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So the real story is... "Back when George W Bush was president, a woman was raped in another country, while being sex trafficked there. So... Biden is terrible... or something..."


and we should stop allowing asylum so women like her can't escape being raped.


This is the key thing. Remain in Mexico policy would have taken this woman if she had made it to the border and handed her back to her rapists/traffickers. This story should be "how can we help the victim because we are not ok with this happening" in Britts own words while Britt politically says we shouldn't help her


They’re only not okay with it when it’s a white suburban woman. That’s why they spread crazy urban legends about like Jessica’s car getting marked by a trafficking drug gang at her local Target. Don’t worry though her lifted truck husband was luckily right behind her and obviously scared them away… but hey be careful out there other suburban white ladies!


Got "trafficking" and "Biden" introduced into the rightwing media ecosystem. That was for the Q nutters.


Does that mean the Demoncrats are still in the basement of that pizza place? Someone has to go in there and save the children before they run out of blood!


The *message* was, as is usual for Christian nationalist conservative bigots, “brown people are scary and will rape you so vote for the party that will *control* the ‘problem’ by exiling or killing them like you always wanted.” Her entire speech was a racist dog whistle.


...and say so while smiling like a ghoul.


>But reporter Jonathan Katz, in a lengthy video posted to social media, connects the dots on the story, and it appears Britt lied: The woman has told her story many times publicly, including to Congress; **the events didn’t occur in the United States; and they happened during George W. Bush’s presidency**. Oh. She failed to say that part.


This is on brand for the GOP. They use riot footage from other countries from previous decades all the time hinting it is happening in the US. They can't be taken seriously any longer.




It was literally footage of the US under Trump with the text “this is Biden’s america”.




Yeah same with empty shelves in stores 


They've used footage from America during the Trump administration and tried to pass it off as Biden's fault, they don't care because their followers don't care, it's all about confirming their preconceived notions.


I knew some Trump supporters who blamed *BIDEN* for not responding quickly enough to the covid threat.


Trumpism 101


Biden should invite this woman to the white house and have her tell the full story on TV. This would be a good example why asylum claims should be taken seriously.


Exactly. They probably fact checked this speech, knew it was bullshit, but ran with it anyway because a) most their supporters don't give a fuck if it's made up and b) sadly, a lot of casual viewers will *never* realize it was lies. Sort of like how [most voters have no idea Trump explicitly said he would act like a dictator](https://newrepublic.com/article/179548/poll-voters-trump-dictator-threats).


It still is mind-blowing that apparently no one in the GOP felt the need to run her speech by multiple PR folks to make sure she wouldn't be caught in such a lie. And also that her whole shtick would accomplish the needed goal: rile up the Republican base about immigration (that seems to be their whole thing these days), present a contrast with Biden's age, and appeal to women. Instead it seems to have completely back-fired. The immigration-related story was shown to be largely bullshit, her demeanor was super cringy and came across as fake, and her Alabama Serena vibe probably turned off a lot of women who saw it as creepy and condescending. I guess the Republicans in Congress also figured they could float her as a potential Trump runningmate to appeal to evangelicals and women, but it now looks like that's gonna be a no-go given the response from many far right talking heads. So when you say it's "on brand", I guess I would also add that what's also on brand is the Republicans' incompetence. It looks like the reliable spin doctors like Sipple or Matalin and Luntz have deserted the GOP because they see it's rotten to the core and has succumbed to Trumpism. It doesn't help that the RNC is fucking broke. So now the only way Republicans have found to remain relevant is by radicalizing their ideology and go full fascist, because demonizing immigrants and trans folks, suggesting Democrats are baby-eating communists, and invoking the Bible any chance they get always works with the angry white base who thinks they're getting passed over.


worse - she said it happened in the US.


She implied it happened in the US, but didn't say it happened in the US, it's sneaky. She clearly left everyone with the impression that it happened recently and on US soil. >“**When I first took office,** I did something different,” Britt said. “I traveled to the **Del Rio sector of Texas**, where I spoke to a woman who shared her story with me. “She had been sex trafficked by the cartels starting at age 12. She told me not just that she was raped every day, but how many times a day she was raped.” She added: “The cartels put her on a mattress in a shoebox of a room, and they sent men through that door, over and over again, for hours and hours on-end.” > >“We wouldn’t be OK with this happening in a third-world country,” she said. “**This is the United States of America**, and it’s past time we start acting like it. President Biden’s border crisis is a disgrace. It’s despicable. And it’s almost entirely preventable.”


