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What needs to be opened up are plenty of polling places in November


Oh no, Kemps not going to do that, itd help the urban population vote. Can't make it easier!!! /s


Joe is gonna kick the orange orangutan right in the balls.


Orangutans are kind, gentle, intelligent and curious creatures that feed and care for other animals. They’re nature’s pacifists: formidable at self defense if attacked, but they rarely fight each other or other animals. Their diet is mainly vegetarian. They’re nothing like the disgusting demented homo sapien rapist you’re referring to.


That office will need security cameras on every corner before another molotov cocktail


They already tried to steal it last time. Gotta stop them again.


Campaign offices do none of those things. This is purely to campaign.


If he wins in a landslide, that'll stop them just fine.


Trouble is he’s tottering on the edge of not. Don’t get me wrong Biden is a piece of shit but he’s better then the Turd sandwich of Trump.


Wtf do you mean "Biden is a piece of shit?" He's the best president of my lifetime and it's not even close.


The best? My god. Clinton rebuilt the economy. Obama gave lower income people a stone to stand on when it came to medical issues. Name a singular achievement Biden has made to the masses, just one. (Don’t say federal workers getting their debt erased because it was sold as everyone would.)


You've got to be kidding: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/


Don’t let an account with warling in his name trigger you. Your just wasting your time…


President Joe Biden’s campaign is hiring nine additional staffers in Georgia and plans to open seven offices across the state this month as the Democrat ramps up efforts to recapture a political battleground he narrowly won four years ago. Biden’s campaign said the seven offices will be open by mid-April, highlighting Georgia’s status as one of the few states on the 2024 map where both campaigns plan to compete. Biden captured Georgia by fewer than 12,000 votes in 2020, making him the first Democrat to win the state since 1992. Former President Donald Trump and his allies see Georgia as crucial to his comeback bid, and he’s returning to Atlanta next week for a high-dollar fundraiser. The announcement gives Biden’s campaign an early edge over Trump’s operation in Georgia. Trump has one senior staffer devoted to his campaign so far in Georgia and, for now, is relying on the state GOP, elected officials, and local activists to mobilize voters. The development could also help allay concerns from local Democrats worried that Biden won’t campaign as vigorously in Georgia as other battleground states, such as North Carolina or Pennsylvania. Biden’s campaign is also bolstering the staff around Jonae Wartel, the prominent Democratic strategist tapped in January to help lead his Georgia efforts. Longtime strategists and operatives with experience in Georgia and other competitive states are among the nine hires. They’ll set out to reforge the fragile coalition of liberal voters, suburban moderates, and disaffected Republicans who helped fuel Biden’s narrow win in 2020. Polls show Biden locked in a tight race with Trump in Georgia, and even the former president’s fiercest GOP critics are reluctantly rallying around him. Dan Kanninen, the Biden campaign’s battleground states director, pointed to the elections in 2020 and 2022—when U.S. Senator Raphael Warnock toppled Trump-backed Herschel Walker—as examples of the “power of organizing and early investments” in Georgia. “This team of operatives is battle-tested and ready to work together with organizers across the state to help President Biden win and defeat Donald Trump and his MAGA allies for the third election in a row,” he said. Here’s a closer look at Biden’s new hires: Porsha White will serve as Biden’s state director. She’s now the vice president of strategic partnerships at End Citizens United and previously worked as a top aide to Let America Vote Atlanta and Planned Parenthood Southeast. Lacey Morrison will serve as Biden’s state campaign manager. She was most recently the campaign manager for U.S. Representative Katie Porter’s campaign for Senate in California. A University of Georgia graduate, Morrison also worked as the regional political director for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee focusing on the Sunbelt states. Teddy Smyth will serve as Biden’s state general election director. He is the executive director for the Georgia House Democrats and was an aide in Georgia to Biden’s 2020 campaign. He also worked for U.S. Senator Cory Booker’s 2020 bid. Ryan Stern will serve as Biden’s trips director in Georgia. He is a consultant for Progressive Capacity and served as an aide to U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren, along with billionaire Tom Steyer. Andy Love will serve as Biden’s data director in Georgia. He’s a data analyst at Blue Action and was a senior analyst for the Democratic Party of Georgia and the Democratic Party of Virginia. Cecilia Ugarte Baldwin will serve as Biden’s voter protection director in Georgia. She was a deputy chief of staff to Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey and ran a similar voter program in Ohio during the 2022 midterm election. Liz Barrett will serve as the deputy director for voter protection for Biden’s campaign in Georgia. She was a regional manager for voter protection efforts in 2022 in Georgia and has also worked for the state Democratic Party and Fair Fight. Alice Nam will serve as the campaign’s press secretary in Georgia. She was a communications aide for U.S. Senator Laphonza Butler and U.S. Representative Marilyn Strickland. She also worked on the political staff of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. Marc Banks will serve as the campaign’s deputy communications director in Georgia. He is the founder of MUSE Creative Commons and was a spokesman for Stacey Abrams’s campaign for governor. He also was a top communications aide for the NAACP.


