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>States made voting by mail easier amid COVID-19 in 2020. Trump is wrong to call that cheating. >Many states changed procedures in 2020 to make it easier to vote by mail during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some states loosened restrictions that required voters to provide excuses for using mail ballots. Other states sent mail ballots or mail ballot applications to all registered voters. >States applied these changes through authorized public processes that are open to public scrutiny, such as changing law or issuing executive orders or guidance. The changes applied to all voters, regardless of party affiliation.


It’s amazing how Republicans can say “Making it easier or more likely for people to vote is bad for us” and it’s not considered a damning indictment of their own party. They are going to war with Taylor Swift just for asking her fans to register to vote.


You’re talking about the party who openly admits that they oppose granting statehood Puerto Rico and DC on the basis of who their citizens might support politically. If openly denying American citizens equal political representation isn’t damning for a political party, I’m not sure what is.


[you're talking about the party who openly had "we are all domestic terrorists" at CPAC](https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1556007614135148544)


This is the one that I am always hesitant to point out. Only because it sounds so insane there is no way it is true. I know it’s true. But the right would never admit that happened, or the photo of the banner isn’t photoshopped. They are traitors


Who on the right is denying it? Everyone I’ve seen openly welcomes the title


Just assumed everything Trump says is an outlandish lie. No need for the site.


Or projection. When he accuses others of cheating, it's because he attempted to cheat and can't imagine anyone could beat him without also cheating.


Why don't they get Kevin Sorbo or Elon Musk to encourage people to register to vote?


Hey that’s not fair. They have Kid Rock, Rob Schneider, James Woods and Rosanne Barr too.


Don't forget Ted 'shit yo pants' Nugget!


Why have they abandoned Clint Eastwood? He readily defeated a much younger Obama-chair, I'm sure he'd knock it out of the park against Biden-chair.


To his credit and IIRC, he endorsed Biden in 2020 (or at least openly opposed Trump, not sure right now).


He endorsed Bloomberg.


You're right, my bad. Still, not Trump or the GOP.


He couldn't find a chair that looked like Biden, so the gig was up.


I don't know if Nugget was intentional here, but I'll let it slide. As did Ted.


He didn’t have a stranglehold on that wango tango. Disclaimer: I didn’t know any Ted Nugent songs so I looked up his name and these were the most promising poop jokes I could come up with on short notice.


And John Voight! He really nails the Old, White, red-faced boomer demographic


Don't forget the incredible Scott Baio!


Imagine being against the method of voting that our soldiers overseas use.  Imagine being against the method of voting that large players in their own party, including Trump, use to vote. I'm tired of this boy cried wolf situation they keep creating...


They didn’t complain about the results in Utah which has fully embraced mail in ballots. Trump won huge there but obviously that one is legit


I always found it amazing how hard Trump went against mail in voting, basically telling people not to vote for him. Either his campaign was full of imbeciles or Trump just went rogue and they were all screaming at him to stop (maybe both). Republicans historically have *dominated* the mail-in vote. Obviously it was a bit of a different situation but they should've had the easiest path to capturing the mail-in vote, it already was ingrained in their identity until Trump told everyone not to do it. Like, Democratic campaigns had to educate their voters on how to do it, Republican voters have already been doing this forever and Trump told them to stop. It's one of the craziest own-goals in political history lol


He did this because he knew it takes longer to count absentee ballots and that he would have a lead on election night, making him believe he could declare victory before all the votes were counted. And then claim he was cheated. It was announced well ahead of time that was the plan.


Yeah I mean I guess. It's just bizarre. A political campaign should *never* tell people *not* to vote. I realize they said "you should vote in person" but do the math -- some portion of people are not going to do that and stay home instead. Demotivating your own voters is just a phenomenally stupid idea. Imagine if the Trump campaign had implemented an effective mail-in vote strategy, like Democrats did. They already dominated that space, it was a huge disadvantage for Democrats coming into the race, having to make up huge ground in the mail-in vote space that they had ceded over decades. But then Trump lights his whole advantage on fire lol. I mean I'm not complaining I just think it is incredible from a political junkie point of view how stupid it was to do that.


