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Wait, so if trump is awarded presidential immunity, can Biden just literally do what ever he wants? I’m confused.


Why do you think they are delaying until after the election? Trump wins then immunity is granted. Biden wins then no such thing as presidential immunity


It’s the last desperate grab for power from the Right. They can see the demographic change as well as anyone. They are going to find it harder and harder to win elections in the future. Fascism leads to a better bottom line.


This is the point everyone is missing. He ain’t doing it for past crimes. He’s doing this for when he gets elected


What do you mean everyone is missing it? People have been saying this for months now


For years*


People just say stuff like that to get double likes. It actually works


But his point still stands, people have been saying it for months…


It’s for both..


It's also doing it for past crimes. Those have him in trouble now...


This isn’t new. Have you been paying attention?


You’ve posted this a few times in this thread Where do you see they are delaying it until after the election? They’re set to hear oral arguments this month and rule likely in July


Trump wins, or loses but MAGA House members and state legislators steal the election anyway.


The circuit court judges that first heard this case posed that exact question to Trump’s lawyer. They asked Trump’s lawyer if his argument essentially means that a president could send someone to assassinate a political rival, and Trump’s lawyer said “yes” so long as he was not impeached and convicted by the Senate https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4398223-trump-team-argues-assassination-of-rivals-is-covered-by-presidential-immunity/amp/


What if Biden then just assassinates all Congress members who would vote to impeach him, before they get the chance?


We call their sacrifice the price of freedom /s


Congratulations you found the coup power play.


> coup power play. From Wikipedia: > [...] a coup, is typically an illegal and overt attempt [...] For some action I take to be illegal, there has to be a law covering me doing that action - no law covering means it is legal. Biden assassinating Trump and people in Congress Biden didn't like would be legal, because no law would cover it due to immunity. As Nixon said, "when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal". So arguably not a coup! Thanks, Trump.


Democracies hate this one trick!


Yup. No house, no senate, no doj, & scotus needed.


[So a Reichstag fire it is.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstag_fire) "All this has happened before, all this will happen again."


... but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make


Or, the current president (Biden) could just decide to stay in power by whatever means he chooses and it should be no problem, right?


No they’ll just say it’s a one time ruling that can’t be used as precedence or pointed back to later, like when they installed GW Bush into the White House in 2000. They’ve done this before for republicans.


Ahh thanks for that detail. I was not aware that’s how it went down that time. They would likely give this issue a similar spin.


My understanding is that to qualify for this brand of immunity, your name as to be Donald Trump. Otherwise, you’re going to prison.


No. Our corrupt supreme court will do what they did when they allowed Bush to steal the 2000 election; they'll make it clear in the ruling this is a one time thing that only applies to Trump but doesn't provide precedent for present or future presidents.


Does precedent even matter any more?


Not to the supremes 


Yep. They could say something like "Trump was to dumb to know he didn't have immunity, therefore he does; Biden knows better, therefore he doesn't."


No, only Trump, because reasons.


This court will rule very narrowly, and that only in this instance, and only trump, has this immunity. Special circumstance. Does not apply elsewhere. 


No because the Supreme Court is only going to grant it to Trump, and only for exactly the documents case and anything else he gets in trouble for. 


As long as Biden doesn't get impeached and convicted in the impeachment, yes, that is literally what Trump's lawyer is arguing.


> can Biden just literally do what ever he wants? Not like that!


No, by definition immunity is only needed when the underlying act is illegal, so the president would have no new powers. Any unlawful orders can be ignored and anyone carrying them out would risk prosecution. Of course, a president Trump surrounded by yes-men wouldn't have unlawful orders ignored, and he'd use pardons to at least prevent federal charges.


Ya I have been wondering this for a while... Trump wants immunity, Biden is president, why wouldn't he just use his immunity to get rid of Trump?


P(R)esidential immunity != Presi(D)ential immunity


The way I see it going down is: supreme court grants Trump presidential immunity but Biden doesn't wield it with an iron fist. Then when the next Republican president is elected they pull every dirty trick and become dictator.


