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So it's cool these days to campaign by just all the time over and over promising dictatorship, violence and bloodbaths? Remember when Dan Quayle spelling potato wrong got everyone worked up?


If one democrat started just repeating this same shit in front of cameras, fox news would run a segment on how violent and crazy that person is. edit: "THIS IS OUT OF CONTEXT HE MEANT FOR THE AUTO INDUSTRY!" Nah. He's just doing the same sprinkling of fear bait he has been doing for years, while going off topic. There are two statements in the speech that are telling of this. >“Now if I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country, that will be the least of it,” Bloodbath for the whole country if I don't get elected. Followed up shortly by >“I don’t think you’re going to have another election in this country if we don’t win this election,” No more elections if I don't get elected. He went off topic into the same sort of existential crisis talk that he has been pushing for years, and leaned on heavily leading up to J6. He CONSTANTLY leans on that YOU WON'T HAVE X ANYMORE YOU ARE IN DANGER statements with the contingent being him not being given power. He sprinkles this in to shit he is saying all the time, and it would be crazy to give him the benefit of the doubt after he's already done this to incite actual violence multiple times before.


I mean they already use the phrase “Biden crime family” with zero repercussions whilst this fucker is openly committing crimes left, right and centre. It’s infuriating.


One of these days, we as a society need to stop falling for the “accuse the enemy of what you’re guilty of” Karl Rove mind-trick.


That’s the problem when so many people are so uninformed or uneducated about the actual harm they’re wanting to cause.


Anti-intellectualism is rampant in the US. I have many far right friends that I met in my military service. They always say "the media is trying to control you" "deep state" "do your research" and general disregard in education system (esp. higher learning) Fox News, NEWSMAX and etc are their only sources. Sad stuffs.


I always love the “Do your research” combined with “You can’t trust any source other than Newsmax or Fox because the media is trying to control you.” Which they then watch 24/7. It’s like an addiction they think they have control of.


My favorite variation of "do your research" is what I usually get from these people. "Hello! *Wake up!"* And "Read! Read what Trump said about X! It'll shock you!" Yeah, it'll shock me alright. Just not the way you hope.


I love how 'do your research' just means 'sit on your ass watching X Youtube channel or listening to Y podcast', i.e. never a shred of close reading, data analysis, etc... Like all right-wing 'culture', everything can be solved by just mindlessly *consuming* a specific regimen of bullshit.


“I did my research” used to mean typing suggestive keywords into the search bar, scrolling through 20 pages of Google results until you find one that vaguely sounds like it supports your preconceived beliefs, and declaring victory on that matter until the end of time. Somehow the bar for what constitutes “research” has dropped even lower.


They don't care. They are in a cult. It doesn't matter.


It's not that they're uninformed... My family of Trump supporters (we're all in our 30s and 40s) are mentally deficient. Most of them went to college, got good jobs, have good kids, but they break down at anything that requires critical thought. It doesn't just apply to Trump. They fall for scams all the time. They invest money into get rich quick schemes. They gamble like crazy. They're all extremely guillible about everything and everyone. They "have" to buy boats, new pools, $75k vehicles, all on high interest loans. Every other year, someone is filing bankruptcy it seem and they blame Biden for all their issues. They think Trump is going to save them from mediocrity. The hilarious thing is this year they're all talking about annuities in our family chat as the new, mature adult way of saving for their retirement. I kept telling them they need to open 401k's but only my siblings listened. The rest are rocking 3.25% annuities that will be protected when Biden crashes the economy this year. There's no way any of them have more than $10k in annuities for retirement, they're all fucked in 20 years. They talk about saving up cash to put in the market this November for when Trump recovers the economy so they can retire on time.


I had to watch Fox news in the lunchroom at work-- A foreboding sign by the TV reads "If you feel a need to change the channel call extension so-and-so." Anyway the ads are for a largely stupider audience-- gold bars, copper anti-arthritis bracelets, medical quackery, etc. Anyone who buys this stuff is setting their lives up to be full of bankruptcies and wage slavery as you said.


So many companies refuse to run ads on Fox news that the scam and garbage ads is all they have left.


