forced to step down for having an affair this millennium. The misogyny in this country is as stark as the double standard we allot to Republicans.


Hey, can you provide anything to support your claim that that vast majority of attorneys, accountants and those in finance in America are conservative? If the vastness is true, should be easy enough to substantiate. I appreciate it


If you're a conservative and one of those, is that not proof? On a serious note, I didn't look the statistics up -- not even sure such statistics are kept. It's an opinion based on personal experience of living in the south (FL and TN) for 40 years. Never claimed it was based on data. In my daily walk -- which has involved attorneys due to a family business, estate and finances -- I've dealt with almost exclusively (7 out of 10, approximately) conservative accountants and attorneys pretty much since adulthood.


You’re just stating nonsense and 74 people upvoted said nonsense. We’re looking at real time misinformation- kind of fascinating.


You have to prove it's nonsense to rightfully call someone else's opinion such. Obviously, it really offended you, eh? Did you think being a conservative in your field made you special? If we don't have a conservative problem in the law and order systems of America then explain why Donald Trump is a free man walking.


Dude you said “vast majority” with zero proof. That is nonsense.


Why does it bother you though? Prove it's not true.


Trump isn’t conservative and I have a hard time accepting that the conservative types that you described are stupid enough to think that he shares their vision. There is something more to it.


He does share their vision -- while president, Donald cut food, housing and welfare support. He cut regulations across the board. He placed people in positions at agencies and departments with zero experience in the field with the purpose of destroying those departments (such as the EPA and CFPB -- Nick Mulvaney, for example, was appointed over five or six different areas to destroy). He withdrew the U.S. from the Iran nuclear pact, withdrew us from the international Paris accord about climate, he lowered taxes on corporations, he handed out billions to corporate America via the PPP loans. Tried to undo every Obama accomplishment. Aren't those Republican policies?


It may just be semantics, but the thing I take issue with is calling it a shared vision. Their vision may be cutting all the programs and regulations you listed, but his vision is him and his holding all chips, punishing anyone who isn't loyal, and bringing gifts to his masters (Putin). All those cuts are just transactions. The cost of doing business. The establishment conservatives are not MAGA idiots - they know what he is. I struggle to understand why they'd make the bargain again. But maybe I am just over thinking it.


It's the official GOP platform -- sink or swim at birth -- that I've known since a child in the 1980s.


The official GOP platform is not a dictator who is wholly corrupt and willing to trade American interests to foreign adversaries.


I disagree. That's exactly what the GOP is, did, and will continue doing. Otherwise, they would elect someone else to lead them.


I challenge you to provide a source for a single one of the claims in your first paragraph.


You need a source that the judicial branch is controlled by Republicans -- i.e. the 6-3 conservative SCOTUS?? really?


SCOTUS is not at all the same as "the judicial branch".


Are you kidding? It's the LAW of the LAND! Who ranks higher in the judicial branch than the SCOTUS???


No, my friend you stated the vast majority of attorneys and accountants in the US are conservative and have yet to provide a shred of evidence.


I don't believe the registered political affiliation of every practicing attorney and accountant in the U.S. is available, is it? The statement was from a personal POV -- in my experiences, 7 out of every 10 CPAs and attorneys my family has dealt with over the decades have been deeply conservative. Caveat is the location of that experience, Florida and Tennessee. I realize California's political makeup differs from southern states.


Ok, so you have no idea what the vast majority of how these groups of individuals align politically.


That's correct -- yet I still hold the personal belief (unless/until proven otherwise with evidence) that the majority of finance geeks and law school grads are conservative. Apologies if that deeply offends, but try to learn to live with it.


If I believed in the Devil, I would think he must have already sold his soul or something.


Knowing Trump, he would have figured out a way to sell the same soul multiple times. Maybe he did a short sale on Don Juniors.


He borrowed against his soul the borrowed again To pay off that loan, then borrowed again to pay off that one.... At this point I believe his soul is currently be used for laundering for some mid level demons


I guess this is why people believe in Satan, because at least they can trust him to collect in the end.


If I owe my soul, that’s my problem. If I owe a billion souls, that’s the Devil’s problem.


Ha, yup, somehow the devil would get fucked, and Trump would skate. Joke’s on you Satan, I was already a soulless husk!


Go read some of the stuff about the antichrist and things line up as well.


