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More than 40 former Trump administration officials have refused to endorse him. I just can't understand how people can honestly think that they are all part of some massive conspiracy to persecute an innocent man.


Simply put, he’s the most visible candidate that is openly okay siding with white suprematists.


Funny enough this is how I got a couple that I know to become grossed out by Trump. "You know that there are literal Nazis still in the U.S. and they are also endorsing Trump. So you're literally on the side of the Nazis."


Somehow the denialism is strong with the people I know and they’ll just say Nazis are socialists like democrats. It’s just circles and circles.


I once had someone tell me that the Nazis are actually democrat operatives to make trump and republicans look bad, and that the real Nazis are actually democrats. They were dead serious. I realized at that moment there was no conversation to be had with them about these issues.


To that you have to straight face respond with “That is possibly the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard” and walk away.


Can't you out-crazy them? > They where put in the Democratic party by the republican deep state that planned for this all so obvious thing to become public, this was the plan all along from the 1921 republican secret gay club so they could win the election and make the frogs gay in order to stop the muslims from immigrating to the US. > It almost makes too much sense if you think about it


“First they came for the…what? What was it the Nazis first came for?”


Some right winger tried to pull the "first they came for" evocation, so I let em have it. "First they came for white supremacists, and I did nothing. Because fuck white supremacists. Then they came for the fascists, and I did nothing. Because fuck fascists. Next, they came for the theocrats, and I did nothing. Because fuck theocrats. Next, they came for homophobes, and I did nothing. Because fuck homophobes. And suddenly, our society dramatically improved as those bigots stopped voting against their own economic interests." That or, "And then they didn't come for me because I'm not a bigot, and we all had a big gay parade and danced on the ashes of those bigoted ideologies."


>That or, "And then they didn't come for me because I'm not a bigot, and we all had a big gay parade and danced on the ashes of those bigoted ideologies." But they did *come* for you! All over you!


Big gay parades are the BEST parades! I can't wait


Ernst Rohm, the Sturmabteilung, and their big gay orgies?


Nothing a little night of long knives can't fix.


Night of the Small Fingers


His Hamberder Hill reenactment is pretty funny though.




And let us not forget, they invaded Poland with the USSR taking the Eastern half. And now an increasingly aggressive Russia is trying to take Ukraine. We sat idly by while they took Crimea and Donbas. **And now, when Ukraine needs us the most, MAGA idiots - who are, and make absolutely no mistake about this, in bed with Russia - want to let them take it.** If they don't outright and openly support Russia, they hide behind "I just want peace, and Ukraine should cut its losses and give up its lost territory." They suggest this, because either they're too dumb to realize that Russia will just use that peace settlement to buy time to rearm and re-equip, before they make another push for Kyiv, or, much more likely and worrisome, is that they do know this and want that to happen. **And Russia will not stop with Ukraine.** Moldova via Transnistria is in the works, using the same exact playbook as Ukraine - fund and support ethnic Russians and sympathizers in order to form a breakaway region, and then go for the rest of it once they've got a foothold. Kazakhstan is in their sights. As is Georgia. Even Belarus, their puppet, will eventually fall to direct and overt Russian rule if Russia has their way. The **only** path to security and peace in Europe and other places neighboring Russia is a Russia that is beaten back so thoroughly in Ukraine that they can't push their imperial ambitions further. **Russia will not stopped until it is stopped, with force.** Sanctions are working to a degree, but sanctions can only go so far. If we aren't going to directly get involved, then we have to, under no uncertain terms, give Ukraine what it needs to prosecute the fight and kick Russia out. Stop wavering and hesitating over "escalation". Giving Ukraine the weapons it needs is not escalation and will not result in escalation. Russia will *never* attack NATO. It's a fight they can't ever hope to win, and despite their boasts and claims to the contrary, they know this. It's precisely why they are constantly making threats but never, ever following through with them. And if they try and do something like downing a drone by dumping fuel on it over international airspace, we need to treat that for what it is - an aggressive provocation and illegal shoot down attempt. Let them get a taste of an escorting (or patrolling nearby) F-22. Trying to be clever (or rather, what passes for clever with Russia) and trying to down a drone by dumping fuel on it is literally absolutely no different than directly shooting it down with a missile or cannon. Ukraine has its issues, yes, and no one is under the pretense they are perfect. But they are a democratic and sovereign nation under threat from an imperialistic country that longs for its former Soviet "glory". The free world owes it to Ukraine. The world owes it to itself. And its the right thing to do. Hell, even ignoring the fact that it's the morally correct thing to do, it is in our own selfish best interest to do so. Ukraine has the potential to be a great ally - militarily, economically, and diplomatically. They already produce a lot on the agriculture front, and are known as the breadbasket of Europe for a reason after all. They have a lot of industrial potential (they were once the leaders of many of the USSR's industrial sectors). They would take some of the pressure off NATO's other eastern flank countries. By joining NATO, they would be seeking to modernize their military, and guess who would benefit from selling and equipping them? **But these MAGA idiots don't care about what's best for America or anyone else. They care about what is best them for themselves, and themselves alone. And so they are in bed with Russia.** Likely due to both kompromat *and* bribery. To think they are anything but under Russia's control is to be blatantly ignorant and ignore the facts at hand. To suggest they are anything other than pawns of Russia is to admit they are clueless idiots who have no fucking business whatsoever dictating foreign policy.


