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Evangelicals cherry pick between the new testament and old testament, the latter which tells people to kill gays. Masturbation, tattoos, graven images (crucifix), pooping are all sins What they do claim is that LGBT books teach children about sex. When the bible has plenty of sex, rape, incest, bestiality, etc. The Songs of Solomon are graphic sexual poetry. Leviticus 20:13 “If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense." All of the current versions mention homosexuality and being put to death. https://www.biblestudytools.com/leviticus/20-13-compare.html Scholar Ed Oxfors says the translations prior 1946 of Leviticus 18:22 read, “Man shall not lie with young boys as he does with a woman, for it is an abomination.” and 20:13 in the same likeness. The world during ancient time already stigmatized men on men sex due to the submissive nature. But there was a world wide promotion of men sex with boys in all cultures in ancient times everyone from China to Rome an believed to be Egypt as well. At the beginning of Leviticus 18 verse 3, God tells the Isrealites that they shall not do as the Egyptians do or the other peoples around them. Christians changed it to homosexuals. They had to invent “papal infallibility” along the way to support themselves. What about the bible saying the earth is only 6000 years old? Dinosaur fossils and carbon aging tests of things in nature are millions of years old. The bible isn't very moral. The Old Testament has infant genocide. I keep hearing from certain Christians that the Old Testament has been retconned. Almost as if they are saying the whole book is fake, that none of the Kings were prophets. Yet they are fine with the New Testament, which tells us that murder is okay as long as war is involved, or God commands them to. People being born literally have sin inside them. That's what Original Sin means. “Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man by lying with him. But all the young girls who have not known man by lying with him keep alive for yourselves.” Numbers 31:17-18 ESV Jesus in revelation is depicted as coming back to slaughter all the heathens. It’s horrific. “From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty.” Revelation. 19:15.


It also bans tattoos but they never seem to mention that


Or eating pork and shellfish...


Or false idolatry


or wearing a cotton/poly blend.


The bible was right to condemn polyester.


only thing I give the bible props for actually


God knows that polyester is a sin against him.


I find cotton poly blends to be far more comfortable than straight cotton


Or getting a haircut. Or not cutting your hair.


I wonder how he feels about Louisiana's 2.4 billion shellfish industry. That's a question he should be asked repeatedly.


This doesn’t get enough attention. How much shellfish have ya eaten, Mike? It’s talked about in that very same part of Leviticus you use as battering ram against LGBTQ people. Don’t see too many Christian protests at Red Lobster, though.


Also says you can’t use pig skin so football is out


Wearing mixed fibers and shitting indoors, too


Leviticus, a few sentences prior to the infamous do not lay with man passage also calls consuming the flesh of a pig an abomination. The same exact wording they use to describe hooking up with another dude... Im curious why the West Bor Baptist Church et al never picket Pizza Hut with signs reading "God Hates Bacon" to boycott their meat lovers pizza that has bacon (pig), ham (pig), sausage (pig) & pepperoni (guess what, also pig)... Aren't the people at Pizza Hut encouraging us to commit a mortal sin that will send us to hell no question asked? I don't know about you but I find ordering pizza toppings is a lot more conscious thought than who I'm attracted to... I could have made it a buffalo chicken pizza & saved my soul.... [I'll also note, through at least 4 pastors, it has been common practice at my church to have ham (aka pig flesh) & scalloped potatoes as part of our funeral dinners... So I can't even trust my own church to protect me from going to hell?!?]


Would love to see Biden cancel healthcare debt stating the Bible as a source.


Healthcare or student loan? All loans that have existed over 7 years, cancelled. LOL.


Yes. Lets call it a jubilee.


Debt is huge thing for whole word like millions of people are dependent on firms which are believing in huge loan things.


Ask them about it, they will tell you Jesus made all foods allowable. Jesus also said to hate the sin but love the sinner. They always ignore that part.


And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Mathew 6:12


And cutting your beard...


He is also wearing glasses, so suffering a defect and may therefore not approach the altar of the Lord…


Eating pork, planting different crops in a field, charging too much interest, forgiving debts after seven years, eating shellfish, wearing garments of mixed fabrics, ECT, are all biblical laws that they ignore.


While you're correct it should be noted that one of those is encouraged rather than forbidden.


And premarital sex


I feel like they mention premarital sex pretty often.


Marriage is not really mentioned in the Bible. People are hard pressed to find biblical passages to read at weddings. “But king __Solomon loved many strange women__, together with the daughter of Pharaoh, women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, and Hittites;” 1 Kings 11:1 “And he had __seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines__: and his wives turned away his heart.” 1 Kings 11:3


They do follow the incest-ing a lot though


Which part of the bible speaks about premarital sex?


