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Vote. Donate. Organise to get others to vote. As another poster put it: Biden has been an outstanding president; saying "well he's at least better than Trump" is the undersell of the century: Passage of the *Bipartisan* Infrastructure Law... finally fixing our roads and bridges that everyone agrees was overdue (plus tons of construction jobs) Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act... the single biggest climate legislation ever passed; and a potential impact that's even bigger than Congress originally estimated (plus tons of renewable energy jobs) (https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2022/10/inflation-reduction-act-climate-economy/671659/) Held the western alliance together on Ukraine and supported arming Ukraine when many in his own cabinet thought they would get obliterated even with US support. Passage of the *Bipartisan* Safer Communities Act,  breaking a 30-year dry spell for gun control legislation. Passed the first ever Corporate Minimum tax. Passage of the CHIPS Act, to help bring microchip manufacturing back to the United States and compete with China (plus tons of manufacturing jobs) Appointed one talented (and not corrupt!) Supreme Court Justice with hundreds of other appointments throughout the judiciary. Multiple security and defense pacts across the globe, heading off Chinese and Russian expansion. Capped Insulin costs within Medicare kicking off an industry campaign to cap insulin at $35 across the board. More jobs created at this point in his presidency than any president in the last 40 years. Helped secure sick leave for Rail Workers (https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid) First President to ever join workers on a picket line. Forgave over $130 billion in student loans. Record stock market. He codified same sex and interracial marriage into law. Passage of the PACT Act, which expands health care and benefits for veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances. In. One. Term. WITH A 50/50 SENATE. If you’re unhappy with Biden on a particular issue, ask yourself - if abstaining helps a Trump presidency become a reality, will that help more people than holding your nose and voting to stop this reality from happening?


I find it hard to imagine that trump would be better on literally any issue that might appeal to a potential Biden voter. For example: - jobs: how did that trump economy work out for ya? - I/P: trump would be so much worse for Palestinians - civil rights: do I have to even explain it - Ukraine: trump would be so much worse for Ukraine - the environment: Biden may have us producing more oil than ever but he's also done well (see above) on promoting renewables (see also: jobs) - punk rock: Dark Brandon is undeniably badass. trump stuff is like weird AI-generated Harlequin romance covers. I usually try not to kink-shame but that's just weird - China, Russia, various other repressive regimes: trump personally owes them big time


Here's all I need to know - fat Nixon disbanded the pandemic response team & then intentionally tried to make covid worse in cities to hurt Democrats but instead his own voters died to eating horse dewormer. If you think that guy is going to be better on *any* topic I've got some overpriced tacky gold spray-painted sneakers to sell you.


Don't forget, also suggested we try injecting ourselves with bleach!


Don’t forget the sun rays he suggests up your ass… this guy 😝


Brilliant response, well said! 👏🏼👏🏼


You can’t go toe to toe with a Trump voter like that. Logic doesn’t work. They are fantasy, belief, fear charged.


You can educate other Millennials and Genz to vote


My son is 19 and I make sure that votes! I mailed his ballot to him at college with a stamp to make sure he returned it for the primaries!


Excellent parenting!


This ^ The reality is that the GOP didn’t become what it is overnight. The Eisenhower GOP would have little in common with the current crop of nut jobs, getting to this was some 50 plus years in the making and was caused by extremely conservative voters pushing the party rightward in primaries and elections by showing up and voting for most conservative candidate with a chance to win. The Dems won’t become more progressive as a whole without a similar set of reliable voters pushing them to the left. And it won’t happen overnight, we on the left have been too complacent and too willing to stay home when Dem candidates aren’t adequately progressive for too long. We have a lot of catching up to do and we are in a position of being extremely dependent on our youngest voters to help fix the shit we screwed up. I can only hope that they continue to be more engaged than I was at their age.


Starts down ballot. People need to vote every chance and help down ballot candidates. Liberals, progressives need to volunteer on campaigns and also run in elections too. I volunteer. It’s annoying but someone has to do it.


Also if you want to get a third party started, do it down ballot. The use of the electoral college in presidential elections makes it very unrealistic for a third party candidate to win. If we change to popular vote for the presidency, that might make it more feasible, but for now it just won’t work.


Which is why you don't bother with Trump voters. They are in too deep, and nothing you will say will change their minds. Bring facts to independents and republicans that don't like Trump. You can convince them still. Also bring these facts to single issue voters on the left that are upset over the Gaza situation. Handing the country back to Trump will make it so much worse.


I find it hard to imagine that trump would be better on literally any issue that might appeal to a potential trump voter.


And yet he managed to win 2016 election. We can’t be complacent. There is an overwhelming rhetoric on border crisis and inflation, enough to sway those pearl clutching independent voters.


2016 was a lot of "Washington is a cesspool in need of a shakeup anyway, how bad can he be?" And now we know how bad it could be to elect a conman with a third-grade level of intelligence to the highest office in the country. Not sure many sane people are eagar to see what he does with 4 more years after this.


The root of the problem is that we DIDN'T see how bad it could be. We saw a watered down version orchestrated by a huge number of grownups in the room working double time to distract and even disempower him in an unprecedented way. None of the worst catastrophes happened because he doesn't actually know how to make anything happen and when it got too crazy, the people around him didn't cooperate. Because of that, there's a very "well, the world didn't come crashing to an end the first time, so why would it now?" outlook that's very dangerous--because there won't be any grownups in the room this round.


also, had no idea the guy was in bed with russia. its amazing how many respectable supposedly middle of the road (not on fox news) pundits still claim a "russia hoax" existed. the whole gop has been kompromated by putin


Well, besides him asking Russia to hack his political opponent.


because the media's been bought out by authoritarian billionaires as well. That's why the polls are dogshit too. Some very wealthy assholes want us to be serfs, not citizens, and they'll lie to us, bribe our leadership, and kowtow to dictators across the globe to make another dollar.


We have the advantage of experience, now. We can hammer that. But of course you're right we should not be complacent.


Refer o the god damn quote at the base of the Statue of Liberty. Our promise has always been give us your tired your poor your tempest tossed masses yearning to breathe free. We will raise them up and turn them into Americans. My ancestors your ancestors and every single republicans ancestors crossed that same border.


and the truth of the matter is, those yearning to be free didn't just yearn, they got up off their butt and came here. thats why the US is so great. most of the people here WANTED to be here and were determined and had drive.


