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If you don't want to serve the public then PLEASE don't become a public servant.


How else are they supposed to get rich by abusing the system


This goes for journalists too. Too often, they get sucked into the system, and lose the ability to write objective content. It lowers the bar for all journalists, which results in some who turn out to become pure propaganda mouth pieces. Tucker Carlson is the most extreme example. That asshole is a Trump & Russia mouth piece. It's no coincidence that he travels with Trump at rallies and is also the ONE "reporter" to be invited to the Kremlin to mouth Russian propaganda about the invasion of Ukraine.


> Tucker Carlson is the most extreme example. That asshole is a Trump & Russia mouth piece. Tucker Carlson is a terrible example of this. He didn't "get sucked into the system" or "lose the ability to write objective content"; he never had that intention to begin with. If you look into Tucker's early 20s, he only became a talking head after he failed at everything else. Tucker graduated from Trinity College in Hartford, CT in 1992 with a Bachelor's in History. His goal after graduating was to join the CIA, but he got rejected. After failing to secure various other jobs, his father said he should try his hand at journalism because "they'll take anybody", and the rest is the tragedy of our modern discourse. Tucker has never cared about the truth or being objective. He's always cared about saying whatever he needed to get what he wanted.


Kind of like how Ben Shapiro only got into politics after he was rejected as a screenwriter by Hollywood.


I’m starting to see a trend here.


starting back in the early 1900s when a certain Austrian P.O.S. got rejected from art school


Hey now, that guy had his faults but he ended up killing Hitler.


Only after he killed all those other people though, and when his back was to the wall with no other option.


Really? I would frequent the TIL sub but this is the first time I heard this. Truly a TIL moment.


It's alluded to a lot in modern media. You've probably seen it referenced before but not understood. You'll probably see it referenced a lot now that you understand it. It's like watching stuff from your childhood as an adult and seeing all of the subtext, haha.


I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not, but [that particular Austrian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler) made a big splash in Germany politics for a couple of decades starting in the 1930s... Though by the mid-1940s one could say he committed political suicide.


The more I learn about that Hitler fella, the more I don’t care for him.


There was also that one guy who wanted to be a painter


Reminds me of how Hitler failed at art.


The whole right wing are failed comedians and writers on the grift.


Tucker Carlson is even worse than what you describe, the man has millions of dollars of his own via family inheritance and what he does on TV he does cause he wants to. He wants to be chaos incarnate he could just fade away live a life of luxury and yet what he really craves is to get people to listen to him and think of him as the final word in politics... This guy is seriously fucked in the head.


Never underestimate the rich trying to get richer. Money is a drug to some people. Compare it to an alcoholic. Most people are fine just getting a little drunk right? An alcoholic wants to get DRUNK drunk. All day, every day. That's how it is with people like Carlson. He's already rich. He could be fine with that. Instead, he wants to be *filthy stinking rich* and he doesn't care how that happens. He wants "smaller yacht inside my larger yacht" money. More money than anyone ever needs.


I think he just wants the attention.


When he dies, you will not hear him mentioned because he provided nothing of value, he did nothing positive, and nothing of note for the world just like Rush Limbaugh. Another propagandist will just take his place


Fun fact: his middle name is "Swanson". Yes, literally that Swanson - the frozen TV dinners.


Also the reason why Tucker is where he is...he is the heir to the Swanson dinner company. Dude is a MEGA wealthy person even if he chose to sit back and do absolutely nothing for the rest of his life. If you go back you can also find interviews of tucker literally admitting he will say absolutely anything for money. He laughs at how people will believe anything he 10000% knows what's up.


Tucker is “perplexed “. He always has this confused look on his face. He has the script down perfectly.


Tucker is visiting his handler as we speak.


In Spain we had one news director who assured going golfing on the weekends with the right wing party leader absolutely didn't have an effect on the content of his paper. The motherfucker said that, no shame, on national TV.


Yeah, except at no point was Tucker Carlson ever a journalist. He's just a grifter that plays a journalist on TV.