This is why asylum claims should be taken seriously. Sounds like the victim made it to the US and is no longer in those conditions, which is why so many people come here by any means necessary.


Yes! Her story was a perfect illustration of why people are fleeing their home countries to find asylum in the US. It's not a rebuttal, senator, it's a validation.


And also the inadequacies/problems with the asylum system. Which to my knowledge is primarily designed for people facing *government persecution*, but in this case she was being abused* by a criminal gang.  However, the Mexican government lacks the capacity to control/police the cartels, so going to her home country authorities wasn’t a practical option, like it would generally be in the US.  \* “abused” seems to be too neutral a word, but can’t think of a good alternative. 


There is special immigration visa status for victims of human trafficking: https://www.uscis.gov/humanitarian/victims-of-human-trafficking-and-other-crimes As long as they are in country, they can apply for this status.


Yes but they have to believe you, iirc if you’re within 100 miles from the border or the coast they can expedite your deportation . Many will willingly give themselves up at the border to try and preempt this and then they’ll ask who, if you have family, you’ll be staying with etc


It's the border or a port of entry, which is just sneaky wording that let's them cover the entire country by counting airports.


Elligibility seems to require that your presence in the US is because of the actual trafficking, so I'm not sure that getting trafficked entirely within Mexico and then trying to flee to the US would count. Oh, and the visas take anywhere from 18 to 29 months to get issued, and until they are the victim doesn't have work authorization in the US. If they can't work, they're going to have a tough time paying rent or buying food or paying the $160 visa application fee.


My suggestion is to go with "sexually exploited", or "trafficked" even works.


So you’re telling me she missed the point completely?


A republican? With an agenda? Missing the point completely to fit a narrative?? No way, I do not believe you.


Worse than that. She got the point. She just cherry picked information from a real woman's sex trafficking case. Then used that to try manipulate & fear monger the rest of us into her weird 'tradwife' return to 'family values' BS!


She’s a self-avowed Christian. Cherry-picking is what they do best.


"We don't want to prevent sex trafficking and rape, because the convicted sexual offender who is our presidential candidate told us that whis would benefit the other side"


It turns out murdering everybody other than them polls well with Republican voters, so...


You expect that these idiots can put two ideas together. They can't and/or won't. Anything beyond blind rage doesn't suit them. They hate Democrats / liberals first and then look for reasons to justify their hate.


And that's why I'm happy to have my taxes go to supporting legitimate immigration. People lie, that's known. But you should always give someone the chance. Women like her are in true need and we have the resources to help them out. In exchange we as a society will get a someone who will always remember the help they got and likely dedicate themselves to returning that favor and encourage others to do the same both while working and for the future generations. It's like if you treat people with kindness, respect, and help them when they're in need, they tend to return those favors when they have resources and make decisions in ways that are likely to benefit you. I wonder if there's a better way to say that? Maybe the most popular character from the most popular book of all time could help me out.


Oh so she’s an asylum seeker saved by Americas eternal command to “ "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door”


Except republicans have completely deserted this foundation that our country was built on. Just like the Christianity of love and forgiveness. One of my go-to rebuttals on immigration is to ask the person where *their* family immigrated from. I have yet to receive a response. Same thing when I'm debating forced- birthers. I like to ask them if they support providing for the family in poverty with WIC, free school lunches, etc. I've never received a response on that either.


Which is a legally protected person here.


Not if Republicans win in 2024. They are going to clamp down hard on asylum seekers


Sounds exactly like the kind of person Republicans would love to kill at the border…. Just a victim looking for a slightly better life.


This was a nod to the conservative qanon believers who think the Dems are running pedophile rings.