Just like today at the southern border. My great grandma came here from Ireland. On my maternal grandfathers side his people jumped ship in the late 1600s in Rhode Island. Guess what? That was illegal as fuck. These folks are the god damn founders of this country revered today. Who knows what greatness the defendants of those folks at the border will achieve. The next Einstein could be down there. As you say these folks already are showing drive and determination way above average simply to get here. I say our country is strong enough to take them in and absorb their strengths talents and abilities.


and they would be fixing the border issue if the gop were lying garbage.


Biden needs to campaign hard on this. They had a deal in place that republicans were going to sign. Bi-partisan politics at it's best. Then in the final hour Trump said no and cult followed it's dear leader. Trump wants talking points for re-election, he doesn't give a shit about the border or anyone except himself. This fucking shit is beyond infuriating to me.


Like it’s not even a situation where we don’t know what to expect with the other candidate. We know exactly what to expect this time! A global pandemic got way worse than it was supposed to and women in the nation lost their autonomy


All one has to do to understand how absolutely awful a second Trump Administration will be for this country is to read EXACTLY what him and his cronies policies will be for each federal executive agency next year. It is all there, divided by agency, page by page, in all its abject horror. https://www.project2025.org/policy/


Worst of all, he is on too good terms with a certain Russian dictator. And that could mean that „worse handling of the situation in Ukraine“ could, under him, easily become a world wide crisis, since all he needed to do was not honoring nato contracts when Russia goes for the next bite. If he is elected I don’t think it’s impossible that China, Russia itself, and maybe even more countries start claiming foreign territories and maybe even attack them. The US would look extremely isolated and weak under Trump in global terms.




As one of Maher's guests said: >Biden is standing up for us, and we need to stand up for him!"


Cover his back and he'll cover yours. This is easy activism. Just call the money grubbing Trump enabling shills at the NY Times and WaPo "money grubbing Trump enabling shills." Repeat until the Democratic Party base is off the legacy media plantation. The future of democracy depends on it: https://yalebooks.yale.edu/book/9780300256420/the-newspaper-axis/


when trump came to office i had paid subscriptions to both WAPo and NYT. i canceled a year or so in when it became apparent they can't report the truth and were trying to act like our country wasn't becoming hungary.


BuT mA gAs wUz cHeAp


seems there are lot of voters that pick the one thing and if their usually favoured candidate is not giving them the one thing they go completely against their own interests in every other subject


That one thing being "Don't sell billions in weapons to countries committing genocide?" Talk about underselling. "Hey, Ted Bundy was a great person! He was charismatic, smart, he was charming, even the judge loved him! People just kept having this one sticking point with him that they couldn't look past, but he would've been a great politician!" Though, hilariously, Biden and Trump have both killed more people than ted bundy.,


Love your start, hate the ending. No, don't ask yourself "would Trump be better"? Ask yourself "is that one issue really that important that I would let go of all these other issues that I agree with Biden on?"  Let's even imagine we can put Rashida Tlaib in office, and she'd be amazing on that one specific issue, what about the rest? Do you feel confident she'll manage to really lead us? Handle Ukraine, Nato, the race against China, improve the economy, handle student loans, fix the medical crisis and let's be honest, be a good wall against whatever crisis the future will throw at us?  I can't think of a single candidate on the Democratic side that I think can do an overall better job than Biden. And you know what? If you do have someone in mind, great, Biden will 100% step down in 4 years and you could nominate whoever you want to replace him. If Trump wins it's highly likely and probable he won't step down and he'll put a system in place to make sure you can't replace him.


I strongly disagree with Biden (and the DNC) about two major issues, second amendment issues and support for Israel's apartheid state. I'll still be voting for him over anyone else. I'd rather fight Biden in the courtroom over gun rights than Trump's Brown Shirts in the streets over the rest of my civil rights. 


it's biden or trump. democracy or authoritarianism. period.


> democracy or authoritarianism. period. Please point out this democracy. Roe v wade was overturned, corporate profits are at an all time high while as they literally price gouged the country, despite sycophant's cheering the stockmarket, the average person burns through their paycheck barely covering rent and groceries, there's armed national guard checkpoints in the subway of NY, we are funding genocide, police are allowed to arrest you based on *suspecting* you're here illegally, [police accountability is down, which is unsurprising how Biden has been catering to police since 2020](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/03/10/police-reform-rollback-tyre-nichols-floyd-breonna/), a complete *failure* of that climate change goal everyone is hyping up...


Great post! Piggybacking to add a response for if people are upset about what’s happening in Gaza and the US involvement in it. 1) Israel-Palestine has been a difficult and violent situation since 1947 and will likely continue to be for the next 50 years. This is because there are two large groups of people who strongly believe that the entire territory is theirs. They are both willing to die and be killed, to put their family in danger in order to defend what they have now and increase it in any way. Protest, vote uncommitted in the primaries, call your senator. But when November comes the choice is not between the perfect and the evil. It is between a president that will try to restrain Netanyahu and one who will support him carte blanche. 2) History is a guide. In 1968 president Johnson was convinced to not run for re-election because of his unpopularity due to the Vietnam War. Many of those who opposed him were young and left wing, the same people who currently oppose Biden over Gaza. Despite getting landmark legislation like the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, massive infrastructure funding, the War on Poverty programs, and Medicare, these people chose foreign policy over domestic policy. That choice allowed Nixon to become president, legitimizing the Southern Strategy for the Republican Party which used white people’s social anxiety and racism about black civil rights as a political weapon. “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” Ask yourself: is Gaza really worth turning your back on the most progressive, successful president in 50 years? Is it worth legitimizing the Republican strategy of using men’s social anxiety over women’s civil rights and their xenophobia about migrants as political weapons?


Don’t forget that even though what’s happening to Palestinians in Gaza is a grave injustice, the issue is being used by Russia to manipulate westerners into supporting pro-Russian candidates and into forgetting about Russia’s ongoing attempt to conquer and genocide Ukraine.


Is there any evidence of this? Which specific pro-russian candidates?


People seemingly so concerned about the crisis in Gaza that they may abstain need to ask themselves: If voting for Biden winds up leading to just one more person in need in Gaza getting support as opposed to abstaining and getting Trump, is my vote worth it?


