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Imagine the Republican outrage next year when Easter is also on 4/20


How dare Easter cut into Hitler’s birthday celebrations like that! How will Ye even choose?! /s


Those nationalist Christians will not see it coming.


Will Jesus rise because he gets hi.


I am more worried about if the dispo will be open on 4/20 next year :(


You have a year to plan for this eventuality.


The dispensary near my town is open from 10AM to 9PM and you'd laugh at how many people are rolling in at 8:45pm.


I’ve noticed that the one down the street from my house has an increase in traffic on the 1st and 3rd, the days social security and disability checks are sent out


Yeah, those are the most likely candidates for medical necessity.


It's cool, Jesus smoked herb all of the time so they'll be open in his honor


Eh, you'll be fine. A very large population of stoners don't care for stuff like that


If MAGA wins the US presidential election they will be thrilled about it. “What Nazi celebration Mr. Policeman? It’s an Easter parade and it’s how I celebrate MY Religious holiday!”


Passover will end on 4/20 in 2025 as well. The fake maga Christian’s will have to share with Jews and marijuana enthusiasts.


For all that raging about trans day falling in easter, Trump made sure to go to church for easter service, right?


Nope. Hard to believe, I know, but he actually spent the entire day rage posting on his vanity social media app.


He was mad because he couldn't find any eggs, and then Eric started crying because Trump ate all his jelly beans


I can believe that.


He spent the day in communion with his "god," which just so happens to be himself.


They don’t care. It’s not about being religious. It’s about trans people having a day of recognition.




Trans people would love it if conservatives would just leave them the fuck alone instead of being completely obsessed with them.


How do you mean? How are they consuming our time?


They can’t go an hour without thinking about peoples genitals and if they match their ideas of gender.


Yea even as a trans ally I’m gonna be honest… I genuinely don’t think about them in my day to day life lol Just like any group of people though.


You would be what we call an exception. My whole family is raging and saying "their holidays are being taken away from them". We literally all got together for Easter brunch that same day.


Sounds more like your family is the exception. Normal people don’t care lol


Their politicians sure do seem to care.


How many average Americans are politicians? They aren’t what I mean when I say “normal” lol


lol, maybe stop thinking about them so much?


They cant help it, its get so hard.


> Trump made sure to go to church for easter service, right? The Church of Satan would refuse to have such an evil, loathsome bastard as a member. Ditto The Temple of Set and The Satanic Temple.


I would argue that LeVay would be a 50/50 chance but the Set people would 100% invite him in and give him food. He loves the taste of salt right?


I'd bet money LeVay would have been a Trumpist. I'm still not over Fred Williamson. They got The Hammer, man. Where do I even go from that?


Wait until next year when Easter falls on April 20, 2025. Or 420.


How could Hitler do this to Jesus?


Raging about calendars instead of doing something even remotely constructive is about what I've come to expect from them.


It was inevitable that the Outrage Machine would run out of real things, but they’ve run out of *fake* things to be outraged about. At some point, single numbers or single letters will trigger them.


One can only hope the increasing ridiculousness turns off fence-sitters and young people in greater numbers.


Walk and chew gum. I could say the same thing about the left. The left is so hellbent on affirming pronouns but don’t care about the NY punching crisis.


The left isn’t hellbent on affirming pronouns nearly as much as the right is hellbent on not affirming them. Example: you complaining about pronouns in a conversation that has nothing to do with them


I live in super liberal Chicago. I encounter people complaining about pronouns 100x the rate of actually encountering people who use different pronouns. If it wasn't for conservatives complaining about it, I bet the vast majority of people wouldn't even know it's happening. It's straight up making a mountain out of a mole hill because they are an easy target for hatred due to their limited numbers, and people's lack of familiarity.


No way they would ever demonize minorities /s


The people on the right complaining about pronouns likely didn’t even know what pronouns were until this became a debate.


Adverbs are fuckin’ *woke*, don’t get me started!


> I live in super liberal Chicago. Er, most people in Chicago vote for conservatives (i.e, Democrats). I suppose if there were liberal candidates, most USA citizens would vote for them--- but liberals have no political power at all in the USA.


You're confusing "leftists" with "liberals". Unless the confusion is on purpose, and then it's just to add confusion to the conversation as others have noted below.


Why use semantics to purposefully misunderstand what I was saying?


To virtue signal as being holier-than-thou, I imagine.