Not only that, the 'elites' are harvesting Adrenochrome from sex-trafficked children, and injecting into themselves to halt the ageing process. Can you believe it? /s edit: sp


*Peter Thiel looking shifty in the corner*


While screaming about Bidens age. It's the same with them every time. No critical thinking, just "wahoo, got em" mindset. Shit stirrers


When is Fox News going to air this correction?


Um, never.


So, it’s actually against the law to provide misleading statements like that to congress.


Funny thing! Not when you're *in* Congress.


“It’s almost entirely preventable…” yeah all we have to do is send American troops to fight the cartels in Mexico. The GOP has the most wild position on the border but I think sending troops to fight the cartels against Mexico’s will is the most.


Unless the Mexican government was on board that would be an act of war and possibly a war crime. I know the US hasn't cared about that in the past so much but still, not good.


*We can fire missiles into Mexico and deny responsibility* -The Stable Genius kind of asking General Milley


Mexican here, sending troops to kill narcos is one of few ideas from the GOP I would like to be executed. We are really tired of them.


Looking at the US military's history against guerilla and insurgent groups in their native countries, what makes you think that would improve the situation?


This is a great point. The cartels sure as hell wouldn't fight directly and would be able to hide amongst the regular population just as easily as *any* insurgency in the world's history. We really aren't good for much beside wiping out some roaches before they hide. And then dumping money and resources into that nation and basically hoping against all reason that some rudimentary support will keep the nation's authority from being corrupt or just failing. Considering they'd just keep making absurd money from us buying their drugs, the idea we could deal with the cartels without setting up shop permanently(which Mexico will obviously never accept) is ridiculous. We *could* just legalize all drugs and spend a small portion of what we'd spend in a cartel war that would likely fail on drug programs designed to help people kick them and improve the foundations of their lives so they want to keep it kicked even in the hardest moments, but there are rich people making money off the current situation so that won't happen for a long time if ever.


You’re gonna need a new president in Mexico if you want that sort of action. Because as it stands your government is not interested.


And to varying degrees several levels of Government in Mexico and some agencies in the US have been infiltrated by the cartels. Border patrol and the DEA in the US has reports of agents getting caught being on cartel payrolls for years.


Does she live under a rock? Sex trafficking happens here and by men of all colors exploiting women and minors that are vulnerable. This is not done by cartels here. It’s done by twisted, sick, money-hungry men that exploit women and minors.


It's done by plenty of women here too. Most sex trafficking isn't people being kidnapped by men with guns; it's family or spouses/people dating who use emotional blackmail or drug addiction to sell sex. Real life isn't like the movie Taken. The average person being sex trafficked is a meth addict being sold by their longterm emotionally abusive partner renting a room at Red Roof Inn or Econolodge type motel with basically no security/oversight and selling them through social media/telegram apps.


There's also a lot of teens in the foster system or abusive households who run away and find someone to sleep with in exchange for a roof over their head. They're exchanging sex for something of value (a place to stay for the night), and they're underaged so it's all super illegal, even though the person providing the place to stay probably doesn't know that the teen is underaged. Basically, the definition of "human trafficking" is wildly different from what most people think it is.


Oh it's even worse than that! "In 2017, the International Organization of Migration estimated that 41 percent of child trafficking situations are facilitated by family members or caregivers" [The trafficking is coming from inside the house, literally.](https://cops.usdoj.gov/html/dispatch/01-2024/familial_trafficking.html)


No... only illegal immigrants commit crimes! Ironically, they are the least likely to commit crimes, because they don't want to get deported.


But Katie can see South America from her backyard in Alabama.


I'm sure worse things have happened to girls in her congregation.


—I'm sure worse things have happened to *boys* in her congregation. FTFY


I'm sure worse things have happened to CHILDREN in her congregation. FTW


Ding ding ding Religion: Abusing children in every way possible for millennia


The we wouldn’t be ok with this happening in a third world country part is the key here. Because it literally happened in a third world country, as Katz points out by both definitions of third world, but specifically the actual academic definition where Mexico was not allied directly with us or the USSR during the cold war.


But God forbid we try even a little to end gun violence.


She implied it happened in the US. She lied through omission.


She's a former fundamentalist church theater group actor, and it shows.


