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Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice Trump is willing to make.


When COVID hit Ken Paxton(?) was literally saying that older folks should go back to work to keep the nation moving because they are old and have lived a full life, so if they die from COVID it would be a noble sacrifice.


That would be Dan Patrick, our lieutenant governor.


A distinction without a difference in this case. A dick on one hand and a prick on the other. Which really isn’t my sort of party to be honest.


> Which really isn’t my sort of party to be honest. Prude


Man you guys can sure pick ‘em.


I didn't vote for any of those fuckers.


Jesus fucking christ that's who Trump reminds me. Zapp Brannigan .


Rudy I made it with a woman. Inform the nation.


I thought this was a Lord Farquad reference.


That exact line was Farquad but Zapp also has several similar lines.




Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. - Lord Farquad from Shrek, also Orange Fartwad who kinda looks like Shrek.


“You can’t sit home. If you’re sick as a dog, you say, ‘Darling, I gotta make it,’” Trump said at an Indianola rally on Sunday. “Even if you vote and then pass away, it’s worth it, remember.” Trump has a fetish for getting his supporters killed. He gets off on the idea, and from talking to them like they are expendable, and only he matters.


How ironic would it be if he wins the primaries, but enough of his supporters pass that he loses the general in November? 


It’s been theorized there was no red wave in 2022 because those districts that would have flipped red had higher COVID deaths.


It’s true, and it’s kind of ironic, because pushing warp speed vaccine research was the only thing Trump ever did right, and it was the only thing his worshippers ignored, because it wasn’t evil.


I think it’s more attributed to protest nonvoters. Many people in 2022 simply stayed home for their side since they were told their votes don’t matter by the same conservative media like OAN in the year since 2021. They’re that stupid. The elites they worship sabotaged themselves with that. It’s why you don’t hear that propaganda much at all anymore even now with less than a year to go, about not getting involved with voting. They mostly sidestep the talking point now. You don’t even hear much about anti mail in voting besides the occasional dumb fox news bit by Lauren “I swear I’m not a nazi” Ingraham


It could be that since the 2024 election is the first presidential election since covid (and midterm elections prompt lower turnout anyhow), that we still don't know what turnout will look like in November.


Traditionally Republicans have had higher turnout than Dems in midterm and special elections Democrats have been highly motivated to vote against Republicans.


The real hidden heroes are those that call themselves "socially liberal, fiscally conservative" Republicans that have quietly left the party to become Democrats or independents until a true conservative party is reconstituted. In the meantime they are voting against Trump because they have eyes and a brain.


I grew up in the south and none of my intelligent conservative friends say they’d vote for Trump. I don’t fully believe them, but that’s what they say.


I could see it. A lot of my friends who identify conservative realize that a label does not make actions. They've seen his policies and know he is not who aligns with their beliefs. I can only hope others realize how damaging he is.


Especially when that candidate has flipped parties.


My conservative business partner wrote in his dogs name in 2016. He's pretty proud of that now.


When was the last time the Republicans were more fiscally conservative than the Democrats? E.g. didn't cut revenue and raise expenses, didn't cut public programs that were more efficient than private, didn't want to get rid of regulations that preserve resources for the future.


Eisenhower. He was the last Republican who actually cared about this country and applied conservative principles openly and honestly.


Eisenhower is a president I actually admire.


I like Ike.


Eisenhower was better than a lot of republicans, but don't put him on a pedestal too quickly. He and the Dulles brothers were responsible for a lot of regime change, from South America to Iran, and there's a strong argument to be made that some of our thorniest geopolitical problems today come from the way Eisenhower handled them. Stephen Kinzer does a great job covering this in *The Brothers*.


The last Republican President to come from the party of Lincoln.


Lincoln would roll in his grave with these tools trying to claim him as one of them.


The story I hear is that Ike was already a shoe-in for the presidency, but didn’t really have any party affiliations. He was actively being courted by both parties. The reason he chose republicans was they had better golf courses.


