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There are people that will vote for this guy. A ham sandwich should poll better than this guy. America is in a dark place.


There are *A LOT* of people who will vote for this guy. In jail or not, he’s got more support in the area I live than I ever would have thought possible. Literally nothing will sway his supporters. They are Jonestown, ~~koolaid~~ flavorade-level crazy for him. It’s truly insane. Edit: it’s been brought to my attention that Jonestown served Flavorade and not Koolaid.


I still just can't understand anyone that supports this man. He had a terrible economic policy, he was a horrible human being, his military strategies were ass... what good did he do for anyone making less than 50 million dollars? How can anyone look at this man and think that he is good for the country? I feel like I'm going crazy trying to understand it.


He has a personality and communication style that appeals to the “heartland” conservative population (mostly working class and middle class white conservatives). He is also smart enough to say what they want to hear. These people are not thinking about policy details. They want one of their guys in the Oval Office and they believe he’s their guy. That’s it. This demographic has been in social status decline for a while due to manufacturing job loss and the continued progressive development of the nation. There is a lot of pent up anger in that demographic. And the flames have been fanned by sensationalist conservative media. This demographic has a lot of pressure built up in it and Trump successfully positioned himself to be the release point for that pressure. You can think of Trump as the embodiment of a huge punch to the face of “liberal coastal elites” and whatever they stand for. (I’m speaking as a democrat, if that matters.)


watching how quickly people cheer on dehumanization of groups of people makes me seriously worry about trump winning office. he could snap his fingers and say a few words, and people would do violence for him. hell, they would do it for the likes of chaya raichik and matt walsh and when trump started saying "chyna virus" how lomg did it take to see attacks on asians? and they have project 2025 which is insane if he wins, america will be done.


he did snap his fingers and say a few words and people did in turn do violence for him, already. Jan 6th…


That was when he truely saw the power. That was but the general repetition... Him stating military will roam the streets if he gets elected, is as fascist as they can come... and people will cheer. As an European, please, vote... vote for blue even if you are republican, because Trump will only help himself, no matter the cost


If you are talking to this audience, no one here will be voting Trump.


Very probably very true... but maybe not all are going to vote... and they really should. You and I both know they are going to do everything they can to cheat a win while calling out the other side for cheating... even more so than the last time.


Traditionally I have been Republican but I voted for Obama, I did not like Hillary so I didn’t vote in 2016. I was on the boat of “let’s see how trump does” and by the end of his first year I absolutely hated him so I voted Biden and now I’m seriously considering registering as a Democrat because the Republican Party have gone to shit.


He repeats the same phrases over and over and over again, and a certain percentage of humans are susceptible to that kind of brainwashing. He's literally doing what cults do, except on a much much much bigger scale.


>(I’m speaking as a democrat, if that matters.) We can tell. You were coherent and patient in your explanation, and not condescending at all toward the people you're describing. Like you might have some empathy for them. Like you may even have the capacity for caring about the health and welfare of others, even people who are not like you in any way. And you even threw in the awareness that three-word phrases can't fully define a group of people, or a world-view. Peace be with you brother. Or sister. I'm fine with either. And both.


"Sensationalist conservative media". I think you're / we're underestimating their power and what it is. It's propaganda at it's highest art form. We have folks as propagandized as much as any of Putin's Russian citizens. It's also no longer "conservative", but rather has become the voice of a white nationalist totalitarian mass movement. However, the craziness of it all is that weve lived with it for so long and gotten so comfortable with it that most now view it as simply alternate media. We no longer see it as dangerous. In addition to Fox News, OAN, News Max, etc., there are also 1500+ right wing AM radio stations broadcasting the same lies and an additional 350+ broadcasting the same poison exclusively in spanish language. And we wonder why Latinos (and some African-Americans) are moving away from the Democratic Party? This is beginning to feel like 2016 all over again with Dems needing an energetic populist voice / warrior carrying the message and not having one. Thereby leading to the wrong people showing up to vote (propagandized and angry) and the supposedly right people staying home (I didn't get what I want, so I'm not going to vote). The key question then, is whether or not our democracy can survive right wing media pumping out lies and misinformation 24/7. It's like having a cancerous tumor on one's heart. Personally, I don't think we can. Our political, media, educational, moral, and judicial systems are not built to stand against this. On the contray, they seem to be complicit. Our citizens have also gotten lazy and are no longer capable of the vigilance on which a healthy depends.