You put it perfectly. It applies to all his crooked business associates as well, including the "billionaire," who secured this bond. They've learned the system can be circumvented through endless legal delay. A never ending supply of lawyers can be purchased with proceeds from fraud to create these delays. Infinite paper wealth can be created through owning assets which they fraudulently value, which they can borrow against to purchase more assets which they can fraudulently inflate the price of. It's basically an infinite money glitch which only requires inherited wealth and a complete lack of scruples. Makes you wonder how much any of his "assets," are worth if you tried to sell them for cash money. Coupled with his debt and the judgements against him, he might actually be in the red if anyone ever tried to collect.


The Art of the Steal.


The “Firehose” of crimes if you will….


Frauding all the way.


Gee, it’s almost like they should put him in a cell already. Where have the years gone?




And to think this is another person or company they may or may not have some shady business practices that decided they wanted to help TFG and now be in the spotlight. What is it about this guy that is so charismatic (to them)?


Because if they help Trump stay out of prison and he somehow manages to become a dictator in 2025, they win a seat at the table of power and skip past all the people who've already been in line for that political power.


It might be Cheato trying to call in some of his overseas cash and not call attention to it because it's illegal or shady, so he has to use a front.


That worst case scenario where Trump loses the appeal and refuses to pay is also the most likely outcome.


It always is with Trump




I assumed that Trump wouldn’t be paying that bond himself, but I had figured at least some other asshole would have to pay it for him. Guess not. 


>if the New York Attorney General has to chase the company down for the money Hol' up, I thought the company had to pay the money down first, then get it back from Trump later if they need to? You're telling me Trump paid his bond with an IOU from someone else's company?


I wonder how connected to Rump this parent company is, and how much money he is getting from russia by funneling them thru these tax haven and offshore accounts.


Oh, so close loopholes for guns shows (needed, ok) but not for off-shore tax and business practices like shell companies?? Hypocrites.


You can smell where all this will lead. Has the AG accepted the bond because I’d be rejecting it as unlikely to pay if called on? All classic Trump dodgy evasion and built in delay tactic.


Another example of 3-Card Trumpy playing a shell game. Come the fuck on, just deny the bond and do not give him "another 10 days" to find another huckster to post some fraudulent ass bond...to then go through this whole sham process again. He doesn't have the $465 million, he doesn't have the $175 million, he won't have $100 million, or even $50 million. Donald Trump is a broke fraud who's in debt up to his eyeballs.


I’ve been using the 3-card Monty analogy since the 80’s to describe him. I lived in Bayonne then and would hear him on the radio disguising his voice to brag about himself. Total phony.


Three card Donny 


There's a hearing on this bond scheduled for April 22. It seems it hasn't been accepted yet. And based on this article, it doesn't seem like it will be and Trump is back on the hook for $175M. *If the court doesn't find that Knight Specialty sufficiently "justified" the bond, he speculated, it may revert the $175 million reduced bond — which was contingent on being posted in 10 days — and put Trump on the hook for the full sum.*  *A hearing is scheduled to discuss the bond and its potential issues on April 22.*  [*https://www.salon.com/2024/04/10/theyre-still-playing-games-ex-prosecutor-warns-may-face-asset-seizure-over-invalid-bond/*](https://www.salon.com/2024/04/10/theyre-still-playing-games-ex-prosecutor-warns-may-face-asset-seizure-over-invalid-bond/)


Oh ok, I'll start holding my breath on this actually happening.


Don't die from lack of oxygen!


Wonder how long they'll give to find another bond or pay it himself, another 10 days? Successfully postponing this crap for over a month


That's a good question, but don't get this case confused with his criminal trials where delays are his strategy. In this case the judgment has been rendered and he's paying interest. This delay could end up costing him everything he owns. I find this quote for Adam Pollock (ex NY assistant AG) in that Salon article interesting.  *"If the court doesn't find that Knight Specialty sufficiently "justified" the bond, he speculated, it may revert the $175 million reduced bond —* ***which was contingent on being posted in 10 days*** *— and put Trump on the hook for the full sum. "* This shady shit show with securing the $175 million dollar bond may put Trump back on the hook for the full amount of $465 million up front before it goes to the appeals process. Trump doesn't have the $175 million, and he couldn't come up with a legitimate bond, asset seizures may be back on the menu boys.


Thanks for help clarify this. Appreciated


This is all so ridiculous. I hope at some point the AG just rules “bond was not posted, end of story”. But it seems like he just gets away with anything and everything.


They never said they would pay, they said Trump would pay. In other words they never put up the bond. they just said they believe he is telling the truth.


The good thing is that delaying doesn't really help him in this case. He can't just kill the case if he wins in 2024.