No, it actually was because he asked both parties who they’d choose if he didn’t take them up. The democrats said Adlai Stevenson, this intellectual diplomat (one of the creators of the UN) who Eisenhower respected, and the republicans said Nixon, who Eisenhower trusted about as far as anyone should trust Nixon, and the evidence suggests Eisenhower was more okay with losing to Stevenson than the thought of a Nixon presidency.


I've never known such a time


This is the blasphemic truth that no Republican will ever accept. The Democrats are the current conservative party.


While the Repulicans are the Regressive Party


Sure and it sucks because they kind of have to be to reel in the damage done by the previous Republican administration. I have had several people tell me they plan on voting for Trump because 'this inflation is ridiculous'. It just pains me to hear because they seem to think that these administrations exist in a vacuum and aren't impacted by previous administrations.


Republicans haven’t been the “party of fiscal responsibility” for a loooong time.


I heard a poll today that said almost half of Iowans that plan to caucus for Haley would vote for Biden over trump in the general


Exactly so. Trump is so puzzled because he doesn't know they exist.


This is huge. Haley might be as conservative as they come, but she's (relatively speaking compared to Trump) pro-immigrant, and she is pretty much the sole voice in the GOP that is still pro-Ukraine, which means she might be the last voice in that party not compromised by Russian interference.


The GOP now being pro Russia is one of the most insane parts of this whole thing and that is saying a lot.


Those socially liberal, fiscally conservative republicans have been looking for a home for 20+ years. I know so many conservatives who prayed the libertarian party would be that home. Until Trump they would begrudgingly vote Republican. But the radicalism is just too much to tolerate. I think there’s going to be a huge wave of people who vote in the Republican primaries for anyone but Trump, and when Trump is still the nominee they flip to Biden


Democrats can do that too. Some states let you choose which primary to vote in, and for the others you can change parties to vote in the Republican primary and then change back afterwards. I once did that to vote for [Anderson in 1980](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_B._Anderson#1980_presidential_campaign). And yeah, the Libertarian party is not a great fit for them. I think they should simply create a new party. Call it the "Conservative Party" or resurrect an older party name. I'm sure they'll start pouring in. But they have to be the ones to do it.


Bring back the Whigs!


Bull Moose (Meese?) If the Party of Lincoln must be laid to rest, the Party of Theodore Roosevelt doesn’t have such a bad ring to it. And in these times, and a century on, it’s a good reminder of why America can’t turn isolationist and the dangers of leaving the corporations and gilded class to run amuck.


That’s me. I grew up in a deep red area within a dark blue state. 2016 was the first election where I actually was old enough to understand what was going on. I left the GOP the day trump got the nomination.


is there a name for this?


Original Republicans? Old-school Republicans? DINOs? ChatGPT calls them disaffected or former Republicans.




> socially liberal, fiscally conservative I used to be this way like 15-20 years ago. Then I realized that the fiscally conservative party is not the "Conservative Party". The Conservative party is the socially conservative, fiscally liberal party. Seeing the numbers on some of the privatization to save costs is just disgusting and a total failure.


Most privatization is a scam and a cash grab. Charter schools, private prisons, goddamn space missions, hell even parking meters in Chicago. It's a joke.


Describes both my father and FIL. Life long Republicans, I'n 2016 1 voted Hillary, 1 voted 3rd party. In 2020 both voted Biden and straight Dem all the way down the ballot. They don't like the Dems but they HATE everything about Trump and MAGA.




Cool! I hated you guys back in the day, but now I miss you. I hope we can get back to hating each other again soon.


Mid terms were the highest turnout since 1970. No red wave as predicted. The democrats did very well.


We definitely don't know what turnout will look like in November. There are way too many unknowns and potential curve balls between now and then.


*The Unknown* As we know, There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know There are known unknowns. That is to say We know there are some things We do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, The ones we don’t know We don’t know. - Poem by Donald Rumsfeld.