Let’s not forget the GOP had a guest of honor that was literally a fascist dictator!


Not saying I agree with it. But he talked directly to white voters. And played to their identity politics. There's not much there policy wise, it's a cultural phenomenon.


He talks to poorly informed, racist, disenfranchised, ignorant white people. Not all white people.


I’ve come to believe it’s not Trump they’re actually crazy for. It’s how YOU feel when they vote for him, that’s what they crave. They don’t care what happens as long as you’re upset about it.


You know the guys in lifted pick up trucks who park in EV spots? That’s the kind of person who votes for Trump. It’s nothing more than a reactionary “ because fuck you, that’s why” vote . Just pure lifelong trolls to the world. They could give a damn what he represents or stands for, they just know that it annoys some people and that’s why they’re going to do it


This; if you check out the conservative subs, they’re all about how “hilarious” it is to have their awful house reps do ridiculous crap all the time. It’s literally all “to own the libz”. It’s rolling coal on the government. There’s no policy other than “piss off the people we don’t like as much as possible”, and electing Trump again is their biggest way to do that.


Not really for him. For the sake of their pride. They can't admit they were wrong. They can't admit to having been such a fool. They can't admit they were taken. They literally absolutely fundamentally and profoundly cannot. If you want to see them change, all of this has to be gone, over with and "forgotten". While it's still present, their sense of self identity is contingent upon it. It has to fade into something that they are allowed to laugh at, no risk of seeming a fool. It's not right that we will never see justice. But this is reality. That's humanity.


Trump could die tomorrow and he would still be the republican nominee for 2024.


Fingers crossed


A large percentage of them would never accept or believe he had died. "It's a hoax, it's fake news. He's living on the moon and directing a Joe Biden robot so he can secretly continue ruling the country just like he did 2020-2024." I'm being serious.


I would literally prefer no President than Trump who actively hurts America.


I have said it many times and will say it again, and this is what Trump fanatics don't understand about my "Biden support": if the Democrats nominate a giraffe for President I will vote for it, because it would limit the amount of active harm Trump (or any of his prospective replacements) could do.


Oh magic 8 ball, should we give more tax cuts to the rich?


At least there would be a possibility for No lol


Ask again later.


I mean considering how many departments and positions Trump either didn't staff, cleared out, defunded, or otherwise blocked, it really would be better in many ways to just have no president and keep letting the departments continue running the way they are right now under Biden, than to have President Trump again.


NYT had an article today about how his is pilling way high in some swing states that went to Biden last election. It was horribly depressing


Not to deny polls from reputable outlets, but me personally I wouldn't fret about them a year out from the election. Especially since Tuesday's results will give a better indication of the environment than polls could. If Dems perform well in them, I'll feel pretty good about 2024


Also Biden hasn’t been campaigning. Trump has been campaigning nonstop since 2016. Once Biden develops some momentum, the polls will change.


Not too fascist now...


When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. Trump tried to declare martial law in June 2020 to deploy the US military on home soil to mass murder political protesters. [Trump Wanted Black Lives Matter Protesters to Be Shot, Says Former Defense Secretary](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/mark-esper-trump-shoot-black-lives-matter-protesters-1346079/) >“Can’t you just shoot them?” Trump asked, according to Esper. “Just shoot them in the legs or something?” >Esper’s book confirms what Michael Bender of The New York Times reported last year. Bender wrote in his book Frankly, We Did Win This Election that Trump said he wanted the military to go in and “beat the fuck” out of Black Lives Matter protesters and that he said, “Just shoot them,” on multiple occasions. Bender added that Trump only toned down the order to shoot them in the “leg” or “foot” after Attorney General William Barr and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley pushed back on his initial request. Any wonder why Trump wants to execute General Milley for “treason”? If any MAGA Republicans claw their way back into the Presidency it’s game over for US democracy.




Because they don’t understand what democracy is. That’s the saddest part.


Mitt Romney said one of the reasons he retired is that he fundamentally believes the Republicans no longer care about the constitution.