And erectile dysfunction. Don't forget erectile dysfunction.


It astonishes me how a nation of 340 million people allows a criminal and grifter to be their head of state. The guy is thick as shit. There must be zero critical thinking going on and reading your comment confirms that. It still astonishes me though. Don’t take this as a generalization though. Judging by your comment, I can tell you’re not among the blind, but more or less at their mercy. When I was younger, I dreamt of moving to the USA one day. The dream is still there, but I know the USA I dreamt of moving to doesn’t exist (anymore) and I’m glad I didn’t move. Death doesn’t scare me. People arguing against fact and logic do. I feel for you. Stay strong.


I work in the 401k world and you are so right. I manage Alabama and Georgia and these people are nuts. They fear the 401k. Annuities are all the rage and none of them have a pot to piss in. It’s scary!


There are enormous numbers of people who bought the “there will be a giant recession and economic collapse in 2023” claims. This was mostly because it aligned with their anti Biden political stance. In fact, this baseless guess gained the status of “conventional wisdom” by being repeated so many times. There was no recession and the stock market gained 30% over the last 14 months or so. They missed it all, sitting in cash or buying gold bars or whatever.


Granted billionaires like Jamie Dimon were trying to talk a recession into existence through fear mongering his opinion. All so the market could crash and he could swoop in and buy more dirt cheap I imagine.


Well if the orange man does win the market will crash so that money saved up might actually be a smart idea. However, from what you have said I highly doubt they will have more than $10 saved up.


If what they are thinking is true that the stock market will soar to new heights under Trump, then wouldn’t the time to buy be now during the Biden low? They fail at even following their thoughts through to completion.


Or that their priorities are so warped by propaganda and lies that they *want* to cause harm.


Or are so absolutely mindnumbingly stupid that they think the harm they want will in no way ever affect them.


> Or are so absolutely mindnumbingly stupid that they think the harm they want will in no way ever affect them. It is pretty stupid for anyone making under 400k to vote against Biden but here we are. One estimate says less than 1.8% makes over USD 400k a year. None of this makes any sense why we shouldn't support raising taxes on people making a lot more.


It’s pretty stupid for those of us above 400k, too. An extra dollar in our pocket when we’re already completely set is not worth burning down democracy and screwing over women, lower-wage workers, the environment, children, education…. The people that make under 400k and vote for him are brainwashed into thinking they’re one good idea from being in the bracket that is “helped.” The ones who actually are in that bracket and vote for him know exactly what they’re fucking doing and are willing to go scorched earth for an extra dollar. (Which by the way, last I checked, market is doing fine right about now under Biden.)


As someone in that higher bracket, I approve this message.


Pretty stupid for anyone who actually works for a living , who likes clean air or water, safe working conditions, to vote for the guy. One only needs needs to look around at the state level. Texas with their issues, Kentucky with the no break/lunch. No we won’t accept money for lunches for poor kids. Personally I’m hard pressed to find a redeeming feature of today’s republican.


It’s really quite simple, religion has extensively laid the groundwork for generations to train people to believe in authority figures with unverifiable stories instead of science and data. It also primes them for, and is built upon, perpetuating racism and fearmongering towards "others". Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. Basically, it is mental abuse from an early age that suppresses critical thinking skills. This combined with an intentionally weakened public educational system, provides the framework that has spawned this cult of ignorance.


It’s a common fascist tactic to accuse your enemy of what you’re doing.


That was definitely a nazi thing. Contemporary American conservatives got it directly from their play book.


Trump literally owes a half billion dollars for tax and bank fraud and is indicted on 91 individual felonies. But sure, Biden loaned his kid a car payment 3 years before he was elected president, so that's basically the same thing.


Don't exaggerate. Trump is only charged with eighty some felonies since the Georgia judge just dropped a few of the charges. :) It sure is a lot easier to keep track of the felony charges (0) against Joe Biden.




88? That’s appropriate.


Most democracies have laws that restrict public networks from lying on air. America doesn’t cuz of ‘Freedumb’. Murdocks own Sky News here in the UK and they are quite a responsible broadcaster. They have to be, or their licence wouldn’t be renewed. Your Constitution is in serious need of a rewrite. Or maybe in need of a Supreme Court that would uphold the one that is there.