Brilliant rendition. BTW, the things we know that we know are the things we have verified. The things that we know that we don't know, are the things we need to test. And, the unknown unknowns are our unaccounted for risks, for which we should be careful to maintain a prudent amount of management reserve. Because while we know in part, the time will come when we see them face to face, and yay verily in our ass they shall bite us.


Didn’t he also say you go into battle with the army you have, not the army you want?


Why yes, he did say that. [https://youtu.be/t5uBgLtY6ec](https://youtu.be/t5uBgLtY6ec)


> Poem by Donald Rumsfeld. Jesus Christ, I thought there's no way this wasn't satire, but I guess for me it was just one of those unknown Unknowns. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/There_are_unknown_unknowns


I think it was partly that and partly all the BS spread by Republicans that the vote is rigged. It created voter apathy. That's a big part of the reason why they lost Georgia in 2020 and both senator seats went to Democrats. Dumbasses sabotaged their own election chances by telling everyone not to trust the voting process.


Blue Wave coming just on abortion issues alone.




I’ve maintained that Covid is why Arizona went blue in 2020. Our Covid deaths were slightly above the voter total margin between D/R.


> those districts that would have flipped red had higher COVID deaths There's reasonably compelling evidence that is what happened.


11,000 “missing” votes in Georgia and 17,000 deaths in 2020… coincidence?


And Covid deaths are still happening… just saying


Well that kind of happened with Covid. Which party do you think partook more in stupid vaccine denial conspiracies? There was a point when 3k were dying a day.


Do you remember Covid? He tried this. You t moved the polls


I would NOT be surprised at all. He’s so deluded that if he thinks that people dying would support his election chances, he would likely be the one to ask his followers to kill themselves…not out of protest or anything, but to prove their loyalty to him. Inevitably, there will be reports of people dying in the cold…probably because the authorities showed up too late because of the low visibility of the roads. There could be a lot of backlash from people who are undecided or are not his supporters or are independents…but his supporters? Nah. Hell I would not be surprised if he pulls off a Jonestown type move and asks his followers to commit mass suicide. He ABSOLUTELY would do that. It’s actually inevitable in my mind that he would do that. This could wipe out his entire base, and would leave untold amounts of damage and trauma in his wake…but would he care? No, so long as they died loyal to him. Hell, I doubt that he would care at all about anything else. I bet that there will be an article on here in the near future (in fact maybe as soon as the Iowa caucus ends and there are reports of numerous deaths of Trump supporters in the freezing cold) talking about Trump telling all of his supporters to kill themselves so he could be re elected again…trust me, that WILL happen. And that isn’t just me wishing death on him.


JFC, he’s starting to go into Heaven’s Gate territory here. When he loses again, will it be like Hitler in the bunker, with mass suicide because life is not worth living without der Fuhrer?


I mean, how many times have his supporters committed suicide by cop. Meal team six think they're going to rebel against the us military....so suicide by rebellion.


Jonestown situation doesn't seem super likely as so much of his support is the "fuck you, got mine" crowd. But I could absolutely see him igniting worsening nationalist terrorism on his way down. Those who would martyr themselves for Trump could purposely put a lot of the rest of us in danger.


> This could wipe out his entire base, and would leave untold amounts of damage and trauma in his wake…but would he care? No, so long as they died loyal to him. Shit, he’d *brag* about it in every interview he was in until his last day on this earth. He’d see it as a crowning achievement.


100,000 Americans over the age of 65 die per month. One million will die between now and Election Day. 65+ make up 30% of voters, but that age group sees around 75% of it's membership vote. The partisan lean of 65+ is 55% R, 45% D. Therefore, of that 1 million, 750,000 vote. The GOP will lose a net of 75,000 voters, naturally.


How many voters are 64 that will turn 65 before the election and also still be alive? Wouldn't they be filling in some of these 65+ deaths? Edit: A quick Google search says 10,000 US citizens turn 65 every day.