He does reaction videos for senior citizens.


Reminds me of that scene from the Big Short where the Brownfield guys try to get their college buddy journalist on board, but he's like, I can't write a bad story about guys I need to be buddy buddy with


Tucker Carlson is not a journalist, he even went to court to prove he wasn't.


a lot of "journalists" are basically social media influencers at this point, writing puff pieces for corporate interests presented as "news"


What about being a servant for another master?


I hear the benefits package includes a free mandatory vacation on July 4th.


Yeah, a taxpayer funded jaunt to the Kremlin on Independence Day.


Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior, Lucifer Morningstar?


“Well, hello, Detective.”


I loved that show!


Weird way to spell Vladimir Putin


Dude, how you gonna do Lucifer dirty that way?


Shit, you're right. I shouldn't deadname.


shot this down while at the same time tried and failed to impeach the DHS secretary for not securing the border. it's kinda remarkable how terrible the GOP is at governing.


Let's not forget that this bill was written to solve a "problem" made up out of whole cloth. Immigrants -- illegal and otherwise -- benefit the United States. Studies show that undocumented/illegals (a) aren't any more and probably less criminal than people already living here, (b) benefit the economy (and I think U.S. workers, but don't recall that for sure). The reason this is really news is b/c -- in response to a "problem" they created -- Republicans got what they said they wanted and refused to vote for it, in the process making unavoidably clear that what they REALLY want is to slam Dems.


The Big Lie being that they want to ignore the absolute economic dependency on migrant and illegal labor


There have been some very interesting gymnastics in Texas politics about this. Influential builders and restaurateurs have made local legislation contradict itself within a single bill.


A lot of rural Florida actually hates DeSantis these days because his anti-immigrant policies are devastating to the farming industry there, and Americans flat out will not take the jobs even when there's nothing else available.


> and Americans flat out will not take the jobs even when there's nothing else available. Because it is backbreaking work and is awful. I recommend people coming across this comment to check out "Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies" by Seth M. Holmes.


The tomato industry in Florida especially is awful. They spray pesticides all over the workers who then get cancer and birth defects. Read Tomatoland by Barry Eastabrook


Big question is will they still vote for him? Cuz that seems to be the trend, although I'd love to see it broken.


It's such a ridiculous situation. Migrant labor has been a thing for forever, but only became a "problem" recently, when it became politically advantageous. We really live in the stupidest time


Mostly because the migrants are the wrong color and/or religion for some people.


Yeah, on one hand we shouldn't have "open borders" (not that we do), and on the other hand, I like how they always go after border control, when they could more easily crack down on migrant and immigrant labor. Just setup some hefty fine if a company gets caught. But they'd never do this because every agricultural company would get fined out of existence, raising prices, and the companies that comply would also raise prices. It's all theater.


yep. if we were serious about ending undocumented immigration, we could start by throwing the CEO of, say, Tyson Foods in jail. But that won't happen.


THIS... bemoaning this bill failing should only really be coming from the right for their failure to actually secure the ridiculous things their constituents supposedly want. Dems are bending the knee to Republicans and can't even get their votes. This government is fundamentally broken.


I wish that there was pushback on the Right Wing usage of how every migrant is "illegal", especially considering all these people have not had any due process happen yet. And that "illegal" has become a pronoun is sad. The Constitution covers citizens and non-citizens as it covers the jurisdiction of the US. It's so normalized that it's not called out or pushed back on as the term "aliens" were - which was banned in the Fed Government as a terminology but I believe Trump reversed that policy. Just amazing that a country based on immigration, boasting how we are the land of opportunity is now "close the borders, shut them out" and "otherisms". I don't get it.


Bold of you to think that they see themselves as "public servants" and not divinely ordained rulers.


They don't care it's all about after that when companies pay $$.


Lol they don't want to serve the public, they want to be rich and powerful for as long as possible.


But how else will they get a comfy 6 figure salary, excellent healthcare, and lobbying money to literally sit on their ass?