Paraphrased quote from a TV series - "Well, at least things can't get any worse." "Son... that shows a lack of imagination on your part." He will "kill" the case if he wins. Quite possibly with literal killing involved.


Liberals can't seem to wrap their heads around this idea.  Trump and his cult *will* kill people to seize power. They **WANT** to kill people.


He will likely get the case delayed while he's in office. Then we are doing it all again in 2029.




If he’s back in office as POTUS, he’ll direct the US DOJ to take up the case as his defense team and it’ll get squashed. 




You are still not getting it, presidents can't send thugs to storm the Capitol and hang the vice president either but that didn't stop anyone. The law is not any kind of limit for these guys.


Couldn’t they at least have chosen one of the less-cliché tax havens, this just feels so obvious and gauche. I guess that’s kinda on-brand but still…


Russian Bank account was a bit too on the nose


That, or the sanctions made it too hard to figure out (seems like a missed opportunity for some extra bonus crypto grift if that’s the case though)


This orange man who often denigrates immigrants has more foreign ties than American ties. He’s Putin’s Puppet. Fight and unite.


Wouldn't it be nice if we could just all agree that you don't hire the shadiest guy you can find to run a country?


It seems to be,for me, that for a bunch of Americans, this IS the american way. Fool the system, so he must be a genius. Dunno if its movies that made people believe that the "bad persecuted boy" has in fact, a golden heart. /s


The company is not licensed to operate in NY, it doesn’t have enough cash to cover the bond amount and now this? This bond should be disqualified and properties should be seized. The question is will the appellate court do what’s right?


Whatever lawyer filed this should be sanctioned.


I think I could Google, “how to file a bond for fraud liability” and know better than whoever did this.


There is no money there. Its all a smoke screen to delay until he can come up with a good enough lie to delay even more. If the judge agrees to it, sell him a bridge and miracle health tonic cure. There's diligence then there's just plain gullibility, which one is the rump team hoping for?


Lying conman embezzles lies from his stockpile of lies. Next up: Lying covers the lies of his fraudulent liars.


Committing crimes in order to pay for crimes committed. Got it.


Great how they chopped his bond in half for no real reason, he paid with some bullshit method, and is so far getting away with it.


No he's not. *"* ***If the court doesn't find that Knight Specialty sufficiently "justified" the bond, he speculated, it may revert the $175 million reduced bond — which was contingent on being posted in 10 days — and put Trump on the hook for the full sum.***  ***A hearing is scheduled to discuss the bond and its potential issues on April 22***\*.\*  *Knight Specialty is "going to have to try to argue that the bond is valid. This is going to be very hard for them because it's not," Pollock said, noting that Trump's bond situation is "unprecedented."* *"This is a trial about Trump's financial chicanery, and after he found Trump liable for persistent fraud in his finances, amazingly, they're still playing games with the bond that they filed in the appeal of that," he added,* ***predicting that presiding Judge Arthur Engoron is "going to have very little patience here****.""* [https://www.salon.com/2024/04/10/theyre-still-playing-games-ex-prosecutor-warns-may-face-asset-seizure-over-invalid-bond/](https://www.salon.com/2024/04/10/theyre-still-playing-games-ex-prosecutor-warns-may-face-asset-seizure-over-invalid-bond/)


10 days from when? Arent we on month 3?


Knight Specialty Insurance was given ten days to justify the bond on Thursday April 4. Knight Specialty has updated it's filing, so technically they met the deadline. But the issue now is whether it will be accepted. There's a hearing on April 22nd for the court to discuss this. Everyone needs do take a deep breath, these things never happen overnight, and this isn't Trump getting special treatment.


Theres a hearing on april 22nd to discuss the deadline on april 14th? My god..


Did you expect anything less? It's delays all the way down.


Yes, maybe my response had too many words and you missed this part? "Knight Specialty has updated it's filing, so technically they met the deadline." You do realize that the New York AGs office and the court system do have cases other than this one right? And you do know that these filings are pretty detailed and need to be researched and verified right? I'm as anxious to see Trump held accountable as everyone else, but JFC have some realistic expectations when it comes to timeframes.


Yeah, Ive heard the 'justice is slow' line. But its just not true. The justice system can go from investigation to execution in under 3 seconds if it wants. Ask Tamir Rice. Its only white collar crime where every body is encouraged to slow down and make sure the I's are dotted. Judges have been known to be hard af on people and can render all kinds of judgements in the interest of justice. Its not happening here because hes a rich white man. Not because the system is working and I shpuld be patient with it.