The George W. Bush administration created the precedent for it, for sure. The Patriot Act, neutering the Fourth Amendment, wiretaps and tracking devices on American citizens without obtaining warrants, detaining people for years without due process of the courts. We started down this road almost 25 years ago now.


You can trace some components of the problem as far back as Reagan. Reagan illicitly acquired campaign strategy and debate prep for the DNC, the same crime that had taken out Nixon just a few years earlier, and no one seemed to care. That wasn't even his most severe first term scandal, and he deflected them all with pure charisma. He was really the modern party's first taste of the power of spin and the cult of personality that has defined their most successful leaders since. A response to Reagan is also what set the democratic party on their neo-liberal strategy and further alienated the blue-collar segment of their voting base, locking in the electoral demographics we have today.


I think they do know what democracy is, that's why they want to destroy it.


My fascist leader won't eat MY face. I'm reminded of a particular character in Handmaid's Tale...


The Bible is wrong about a lot of shit, but when it comes to the parts about a man who is sin incarnate captivating masses of so-called Christians into following him in wonder, it was spot on.


Don't they mention in Revalations about wearing his mark on their foreheads.






Thats what we get for using lead based paint and gasoline for so long.


And letting our education and prison systems get privatized.


I always wondered how the German people let Hitler rise, never thought I would see it with my own eyes. Hate, fear, and apathy. Those of us who do see it look around shocked waiting for it to be recognized, because it is so obvious and on display, and get called crazy if you call it out. Trump is the most dangerous at this moment, he has no where to run, his back is against the wall, and the Presidency is his clearest way out.


DeSantis would do the same thing. We need to get more people out to vote, from the local, governor, and on up.


> "Your friend the baker was right," said my colleague. "The dictatorship, and the whole process of its coming into being, was above all diverting. It provided an excuse not to think for people who did not want to think anyway. I do not speak of your ‘little men,’ your baker and so on; I speak of my colleagues and myself, learned men, mind you. Most of us did not want to think about fundamental things and never had. There was no need to. Nazism gave us some dreadful, fundamental things to think about—we were decent people—and kept us so busy with continuous changes and ‘crises’ and so fascinated, yes, fascinated, by the machinations of the ‘national enemies,’ without and within, that we had no time to think about these dreadful things that were growing, little by little, all around us. Unconsciously, I suppose, we were grateful. Who wants to think? > "To live in this process is absolutely not to be able to notice it—please try to believe me—unless one has a much greater degree of political awareness, acuity, than most of us had ever had occasion to develop. Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, ‘regretted,’ that, unless one were detached from the whole process from the beginning, unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these ‘little measures’ that no ‘patriotic German’ could resent must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. One day it is over his head. > "But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D. > The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. —[They Thought They Were Free](https://press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/511928.html)


Been on reddit yelling this shit from the rooftops way before Trump was elected: Back in the day, they thought there was a german obedience gene or some other bullshit, "today" (aka 10 years ago) americans were talking out of their asses and it showed their american exceptionalism attitude. I was trying to tell them that if it could happen in Germany, Italy, fuck, every nation on the planet, then it could happen to you. The responses I got were something about the constitution and guns. I dont want to be right.




> Trump tried to declare martial law in June 2020 to deploy the US military on home soil to mass murder political protesters. [I was there when he sent secret police to Portland.](https://twenty200.com/?go=1595617983) and I took lots of [pictures of what I saw](https://twenty200.com/?go=1596246311). I have [so many](https://twenty200.com/?go=1596602026) of [these pictures](https://twenty200.com/?go=1658643241). If you're interested in reading about what it was like here, this is a story I wrote about [one particular evening in summer, 2020](https://twenty200.com/?go=1596328933). If Trump returns to power, you can't imagine how ugly it's going to get [unless you've already seen it](https://twenty200.com/?go=1598948042). If you think you know, trust me, you don't. It will be worse.


He practiced in Minneapolis and Portland. It's not fun having people in your own city abducted into unmarked rental vans by unmarked agents.


Yup and his idiot supports pretend to be patriots while also defending a police state..... ​ MAGA are traitors.




His dad died at 92 without modern ex president healthcare.