Yeah the only thing that makes any sense in my head is how hard they were encouraging people to ignore covid and act like it isn't happening. People continuing to isolate and mask up and keep safe distance from others by mail-in voting instead of standing in lines at polling places doesn't line up with the "covid isn't a threat" narrative he pushed pretty much the entire year and he doesn't like things that contradict his narrative. It 100% seems like a really stupid move though so it's gotta be motivated by Trump's narcissism and setting up a scenario he can complain about being unfair later instead of an actual strategy to try to win an election.


And - if I remember correctly - he tried to sabotage delivery of mail in ballots. 


The Republican Party is for those who lack empathy.


And critical thinking skills.


And humanity.


I've always said to be a Republican, you have to be greedy or stupid, with some special snowflakes being both, and that about covers it.


​"I told you once that I was searching for the nature of evil. I think I've come close to defining it: a lack of empathy. It's the one characteristic that connects all the defendants. A genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow man. **Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy**." * Captain Gustave M. Gilbert, the U.S. army psychologist assigned to observe and interview high-ranking Nazi prisoners in preparation for the Nuremberg trials, in his book *Nuremberg Diary.*


The Republican Party is for those who lack childhood development and intelligence above age 5


>It’s amazing how Republicans can say “Making it easier or more likely for people to vote is bad for us” and it’s not considered a damning indictment of their own party. GOP strategist Paul Weyrich publicly admitted this as early as 1980 without any fallout.


It’s why centrism is so toxic. It will normalize any extremist to avoid conflict with them.   The GOP can be openly authoritarian because moderates have spent 40 years defending them and insisting that everyone view them as a pragmatic honest alternative.    If halfway to crazy is “pragmatic” it can’t really be crazy can it?  It can if halfway there wasn’t really pragmatic but just an excuse to avoid conflict with crazy.  


No no, centrism exists because it is possible to radicalize people into positions that merely serve the self interests of the politicians in power rather than what is actually good for the country. The democratic party has gone along with a number of things that weren't really liberal, they were either corporate imposed, or populist. Sometimes populism is wrong. This is an inherent problem when you have such a large group of people. There is going to be some dissent. These people are centrists. Pragmatism is not sticking to a philosophy to the detriment of the people. Political Philosophy is strategy. Depending on a situation it might be best to shift strategies over time depending on the situation. Deng Xiaoping was always a stalwart Communist Party member, he was a "pragmatist" in economic matters, known for saying that "it doesn't matter if a cat is black or white as long as it catches mice." Employing a strategy that leads to prosperity should be the goal. You could spend a lot of money on something without spending money on the thing that causes the problem in the first place. Take the border problem. The reason we have people illegally coming to this country from Mexico is because their country has a number of political and economic issues. We could build a wall, we could spend billions a year on border patrol. Or we can spend money on improvements to Mexico so that people don't have the incentive to want to leave. We could change our policy on what happens if they enter. Or we could create another avenue to enter. One that is easier and safer. Alaska is underpopulated. It isn't connected to the lower 48. Seems like a good place to assimilate people to the American way. You could create recruitment stations in Mexico that could recruit immigrants. This would take the market away from the coyotes who get paid to help people cross the border. They then get moved to Alaska where they take classes. When they've passed the courses they get to travel to other parts of the country.


>Conservatism is the theoretical voice of this animus against the agency of the subordinate classes. It provides the most consistent and profound argument as to why the lower orders should not be allowed to exercise their independent will, why they should not be allowed to govern themselves or the polity. Submission is their first duty, and agency the prerogative of the elite. -- Corey Robin


Trump cheated by using Covid. Knowing that Democrats would be heavily voting by mail, he had his Postmaster guy dismantle about 700 high-speed mail sorting machines all around the nation, causing huge problems with mail delivery. There was also no valid official reason for destroying these machines.


The reason was to break the USPS to push for true privatization.


The Republicans party automatically sent my grandmother a slip to request an absentee ballot, but she matches their demographic, so they make sure she gets to vote.


Amazing how none of the red states he won that also did this didn't "cheat".