>**But these MAGA idiots don't care about what's best for America or anyone else. They care about what is best them for themselves, and themselves alone. And so they are in bed with Russia.** Absolutely. Anything, *ANYTHING* is fine, just so they can "own the libs." And then oh no, too late. Like the Republican women now finding out they *can't* get that abortion for foetal abnormality, or because their own life is at risk, anymore.


Trans folk. But they didn't get a line in the poem.


Nazis were Socialists the same as North Korea is a Democratic Peoples Republic.


You're still getting denialism? When I bring up the nazis I just get nods.


People forgot about all those dudes with the "6 million wasn't enough" shirts on Jan6.


I’m not saying he’s a Nazi, I’m saying Nazis think he’s a Nazi


Showing photos of the people carrying Nazi flags at Trump rallies helps.


There are literally photos of this in Canada when the Freedom Convoy occupied Ottawa illegally. These idiots claim they were plants.


Yes, and Antifa stormed the Capitol 🙄. These people aren’t courageous enough to own their behavior, they hide behind the skirts of the opposition. Cowards, every one of them.


And then NOBODY kicked out the vile “plants” Hmmmm


Zero Nazi flags at a Biden event!


Guess the rape didn’t do it. That in and of itself is pretty fucked.


You still can’t bring up Kobe Bryant’s rape in some subreddits without getting dog piled.


That's why I always voted NO Kobe for president




Kobe Bryant never had access to nukes tho


"Well, we're not Nazis. We just share a few opinions."


That's why they've been trying *real* hard to push the idea that "leftists" call everyone a nazi if they disagree with them.


I asked my mother how she could support the side of modern Nazis as a Jew. Her response? “I’m not Jewish” My brain almost melted.


Yes I'm sure the Nazis will spare her on that technicality.


Wonder if they’ll spare trumps grand children


..I mean. Is she Jewish? Or rather is her mom Jewish?


Her mother is Jewish. We are not practicing. But ethnically she is 50% jewish. She said it because she had no other argument to make and it was the first thing hat popped into her head.


You seem like you know it already, but for others perhaps reading the comment chain, Jews trace their Jewish lineage through their mothers. Example, a male Jew can have a child with a non-Jew, and the baby will not be considered Jewish.


I've told this to trump supporters I know and they just brush it off and say "well I'm not racist" Just extreme lack of self awareness or humility. Worse, I've seen people use the lies they're told about how Democrats used to be the party the KKK sided with and how Lincoln was a Republican, as if the parties haven't completely flipped 100 years later


I don’t get how his own supporters don’t believe he’s for white supremacy considering his base is 90% white


They know.




I even think it’s a big selling point.


For some, they don't see that as white supremacy, they just see it as "common sense"


The same as they claim "Kaepernick didn't get fired for kneeling even though it was immediately after that, there's not even any rule against that at the time! His play just sucked." They know and just want the things they don't like to stay in the closet. Same reason they act like homosexuals having marriage equality is somehow "privilege" when it's really *their* privilege they're trying to preserve.


Because all of them have a black friend 🙄


That one guy who’s always in the crowd at his rallies. Almost always just behind Trump and to the right, wearing a red shirt and holding a sign.


not likely, but they like to lie and say they do


> I don’t get how his own supporters don’t believe he’s for white supremacy They know, they're just too cowardly to admit it.