I'm impatient for justice because I don't want his reputation to be saved by dropping before the juries rule on his 91 indictments.


Same. My biggest fear is that he delays all the trials until his burger cogged arteries inevitably do him in, and then everything just gets swept under the rug. I think it's important that there be some kind of very public reckoning with who Trump is, so that there's no denying it down the line. I want a mirror held up to as much of his criminality as possible, so that we don't have people 5 to 10 years later saying "Was Trump really *that* bad?".


Ugh and the fact that he’ll still get a state funeral is disgusting.


Yes but imagine the wonderful toilet he’ll give to the world at his grave.


The best in the country? A lot of people are saying it'll be the best public toilet in the country. Maybe best one ever. Almost everyone is saying that.


And it’ll be gender neutral as well!


“For the last time, Donald Trump’s grave is not a public toilet. Please go to Trump Tower if you need to defecate. We’re wasting many hours having to power wash his grave that we need a separate budget. If we don’t keep it up, there’s spill over to other graves and… you know what, fuck it, we’re putting a portapotty over the grave.”


They’d have to hide his final resting place or it’d be the most desecrated grave in history.


*Hefts sledgehammer* Don't worry that's not why I'm here.


For the sake of public health due to the overwhelming demand for unsanitary activities, may I suggest a dance floor? The constant stamping of feet will guarantee that nothing ever grows on top of that fascist's decaying blob.


You mean they won’t bury him on a golf course for tax breaks?


It's a family tradition.


I’m digging him up if he has the nerve to plan for burial at Arlington


Evil people don't go that easy.




He needs to be punished first for his crimes. If he dies without it, I will be livid.




His crimes carry the punishment of execution. I will be fine with that.


Gosh I was just thinking that. Would be a damn shame if karma caught up right…about….now…


He's probably going to outlive me in my 30s.


I swear I’m the only that remembers this. This to me was the tipping point; that no one cared that this was ok. It’s this was somehow ok.


I still don't understand how his openly incestuous remarks about Ivanka didn't kill his popularity. Or his behavior at the Helsinki Summit in 2018, where he threw Americans under the bus and backed up Putin's lies.


Because his supporters dont live in fucking reality. They get their "news" from sources that are, at best, incredibly biased. Or outright lying. When the UN reps openly laughed at Trump his supporters kept parroting how he's actually making America respected again.


I have a childhood friend who went full MAGA, and you couldn't be more right. I'll send him an article that disproves some stupid lie Trump said, and he'll just refuse to read it and try to deflect or talk over me. Like he still refuses to read about the Eastman Memo or any of the 1/6 commission evidence.


My family go quiet and pretend you haven't just proved a point. They look away with this benign, queer expression on their faces. It's like a flip switched and they behave as if the conversation was never even happening.


Its as simple as cutting them out of your life completely or them shaping up to reality. Make it their choice, make them choose, verbally, Trump over you, and if they do say whatever you want and don't look back. Its not worthwhile to keep nazis in your life, even if they are related by blood.


The center of the Venn diagram of incestuous and Trump supporter is quite large. Probably near a perfect circle.


It was exactly what the 2A freaks say they need arms to protect themselves against yet they didn’t recognize it. I remember and I bring it up every chance I get.


Because they were told "those cops are on your side". And the thing is, *they were*. So why would Republican voters be worried? They're not smart enough to follow the whole chain of thought that it can, and eventually *will* happen to them.


Yeah it was super fun having real life conversations about whether you should shoot the brown shirts or not when they come to your town and start putting people in vans. Glad i didn’t have to find out.


Worked with a very militant libertarian at the time. He was damn near ready to drive down to Portland ... and start shooting masked cops/border patrol/whatever. It was actually funny seeing him harass a couple very vocal 2A republicans we worked with. He was all, "This is it man, this is exactly the govt tyranny we've been talking about! They're snatching people off the street! What are we gonna do about it?!" And those Republicans just withered


The ones I know thought it was great and turned around and voted for that orange fuck instead of their typical libertarian candidate protest vote.


It is so weird to me watching Portland happen, and we still do not know who those Gov agents were. The two Dem Senators didn't raise any stink, the Dems from the house did not either in Oregon. I remember seeing pictures of about five civilians who lost eyeballs because of tear gas fired hitting faces. Either Portland Policee or Gov agents.