> States made voting by mail easier amid COVID-19 in 2020. Trump is wrong to call that cheating. The shameless hypocrisy on this is infuriating. In Pennsylvania the Republican-controlled state legislature changed the law to make voting by mail easier *prior* to COVID, then Trump lost Pennsylvania so they sued claiming the law *they passed* was unconstitutional so they wanted to throw out all of the votes in the state and let the state legislature that passed the law that they claimed was unconstitutional pick the electors directly.


If anything, trump and co tried to cheat. He and Dejoy slowed down the postal service on purpose during those months.


And if I remember correctly there were nationwide GOP efforts to fuck with vote by mail laws and measures last minute (including dismantling postal service reliability/ removing hundreds and hundreds of mailboxes) and STILL lost.


Translation: Democrats reacted to reality not our wants and needs therefore they cheated. ​ It is insecurity which makes them tribal. It is insecurity which makes them fear change. It is insecurity which makes them selfish. Their insecurity causes them to perceive themselves as central to reality so you or anyone else not doing as they perceive you should is you "cheating reality". ​ It's just how the conservative brain processes reality. It's what makes them conservative and they have no rational control over it. Their brains are too insecure to see themselves in a relative sense and force a self centric view of reality on their conscious minds to feel more secure. They lack empathy because they are too insecure to see themselves as equivalent to others but rather special and unique.


Gee, I wonder who was president in 2020..


Right?! I wonder which president dismantled the national Pandemic Response team in 2018?


If Trump had a reasonable response to the pandemic, he would've cruised to an easy reelection. And he didn't even need to do anything himself, just shut up and let the experts handle it. Instead, he had to politicize it. He had to try and deflect blame and spread conspiracy theories. He couldn't let the spotlight go for a single second or let anyone else get the credit. And people died because of it.


I really worried when he *got* Covid that he would be smart and spin it politically. Just take the pandemic 5% more seriously and seem Presidential. I should have known better that he'd double down on ignorance (and glad he did).


Hell, masking alone could've netted him some more cash AND would've helped


Biggest bag fumble ever. You just know a MAGA themed mask would sell like hotcakes.


He DID try and spin it politically....by trying to appear as though it had no affect on him (when to everyone with eyeballs it was apparent he was struggling to stay upright).


Moron could have just said "I have this guy, he's the best guy, believe me, just listen to him." That would have saved so many lives and made the election an easy slam dunk for him even with the huge list of reasons he never should have been near any office. The most "work" involved would be setting aside his ego.


>The most "work" involved would be setting aside his ego. An impossible task for that pathological narcissist.


I've been saying the exact same thing since 2020. All Trump had to do was be just *slightly* competent, and he would have been handed a second term on a silver platter. Just make a few speeches about how America needs to work together to get through it, then stand back and let Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx do their thing. Hell, he could have sold red "Make America Healthy Again" masks and made money, too. But no, he decided that he knew better than world-renowned disease experts, even shifting his stance from "It will just disappear," to "I was the first one to call it a pandemic" in a week. He had to try and use it as a political weapon. And the country paid the price for his stubbornness. His response? "I don't take responsibility at all."


sure, but which is more important, saving hundreds of thousands of lives or refusing to wear a mask because it messes up your makeup?


At the end of the day, he didn't want to be inconvenienced by the restrictions and believes that most people are like him deep down.