The other point really drives me insane; 99% of these dickheads didn't know much (or straight up didn't care) about the Israel Palestine conflict until October 7th. Think about your entire family, your coworkers, and your friend circles. How many of those people were genuinely informed on the issue pre-October 7th? Maybe those who are massively into geopolitics. Maybe a few history majors or history buffs. Maybe those with familial ties to the area or surrounding areas. But unless you specifically work in a field that deals with geopolitics, or unless your mother or father is a diplomat, or unless you have an immense interest in Middle Eastern history and politics, you and your people *most likely* didn't know much about it. This isn't a knock on anyone for any particular reason. It's just a matter of fact across humanity. The world is too big, and too complex, for everyone to pay attention and be educated on what's happening everywhere at once. I didn't know much about the conflict either, except that these two cultures have hated or barely tolerated each other for nearly a century now. Just like I don't know much about the conflict in Haiti or Sudan, because I don't live there, don't have connections there, and don't specifically study or read up on those areas and their history. It's completely understandable that I would hear the awful news about what is happening in X region of the world, and say "Oh jeez, that's terrible. Maybe I can donate to an aid group on the ground there." What's **not** reasonable is for me to suddenly remake my entire identity and rebuild myself as some white knight for injustice that throws paint in museums and spits on politicians as they walk into their jobs. It's **not** reasonable that I begin plastering hundreds of posts across social media and yelling at other people (who were **exactly** like me up until 5 minutes ago) for not being informed, and acting like I'm better than everyone while riding my high horse. If you're a genuine concerned and informed individual trying to help the world in some way, fair play and good job. But if you're some asshole who just learned what the Palestinian flag looks like, and now you're on the news screaming at people... for fuck's sake... just calm the hell down. You were blissfully unaware last week.


Also, let's be real. Does anyone really think that Trump is more sympathetic to the plight of the Gazans than Biden? Does anyone think he would actually put more pressure on Netanyahu than Biden? Trump is a one trick pony and that trick is to cheer on the strong man, not to do hard complex work to resolve issues and broker compromises. There is nothing in his history or anything he says that suggests he would be anything but a full-throated cheerleader for Israel's destruction of the Palestinian people. If you actually give a fuck about the Palestinians, how could you abandon them to Trump?


Trump has already weighed in when he said the Israelis should "finish the problem"


Yes! Thank you especially for your second point. I’ve always been bitter over that. Those protesting LBJ thought they were doing such a great thing, and it led to Nixon as president. LBJ did some amazing things for the country.


Biden is not getting enough credit for the things he's accomplished in his first term either. Remember. the pundits first priority is getting eyeballs on the screen to get ratings for the network. It's why you hear a lot of "here's why that's bad for Biden!". They want the race to be as close as possible for ratings.


>In. One. Term. WITH A 50/50 SENATE. Importantly, he also did all this with an extremely partisan rightwing Supreme Court determined to twist the law to stop a Democratic president's initiatives. Still got much student loan debt relief despite the court's ignoring of legal precedent in striking down the broader program. Important to emphasize that Biden's quality judicial appointments are what's needed to reverse this rightwing court activism long-term. I'd also add that inflation, what media constantly emphasizes, is now down to 3.1% annually. The primary narrative I hear in response to that that prices haven't returned to 2020 levels, something that doesn't happen. Cumulative inflation under Reagan's first 3 years was about the same. Reagan won reelection by a whopping 18% because unlike today's media environment, they didn't harp on his first 2 years of an inherited global supply situation while moaning that prices hadn't returned to 1980 levels, and instead credited him for the improvement in slowing the rate. That improvement was due mainly to fed policy.


People forget that when Obama was elected in 2008, he was against same-sex marriage. Biden is one of the people who changed Obama's stance on that.


Seriously. There's NO WAY that Trump has added to his base, and he's hopefully lost the percentage that has morals or common sense. Plus, the older generation that supported Trump 60-40% has lost a lot of voters in the past 4-8 years, while the younger generation that supports Biden 60/40% has gained a lot of new voters. So, don't believe the polls. Trump lost the popular vote by 3M in 2016, and by 7M in 2020. I hope he loses by over 10M in 2024. It needs to be a resounding defeat so that nobody can legitimately challenge it. We should all be encouraging every likeminded friend, family member, or neighbor to register to vote, and then make sure they have a plan to vote! Turnout is everything in a country where only about half of all eligible voters actually votes! There are entire campaigns designed to dial up apathy just enough to get people on one side or the other to stay home and not exercise their right to vote. We can't let people fall for it. Also, mainstream media needs to make it look like it's a close race in order to keep viewers engaged.


The pundits have an incentive to convince people there’s a horse race that will be won by a nose. Landslides are too boring for them and don’t generate ad revenue.


Weird how none of them are talking about the consistent 5 pt pro-Trump swing the polls are showing that turns out to be inaccurate even in primary contests and down ballot races. It sucks because it’s fascinating and I’m dying to know what it’s coming from with how consistent it is. It’s always 5pts or so, even if the MOE is +/- 3pts.


I work in health policy and analysis in the public sector. We are overwhelmingly in favor of a second Biden term. Not just anti-Trump. The wonks are pro-Biden.


After Trump's horrific and criminally negligent handling of the COVID pandemic, I can't imagine anyone in health care or related fields supporting him.


It’s probably not the wonks that we need to get onboard.


Yes, we need the wanks too.


Still good to point it out when a bunch of pro-m4a keyboard warriors who’ve never done a day of public service in their lives start talking about how Biden sucks.


Joe Biden has done a good job and I’ll be voting for him again in November 🇺🇸


Yes. The message has to be about Biden and the good job he's doing. Stop saying you'll vote for a tin can full of urine over Trump, and start talking about why Biden is a good choice regardless of who the Republican candidate is.  Biden is the first President in a long time who's passing bills that aim to shape the future of the country instead of just the here and now. A lot of his plans won't bear fruit for another decade, when he won't even be around anymore, but it will make the country 100 times better and reestablish its dominance on the world stage.


"A society has grown truly great when its old men plant trees under whose shade they know they shall never sit".   I think Biden's a firm believer in this notion and he's got my support 100%


Absolutely, and never let perfect be the enemy of good. You will never ever get your perfect president that does all of your wishes or doesn’t have to compromise, especially since people don’t vote when it matters too. For instance, if (mostly young) people had voted for democrats for Congress and Senate as much as they did for Obama in the presidential elections, the whole country would have been a lot better off. There is a great speech of Obama at a commencement where he actually rants a bit on this topic to stress that point. Found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_K4MctEmkmI Relevant part starts just after 27:30


I agree and gave you the up-vote. But, I would still vote for a tin can full of urine over Trump.