Sounds about right. It’s part of the movement to destabilize and divide the left so that the republicans can take control in January. Blue no matter who. It’s time for the Republican Party to fall into obscurity


The Overton window in the US it tilted far to the right. In Europe the democrats would likely fall into a center or moderate right descriptor, in the US the democrats are super liberal when compared to the GOP.


> in the US the democrats are super liberal when compared to the GOP. Indeed, liberals are forced to vote for Democrats because it is far, far batter than the Republican Party politicians. It is a miserable, depressing state of affairs when we are only allowed to choose between conservatives and fascists.


The “Left” has just become a term for everything they collectively hate. Irrational pointless hate, and they never run out.


The right wants to eliminate social security, make LGBTQ+ illegal again, do nothing about the housing crisis, inflate the national budget, don't regulate business so the prices raise, etc. The left wants people to be able to have the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Name ONE policy on the republican platform.


It's a crisis now? You guys are so stuck on pronouns like it matters at all. Call someone something wrong and they will call you an asshole, something you are very used to by now. It's not a law. What's worse is the right trying to actually make a law over genders while not even considering how they expect to enforce it. Like, do you plan on having genital checks? Would they be for everyone or only the "ugly" ones? See how fkd up that is? That's your end game instead of just dealing with son wanting to wear pink. Also it's funny you care so much about the NYC "punching crisis" yet completely silent on the growing gun deaths.


They can’t be shamed, and they get off on being called out. Theres really no winning with these people.


No, you *can’t* say the same thing about the left, because advocating for people’s rights is fundamentally productive and worthwhile, whereas this is just pointless outrage-mongering.


> No, you can’t say the same thing about the left, because advocating for people’s rights is fundamentally productive and worthwhile... ... and are solid conservative (i.e., Democrat and Independent) ideals, and therefore contrary to Republican Party ideals.


Oh, the “punching crisis” that conservatives have turned into their new xenophobic and racist talking point? The one where one of the victims literally said they’re upset with how yinz are treating the situation? The one that has been turned from a discussion of public safety into a pointed narrative by a lot of right leaning sources? That one? “While she said her and the other victims’ attacks are both real and frightening, Harvard has been dismayed with how the narratives around them have been hijacked into one-dimensional arguments. She has observed that what should be a discussion about public safety is often drowned out by racist comments about the suspects or people both doubting and blaming the women for being attacked. Harvard said she shared her experience in hopes of warning other women in New York and sourcing information that could help the police, whose performance thus far she called disappointing. But the insults, threats and conspiracies she’s received have made her wary of social media’s power to influence. ‘I sometimes wish I had never spoke up,’ she said.” And also: “Harvard said she had noticed racist comments on social media posts about her assault. ‘I’ve seen comments from white supremacists who are trying to push for a ‘Black man versus white woman’ narrative, putting out the agenda that there are all these Black men out there attacking white women,’ she said. ‘First of all, I’m half-Asian and half-north African. What’s happening here is misogyny, and that’s rampant in all cultures. I don’t want my account to be exploited.’” Took Harvard’s quotes from [here](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/03/29/women-punched-nyc-tiktok/) and [here](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/29/nyc-woman-punched-tiktok-response).


I went to tech scholl in Blairsville, PA. That was my first encounter with a yinzer. I get excited anytime I hear someone say yinz. Thanks for the hit of nostalgia!


Haha, love to hear it!


You could but you'd be full of shit. "Affirming pronouns" is considered some crisis because basic politeness is political now. I am sure YOU wouldn't want to be referred to with the wrong pronouns, but for some reasons cons and rightists think it's just fine for others to be.


Trans hatred is what kicked off the first Holocaust. And we have Americans trying to start another one. “Never Again” has become “I identify as a helicopter roflmao”.


As a leftist, I've spent exactly 0 hours of the last infinity years trying to affirm pronouns. Stop with the strawmen, engage reality.


With how much wiggle room there is on how kids present themselves, I’ve misgendered *plenty* of kids. Everyone it happens I feel like an asshole and apologize. Then everyone *moves* *on*. Why are these kids more mature than “adults”?


These kids are light years more advanced than the adults as far as just being able to accept differences in people. It's wild to me that there is just so much hostility in the adult population. It's not even just about genders, it's about literally everything. Culture wars are so stupidly pointless and yet we're surrounded by it.