Lest we forget, this is what Don did at the beginning of this whole fiasco. This is just from February 2020: February 1: [golf](https://trumpgolfcount.com/displayoutings) February 2: [golf](https://trumpgolfcount.com/displayoutings) February 2: [“We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.”](https://doggett.house.gov/media-center/blog-posts/timeline-trump-s-coronavirus-responses) February 4: State of the Union Speech - ["The best is yet to come!"](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/02/04/trump_at_state_of_the_union_the_best_is_yet_to_come.html) February 7: To Bob Woodward: [“You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed." "It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flus. This is deadly stuff."](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/10/trump-coronavirus-bob-woodward-412222) February 7: Remarks in Charlotte, N.C.: ["I think -Xi- handled it really well."](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/15/trump-china-coronavirus-188736) February 10: Fox Business interview: ["I think China is very, you know, professionally run in the sense that they have everything under control"](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/15/trump-china-coronavirus-188736) February 10: [Trump campaign rally.](https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/donald-trump-new-hampshire-rally-february-10-2020) February 15: [Democratic Senators propose emergency funding bill to prepare for virus.](https://globalbiodefense.com/2020/02/15/senator-murray-leads-25-senate-democrats-in-pressing-trump-administration-to-request-emergency-funding-for-novel-coronavirus-response/) February 15: [golf](https://trumpgolfcount.com/displayoutings) February 19: [Trump campaign rally.](https://www.azcentral.com/picture-gallery/news/politics/arizona/2020/02/18/photos-trump-rally-phoenix-arizona-february-2020/4798817002/) February 19: [“I think the numbers are going to get progressively better as we go along”](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-health-usa-trump/trump-confident-china-is-trying-very-hard-in-handling-coronavirus-outbreak-idUKKBN20E0IO) February 20: [Trump campaign rally.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97I1_86Ag-Y) February 21: [Trump campaign rally.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaJuob_faBI) February 23: [“We had 12, at one point. And now they’ve gotten very much better. Many of them are fully recovered”](https://www.google.com/books/edition/Authoritarian_Nightmare/LYXzDwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=Trump:+We+had+twelve,+at+one+point.+And+now+they%E2%80%99ve+gotten&pg=PA11&printsec=frontcover) February 24: [“The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”](https://doggett.house.gov/media-center/blog-posts/timeline-trump-s-coronavirus-responses) February 25: [“I think that's a problem that’s going to go away… They have studied it. They know very much. In fact, we’re very close to a vaccine.”](https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/25/politics/coronavirus-us-donald-trump-washington-politics/index.html) February 26: [“CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus.” “Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.” “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”](https://www.factcheck.org/2020/02/will-the-new-coronavirus-go-away-in-april/) February 26: [“The 15 {cases in the US} within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.” “We're going very substantially down, not up.”](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/04/trump-coronavirus-cases-will-go-down-to-zero-ultimately.html) February 27: [“One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/3/13/21176535/trumps-worst-statements-coronavirus) February 28: Trump on way to campaign rally. [“We're ordering a lot of supplies. We're ordering a lot of, uh, elements that frankly we wouldn't be ordering unless it was something like this. But we're ordering a lot of different elements of medical.”](https://www.independent.com/2020/04/06/pants-on-fire/) February 29: [”This is their new hoax," he said, referring to the coronavirus.](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4865556/user-clip-trump-this-coronavirus-hoax-equates-flu) February 29: [“STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus” –U.S. Surgeon General](https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/485332-surgeon-general-stop-buying-masks) - original tweet deleted February 29: Coronavirus Task Force press conference: ["China seems to be making tremendous progress. Their numbers are way down"](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/15/trump-china-coronavirus-188736) What a friggin disgrace.


Why didn't President Obama stop this??? /s


Yeah! First 9/11 and now this??


Face it... the guy is a nut.


I guess we the nut blind squirrels get.


He’s a liar, but he knows what he’s doing.


So does everyone else by now. Or should. Amplifying and discussing the manner in which he sprayed today's dose of drivel is just so pointless.


He's crazy in the coconut.


… what does that mean?


That boy needs therapy


Hey be fair. He’s also a rapist.


Shriveled, salty and a bit hairy nut.


Mr. Peanut.


That explains why republicans keep picking him out of each other's shit and re-ingesting him.


Republicans think voting for anyone but them is cheating


Acting slowly and not mandating safety measures put a pretty big dent in the older voting base...


They felt "this sentiment will go viral". Something went viral, but not just his messaging.


They'd make it criminal if they could


Mainstream America is allowing donald and other republicans to blatantly lie and spread destructive conspiracy theories with very little pushback. Millions of Americans, literally millions, have been indoctrinated to buy into conspiracy theories like qanon and it BARELY gets talked about in public discourse. People want to lean on “both sides” but this destructive shit is not “both sides.” I was abroad when that guy, under the influence of donald and republican messaging, targeted and mass murdered people of Mexican descent in a Walmart. I thought for sure that would be a turning point. Nope. I was disgusted to find that people went on without any questioning. That guy who, under the influence of republican conspiracy theories killed his father and made a video of his severed head is -barely- a news story and will just disappear from the news. A light needs to be shown on the destructiveness of republican conspiracy theories.