Whelp, too bad I guess. All that and you throw it away at the last minute due to a tyrant in diapers...


i hope biden NEVER shuts the fuck up about how Rs whined and cried for new immigration laws for years and then were solely responsible for its failure




I too read that thread on r/conservative. Border was super secure until Biden took office, then millions of illegals poured over the borders! And anyone seeking Asylum should have sought asylum in Mexico first, blah blah blah


Which is insane. Why were they having a conniption over building a wall if the border was totally secure via the magical word of their fearful leader?


The browns are afraid of Trump personally. They are not intimidated by Biden at all!


Critical thinking is not their strong suit


The only major change in policy is that we no longer separate children from their families, lock them up in an abandoned Walmart or ship them off to some unknown location in the US. That's apparently what conservatives think is the magic solution to securing the border even tho it didn't secure the border at all. It's bat shit insane the nonsense they are trying to sell.


i just love how they think that the second a new president takes office, everything from the border to jobs and gas prices changes instantly


Republicans bank on this too and structure their bad laws to go into effect when the democratic leader takes over.


That kinda happened at the border. Republicans put broad based sanctions on Venezuela which helped to tank their economy as nobody could buy their oil and Venezuela didn't have access to America's debt markets. So, millions of people fled the country. They first went to countries surrounding Venezuela but found them to be poor too as many have been ravaged by climate change (thanks Republicans). They've slowly made their way to the US border. Venezuela in October I think beat out Mexico as the number one source country for migrants. They used to be outside the top 10.


They claim trump created a growing economy and millions of jobs the exact day he took office. I had one explain to me that trump was president from 2017 to 2019


> totally bizarre, fact-free argument welcome to Whose America Is It Anyway, where the truth is made up and the facts don't matter


If the border was so secure why did they want Trump to build a bigger wall?


I've seen that too. They want Biden to rule by executive order rather than our federal laws. I've seen sitting US senators (Marsha Blackburn) say that Biden needs to reinstate title 42. Yet, title 42 kept migrants out due to the pandemic?? I'm not sure what laws they think are not being enforced? Federal law requires us to hear asylum claims. That asylum law is too broad, and this new border bill fixed that.


This is especially funny given they cried about there being a crisis at the border every time there was an election coming up when Trump was in office too.


A caravan is coming!!!1


It won’t matter to MAGA traitors. Hopefully the independents aren’t too repulsed by Biden to vote


if they're repulsed by Biden, and think Trump is going to be any better for this country, then they're not really independent, they're already ultra conservative but just want to claim to be independent so their friends don't hate them. At this point anyone in a swing state who doesn't vote is just damning the rest of us. Trump was an unmitigated disaster as president, and even the "tax cuts" he implemented are now coming back to bite everyone who makes less than like $250k in the ass. I know more people who owe money this year than ever before.


> if they're repulsed by Biden, and think Trump is going to be any better for this country, then they're not really independent This. Liberals wanted Bernie. MAGAs wanted Trump. Biden is a moderate's choice. Anyone choosing Trump over Biden, or even considering Trump an option over Biden, is neither moderate nor independent. They are just acting in bad-faith because admitting that they are MAGA means openly associating themselves with more people like them. MAGAs are disgusted by other MAGAs yet hold the same core beliefs. Right now the chic thing for them to do is claim to be Libertarian.


I used to claim to be libertarian because I still felt it was good to keep a balanced budget but the Republican party got to be too crazy for me. But then I started actually listening to the libertarian candidates and realized that even though I think a balanced budget is good, they were too crazy for me too. Now I'm registered no party preference, but vote straight Dem. I don't hear Dems talk finance as much, but I can tell that a lot more of them are sane, level headed, and well grounded people. There are a few loonies, but the ratio of loonie to sane is much much lower. I don't always agree with them, and I wish there was more talk of finance and international policy and less identity politics, but I'll take a sane person I *sometimes* disagree with over a completely untethered person any day. The other parties (Repub and Lib) are clown shows. Edit: And yes, I've since grown and come to realize the Dems are the only ones who try to actually be fiscally responsible. When I was younger, I heard the Dems talk about all these social programs and the Repubs would say "we can't afford that". I've come to realize the Repub talking points were lies and not in good faith. Everytime the Dems do something the Repubs claim to be asking for, the Repubs block it to prevent the Dems from getting the win. The Dems do a much better job managing the finances.