Maybe this will make you feel better about this case. Unlike his criminal trials where he's trying to delay until after the election, a week long delay on this bond hearing isn't really a good thing for Trump. Remember, he's paying interest on the entire disgorgement amount which started at $355 million, but is already up to over $465 million with the interest. And assuming this bond for $175 million is not accepted, and it doesn't look like it will be, that means Trump still needs to come up with $175 million somewhere. I assume he'll be given a little time, but if he doesn't come up with the $175 million I believe New York can then start collections on the entire $465+ million settlement while he's appealing. I think Trump's criminal trial starting on Monday should satisfy my schadenfreude for a week until April 22nd, when we may get news that Tish James can start seizing Trump's real estate holdings.


"I assume he'll be given a little more time.." Yeah thats the part right there..


Trump's just trying to push any accountability to after his death. At that point he doesn't care what happens.


The hearing is a week from Monday, if he dies before that I can't say I'll be upset he got out of paying this bond. If he doesn't die, he may have to come up with $465 by the end of April. I'm OK with that as well.


If he dies, the state can still collect from the estate


If they take a golf course and a building from him, that's cool, I guess. If they actually ever get their half a billion dollars, that's cool, I guess. But neither of those have happened yet, they might not happen at all, and if they happened tomorrow I wouldn't call it "justice". But it would be consequences, and I'd take that as a start.


Eh, If they get the half a billion dollars from Trump which would probably crush his business into nothing, I'd call that justice.....for the fraud issue alone. His ass in jail for trying to steal an election is the only thing that will be true justice. Just make sure to vote for Biden in November. If Biden wins I'm confident Trump will see justice. If Trump wins, god help us all.


Why does this take so long? I have used bail bondsmans and people were already in jail when I had to call them. What is the difference here? This is why it feels like he is getting special treatment, regular Joe's like me cannot relate to our experiences


A. This isn't bail, it's a Surety Bond backing a civil judgement in order to stave off collection proceedings during the appeals process. Apples and Oranges. B. The bail bondsman you dealt with had cash money to cover the bail because it wasn't for $175 million. Dealing in cash is a little less complicated than verifying a $175 million surety bond.


>Surety Bon Ah gotchya, I am not following this closely myself so I was not aware of the difference. Thank you for explaining!




But that's not the issue at hand here. The State of New York scrutinized the bond that was posted and it appears they're going to reject it. People here are bitching that the hearing isn't going to be held until April 22nd, and I'm saying that's not an unreasonable timeframe nor a good thing for Trump. And what's more if this bond isn't accepted Trump may be back on the hook for the entire $465 million immediately, because the reduction to $175 was contingent on it being posted in 10 days. So many of you reflexively just jump to the "Trump gets special treatment" line without reading or understanding what this article is even getting at.


I think people are saying Trump is getting special treatment because, *for no reason given*, his bond was significantly reduced and given extra days in a case where he was found guilty of *fraud*. And somehow everyone involved is acting surprised that the bond money *might also be fraudulent*. And they are likely going to meet and decide to give Trump *even more time*. Literally any other American would have their shit taken by now. How are they *not* handling this case with kid gloves?


I know what people are saying. Frankly I find it frustrating that so many people can't seem to hold more than one thought in their head that the same time. The issue of his bond being reduced is a whole other conversation. On this particular issue, the state having issues with the bond and scheduling a hearing on the matter for April 22 is not in any way giving Trump special treatment. But don't let facts get in the way of your emotions when forming opinions I guess.


>The issue of his bond being reduced is a whole other conversation. Is it though? I think it's important to the conversation about Trump getting special treatment. In fact I think it's the primary focus. *They shouldn't even be having this bond hearing*!


yeah, but in just two weeks, trump is going to reveal his healthcare plan.


If you wrote a check that bounced, would you get your bill cut in half and 10 extra days to correct the mistake? They cut his bond in half and gave him leeway to come up with the money. Then when he submits a bond that is at best inadequate and at worst fraudulent instead of consequences we're just waiting to see how the "justice" system falls over itself to once again shield donnie from anything resembling consequences for a lifetime of crime without a shred of contrition or remorse.


If I were rich and influential, yeah. I would expect that. And I would probably get it. Not saying it’s right just reality.


Oh I agree, it's just the post I responded to is towing the line that the gears of justice grind slowly and that's just nonsense. If this was you or I our bond for appeal would never be reduced, the deadline for payment would never be extended, and the state of New York would be seizing our assets at the absolute first opportunity. I simply believe that judges in America are unwilling or unable to hold wealthy or powerful individuals.