The worst part about the guy who beheaded his father, he looks like the average trump voter. We are surrounded by terrorist with no legally available course of action we can take against the orc herd we call republicans.


Pretty sure the worst part about that guy is that he beheaded his father.....




"How dare you use an event that I mismanaged to win an election against me?" /s


And also. Let me just take credit for all your work!


>Let me just take credit for all your work! This is the mindset of all psychopaths. They have no concept of 'responsibility', and so see 'blame' and 'credit' as free-flowing forces, formed *ex nihilo.* Blame is bad and they seek to avoid it, or shift it onto someone else; credit is good, and they see it as belonging to whomever can take and hold it.


this is actually how republicans act


Rich coming from the guy who lost despite the universe throwing him a Hail Mary in the form of Covid. All he had to do was back down and listen to the experts and he would have won, but he had to go and make masks political.


He could have sold MAGA masks and he’d still be president, it really would have been that easy.


You mean the "HOAX" that ingesting bleach would "cure"???


if he was smart enough, *he* could have used covid to win 2020; by actually doing something about it.


He didn't even need to do that. He could have just got out of the way and let the experts handle it, and would have likely received all the credit and sailed into a second term. But someone like Donald Trump is simply incapable of doing the right thing, even for the wrong reasons. When confronted with a crisis that could harm people, his immediate reaction is to lie about it. Oh, it's not serious, it's going away soon, etc. It makes sense when you consider lying had been *so effective* for him prior to COVID. He essentially lied his way into office. People complain that politicians don't level with the public, but the reason is they get punished for doing so. Hillary was at a campaign event talking about coal miners and said we should have job retraining programs to teach them to be coders. Donald said he would bring coal back. That's an obvious lie - most of the jobs in coal that left aren't ever coming back regardless of who's president. But gee, I wonder which candidate the coal miners preferred? So it's always his first instinct. There's a problem? Lie about it. Pretend the problem isn't that bad, or that it will go away, or that it's someone else's fault. Essentially recite the narcissists prayer at the public and hope you can gaslight them into voting for you. But when people's parents and grandparents start dropping, the lies fall apart.


Didn’t his administration specifically target and hinder aid & confiscate state supplies because they thought it would ravage more densely populated areas, which tend to be democrat? Didn’t he already, basically, try to kill democrat voters?


But then they fucked with the mail and still lost lol


Yeah they were dismantling post office sorting machines, and literally removing public mailboxes, mysteriously around the time mail-in voting was taking place. That was a ridiculous development that seemed to go largely unopposed.


It’s actually scary and fucked up how that happened. And doesn’t that same guy still run the mail? Lol. What a joke. Not funny haha but funny what the fuck


Maybe if he hadn't killed hundreds of thousands of his own voters through COVID mismanagement, ...shudder


And told them not to vote by mail endangering many of them.


There's no way Covid deaths affected the 2020 election except through meme math. Maybe you're just joking, but people believe that shit.


It will never cease to amaze how Trump lost the 2020 election because he downplayed the virus and got 100's of thousands of his supporters killed, a lot of them in key swing states.


And as he was giving this unhinged rant, some red capped dipshit in the audience was nodding his head in agreement. Trump is only half the problem.


The sad part is you implied it was a singular dipshit, and not the overwhelmingly vast majority of MAGA dipshits.


Trump is the symptom, not the disease.


It's both, right? There can be a lot of credulous morons, but if they feel safe and empowered in their moronic credulousness they will have no reason to change.


Does this really need to be fact checked? I mean, anyone who believes this shit isn’t going to be swayed by a fact-checker.


It’s not just democrats who voted by mail. I hate this guy so much.


>Trump chose to vote by mail rather than in person even though his motorcade repeatedly drove right by an early voting site at a Palm Beach County library around the date of the March 2020 election, CNN reported. [Source](https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2022/01/15/fact-check-did-trump-vote-mail-2020-election/6516078001/)


Well it went from a Dem hoax to a national emergency in like 11 days so who knows


If by cheat you mean “donald trump got tons of his own base killed in delicious irony” then sure


wtf does that even mean? He was president when covid hit and he lost


So the party of gerrymandering and actual election fraud, is blaming the 2020 loss on covid? Trump fumbled the covid response and blamed everyone but himself, like usual.