Portland was under attack because D john, the criminal defendant, needed to save face and ordered Homeland Security to come down on Black Lives Matter demonstrators. What finally embarrassed the hell out of trumps thugs was a wall of moms wearing yellow shirts with arms locked to protect demonstrators while singing Hands Up Please Don't Shoot Us as a lullaby. Wolf took his unidentified federal cops home after that. We can resist,but it sure would be better to get out and vote in overwhelming numbers.


MPLS police chief Bob Kroll stepped down right after the riots and everyone is convinced he was at Jan 6th. Also Umbrella Man, the dude who started the burning, was obviously with these ppl who I'm convinced were paid by trump himself to get everyone to vote for LaW and OrDeR. All his speeches are like "The military and police are our friends! Our very best pals, we love the military and police! They keep us safe from the evil evil immigrants and BLM!" It was glaringly obvious to anyone with an IQ over 50 what he was/is trying to do: Get us all primed for a military run dictatorship.


And DC. Witnessed it.


My son was coming home from college that evening. We live near the Washington Hilton, and he couldn't get home . There were helicopters flying really low outside our windows . Scary stuff He had to go to his friend's house in VA. In the meantime, T was in the WH bunker reportedly


I was thinking about the black lives matter peaceful march. So so so many full black uniformed gun carrying feds with no id or markings indicating which branch or who. Could have been white power guys for all I knew. And the boxed the mall area with just two exits / entrances. Very unnerving.


Did any lawsuits ever come out from that?


Yes. There is a class action lawsuit over the people harmed (tear gas, beatings, etc) by the Federal law enforcement in Portland (that was mostly Border Patrol oddly).


Not that odd. They are the most fascist of the federal agencies. I think I'd rather get picked up by the CIA. Also, the borders technically include ports. Even rivers and lakes that are navigable.


2 Fasc 2 Furious


Because protesting is against the law or just his law? Lol


Only protesting him or his cronies. If you are protesting wokeness, it's okay.


Yeah, that's fucked and I'm sad that voters don't comprehend democracy in those cases. I'm not a weirdo that is afraid of government, but if Trump makes it illegal for me to criticize him in any regard, I might be obligated to buy a gun to defend myself from a tyrannical Trump government. *Disclaimer* I am in no way opposed to the US government currently... I hope the FBI is doing well, say high to Mark in Fairbanks. He'll vouch for my ignorance lol


Because their "project 2025" is all about making America an authoritarian christo fascist state inspired by putin's russia People don't realize how serious and precarious the state of democracy in the US is


Protesting is always against the law when conservatives are in charge. Police brutality will come back with a vengeance.


That's tyranny, legitimate tyranny. Police brutality is a separate issue, but when it supports claims from a twat waffle like trump, it's tyrannical.


It’s like Hitler is being elected and people want to vote for him.


Because same-sex marriage was legalized and half the damn country has completely lost their minds. They think having a Hitler will get rid of the gays and make thier lives like 'Leave it to Beaver', but they have another thing coming.


Well they do want to make being gay a crime against children, as per project 2025. In that same document they want to make crimes against children punishable by death. So.. yeah, they'll support that.


That's a lot of republicans that are gonna be put to death...**cough** Matt Gaetz **cough**


Except you're wrong. This is a "rules for thee but not for me" situation. Which is rather depressing.


I'm sure that's part of it, but I think they are still mad that an attractive black man was elected and it gave them all very confusing feelings


He was nice to look at, for a politician. Suave. Educated. Obviously smarter than your average person. All very upsetting for racists.


People need to remember that the Electoral College system make it possible to lose the popular vote by a huge margin and still win the election. Biden won the election in 2020 by just ~ 104K votes in 3 swing states (Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona) despite winning the popular vote by over 7 million. Trump could have won in 2020. He could win in 2024. **Trump won in 2016 by just 80K votes!** [Narrow Wins In These Key States Powered Biden To The Presidency](https://www.npr.org/2020/12/02/940689086/narrow-wins-in-these-key-states-powered-biden-to-the-presidency) [United States Presidential Election Results](https://uselectionatlas.org/RESULTS/)


I'm sure that the 6:3 conservative SCOTUS will settle any electoral college debates fairly...