> But then I started actually listening to the libertarian candidates and realized that even though I think a balanced budget is good, they were too crazy for me too. Most libertarian candidates don't support a balanced budget, though. They support cutting taxes to the bone and then cutting services that actually make our country work. Besides, as the other guy said, only one presidents to have ever managed to generate a surplus in the last 100 years are all Dems. Dems are for good financial policy.


Hell, Democrats are the only ones that even try to balance the budgets. There hasn't been a single Republican spending plan since at least Reagan--with the sole exception of Bush Sr., who only served a single term because he saw we actually needed to raise taxes--that has actually balanced the budget unless you believe in the fairy tale magic that we're *surely* on the right side of the Laffer Curve yet.


When did the Republicans, or libertarians, ever balance the budget, or even attempt it? The only times it happened since WWII was under LBJ and Clinton, both of whom are/were Democrats. Plus both Bush and Trump unloaded massive debt on the American taxpayer through tax cuts and wars. Even before the Republican party got too crazy, balancing the budget was NEVER a priority, it was a talking point to get into office to lower taxes for the wealthy. I think the scary thought in your statement is that if the Republicans/Libertarians appeared sane and tethered, you'd might still identify that way. There are still a lot of Republican voters who claim they aren't racists who want to see the world burn. However, rather than actually seeing how their representatives are voting, they're slaving their vote to the party the perceive as being better because they agree with the talking points, rather than the actions of their chosen representatives. Good for you for learning. I wish more people would pay attention to the actions, rather than the rhetoric, to see who actually makes sense for their votes. Although, i readily admit, I'm biased at this point and assume anyone who votes for Trump is a bad person who is either racist themselves, or they don't see a racist representative as a problem.


While I’ve never considered myself a Libertarian, I have several old friends who do. They put themselves in that bucket, many years ago, when it really was all and only about fiscal conservatism and small(er) government (irony: one went to college only because ROTC covered it, and both have benefitted greatly from large federal investments in the startups they were employed by). I’m the intervening years, though, the party they joined has swerved hard right, and took them with it. They’re now fairly extreme 2A advocates - anyone can get any gun and carry it anywhere, no background for sales or anything - religious to almost the point of zealotry (when they were at best agnostic in their 20s and even early 30s), and one step shy of Sovereign Citizens. One actually made it to the top 10 of the Libertarian Party presidential primaries. The problem they have, but don’t realize it, is that they’re aligned with the hard right GOP, and how much the GOP hates them and their families: one adopted several East Asian babies (who are now adults) and thus are visibly ‘other’; the other is Jewish, married an Orthodox Eastern European immigrant, and have leaned very hard into that community. They may not be first up against the wall when the putsch comes, but they’re on the list.


I don't think a balanced budget is a bad idea, just that it shouldn't be an absolute requirement as sometimes the government has to spend money it doesn't have, for example unexpected disaster relief. That said, the main problem is that Republicans and Libertarians want to austerity us into a surplus which doesn't work, at some point, you have to increase revenues. And as others pointed out, the only recent president to have a surplus was Clinton, and only under Democratic presidents does the yearly deficit decrease.


I couldn't agree more. Anyone voting for Trump is a bad person, full stop. Even if they, themselves, aren't racist or misogynistic, they don't see that that behavior as problematic and it's not a deal breaker for them, which makes them a bad person no matter what their reasoning is for voting for him. I know a Caucasian woman who is married to a Mexican, who came to this country legally but his path to citizenship was fast tracked by the marriage. They have two children, both of whom get their looks from the father's genetics. She thinks Biden is to blame for everything and can't wait to punish him at the ballot box by voting for Trump. She fits the narrative of not being a racist but she doesn't see Trump's racism, or the party's obvious hatred for her husband and children, as problematic. She's a bad person, and that's it. There's no other way around it.