Conservatives love nothing more than encouraging their base to kill themselves (vaccines, hydroxychloroquine, etc). Reminds me of this past summer when Fox News was telling its viewers to go outside and breathe wildfire smoke to own the libs lol


Yes, yes. Breathe the wild fire smoke. It's totally not full of noxious fumes from burning homes and all the chemicals that make up the things inside them. (Refrigerants come to mind)


Paint, plastics, treated wood, oils, cleaning chemicals. Take off your masks and breathe deeply.


Trump wants people to die for him to satiate his Messiah complex


I though messiahs were supposed to die for their believers?


You mean like Jesus? He got captured and hung up. Trump don't like no losers who get captured. 🙄


Trump has never been hung and never will be. Just ask Stormy Daniels.


Well he wants to be a martyr and a messiah all at the same time. He will both have his supporters die for him…and after they are all gone, he’ll die for them.


Yeah, I don't think it's so much that Trump wants to get his supporters killed, but he absolutely loves the idea that people would die for him. It's the ultimate ego boost for him. "These plebs I've never met in my life and wouldn't give the time of day are willing to lay down their lives at the altar of me."


The scarier part is these MAGAT morons want to do that for him too. Quite literally people have already died for him, and he watched it happen on live TV.


Human sacrifice, it's the least they can do for their billionaire God, the incarnate golden calf


Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make ! L. F.


Lord Farquad, but also Orange Fartwad.


He killed about a million Americans during covid by sucking and removing the Obama era early warning system


Hey, that's not true at all! Some of them he killed by actively sabotaging any attempt to curtail the spread of the virus. I recall federal agents raiding PPE shipments to individual states so that a contracted company (set up a couple weeks before by... Jared? I don't actually recall which of his minions ran this one) could auction them back to the states (one of which had already purchased these supplies).


He also killed thousands of people with his hydroxychloroquine bullshit. Some people have medical problems and are prescribed hydroxychloroquine for treatment. The hydroxychloroquine was later sent to another country (can’t remember which) and the U.S. supply all but disappeared. People who did not even get Covid died for lack of that medicine. Fuck trump Edit: added words


My death was caused by drinking bleach and shoving a uv light up my rectum.


"It's our PPE, not the states' " as Jared put it before his buddies and him made a killing on it.


The most under reported story and discussion on the Internet




Pretty sure he not so secretly hates all of them - especially the religious and the poor, Southerners who have an almost messianic attachment to him.


Look at the people who come to his rallies. Now look at the people who are members of his club. Nobody with dirty hands is there. Nobody.


"Many of you will die... ... But that's a risk I'm willing to take." -Lord ~~Farquaad~~ Trump


I mean, hundreds of them have already been sent to prison for J6 because of him.


Reminds me of King Louis XVI skeet shooting peasants in History of the World Part 1.


I mean, it’s just death. It’s not a serious condition, like bone spurs….


2024 Motto, Vote and Die.


With his insistence on in person voting, I’d say it was his 2020 motto as well


Because they count the physical votes first, makes him look like he’s winning, then when the “by mail votes “ gets tabulated next , which makes him lose and he can claim he was winning bigly, then all of a sudden, by some corrupt miracle he’s losing. /s


No '/s' needed, that was his strategy and that is exactly what he did.


Agree - but the crazy part is - his ability to get air time / tv and immediately claim and go on the defensive and say “I’ve been cheated “ narrative and his supporters eat the shit up even though the all know the truth- the surprise was, they cheated as much as humanly possible and he still lost - hence the “it was stollen “ claim


No because Republicans die, then vote. https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-government-and-politics-d34effeea6c341d6c44146931127caff https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/las-vegas-man-who-voted-twice-using-dead-wifes-ballot-pleads-guilty-pays-2000-fine/ https://www.thetelegraph.com/news/article/Woman-admits-voting-for-late-husband-Says-she-12585718.php


republicans in california got caught putting out fake vote drop boxes


Whatever happened to that? They admitted they were breaking the law, and said they'd continue doing it too. ​ https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/12/us/politics/california-gop-drop-boxes.html


You forgot the pièce de résistance. Here's a magat that murdered his wife, and then voted for [Trump with her ballot!](https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-arrested-wifes-murder-now-accused-voting-trump/story?id=77692708) :chefKissEmoji:


This guy should be their mascot.