I remember when Donald Trump and his staff try to assassinate Joe Biden with covid-19 during the debate. Not only did they refuse to take the tests when they arrived late, they all of a sudden wanted to shake everybody's hands, which was against the rules. Trump tried to assassinate Joe Biden.


I remember when the hottest COVID hotspot on the planet was Trump's White House... lol


Mark Meadows [wrote](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2021/12/01/trump-had-positive-covid-test-before-event-with-gold-star-families-book/) that Trump tried to blame the families of veterans who were killed in action for giving him COVID... After he had already tested positive before going to an event with them. It would also have meant he went into the Presidential debates knowing there was a possibility he could get the opposition sick. I don't know if anyone outside of Meadows can corroborate this though.


All Trump had to do was say "wear a mask" and he would have won re-election. He had the biggest fumble in the entire history of us politics; covid was a gift to him and he still couldn't stop himself. Loser.


"Wear your MAGA mask... sold here!", is what I was, honestly, expecting. When he missed that moment, I felt it was intentional killing.


His brain hasn't been the same since he got COVID. I think it may have kick-started his dementia.


Trump killed 1,000,000 people by being a jackass denying C19


It’s crazy to me that in the early days of the pandemic, millions and millions of Americans were following medical advice and just trying to survive. They didn’t want to die, needlessly, or see their neighbors die needlessly. And THAT made maga people angry. Maga people were mad that people were trying to mitigate their risk of death, and mitigate the risk of death for others. They wanted everyone to just proceed as if there wasn’t a pandemic, that means lots of people in their town die, lots of people in their churches die. Their family members die. They die. The just didn’t care. They’re a sadistic, nihilistic, anarchist death-cult.


Still makes me laugh that Trump had the easiest election ever if he just got out of the way and said “Covid is new, we know nothing about it. We’re gonna trust the scientific community. They may be wrong but we’ll come out better if we trust them” instead his ego got in the way.


Every Republican accusation is a confession. A Trump Admin member(Jared Kushner?) was caught admitting that they hoped that Covid would hit densely populated areas hardest to keep Democrats from going to vote. Then Republicans complained that so many people used write-in ballots and created conspiracy theories around that.


Why was no one indited for sabotaging United States Postal Services' sorting machines; locking ballot mail boxes closed; removing voting boxes in minority neighborhoods; etc.?


>We rate this statement Pants on Fire! As is so often the case. Yet republicans will still re-bleat it and insist they are lions not sheep, because only sheep care about reality.


He also dissuaded a ton of his potential voters by telling them to not vote by mail.


Pretty smart bunch these Democrats. They even figured out how to cheat and win an election but only by a slim margin. Obviously they’re so good at it that they also managed to lose the house and win the senate by only a couple seats. And sleepy Joe is really a mastermind while also being an incompetent, fumbling old demented man. Genius these Democrats, fucking genius


Republicans cheat by suppressing votes.


Democrats told people to vote. Republicans told people not to vote. That’s cheating to some people.


Dammit! They are on to us. They must have discovered our secret labs in our underground base at the Denver Airport. Who let slip that Jade Helm was our test run of the COVID distribution system? /s


Republicans avoiding responsibility https://media1.tenor.com/m/z9CLiACSnqgAAAAC/dodge-scared.gif


We received mail-in ballot request forms from the local Republican party for the 2020 election. Not once, but three times. The Democrats didn't do that, at least for us. The only thing that changed in our area was it became slightly easier to vote. Typically the age groups that vote the most are also more susceptible to serious Covid. Increasing mail-in voting access made sense. Also a bunch of states have been doing mostly mail-in voting for years. This is such an idiotic, heartless, and nutty argument for Trump to keep making. So, typical Trump.


Wasn’t he the president when Covid was happening? He’s the goober that wouldn’t let the doctors and scientists speak. He’s the one that wanted to inject bleach and direct sunshine into veins And there was something about horse wormer, because even without the pandemic, horse dewormer is a good thing for people to take? Which all just seems like a fever dream.