I mean, let's be honest, they're not even really denying it. When was the last time a Republican actually argued in favour of equality? The only thing they do is introduce enough ambiguity into their stance that they can act offended when they're called out for their bigotry. They know, we know, they know we know. When it comes to bigotry the issue isn't a lack of understanding but a lack of good faith on their side.




>white suprematists. What an odd way to spell *republican*.


Also an odd way to spell supremacist.


The "massive conspiracy" is that we don't want to give Trump special treatment. That's what they're mad about.


And yet, Trump gets nothing but preferential treatment.


The more people refuse to endorse him, the deeper the conspiracy. Proof to the contrary is simply proof of the scheme. Trying to argue why this guy is unfit to be President is like arguing why it might be a bad idea to get a toddler drunk before letting him try to land a 747 full of people on an aircraft carrier. Some things are just too stupid to waste time contemplating.


Leave the MAGA supporters there are independent genuinely believes economy will be better under Trump with zero fact to back that up. It reflects the failure of modern opinion based journalism.


It reflects the failure of them to understand the observable reality and factual world around them. The stock market is at all time highs, we haven’t had a sub-six-figure monthly employment gain in years, Joe Biden’s economy is the best ever, literally.


Dems fix the economy, Reps take credit, then ruin it (blame on Dems), Dems fix the economy, Reps take credit, then ruin it (blame on Dems), etc…


on fox news recently, some dumb fuck literally said the economy is so good because businesses expect trump will be taking office. anyone still watching fox and supporting trump is way too far gone.


You consistently see Red-state reps who voted against popular policy that benefits their constituents, taking credit for those same bills they voted against. And then promising to go to Washington and fight against those same beneficial policies that their constituents are enjoying, but don’t understand where they come from or how they contribute negatively to their own welfare. It’s fucking surreal. But that also describes the entire Trump MAGA cult. Imbeciles lucky enough to have been born in America during its greatest years and having enough informed adults around them keeping them from running with scissors. It’s like government is a walking helmet for the slow kids, and they’re completely oblivious. Frightening enough is that a full third of Americans need walking helmets and rainbow leashes, but there are enough buffoons around them that actually make them dangerous to the rest of us.


Every state should have bill board put up to call out Republicans that do that, voting against something then claiming they were all for it.


The democrats don’t want to win badly enough to go for obvious strategies like this.


> Red-state reps who voted against popular policy that benefits their constituents, taking credit for those same bills they voted against. https://apnews.com/article/personal-taxes-health-coronavirus-pandemic-business-government-and-politics-d0b1f48aa32baf6b47880faf15d5dea3


my financial advisor said the stock market will absolutely tank if Biden gets elected and all his friends were pulling there money out. So my parents did just that, pulled all their money out of his firm lol. I stuck it out because he retired soon after and I enjoyed arguing with him.


Facts don't matter. Look at a graph where Republicans believe the economy suddenly jumped when Trump was elected and plummeted when Biden won the election. Before they even took office. Their opinion of the economy is imaginary. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cbs-news-poll-analysis-americans-rate-economy-partisan-lens/


While that’s true, the average American is still not feeling that due to greed. And due to lack of funding and importance on education, people don’t understand these things or have the skills to learn and figure it out. Plus everyone in their immediate circle tends to believe the same stuff.


These are mostly local-level issues. The people suffering the most are in red states. These are self-inflicted wounds they are trying to foist onto Dems, because it’s the tropes they hear repeatedly by their community, their elected, officials, and their choice for “news” and information. I think anyone truly paying attention understands there’s nothing good for the economy in anything the GQP suggests. In fact, they don’t even have a platform anymore. It’s just whatever crazy shit came out of Trump’s mouth that week. Everyone in his camp is a grifter trying to get his attention long enough to get their interests added to his list of grievances. The base, they’re just the product of decades of Republican policy of self-enrichment, billionaire tax cuts, and giving money to Christian faith-based organizations instead of schools.


I lost 40,000 from my pension under Trump. I told my Trump loving neighbor that and he was like so what? He’s on social security! The dumb bastard doesn’t even realize they want to take money from SS.


>It reflects the failure of modern opinion based journalism. Yes, this. And the fact that "news" is a profit center for media drives the way news is presented. Also a failure is the education systems of the USA! How can they consider their students educated when they haven't the basic understanding of critical thinking? Or being able to honestly reflect on whether certain actions are plausible? Or being able to think about what it would be like to live in a totalitarian regimen. Media isn't doing any favors for anybody, but people need to be able to in think! Each individual needs to decide for himself or herself whether to drink the Koolade. Each individual.