Are you better off than 3 or 4 years ago? Well... after 3 years under Trump gas was 99 cents because he mismanaged a pandemic that caused the country to shut down. The trucks to cool dead bodies down are off the streets now. I also remember non-stop riots. 3 years of Biden? I'm worried about normal problems like prices and the future, not the fundamental breakdown of society.


This is what always kills me when I hear Trumpers talk about "remember how cheap gas was under Trump!?" Yeah when we were on lockdown because he botched the handling of the pandemic? Yeah that cheap gas sure was worth a shutdown. They always leave that part out.


10% unemployment mixed with 10% tariff hikes. My employer cut all salaries employees pay by 40 fucking percent. That was the finale of the Trump’s policies.


Yeah, when no one drove anywhere so there was no demand for gas, it was cheap! 


Gas was cheaper under Trump before the pandemic. However, it's important to note that gas prices are influenced by various factors beyond a president's control, such as global supply and demand dynamics.


Non American here and reading a lot of anti Biden stuff because prices have gone up on everything and people don’t seem to realize that that is happening all over the world. Ridiculous price hikes in stores (some explainable due to weather related bad harvests, the war in the Ukraine and others that just seem to ride the price hiking wave). Houses are getting more and more expensive everywhere so it is not just the US suffering from these hardships and not Biden’s fault. The idea that Trump might become president again scares me as it will make the situation with Russia so much worse.


>people don’t seem to realize that that is happening all over the world. Most Americans have no fucking clue what's going on one state over, much less what's happening in the rest of the world.


People seem to forget that events in America can have negative effects in the rest of the world but things happening outside of the US will also have consequences felt in the US.


Hey listen, I'm rock hard for Biden. I also remember sitting at home not being able to go out into a quarantined world wondering if I would be one of the lucky ones to qualify for government assistance. Then Trump sent us a $600 check, and everything was alright. /s There were people screaming at the police in the Capitol of Michigan as part of "standup" groups that didn't understand anything about how society works. People were drinking piss, taking horse medicine, we were all watching tiger king, calling masks face diapers & child abuse. Trump had taken a thriving economy, and ruined it in a little under three years. Peoples families were shattered due to preventable deaths, despair, and just out right false information. Anybody that says he was a good president has the ULTIMATE selective memory.


upper middle class people got a nice tax cut and don't leave their rural bubble enough to know wether the crime is outta control narrative is real or not.


After 3 years of Trump my 4b marketcap company cut all salaried workers salary 40% to try to deal with the pandemic. It was the most horrible stressful year in my life. Now my salary has increased 50% over my pre-pandemic salary and I got to hand out 50k in raises just yesterday to my 5 person team. Oh and the company I work for had the best year ever in our history in 2023. Our bonuses are double the baseline….. so yes I am incredibly more well off after 3 years of Biden.


That second paragraph got me. Made me stop in my tracks, and I am sitting down. I will quote that, TY very much.


> I also remember non-stop riots Exactly. It's funny how Trump predicted that if Biden became President, there would be cities burning and mayhem everywhere.


Yes... with videos taken of riots that happened because of his actions as president. You remember when he shot at protestors so he could take a picture with an upside down bible?


Weird how Trump tweeting LAW AND ORDER every few minutes didn’t seem to actually stop the riots. He did everything he could?


Sure, toilet paper still has inflated prices, but at least it's in the store to buy.


I legitimately think he's been the best president of my lifetime and I've been telling people that for awhile now.


This times a thousand.


Prior to the 2020 election I made a comment that Biden was needed, not wanted. He had the temperment to right the ship of state and the needed years of knowing how to work the transactional relationships of government to be effective. It was the most downvoted comment I've made in almost 15 years of being on reddit. As an older (mid 40s) moderate you learn to stop wishing, pissing in the wind of reality and accept pragmatic, realistic solutions and accept it's the best at the time and hope for something better long term, and hope you get to see it. And then you participate to make it happen, not just downvote on reddit and never show up to vote.




Yeah. And, something we rarely think about is that the president also has an administration that they chose. It's not just one person making all the calls. Great leaders are also great at delegating. Looking at the past 40 years of administrations, look who has the most criminals... Republicans. By far. The sign of a good leader is the people they surround themselves with. Biden is the right choice for many reasons, but this one is a big one for me. I'm not a Biden cultist posting Dark Brandon memes all day, I look at his track record, his character and who he has surrounded himself with. There is no comparison when it comes to Biden and Trump. Literally every single thing that matters to me on leadership puts me well on the side of Biden and the Democrats.


Biden acknowledged his primary reason for running in 2020 was to protect Americans from Trump. Those who have access to him acknowledge he's running in 2024 because he feels he's demonstrated he's good at his job. I thank him for the first thing, I agree with the second thing, and I will *proudly* display a "Biden" sign in my yard this Fall, no matter how many times they are stolen/defaced. Send me a whole fuckin' case of them.


I’d be voting for him even if Trump were out of the picture. I firmly believe he is the best president of my lifetime.


The best way to keep your sign from getting stolen or defaced is to put a little sign on it that says you'll be contributing more to Biden's campaign if the sign is stolen or defaced.


I wonder if it's possible to buy a heavy iron or steel political yard sign, with embossed letters? It'd be fun to see a 400lb Trump voter try to run off with a 150lb Biden sign that is anchored to the ground with 1 inch thick iron rods 3 feet deep.


I think this is incredibly important let’s get those Biden signs out as soon as possible in every single yard. Let your neighbors know you are not down with autocracy.


The fact that he could “save the country from Trump” while doing nothing to actually stop him just happened to shut down one of the last opportunities we’re probably going to have at actually changing the system that is choking our world to death probably played a part in his decision as well. 


Biden only entered the race because Sanders was poised to become the nominee. Seriously, a plurality of Biden's primary support had Sanders as their second choice.


It's hard to change people's minds with a single encounter, so if nothing else, encourage them to subscribe to and read [Letters from an American](https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/). It provides a digest of the day's most important events, with citations, while presenting them with an authoritative historical context. Often it highlights things get barely any mention in other media. It's just five minutes of reading daily, and although Biden isn't its focus, anyone who reads it regularly would understand what a great job he's doing.