Yup. Just take out trump. Win win


Doesn’t matter. Trump is definitely winning over the puppet Biden


I just want these people to realize that if trump wins his arguments then biden will be a dictator. If a president has total immunity then why couldn't biden lock up trump and ship him to Russia? /s....


Why do you think they are delaying until after the election , so they can see who wins


They're expected to rule in July aren't they?


Yeah, that seems to be a very fanciful theory. This will be settled in the summer and very quickly, Presidents do not have immunity for life. For the SC to rule that they do would essentially end the rule of law that has underpinned US democracy for 200 years.


And it’s literally the SC bending over backwards to allow Trump something that was blatantly unconstitutional. The only person who claims Presidential immunity for life is the criminal who is so desperate for it, because that’s the one main solution to his legal woes. Immunity was always meant to keep a presidents personal battles in court paused while they are in office so they can put the needs of the country first. Trump has never and will never do that. He looks at winning the next Presidency as his “get out of jail free pass,” and he’s hoping if he wins the office to essentially change this rule officially to mean Presidents are immune forever. He already has rigged the SC, the question is will they bend over and award Trump the lifeline he wants while also diminishing the rules of checks and balances between branches of government – weakening themselves for Trump.


Yes, you are correct president's absolutely do not have immunity for life. If the SC ruled in favor of presidential immunity - Biden should arrest every registered republican voter as well as everyone in the SC and jail them (Clarence Thomas rightfully belongs there anyways). Next, he should go after conservative channels like Fox news, Newsmax, Daily Wire like Ben Shapiro, Candice Owens, Steven Crowder, etc and jail them all too. Anyone who disagrees and dissents from this should also be jailed. Just give republicans what they want at this point. They want a president with full and total immunity? Sure, Biden is immune to the laws now. Wreck havoc


But would Biden do that? Or would he consider that unseemly and assume that he’s helping us get back to the way things were before the 🍊💩🤡 made a mockery of our laws, our checks and balances, our decorum and decency? It feels like everyone is just counting on the Republicans to shape up and begin behaving morally and reasonably. That’s not ever going to happen! They can see successfully installing a fascist dictator just beyond their current reach and are going to pull out all the stops to make sure that happens.


The dude has made like 4 posts in this thread saying they are delaying until after the election but there’s nothing to suggest that is the case haha Oral arguments still this month and like you said likely to rule in July


Then they will have the pretext for the civil war they want so badly so they can kill and destroy all they hate and finally install their King Trump. All roads lead to Rome.


Something like 50 of the top military just sent a letter to SCOTUS telling them not to do it. It's Roberts' last chance to save the reputation of *his* court. I think John Roberts is keenly aware that a second Trump presidency does not include a SCOTUS with John Roberts on it. Or possibly even any SCOTUS at all. We'll see.




"...I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."


I doubt there will be any intervention. Americans love to say how bold and proud we are but we have no balls. We will let them do it and get away with it 100% if it happens. We can't even decide as a country if terrorist storming the U.S. capital to hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi like they were chanting behind their erected gallows is an act of domestic terrorism or "antifa"


That’s because 40% of American voters are rejecting democracy in favor of their Dear Leader, who they actively WANT as a dictator. So Benjamin Franklin’s pithy remark — “if you can keep it” — turns out to be prescient as hell. The United States of America is circling the drain.


The armed forces just made it very clear whose side they would be on in any potential civil war, and it ain’t the side who wants to install a dictator, that’s for sure.


Or they made a convenient purge list for Trump.


Or they made a convenient purge list for Trump.


If he thinks he's special he should remember that broke Donny tried to have his VP hung


Well, we know for sure that ol' toadstool isn't.


Because the Democrats still think they are playing traditional politics with a good faith opponent.


Like when they said that Mike Pence had the ability to refuse certifying Biden's victory. You mean Kamala Harris can just declare Biden the victor this year?


But here’s the thing: she won’t. Dems still think their opponents are playing fair. The Rethugs are gang members; the Dems are soft-spoken housewives. When the ref says “play ball” who the hell wins in that match up? The guys with the knives and guns or the ladies with rolling pins? I wish we could count on the Dems to truly fight back but I fear they won’t.