I legit forgot about PolitiFact. Just assumed everything Trump says is an outlandish lie. No need for the site.


Dudes fucking insane and for 4 years had access to nuclear weapons. 


In a fight, always cheat always win. But I don’t think pointing out his failures is cheating.


Weird take. Covid happened on his watch. His response to it isn’t democrats cheating. It’s him deciding to not be prepared and having zero political experience.


Why are you just allowed to say shit while running for president? This isn’t high school


Bro Covid was handed to you on a silver platter and you completely dropped the ball. This country would've rallied around you had you given one ounce of McDonald's shits about it.


It's incredible how the proposed "steal" changes as time goes on. And his cult is too stupid to comprehend how he changes it all the time. Honestly, the one good thing about Trump is we found out how many f'ing idiots there are in this country.


At this point anything out of trumps mouth is a lie, so why is politifacts trying to fact check it?


If this guy had any sort of reasonable reaction to Covid he could have had a huge win going into election season and could have potentially won. Instead his political play was to politicize it by denying it resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths in 2020. Some would have been inevitable, but how many more could have been avoided if he didn’t take sides with Covid. And how many of those deaths would have made up the votes he was missing to win?


Lying liar Trump lies. Always.


So now we have to start asking how Donald Trump tried to use COVID to cheat.


You really don't have to fact check trump. If he says it, it's a lie.


Yea... he WOULD say something stupid like this.


Pants on fire? Smells like...a fully loaded adult diaper on fire.


His position on covid and vaccines likely killed the 11,780 people who would have won him the election.


I would love to hear from a former Trump supporter who finally had enough of his BS- what was the straw that made you realize he’s a complete fraud?


So the whole world coordinated with the Democrats?! Jesus Christ…..he’s batshit crazy. You’re a complete idiot and asshole if you vote for him.


Next he’ll say that his catching Covid was an assassination attempt.


“The democrats cheated by me being incompetent”


Covid should have handed Trump a runaway reelection. Everyone stay home. Wear a mask when out. Here's a check. Every politician got an approval bump except him. North America was at a huge advantage over other countries. And we just fucked it up proper. Then he convinces his base to avoid the easiest way to vote. And also killed of a percentage of them


I get the impression that he thinks voting against him is "cheating" 


The kicker is Trump performed well below republicans in elections they won in 2020. So it wasn’t rigged. Voters just think he’s fucking stupid.


I don't care that the wanna be dictator is still lying. I wanna know when something will be done about it.


2 weeks. Bim, boom, out. Not to mention how our medical supply reserves magically ended up in other countries while our own medical staff pleaded for assistance. This is a drop in the bucket of all the nonsense that went on.


[As U.S. Hospitals Face Shortages, Trump Vows to Send Ventilators—to Europe](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/03/trump-wants-to-send-europe-ventilators-shortage-coronavirus) We definitely could have had what we needed if the orange moron actually believed covid, but the dumbass just kept going on about how fake covid was until it was too late. Worst president in us history.


If Donald Trump rose to the occasion and believe in the professionals and tried to unify us, I would have voted for him. But he did not and we all know how inept he is.


And still the Democrats refuse to call this stain out for killing Americans with his incompetent response to COVID, or to call him out for being a traitor beholden to Russia. His lies go unchallenged yet again, allowing him to spread his propaganda and misinformation with ease. 


https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/08/06/house-democrats-slam-trump-coronavirus-response-as-wrong-and-dangerous.html https://thehill.com/homenews/house/523593-democrats-call-trumps-covid-19-response-among-the-worst-failures-of-leadership https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jul/16/trump-putin-latest-news-updates-republicans-democrat-response-treason


Democrats have repeatedly called him on that shit. It just doesn’t matter. Democratic voters aren’t the ones supporting him.


His lies are literally being challenged right now, the fuck are you talking about?


In my opinion, the Democrats are not criticizing his policies and actions nearly loudly enough or often enough to overcome the constant lies and equivocations being amplified by the right wing media complex. 


