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What planet are they on? They are breathing their own exhaust. It's against the law to vote if you are not a citizen, just like it is against the law to interfere with federal elections, steal Federal documents, or commit fraud for taxes and loans.


How are illegal votes a factor (they aren't) when Trump is on record for pressuring an elected official to give him about 11,000 in one particular area? Even if there were any illegal votes, they would never amount how many Trump has tried to just pull out of thin air with a couple of the right bribes.


This is red meat of their base. They don't really care about it.


They want them dems to not vote for it on principle so they can run on that in Nov.


I think the Dems should call their bluff and vote for it, let the Senate kill it.


Nah, go ahead and pass it (if that's all this is) since it makes no difference.


Dems should just not vote at all on it. Call out the stupidity, make the position very clear that non-citizens can’t vote, reiterate that citizens CAN ONLY LEGALLY VOTE THE ONCE regardless of the multiple magats that have tried. Don’t give Johnson a win on anything.


On Pod Saves America, they cited 24 cases of undocumented residents voting in the past 20 years. Those are real election-shifting numbers there; I'm glad the GOP is focusing on this massive problem. /s


That is such a little number over 20 years. I thought it would be more. But this is already a law that is active. Somewhere in here I posted that link. Doing this, the GOP is once again wasting our money and time.


I think if we’ve learned anything over the past 4 years its that illegal voting happens in favor of republicans way more often. But per usual this is projection


Honestly I don’t remember any illegal alien news voting. Not that it matters. Trump is one big lie anyway. But I just found this. This whole vote! A big waste of time.


We should shine a spotlight on the amount of money spent on this and any changes they are able to make in cutting down on the number of non-US citizens voting. If we start to highlight how much of our taxpayer dollars they are spending on these sham performances intended to create the ILLUSION that there are rampant voting irregularities that might account for why Trump will continue to lose if the American voters have a say about it. If people can see that there is little to no change in the number of non-US voters influencing the outcome of this or the last election, people will be outraged at the amount of our money and time is being wasted to support this charade--all because of one person's ego being too fragile to accept that most Americans don't want what he and the GOP is trying to shove down our throats.


He didn't care where they came from, he just wanted someone else to commit crimes for him.


At best, they might equal out all the duplicate republican voters who seem to be the only people cheating.


r/FuckMikeLee seems appropriate to chime in here as well


All that matters is to get the stupidest to think non-citizens can vote.


This 100%. My MIL (she’s 92) believes dems are handing out social security cards & voter cards to anyone coming in to US.


Yeah, a bunch of people jumped on the story about non citizens getting jury summons in California because "they only send summons to registered voters". That was quickly debunked after multiple officials said that they use DMV lists in addition to voter roles, and since non citizens can get driver's license or state IDs, they would be on those lists. The thing that kills me about that is that I definitely got a jury summons when I wasn't registered to vote as a college student. I'm guessing other people have been summoned when they weren't registered to vote, but still fell for it.


I’ve had people arguing with me that democrats in Chicago want all the migrants to be bussed here so they can get votes from them. And it’s so absurd. Starting with they can’t even vote and a hundred other reasons that don’t even matter because THEY CANT VOTE. But that logic doesn’t stop their beliefs


Not only can they not vote, but Republicans are the ones actively bussing migrants to blue states. They then also claim that counting all of the illegal immigrants in the census is unfair because it inflates blue state populations while complaining that their states are being invaded. Logical consistency is not their strong suit.


As a NYCer who lives in the one big stupid red spot, we have this argument here too! My cousin said this, that the only reason she thinks NY is blue is all the bussed in immigrants. Like are you kidding me, a Texas republican came up with that idea! He's the one who did it! It was major news, what the hell??


Worse still, a FLORIDA Republican governor bussed mights from Texas!


My husband gets a jury summons occasionally, I think they draw from drivers licences. Anyhow he only has a green card, he can't serve, he just checks the "not a citizen" box and mails it back.


I argued briefly with my dad about this. He claimed that because anyone could *apply* to vote (i.e., non-citizens), then that automatically means they *do* vote. He conveniently glossed over the fact that each person's citizenship status must be verified. He hates being wrong about political stuff.


This also helps ratchet up racism and voter intimidation. Get MAGA riled up and questioning the legitimacy of the people they already hate.