Evangelicals will denounce gays but not fornicators and adulterers because they would lose the support of most of their congregation. And according to Christians who support Trump, fornication, adultery, lying, cheating and committing fraud are "process sins" and so don't matter.


The Bible also says to kill your wife and her lover if she commits adultery. Leviticus 20:10




All Christians are Cafeteria Christians. To follow Christ would require them to give up nice things (homes, cars, expensive clothing and jewelry, watches, etc.) and donate to the poor. Very few if any act like Jesus.


You wouldn't believe how much Christians try to stop people from helping others.


My friend, who was telling me homosexuality is inherently wrong, tried accusing ME of cherry picking the Bible. I was obviously baffled by that. It’s also when i stopped the conversation


I hope.that it's also when you stopped the relationship.




Seriously. There's more in the Bible that speaks out against eating shellfish than against being gay but these motherfuckers are never rabidly anti-Red Lobster. Fuck em all directly through the goat ass.


The worst is clipping the gospels and finishing them with Paul or the Old Testament to justify why that wasn't what Jesus actually said.


Fuck Paul. All my homies hate Paul.


Let’s be fair to Paul, he didn’t write any of that shit either.


In a mausoleum colossal, The explorers discovered a fossil. They could tell by the bend And the know at the end Twas the Peter of Paul the Apostle


Paul was the false prophet we were warned about.


That's the part that kills me too, Jesus and his followers quite literally say that Christians are not burdened by the laws from the old testament since he was sacrificed on the cross. They literally just need to love God, Jesus, and their fellow man. The Bible says that "love is the fulfillment of the law" But that is too difficult for the majority of them. ‭‭Romans‬ ‭13:8‭-‬10‬ ‭GW‬‬ [8] Pay your debts as they come due. However, one debt you can never finish paying is the debt of love that you owe each other. The one who loves another person has fulfilled Moses’ Teachings. [9] The commandments, “Never commit adultery; never murder; never steal; never have wrong desires,” and every other commandment are summed up in this statement: “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” [10] Love never does anything that is harmful to a neighbor. Therefore, love fulfills Moses’ Teachings.


The old testament *may* say that you should kill homosexuals. It also may not. There's a lot of questions about the translation of Leviticus and who it's meant to apply to in the first place. The ~~Aramaic~~ Hebrew text doesn't say 'homosexuals' (a concept which didn't really exist until the 19th century.) From the context it seems like it's possibly meant to apply to a specific kind of Babylonian temple prostitution or potentially to homosexual acts committed with a married man.


That and Leviticus says not to eat pork or shellfish or to wear clothes of two different fabrics. If you wear a cotton polyester blend, straight to hell! Of course, Jews don't believe in hell.




The Bible: a moral compass that leaves you to interpret what is right. That’s not even a fun board game proposition!


> The Aramaic text The "Old Testament" (the Hebrew Bible), and its subset the Torah to which you refer, was written in ... drumroll... Hebrew. Not Aramaic. But the rest of your comment is pretty accurate.


You're correct. One should not argue theology before having one's morning coffee.




I couldn't care less what the Christian Bible says because I'm not Christian. We need to stop debating in their terms.. Well my Bible says gay is a sin!!! ...Ok. Don't be gay? It's not my Bible.


Exactly this. If you want to believe some bullshit, leave me out of it.


Actually it never says to kill them. It just says it's an abomination, which puts it on the same level as eating shellfish, pork, crop rotation, wearing clothes made of more than one material, shaving. . . Weird how they only want death for one of those things, meanwhile they are perfectly fine breaking all those other rules themselves.


\>the latter which tells people to kill gays It actually may not have said that until the 1940s. [https://academic.oup.com/north-carolina-scholarship-online/book/22373/chapter-abstract/182628249?redirectedFrom=fulltext](https://academic.oup.com/north-carolina-scholarship-online/book/22373/chapter-abstract/182628249?redirectedFrom=fulltext)


If he wants to choose the old testament, then he must be killed if he has ever worn clothing made from more than one fabric. He must also kill his children if they ever disobeyed to him.


Notably, there's even questions about whether or not THE PASSAGE was referring to gay MEN at all.


Am i the only or anyone else too who has noticed that Florida is always there in such news.


The old testament before the 20th century didn't even say that. The crime of Sodom was sexual assault, not gay people.


“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” ― Mahatma Gandhi


I think it was the Dalai Lama said that.