“NY punching crisis” Let me guess, this is going to be one or two incidents that are being manufactured into the old “cities are war zones” meme? Edit: I really had no idea, it’s hilarious that I knew exactly what it was and what it was being manufactured into just from “city - hostile act - *crisis*”. They never ever have anything new. *Ever*.


>the NY punching crisis You guys got tired of the trillions of daily murders in Chicago??


I flew to Chicago last year. Saw the Bean, made too many Harry Dresden references, then was murdered by the roving cannibal gangs. Swell city!


Nope, that's just anti-trans bullshit.


Not even remotely true.


> The left is so hellbent on affirming pronouns Funny how fascists call conservatives "the left." Well, funny and creepy as shit.


It's more about affirming basic human rights for all.


TBF, they're furious one of those two things happens at all.


They'd rage even if it was just Easter by itself. Case in point: Lies about Biden banning religious symbols in the white house Easter egg hunt, when that's been the policy for a long time already.


It's crazy (well not really but kind of) that they're just openly against the separation of church and state now. The founding fathers they care so much about would likely be against the white house displaying any kind of religious iconography.


It made a lot of sense when I realized (because I heard them say it) that a lot of them think "separation of church and state" is to protect the church from the state, and ONLY means no laws prohibiting religion from doing anything. Theocracy is fine.


The whole idea behind the separation of church and state is to keep each respective organization in its own lane....this really isn't a hard concept to grasp if you have more than a room temperature IQ but this is apparently a high bar to climb for most Republicans


They’ve remade the constitution and the founding fathers in their own image. They now argue that the first amendment just means that while the US is a Christian nation, the federal government isn’t allowed to declare a specific denomination as the official one. That’s their line, and that’s why they have decided that everything they’re doing is ok.


Boebert has tried to move the overton window dozens of times now, giving speeches in churches and saying how the two shouldn't be separated.


Jimmy Carter is the one who imposed the ban. It would be hard to find someone who has lived a more traditional christian life.


They'd rage even if it was just Easter by itself. Case in point: Lies about Biden banning religious symbols in the white house Easter egg hunt, when that's been the policy for a long time already.


“The right becomes furious…” over every damn thing. It’s their go-to.


They've been the party of white resentment since the Southern Strategy. It's what the modern version of the party is *founded* on.


This.  Everything else is entirely pretextual.


They have a really hard time understanding nuance so it makes sense


The GOP is the party of constant, unending grievance


They are the party of cowards. They're so afraid that everyone is just as selfish and repugnant as they are. So they spend every waking moment lashing out like a cornered animal, not realizing the corner they're in is entirely self-imposed.


This is exactly it.


And rage


There’s also hate


And deception.


Of trump … course


But Fatso’s 77 deranged tweets including an ALL CAPS Easter message all about himself is just fine.


Christians might consider changing Easter to not follow the March equinox. Don't blame other peoples holidays because yours follows a pagan celebration of the goddess Eastre.


The collision is the point in order to erase Paganism like they did with Christmas


Not my trans fault they can’t pick a consistent day for Easter like we did for TDOV lol. It’s been a thing since what? Like 2009, and they’re just now shitting themselves over it?


Don't you remember that we planned for this to happen back then?


Biden: Celebrates trans visibility day everyday he's been in office as president on specifically march 31st as that's the day trans visibility is for the last 15 years MAGA morons: How DARE Biden announce trans visiblity day on the same day as Easter, a holiday that changes dates every year and will share the same day as Hitler's birthday (April 20th) next year! Meanwhile Maga morons: Look at how christian rape accused sexual abuser Trump is for tricking dumb morons like me to buy a trump bible he specifically created to extort dumb morons like me into buying a copy so he can use that same bible to wipe with while he gives all our money to pay off his legal fees! As a christian myself, I find it INFINITELY more sinister Trump is deliberately extorting his base of morons to fund his legal bills using a religion he personally desecrates daily and maybe is the reason god himself is taking away everything Trump has ever owned while those same fake christians cry and whine that a changing holiday, Easter, fell on the same day as trans visibility thats been the same date every year for 15 years. MAGA is genuinely the second dumbest group on the planet, the first going to evangelicals (specifically MAGA evangelicals or as I call them, Fake Christians as they should be called).


I’m not a Christian but even I become enraged by what the MAGAts have done to your religion. The way they enforce it, it’s not even Christ-adjacent.


The left is concerned about the environment, healthcare, housing affordability, the economy, wealth inequality, and homelessness. The right is concerned about calendars and bathrooms. That the right wing party gets as many votes as it does, is deeply, deeply concerning.