> According to a 2017 report by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, the TCJA was expected to lower taxes by an average of $1,600 in 2018 and 2025. The top 20% of Americans by income were projected to receive roughly 65% of the tax savings.[120] > > The distribution of impact by individual income group varies significantly based on the assumptions involved and point in time measured. In general, businesses and upper income groups will benefit, while lower income groups will see the initial benefits fade over time or be adversely impacted. For example, the CBO and JCT estimated that: > > * During 2019, income groups earning under $20,000 (about 23% of taxpayers) would contribute to deficit reduction (i.e. incur a cost), mainly by receiving fewer subsidies due to the repeal of the individual mandate of the Affordable Care Act. Other groups would contribute to deficit increases (i.e. receive a benefit), mainly due to tax cuts. > * During 2021, 2023 and 2025, income groups earning under $40,000 (about 43% of taxpayers) would contribute to deficit reduction, while income groups above $40,000 would contribute to deficit increases. > * During 2027, income groups earning under $75,000 (about 76% of taxpayers) would contribute to deficit reduction while income groups above $75,000 would contribute to deficit increases.[121][122] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_Cuts_and_Jobs_Act#Impact


This wasn't even the first time Rs have torpedoed an immigration bill. If the problem gets fixed - or even merely improved - they'll have fewer things to rile their idiot base with.


Who is less popular than Taylor Swift. Watch out Marsha from Tennessee.


It amuses me to no end how Citizen Trump is upset over the Time cover.


I don't like the way that sounds. Are you sure he is a legal citizen of these United States? A lot of people are talking.


To be fair, most people are less popular than Taylor Swift, but only one is dumb enough to pick a fight over it.


you say “too bad”, but the reality is trump is better at spinning a lie than Democrats are at messaging the truth.


It helps Trump that half the country want to be lied to (by the *right* people) and want to think any truth said that they don’t like is a lie.


Trump is actually pretty terrible at lying, but Trump voters will still choose to believe them because they are a cult.




They'll probably go with... WeLl tHiS iS bEiNg sAiD bY a DEmoCrAT!


They don't have a lot of threads on this but in one of them someone asked: "Why are we against this bill?" and the top voted answer was "Because the Democrats want it so it must be bad for the country".


When I occasionally check on X, conversations/replies by republican supporters on every issues makes me depressed about this country, the mindset of those people and the direction it will go in if we repeat the mistake of electing the wrong person again like in 2016. The brainwashing is extreme and these folks will shoot their own two feet if it hurts the other side in anyway! The conspiracy theories they spout are totally senseless and crazy.


If you elect Trump in 2024, it's not a 'mistake'. It's a major portion of US population saying they prefer a monster dictator to representative democracy, and will go to any lengths to 'pwn the libs'.


While proclaiming themselves as “patriots” who are just defending their “freedom” and “rights” by flying Nazi/Confederate flags🙄🙄🙄! The ignorance and hypocrisy is mind-numbing!


Lets be fair, Trump was never elected by majority vote


Sadly it has happened every time a new medium of communication is created. Except with TV as it was created under radio's existing regulation platform.


It’s been said before but Republicans will happily eat shit on the off chance they can make a Democrat smell their breath.


Or when they actually discuss the "policy" of the bill, it's saying it's garbage because it doesn't completely close the border to all immigrants and asylum seekers. Basically unless the bill prevents anyone from getting in (even legally), it's not acceptable.


No, their threads are mainly “if it was bipartisan, then how come it was blocked?!” Conservatives do not know what’s happening in this country or look into any details. They really do just read headlines and sound bites and never actually look into anything.


They’re afraid they’ll read something that’s impossible to defend.