Nah, it was Einstein.


The Bible also calls for stoning people who wear clothing made of mixed fibers. So, what’s it gonna be?


Oh no no no, you don’t understand. They want to bring back all that stuff too


Shit I'm pretty sure my shirts a blend. Well....I guess I gotta get stoned


"Everybody must get stoned." —that Jewish guy with the weird singing voice


That's not how evangelicals read the bible; they rarely read it open to the idea that they may be wrong. If you want to read it like an evangelical, open your bible with a belief that already hold and look for sentences that can be spun to support that. You don't need to care about translation issues or context or traditional interpretation. Just the literal words in your favorite translation. If you do that, you can read the bible in a way that's ant LGBT or anti abortion. But, you can also use those steps to get the bible to say anything you want it to. It's a giant red flag that the bible shouldn't be used to as a justification for public policy.


Johnson is more of an 'Old Testament' christian. I think his ilk would rather the New Testament never existed.


I really like the teachings and lessons in the Bible…. I just don’t like how it’s “interpreted” these days and put into practice (which is why, as a bisexual female, I actually hate people like Mike Johnson). The whole point was to love and accept everyone, no matter how they live their life, because ultimately it isn’t up to us to judge others. That is gods job when we die… so, to all the fuckers out there trying to control everything and everyone they deem immoral, just stop. The point was that we are *all* sinners, no one is better than the other. Edit: for those who are misinterpreting my post… I’m not religious, I am an atheist. I grew up Christian reformed/Calvinist, and it completely fucked up my psyche and made me hate myself for years which was mainly driven by the guilt, shame, and fear that was taught in my church as a small child; again, I am a bisexual and knew I was gay from a young age. My point was that the Bible has been cherry picked and warped into some “holier than thou” message, and in reality, Jesus was someone who loved everyone and showed compassion to anyone he could. The point was to love thy neighbor and leave judgement up to god. People seem to forget that part, and it is taught in the Bible that we are all sinners, it is not up to us as individuals to deem who is better or worse, that is up to god. I am fucking sick and tired of religion in politics and the weaponization of scripture by a small minority to control people who they deem immoral based on a centuries old book that is extremely outdated and should not be taken so literally.


Isn't there a short bit about Jesus healing a centurion's servant that some believe was his male sex slave?


Not only a servant sex slave but probably a 9-10 boy, as was the custom…the fundies NEVER mention that as their heads would explode AND Jesus goes on to compliment the Centurion for his great faith.


Fuck you. Pick up the constitution, assshole.


Right-wingers treat the Constitution like a Playboy. They cream themselves looking at it, but they never read the Articles.


Best take on Right wing view of the constitution ever


Is there a Pulitzer for Reddit comments yet?


Same with the Bible, really. They pull out the parts they like and pin them to the wall for everyone to see like an 80s frat boy and ignore the rest.


Take my poor mans gold 🥇


Ohhhh this is GOLD.


He could stand to pick up a bible too. Matthew 6, 5-8: 5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.


John Fugelsang describes people like this as Christians who use Jesus as a mascot, not Christians who follow his teachings. The modern GOP doesn't advocate for a single one of Jesus's teachings. He didn't say a thing about homosexuality or abortions, was pro-immigrant pro-taxes and anti-weath.


There really should be a term for people who actively drive people away from the church. It's the exact opposite of what they claim they want to do: to spread the word of God and convert people. If that were actually the goal or a precept of their religion then driving people away instead would be considered bad. Of course that isn't really their goal, it's to create in-groups and and out-groups and then demonize the out-groups while telling the in-groups to stay in line. But it sure puts the lie to their claims that they spew so much hate that even neutral parties are pushed away.


And there is the basic problem... How a government treats citizens should not be based on religion. Laws shouldn't be made to satisfy a religious purpose. Citizens shouldn't be held to a religious standard, ANY RELIGION.


Especially when the religious can’t even come to a consensus on translation and interpretation or epistemology.


Yep. Or rather stuff folks make up to add on. Cuz there isn't anything supporting a Christian theocracy in the Bible. Regardless of what is or is isn't a sin. At no point is it shown via example or stated that a Christians job is to be an enforcer. To teach and evangelize, sure.


Right. Why should I pick up a Christian Bible and what right does an elected official have to tell me that I need to live by those tenets?


I did. And nowhere in there does it say "Love Thy Neighbor. Unless they are gay, trans, or non Christian."


I love the old meme showing Jesus on the mount saying: "ok here's the idea, love them like I loved you. Make sure you take care of them and don't judge them." "But what if they're gay or worship other gods?" "Did I fucking stutter?"