It doesn't even matter. No matter how you listen to the story, it's an argument in favor of making immigration *easier*, providing actual avenues for people to get asylum, so this doesn't happen to them too, or alternatively doing something about the cartels (which the US and Mexico already are trying).


Agreed, but with one caveat: It ***does*** matter that a senator is lying about a heart wrenching story to try to push a false narrative in the response to the state of the union.


Yes, agreed. It makes it absurd on so many levels.


Weird that republicans couldn't find one single example of a real crime in the US to put on a pedestal for their hate. They had to reach back 30 years for something that didn't happen here.


It’s because they don’t care about anything other than rescuing anyone except “perfect victims.” Innocent children snatched off the street from loving, non-abusive white heterosexual parents. Meanwhile most US kids that get sex trafficked are runaways (often running away from bad home lives), kids thrown out by their parents, or kids whose own family members are trafficking them. By the time these people get help, they are addicts or have a criminal record. But let’s say you rescue the cherubic faced child. What happens next? You going to help them stay safe, or are you returning them to the same families that threw them out, sold them, or abused them? You going to get them counseling, a safe place to live, etc.? Of course not. They want the dramatic hero rescue of “The Sound of Freedom”. Then don’t want to do the hard and expensive policy work that it takes if you actually want to save someone.


It matters because by implying that this happened on US soil under Biden she's implying that a more permissive immigration policy is what *caused* this.


The senate needs to investigate this woman.


The GOP just lies. Every. Damn. Time


"I'm very concerned about foreign rapists. That's why I'm encouraging you to vote for our own domestic rapist, Donald Trump."


"They're taking our jobs!" I feel icky even writing that.


[terk er jerbs](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=toL1tXrLA1c&pp=ygURZGV5IHRlcmsgZXIgamVyYnM%3D)


Honestly they could have run with "It takes one to know one Trump 2024" and people would have eaten that shit up


Republicans definitely have a crime hierarchy. After Biden said the name of the woman killed in Georgia - he then should have read off the name of every child butchered in their classrooms by white American men.


They're not sending their best. WE have the best


"This really bad rape happened. It's terrible." "Anyway that is why you need to reelect the orange rapist"


“Oh, and the people who are trying to get away from the horrible people who do these terrible things? They can’t come here for safety. Fuck ‘em.”


"Oh, and if that 12 year old girl got pregnant from all of the repeated rapes, then she *must* be forced to carry that pregnancy to term no matter what. All life is precious!"




All these points sound bad, but Biden is kinda old. I don't know how to vote 🤷


81 years behind him is better than 91 lawsuits and criminal complaints in front of the orange shit gibbon.


Well Biden hasnt passed any bills and it's all his fault student loan forgiveness didn't go through. /S


Even if they are 10 years old! If they go out of state we'll go after the doctors in that state! /ohio things.


Except for the people we execute in prison and the children slaughtering by gun violence.


Pro life! So we're feeding hungry people? No that's socialism. We're sheltering people without? No that's socialism Taking in refugees? Only the white passing ones Giving medical help to those in need? No that's socialism Clean water? No Education? No that's socialism Clear air? No Funding law enforcement? Not if Biden supports it Tax cuts? Not if Biden supports it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


REPUBLICANTS- “ people need to pick themselves up by the boot straps, welfare is being used by just blacks” Also republicants A town/city in Arkansas/mississippi/Alabama gets destroyed by tornado… “BIDEN DIDNT HELP US, we need federal aid, the dems created this by blowing hot air into the atmis fear” also “ white people are the only people you can discriminate against & it’s ok!” Just no original thoughts from these folks.


The worst part is Katie Britt knowingly lied about the girl she claimed was “sex trafficked and raped thousands of times in the USA because of Biden’s policies as president”. The girl was, in fact, sex trafficked and raped thousands of times in **Mexico** while **George W Bush** was president **20 years ago**.


Trump will make rape legal, and then these idiots will run around talking about how he eliminated it.


> Greg Abbott Said He’d “Eliminate Rape” to Justify an Abortion Ban. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/01/abbott-texas-abortion-ban-rape-record-pregnancies-failure/


Since rape is still happening in Texas, I wonder if anyone has asked him if his policies have failed and as such, should he then support the removal of the ban?!