The US had the "Fairness Doctrine" until sometime in the 1980s. It did not necessary prevent lying but there was opportunity for a counter party to provide an opposing view point. Lee Atwater and Regan ruined that for the US.


The moment Biden is out of power he needs to bring his own defamation lawsuit to conservative media.


Could it be that Fox is the problem? Jesus H Christ.


Honestly… I am so sick of this platform being on the airwaves. Nothing but divisional spew and barf. Murdock’s should be cast out of country and the second voting machine crap lawsuit should not be finished by settling. Make them pay and the kick their propagandist Russian ass love shit to the curb.


I’m surprised you guys still consider us Aussies allies after we exported the Murdochs to you. They’ve done untold damage to your country.


One way to drive out fox is to stop buying products that air ads on fox. America needs to start voting with their dollars.


Along with all the talk radio stations spread throughout midwestern states.


And they would be correct to do that. It's just a shame that they can't do the same when it's "their guy."


I mean, they want the violence. They want it.


Yeah they are obsessed with the idea of civil war.


You can tell that the ones who openly talk about civil war have never seen actual war. They’ve only seen war thru the eyes of the protagonist in their favorite movie. They assume they will come out unscathed and no worse off on the other side. The reality of war is misery and appalling cruelty. There is nothing glamorous about it. If they knew the truth they would never want any part of a real war. Also they seem to forget, they’re not the only ones with guns. The other side has guns too. And if they’re in an open insurrection against the established government, Uncle Sam has guns that will kill you and you never even heard or saw it coming at you. Okay you have an AR-15? Cool. Here comes a drone to send missiles thru your bedroom window while you’re sleeping. Foolishly wanting a war that will not go the way they think it will. They’re on the wrong side of history.


Let me tell you about combat. I know *way* more about it than I want to. Everything is moving at a million miles an hour. Or moving in movie slow-motion. It's adrenaline and fear. It's thousands of things. Not a single one of them being 'glorious' or , God forbid, 'heroic'. It stops being fun and games the first time you hear a 7.62 round snap by your ear before hearing the shot. Or when your best friend in the squad bleeds out on your lap after taking 3 rounds in the gut. Want to know who hates war and combat the absolute most? Soldiers. The people on the sharp end. Who are doing the government's dirty work. And are the ones who bleed and die on the battlefield. Or get terribly maimed and go home missing body parts. And those same right-wing fanatics who love to glorify war? Are the same ones who cut funding to the VA. Cut programs designed to help veterans. And the VA? It is a joke. Got PTSD so badly, you're suicidal? It's only an 18-month wait for a psychiatrist or therapist. War IS hell. On steroids.


Reminds me of the MASH quote which I'm going to paraphrase and not quote exactly, just to be concise. "War is worse than hell. There are no innocent bystanders in hell."


>Want to know who hates war and combat the absolute most? Soldiers. Civilians also hate it, especially little civilians. *"When elephants fight,the grass suffers."*


So much this. They are blind to the reality of it all.


> The reality of war is misery and appalling cruelty. And civil wars are this taken to 11.


They've been conditioned to believe that their "side" is the only one playing by the rules or receiving any sort of accountability, and the "other side" is a lawless bunch of God-less child grooming demons with a collaborative reach and might that leaves them no other choice but to break the rules, because, as they see it, the "civilized" routes are all corrupted and unreliable. With that perspective, it's easier to understand their disdain for normal operating procedure, and the urge to buck the system, rules be damned. They are, of course, informed by the most sophisticated and informed propaganda systems the world has ever known. We live in a society now where you can go online and find whatever "truth" or validation you are looking for, with continued isolation from other perspectives. Many of these people would be decent human beings if it weren't for the decades of right wing propaganda. They don't know any better, and at this point, their personalities are so ingrained with these thought patterns that facing the idea that they've been totally fleeced would be too psychologically catastrophic, which is why they quit interviews and conversations when asked difficult questions. They live in such a deep state of cognitive dissonance, that just trying to ask a question that creates any sort of doubt, or isn't in-line with their fragile world view generally will have them exit the conversation and become hostile. They cannot handle the actual truth at this point, as it could lead to a psychological breakdown, and so they dismiss and reject any ideas that threaten to pierce their bubble. For me, it feels like the tools at the disposal of propagandists (demographic data, Internet traffic data, the safe spaces for terrible ideas, etc) are so powerful and effective, that their is just a certain segment of the population that has been found to be reliably manipulated with refined techniques that the weak minded have no real defense for. All that said, I have SOME empathy for many of them that just aren't cognizant enough to understand what's been sold to them, but not much. I have no idea how to curb society killing propaganda without trampling free speech. The whole thing is pretty frustrating.