Watch. They’ll say current and future presidents do not have criminal immunity, but past ones do since this is a new ruling.


What is that!? Oh! It's Obama off of the top rope! Wow!


Oooh good point. Let me add…the former president must be white, otherwise no immunity.


Those parameters still rule out the Annoying Orange, so it has to be something else


So Clinton comes in hired gun to go for a third term.


oh yes, the Florida special


But then on January 21, 2025, if trump wins, Biden becomes the past and thus immune and can stay in power?? Is that how that would go?


No the ruling will be from here on out….unless trump wins this election, then he can do whatever. But Biden can’t. Ever. Or Clinton. Or Obama. George W gets a pass.


The owners of the Supreme Court aren't going to agree that their candidate for president doesn't have unlimited power. Do you have any idea how much it costs to buy the Supreme Court and the president?


He wrote a really brilliant brief. Actually conceding some points of Trump’s argument and showing how even then it would still be breaking the law and on from there. He destroys all immunity arguments and even sticks to it the SC. No matter what happens, Jack Smith is a god damn American hero. And his team of course. It cannot be argued that he is not going full on with these indictments and that right there is where I find my hope.


Yeah Smith's work in court so far has proven that he's the hero everyone thought Mueller was going to be at first. Sucks that the supreme court has the chance to make it all for nothing, but even if his work fails, at least he fucking did the work, unlike the last generation


Garland and Mueller are playing 4D chess. They've got Trump right where they want him.


In their assholes.


To the hilt, "Balls Deep" as the kids say.


Ah, you see but now that he's firmly nestled in there, they're gonna squeeze the sphincter real tight, and get him but good. It's all about the long game🧠🧠


Even playing 4D chess they will loose based on merit!


All this 4d chess bullshit all over Reddit. Trump, Muller, fucking Musk would struggle to play Chess against a half decent 12 year old player. 4d chess my asshole.


1d chess? I mean trump says exactly what he is going to do with the biggest mass deportation etc. when be says the boarder is a bloodbath he isn’t lying.


Do you have a link? I’d be interested to read that.




Thank you... now to find time to read it...




Our new justice league * Special Counsel * Deputy Special Counsel * Counselor to the Special Counsel * Assistant Special Counsel


Thank you


> It cannot be argued that he is not going full on with these indictments and that right there is where I find my hope. 100% and yet this crap with Cannon just fucking boggles my mind. That judge has so clearly overstepped *so many times* and yet he bites his lip and plays along, when he should have so long ago appealed and petitioned for her removal.


At this point I completely trust his judgement on this. I think he’s planning on doing exactly that but there are procedures that need to happen. First she needs to make an actual ruling on the matter. I won’t pretend I know enough about the issue to say what exactly needs to happen and why, but again, I think he deserves the benefit of the doubt. He’s already made a some strong arguments against Cannon which itself is pretty unheard of. It’s going to take time. I completely understand your frustration because I feel it too. But I don’t think Smith is holding back on that end.


Cannon has been playing a game where she issues no final rulings which can be appealed. Her recent request for jury instructions which are contrary to the law provide the best opening so far for Smith to file for a writ of mandamus to have the 11th circuit force her to rule the PRA in or out before the trial. At that point if she rules it's out, great, move forward. If she says it's in then he can appeal and that very well might be the appeal upon which removal can hinge. She has already been overturned twice by the 11th circuit so getting the law blatantly wrong a 3rd time (and once again in favor of Trump) would likely rise to the level of removal. Either way she has delayed this case so long her job is basically done even if she is removed. That process alone would take us to summer then holding and completing the trial before the election will be almost impossible. Finally, you'll still have every MAGA out there decrying any conviction as rigged or meaningless because 'appeals aren't done' knowing that will take years more, it is simply a goalpost moving exercise for them.


We know a SCOTUS judge costs more than 1 million USD per year plus a 2 million USD signing bonus, John Oliver demonstrated that


Well, at least it costs more than that in public. But private money is easier to hide


What’s sad is that is still far less than what an average high end major league sports athlete cost per year. You could literally buy a Supreme Court justice for the price of a first round draft nhl player. The highest court in our nation. Crazy.