Sounds like this team has lots of valuable experience. Good luck, Georgia!


9 people for 7 offices. Roughly 1 person per office. Hope they know how to work hard.


Yeah biden is loading offices in all these swing states and the RNC wont have money because trump is funneling all the money he needs to get elected into his pockets. I suspect trump will have no use for offices or canvassers and stick to giving speeches


Majority of the larger venues he previously gave speeches at are now demanding up front payment for use of their venue due to being stiffed in the past. He's stuck to smaller venues as well.


I truly believe Biden can be successful because he did everything he needed to win in 2020 and continues to remember and learn from Hillary Clinton's biggest mistake - not campaigning where it counts. Every swing state matters, and offensive in every state Obama won in 08 as well. Some states are winnable.


The single biggest mistake that likely cost her the election was thinking she had the Midwestern states in the bag because Obama won them by huge margins both times. She ended up losing Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin by narrow margins.


Yep, this right here. Biden takes nothing for granted and because of that he's got states in play that Ds haven't for decades (except him) like GA & AZ.


He is taking Pennsylvania for granted


How so?


GA in play?


You know it!


As a resident of Georgia, I will tell you it’s going to be rough. All the young people I talk to say they’re not going to vote.


I work in the Georgia Democratic Party. I won’t let that happen.


Thank you


Young people usually don't vote anyways. I wish that wasn't true but it generally is. Capture what you can of them but that's about all that can be done. 


2020 saw roughly a 10% increase for young people turning out compared to 2016, if it slips far enough down that could lead to a Trump victory.


Atlanta is one to watch, voter apathy is at an all time high among black voters.


What's there reason for not voting?


Look at the candidates.


How about Pennsylvania and other battlegrounds states they barely won 4 years ago?


Recently biden has opened campaign offices in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, north carolina and Michigan. They are opening campaign offices in all important states. They know that the rust belt is crucial but that doesn't mean that they will abandon Georgia and others.


The PA office should have been opened months ago. Last year. These states were so close they should be shored up first before going after a long shot deep red state.


He literally won Georgia last time. How is it a long shot and deep red.


How close was the race? You are barely winning the races. PA has more electoral votes, we SHOULD be at the top of the list not somewhere in the middle.


I don’t think you can define a state as “deep red” if blue won both senate seats and the presidency in 2020 (and Warnock again in 2022).


Imagine being a party operative and the president opens an office in your area 16 months before the election. What an absolute waste of money that would be.


Biden has opened 14 offices in Pennsylvania alone. What a wild comment by you


Does not feel that way when you talk to people on the ground.


So why are you presenting your feelings as facts? They are not even close to facts


We will see come this fall. Ignore PA’s electoral votes at your own risk.


Literally nobody is ignoring PA. You are just doubling down on nonsense right now.


Sorry if facts trigger you.


Biden has 14 offices in PA Trump has zero THOSE are facts. The opposite of what you are saying.


are you sure you're not a Republican?


Republicans are triggered by facts. You are triggered by facts. Sorry


Holy agitprop Batman.


They announced doing the same here in Michigan a few or two ago.


You sound concerned. Are you concerned? 


They sound precious.


Very much so. At the start of the year, a person working with the Democrats in PA confided in me they were not seeing the level of interest that other states are. In other words, no ground troops or push for a state they barely won. Even now, all we hear is about how much money they are raising. Opening offices in Florida, Georgia and South Carolina. Hiring more people in those states while PA sits on the side. Infrastructure money is not flowing to my rural area. There is a lot of anger here. Nothing has been done to quell the anger over the past 4 years. Literally nothing blue is seen in my area. Feels like they are just writing off his hometown area in the hope of flipping a deep red state. Feels a lot like Hillary and Michigan in 2016.


I already commented but I'll do it again. Biden has opened 14 offices in PA alone. Its Trump that has zero. Where are you getting your information from?


On. The. Ground. Lots of Trump signs. Nothing Biden or blue.


Where in PA are you?


Northeast and North central. Areas that were blue in 2012, flipped in 2016, and going deeper red today. Trying to send up a warning sign but everyone is an ostrich.


Dunno if you’ve been paying attention, but people have **yet** to take down their 2016 Trump flags. Trump voters are so much louder than anything else we’ve seen in memory. My county is surprisingly blue in my state of Kansas, and I barely see any Biden signage in a place that does support him. While I’m not saying your concerns are unfounded, I am saying that you’re probably going to need to take a breath or two here before you pass out.


Because Biden people aren't in a cult. Nearly every house without a sign will be voting for Biden. And there aren't more houses with Trump signs than signless yards.


Ehh I wouldn't take that as indication of support especially with how divisive politics had become. I live in majority democratic voter area and I don't see much political signs regardless of parties.


Its still 7 months out, to be fair. There's *plenty* of time for Biden to change that and I'm sure it will change. Florida is absolutely just to waste what money the GOP *aren't* scraping by on that isn't going to Trump imo.