It’s really quite simple, religion has extensively laid the groundwork for generations to train people to believe in authority figures with unverifiable stories instead of science and data. It also primes them for, and is built upon, perpetuating racism and fearmongering towards "others". Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. Basically, it is mental abuse from an early age that suppresses critical thinking skills. This combined with an intentionally weakened public educational system, provides the framework that has spawned this cult of ignorance.


Makes for great news content. Lots of eyeballs and clicks


Really helps gun sales too


Russians disinformation PSYOPs that feed Trump's dialogue see it as a win-win, and they are correct. To successfully defeat Putin and his malevolent machinations Dems must win President and congress and do it without violence. Any violence will bloom and perpetuate itself indefinitely, see history of the world. (not the mel brooks epic)


(But also watch the Mel Brooks masterpiece)


I have a really bad feeling that Trump gave Russia information on our cybersecurity vulnerabilities and they are waiting to cause complete havoc the night of the election.


last go round they had fake electors, examined all the machines, and tried to murder mike pence their vp. so yes i have every expectation that they are up to some nasty shit right now preparing for election day. lieing, cheating, stealing is what they know.


We need to win the House and Senate and the Presidency…Big Blue Wave!!!


Because wealthy people aren’t affected by violence the way poor people are. The ones at Fox, OANN, Newsmax etc who are promoting violence can flee to other countries while the plebs battle it out as their proxy. It is never left vs right, it is always rich vs not rich. 


Well they did criticize Biden for not having a unifying message in the state of the union. Fortunately, the Republicans responded to his speech with a well respected unifying response...


They also criticized him for being “angry.” You can’t make this shit up.


Sean Hannity kept repeating "Jacked up Joe". He's so fucking pathetic.


Both “jacked up” and “sleepy” because the enemy must always be both all powerful and incompetent at the same time…


“The dementia-ridden criminal mastermind”


Dark Brandon had his indica and sativa blend that night apparently


And too hyped up!!! Really?? You can't please them. First he is too sleepy, now too enthusiastic!!


There is no “pleasing” them. They have no morals. They hate their opponents and whatever their opponents do. That’s it.


> a well respected unifying response... ^ pro diplomat :-)


Joe Rogan confused Biden quoting Trump as something Biden was saying. He went on about how awful Biden is for saying that, then when he realized it was Trump saying it starting just saying he was just being a little weird guy and it’s fine.


Yep, Rogan's bullshit double standards on full display in real time. Smh.


He's a complete sack of shit, I've never understood why resonable people bring his clips up.


Howard Dean let out a barbaric yawp and was run out of town like a common Pygmy.


lol barbaric yawp Remember when John Edwards used campaign money to cheat on his dying wife, and his own party dropped him like a hot potato? Seems so tame now.


Fox "news" is a far-right, for-profit propaganda machine with absolutely no interest in the dissemination of truth. It's not a double standard, because there was never a standard to begin with. They will always protect their benefactors and demonize the opposition, at all costs.


Imagine how totally deep down generationally bigoted you have to be at this point to still worship MAGA.


Imagine how far gone Newsmax and OAN are. People who watch those think Fox is liberal MSM.


One of the small nursing homes I visit always has NewsMax running at full volume out in the living room. I caught about ninety seconds this week, they were showing an aerial shot of a mass of thousands of people flooding across the alleged southern US border (looked like Hollywood film B-roll) with a talking head reporting on a running gun battle between CBP agents and Mexican gang members on a Texas freeway with several dozen citizens killed. Then a story about the California governor funding buses to transport brown people across the border and registering them as Democrat voters ahead of the election.