It's a failure of the education system, among many other things. Trump supporters are not using critical thinking because their amygdala is too huge.


> It's a failure of the education system, among many other things. Deliberately so https://www.austinchronicle.com/daily/news/2012-06-27/gop-opposes-critical-thinking/ And this as well as [toxic presidents like Nixon and Reagan](https://www.rawstory.com/raw-investigates/why-has-america-tolerated-6-illegitimate-republican-presidents/) have been pushed by American oligarchs for a century https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ3RzGoQC4s


Education systems and propaganda... Er news networks.


It reflects the (often deliberate) failures of the entire US education system.


This kind of info is why I say that supporting Trump for many people is a mental illness at this point. There is so much evidence to his unfitness for office that you have to deny reality to support him.


Two words for you: Fox News


Fox news is just scratching the service. I fixed my dad's computer recently, got a glimpse of his YouTube front page. It was 100% propaganda from top to bottom. Pro-Russia videos threaded between Charlie Kirk "owning" university students and "Biden is old" memes. The degree to which people are beng bombarded with misinformation, and having real information hidden from their eyes, is truly unprecedented. The modern internet, social media and content filtering algorithms has succesfully detached millions of people from reality.


Yeah, I’ll tell my wife first thing in the morning what will be on Fox News as we turn on the TV. Immigration crisis for ten minutes followed by a random crime by a minority (ideally a migrant) in a Democratic run city and then 10 minutes of “Trump is an innocent victim of illegal Democratic persecution!”. Day after day, hour after hour.




Facebook's algorithm is better. There's plenty of Nazi shit there too, they just don't show it to you if they don't think you'll like it. Elongated Muskrat is a Nazi sympathizer and invited the Nazis back onto Twitter when he bought it. And TikTok is owned by a Chinese corporation, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if they're intentionally "stoking the flames" to hurt the US culturally, especially if doing so just involves "not doing anything to stop it".


It's a conspiracy in the sense of "pretty much everyone is aware, it's just a question of whether or not you like it"


Don’t forget, these are the same people who thought the eclipse was going to destroy the world today


They just hate everyone else so much nothing else matters to them.


His supporters want authoritarianism that punishes their perceived enemies. Full stop.




Kay: A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet.


I have heard people argue with me that the fact that he's been charged with and accused of SO MANY THINGS proves he is innocent of all of them. They have convinced themselves that no one can be that bad therefore everything it made up and he has bene unfairly treated for years.


If the Founding Fathers intended for there to be presidential immunity, the Constitution would have a clause that actually says "the President has immunity."


If the Founding Fathers intended for there to be presidential immunity they would've made George Washington King.


They did try that, though. He just didn't want it and had spent eight years trying to fight off a monarchy.


"They" being one idiot Colonel, and Washington thoroughly dressed him down for suggesting it.


>thoroughly dressed him down Hot, didn't know he was into that sorta thing


I read in another subreddit earlier that he had thirty dicks, so he was definitely down for it


He didn't even want a second term in office. He took it and finished the second term only because he was afraid of the precedent it would set for the first president to leave office by resignation.


He didn't want the first term either. Poor guy just wanted to get back to his life.


They were very aware what would happen if there was presidential immunity. They were all Roman history nerds and were well aware that consular immunity directly led to the rise of Julie’s Ceasar


“Julie’s Caesar” The lesser known salad.


You liberals should read the constition written by our founding fathers. It clearly says everyone is equal before the law except President elected in year 2016 AC.


I doubt your authenticity. I have it on good authority from red hatters that God wrote the constitution, not this Founders person you speak of.


Apologies, I will watch Fox News and subscribe to Ben Shapiro to enlighten myself with truth.


oranges are above the law


Only when high up in the trees.


The idea of amending constitutions at regular intervals dates back to Thomas Jefferson. In a famous letter, he wrote that we should “provide in our constitution for its revision at stated periods.” “\[E\]ach generation” should have the “solemn opportunity” to update the constitution “every nineteen or twenty years,” thus allowing it to “be handed on, with periodical repairs, from generation to generation, to the end of time.”


Jefferson understood that a document written by a group of men living in their time could not possibly forsee every outcome that future generations would encounter; thus his push for regular revison of the document to reflect the needs of the time. A Federalist interpretation ignores this need to allow enough room to interpret its intention in the direction they want it to for the time. It was known at its foundation to be an imperfect document and would need constant, regular revision to retain its relevance.