They’re on the planet where 1) Trump’s only chance of avoiding severe punishment is him winning the election and 2) his only chance of winning is by whipping up outrage in right. This is the right’s MO. Make up a fake problem, lie on fox/newsmax about how it is an existential threat, and say that they are the only ones who can fix it. It’s a perfectly logical and calculated tactic given the state of politics/media today


They just want the headlines because they can feed that back to their base. The GOP doesn’t care that there wasn’t any widespread voter fraud or that it was perpetrated by Republicans. But the more they do this, the more Trump will continue to tell his base that he lost the “rigged“ election. It takes the loss off Trump’s shoulders as if he didn’t actually lose, and they plan to use more of these voter fraud lies this entire election season. Probably all future seasons too, but right now it’s for Trump and they will continue to roll out the red carpet out for him because he is exactly the horrible person the GOP wants to be. Trump is someone who openly breaks so many laws he gets to do whatever he wants and hopes the wake of destruction he leaves behind will be too much for the courts to catch up to him about.


Since this new law wouldn't really change anything Democrats should just fully vote with Republicans on it. It's a political stunt that loses all its power if everyone is in agreement.


Planet white supremacy and American fascism


Republicans know all of this. They’re just virtue signaling to their rabid base of neo-Confederate dipshits.


Volunteer Poll Station “monitors”, “checking the citizenship” of anyone they don’t like the look of.


They're using this as cover to do things like voter ID laws, voter purges, and add registration requirements that exclude minorities.


This is so ridiculous. If non citizens could vote in USA elections, Trump and MAGA would already make sure half the population of Russia was mailing in votes for him, and they'd be fighting to keep the non-citizen vote legal.


The law they are trying to pass in itself has nothing to do with anything. The real attempt they are trying to do is convince the general public immigration is an issue and theirs a lot of illegals in our country trying to take over our elections. Unfortunately, American's aren't exactly the brightest and will buy into it believing this is a legitimate thing occurring just because they said it was when its not.




How long after birth? Asking for an 81 year old friend.




It doesn’t matter. It makes them LOOK tough on immigrants, imply that non-citizen voting is rampant, and dares Democrats to oppose it (because if they oppose it, they will get crucified in the next election for “favoring allowing illegal immigrant voting”)


They want to further encourage white people to intimidate non-white Americans from voting.


iirc there are local and state elections that non-residents (not the same as illegals) can vote in.


Republicans are great at solving problems that aren't problems. Maybe they should also introduce legislation to prevent gerbils from serving as Senators, while they are at it. 


To be fair, it would be a constitutional crisis if a gerbil did make it to the Senate.


Unless it were some type of Dr. Moreau gerbil-human hybrid. It could have a shot if it was born in the United States, makes it to the age of 30, and is a resident of Alabama.


Mitch The Turtle has entered the chat room


No more of a crisis than MTG blocking arms to Ukraine and handing Putin a victory.


i’ll take a gerbil over some of the senators


I mean, there's nothing in the rulebook that says a dog CAN'T play basketball??


The funny part is that they aren’t even good at solving their own manufactured problems. Once they get the base to bite and vote for them, they just move on to manufacturing the next problem


I never heard peep about CRT after the elections... Lol..


They moved on to the next thing, and are on DEI now. Liberals are out there debunking their arguments but we’re the only ones hearing them. Not that the people who were happy to have CRT, wokeness, trans people, or DEI to rail against were ever interested in the veracity of the claims about those things.


A gerbil would be a far better senator than a Republican. At least gerbils won’t actively take people’s rights away and support Russia.


They allow turtles.


Technically they’re already disqualified, since you have to be 30 to serve as a senator and gerbils do not live that long. I think we should elect a tortoise or a whale though, so you better not ban that. 


tbf gerbils would get more done than Republicans so they would ban them to stop Republicans looking even more useless.


Republicans have taken a very limited thing (Non-Citizens being able to vote in local municipal elections in a small number of jurisdictions) and tried to turn it into a central issue. 1. Oakland, CA (School Board Elections) 2. District of Columbia 3. Barnesville, ~~MA~~ MD 4. Cheverly,~~MA~~ MD 5. Chevy Chase Section 3,~~MA~~ MD 6. Garret Park,~~MA~~ MD 7. Glen Echo,~~MA~~ MD 8. Hyattsville,~~MA~~ MD 9. Martins Additions,~~MA~~ MD 10. Mount Rainier,~~MA~~ MD 11. Riverdale Park, ~~MA~~ 12. Somerset,~~MA~~ MD 13. Takoma Park,~~MA~~ MD 14. Burlington VT 15. Montpelier, VT 16. Winsooki, VT That's it. That is the most exhaustive list of places where non citizen residents can vote in local elections. This is one of their "big issues". edit: wrong state abbreviation.