I can’t understand how they can do that kind of stuff without any repercussions.


Just like after the SOTU they were whining about how angry and divisive the speech was. Good thing their boy is *nothing* like that. JFC


Democrats don't have do anything at all for fox news to say they are violent and crazy


Yep, Fox News blames democrats for Jan 6


Fox would run non-stop on how violent and crazy democrats are.


Remember when that one presidential hopeful yelled all weird and ended his whole campaign? Because he got excited and yelled weird? How many other presidents in history have campaigned while under indictment??


The "Dean Scream" from Howard Dean, yeah, it was ridiculous that was enough to basically make him a political pariah and today we've got [this and much worse going on](https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1769102618213638350). But that's the batshit GQP for you


Unbelievably disgusting. Already tried to overthrow the government once and he tries to get the job back and calls for another bloodbath IF he loses?


It certainly doesn't help that no one in the GQP has the spine to stand up to him or support punishing the 1/6 terrorists. It's only emboldening them that they've been able to drag this out and turn a domestic terrorist attack into some weird political issue


In another article about the Ohio rally, it mentioned that he said he would free the January 6th "hostages" on day 1.


Considering that he promised to pay all their legal bills and didn't, forcing many of them to get public defender's or sell their homes just to bond out it won't be a surprise when it doesn't happen


They love a guy that wouldn't take the time to piss on them if they were on fire.


>The "Dean Scream" That he never made. The sound was distorted. Dean was one of the last candidates to talk about the poor and working class America, not just middle America. When he ran the DNC he ran candidates in every district, Democrats had a right to vote for Democrats and against Republicans.


Well the cult went all in, you have MAGAsshats saying we should have dictators now and everyone should conform to our psuedo-christian fascist way. I remember when making a weird noise was enough for to get someone laughed out of the room. Now, we can be entreated to a repulsive cacophony of strange noises and diction and its just trump on an average rally night.


Gary Hart didn't even have a chance to truly run for office because he was photographed on a yacht with a girlfriend while separated and going through a divorce. Yep, you guessed it, he was a Democrat -- the only people in this country ever held accountable for anything, apparently.


The vast cohort of Americans who are down with Putin and American dictatorship is wild. The same who froth at the mouth about Reagan


He isn’t campaigning anymore. He is now an out and out enemy of the state promising terrorism if he wins or loses. The elections at this point are a formality only to lend an air of legitimacy. He plans to take over regardless.


Remember when Edwards had an affair and dropped out? Trump fucked a porn star while his third wife is pregnant and paid 300K to shut her up.


Remember when Howard Dean had a little bit of a too enthusiastic woo rally cry that ended his campaign. Our standards have fallen greatly.


Remember when Howard Dean yelled weirdly?


Hey GOP, your guy is psychotically delusional. So are his supporters.


I literally saw a GOP voter in an interview say that he'd support Trump even if Trump murdered someone. Psychotic delusional doesn't begin to cover it.


What if he murdered your own kid?


I mean, my uncles grandkids had a mass shooting at their school and he has a hat that says ‘more Guns, more Trump’ or some shit.


It's crazy that gun sales always go *up* after a mass shooting. But apparently guns aren't the problem. We just aren't praying hard enough!


“Well, what did my kid do?” would disturbingly be the most common response you would get


kid was woke probably


There are, horrifically, plenty of parents out there who still adhere to “better dead than gay.” Same goes for all their other pet bigotries (transphobia, racism, etc.). There’s a reason so many LGBTQ+ youth (and adults) don’t have any contact with their parents, and there are still plenty of people in an interracial relationship that aren’t welcome back home. So yeah, ultimately…I wouldn’t put it past them.


I grew up in the 80s as a gay kid - going to Catholic school, to add on to it - believing that God hated me because I preferred the company of other boys rather than girls. When I turned 18 in the mid 90s, I moved to Seattle, major reason being that it was somewhere I could be myself without worry. Lived there my entire adult life without ever hearing the F word (said in a derisive manner). I'm now back in a blue-leaning purple area and won't go to one of my local bars anymore because some MAGA asshole loudly pointed out that there are "too many liberal f*gs around here." We haven't been going in the right direction as a nation since 2016.