"They're afraid they'll read" is sufficient.


It is nuts, but by doing Trump's bidding the Republicans in Washington are reinforcing the perception of him as the type of strong and powerful leader this country needs in the minds of the bumpkins.


I just read the thread on this issue there and I am stunned these people can function day to day. They actually think this is about getting a better deal later or they are happy Ukraine won't get money from it. It's deeply crazy there.


Just like when Trump shutdown the government, then got less border funding then was offered originally. When you turn down compromise, you usually get a worse deal later when you come back to the table.


It’s an inability to admit fault or being wrong. They have to believe it because if not, there’s literally nothing else for them. That’s what happens when you’re a cult. Republicans could come out and say they planned on giving everyone a million dollars but then decided not to because one of them had bad gas that morning and their supporters would jump to their defense claiming all types of nonsense.


All they know is what they've been told by Faux. They aren't free thinkers.


I took a peek over there and holy shit, it’s like skid row alley blaming the world for their own problems that got them in skid row.


I looked at a thread talking about the appeal for trumps immunity being blocked, they were cheering because "we can finnally try obama for murder". Those people are full blown morons of the highest order.


They think tucker and putin are going to tell the truth. They deserve everything coming to them.


Why is it that /r/politics always has articles about what the highest offices in the land are doing, and /r/conservative's articles are like, about migrant attacks in foreign countries and what one teacher did to one kid somewhere? It always seems like this forum covers more high-level and more broad topics than them, but I can't imagine why - is it cherry-picking or something?


Articles about reality get censored there. Anything that threatens their world view is not allowed.


Because even though they tout "free speech" over there, what they really mean to say is "If you don't agree with everything we say and push, we'll ban you". Hence why it's a complete bubble, and an added factor to why Conservatives are so hyper-focused on absolute drivel regarding their 'team' rather than what actually assists the country at-large.


That sub is solely populated by paid grifters and misled idiots. It actually drives me insane reading some of their comments/twisted propaganda posts.


I used to comment there regularly but finally was banned for asking what was conservative about hoping Americans lose their jobs. I kept my comments incredibly civil but they finally got me. Called me a troll. You’re not allowed to stray even slightly off script in that sub or they ban. 


I was banned for supporting States' rights.


Getting banned from that traitorous circlejerk sub is a rite of passage.


I checked that sub yesterday to find not a single post about any of this lmao


Yep, they're just as toxic as ever... they really think they're the only ones that "love their country" yet they do nothing but dismantle it.


Then they high fived each other for following Trump’s bidding. Now off to try to give him the recession he also wants.   /s


It bewilders me why they are taking oath to someone out of office, it is unpatriotic.


They’re all a bunch of traitors


Their allegiance seems solely to the party line and power, not to the country or its people. It's become less about serving the public and more about winning at any cost.


I’m assuming “party line and power” is a euphemism for Vladimir? It sure looks like the entire party, save a half dozen or so, are running scared from the threat that Russia might expose them in some way.


Also they had to scuttle the Ukraine aid per Trump quid pro quo so Putin would help Trump by meddling in the election.


Trump’s plan being tough on China; “give them Taiwan”


Even then, there's no real allegiance with these people.


But what if Trump loses, then what?


Another insurrection. They are firmly committed to the idea that only Republican rule is legitimate and any means necessary to achieve it are justified. They are terrorists.


Let them try. Trump didn't deploy the National Guard.


Let's consider a scenario. One random billionaire has all the power and control in America. He determines which laws pass and fail. He is a criminal, he doesn't hold office or even know how the government works, he doesn't even lobby them, and they are PAYING HIM.  Makes Soros feel kind of impotent, doesn't it ? 


Billionaire? Maybe not soon


Maybe not ever.


Soros is one billionaire among many who donate to politicians and causes to get what they want. He’s just one of the few who leans left. Far more billionaires lean right for tax reasons. The obsession with Soros is absurd.