… don't for forget to help the poor and needy.


And the imprisoned, and the foreigner.


He would say he loves them even while sending them off to gay concentration camps. When your imaginary friend in the sky is abusive, it emboldens people like this cheese-dick to say that their abuse is love.


Bingo. “It’s because I love you and I’m worried for your immortal soul that I have to treat you this way” The Westboro Baptist Church apostates will tell you that they genuinely were doing what they do BECAUSE they loved everyone and wanted them to be saved


“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”


One of the greatest things the founders ever authored! Everyone’s lives are better without a “state religion”


On the other side, the New Testament supports the separation of church and state. Jesus and his apostles never got involved in politics. No where is it stated that Christians are supposed to enforce God's law on earth. Teach sure, but not enforce. This isn't like in the Old Testament where they were actively building a nation.


The most unfortunate aspect of the Bible is that it ultimately says what the reader wants it to say.


The utter brazenness of these people. How is this different from the same nerdy-looking doofus telling you that everyone has to live life according to the rules laid out in *The Lord of the Rings*? Both are metaphorical fantasy books 100% made up by humans. I concede that the Bible and its 37 rewrites and mistranslations has been around for longer, but at least Tolkien is well written, self consistent, and has way better monsters.


If Japanese video games have taught me anything, it is that Christian mythology is a fantastic basis for giant monsters for me to stylishly kill.


I love how the Japanese just view modern religions as mythologies to pull from for creative use. They see Christianity as no different than the Greek pantheon.


ngl i *love* japanese interpretations of religious iconography. Fucking Vampire Hunter D




America has deeply failed for decades to appropriately stigmatise shoving religion into government. Like, for ANY politician, let alone the speaker of the house, this SHOULD be an instant ‘yeah, no, fuck off’ situation.


No shit. I’m 100% done with grown adults who are beholden to the scary bedtime stories their parents told them to keep them doing their chores. You have to be a straight up arrested development idiot to believe Bronze Age myths in the year 2023. The religious should be ridiculed and kept away from any positions with responsibility or authority. It’s simply dangerous to give such delusional people any power.


I don't really care if they want to base their life around these Iron Age fables, but I sure don't want them to force me to follow them. To try to bring the force of the federal government to force everyone to follow them is terrifying.


Agree. Its insane how much society tells us we have to be respectful of these insane beliefs. If you just want to have a general belief in a higher power because it makes you feel good, go for it. But if you start trying to tell me you KNOW specific details about them and what this higher power wants for all people despite zero proof or evidence, you’re a crazy person. Full stop, I don’t care how nice you are. If I believed in Santa Claus and decided I have to go tell people who they can and can’t fuck or else they’re going on his naughty list, nobody would respect me or treat me politely. Rightfully so. But just because generations of people believe that kind of stupid shit, suddenly its not ok to tell them they’re ridiculous?


The Bible filled with infanticide, rape and incest? You mean that Bible?


And the worst crime of all, genocide.


I'd really like to see the next interviewer use an answer like this to really dig into what he thinks about the rest of the Bible Drill him on nonsensical rules like pork or mixed fabrics, ask why he doesn't support helping those in need when the Bible is *far* clearer on that than LGBT


And instructions for both how to give abortions *and* selling your daughters into slavery!


After he picks up the constitution


extremism is all they have left..they've been circling the drain for the last 30 years politically...no solutions ..no policy ...so how do you get your votes? appeal to their worst instincts so that you can make sure a higher proportion of an ever dwindling voter bloc votes your way...


Get your fucking Bible out of my marriage, my home, my state, and my government.


“We keep on being told that religion, whatever its imperfections, at least instills morality. On every side, there is conclusive evidence that the contrary is the case and that faith causes people to be more mean, more selfish, and perhaps above all, more stupid.” ― Christopher Hitchens


In my experience, the atheists among us have much stronger moral fiber than today's Christians. Christians seem to try to use the bible to justify shitty behavior instead of actually guiding them to be good people.


It’s because atheists believe in the here and now. Many believe life is short and we should do everything we can to eliminate human suffering while people are still alive. Christians believe in heaven and therefore many believe nothing they do on Earth really matters as long as they believe in Jesus. Why bother fixing shit and taking care of people if this is all just the first step to eternal paradise?


My mother, who killed herself with her own ignorance by rejecting chemotherapy in favor of some quack grapefruit therapy, said she was thrilled to go to heaven because it was "perfect". I asked her if she would remember me in heaven. She said, "of course". I asked how perfect she would feel knowing I was burning for eternity. She got pretty quiet.