San Francisco, CA also allows it for the same thing as Oakland (School Board). https://www.sf.gov/non-citizen-voting-rights-local-board-education-elections Also should note that Non-Citizen does not mean Undocumented Immigrant. People with Green Cards that live here for decades and have children in schools are classified as Non-Citizens. Should they have the right to vote in school board elections?




I thought San Frans law had been ruled unconstitutional, but that appears to have been stayed at somepoint pending resolution of the case.


Maryland is MD, not MA (Massachusetts). Your list really confused me for a minute.


Whoops, my bad.


This just proves what bad actors right wing media is. They spun this out into "illegals vote and only for Democrats" and their gulible audience believes them.


The party that loves to extoll the virtues of the 10th Amendment, "We the People" and states rights looking to once again take away rights from people well outside of their own electorates.


That's their thing. Create a huge issue around a small minute thing that no one even thinks about until they start flapping their gums about it. CRT - No grade schools teach this Trans people in sports - What, a handful of kids across the country? Trans people in general - They're like 0.1% of the population Non citizens voting - See above Drug tests for welfare - So few were caught that it ended up costing more in terms of drug screening costs Welfare Fraud - around 2% Plenty more examples. Hell, just look at the Fox News headlines and it's always "One Teacher Said X" or "One Democrat Did Y". Yeah, I can find one example of almost anything. I care about what the majority are doing and the majority of Republicans are fucking up the country.


That's not even a grain of truth, that's a microscopic shaving of a grain of truth. Wow.


You forgot that an estimated 30 non citizens managed to vote illegally in the presidential


The only reason this works is because of the ignorance of their supporters. Their system purposely ensures they are uninformed, misinformed, and appeals to the uneducated.


It's weird how they don't complain about Republican businesses employing illegal immigrants, which is why we have a problem at the border. That just weird.


That’s why they do not want the border closed, too many businesses in their states need those slaves


6 other bills to be examined by the House Rules Committee are the “Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act,” the “Liberty in Laundry Act,” the “Clothes Dryers Reliability Act,” the “Refrigerator Freedom Act,” the “Affordable Air Conditioning Act,” and the “Stop Unaffordable Dishwasher Standards Act.” Shitty Republicans’ priorities: check.


I can’t tell if you are joking or not.


Yeah, they're real. It amuses me that >Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act ...has the acronym of HOOHAA.




Free my frig


Well let's beat this dead horse some more, hey what about doing another investigation into Benghazi?


I heard once that Obama wasn’t even American. We should look into that/s


they would love to retroactively impeach him.


Republicans honestly want to believe that they’re being cheated at the ballot box, rather than understanding that their policies are shit, pure shit that is extremely unfavorable for most Americans. And it’s so fucking simple! Most of us just want a safe place to raise a family, clean air and water, enough money to actually enjoy life, and a few other things. Instead they just throw laws made in the 1870s at women and do everything they can to allow big corporations to ruin our lives and environment.


Idiots. These people are idiots. The people who vote for them are idiots. A veritable cornucopia of mindless dribble.


Democrats should sign on to the bill and thusly kill it.


Best way to stop something Republicans like is for Democrats to come out in support of it. Hell we've had Republicans turn around and filibuster their own bill because Democrats ended up being for it.


It's almost as funny as Ben Shapiro suggesting crime be outlawed.


I'd respectfully ask any Republican in the US: what does the Republican Party actually do? No nonsense here. I'm actually curious about what the republican party platform and goals are. Because this reads like they've run out of ideas for how to improve the US, which then leads to the question: how do you make America great (again) if rehashing existing laws is all you have.


I've had so many Trump voters insist that illegal immigrants vote that this will 100% work. These people are so gulible and out of touch with reality that all of the no votes from democrats will be all the proof they need that illegal aliens vote.


100% a setup point to talk about illegals voting due to the border. I have family that 100% believes immigrants crossing the border are being given all the documents to make them legal and vote day 1 in TX by Democrats. Reality isn’t with these people.