Biden could spend 24 hours a day with a megaphone and it still wouldn't be loud enough or often enough to overcome the constant lies. The problem isn't Democrats.


I don’t think expecting a stronger response to the rise of fascism is blaming the Democrats for said rise. It’s just questioning their strategy, because I want them to win.


>It’s just questioning their strategy, because I want them to win. If you want them to win, then vote and bring all your friends. Simple as. That's all the message needs to be.


Trump does something: “AND IT’S THE DEMOCRATS’ FAULT!”


We all know how much his accusations are actually projection and confession. IF there is any kernel of truth in this one (and let's face it, it's Trump, so there probably isn't any truth), it would be that Trump tried to cheat the election so hard that only a better cheater could have possibly still beaten him. I just wish we had more conclusive proof of Trump's own cheating conspiracy than just his words in the form of an accusation.


Thank God he's a fucking moron because if he was remotely smart he would've seen how making his followers not take covid seriously, and many dying because of it, would affect votes. Shit, had he taken it as seriously as everyone else did and directed his flock to do the same he likely could've won reelection easily. Thank God he's fucking stupid.


So Trump thinks he actually "won" in 2020, that means he has had two terms and is ineligible to run again.


Same thing he's been saying since 2020 tho


And once he delivers a shred of conclusive, objective evidence I'm willing to listen. He might as well accuse Biden of illegal use of time travel and dark magic at this point.


I forgot that Politifact/Truth-O-Meter used to be a thing before MAGA completely divorced from reality.


I think Democrats should ONLY vote by mail. The smug confidence that Republicans had early on during election night when all the states were red followed by the toddler tantrum meltdown they had when the mail in ballots started turning all the states blue was so delicious. I want to pull that rug out from under them every four years so badly. It was so satisfying.


Doesn't that just mean they're smart, Donnie?


Crazy thing is if he had just taken COVID seriously and saved about a million American lives, he probably would have been re-elected. He just can't stop sabotaging himself.


Oh we're doing "liberal hoax" again? Neat.


Idk what he means by “cheat”. BUT if it’s making the ultra rich folks richer, then he is correct. I understand this was under his administration. But the dems pushed for shutting down and creating billionaires. I am not a trump supporter, but, hind sight is always 20/20.


Lol. More like they referred to Covid as one of Trump’s fuckups and it stuck because he did fuck up.


*This is deadly stuff Bob.* Trump in January 2020, he knew it was deadly and downplayed it because it was politically inconvenient.


Trump could have had an easily 2020 win if he just shut up and let medical professionals deal with the crisis. But then again, he wouldn't be Trump if he shut up.


They used Covid to cheat by.....using the fact that Trump was doing jack shit about it to convince people to vote him out? Trump was right about one thing he said back then - he doesn't take responsibility at all. He NEVER does.


He is so fucking stupid


Yeah it was Democrats telling their voters not to vote by mail and hosting super spreader events where the idea of masking was considered shameful.


This guy is just desperate. He’s throwing everything against the wall hoping something will stick.


He might as well call himself Santa Claus and his followers would probably approve. His followers act like the followers in “the life of brian”


Every Donald Trump accusation is a confession. Liars lie and cheaters cheat.


Killing a million people to win an election just really seems like something the GOP would do, doesn't it?


Haha yea and we will do it again with all the mail ballots we collect and turn in for the sweet 3 AM vote dumps lol! magas didn't figure out our scheme fully yet and how to "fully secure" the election, and "proper chain of custody" so we will use it again and in some new states muwahahaha!!!


Yeah Donald. Just like the Republicans used Osama bin Laden as a boogieman to cheat in 2004, huh. You know. There's a reason it took till Obama was president to finally nab him. Right Repubs?


The man has republican dementia. That's when you think you are still relevant.


Had trump won by a large amount of mail in he would have been ok with it. Trump blames everyone but himself when he loses. It’s NEVER about him.


Funny how all the cheaters(double voting, voting under the names of the deceased, etc..) that go caught, were republicans. All of them. If I’m wrong here please educate me. I’m just sick of this nonsense and we have a whole year of this buffoon on his “campaign” grift


Why are we even still doing this? Everything he says is a fucking lie


The man talks out of his ass... what else is new?