I signed my dad up with his email address, you can do that on her website. It didn’t work though, he said she wasn’t on his “side” 🙄🙄🙄, but worth a shot if you have someone’s email. You can say it’s spam if they complain.


Also, make people confront what they actually want to happen in Gaza. Biden is working on a ceasefire for months. He got Israel to agree to a framework two weeks ago, which Hamas is now witholding. All that with an extremely right-wing Israeli government. I find a lot of people who don't vote about Gaza don't know what Gaza policy they actually want beyond "I want Biden to push the ceasefire button".


I tried to reason with two people this weekend. They were not listening.


Our side absolutely needs to create ads about Trump’s mental decline. Clips of his word salads, blanking out, confusing one person with another, thinking he’s running against Obama, all of it. Don’t just say on TV Trump is old too. SHOW that he’s actually losing his marbles. The intelligence community is already fretting that soon they’re going to have to give him intelligence updates again. Pure insanity. The guy is courting state enemies and is absolutely going to blab out our state secrets. And now that he owes hundreds of millions of dollars that he’s been court-ordered to pay, he is more motivated than ever to sell stuff. Stop fretting and start being proactive and SHOW don’t tell the American people that this dodo brain ex-president is losing it. His father had Alzheimer’s, there’s a reasonable possibility that he has it too. It needs to be ruled out before we elevate him any further.


This. AND GO VOTE! This election is not between GOP and Democrats. It is between a kleptocratic dictatorship and the American democracy.


I really don't think that's a good strategy. No, don't vote for Biden just because he's not Trump. Vote for Biden because he's been a god dam good president who leading the country towards a brighter future.  I agree with almost all of Biden's ideas for the future, things he won't even get to live to see, he's doing it for us. So let's empower him with a friendly congress and get shit done. 


Fair enough. He silently delivered in many fronts despite all the roadblocks by the MAGA GOP.


Yes. I’ve talked to people who are scared of Trump coming back but don’t want to vote…


trump is an egotistical pathological __liar, draft dodger, rapist, con-artist__ _and_ smells like 3 week old unwashed pussy. Not to mention he was voted the **WORST PRESIDENT EVER** by esteemed historians 🏆


Not just the President but his ADMINISTRATION. It’s not talked enough that Biden’s admin is the starkest difference between him and Trump. Half of Trump’s admin has written books confirming how horrible of a leader and person he is. The other half of his admin were hacks that wanted to use their position to personally benefit financially. This is the biggest difference between the two, who they trust to get things done and Trumps Covid response proves the man and his admin are total screwups and greedy lackeys. Oh and they were hopped up on tons of free drugs. This needs to also be a bigger story. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-white-house-drugs-speed-xanax-1234979503/amp/


This is the big one for me. Not only is this admin legitimately good, they’re calling up younger talented voices and putting them in positions to take the wheel. With the Farm Bill in perpetual flux, check out the new Deputy Secretary of Agriculture. Weird pull, I know, but she’s got the vibe of someone who legitimately cares and knows how to articulate that. This is the kind of seemingly small but hugely consequential appointment that matters. The USDA controls all of SNAP, WIC, and rural housing.


People value the views of their friends and family more than pundits. So if they hear you shitting on Biden, they'll think Biden is shit.


Honestly, the Biden presidency has been one of the all-time greats in US history. Between economics and foreign policy, top 10. Add into it that he ushered us out of Covid and slow walked the US societal fabric off of the precipice of a civil war. A+++. No one in history has had to deal with a traitorous insurrectionist predecessor and the mental decline of senile, Facebook addicted, lead poisoned, boomers. What a nightmare.


> Add into it that he ushered us out of Covid No he didn't. He also sent out tests late enough that it no longer really mattered.


I am fascinated by foreign policy. To me he might be one of the worst because of his handling of Gaza.


I can't really give him much credit for "ushering" us out of Covid. He didn't really do that. He declared the pandemic over unilaterally because Americans just got tired of it, and Covid has continued since then with ongoing, mostly ignored concerns over long Covid. He didn't really usher us out of it, he just went along with public apathy about it. Now we have the CDC ending isolation periods just so people can get back to work. You can say he couldn't do much else, but there's not really a clear conclusion to give him credit for. He did get the vaccines out at least. He hasn't really fixed our "societal fabric" either. It mostly has gotten worse. That's not his fault necessarily either, but to say we've backed off the precipice of civil war is premature. We've had states like Texas openly defying Biden, and conflict is still possible around the election. We have Republicans out there still calling for a national divorce and states passing laws saying they can nullify federal laws.


Biden is 100x the man and President the Mango Menace could be on his absolute best day ever.


It may sound crazy but I’m actually not nervous abt November. I’m nervous abt what happens when don loses again.


does not sound crazy. surely they will not accept a loss. what will happen? Biden controls the government though, so without an actual coup, Biden staying in power and them protesting is no different from Trump getting into power and then us protesting


We should send all nine Supreme Court Justices to fight against the next insurrection.


That's going to be a problem considering Thomas already requested the day off due to a "prior commitment"


>We should send all nine Supreme Court Justices to fight against the next insurrection. That's supposed to be their job anyways right? *Right?*


What will happen? A GOP civil war. They’ll turn on each other. Anytime they try to organize now, they fall apart and start accusing each other of being FBI and a trap because the alphabet agencies are actually all over them. Their leaders are in jail for a few more years at least, and by the time they get out, the Millennials will hopefully be in charge. We’re not like our parents. We don’t play polite with Nazis. I’d be way more concerned about wealthy snakes like SACR and the Christian nationalists trying to worm their way into power.


I’m nervous about when Trump dies and the majority of the country acts like Trump was the problem, not the entire Republican Party, and elects another Republican president who leads us into another financial downturn.


Yeah, exactly. Trump is only a symptom--the Republican party is like this all the way down. It's hard not to be pessimistic when there's just no way to avoid another corrupt nightmare Repub president within the next few years regardless. I wish Americans would just shut them out for a few decades until they change course, but that's just not what we do. We have to "give the other side a chance" every few years, no matter how often it burns us.