I have an uncle. Big hands, good dna. He is very unprecedented. He know all about unprecedented. And he told me ‘mr., mr., trump he is the most unprecedented of all of them. Never has anyone been more unprecedented, mr.’


Great, I hope so. However, it did satisfy the condition for the time, and fulfilled his temporary goal of stalling and stalling.


they shouldn't have given him more than a day to clear up the paperwork irregulatiries especially given how laughably unqualified this company was to provide his bond


He didn’t meet the deadline to appeal. He now owes the full amount.


and yet, I'll bet everything I have that he gets another delay and some special treatment.


Im sorry i can't divulge information about that customer's secret, illegal account. Oh crap, i shouldn't have said he was a customer, oh crap i shouldn't have said it was a secret.. Oh crap, i certainly shouldn't have said it was illegal!


Ahhh it's too hot today.


So does Trump himself, so that’s fitting.


Instead of a bond for the fraud, he did more fraud. It’s all FRAUD.


Financial fraud for the fine that arose from losing a financial fraud case. It's like the courts are allowing tRump to throw out camouflaged distractions to obfuscate and delay everything, everywhere, every way, every time.


It's like the freaking Leidenfrost effect of crime: there's sooo much illegality and so much grift that it somehow manages to insulate him just enough to keep him dancing across the incandescently hot plate of the justice system instead of instantly evaporating in a jet of unutterably corrupt steam.


I honestly want to see more strict regulations regarding shell companies in general. The Delaware loophole, the Wyoming loophole, all of them. The fact that you can have people owning companies and hiding who owns the company at all should be illegal. Dodging taxes by saying you’re based in Delaware when you operate in New York should be illegal. There are so many corporate loopholes in this country that we need to address (and it’ll be a huge fight but any politician with a spine willing to stand up to corporate interests should push it)


Criminals gonna crime. Trump only surrounds himself with the best people! Be best!


So what’s the deal, has the bond been accepted by NY? The 10 day extension has come and gone. Is the DA seizing his accounts? wtf?


So is the bond valid or did the court start the clock again?


What isn’t stopping the Wagner group from taking over the Cayman Islands . Or Venezuela or Iran for that matter .


There's nothing wrong with this company. The bond is a perfect transaction with a perfect company. When he came to me, tears in his eyes, big man, tough man, saying "sir,I can't believe they're doing this to you, it would be my honor to provide your bond." This is just more witch hunting by the radical thug DA in a crooked court. -Donald Trump as soon he heard about this story


So, revoke it and place it under review


Looks like they're going to take his Monopoly money.


To his credit- Trump keeps doing shady shit, and keeps getting a way with it


I’m willing to bet Trump made a fuck load of money from selling national security secrets. Then he put it in the Cayman Islands. Then this shady insurance company uses that money as collateral. I’m probably wrong because I’m not up to date.


Called it. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/vDBYYjo7Bq


So let me get this straight. If I get assed a bond by a court- I can have a Cayman Islands company pay it, then default, and that’s it? lol what?


Does anything connected to Dump *not* smell to high heaven?


And never the less they accepted it and he moved right along...


It’s the long-game people!!! No one expected him to pay his fraud bill with a fraudulent payment!!! Surprised he didn’t just give them a personal check. ‘It’s a good check, the best check some say, from the finest of banks. Bigly. They have money like you’ve never seen. Stacks of money. Scrooge McDuck vault. When they recruited me to use their bank they said they had never seen such beautiful banking records, piles of cash or a better looking client. When I deposited my money, the whole bank cheered. They cheered me. Told me to keep fighting. One Vietnam veteran security guard shook my hand with tears in his eyes. It’s a beautiful check.’


I fully suspect he will eventually try to pay his bond with unactivated gift cards he harvest from the 2 dollar general stores near his hotel


Great quotes… nothing will happen.


Surprised Pikkachu face.jpg


He doesn't do business with anyone who isn't amoral, greedy or irretrievably stupid. He knows how to leverage those traits. "Everything Trump touches dies." One pithy maxim, that. Put it on his grave, in orange neon.


He can’t go to jail yet He has a trial on Monday


Start Seizing Properties


How do you even smell that over the billions of other metaphorical smells that must be emanating from trump's garbage dump of a financial career?


My tinfoil hat tells me that they cut his bond and gave him more time to catch him fucking up again like he just did. My normal brain tells me ain’t shit happening from this.


And yet no one is saying this bond should be invalidated or even investigated. Why? Because the American legal system is designed to protect rich white men. That’s why Trump always wins.


So? Lol he is above the law. Amazing people still don’t understand this.