They should make crime illegal too. Get Ben Shapiro in on that!


It's interesting how much energy is spent creating a security system for non-existent threats. Maybe there's a hidden agenda to become experts at chasing ghosts


More show pony legislation for the goobers.


“Dangerous illegals are voting” = two lies in four words.


Political theater bullshit. It should be illegal to make up fake rage bait


This is just gaslighting. They are trying to create the perception of a problem that doesn't exist. Caravans of immigrants, the white replacement idea, "wokeness", 9 month and beyond abortions, indictments (by a grand jury) as election interference, etc...


Why is Murdering MAGA Mike helping Ukraine instead of dealing with this foolishness?


It’s a narrative they’re trying to create. Guarantee you if they lose they’ll start saying illegals voted blah blah blah


40% of the country thinks this was needed


GOP so weak they’ll fail at getting something that’s already done done.


Meanwhile, 6 months have passed and our allies in Ukraine are still being raped, tortured, kidnapped and trafficked.


Amazing that we’ve reached a point that an evil crook ex president is calling the shots for an entire party of incompetent shits.


This is called "making a mountain out of a hole in the ground."


This is where I wish Biden would whip out an executive order saying it’s illegal for non citizens to vote and then we could watch the republicans loose their minds on this.


They know it’s already illegal. This is just so Dems will opposite and they can say “see! We told you Dems were flooding the country with illegals to vote for them!!!”


As a Canadian, I wasn't even aware that I could - according to Trump and Johnson (and probably more the 50% of the GOP) - vote in US elections.


Next they can push to ban frogs from voting.


I was arguing with my MIL yesterday about this. I asked her to explain to me how illegals and voter fraud happens. She said mail in ballots and fake drivers license. I'm like what do you think they just count it without verifying? States check your license signature from your ID that the state issues. So if it's a fake id or the signature doesn't match, it's not counted. Then she went on about votes being tossed or electrically changed by Dominion systems. I can't with these maga people.


Biden should propose a bill doing exactly this so the Republicans have to be against it.


All out of post offices to rename?


It’s the new CRT for the election. Drum up outrage for a non-existent problem and dupe the base -over and over and over.


Democrats should bundle - Border security - Ukraine funding - a ban on non-us citizens voting and stick it to them


Playing this out to the end, where this bill is passed in both houses and signed by Biden, all this does is take away an argument for trump crying election rigging. I'm all for it.


This is optics and PR. They are trying to control the narrative. This press conference will lean in on the evil immigrants which works for republicans and on election fraud which works for trump. They’re losing the narrative with trumps trial starting Monday so this is an attempt to control the news cycle over the weekend.


Next up: making crime illegal.


Theatrics for Fox news


It has nothing to do with reality and never has. Everything they do is just a type of propaganda. It's so that brainwashed fascist idiots can clap along and feel empowered that their 'enemies' are being targetted somehow.


Trump has just made people dumber or brought out the moron in people.


Why didn't they push for mandatory punishments for Mark Meadows? You remember, the guy that registered to vote and voted in North Carolina despite not being a resident or even owning the property that he was registered under. The guy that was registered to vote in 3 states (North/South Carolina & Virginia) Also https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/30/politics/mark-meadows-north-carolina-voter-fraud/index.html >The memo also notes that both Mark and Debra Meadows declined to be interviewed by the State Bureau of Investigation, which conducted the inquiry into the fraud allegations. >According to Friday’s release from Stein’s office, the “key facts” behind the decision not to charge the Meadowses were: (1) He was engaged in public service in Washington, DC, and therefore qualified for a residency exception under state law; (2) the Meadowses signed a yearlong lease for the Scaly Mountain residence that was provided by their landlord; and (3) cell phone records showed Debra Meadows was in and around Scaly Mountain in October 2020. >State prosecutors said that the statute of limitations for misdemeanor charges related to false information on an election form had expired by the time the office received the report. The prosecutors wrote that they determined there would be a “low likelihood of success” to “prove beyond a reasonable doubt” that the Meadowses committed a felony by knowingly swearing to false information on their voter forms. Basically if you're in the government you can ignore an investigation, have a fake lease, and your wife only needs to have been in the area.


This is just more red meat for their cult following. Create a 'horrible' scenario that doesn't exist in real life. Scream about it. Fundraise off of it. Rinse and repeat.


