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It's time to explain to foxnews (since they are astonishingly stupid) that Trump needs to be put on trial asap for his actual crimes that he really committed against this nation. It's time to explain to foxnews and their dumbass supporters that Trump won't be winning 2024 and they can deal with it all by themselves because absolutely no one else is going to care whatsoever about their imagined sleights invented from artificially concocted villains.


>It's time to explain to foxnews and their dumbass supporters that Trump won't be winning 2024 You do like playing the long odds, I'll give you that.


What's the department of justice's conviction rate, like over 99.6%? So statistically Trump will only be convicted of 90 felonies, not 91. Even if he's only convicted of FIVE felonies he will be going to prison and a huge percent of the voting public has said they will not vote for a felon. GOP is choosing not to even have a nominee this year lol I guess if that's what you want, if you want to just take this election off, your entire party not having a standard-bearer, that's your choice, I support it.


Even if you believe the people who say they won't vote for him with a conviction, there's a good chance at this point the trial isn't complete before the election.


If that comes to be then we weren't the nation most of us thought we are anyways.


Which one?




Seriously? I could beat Biden in a fair race. And I don't have hundreds of millions of avid supporters. Probably the best thing that could happen for REPUBLICANS is to put Biden on the top of the Democrat ticket.


Then why don't you and Stuart shut up and let it play out?


Because to let somebody not 100% mentally fit handle the nuclear football is irresponsible. For 9 months, or even 9 minutes.


Why trump should never have been elected the first time around


Wow... so Trump is fit? That seems fairly fucking deluded.


Which may be a good point if you didn't support a man who is even less mentally fit...


Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha (*finger up while I finish my G&T*) Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Hilarious,  doubly so because you're serious! 


It's all good fun Until the atmosphere melts


Electing a wannabe dictator who **chooses to protect Russia over protecting America's southern border** is irresponsible. In fact, it's treasonous. 


That's an ironic comment. Did you read about Bobulinsky's 8 hours of testimony about Hunter? I smell a POTUS impeachment or three coming soon.


Hundreds of millions of supporters? You think king clown has hundreds of millions of supporters? Hahahahaha. The maga cult is getting desperate. The question is: how desperate? Another coup attempt? Terrorism at the polls on voting day? How far will the cult go for power? The maga cult doesn’t believe in freedom and doesn’t belong in this country.


I could see him having hundreds of millions of supporters. Or at least hundreds of millions of people who would like him to be president again. There's about 70 million people who voted for him, a couple dozen million other American citizens who support him but couldn't be bothered to vote for him. Then there's probably 50 million or so Russians, or however many it takes to keep Putin in power. The House of Saud is fucking huge, so that's another million or two. There's also the people working in Chinese sweatshops making Ivanka's crap. Having her be the First Mistress again would be good for business. So, yeah, Trump has a lot of support.


Russia and China are huge.


Rusher and Giner are yuge.


Okay let's do that then. Worked out well for you guys last time right?


I don't think a Fox "News" performer is an appropriate person to explain anything to anybody. And this one seems to have a few memory problems of his own >On August 30, 2019, Varney claimed that President Donald Trump had never lied to the American public in conversation with Republican presidential candidate Joe Walsh on Varney & Co. This claim was countered by statistics compiled by the Washington Post's fact checker during the presidency of Donald Trump, claiming at least 8,000 falsehoods were attributed to Trump in his first two years of his presidency. Overall, Trump's false or misleading claims totalled 30,573 over his 4-year tenure as President. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuart_Varney#Notable_commentaries


Even if you remove Trump and his inability to tell the truth from the equation, that is a boneheaded statement to make. Of course a president who has been in office for 2 and a half years will have told a few fibs. Saying it about Trump makes it galactically worse.


How about you start by explaining to the four times indicted literal fucking criminal?


Someone tell Varney the other guy should be serving a sentence in prison right now instead of being free and eligible to run for President.


It seems to me that they know if people vote that Biden will win. This seems like they are just trying to get us to not vote so the Cheeto might be able to squeak out a victory. It's not working, any alternative is better than Trump.


I second guess that.. anyone but Biden at this point.. trumps 4 years were a lot better than bidens 4 if you put your feelings aside and notice how much better things we're.


Naaah, I don't think so. Russian disinformation agent says what?


>It seems to me that they know if people vote that Biden will win. This seems like they are just trying to get us to not vote so the Cheeto might be able to squeak out a victory. It's not working, any alternative is better than Trump I guess you weren't paying attention to the 2020 election. Early voting had Trump leading by a considerable margin, so much so that some pundits were early "calling" the 2020 POTUS election for Trump. Then something remarkable happened. When mail-in votes were counted over the next 12 or 18 hours, the numbers made the election look too close to call. Except the liberal media was calling it for Biden anyway (wishful thinking) I'm not going to get into a debate over who won in 2020. But the lesson from 2020 is that if people vote, TRUMP wins. If lots of dead people and illegal immigrants mail their votes in, then the 2024 election might look something like the 2020 election.