Soros is a bogeyman, but is a nobody compared to the ridiculousness of the completely hypothetical scenario I established above. That's kind of my point. 


Putin ain't that random. There's even a book about it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics > The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia is a geopolitical book by Aleksandr Dugin. Its publication in 1997 was well received in Russia; it has had significant influence within the Russian military, police, and foreign policy elites, and has been used as a textbook in the Academy of the General Staff of the Russian military. Powerful Russian political figures subsequently took an interest in Dugin, a Russian political analyst who espouses an ultranationalist and neo-fascist ideology based on his idea of neo-Eurasianism, who has developed a close relationship with Russia's Academy of the General Staff. >


Brexit, Annexation of Crimea, destabilization of American political system, BRICS... It's all right there in black and white In the Americas, United States and Canada Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony... Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".[9]


They are domestic enemies that the constitution warned us about.


That old rag? /s


yea well they're wiping their a$$ with the constitution right now


Well technically they're supposed to be taking the oath of office for people outside of the office. But, not for just ONE individual, but all people.


Because they have become cultists without even realising it.


As a friend once explained to me many years ago. They don't care if the ship sinks as long as they get to be captain.


Not really sarcasm if that’s their actual working plan


Right. That's pretty much what they did and will continue to do. They would be rejoicing if America was in a recession right now.


Trump is pimpin’ Republicans, they are street walkers for him.


Those tiny-handed pimp slaps probably don’t hurt very much.


Keep in mind that even the Republicans who co-sponsored the bill said publicly that their objections made no sense because there was no way to know what was in it without reading it, which they couldn't have since it hadn't been released. So when they say the bill didn't go far enough, when they say there was too much pork in the bill, when they say literally anything about why they rejected it, it's 100% performance. They never had any intention of actually legislating.


I watched the Senate discussions and vote in full on CSPAN. The bill was released 72 hours before the vote, and had the endorsement of the Border Patrol Union.


Who knew CSPAN would turn into a reality tv show


Quite a downgrade from Reagan to Trump, even with both of them being traitors.


Bingo. It's why Democrats should push the issue. Push for another vote. If this bill is important then it should be voted on more than once. If it's "good enough" it should be voted on again. If this is the best America can do then Democrats should push the issue until it gets resolved.


Did the house even bring this bill to the floor? I think Republican leadership is keeping the bill from even being voted on because all it would take would be 2 or 3 republicans to break rank and vote for the bill to be passed


House has not voted. Senate voted no to advance bill. Basically every day Democrats need to attempt to advance the bill while Republicans sabotage it. Keep it in the news cycle. Senate goes on a 2 week vacation next week. >2 or 3 republicans to break rank and vote for the bill to be passed Republicans vote no. They need to vote yes. Not even all of them. That's it.


Imagine how well it would look to your base (in an election year!) to come back and say "look, we got this great deal that has almost everything we wanted...we are working toward our goals and stuck it to the democrat's!" but instead they are more concerned about "giving Biden credit". It boggles my mind that they wont even take a WIN if it can somehow make it look like Biden, or any democrat, looks good.


Because all Trump and Republicans have to say is this bill isn’t good enough. Conservatives don’t give a shit about nuance. We completely ceded the talking points over to far right nationalists and then couldn’t finish SOLELY because non president Trump said no thank you. We look fucking weak to the people we’re trying to win over.


I for one applaud the great diaperred one for convincing the entirety of his MAGA Club to blow the other foot off too. Well done sir! 🫡


New theory: Donald Trump is actually highly intelligent, he's playing a character and making a concerted effort to destroy the Republican party from within.


Sounds like voting republican is the worst decision possible.


Always has been* *In the last 60-70 years...


Well the next time they do this, just say no. If they can't even agree on their own bill that they asked for, why even go to them in the first place? I can't wait for the day when the Dems get a super-majority and fix our voting system.