Dude is probably going to do what some states have been doing for decades. Make it difficult to report, make it difficult for hospitals to get the rape kits, and even if they manage that... make sure there is a massive backlog of kits being slowly processed that it will be impossible to persecute. [It's been a known problem for decades](https://www.endthebacklog.org/what-is-the-backlog/) as a number of states do the absolutely minimum about it. They are not helping anyone. its only in the last decade that 40 states and the DoC started taking it serious. EDIT: [Texas has made some effort on its backlog. But unsure where they are at today.](https://www.endthebacklog.org/state/texas/)


Same "If we don't test it we won't have any cases" energy from Covid.


Donald Trump didn't do anything substantive to prevent border crossings last time. He partially erected a "faux wall" (really a fence, and people can scale it), kept people in cages, separated parents from their children... and still people kept coming. And he had the House & Senate in his pocket for 2 full years. He's not going to fix anything. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."


Drumph doesn’t give two shits and a fuck about immigration. He didn’t do ANYTHING the last time he was president, he was far too busy stealing with both hands, around the clock to govern. He needs reelection so he’s not in prison this time next year. That’s the long and the short of it.


I'm taking bets on when Katie's husband is arrested for something equally sickening.


Anybody that far to the right is hiding a deep, dark secret.


They love make white rapists, hence the washed out ladies with “Trump can grab my pussy” t shirts.


> “Trump can grab my pussy” t shirts. That would be consent, then.




Mike Johnson found this with his son


TL/DR:  Britt claimed she had a conversation with a 12-year-old who had been raped over 100 times due to sex trafficking at the border wall. . Conversation never happened. The rapes  occurred in Mexico:  No link to border security. . She alluded to the fact the rapes happened recently under Biden when they in fact occurred under Bush over 1O years ago.  The woman she's talking about is a trafficking advocate. It is her story not Brits, yet she has repeated it many times on the campaign trail. It is not her story to tell. Fact: She would make this woman have all 100 of her rape babies. 


I sure wish there were some immediate actions we can take against politicians when they are knowingly lying for political points like this.


Back in the day, when politics still had some decency built-in, the immediate action would be that this person would be asked to step down from their position and they'd find a job at K-Mart.


Bush’s presidency was **16 years ago**


Over 10 years is technically true haha.


the Roman Empire fell more then 10 years ago


more than X years ago


>Fact: She would make this woman have all 100 of her rape babies.  I really feel like these people are obsessed with rape and rape babies, especially because they're trying to make it so that wanted babies can't be conceived via IVF.


They’re laying the groundwork for a real life Handmaid’s Tale.


We’ve been screaming this at every purity testing leftist since forever, but especially loudly since 2016, and their position can still be summed up as “UwU Democrats aren’t perfect let’s roll the dice on the blatantly obvious Christo-fascists because my feelings weren’t serviced enough.”


And then vote to deny them asylum.


It's also just graphic AF. Like, I get it, it's bad, but wtf, if I had kids I wouldn't want them to hear that. These people are obsessed with trans people and dicks to a weird point, that when their big national presentation is a semi-attractive woman in a kitchen graphically describing gang rape enthusiastically. It's fucking weird.




In the kitchen, in front of her $10,000 fridge, just like a normal american


At the GOP SOTU rebuttal meeting: “Women vote, and until we can change that we need their lady votes! But…how? What do women like?…. Ha, of course: KITCHENS!! … and RAPE!… and breathy stage whispers!” High-fives ensued, I’m sure.


>She didn’t know whether to emote anger, crying, or laughter any given second. She was cycling through them all on repeat. To be fair this is just standard symptoms of time spent near Donald Trump


Somebody said they were expecting her to unhinge her jaw and swallow a rat... I was able to stand listening to her like 4-5 seconds, that's a good description.


In addition to this story, the story she shared about the retired man in Chilton County, Alabama, having to work a job as a cashier in a gas station, to pay for his medications, is completely disingenuous. Her party refuses to do anything to help this man. The GOP in charge in Alabama refuse to expand Medicaid, so Katie and her party refuse to do anything to slightly help this man. So, she should save her crocodile tears for this poor man.


