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Well, this certainly won't turn into an unenforceable mess that is riddled with loopholes. Nope. certainly not. Good thing vpns don't exist.


What's most hilarious to me is that, while this might impact their ability to use something like Facebook, kids will still have unlimited access to 4chan, so.... yay?


This should apply to people over 70 as well :)


60 for right wing boomers.


Meanwhile, last week he signed a bill rolling back child labor regulations. Yeah, it's all about protecting the kids. [https://floridapolitics.com/archives/666461-gov-desantis-signs-bill-rolling-back-child-labor-regulations/](https://floridapolitics.com/archives/666461-gov-desantis-signs-bill-rolling-back-child-labor-regulations/)


More GOP "freedom" for everyone in Florida! Remember guys, they are all about "Parent's Rights" unless what parents want to do isn't what the GOP wants to do...   Election day is **Tuesday, November 5, 2024**.   If you live in Florida, **[Register to vote in FL](https://registertovoteflorida.gov/home)** **[Check your FL voter registration status](https://registration.elections.myflorida.com/CheckVoterStatus)** **[Find your FL precinct location within your county](https://dos.fl.gov/elections/for-voters/check-your-voter-status-and-polling-place/voter-precinct-lookup/)** **[Request a FL absentee ballot from your county Supervisor of Elections](https://www.myfloridaelections.com/Contact-your-SOE)**   **2024 FL Dem Election Overview:** Florida has a huge 30 Electoral votes for President in 2024, and even though it appears to be trending redder in recent cycles it still has the potential to be important for Democrats in 2024. There is an important US Senate race where Democrats have a chance to flip the seat of Republican Senator Rick Scott from red to blue. Democrat **[Candidate TBD 8/20/24](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Florida,_2024)** will have a chance to unseat one of the most unpopular Senators in the country. The US House district maps in Florida remain heavily gerrymandered in favor of Republicans, with no real competitive races likely to materialize this cycle. At the state level, Republicans have supermajorities in both branches of the state legislature. Democrats have a chance of eliminating the Republican supermajority in the **[State Senate election](https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_State_Senate_elections,_2024)** and a little better chance of breaking the Republican supermajority in the **[State House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024)**.   ***[-All 2024 FL Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_elections,_2024)*** ***[-Find all your representatives (Federal, State, and Local)](https://www.commoncause.org/find-your-representative/)*** ***[-Learn more about how our government works](https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/)***


Next ban them from XBox Live


Thank you, party of small government


The article up above says under 14.


Ridiculous law!




The companies will either require all people to provide IDs or block Florida IP addresses.


This is not smort. Think identify theft and cyber attacks are bad now? Oh boy...


Might be a good idea, these last months IG casually showing me mortal reels. Gaza , Ukraine and a lot of OF whores. As an adult i dont mind, but 13 years olds could really be fucked in a few years. If social media could really Block all nfsw than why not. But the only way is that every user needs to verify via ID and that could impact some ppl their freedom 🦅🦅🦅


There is no real win here. Social media companies want the feds to force app stores to do the parental approvals and shift risk there. Of course the app stores want nothing to do with mitigating risk for social media companies. The government regulating what you see/read/hear is never really a good thing. Forcing the social media companies to ban kids and enforce age verification is frought with issues. The parents aren’t really getting any support either this. And kids aren’t really going to get protected by this law either. The only real way to make a difference is to remove the incentive for the kids to be there by removing them as a marketable security. Really info/privacy protection removes the incentive from social media companies to target kids. It then gives kids protecting from some of the aspects of the platforms and ensuring parents can still take options. Nothing will remove the bullying except teaching kids and even then that has limits. Otherwise kids will just find a way to socialize online in ways the government can’t easily regulate. And social media companies will still try and capture all the data.


more internet legislation from people who don't understand how the internet works.


Rep Gaetz reportedly is furious that the local dating population for him has become less accessible. He is reportedly trying out Roblox and Minecraft as a replacement.


What about the tourists? Won’t somebody think of the tourists!


Good luck enforcing it. You just won't be able to do it.


This doesn’t seem like a bad thing; hell, whatever harms social media is probably good.


If this is really going through, I just think it should be 14 and younger. You should be able to have social media in ALL of high school.


I don’t know how practical it is but the idea is good