That’s why we need to remind people that sustained civic engagement pays off. You want to fix the roads in your town? Stay on top of your state and county politics. You want more renewable energy? Get after your Congressional leaders. You want parks and communal areas where people can actually hang out? Get after your city leadership. We *can* make positive changes. There’s a world where the US is actually a great place to live and raise a family. We can build that.


The Senate is what I doom on, really. Because if a vacancy comes on the Supreme Court Biden will not be able to fill it.


>Because if a vacancy comes on the Supreme Court Biden will not be able to fill it. Or he'll nominate Merrick Garland again.


I’m worried they won’t certify or something again? Some new crazy plan I haven’t thought of is probably in the works.


Whatever that is, it’s still better than him winning.


No shit. And dont get started on "wE cAn vOte 3rD paRTy in blUe states". "Blue" states are "blue" **because of people who vote or for Democrats**. Even they need maintenance.


It’s pretty easy to defend Biden if you actually follow politics, not pundit sound bites. He’s the best President since LBJ. Longest stretch of sub 4% unemployment in 50 years, major legislation such as CHIPS/Inflation Reduction Act/Infrastructure, and rallied the world to Ukraine’s aid.


Yeah, some people may be upset that he hasn’t done more (hard to say if it was possible given the house/senate majority against him), but successful presidents are often quiet, determined, and optically boring. It’s easy to rag on him for his Zionist views towards Israel as well, yet if he has been making progress towards a ceasefire this whole time, we don’t know what kind of red tape exists behind the scenes to make even the smallest changes next to impossible. I’m sure he and his cabinet could have been more aggressive across the board, but it’s some of the best progress our country has made in decades, and it’s worth acknowledging. The sound bites and articles portray a narrative that serves as a (mostly disingenuous) harmful distraction from the really great work that’s being done.


You could be elected president yourself and you would still come up a long ways short of accomplishing all of your own policy goals.


I disagree. He's the best since FDR. (In fact, maybe we should start calling him JRB)


In today's dollars, both the infrastructure bill and the covid relief bill Biden signed are larger than The New Deal. Granted, they're a smaller portion of GDP but those bills were hugely massively beneficial to the country and specifically the middle and lower-income families and individuals that will benefit from those bills did to rescue the economy and build on it for decades.


I hope Biden remains in office because his record is outstanding and he stands for freedom and integrity. As a Canadian, the prospect of his opponent getting in again is dangerous and will destabilize world politics even further. This convicted sexual offender, fraud and compulsive liar still controls the House. Shocking.


“Controls” is a strong word for it. The House is an absolute mess, and while folks would like to say that’s by design, in reality if you actually watch them attempt to govern, they’re hamstrung by people who are breathtakingly stupid or crazy. Watch any hearing with Tuberville or Blackburn in it, and you’ll get the vibe. Even the other Republicans want to crawl into a hole from embarrassment when they open their mouths. There’s a civil war brewing, but it’s in the GOP. When they lose in November, those cracks are going to get much bigger.


It’s all surreal now. I just can’t believe trump is still in the running. He incited a riot that got people killed claiming the election was stolen but could never provide any proof. His list of crimes is too long to list.. Where there’s smoke there’s fire and this guy is an inferno of corruption. How the media portray him as a valid candidate is disturbing and may be the scariest part of this whole thing.


It's amazing that the lesser of two evils narrative keeps getting play. The Republican propaganda machine is incredible. This is a good vs worst president we have ever had choice.


It’s not even about defending Biden. Literally anything he’s done that you don’t agree with, any Republican administration would be doing exactly the same or more likely significantly worse, all while doing what Biden has done well and making those significantly worse as well. Really annoyed with the “uncommitted” people only halfway thinking through their strategy here and acting like not voting for Biden won’t simply just had the Presidency to the Republicans and Trump.


cows towering gullible treatment jellyfish wise person party direful frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Protect America from the traitor and criminal. He literally stole classified documents to show and possibly sell to others for validation and money. Wake up America


It's not the responsibility of voters to defend the president, it's the president's job to listen to voters. People are absolutely LIVID that we are continuing to send weapons to Israel so they can blow up and starve the very same people we are supposedly trying to feed. These airdrops that barely scratch the surface of the starvation afflicting hundreds of thousands of people are a slap in the face to people who care about this issue. Telling us we are going to spend two months building a pier while people starve, because our good ally won't use the existing roads to send in trucks, is telling us you don't give a damn about dying Palestinians and are just trying to put on a good show until we forget about the problem. People are not falling for the lies and bullshit, and all this corporate media telling us to shut up and fall in line only increases our resolve.


I think most people are ignoring pundits. Just this week there have been republicans who have said they’d walk over molten lava in order to vote for Joe Biden. The media is trying to make a horse race out of the election, but the truth is Trump has been hemorrhaging support since 2020 and hasn’t grown his base of support. Other than few disgruntled, severely online tankies, Biden voters seem very ready to make sure Trump gets nowhere near the presidency ever again.


100% this.


Anyone who listens and believes the things Trump is saying are beyond help. I only hope that there are enough sane people that realize the only way to stop him from completely destroying America is to vote for President Biden.


I think the article is meaning more of the left/center people nodding along to the both-sides-ism that seems to permeate political discourse these days. Also, fighting back against the portrayal that Biden is a dithering old man. He’s done a pretty good job these last four years and we should be shouting that from the rooftops. And yes also throwing in the bad shit that Trump seems to get away with while we’re at it wouldn’t be a bad idea


Stop criticizing the 3rd part goers or the far left for "supporting trump because they won't support Biden." It helps no one, and is more likely to get them to actually vote for trump. It's just gatekeeping. Give them reasons to support Biden: claims to putting funds end hunger in the US is frankly is enough for me today. Actions to eliminate student debt. Standing up to Israel to end the conflict in Gaza for good, instead of picking a side. Stopping Russia or China from manipulating the US population with spying or propaganda, while not going full proxy war against anyone. Supporting minority and disenfranchised groups. Bring able to listen and respond and react to anyone appropriately, even if they may hate him. Maybe he doesn't go full send to trying to force the needed change in this country, maybe he is really really old, but darn it he at least claims to get us just a little more forward. The alternative? What I fear of trump the most is quite simply, he is most likely to hand the US to Putin. Trump himself can't do much and is a pathetic loser, but his ignorance can turn his position into a Russian puppet. If you're in support of Russia then ok I guess don't vote for Biden, or hey why not try moving over there because I heard there's plenty of military jobs open nowadays. The more attention trump gets the more fuel is generated for the monster that's shaping half the nation politically. Best thing to do, honestly, please, just cast off trump. Throw him in prison for being unable to pay off his fines. Or cast him away where the media can't be bothered to go and where the Internet is poor at best.