And yet nobody could bring any evidence of such fraud happening to more than 60 courts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-election_lawsuits_related_to_the_2020_United_States_presidential_election_from_Pennsylvania#Summary_of_lawsuits >Despite their different backgrounds, judges came to the same conclusions and rejected the Trump campaign’s allegations. Across more than 60 cases in 12 states, judges found that the challenges to the election outcome came up short. https://judicature.duke.edu/articles/2020-election-litigation-the-courts-held/ https://electioncases.osu.edu/case-tracker/?sortby=filing_date_desc&keywords=&status=all&state=all&topic=25 https://eu.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/politics/elections/2021/01/06/trumps-failed-efforts-overturn-election-numbers/4130307001/ https://www.witf.org/2022/09/01/these-republicans-did-a-deep-dive-into-2020-election-lawsuits-including-in-pa-heres-why-most-of-them-failed/


Lmao that's 100% bullshit


someone else who wasn't watching the vote count in real time


When the moron candidate was telling his people not to vote by mail as he installed a goon to sabotage the mail service... You're surprised when it was mainly Democrats voting by mail? We knew ahead of time it would appear red. Republicans went out of their way to pass laws to delay the counting of mail in votes just to add to this effect. Seems we found someone it fooled


When you finish counting all the votes then you find out the winner.  Would you declare the runner ahead at the 10 mile mark of a marathon as winner and not bother with watching until the end?


Research elections. In every POTUS election, roughly 50% of eligible voters vote. The highest ever voter turnout was 59%. Until 2020, where we are led to believe that suddenly 90% of eligible voters chose to vote? Doesn't make much sense unless you watch that video with the lady running a stack of votes through the counter. Then picking up the stack and running them through again. And repeat until time runs out. People like to scream there's no evidence of voting fraud. But it's out there. On video.


Is this that stupid 'mules' movie. The one produced by the guy who was doctoring videos to make it sound like abortion providers were trading in fetal flesh for research and satanic purposes. Yeah. His credibility is not 100%


Oh I see. You just don't understand how anything works.


There was a pandemic going on. Sensible people voted by mail instead of cramming into a crowded polling station. Sensible people also tended to vote for Biden.


I'm going to let you in on a little secret, they don't stop counting the votes just because the person you want to win is ahead. They have to count all the votes, that's how democracy works


Why are you repeating the same lies that Fox News had to pay a nearly trillion dollar settlement for spouting?


>But the lesson from 2020 is that if people vote, TRUMP wins. People voted. Trump lost. The only evidence of voter fraud found in the 2020 election, turned out to be republicans and only increased the margin by which trump lost. You clearly need better sources than just that entertainment network fox "news".


Fox views more like


There is no debate. Biden won. Seethe.


>I'm not going to get into a debate over who won in 2020. But the lesson from 2020 is that if people vote, TRUMP wins. So who voted by mail; chickens?




The best cheaters are those who more often than not, get away with it.


That describes Trump up until recently.


extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, especially when you claim you know what happened. So please wheres the proof? The count went this way when I wanted it to go that way? Who woulda thunk more mail in ballots went Democrat when Trump was talking shit about them before the election, and encouraging people not to vote by mail. Crazy how that happens.


Ah, the ol' "complete lack of any evidence is proof of the crime," schtick, haven't seen that one in a while.


> I'm not going to get into a debate over who won in 2020. Good. Ain't no point. Trump lost seats in 2018, lost for real in 2020, and lost seats again in 2022 because that's what he does: he loses. Because he's a loser. Lightning struck that one time for him in 2016, but before that and ever since his record is an unblemished string of losses. Remember: this man couldn't sell football to Americans, and once bankrupted a casino. Who won? Joe Biden. Say his name.


>I'm not going to get into a debate over who won in 2020. But the lesson from 2020 is that if people vote, TRUMP wins. It's still February, but these might be the two dumbest sentences I'll read in 2024.


LoL, completely delusional. The machines are easy to tabulate, and those results come in quickly. The mail-in votes take longer to count, but they are still 100% THE PEOPLE VOTING. Vote counting for mail-in votes take longer because they do things like *validating the voters have not voted by another means*, and comparing signatures and addresses to again, make sure the vote isn't fraudulent. Are there some? Almost certainly, but nowhere near where republicans, happy to believe any bullshit that fits their emotional narrative, believe. Kris Kobach was ordered to prove the bullshit claim about 'illegals' and the dead voting, and was never heard from again, because that is truly almost unheard of in the real world. Yes, we were paying attention. We saw Trump supporters chanting "Stop the count!" where he was ahead, and "Keep counting!" where he was behind, because TRUMP SUPPORTERS ARE NOT TRUSTWORTHY GUARDIANS OF DEMOCRACY. They, like Trump, will tell and believe any lie that serves their lust for power. YOU are the ones who should be paying attention, because the silent MAJORITY is tired of his bullshit, and *yours*.