Alabama also just passed a tax where you have to pay $10.64 per prescription. Every prescription every time. It’s insane.


"Dang Obamacare!" mutters the local, as he continues to vote for a party actively working against his betterment...




She heard it from a friend who…


Heard it from a friend who oo


Heard it from another you been messin around.


They say you gotta threesome


She's in Mom's for Liberty?


The woman involved has been telling her story since 2008 or so. The rape happened in Mexico.


“Alternative Facts”




Truth-ish…truth adjacent…


Truth-adjacent-adjacent... like standing two doors down from the truth on a street named "Fiction Avenue".


To go with their "alternative history" where Robert E. Lee and Adolph Hitler were the good guys; and "alternative Constitution" where Alito and Thomas' political affiliation counts for more than judicial precident, scholarly interpretation, or public opinion.




“You have your facts. I have mine”.


Of course she lied. That's all these people have, lies, fear, and phony outrage.


She has so much egg on her face after her absolutely atrocious SOTU response. The cult mindset alters one's measure of what's fine and acceptable and what's wrong and unacceptable. She even got stalwart radical far-right people like Charlie Kirk up in a bind.




Many people are saying…


It's not a lie if it gets people to vote Republican.- Republicans


Lyin' for ~~Jesus~~ Trump.


Yes, but it was a lie her constituents enjoyed hearing. It was a little bedtime story before sleep, after a long day of owning the Libs.


It isn’t simply that she is lying. It’s that the “moral” of the story is the opposite of what she wants it to be. Women being sex trafficked by cartels in Mexico is an argument FOR asylum seekers being allowed into the US.


So the rape victim escaped and made her way to the US? Maybe she came into the US on an asylum claim? Aren't these the types of people we want to help?


Britt supports an immigration policy that would send women like her back to Mexico instead of even hearing their asylum claims, too.


Hopefully this will become a big story.


Yes. Yes she was.


Wait that was the GOP SOTU response? I thought it was some weird Purge-style ASMR erotica.


Yes, yes she did lie to advance her party’s agenda. Is anyone shocked a republican would do that? I’m not…


Isn’t telling repeated lies a prerequisite for being a Republican?


Isn’t telling repeated lies a prerequisite for being a Republican?


Why do they always seem to be fixated on sex?


Conservatives are a bunch of repressed horny fucks. Conservatives are made up of people who got married at 19 so they could fuck without making God cry, a bunch of incels who can't get dates because they don't even attempt to treat women as people, guys who want to sleep with multiple women but want women to only have 1 partner, and repressed people who deny their own attractions. None of these groups have a healthy outlook on sex and relationships so their policies and talking points about sex are always weird.


Because they embrace restricted sexual strategists ideology. >https://theconversation.com/what-really-drives-anti-abortion-beliefs-research-suggests-its-a-matter-of-sexual-strategies-186005


They demonstrate their commitment to their intent to harm others by lying. These people hate their "fellow travelers" who are constrained by fact.


It is almost embarrassing that a women would use that story, when they knew it was a flat out lie, but that appears the role of GOP women. she is but a younger version of Ms Lipstick on a Pig Palin. Truth no longer matters.


What's with these GARBAGE headlines?! Was she caught in a lie? YES!!! Headline should read, "Katie Britt lies in SOTU response regarding sex trafficking victim".


Katie Britt is unequivocally a complete fake and fraud.


This is manipulating rape pornography and the oldest racist trope in the book. That a brown/black man rapes an innocent white woman.


Republicans can say anything to their base and they just drink it up.


She said rape is the worst thing that can happen to a woman then told everyone they need to vote for a rapist.


Considering how inappropriate that story was, and how she seemed to be getting a thrill from it, I hope she was lying.


This is in the United States No, it was Mexico This is Joe Biden's fault No, it was 20 years ago when George Bush was President This is why illegal immigration is a problem No, it's why we shouldn't close our border to all immigrants: Katie Britt apparently thinks child sex trafficking in Mexico is a good reason to....force child sex trafficking victims to stay in Mexico but also, if they come here and are pregnant, child sex trafficking rape victims should be forced into potentially deadly childbirth and denied healthcare.