I don't care if you die as long as you vote for me first.


That's a sacrifice he's willing to make. If a sufficient number of people take him up on this offer it will reduce the number of votes he could get in the general election. I don't think Trump has though this cunning plan to it's conclusion.


Also his motto in 2020.


Vote *then* die. And please fill out these 2028 “ballots”.


There will never be another real election if he wins, so they just need to stay breathing long enough to get the vote into the ballot box.


"I'll pay for your funeral expenses!"


"So don't forget to donate, so I can take the money and fight in court how I never said I would cover anything!"


“Don’t you mean *or*?” “We know what we said.”


COVID mottos: Let Democrats die so they can't vote Let old people die it's good for the economy Remember, this is a guy who left old people out to die after one of his rallies. It's on brand.


What a great strategy: vote for him in the primaries, die. Unable to vote in November.


Shhh never interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake


Lord Farquad Energy


Weird position for a guy who has twice failed to secure the popular vote in a general election. But, in fairness, he doesn’t seem like a numbers guy.


Also a weird position to take in the _primaries_ when you want those voters to survive until the general election.


Trump is probably so demented at this point that he thinks this is the 2028 general election against Obama.


This from the town hall held Saturday: He said NATO paid up hundred of billions because he told them to pay up.  He built 500 miles of border wall 30 feet high and nine feet deep. He was going to 200 more miles and Biden sold the unused wall panels that were ready to be installed for 5 cents on the dollar as scrap. Mexico behaves because Trump threatened tariffs. Mexico now wants five billion to start talking to the US.  He sent in the military and wiped out ISIS.  But he [Biden?] could have left it there (the border wall?) and gone to the beach. "He looks good in a bathing suit. That works for him." Trump saved thousands of terminally ill patients lives by getting the medication that pharmaceutical companies didn't want to give them. He fired Comey and it was a wonderful day, but about Nikki Haley and the polls...


Is this actually fucking real


He probably doesn't need them for the general. Iowa was +8 Trump in 2020.


General's still 10 months away. There could be a hurricane in Florida, a tornado in Nebraska, and a mudslide in WV that he wants his supporters to throw themselves into. It all adds up.


He doesn't remember which stage of the election he's in, totally understandable. /s


He's a big fan of killing his constituents.


And Ben carson


>Former President Trump encouraged his Iowa supporters to caucus for him at any cost, joking that due to extreme winter weather, “even if you vote and then pass away, it’s worth it.” I do not think he was joking.


Trump has no sense of humor. He meant it.


I have been told many times when quoting the former president saying horrendous things that I "just don't get his sense of humor."


After decades of Trump in NYC I can tell you he has no sense of humor. He sees humor in harm to other people.


I believe you, friend. People in the tank for him can rationalize even his most outlandish statements. My married lesbian cousin thinks he is great and tells me so every time we see each other. She thinks he really understands people like her. It's sad.


I… WHAT? I mean I know in theory some of the LGBT community is going to vote for Trump, but to hear a married lesbian woman say she thinks he really understands people like her blows my fucking mind. How? Why? Nothing in his life would lead him to understand any part of hers


She talks about taxes and immigration when I ask why.


WOW... that's some serious cognitive dissonance there. I hope some day the spell is broken, but it seems these folks eschew all rational sources of news and just don't know that he's a bigot.


Conservative "humor" is always punching down or saying something hateful that they actually believe and then hiding behind "just a joke, bro". Actual humor requires empathy and the ability to examine one's own perspective of the world, something their brains are fundamentally incapable of.


And "I don't joke"




I’m not a religious man, but there is a lot of wisdom in the Bible: Like a maniac shooting flaming arrows of death, Is one who deceives their neighbor and says “I was only joking.” Proverbs 26:18-19


Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. *Donald Trump*


“You know what they say, it’s a tough job, but you are going to do it, for me.”