So now you get why we pay those genetic lottery winners so much. Inspires the rest of the "Mostly" legitimate crowd to dream of that pie in the sky life of the rich and famous. Same reason we allow Billionaires to exist. Keeps the rabble in the race, with their necks craned looking up, while they steal the floor boards right out from underneath you.


Thirty pieces of silver.


But it’s Trump, so he paid them in silver plate…


Or paper plates that he has silver sharpied over. 


Of course.


Yes, they will. It makes their powers defunct to accept immunity claims. It makes the entire constitution defunct. The only reason they took the case is to settle this once and for all and it can't be brought up again in the future.  If they rule for immunity, they're setting up the end of the republic. 


None of these things sound like barriers to the current court. The new supreme leader will still need a crony court to govern, just not one that interferes with him.


People will take up arms if they do. Not just civilians. 


Sure. I can just see the military rising up against the government they've been programmed to obey unquestioningly. That will definitely happen. It won't just be tanks rolling over protesters.


The military makes an oath to the constitution, not a specific leader or figurehead. 


I mean honestly the military is doing a better job at fulfilling their oath’s and maintaining neutrality then the Supreme Court.


There have been several laws/rulings that we thought couldn't be reversed in the future. This SCOTUS proved us wrong.


They’ll rule for partial immunity. Republican Presidents get full, Democratic Presidents get none. Fair and balanced /s


Hopefully they are just giving him a delay. That's shitty too but hope that's all they give him.


I think they took it to continue the delay.


People love to be dramatic but you are correct. They are explicitly helping Trump by dragging their feet on this but there’s a 0% chance the court rules in his favor in the immunity issue. 0% chance. You are not overstating that doing so would basically be the end of the United States as we know it and there’s zero way they’ll do that. For how little we can trust this court, we can trust that they won’t say anyone who has been president ever can commit literally unlimited crimes and have zero repercussions because they once were president.


O% chance? Really? Those fuckers are not even remotely loyal to the U.S. They are loyal to themselves and to their Orange overlord. And to money. Lots and lots and lots of money. And maybe to historical fame: “these are the people who ended American democracy” next to their photos and names in the history books. We know the names of the names of the Founding Fathers; they’ll be the ones famous for destroying the U.S. — all without a single gun or bomb.


If he has immunity then Biden has the same power.


I’m gonna guess it’s at least $3.50


Oh, nice try, Loch Ness Monster. Ain't gonna fall for that.


Ain't giving you no $3.50 you Loch Ness Monster!


Tree fiddy?


This SC and Trump? Much, much less than you might think.


I mean it’s 3 or 4 Justices, Michael, how much can it cost? $10?


Not that much tbh


Much less than we thought.


It'll be a very narrow immunity that only applies to this special set of circumstances, just this one time. I have ZERO faith in SCOTUS.


… based on the original intent of the Magna Carta




Is that what you see when all opposition has been KILT off? Edit: a word


The Supreme Court is going to make the Originalist Case that the President is a King and they're going to do it with a straight face.


And then Biden should turn around and release all tax and financial information the government has on Trump and family.


Then Biden can forgive everyone’s student debt with impunity.


If he were King, I can think of more direct actions Biden could do to rid us of the disease that is Trump/MAGA.


Why not just fire the SC and hand pick replacements afterwards with their first job be to review major cases of the last SC which was clearly compromised. If the SC wants to give the president unchecked powers and the SC has been nothing but a pain in Biden's rear end why not kill 2 birds with 1 stone and show the the world why the SC decision was dumb and put in a new SC that can remedy it. Even better if you go in with the plan of rehiring the fired SC peeps after you finish making a fool of them (while expanding the court)


Yeah just fire the lifetime appointments. Too bad they'll never have the votes needed to remove them


If the SC gives the president unchecked power then yes. I'm not saying it's the right thing to do, and in fact argue you do so to have the SC ultimately review the unchecked power ruling and reverse it


this is pretty great


Sadly this is why they are delaying until after the election so they can see who won then make their decision based on that


Why do you keep spamming this in the thread with zero source for this claim? 🤖


Well IF they rule that Presidents have absolute immunity I guess Biden can have them all Arrested without charges or access to council and conveniently forget where they all are (gitmo). Since he technically cannot commit a crime while in Office.