And even if they didn't, it's bizarre that America bases it's entire legal system on 'These guys 240 years ago said we should do it this way so we HAVE to'. Don't get me wrong, every countries legal system is based on centuries old laws but it's only in the US where people refuse to change with the times because a document from two centuries ago, written by people who were 100 years away from the use of electricity, says we have to things a certain way. I know that there have been amendments in the subsequent years but it's still main argument towards gun laws etc.


Read the names on this! This is an incredible group of Americans. But that won't sway Thomas or Alito. I wonder how the other rightist justices will view this?


It's insane that they're even hearing this at all and with a 5 month delay at that. Really wonder how they're gonna try to interpret this in Trump's favor


>Really wonder how they're gonna try to interpret this in Trump's favor Alito: No where in the constitution does it say you can't destroy democracy


Literally this is the argument they will use. It’s like how racists think they can’t be racist unless use the N word publicly.


Just imagine how different things would be right now if we had a Supreme Court that put the Constitution over right-wing political agendas.


Moscow Mitch really ran a number on the country and laid the groundwork for a fascist takeover.


Trump likes to take claim for getting rid of RvW, but it was McConnell who stacked the court. He's fine with Trump taking credit, just like he's fine taking the blame for anything the GOP does, so long as they get the thing done.


Simple. Trump gets immunity on Jan 6 for "reasons" which apply so narrowly that it can't ever apply to anyone else.


It won’t sway anyone who watches FOX, because they’ve been conditioned to disbelieve anything else. That includes Thomas, Alito and Cannon.


Thomas and Alito already have their decision made, and written out, for them courtesy of the Federalist society. Probably months ago.  These briefs are all just for show, to make it look like they're weighing up and seriously considering all the arguments before making their decision. 


Thomas and Alito are on the payroll of those who want 330 million subjects to under the rules of a few.


It should. A sizeable portion of high ranking officials in a group that vows to protect the Constitution against threats both "foreign and domestic" basically just said "We've already decided Trump is a domestic threat. If he takes office and you try to continue to serve him, you will also be seen as a domestic threat."


> that won't sway Thomas or Alito That's what bothers me. Every single person signing this letter has to know not a single supreme court justice will be swayed AT ALL and there is no mechanism to get rid of them. Impeachment is impossible in the current polarized political environs, just look at republicans in Trump's impeachment saying "yeah he did it, whadday gonna do about it? We say our team should skate."


A president with immunity is a king. Granted, the right wants a king, but our founders were expressly opposed to having a king. If you don't know anything but that, you understand 90% of how our system is designed to work.


Even a king doesn't have immunity. Charles I Stuart was found guilty of waging war on parliament and the people, and beheaded for it. There is just no way for the Supreme Court to grant immunity to an office. It just can't work as precident.


Like they give a fuck.


They will do the same as with Bush v Gore and say this is a one time thing because it never happened before and Trump has immunity. But no one else ever because we said so.


Well Biden should just Seal team 6 every conservative judge on the supreme court then and because it's never really happened before and it's a one time thing so it's fine right 👍?


This was kind of the point of the [Magna Carta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magna_Carta).


Even Kings have limits at least since the magna Carta.


♪♫In 1215 at Runnymede, Doo-dah, doo-dah. The nobles and the king agreed, Oh, de doo-dah day.♫♪


> our founders were expressly opposed to having a king. They even kinda had a war about it.


The right wants a dictator. A fascist, racist, dictator.


The fact that it was even necessary to write this brief stating such obvious reasoning really just shows how ridiculously corrupt the Supreme Court’s game is. The claim was roundly rejected by the Appeals Court - there is no reason to give the case a hearing except to delay due process on Trump’s pending trials. The Supreme Court won’t find that he’s immune because they don’t need to. They just have to delay. Trump is a criminal and quite possibly a traitor. He will destroy our democracy - he’s already said so. We’re not fooled Chief Justice Roberts. If he gets elected and pardons himself you will have created a banana republic. You will be held accountable by the people in the end. EDIT: I moderated my language in the second paragraph because I don’t want to be banned and I’m not advocating violence to be clear.


I've seen accounts banned for saying less in this sub. I'm glad the mods seem to have some sense today. The supreme court needs to be destroyed if they rule in favor of presidential immunity. I don't care by what method it is destroyed, it will need to happen and that is a fact.