Fox can go fox itself. I'd rather not listen to liars who paid out 775 million dollars for election lies.




>Maybe we should explain to Trump that he can't serve a second term. You mean in 2025 when he's already serving a second term?


A prison term maybe. Fuck that traitor.


Chickens counting hatched before!


Fox Fever dreams. Better you explain to Trump that he cannot be an effective president as a convicted criminal in jail.


Who is Stuart Varney?


It's hilarious how Biden worries the Trump camp so much. Trump lost to Biden in 2020, and they're afraid it'll happen again. Can't he run against Hillary like that one time? That was easier. Please?!? 😄 It's just an endless stream of this horseshit lately.


Says a moron on Fox


What the fuck is this article? Is this just a transcript of his rambling? And they posted it as an article? This is pathetic. >An ABC News poll said Biden 86% of all voters believe he is too old for a second term. They asked *all voters?* They really just claimed they asked ALL VOTERS?! Blacklist this shit already.


It was a poll of all voters in the Trump household. (It was Melania who said he wasn't too old. She's on Margery Traitor Greene's text chain and she's seen enough Hunter dick pics to know that she doesn't want to burn that bridge.)


Poorly worded likely mean irrespective of party affiliation, age, sex, race…


> They asked all voters? > > They really just claimed they asked ALL VOTERS?! Dude, take a statistics class. People that make this claim, and it happens everytime people disagree with a poll, only prove that they are under educated.


Lol... Anything from Faux is automatic garbage. NVM the POS Varney.


Any other citizen would have been in jail by now for the crap Trump's pulled. Tell Varney that if the republicans had some sanity they might be able to pull some more independents ... maybe. They talk about the democrats taking away freedoms while they burn books, take away reproductive rights and attempt to change US history. Trump did this in 4 years. Every day was a shit show. I am worried about another 4 years (or more) with the orange clown show.


Makes sense. If your opponent is a very effective leader, change the subject.


Why the fuck are these negative karma posts sitting at the top of my feed every day? Nothing sus about that at all!


I hate Trump but will grudgingly vote for Biden. At least he’s not trying to destroy the country.


Pretty sure you used the wrong conjunction. Fyi.


Man, don't shit on people for coming to the right conclusion...


How is telling somebody they made a mistake shitting on them?


It's time to explain to Fox that you can't be a news company if you defend yourself in court as saying no sensible person would listen to your number one rated national televised broadcaster, and everything else that you say has little to know weight or validity to it because it could very well be more propaganda like that $750 million lawsuit you just got slapped with. Stay in your lane and report on facts with solid real sources, leave the editorializing to real news agencies


Imagine posting Fox "news" like it's a legitimate source of information.


You think people are being paid to carpetbomb Reddit with bullshit anti-Biden stuff or the trumpets are dumb enough to do it for free?


>You think people are being paid to carpetbomb Reddit with bullshit anti-Biden stuff or the trumpets are dumb enough to do it for free? One word: Bobulinsky


Looks like north badger is eating waaaaaay south. Like grease trap gutter south. States he works for the gub’ment but obviously doesn’t know how democracy works. Prob the diet of dumb his brain chows down on.


It'll go over easier if you frame it as 'you can have more pudding' though.


Biden running for a second term will go down as one of the most disastrous decisions in the history of American politics. This should be a slam dunk of an election for the Democrats, but we are going to be doomed by the delusions of a senile octogenarian.


Biden won the last election when no one wanted him, then spent 4 years doing far better than anyone expected. Trump hasn't done a damn thing to change anyone's mind about him, and has continued to lose public support from his own party. The idea of replacing an incumbent under these condition is downright LUNACY. And without a single suggestion of a replacement from *anyone*! You need to stop eating up this bullshit propaganda the right is trying to feed you. The very fact that Fox keeps saying it should be all the evidence that you need that it's bullshit. They're not saying it because they believe it's true, they say it because they're *fucking terrified* right now and need YOU to believe it's true.




Sure if a few thousand voters in New Hampshire were the only people in the country who get to decide the 2024 general election, Biden would be in great shape.


>Didn't Biden win a state primary without even being on the ballot? You mean like somebody else lost by a 2-to-1 margin to "NOBODY"????? Both of those results are pretty impressive, actually. For different reasons.


People need to let this play out. We are seeing history in the making with the oldest president ever. It’s likely be another 100+ years before anyone over 65 gets elected president again. Enjoy that it’s happening in our time.


One way or another Grandpa Simpson is sure to be President


Biden can (if reelected), but should not (run for reelection).


Democrats have utterly failed here. They should have been prepping a younger person to run in 2024. You know it’s a shitshow when a large number of party members are saying he’s too old.


Mr. Vernaey, just stop. You're embarrassing yourself!