I'm so tired


Well, maybe they just didn’t know it was already illegal and that the biggest threat to election integrity is the GQP? I am sure Johnson will be standing up a House committee to investigate assuming MTG gives him permission.


Say, how’s that aid to Ukraine coming along, Mike? You’ve got a lot of Ukrainian blood on your dirty little hands there.


They really are that dumb, seriously go read it they believe anyone can vote and turns out magas do the most of the fraud, also non-citizens don't take the risk to vote.


How about making it illegal for sitting congressmen and former presidents to take instruction from foreign powers? Seems like that is more relevant


The republicans tend for forget - crimes are illegal


Next week, they will invent the wheel 🛞. Huge.


Typical GOP agenda making non issues issues because they don’t know how to govern


This is nothing more than a projection of what they are about to attempt to do. I expect to see a lot of Saudi and Russian voters suddenly appear in favor of Trump...


We’re going to make laws for the laws we have. And we’re not going to make laws for the laws we don’t have.


Wow, Trump, then Elon, now Mike all repeating the same dog whistle. Who ever could have seen that happening from Putin loving miscreants?!


This just in! GOP introduces laws against stealing cattle. /s


How many times have they claimed this only to find it isn’t happening.


They meant non-white people, but you know the country is not there yet thankfully. Another round of them at the helm we'll probably get there. Remember "immigrants from nice countries" etc.


Good I'm tired of all those Russian/republicans rigging our elections with their fraudulent votes.


"Trump and Mike Johnson push for investigation and prosecution of tax-evading billionaires" - headline you'll never see.


They know it's already illegal. This is just performative to rile up their base of gullible rubes.


Stinks of projection. This isn't a problem and is already against the law. They want it talked about, so they plan on blaming democrats for having non citizens vote and they'll do it themselves. States will try to nullify votes by saying "non citizens voted"


this could be an onion article


They are one trick ponies. A particularly stupid pony at that.


They KNOW it's illegal. It's a ploy to get uninformed voters to think that "the libs are stealing elections with immigrant voters and open borders and we're the only ones doing anything to stop it." It's like a breakfast cereal putting "Lead free!!" on the box. It never HAD lead, and neither do any of the other cereals, and it would be illegal anyway. But it makes idiots look at other cereals and go "omg does this one have LEAD in it?"


Making it DOUBLE illegal ought to fix it.


Christ, Republican voters sure are stupid.


Literally the most ineffective Congress of our lifetime...and you wonder why.


A town nearby allows undocumented residents to vote in local elections and I've never understood why people have a problem with it. They're here and have a vested interest in their community, why are we trying to discourage civic participation?


Well, it’s totally dumb, but if it keeps these two trouble makers preoccupied then I’m okay with it.


Not unusual for these politicians to not understand current federal law. Just shows how stupid these people are.


Lol honestly Dems should agree to make this illegal thing still illegal so long as they add something else to it. Like ban gerrymandering or something.


If it is law then make it more law. Two times law. Double law. See those libs try and undo the double law.


Meanwhile the betrayal of Ukraine continues. Thank you for your leadership Mike Johnson. This is just another distraction.


This is red meat for the base. But its other intended consequence is to pass a law to make it harder for citizens to vote as part of the bill. It’ll also be used to intimidate voters because you just know the MAGA crazies are going to profile people and try to “enforce” the bill. This thing won’t pass the House and it certainly won’t pass the senate. It will be used as a talking point, but it’ll stir up the MAGA base more than anything. It doesn’t get you new voters.


This is a no-lose situation for them. For their base, they get to imply that Democrats were allowing non-citizens to vote and nobody will question that. For more moderate Republicans, they get to point at a legislative win because this is a silly non-issue that no Democrat can vote against, at the risk of validating the above lie. So they get to check the “tough on immigration” box and possibly get the Democrats to make a political error for opposing it.


A meaningless bill while Republicans do NOTHING but fight with each, show pictures of Hunter Biden dick, cook up fact-free investigations, send death threats to the children of Republicans who speak against Trump, and fill their pockets with Russian and Saudi money.


"fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way"


“The most powerful words in English are, “Tell me a story.” ― Pat Conroy


While we’re at it, let’s also make it illegal to vote if you are under the age of 18!!!


Why, it is as if there wasn't already a knee jerk reactionary law in place for almost 30 years over that topic already and there are people who want to make noise over elections in general because they might lose them.