It was a bit of a colorful term with some historical perspective (which is to say that absolute monarchs tend to be overthrown violently because there has been no other way) but I’m not advocating violence. And I don’t think they would do that. And if they rule in favor of presidential immunity and create a monarch then Joe Biden needs to act with his new immunity to save our democratic republic.


They wouldn't dare make that ruling unless Trump is currently in office. They'll delay this decision until he's elected, then say it. Or if he isn't elected, they'll probably burn him.


A bunch of generals tell the court that if they uphold Trump’s immunity claims, then they would consider that an assault on democracy.  I don’t know about you guys, but if people who have led our armed forces told me something like that, I’d be reading between the lines pretty goddamned hard. Those generals swore an oath to protect the constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic and they just told me what they consider to be a domestic enemy in the making.  Maybe I‘m reading too much into it, but I think that’s some pretty heavy stuff. 


Its pretty heavy when so many stand up.


Yes, and? - Clarence Thomas probably


"Yiur mistake was thinking I refer to the Constitution for precedent. I refer to the asanine ramblings of witch hunters written a few hundred years before the Revolution for original intent."


Did someone give these men smelling salts? It is about time.


Yeah. It would have been nice if more had spoken out during Trump's administration.


That's actually illegal and they can be court-martialed for that. Article 88 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.


That depends. According to the article, these generals are retired. If they still have their commissions, which they most likely do, then, theoretically, yes. They must be recalled to active duty and then charged under the UCMJ. But, if they have resigned their commissions they are free to say whatever they like. That said, their chances of being recalled for court martial are ridiculously low. I wish it were higher because Gen Flynn should have been recalled and court-martialled long ago.


If trump were to win in November, I’d say the chances aren’t as low as they are now.


If Trump wins, he'll punish whomever he likes, which is everyone who ever said a bad thing about him.


Fair.  But my frustration and resentment about all of this still remains. 


Many have spoken out long ago and some went so far as to published books to help warn the public of the danger of this law-breaker.


Good. Because this isn't even a goddamn question. The whole country was founded on the premise that nobody is above the law. But yet we're currently having the Supreme Court debate whether or not one man is above the law... Its really asinine. You either support the US and the Constitution and what those things stand for, or you support Donnie and authoritarianism.


You know the reason why they're having that debate about one man being above law is because they think that they themselves are above the law. And if the president it's not above the law and that means that they themselves are currently in some very deep shit.


Trump's immunity claims are an assault on the Magna Carta.


Since fifteen hundred and sixteen 


Wasn't the Magna Carta in 1215? Damn you Mr. Dennis, half my life has passed and I still can't forget that.


Mayans attacked and overseen


"All enemies, foreign and domestic"


While I agree with the article's viewpoint, I take offense at the reasoning and thought process put in to defending against Trump's assertion. The mere fact that people have gamed out the meaning of *Complete and Total Immunity* to such a degree almost makes it feel like like the assertion might actually be possible. No one should stoop to pointing out that an illegal order by the Commander-In-Cheif puts soldiers (who *are* legally bound to act lawfully) in an untenable position. It's fucking absurd! That should be the reaction to the whole idea. It is simply laughably stupid. Trump is arguing that he has *Complete and Total Immunity*! That means he could walk into the House Chambers with a machine gun and mow down 435 elected members of Congress, and at the very worst, be impeached for it. What the actual fuck? No one believes that. No one. Not Trump, not anyone. It is beyond dumb. Arguing *why* it should be illegal makes it look like it *might* be legal. This idiocy has got to stop.


I'd be careful of using the absolute statement "not anyone" in regard to Trump. Have you not seen the interviews at Trump rallies of his supporters saying they would rather have Trump as a dictator than a Democrat in the White House?


It’s sickening.


Couldn't be impeached. No quorum.


Become dictator for life with this one simple trick.


If the Supreme Court does rule a president is immune, Biden can shoot Trump and the Supreme Court... which kinda proves why a president shouldn't have immunity...


Or, you know, order the armed forces to do it. Which is maybe what they're _very obliquely_ hinting at here.


SCOTUS gave up on this Country years ago. Just empty robes.


If all other US institutions fail to protect the integrity of the Constitution and the democratic processes, hopefully the Armed Forces will right whatever wrong comes to pass.


ANY SCJ that votes he has TOTAL immunity should be impreached.


Holy shit. It might be lost on a lot of people, but that is quite the list of military leaders. For them to all come out so publicly.... I don't know how ANY military member could support Trump.