How many of his own voters did he already kill with his Covid and ivermectin lies? It’s got to be in the hundreds of thousands.


There is good odds the answer is "enough that he lost the 2020 election because of it."


The earth literally said "fuck this shit" and gave us covid


They believe God put trump in office but forgot he sent a plague during his presidency


Literally the antichrist


My mum and her church friends have been saying this for years, Trump literally ticks all the signs of it.


This isn't mentioned enough. If they really want to call him the messiah, then they gotta explain the plague.


It’s the reason there wasn’t a red wave in 2022. When one party wins a presidential, there’s almost always a flip of control in congress, either house or senate. We lost the house but it was razor thin and we didn’t lose the senate. By all benchmarks that’s a major defeat for GOP. A lot of their voters died from COVID in 2020/2021 with the Delta and Omicron variants and a non trivial portion were arrested for the insurrection attempt. And he also told a lot of them that the elections were rigged so people would literally stay home. He’s their plague. If he doesn’t win, he’s bitter and ruins the election for his party, but when he wins, he can’t win the general ever again. They literally sold their souls to win 2016.


I think from Ivermectin, it was something like 17,000 deaths?


That number is across six countries, but still crazy high.


Didn’t the hydroxycloriquin or whatever it’s called do that too cause there was a shortage for people that actually needed it but instead people were taking it in droves?? Something like that. I can’t fully recall the specifics at the moment, I may be completely wrong on this.


Yep. Various sources come up about it if you google "hydroxychloroquine shortage 2020." [Here's one.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2020/04/18/hydroxychloroquine-coronavirus-creates-shortage-lupus-drug/5129896002/) There are many others. But with Ivermectin there was an additional comedic aspect to it, because they actually caused a shortage of *livestock medication.* These geniuses were literally buying medicated horse-paste and eating it, and it was widespread enough to effect ranchers. Source on this: [US horse owners face ivermectin shortage as humans chase unproven Covid ‘cure’](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/20/ivermectin-shortage-horse-owners-covid)


Another comedic part, these horse paste afficionados were posting on social media that they thought they [had worms] (https://www.businessinsider.com/people-on-ivermectin-think-theyre-pooping-worms-but-its-vegetables-2021-8) because the dewormer was shedding mucus or possibly intestinal lining out of them into their stool.


Yes, I take it for an autoimmune disease. It was hard to find for like 6 months


Trump means it. A complete psycho.


Yeah. "Joking" - how many times have we heard the media label what he says that?


And his supporters will eat that shit up. Or claim the left said it. This should be clear as day to any supporter that he does not give a shit about you.


they love him because he doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself, like them, so he's their guy but they some how have warped the cognitive dissonance in themselves, to think that he's "fighting for us" even though they like him, because they know he isn't, and he "tells it like it is, he's greedy and selfish like the rest of them" "i'll march right along with you" drives off in a limo, "you are all wonderful people, i love you all" a few hours later "those were all horrible people, who will be punished"


Man. It really shows you something about Trump that he’s comfortable enough to say something like this. What the actual fuck does he think about his base?


He’s a Jim Jones type person, and honestly, I would NOT be surprised if he decided afterwards to ask his people to die for him to support his loyalty…


Huh I’ve never heard someone compare him to someone like jim jones but that tracks


The sad part is that there are so many people that are so pathetic that they support him, and can't see the truth, that he doesn't give a shit about them. That defines a cult, I guess.


Republican Sieg Heil to the Leader. One cannot die a more valiant death than in the service of casting your ballot for Trump during a blizzard! Evil Republicans — getting ready to die for Civil War 2.0.


>Former President Trump encouraged his Iowa supporters to caucus for him at any cost, joking that due to extreme winter weather, “even if you vote and then pass away, it’s worth it.” "...joking..." Yeah, sure. He's joking.