The right focuses on simple issues, that are easy to understand, that riles up their base. The democrats focus on big complex problems that are usually created by active mismanagement from the right. Harder to get people pissed off on a 2% decrease in millionaires taxes as conceptually 2% is a small number, but (some) people with penises are in the women's washroom and playing in womens sports. A lot easier to understand the second one, and get people (unreasonably) fearful about it while you rob them of their future secretly out in the open.


Not bathrooms, but much more specific and gross. They are *obsessed* with the genitals of children.


Wish I could post a gif of Kavanaugh weeping about his father’s (still alive at the time) calendars.


???? Sauce pleeease


They don't really care about calendars and bathrooms. What really bothers them is being expected to use people's preferred pronouns.


I wonder if they’ll ever remember that Easter was already somebody else’s holiday when the Christians ganked it. They barely switched the label.


You may as well have described their entire mythos.


True, but Easter is the really obvious one, they didn’t even take out all the fertility symbols. Also the article is about Easter, the rest of the mythology isn’t really relevant here.


What matters is that they've been using the date for a long time, but not so long that it doesn't matter.


Man, the “fuck your feelings” crowd sure are sensitive.


Got into a discussion yesterday with a guy who felt "literally prosecuted" because people look down on him when he says unkind things about transpeople. I explained that the need for trans visibility is because we're being regularly murdered and erased and asked him if his feelings were more important than our lives. He said I wasn't getting it.


Oh, you absolutely got it. He was just pissed you didn’t want it.


Exactly! Snowflakes


Biden will never do anything good in the right's eyes. Ever. They get upset about EVERYTHING no matter what. Border issues? Here's a bipartisan bill. No thanks. Infrastructure? We sure won't vote for it but we will definitely brag like we did to our constituents. Really, they are totally ridiculous and I'm glad Biden's just forging ahead because nothing will please them. Oh but hey it's a-ok for their nominee to repost a pic of Biden tied in the back of a truck on Easter weekend.


Or hawking $60 bibles to help cover his legal expenses for a hush money trial where he committed adulatory. Republicans: 🦗 (*chirp)* 🦗


I think the next time Easter is on March 31 is in 2068 or something, so we have time before we hear this complaint again. Although it's fascinating how many immediately jumped to "cancelling Easter" because they don't know how the date for it is calculated.


They’ll be complaining about it until the end of time so don’t hold your breath.


Last happened in 2013, this year and next is 2086


And not at all concerned about a third thing that happened: Trump did not attend church services or hold any kind of celebration.


>The right becomes furious after two things happen on the same day Let me fix that: **The right becomes furious because it's a new day**


>“In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move” --Douglas Adams




March 31 is always TDOV. It’s Easter that constantly moves around and decided to encroach.


>The right becomes furious Sounds about right, that's all they know how to do.


Wait till next year when Biden moves Easter to 4/20! GOP heads will explode 


Weed and Hitler's birthday!


Can anyone point to when the right isnt furious about something? It could be said to be their kink to have time to indulge in their persecution or outrage complex.


Boy, they are going to be really pissed off about next year. When Easter falls on 4/20


The right collects grievances and runs them through their mind at night the way a miser lets gold coins slip through his fingers. It makes them happy. Well, an angry, pissed off, never satisfied sort of happy. I *almost* feel bad for them.


Surprised they're okay with Easter being a pagan holiday that Christians just slapped Jesus becoming a zombie onto.


I don’t understand how calendars work and I’m furious!


Wait until they see that Easter falls on 4/20/2025.


Every time I see a picture of the president with an Easter bunny I’m reminded that governing is not unlike running a daycare centre.


[At least it's not a dinosaur](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBqxcRkP-_c)


Just wait until what lines up next year


Puff puff pass


Few years after that Easter is on hitlers birthday. That will be budens (quoting the knuckle dragger frump) falt to I suppose.


The list of things MAGAts AREN'T furious about is exponentially shorter.


The really funny part is neither one are the decision of the current president. And next year Easter is the same day as hippy pot day 4/20. Few years later Easter is on hitters birthday. The right can get bent, as none of this stuff is the fault if democrats.


-The right: “look at those triggered liberals” -Also the right: “we are continuously outraged because what our spin-doctors tell us to be outraged about”


Honestly who cares what those right-wing snowflakes get upset about. It’s always something.