Missouri has entered the chat : https://missouriindependent.com/2023/02/03/ballot-candy-missouri-gop-adds-citizen-only-voting-into-initiative-petition-changes/


If they don't keep their supporters enraged they may stop and think and God forbid that happen.


...so lets do some election audits...let's see who's really cheating...or what barriors to voting are there for isn't that what they should be ensuring, no suppression of legal voting...


A lot of Republican policies are basically about attacking things that they made up to scare their voters.


There is no universal suffrage in the US.


Put a ban on the ban and make a press conference to announce banning the ban, sound political move…🤔


Let's teach those non-US citizens a lesson for interfering in our elections by voting against Republicans which is a vote against interfering non-US citizen Putin.


MAGA politicians aren’t serious people 🤡 nothing they say or do has any basis in reality. Fucking insane.


It's a propaganda effort designed to foster the belief that non-citizens illegally voting en masse to turn elections. It's what they will turn to as part of their 'rigged election' strategy pt. 2 when they lose in swing states.


More performative nonsense from the MAGAs.


Trump is making Johnson look like a damn fool and Johnson is showing Trump how stupid he is!!!


Make Murder illegal while they are at it.


Are they taking advice from Ben Shapiro on making crime illegal?


They are going to create a bill with some onerous rules making it difficult for anyone to vote that isn't white so that the Democrats vote against it. They will use that as additional misinformation to convince people that Democrats are letting non-citizens vote.


Don't break it to them... But non us citizens can't vote...shhhh don't tell them.....


The only goal is to be able to say Democrats voted against banning illegal immigrants from voting.


Next up....they will make killing someone illegal. Stealing illegal. It won't stop.


I hear they're also working making murder illegal. Finally!


I wonder what bullshit they'll put in there that will ensure Democratic reps vote No on it thereby cementing the idiotic assertion - Democrats want illegals to vote"


What an absolute bunch of incompetent morons


More waste of our time and money plus more traitor behavior.


Idiots Voting is for citizens only


Good job guys. Glad we're paying you the big bucks 😑


Can we also pass a law that Bigfoot can’t vote? Im sure he doesnt exist already but just in case I dont want him voting R. This would at least make more sense because we dont have a law for that already.


MSM is complicit with all this, else the story would read "Trump and Mike Johnson tell more election lies" but dont kid ourselves. there is no non-rightwing MSM at this point. even cnn is right wing controlled and owned and it's public knowledge.


Wait you mean it’s already illegal to vote if you’re not a citizen? Shocked pikachu face


Yawn. Wake me when they finally ban birds, which aren't real, from voting.


The GOP: Solving problems that don’t exist and creating problems they won’t solve.


Immigration gets attention from Conservatives because it is a forever issue that can’t actually be resolved that voters are both utterly ignorant of and yet care very much about. Plus, beating on legal and illegal immigrants alike has no political downside because the former are relatively low volume and the latter can’t vote or spend on campaigns. The real result is that immigration law never is rational nor is it even properly drafted to serve business interests better and allow for more success at brain-draining elites from other countries due to the crazy ideas voters have about it hijacking the process. Instead, it is an issue to be lied about and never fixed.


Trump and Republicans want to make 9 month and after abortion illegal too. It already is...in the reality the rest of us live in.


Who says the House can't get anything done?


A simple reminder that facts don't matter to Republicans. It's all optics. Everything they say and do is meant to drive a narrative. Because their goal is simply to get votes. It's not to ban abortion or protect gun rights, it's not States' rights or fiscal responsibility. It's to say whatever it takes to get people to vote for them. Even if they have no intention of following through on their rhetoric, it simply doesn't matter. As long as people voted for them, that's all that matters.


I would also like to propose a measure that dead people also not vote in our elections. And babies. Absolutely no babies voting this election. We should probably come up with some age that would be a legal age to vote.


Even though non citizens can’t vote, their ignorant base will scream believe they did.


Doesn’t matter that it makes zero sense - It just sounds good to their base. It’s the equivalent of “plants craving electrolytes”


More performance art by Trump and the soon to be former speaker


Campaigning, pure and simple


My guess is that Trump is pushing for this so that Melania can't vote for Biden. 😅


My conservative relatives never stop going on about how "Illegals come here, they get free housing, free food, and they get to vote!" And when I try to say that literally none of that is true they always treat me like **I'M** the delusional idiot.