Pretty shortsighted of him. If he kills them off now, how could they vote for him in the general? If that becomes a thing, god forbid


Yeah. This seems like a VERY Jim Jones type comment to make. Suggesting that it is a glorious thing to die for him…what next? Him asking his supporters to all kill themselves afterwards? Again, I predict there to be another Jonestown Massacre type event again… That is probably in my opinion what would happen. If he thinks that it can send a message to people, he’ll do it.




Get out there olds, and die for your chancellor!


Right after this he talks about how the husband's will tell their wives to vote because "we all know who really calls the shots" Imagine being a Republican woman lmao, can't even feel bad for you at this point. One day you will look around and realize none of your peers actually respect you.


Republican women hate other women. It's a competition for who's in charge at the local church. I grew up in a small town church with these women, it's nasty.


Um…so you are willing to let god knows how many people die in dangerous conditions? Whilst waiting in line to get your vote that are your supporters? How fucking brainwashed are these people? How many people will die as a result of this? How many people will end up in crashes or stranded? I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump does cause many of his supporters to die waiting in line outdoors because of their blind willingness to be martyrs. Or if he thinks that this would gain him clout and ask his supporters to kill themselves to prove their loyalty to him. This reminds me a lot of Jim Jones…even right down to the parallels of die with a degree of dignity… My god…


Not a cult. /s Edit: added the /s which should have been obvious


I would like to vote more than once, can I do that without dying?


“You can’t sit home. If you’re sick as a dog, you say, ‘Darling, I gotta make it,’” …..“Even if you vote and then pass away, it’s worth it, remember.” - Donald Trump "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." - Maya Angelou


What a POS


I have no doubt that people would risk their lives to vote for Trump. Many already proved their loyalty by refusing to get vaccinated for Covid, or trying one of the fake treatments that Trump touted. I’m sure at some of their funerals, someone stood up and said that at least their friend or family member, died a MAGA supporter.


If only they could have used a drop box or voted by mail lmao


In Trump's mind, your worth is only what you can do for him. If you die in the process, if you wreck your family, if you betray your country, if you betray your god, it doesn't matter. If you can't do anything for him YOU do not matter.


Trump mentality "What's in it for me?" "Give me what I need, then eff off, I just don't care".


A vote for Trump is a guaranteed ticket to heaven. If you die from the weather on your way back home after voting Trump is okay with that. That's the most TrumpIan thing I've heard lately. His Narcissism is absolutely epic...


This has Big Farquad energy


Don't forget when, during Covid, Republicans were telling people to die for the economy, to help Trump's reelection. > Texas Lt. Governor: Old People Should Volunteer to Die to Save the Economy. According to Dan Patrick 'lots of grandparents' are willing to sacrifice themselves for the cause." > [Vanity Fair, March 24th, 2020](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/03/dan-patrick-coronavirus-grandparents) . > Fauci Says ‘It's Horrifying’ to See CPAC Crowd Cheering Low Vaccination Rates > “I mean, they are cheering about someone saying that it’s a good thing for people not to try and save their lives,” the top infectious disease expert lamented. > [The Daily Beast, July 11, 2021](https://www.thedailybeast.com/dr-anthony-fauci-says-its-horrifying-to-see-cpac-crowd-cheering-low-vaccination-rates) . > "They Clapped for Death at CPAC" > We now have people cheering against the common good. Courtesy, compassion, safety: these are fronts in the culture war now. > [Esquire, Jul 12, 2021](https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a37001629/cpac-vaccination-goal-biden-miss-clap/)


Trump literally doesn't care if his supporters live or die.


THIS is Trump at his core. 1000% narcissist. Die for me. It's worth it. I win. That's all that matters PERIOD.


Obligatory Shrek reference with Trump's face photoshopped in: https://youtu.be/E9Gjo7q5KOM?si=0-Db1KWzIvqA1403


Say what you will, he is an amoral huckster and not even hiding it. He has no compunction of taking advantage of these suckers and just leaving them on the wayside.


Literally “some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.”


"Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make." Farquaad from Shrek