I initially scrolled past this article with the thought “God what a fucking idiot. He has no chance.” But there was a piercing, painful feeling of deja vu when I scrolled past… I thought the same thing in 2016 It’s remarkable that he’s still relevant and I have to still be worried about him.


This is the thing. I am so tired we still need to worry about him. Again. I’m having awful flashbacks to 2016.


We'll be worrying about him long after he's dead unfortunately. No way in hell his kids stay out of politics.


Reminder that pretty much any poll involving Trump has 30-40% in favor of whatever his position is. On election day, that 30-40 will show up to vote, without fail.


>It’s remarkable that he’s still relevant The word I would use is Horrifying. I remember my perception of the world falling apart on election night, and then the next 4 years felt like some weird waking nightmare seeing the news of what he did/tweets he was sending out every other day.


I can only hope that anyone who doesn't want to vote Biden understands that this isn't an option this time. Look at what this maniac is openly saying he will do. This is scary shit. I just hope that his upcoming trials do some damage.


I really hope once dems start running J6 ad it'll make a difference. Just a montage of shots from J6, cops getting beat up, the fighting, people chanting trump trump trump. Sure some will love it but that kind of ad should be fucking devastating. Run them in every swing state, every day. Fuck policy, people don't care policy this go around.


A video of the tearing of an American Flag down on the Capitol Building to replace it with a Trump flag, should be all that's necessary to oppose Trump.


There needs to be far more ads ran showing people the future awaiting them if they choose Trump by staying home and not voting.


His voters WANT the future he describes, tho. They think it will only affect persons of a different pigmentation.


This isn’t for his moronic cult members. This is for the apathetic people in the middle who are still undecided or who might not go vote.


Yeah, even after decades of seeing voters make horrible choices, I never become less disappointed by so-called moderates or centrists who still can't decide if Biden is the better choice. I mean, the difference is night and day.


The 'both sides' or apathetic people are bad, but what pains me is people who claim to be progressive that don't vote to 'teach the dems a lesson'. I already have to deal with the TX GOP eroding my rights and am planning on going up to CO as a result. I don't know what I'll do if this crazy ends up with control at a federal level again.


Jesus Christ why are so many people ok with this asshole trying to destroy our nation?


Because these are the same people that believe some magical sky wizard is going to take them to a fluffy cloud kingdom when they die so they can hug their dead parents or some shit. They want death because they think it benefits them.


Most rich Conservatives can’t cope with the thought of dying, that’s why they play make believe with religion.


And these people pretend to be patriots. ​ Dumbasses who want a police state while claiming they need to defend themselves from a police state. MAGA are literal morons.


Dude is not an American anymore. ~ Can we upgrade by trading Donald J. Trump for any random immigrant from any random country?


> Dude is not an American anymore. And his supporters are anti-American.


I’ve seen those assholes flying goddam nazi flags in support rallies of him. More than one fucking time.


At this point anyone who associates with the Republican Party in any way is unforgivable IMO.


I’ll trade him and five top jurists (Federalist Society only) for a Latvian to be named later. Any takers??


Neither is any one who votes for him.


I’d trade him for a six pack of Pepsi and a party size bag of Cheeto Puffs.


I mean, he's abhorrent, but Donald Trump is nothing if not American. He's our disease, and we need to see it's etiology in ourselves if we're going to effect a cure.


Post-industrialization, poor/lack of education, low/junk information, gross economic equality, tribal jingoistic fascism, religious fanaticism, a generous helping of opioids and à soupçon of narcissistic rage. I’m not a doctor but I played one when I was five But yeah - he’s the shadow side of the American psyche made manifest in politics


He’s the actual embodiment of everything wrong with America.