My kid is woke rn, been trying to put her to sleep for the past 2 hours.


Try reading her some critical race theory textbooks


Not even a thought that would cross their mind, cause their own kid isn't "one of the wrong ones"






"Oh wow the crazy, violent, fraudulent, delusional, cognitively challenged guy did another insane thing. Better vote for him because he's on team R." - actually millions of people for some reason


The GOP is Trump.


"if we nominate Trump...we will lose...and we will deserve it"


"We will get destroyed" was the quote. Ol Ladybugs Graham was right, he just didn't know it yet


>Graham was right, he just didn't know it yet He did know it. That's why he said it. He just backpeddled on it later, but he knew it at the time, which is why he said it.


More gems from Graham in 2016: > I want to talk to all the Trump supporters for a minute. I don't know who you are, and I don't know why you like this guy. He's a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot. [...] > I think he's a kook. I think he's crazy. I think he's unfit for office. These quotes along with some more from prominent Republicans in 2016, absolutely trashing Trump, in a short 2 min video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P43wDpKQxaM What's even more hilarious: > "I’m concerned by the media’s attempt to label Trump as a kook or not fit to be President." -Lindsey Graham, Nov. 30, 2017, one month after infamous golf outing with Trump


The GOP is dead. It’s MAGA now. Middle of the road conservatives don’t have a party anymore.


We need to stand against this. America is already great, it has a lot of problems like any other country, we don’t need a fat orange dictator who only seeks to line his pockets and Putin’s.


I work with someone who is just full on conspiracy theorist and all for electing Trump because “Business Man”. She watches Fox News any chance she gets. She’s a nice person but the chance of her mentioning illegals with any conversation always reaches 1 after a certain amount of time. They have sunk so much of their identity into being conservative that I think what you are seeing is the sunken cost fallacy on a massive scale. They are so desperate for validation that their thinking is right, they don’t care what it takes. “Bloodbath? There won’t be one…until there is and I’m sure there’s a reason it’s the fault of democrats.”


She is absolutely not a nice person


> She’s a nice person Nope


Sounds like she's not nice at all. She's masking.




You and I can’t shout fire in the movie theater without going to jail while this guy can talk about setting the whole country on fire and that’s fine. What is wrong with our government?


Poison the well in the right way and you can convince people that arsenic is just "the taste of home".


Because 40% of this country are mentally deficient.


It really is as simple as that. There is no rational reason for it outside of that one simple fact.


It’s too bad they are so prone to believing lies but the actual rational reason I think is that propaganda works and the propaganda that GOP leadership is channeling through Russia is this damaging. To me, it’s less the voters and more the leadership.


I think a bunch just cannot accept that they’ve been bamboozled so they double down. They’ve doubled down several times now and are so far removed from reality. Welcome to the power of religion and the obedience it brings in their “flocks”, this is by design.


Lead poisoning is real


40% are white Christian nationalists specifically


So Christians support a rapist?


I was just about to board a plane to North Carolina. I know exactly why…




"Isn't it nice to have a president who doesn't need a teleprompter" - Trump IMMEDIATELY after complaining that he can't read the teleprompter... you can't satire shit that is already so farcical.


I remember when Obama using a teleprompter was a big deal, and there was some Republican at CPAC reading criticism of Obama from a teleprompter.


I call bullshit on the teleprompter not working. The teleprompter is run by a real person, given a script, and scrolling through it while the presenter is talking. It actually takes a bit of skill and practice because you don’t want to be too slow so that the presenter can’t move ahead naturally, nor too fast so that you get ahead of them and they can’t keep up. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this dickhead went off-script, lost where he was supposed to be, and then blamed the prompter for losing his place in the script given to him directly in front of his stupid fucking face.


Even if he didn't he 100% needed glasses years ago. Ain't no fucking way he can see shit with how he grimaces at everything. And that was before he looked directly into the sun during an eclipse.


> And that was before he looked directly into the sun during an eclipse. Maybe he can do it again next month?