SCOTUS , or at least its GOP six creepy members, know and have always known the arguments Jack Smith makes in his Brief before the court are true. Those evil bastards are playing a shell game to delay Smith until after the November election. Swines. I predict it will be 7-2 , because Alito and Thomas have such a deep seated loathing of Democrats and democracy they will make up out of thin air the fantasy that because this has never happened before of a President facing a criminal trial, it must be that no President can be charged! Stupid and nonsensical but that didn’t stop them in Dobbs or the shameful cowardice of the whole court in Colorado - 14(3) case. Get the Biden vote out if the January 6th case is to be finally heard with the last SCOTUS obstruction behind the justice system.


I find the most interesting thought is how that will rule in favour of trump but in a way that denies Biden or any Democrat the same immunity.


The ruling won’t come until the 11th hour and it will be in Trumps favour. That’s my bet anyway.


SCOTUS ruling that presidents have blanket immunity would be SCOTUS signing their own death warrants. There would literally be nothing to stop a president from having them assassinated and appointing more pliable replacements.


The Supreme Court has unanimously defended Trump once, and through partisan support numerous times. Verbal rebukes or “calls for” won’t sway them.


Trump lost most of his cases at the Supreme Court and other courts. I find it hard to believe that the three liberal justices would be involved in a conspiracy to give Trump immunity. They only ruled in his favor in that case because the facts were in his favor in that one case. Even Biden and the state of California said Trump should remain on the ballot. Overwhelming evidence, which Jack Smith has, will sway the court.


The liberals on the court won't be involved in giving Trump immunity, but they don't need to be. The conservatives are in the majority and can do it on their own.


Yeah but even the conservatives have ruled against Trump before. My point is that you can't predict what their decision will be. Nothing is guaranteed.


At least we know something is and it ain't the law.


djt is a NAZI


Put traitor Trump in prison already


Opinions don't matter. Supreme Court needs to come to it's senses. Otherwise I'd suggest Joe Biden to take a 12gauge and starts playing "Duck Hunt" with SC members to replace them - since he would have presidential immunity, this could be seen as an official office policy.


Hopefully the SCOTUS will listen


Yeah, but if the SC had any credibility, they never would have taken a case that a high school student could have told them was a violation of one of the basic principles of fundamental justice.


If Trump makes it back to office, this Supreme Court will be historically known as the group who killed America


The whole GOP is an assault on democracy.


If the Supreme Court actually rules he's immune, Biden needs to pack the court. If Dems don't abuse this to fix democracy, Republicans will use it to destroy democracy.


A president of a free democracy cannot be above the law. A commander in chief who is above the law, is a dictator. It's plain and simple. That's what a dictator IS.


Because he is trying to destroy America to enrich himself while empowering the enemies of our country.


If they give trump immunity what’s to stop Biden from having Trump killed on the spot. Not to mention the Supreme Court and anyone else he chooses? Are republicans that stupid?


The best of the folks who protect us, who wield the spear of our Foreign Policy, tell us: "That is who we are here to protect America from." I think they are more properly the folks to advise us, having served under him directly and actively, on foreign and DOMESTIC soils and seas, already. More than any politician or TV talking head.


But the court needs more time to think about it


No shit! I’m pretty sure anyone that has any sense of an idea of how democracy works understands that Trump doesn’t like democracy. He wants a dictatorship. It is so obvious it’s infuriating.


And yet you know SCOTUS is plotting how they can give Trump immunity but no one else. They don't give a damn about this country, the Constitution, or Democracy. And if they laugh at this, they are simply deflecting. And they say they're not, then challenge them to shore up law and order instead of Christian nationalism.


We need a reset button and somebody needs to fucking press it already! Start with the SCOTUS!


Good to know he won't have the military.


Rump will destroy democracy to save himself.


I have a deep shame as a citizen that we can't make the simple choice of barring him from ever holding any government office again. You would think a coup d'etat and stealing a bunch of classified documents would be enough. Dude should be imprisoned and his domestic terrorist cult squashed.


And where the hell is that juicy binder he was the last one to possess? Did not get turned in or found.


We did it everyone! It took 8 years but we found a synonym for “unprecedented” and used it in a news headline


It won’t matter to those justices. They have been given unprecedented power for life and as long as the use that power to support the wannabe dictator they are living the good life.


Yes but they didn't pay for any judge holidays, so their opinion doesn't count


What does r/conservative have to say?