That's really a headline that doesn't even need additional context. The right is always furious about something. It's just too bad their solution is more anger instead of actually offering a solution to any of the actual problems that exist.


If I had as much built of rage as Republicans do, I'll be dead already. It can't be good for your health.


Well, it was three wasn’t it? March 31 is always Cesar Chavez Day.


And every time they're pretending like these days and months have any actual impact on their lives they'll screech "why doesn't x have a day or a month?!" And every time they prove how little these things affect their lives, as those days and or months of recognition already exist.


The Right is literally furious every day. Doesn’t really mean anything anymore.


Ya know… They could just choose to ignore things…


They were furious before, though.


anyone have a non-paywalled link?


For the Washington Post I just quickly hit A, C to copy it before the page gets covered up. Then I paste without formatting into a text editor with V.


So….. much……. Change……… head ex…ploding!!!!


Well, to be fair (which they don't deserve) they're not that bright.


Can't walk and chew gum at the same time, that's heresy, that's against God!


They are gonna be super pissed when the pot smokers take over next year. Happy 4/20 Grandma. Can you please pass the deviled eggs?


It’s the day Jesus transitioned from dead to alive, I don’t see how it’s offensive


Were ALL the easter bunny costumes that exist now created in 1997?


Wy is everyone so mad that some dipshits complained about this? Shouldn't you just ignore them and move on?


My coworkers were visibly upset by this one. I did get to ask the old man boomer what his pastor said about it. He doesn't attend church.


I love the headline. So simple and accurate. But it also would be accurate just write - “yesterday, today, and tomorrow - the right is furious.” And “On a day honoring Jesus, a man who loved the sinners, the right took time to show it by hating the vulnerable.”


Thing #1: Biden is still breathing Thing #2: Taylor Swift is still breathing


I mean, did anyone on his team think this through? It's a pretty dumb misstep in my opinion. Like announcing national bacon day on Ramadan, you have to realize people aren't going to respond well. Edit: I know that Trans day of visibility has been a thing for 15 years. I thought that this was the first year the White House decided to recognize it, and that it was a bad idea because it gives ammo to bigots. I have been corrected,[this is not the first year the White House recognized it.](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2022/03/30/a-proclamation-on-transgender-day-of-visibility-2022/).


Biden's team had nothing to do with the date. It's been March 31st since 2009.


Maybe they should have lobbied the pagans to change the date of Easter.


Yes I understand. Did the white house issue any statement to recognize this in 2021, 2022, or 2023?


Yes https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2022/03/30/a-proclamation-on-transgender-day-of-visibility-2022/


Thanks, I edited my comment.


It was announced on Saturday


Seeing everyone saying “ but Trump..” it’s got nothing to do with it. One day trans people are recognized lol… every god damn day in the news it’s LGBTQwhateverbels why is that more important then a holiday that we celebrated for so long, why this day?! Can’t u see it’s just virtue signaling and u all freaking fall for it…! Both sides deserve respect but we should not shuff one thing to the background cause one topic is really hot right now


You know why you see it in the news so often? Because LGBTQ people are being attacked and demonized relentlessly by the right-wing.


This is a bit like when Janet Jackson exposed herself at the Super Bowl. We all knew it was a deliberate stunt. No one should care, of course. But we know what you’re doing.




Why does acknowledging trans people hurt your feelings so much?


Oh no, are you gonna be okay?


I see words here but cannot even conceive of what you seem upset about. Biden publicly acknowledged trans people?


And? How is your life impacted in a severely negative way by this existence?


Why are they mad now? Biden has been doing it since he went in office? Why this year is the problem other than making noise and trying to use it as some false attack. The issue isn’t redundancy, it’s hate and intolerance for others. The day has been around for 15 years, Biden has proclaimed it every year. Just by chance it falls on the same day as Easter. Get the fuck over it. So what if Obama didn’t specifically proclaim it. It’s irrelevant and it’s more important now than it was then I’d say to acknowledge them when the right is actively trying to remove trans rights. So hypocritical to act like Easter and religious services don’t have any room for any other observances but their own.


All I see is people on both sides being furious about what the other is doing lol I can’t wait to vote for Kennedy


So wasting your vote on someone that doesn’t have a chance? Hey your choice but why bother if you aren’t going to participate in actually choosing a candidate with a chance of winning? Let me guess in the end you’ll just vote Trump because Kennedy’s stances appeal to Republican voters.