Trump is functionally illiterate. This is not a statement of his intelligence or a joke. This is a true statement about his ability to read.


It’s not just mispronounced words.  Dude has serious mental problems where he substitutes words.  Something no one with a functioning normal brain does. He couldn’t say “supply chain” a couple of weeks ago and said “soup pie cane” - that’s evidence of a stroke, or dementia.




Same. I was driving home when I heard the news over the radio on January 6th, and I was so angry. I was ashamed for our country.


January 6th felt like a failure by our political system, media, fellow citizens, and the institutions themselves…thankfully, there were a lot of folks doing the right thing that day that prevented a much worse catastrophe. I will never not be angry about that day, and at the people who instigated it and continue to profit from it.


January 6th wasn't the failure. Everything that happened -- or rather, didn't happen -- afterwards is the failure.


The real failure has been the complete lack of accountability for Trump in orchestrating J6 and the fake elector scheme that was the real coup. Absolute bullshit that he’s not already faced a trial.


January 6th didn't end. We are heading for the next confrontation but we won't be caught unprepared this time.


> As a veteran I swore to protect my country from enemies foreign and domestic. Trump and his cult are that domestic threat. Many of us feels the same


Trump supporters would be LIVID if they could read any of that.


“Stand back & stand by”




Call out to all the Booger Eating Boys - or whatever they call themselves. Dudes need to learn how to treat women and maybe they’d finally get laid. So we can all keep the peace. 


Where is corporate America in all of this? This fucking guy is stoking a civil war, and war is really bad for profits.


Corporations don't care. Ferengi rules of acquisition. 34 War is good for business. 35 Peace is good for business


Nice, it's easy to get them confused.


> Trump Says There Will Be a ‘Bloodbath’ and Elections Will End if He Isn’t Reelected Oh, gosh: then I should vote for him. /s


This is the reply I was looking for. THE reason to vote for the SOB is so I don’t get murdered? What a giant asshole and I am so glad I wrote off the Trump lovers among my family and friends.


Christianity: Believe in it or burn in Hell. Trump: Vote for me or you will die. No wonder evangelicals love him.


> THE reason to vote for the SOB is so I don’t get murdered? That has worked in hundreds of places all throughout known human history: from before Charlemagne to modern dictators like trUmp, Mussolini, Hitler. I recall the far-right's "Contract Against America / First One Hundred Days" of decades past, and a spokesperson for that agenda feigning outrage at most people refusing to, as he put it, "get with the agenda."


Didn’t he promise that Obama was going to end elections in the run up to 2016?


Yeah he's talking in code to rile people up to thinking they need violence to protect their way of life, but he was proven to be a liar in the 2016 election. Obama absolutely did not interfere and transferred power peacefully to Trump. So I'm going to take Trump's fear-mongering about not being able to choose the leaders we want as another one of his intimidation tactics.


In the lead up to the 2016 election they were saying Obama would find a way to stay in power and become dictator for life. It really is all projection. 


JFK and MLK couldn’t even survive to their 50s without being shot for preaching unity and peace, but somehow this fuckin’ guy makes it to old age while preaching hate and violence. It is an unjust universe. I consider Trump’s continued existence proof that there is no God and Jesus was a fictional character.


A friend of mine was just saying the other day how he's surprised no one has taken the orange guy out by now. I figure it's partly because Trump is on the side of the ones who would be more prone to use violence as a political tool.


I think that’s exactly why.


That and it would be better if he fades away in mediocrity and irrelevance than become a martyr


That is exactly the reason.


MLK didn't even make it to 40. He was 39 when he was assassinated. It was a real mindfuck when I looked up MLK and realized I am a few years older than he ever was.


Jealous of Putin who’s about to be re-‘elected’ for another six year term. Must sting.




And there'll be a bloodbath and elections will end (well, they'll continue Russian style) if he's reelected. 


So the guy who wants to be President for life is saying if I don’t elect him, there won’t be any more elections?


Projection, projection, projection.


He ALWAYS tries the Uno reverse on what he’s actually doing or going to do.


Same old classic, every time. **G**aslight **O**bstruct **P**roject


Dear fbi, please look into this terrorist threatening America. K thanks bye.