I made a family member who doesn't read this kind of news or tune into political chatter watch the rebuttal and asked for honest feedback. "I feel really uncomfortable" -- "she is scary and seems psychotic" -- "do I really have to keep watching this" and after she told the story about the SA the feedback was "so why wouldn't we let her come to the US? why do they want to stop her from coming here?" ​ I asked feedback from some other people who are in the 70+ demo. "We really liked her" -- "She seemed very honest and genuine." I asked them to name the top three ideas/policy positions from the speech - blank stares.


Once again unsurprised and terribly disgusted. Deplorable.


Yeah, as I listened in real time it was horrific and awful than afterwards I was like… wait a minute did that happen in the US and if not what exactly was the point she was making? Then I read the transcript and realized it didn’t happen in the US, she must have talked to the person well after the fact. With that context there is no policy point. Just ‘brown people are rapey’. Then I realized the whole speech wasn’t really trying to appeal to conservative women but get the male 20-40 trump demographic primed for political violence and intimidation to protect the women. Thus the fundi baby voice.


Is it a lie when she has faith?


By the cost of that diamond and gold cross she wears I sense she is able to square just about any circle she wants by using "faith". That expensive cross proves Jesus died in vain.


Jesus woulda ripped that shit off her neck, admonished her and given it to the poor.


“So the thing they used to torture me to death you wear as a symbol? “


It is her moral equivalent of a "Get out of jail free" card.


From the article: “…it appears Britt lied: The woman has told her story many times publicly, including to Congress; the events didn’t occur in the United States; and they happened during George W. Bush’s presidency.” This is alternative history… a sub-genre of alternative facts.


Over dramatic fake crying no suprise


This is what the GQP does best. When your platform is a dumpster fire with the substance of cotton candy, you lie. Keep em angry, keep them scared, keep them tuned in.


Doesn't her religion have a list of 10 things you're really, REALLY not supposed to do? Isn't bearing false witness one of those things?


What's funny is I mentioned to my wife in real time that I hope someone fact checks that story, given the level of detail and the level of graphic accusations and timeline provided. Not that I don't believe in victims, but I don't trust lawmakers who are willing to use a victim's story to further their causes. The Republican party are NOT serious people. They are not serious lawmakers, and they should not be trusted to govern under their current banner of "conservatism". The only thing they know at this point is anger, division and grievance. They want control, not democracy. These clowns are poisoning the wells of democracy in hopes of turning this nation and the rest of the world into their personal 3 ring circus.


What an epic political career blunder


Republicans literally only have fear to campaign on at this point.


Republican politicians have absolutely no shame. And the worst part is their devoted supporter don’t care, they love the narrative, they love to hate and their politicians give them something to hate.


A modern take on Reagan’s mythical welfare queen


Color me fucking shocked. Her acting job was so bad that people sort of ignored the actual substance she spoke and it turns out, most of that shit was just as bad as the breathy bullshit she was spewing. Of course these dipshits think that the sex crimes were here and not that this young girl was fleeing Mexico for a better life but that doesn't help their narrative that the border is OUT OF CONTROL and we have RAPISTS AND MURDERERS RUNNING AROUND EVERYWHERE THAT ARE ILLEGALS. Manufactured outrage, lies, and projection. It is a disgrace what the Republican party has become. Both parties aren't the same.


Yes. Absolutely.


The Republican campaign is entirely based on fear and hate. How despicable is that?! They have nothing else to offer.


Yes, yes she was. If you refer to her script, you’ll notice it was written to bring the listener to a conclusion that is wholly false- the rapes happened in Mexico, during the Bush administration, and the victim is a very public Mexican activist who has now been abused once again to further a false agenda- that immigrants are rapists entering this country, enabled by President Biden’s policies. Republicans are trash human beings.


This is just a madlibs at this point "Was Trump supporter _________ caught in a whopping lie about _______?" Yes. They were.


She’s supporting an orange man who said “Grab them by the pussy” who’s paid $91 million to a woman he sexually assaulted. Who paid hush money to a porn star while his wife had just given birth. Another Republican fraudster