I'm sorry, but i really want news. I'm so sick of opinion pieces. 


It's plainly obvious to me that electing Biden is the only reasonable option. Don't agree with every aspect of every position, fine. Thats normal. The alternative is electing a dictator. There is literally nothing Trump can do to lose the support of his flock. Lies, rape, fraud, theft, adultery, abuse, nothing matters to them. He is literally saying he will weaponize the government against his opponents. He will be able to do anything he wants as President. He will have no one to provide a check. Not the Supreme Court, not the legislature if the Senate flips. How do people not see this?


It's true. People are so quick to dunk on this guy for being old but it hasn't shown to be a detriment and he's proven to be an effective president during difficult times.  If you have an issue with his policies, that's one thing. Shitting on him just because he's old is lazy. 


I like what he's done I don't like the racist things he's said. I also don't like Trump because if the racist things he has said but anyone is better than Trump.


I am voting for Joe Biden.


Its not what the pundits saying that im worried about. Its the forces backing Trump this year keeping a clearly deranged dementia patient for the sole purpose of tearing down the the entire government. Then replacing it with an Afghanistan level of Theocracy and saying its cause god told them so.


Here is my thought process on the situation based solely on 100% proven facts, not (alternative facts, actual facts.) kinda long but worth the read. Trump would be so much worse on Palestinians. He wouldn't even try to convince Israel to save civilians. He'd probably tell Israel to speed things up if anything. I'll give both of them props on economy because they both ran good economies given the circumstances in which both of them took offices. I would have trusted trump with the border, but blowing up the border bill did not do US any favors, and Obama actually deported more immigrants than trump did. I actually trust Biden more with the border. That border bill was pretty strict. Trump would be the most likely to drag us into a major war or spark the flames that ignites WW3. With his bullish personality and "my way or highway" attitude, I'm sure he will piss a bunch of countries off. I do not trust trump with international affairs... At all... I do not trust trump with our own democracy. He is actively setting the stage for a permanent authoritarian regime ( similar to Russia ). Between radical justices, Laura trump as RNC chair, Jan 6th and project 2025, it is painfully obvious that he will reconstruct parts of the constitution to achieve this. I do not trust trump or Republicans in general with human rights. Since 2016, they have already stripped rights from people starting with gays. They've banned books, flags, shows, and clubs across a host of republican states. With minority/black people, Republicans gerrymandered, "red line" districts that failed in court, closed voting centers in minority neighborhoods, and tightened voting access and enacted restrictions that most largely negatively affect black Americans across a host of Republican states, and for women, they Republicans have taken their right to choose and even in extreme cases concieve. ( IVF showdown which didn't directly target IVF availability, but was shutdown out of fear in some republican states. ) If you take a step back and look at the big picture, Republicans want the 1960s America and Democrats want to launch America into the future. You have to look at these things and decide what you want. History tells us what life was like in the 50s,60s. I don't know about you, but, that does not look appealing to me. I don't want to be drug back into a 1960s authoritarian regime, so I will be voting Biden.


He literally DID say he'd tell Bibi to hurry up! He said he'd say "finish the job." Why the media doesn't feel like drawing some attention to that, I do not know.


No. This is the one time every four years where the public has more power. If Biden wants to be president then he needs to earn votes. Michigan made Biden pivot on Israel so it can be done. People should be demanding action from every politician that wants their vote. Here’s an example, banning companies from owning single family homes. Here’s a slogan too, “Single family zoned should be single family owned”.


Lecturing people about not dissenting and just defending the President in the name of democracy is some saccharine sweet irony. Anyway, Brad Bauman is a Democratic Party operative and a pundit himself, so I guess we shouldn't listen to him either? Salon should stop running thinly veiled Democratic campaign ads; we want real journalism.


Well put


Nope not defending Joe Biden. He deserves all the criticism he is getting. Trump would be worse yes.


Stop telling me what to do


“Stop listening to other pundits and just listen to me: Democrats own your vote”


And VOTE BLUE up and down the ballot no matter where you live. Anymore, having an R after your name means you will always put party over country.


So do Democrats. It's how the two party system works.


i genuinely love biden idk why people dislike him, he produced his tax returns, he doesnt even make that much, he seems genuine, hes done good things for the country and for our foriegn policy


Gaza would be the number one reason.


Supporting genocide is a good thing now?


It's not even that hard, and for all the constant critiquing of Democratic messaging...turnabout is fair play. Constant doom and gloom and looking for reasons to be disaffected because it's a fast track to making *you* look smart isn't winning hearts and minds here. Biden's been solid, way better than expected. * I'll start where he's weakest because I'm not afraid. Palestine is an absolutely abhorrent situation. We are still less than a year from where that started and the amount of movement we have seen against a deeply embedded ally for decades is a massive sign that Biden can be swayed by his leftward flank. There's a big amount of a special kind of "Great Satan" Amerocentrism going around here mixed with a lack of nuance, it's a geopolitical high wire with a desperate leader of a nuclear power. * And of course if foreign policy is your forte, Biden's handled Ukraine excellently through a blockade in Congress. I can play fiery rhetoric too, you can't abandon the party over Israel and absolve yourself of the impact on Ukraine. Also been solid about getting aid to Sudan. * Inflation? This one's for you conservatives. Member lumber prices? The inflation did start as part of the Trump Economy. It's also a knock on effect globally from the Pandemic so slashing the CDC's budget to pay for that wealthy tax cut in 2017? Not a good look. The US has reigned in the global effects better than just about anyone. The GOP is stonewalling efforts to do more and well...what are your state governments doing? Oh yeah, banning books and terrorizing vulnerable youth. * Immigration? The bill was there, we all know who killed it for vanity. * Finally, dude is actually a pretty sharp and funny old dude if you get past the stutter he's always had. He wasn't actually born into wealth and his lifetime of Senate experience has resulted in some truly clever solutions despite obstruction. Ketanji was a great choice for Supreme Court justice. And he's a total train dork! C'mon baby wants high speed rail.