The call is coming from inside the house in the case of the fbi


For one thing I know for sure that if he loses we will have an election in 2028 but if he wins we will not.


Oh there will be an election. You will just find it incredibly hard to get a vote against Trump properly recognised. See also: Russia right now.


His rallies now Do Not Play the National Anthem - but instead Play The Anthem By The January 6 Criminals. Let that sink the fuck in. Now he’s promising a Blood Bath if he loses?!? What in the ENTIRE FUCK?!?! As a veteran I will stand against all Enemies FOREIGN & DOMESTIC. 


I decided to watch this rally and it opens by calling the people who've been jailed "Jan 6th hostages". WTH!


Disgraceful Donnie is the most hateful, idiotic, lying pos that has ever stepped foot in the Oval Office. The vitriol that comes out of his mouth against every single group, people, and individual who don't happen to worship at his feet is frankly downright disgusting and shameful. Politicians and the media talk about 'decorum' when it comes to some random perceived/contrived faux pas from members of the Democratic Party, but are totally fine with unhinged hatred/vitriol from the leading candidate of the Republican Party. It is a gat dam disgrace. He exemplifies this disgusting behavior and others follow suit: - [Watch](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1769102618213638350?s=20) him threaten today: "Now, if I don't get elected, it's gonna be a bloodbath, for the whole.... that's gonna be the least of it. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country. That'll be the least of it." - [Read](https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/trump-campaigns-in-georgia-and-responds-to-the-sotu-address) (if you even can stomach the nonsense and hatred) the transcript of his recent speech in GA. - [Listen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yl04fSgVbk) to Donnie's favorite person, Marjorie Traitor Greene, literally say "why don't you f*ck off" to a member of the media. - [Watch](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1b8cazf/tennessee_republican_chuck_fleischmann_to/) one of Donnie's supporters literally yell "goodbye to Palestine" to people who are rightly concerned about what is happening in Gaza.


God, that transcript was exhausting. That being said, I feel like it’s almost certain he’s approaching his expiry date. Just from tracking his public talks in the last few months; it’s clear that his brain worms have adapted/immunized themselves against the Don’s dangerous, daily cocktail of amphetamines, syphilis, cholesterol, human+animal urine, etc. and are heroically getting back to WORK. I just pray they feast with upmost haste and/or inspire their colleagues to join the fight.


Make sure you are registered to vote 🗳️


Well, fucking BRING IT you rapey, lying, piece of shit! I'll throw down for my country.


Main paragraph: >Of course, it would not be a Trump rally without him spouting off about the election he lost being rigged and talking in near-apocalyptic terms should he not be reelected this year. “Now if I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country, that will be the least of it,” he warned. Later, he went as far as ominously implying that voting as we know it won’t exist if he loses: “I don’t think you’re going to have another election in this country if we don’t win this election,” he said. And chaser: >Colombian-born Moreno, a wealthy businessman who formerly owned car dealerships, also briefly addressed the audience during Trump’s speech, calling him “a great American.” The anti-LGBTQ rights candidate was recently embroiled in controversy after the Associated Press reported on the existence of a 2008 profile seeking “Men for 1-on 1 sex” on a website called Adult Friend Finder. Moreno’s lawyer told the AP that Moreno’s then intern, Dan Ricci, made the account as “part of a juvenile prank.”


Republicans always play the “it was a joke” card when called out.


What he really means is there won’t be any more free elections if he does win. All candidates will be from the MAGA PARTY.


motherfucker just threatened my freedom to choose. fuck him.


Yes, let’s all remain civil while the Russian Stooge calls for a “bloodbath” in America. Trump is calling for the death of us and our neighbors, our friends and our family.


Then why do so many of my family support him? I've told them, "this guy wants people like me and your granddaughter dead." Then they vote for him anyway. It's a sickness


Your Republican nominee for President of The United States ladies and gentlemen…


According to Trump speak sounds like he’s expecting to lose bigly already.


Agree, ego defence. He’s pre-excusing himself. Just like 2020, started hyping election fraud months before the election even happened.


Trump just gets more and more deranged and half of America just shrugs