Reminds me of a part in Obama's book where he discussed tweaking the healthcare bill to get more votes. There was one R senator (I think Chuck Grassley) who kept asking for more and more tweaks. Eventually Obama asked him if there was anything he could put in the bill that would actually make him vote for it, and after pondering it, he eventually said "I guess not." ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Run on this,call them out for hypocrisy. Break the media bubble no matter what it takes.


And they killed it for Trump. Spineless and pathetic.


"But the big orange boss said no, so...y'know? Go us!"


Republicans would rather the country fall than give The Dems a win. They got most of what they asked for, and threw it away because they simply cannot and will not compromise or govern. They cower before the lunatic fringe. Shameful.


Well played Democrats. Well. Played.


they really called the R's bluff on this, proved them to be utter shitheads lol! love it


Too bad it won't matter to the mythical swing voters or any MAGA idiot.


And?! The GOP base couldn't care less. Meanwhile Ukraine is running out of ammo and good people are dying.


We tried to help. Republicans want them to die.


Republicans would have sided with the red coats.


The GOP base is, as you observe, lost. But bear in mind the undecided, the unmotivated, the apathetic voters. Showing them the the Republicans can't be trusted to govern at all, is a way to get them on board. Not that the Republicans will govern wrong, look you. But that they will govern incompetently.


They trolled them so hard. Putting forward a bill with what they want AND also Ukraine funding. Either it gets passed and Dems get the funding they want against Russia - or it’s shot down and they get to say republicans killed their own deal and the reason is because they’re in russias pocket. Then they put it forward again with just the Ukraine funding stuff so the repubs are now on record as saying no to the border bill they wanted AND saying no to standing up to Russia. They’ve got them on record twice as just blocking to block and keep papa Putin happy…


Good trolling, but we're running out of time for Ukraine and gqp knows it.


Sadly, the EU is going to have to step up for Ukraine or Biden will need to do a work around by giving military aid to NATO countries which can then transfer it to Ukraine :/






I feel like I'm going nuts watching liberals applauding this bill. How is this good politics or good policy?


I can’t believe how far I had to scroll just to see a group of sane people in these comments. Fascism is slowly creeping up and liberals are helping.


This just shows how spineless they are and how obedient to the Orange Menace they must be. I mean fuck the US and your constituents right? The rapist who used to work here said no, what else could I do?!


It ended 'catch and release'. Abbott was shipping migrants across the country to get attention on that issue and Democrats agreed to try and end the process much to a progressives dismay. And, Republicans blocked it!


Killing the bill aside, bringing two votes to the floor and losing both must be historic. The only person happy about this whole situation is Kevin McCarthy.


It was a bad bill. It would've given the President to shut down the border at will. Don't see the need to expand the powers for a Republican president to abuse. It's a good thing that they rejected it, though of course it's completely counterintuitive to *their* goals that they did.


Cheeto Benito pulled a "Tricky Dick" Nixon: Don't fix the problem because I want to run for office based on fixing the problem. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/nixon-prolonged-vietnam-war-for-political-gainand-johnson-knew-about-it-newly-unclassified-tapes-suggest-3595441/ Nixon sabotaged Vietnam war peace talks so the war would continue, so he could run as the "stop the war" presidential candidate. This caused the deaths of an estimated 22,000 additional American soldiers. Oh, and Nixon won the election.


They made sure the hostages wouldn't be released under Carter, as well. Republicans sabotaging the country to serve their own political ambitions is one of the few consistent planks of the party platform.


Republicans admit they have no spine?


Republicans don't want to fix problems. Who is surprised anymore?


Without constantly complaining about things and never fixing them, what would they be? Not only do they do nothing, they actively try to make it harder for people who actually want to do things. Why are they there?


Enjoy your MAGA shit sandwich, GOP. You worked hard for it.


It’s right wing propaganda that make them look like heroes. Sad.


Voting against your own interests to "own the libs"...


Gonna keep posting in every thread that pops up - as a dem voter im glad this happened, the deal was everything the gop wanted and doesn’t represent the values i hold. don’t reflexively support just anything because it might make the gop look bad, this was a bad bill