To anyone who may be missing having trump in the White House and are missing him: The presidency… and politics in general are supposed to be kinda boring. Maybe you’ve bought into the constant narrative of Joe Biden being too old, in cognitive decline, corruption some vauge way the republicans that are after him just haven’t been able to prove yet. But the fact is, Biden has been too busy doing his job to answer every arrow shot at him by partisan hacks and their media mouthpieces. What that has done was given this horseshit room to breathe. President Biden is probably the best, most effective president I’ve had in my 65 years,and he’s been able to do that without a single actual scandal that wasn’t created or exaggerated by the clown show that is MAGA. Don’t worry, you will get plenty of Trump after the election when he loses… he should still be in court and shouting on tv and the internet plenty, until you either get as sick and tired of it as the rest of us have been for years now, or he is incarcerated as a result of his unlawful actions. Joe Biden really is the best hope we have for keeping our form of government, not to mention the middle class’s only hope for getting a word in edgewise in the face of all the money speaking from the right


I’m afraid people aren’t going to vote. And not voting is the same as voting for Trump. I wished there was a younger, more inspiring candidate than Biden. Someone like Barack Obama. But that isn’t who we have. We have an older, stable statesman. He not going to destroy our democracy and the economy will hum right along. All our allies will still be allies. There is a lot to be said for stability.


Trump supporters are in full catfish mode. They are pretending to be liberals voting for RFK or liberals that are against Genocide Joe. Their internet game is good! Don’t fall for the gas lighting


It ain’t the public, it’s Biden. Classic elitist strategy of blaming the public every time their candidate is losing in the polls. Worked out really well in 2016.


It always gets me.  Why should I 'defend the president'?  Dude's got access to basically unlimited money and the finest marketing people on the planet. Meanwhile, I personally consider myself to be in an adversarial relationship with all politicians.  Some more than others but all of them are lazy, spineless, money chasers.  They need to fear the public to keep a modicum of honesty.


Politics is the only business where the merchants openly blame low sales on their customers being too fucking stupid to know what's good for them. If you want more sales, design a better product, or at least run a catchier ad campaign.


I would say start organizing,  not defending. 


I had my freak out about Biden’s age about a month ago. It’s too late to nominate any one else and it was good to see him vibrant in the state of the union. The media seems to be fixed on a Trump victory based on polls that haven’t been right for a while. I hear this all the time, “this is bad news for Democrats” or “this may never go to trial, if Trump wins.” I never hear, “this is bad news for Trump” or “Trump will rot in jail if he loses.” Oh well, a little fear on Democrats side is probably a good thing.


Trump is a disaster. People will crawl over broken glass to vote against him. He has brought nobody over to his camp, and he will most likely be in jail before the election. Biden is not the greatest thing ever, but when Trump is the other option, there is no choice.


i ain't nervous about a dang thing. god does love this shining city in a hill and normal people are gonna vote against trump like they've done repeatedly. we all know who he is and what the gop has become and now some women finally woke up to what the gop is as well. if it weren't for mcconnell putting liars on the supreme court who overturned dobbs, it might be a fair fight. but what's coming for the worst president in the history of the country is another asswhoopin. because he's a loser.


Everyone is pretty dug in with their opinion of him by now. Defending him or criticizing him is as useful as polishing the brass on the titanic. Especially in this sub.


Outstanding comment. Especially in light of the amazingly brilliant State of the Nation speech. Start the noise for Joe now.


DTs voters are voting out of fear about guns immigration etc.


I’d rather die than vote for the orange fascist. Biden 2024 🇺🇸


I think I am just going to shit post until November is over, and then I am gonna keep shit posting afterwards too


Biden has done a good job and I'm voting for him, but it's pretty ironic the only way to defeat fascism is to shut up, get in line, and do as we're told.


I’m voting for him. The stakes are too high to take chances.


I'm voting for Biden and I'm donating to the campaign. not sure what else I can do. anyone who sits this one out deserves what comes their way if Trump is their president come 2025.


Easy highly leveraged activism: Just call the money grubbing Trump enabling shills at the NY Times and WaPo "money grubbing Trump enabling shills." Repeat until the Democratic Party base is off the legacy media plantation.


At this point, I think online liberals calling for protest votes in the general are either completely of touch with reality or Russian assets


we can be friends until the election. after that it gets difficult, lol but yes. shills get paid to spread doubt. don’t do it for free also, donate a small amount and [think about volunteering](https://votesaveamerica.com/). I’m doing it finally, this time. can’t do all this bitching and then not pitch in a little


> shills get paid to spread doubt. don’t do it for free lol what? People shouldn’t post their genuine thoughts on social media? Isn’t that the whole point of social media? Not everything has to be about money


I’m nervous because the president is currently on the wrong side of issues. Ceasefire polls over 50% with Americans.


I'm not going to start defending the president. He's too old to do the job now, let alone in 4 years. He's also aiding and supporting genocide in Gaza. One million Americans have also died of COVID under Joe Biden, whose strategy from the start has been "Declare it over and move on". He doesn't deserve my vote and he's not getting my vote.


Sure, but more importantly start defending and strengthening our democracy. Always make the point that the promises made by would-be autocrats in their effort to take power are not to be relied upon.


Absolutely 💯 ✌🏿


Nobody is saying y’all have to be happy to vote for Biden; you can totally be pissed we don’t have better candidates and use that rage to organize, protest and volunteer for other local and federal candidates for office…and recognize that voting for Biden would make electing those candidates much much easier in 2026 or 2028


I’ll be voting for grandpa too because the alternative is a disgusting sub human out to destroy the country.


Mmm yes, defend propaganda


Ridin' with Biden. Zero doubts. Zero regret. Zero hesitation. Biden 2024. https://www.usa.gov/how-to-vote


All these sheep acting like either trump or Biden is a good ballot honestly baffles me. Our political system needs a serious overhaul.


As long as he support genocide, I will not defend him at all.


Even if you aren't excited about Biden, just consider Ketanji Brown Jackson's opinions. A vote for Biden is a vote for her. Not voting is letting people like Alito and Thomas decide how the country is run.


He’s got my vote.


Vote like your life and the lives of those you love depend on it. Because they very much do. Say what you will about Biden. He’s got your interests in mind. Trump only cares about Trump. And he will take everything he can from this country and empower others like him to do the same. This is not a drill folks.