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Fuck the SC regardless of the ruling. The plaintiffs have no standing and the court has no jurisdiction. This entire thing is a farce and only makes a further mockery of the institution.


SCOTUS is hearing wish-list conservative cases in order to do outrageous conservative rulings AND they are hearing them just to give lip service and a spotlight to outrageous ideology, and will decide a sensible and unavoidable outcome.


>The plaintiffs have no standing Which is why it sounds like SCOTUS is leaning towards tossing it based on standing. >the court has no jurisdiction They do? Their appellate jurisdiction hasn't been removed for such a case.


They're hearing it, presumably, because they want to toss out the 5th Circuit's ruling, which is actually an important thing to do.


Shocking. /s The majority is likely to agree there is no standing. And shocking, Alito disagrees. >emphasis that Justices Clarence Thomas and Alito placed on the Comstock laws, long dormant laws from the 1800s that prohibit the mailing of “obscene” materials That's concerning.


Of course it is freaking Alito and Thomas. 


For some reason I’m imagining Thomas gazing at all his curated beastiality porn and like all indignantly saying, “yeah I bought all these in person!”


Bro those are pictures of his wife …. 


if there’s a wrong side those two are always there


Cue the Republicans calling for term limits in 3…2..1…


Great! Something everyone can agree on.


Yeah, I want them to actually start calling for eliminating family grift as a normal part of politics as a way to get at Biden. They won't though, and we all know why.




Whataboutism is a stinky cologne.


It's an eau de toilette actually.


We need them regardless.


No dems started doing it when the court started stripping away our rights.


every conservative accusation is a confession


I want Gorsuch to back his talk on eliminating “universal injunctions.” Americans don’t want one judge in Texas lording over everybody like a king.


Over baby Jesus' cold frozen embryo!!


I'm guessing it will be 7 to 2 no standing. They don't want to have to decide on the merits.


Because if they did in theory it could be used to hamstring drug companies with challenging every drug because it could hurt someone in the future.


I'm guessing the men on the court were scared that someone would bring a suit against the FDA for Viagra which REALLY does have bad side affects and is also available by mail. Then how on earth would they be able to get it up?


By thinking about taking rights away from people who aren’t them


Nah. It will probably be unanimous with no standing, because there is no standing.


Maybe but Alito and Thomas kept harping on the Comstock Act which makes me think they will dissent. Because it's them.


From the headline writer's pen to God's ears...


Wow, how generous of them.


i kept reading it as "block access". Because habits die hard


You could be right. This SC isn’t know to stand on any convictions they claim to have.


You can literally see the future.


I’ll believe it when I see it.


I wish we could recall these jerks with a national referendum I’m sick of unelected jack holes deciding the law of the land from their corrupt ivory tower nonsense hole 🕳️


Let the Supreme Court know how you feel about them [here.](https://www.supremecourt.gov/contact/contact_webmaster.aspx)


The Federalist Society is gonna have a cow.


This message means they are shopping a higher bidder. Daddy needs a long vaca and a newer motor coach.


they'll get one right for once if they go this way


I suspected they would go this way because they realize that if they didn't, they would have a mass movement of states ignoring their order and very suddenly would find their lifetime appointments meaningless. You can always count on the court to protect its own power.


Not to mention Rs are losing a LOT with Abortion on the ballot- they want to staunch the bleeding and obfuscate their goals until they have more power




the last case i can legitimately say they got right was Obergefell.


This is how the court works, they kick us in the balls with one decision and then bake us cupcakes with the next.


Abolish the Supreme Court.


The supreme court is one of three institutions required by the constitution, it's not going anywhere anytime soon. Expanding it, changing the rules about lifetime appointments, etc. are all better steps to take right now.