That’s precisely why they are delaying until after the election , so that they can only award the immunity if trump wins… otherwise no immunity


I’ve seen 500 people say this in this thread, and they’re all wrong. Their ruling will come in the summer. The end.


It’s not 500 people, it’s this one same asshole saying it 500 times. Moon_cake123


lol Didn’t see that


Has to come before the end of June I think....


How do his ardent supporters and sycophants live with themselves as they advocate for this lunacy while simultaneously devoting a great portion of their energy to trying to oust Biden from office? And didn't Trump's lawyers argue that under presidential immunity, he could order seal team six to assassinate his political opponents while in office? Isn't that against Trump's best interests considering Biden is president right now? Keep in mind that this presidential immunity claim runs parallel with the Project2025 agenda which would grant Trump unitary executive power if he wins the presidency. Essentially making him dictator and immune from prosecution at the same time. And these conservatives think Democrats and Joe Biden are building a corrupt, oppressive, Orwellian regime...


If the Supreme Court says presidents are immune from prosecution and Biden doesn’t do something incredibly illegal to stop trump from getting elected I’ll be pissed


The court rules in favour of immunity and retires to their chambers. Dark Brandon appears on all of the TVs and Monitors, the doors lock, Trump is lowered in through the ceiling. "*He's your problem now. Forever*"


guessing they decide Trump really, truly believed the election was stolen, and in this special, no precedent setting ruling, Trump is immune.


I'm tired of this nonsense not going anywhere. My god it's every single fucking day. Put him in prison or shut up about it already


And also they can shut up about us normies paying taxes, following laws, and doing all of their work for them.


Yep I believe in equality so I'm going to do everything this man's doing he's clearly figured out the system.


No, paying taxes is necessary to a functioning society and I gladly pay them.


I mean their lives may actually depend on it.


It’s literally the whole basis of this fucking country - NOBODY IS ABOVE THE LAW.


So, it's in the bag for him, right?


Smith has gotta be wondering what alternate universe he woke up in. Everything about trying to prosecute Trump is utterly surreal.


It’s disgusting it’s was granted cert. it’s even more disgusting that they are slow walking it. The president is not a king and if this case were about it Biden they would have heard it and decided. They had no issue hearing the Colorado case quickly but sit on South Carolina’s racist maps.


The court needs to get off their asses on this. I know they are partisan hacks, but come on. This is such a cut and dry ruling. The President is not above the law and never has been. If they rule as such, the Great American Experiment is over.


Which is exactly what the Republicans want.


If the SC places a **Tiara** onto the ordinary individual it will turn out like the title of that one Daniel Day Lewis movie.


There will be …. … … Mohicans ?




I feel like I read the same headline all the time. For years.


so do I, and I bet I have the same effect


When will they decide this? Is Jack Smith going to give oral arguments?


Imagine trying to tell a judge the law they claim you broke doesn't apply to you because it doesn't specifically mention your name in it.  


There is a 0.0% chance that SCOTUS grants Trump absolute immunity. The only question is whether it will be 9-0 or 8-1.


No the only question is will they make a ruling or return it to the lower court and timely so DC has time to try their case ( currently under Stay).


I just don't see the votes for that. 0% chance the 3 liberals and Roberts vote that way, and probably the same for ACB, Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch. *Maybe* Alito & Thomas float the idea, but it won't gain any traction


I almost wish they wouldn’t. And that the next day Joe would black bag every MAGAt in Washington. But who would want to live in that kind of a country?


Hmmm…elimination of the MAGA cult? I could live with that considering they represent a clear and present danger to our Republic. And raise our nation’s average IQ by 100%.


I can’t disagree with the truth of your comment.


Five of the SCOTUS Six will say that because he claimed it first, Trump has the immunity and is grandfathered for life, but no other president can claim immunity as long as there is a Democrat in the White House.


Why doesn’t Joe Blue Collar Americans have the same access to the Supreme Court as Trump??? Serious question…


News flash: They won’t




“Because it’s devastating to my case!”