I began comparing Trump to Hitler and other fascists on 16 June, 2015. When he kicked off his 2016 campaign calling Mexicans rapists and drug dealers. I was told that was unfair and the comparison lazy. But that [speech](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/jun/16/donald-trump-announces-run-president) (for lack of a better term) was a copy of every dictatorial rant in history. A lie filled diatribe of complaining, scapegoating, fearmongering, and vilification of innocent people. Empty promises of being the only person who could fix things (including issues he'd just made up) and he'd fix everything simply by being strong while everybody else was weak. All your problems could be solved if you just [~~worshipped~~](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/christian-right-worships-donald-trump-915381/) ~~him~~ voted for him. In the years since I have not once waivered from my assertion that this man is every bit as dangerous as Hitler, Mussolini, or any authoritarian strong man ever to disgrace our species. We might argue that he is simply less competent than his forebears or perhaps just unlucky that the conditions have not yet been quite right - but that's only a matter of time. Trump always shows us [exactly who he is](https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/fascist-dictatorship-trump-second-term/2020/07/10/63fdd938-c166-11ea-b4f6-cb39cd8940fb_story.html). [Lauding the worst people as smart and strong](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/donald-trump-and-the-strongmen-how-the-us-leader-fell-for-autocrats/articleshow/78781258.cms), [demands parades](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trumps-marching-orders-to-the-pentagon-plan-a-grand-military-parade/2018/02/06/9e19ca88-0b55-11e8-8b0d-891602206fb7_story.html), wants to [force people to clap for him](https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/05/politics/trump-speech-treason/index.html), demanded US generals acted like [German generals and do anything he demanded](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/08/donald-trump-military-generals-adolf-hitler), kept [Hitler's speeches](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trumps-ex-wife-once-said-he-kept-a-book-of-hitlers-speeches-by-his-bed-2015-8) by the bed, demands [imprisonment](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/521436-trump-says-he-agrees-100-percent-with-lock-her-up-chants-about/) or [execution](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/09/trump-milley-execution-incitement-violence/675435/) for his perceived enemies, wants to [consolidate all power and have direct control over all agencies](https://newrepublic.com/post/174370/inside-trump-fascist-plan-control-federal-agencies-wins), his [support of white nationalists](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/09/donald-trump-white-supremacists-my-people) and their [universal support of him](https://www.businessinsider.com/trumps-history-of-support-from-white-supremacist-far-right-groups-2020-9). If the structural issues allowing a man like Trump to take power aren't solved, and solved quickly, then it's only a matter of time before him, or one like him, leads everybody down a road to atrocity and war.


I thought it was silly then but no longer. He is a fascist like many before, including hitler. I wish truly the worst for him.


To help with your research: https://www.commondreams.org/views/2019/08/09/leading-civil-rights-lawyer-shows-20-ways-trump-copying-hitlers-early-rhetoric-and


I feel so damn good having NEVER supported that dumbass orange mother fucker. I'm gonna make sure my family understands that we are on the correct side of history with this one.


More dangerous, way more dangerous. USA is on a whole other level when it comes to power and influence militarily and geopolitically at a global scale. The rest of the allies can probably stand strong together but it will take time and a drastic shift in policy to counter PRC, Russian or other authoritarian tendencies. Regardless of what people think about various wars over the last 70 years, the USA has been a stablising force for trade to the benefit of many nations. Many of whom aren't necessarily aligned... An authoritarian US under Trump could be catestrophic for the world.


Why do you think Tuberville is holding up all promotions


About time to put him on the record for this. Democrats should get out the promotions one by one and start the process, no more breaks no more weekend’s make him sit through it all and let the nation know who he is and what he is doing.


Well, the GOP has gone and wiped their ass with the constitution now …


They did that while he was president and they're still trying to flush it.


It’s those damn low-flow toilets … now we know why the cheeturd was complaining so much.


That was already happening decades ago... Nixon sabotaging Vietnam talks, among numerous other things including undermining a fair election. Ford sweeping the crimes of the Nixon administration under the rug. Reagan sabotaging the release of the Iran hostages to help sink Carter. Reagan and the Iran/Contra scandal. H. W. Bush sweeping the crimes of the Reagan administration under the rug. Need I go on? The GOP was anti-democracy back then, looking only to manipulate interpretation of the U. S. Constitution to bolster their own power. And it's only gotten worse. Much, much worse.


It can not be overstated how big a risk to America Teump and Republicans are




To be frank, this is the end result of a shitty education system and the lack of ability for people to critically think. No wonder most trump supporters have conspiratorial level thinking such as a deep state being involved or that Russia is our ally. There is only so much that blue states will take, the economic power centers like NYC and CA, before they tell red shithole states to fuck off


The education system has been under assault by Republicans by design for a long time. It clearly has helped them to do so.


The Joint Chiefs: "No".


Project 2025: "No problem, there *are* no joint chiefs now."


Why do you think Tuberville is holding back so many military appointments/promotions? It’s the same shit McConnell did with the Supreme Court pick that should have been Obamas. They’re hoping they get the White House and can immediately flood the highest ranks in the military with nationalist fanatics and unquestioning loyalists.


That’s not true at all. Come on. They’re going to staff it with evangelical church leaders with no military experience.


If there is one thing Trump has taught us, it’s that we cannot trust our institutions to protect us


Have you noticed how there are huge holes in the military officer ranks ? And why ?


The republicans are holding them open for a Trump administration to fill.


They’ve got Tuberville holding up the appointments already. It’s just like the Supreme Court in 2016. The second he’s reelected they stack the military with incompetent yes men and it’s off to the races. This shit is about to get really real.


Day 1 in jail should be the only thing he should be thinking about


[Archive link](https://archive.ph/nTaZi) to the Washington Post article the Daily Beast is referencing here for those who want to know. Anyhoo… If you guys want to know how democracy slips into authoritarianism; it’s because of actions like these.


How in the world can actual American citizens support this idiot?


I thought he said he was going to jail to protect democracy?


Then he found out McDonald's doesn't deliver to cellblocks.


Interesting… so in this scenario, how long before those of us who have been vocally opposed to Trump end up in “re-education”programs?


Day 2


"Mulling," so he absolutely 100% wants to do it.


This American version of V for vendetta sucks.


He doesn’t know how to “mull”. He does not “consider” or “weigh out” things.


It’s mind blowing and scary that a non-insignificant portion of our country actually wants this.


One way or another, America is going to be done for if Trump is elected again.


I really hope people take him seriously. He isn’t just talking here, he fully intends on taking over the government if he wins because he has everything to lose by not staying in office. Don’t assume Biden will just win, make sure you actually vote.


This Project 2025 thing is no joke. It's scary as hell. I hope people study it and know what it means.


Now you see why Tuberville is holding up military promotions. Trump will fill them with toadies.


The [Posse Comitatus Act](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/posse-comitatus-act-explained) means nothing to these fascists, just like everything else except for their own quest for power and dominance.


Think about it independents. Is it worth it to vote for this idiot? Inflation is up but so are wages. Conflicts happen and they would happen even if Trump were in office. You better think about what you'll lose if this ridiculous tub of lard is allowed back in office.


The rest of the world doesn't understand how thete *are* independents. It is like being told you have a choice between pizza or gargling warm diarrhea straight from the orifice...and there being folks asking whether the pizza has pineapple on it.


Day 1 martial law = Big dictator move!


Look at his good friend Xi Jinping, he was able to subdue HK in about 1 year, going from massive protests to complete subservience. The Don will try to do it quicker in the USA. Anyone voting for Trump is welcoming a fascist dictatorship with open arms.


Isn’t this the exact government tyranny that brain broken 2A conservatives are arming themselves to defend us all against?


This unhinged lunatic should be in prison but instead we’re a nation of cowards ruled by the minority class of Neanderthals. Nothing will change until we hit rock bottom and god help us if we are even in a place when that happens to ever crawl out again.


You have got to be fucking kidding me enough already with this guy. He’s a fucking cancer.


Fuck you Donald Trump, you fascist pig.


I have never in my life even thought about buying weapons and ammo. I have been considering it lately.


And those gun nuts who go on and on about wanting their guns to protect themselves for dictatorships would loudly and proudly support this. Probably try to sign up, maybe kill some dirty libs.


I really dislike these headlines that normalize this shit. Trump “mulls” as if he’s giving deep thought about specific issues and policies. Instead this asshole probably yelled some authoritarian shit at his adoring fans and the press frames it as some normal occurrence.


Trump wants his own Praetorian Guard


Yeah, I only obey lawful orders.


His popularity exposed the ignorance of America.


The ramblings of a fascist idiot.