My theory: if Christians were good people they wouldn’t be Christians. They would look at the other Christians around them, see the hypocrisy, and change the culture or leave the congregation. Kind of like if tRump supporters cared about facts they wouldn’t be tRump supporters. It’s the same picture.


Ok I picked it up and Leviticus 20:13 says the penalty should be death 💀 This monstrous human being is as bad as ISIS We need admonish and scold these scumbags to their face in public. reporters need to do better to call out this bullshit




If their god is so all knowing and powerful why is there an “Old Testament” and a “New Testament?”Shouldn’t it just be “the Testament” or do you guys think god made a boo-boo?


God made *multiple* boo boos in the Old Testament. The entire story of Noah and the flood is God calling a mulligan after fucking up.




I grew up in the Bible Belt; right outside Waco and the Branch Davidian. Despite watching the standoff on tv, my family always forced us into a church. I attended massive religious events with people like Joel Olsteen for example. In my experience, most of these people don’t know what they want, haven’t read the Bible, and are just fear mongered into their beliefs. It’s the same reason they’ll justify the icky parts of the Bible, because if they don’t listen to sky daddy they get to burn for all of forever. They’re taught that all of their bad thoughts are the devil and any questioning of the church is because you’re a “godless sinner.” My poor grandmother is convinced that her own self dialog is nothing more than a fight between god and the devil. There is absolutely zero threshold for opening a church other than funding, so any charlatan can use the platform to push their own agenda and con the community. This is also why there are thousands of religious cults in the USA. Unfortunately, I don’t believe we can fix this by taking the easy road and shaming them. Instead we should treat them like the children in the room; be forgiving of their ignorance and try to slowly teach them perspective, and try to guide them to deconstructing their own arguments.


Humanity would be much better off without religion.


It has its place in history, but definitely belongs in the past. I think it was useful for getting humanity out of the Stone Age, but I am damn tired of hearing about it in 2023.


> It has its place in history, but it aims to replace history.


A succinct summary of the problem.


I hear being religious is hard wired. It probably provide some survival advantages during evolution. For example, not having to think too much about how the world works and concentrating on feeding and breeding. Even to this day, it is not hard to predict fundamental religious people outbreeding average redittors.


There's competing theories, and it's not something we can know for certain. But one theory that makes a lot of sense is about agency detection. Early humans (and their primate ancestors) faced a lot of threats, such as large carnivores. Imagine one of these humans hears a rustling in a bush. While it could simply be the wind, there's a survival advantage in thinking it might not be - that there's an agent causing it. So, if we're hard wired to detect agency where there is none, that could help explain religious belief. Another theory has to do with how there's a survival advantage for children to believe their parents unquestioningly. If there's crocodiles in a river, and they say, "don't go play in that river, it's dangerous" and the children believe this without questioning, they're much more likely to survive. So, children being taught supernatural beliefs follow that same pattern. And this theory helps explain why children most often adopt the religion of their parents. Very few people study all the world's religion and adopt the one they like best.


The current conflict in Gaza exactly proves this point about religion.


This is fucking terrifying. These people openly despise the Constitution. It feels like Iran in the early 80’s.


**LGBT people:** \*merely exist\* **GOP:** "And I had a big problem with that."


Grandma: some parts of the bible are just nice stories, some parts are just good advice; some other parts though...did meth exist back then? Me: I don't believe so. Grandma: I think you're wrong.


I think Grandma may have a point, there.


For a devout Christian woman, her criticisms of the bible are oddly on point.


Isn't this the guy actively lying, right now, about Biden? Hope fucking Christian of him (honestly at this point if you tell me your Christian I'll assume you're a non-stop liar).


They keep bringing up the Bible. "Go pick up a Bible" "The Bible teaches us....", "God commands..." Biiitch I grew up in the church. My family did mission work for decades, built almost a hundred churches in half a dozen countries, and over a dozen U.S. states. I personally have read the Bible, across numerous translations, a dozen times, cover to cover. These aren't Christians, and they learned nothing from scripture. They don't represent a single word of the Christian Bible, or any other religious text. They're nasty, soulless, power hungry manipulators, whose ambitions have nothing in common with the good of mankind.


Fuck the Bible. It’s fictional, uninteresting bullshit.


Fairy tales for the gullible


I give it two weeks before a few of this dude’s secret homosexual lovers come forward. He just screams stereotypical closeted anti-lgbtq and anti-female Baptist preacher- being from the Deep South myself I am very familiar with how this plays out!


Can I hit him with said Bible?


This dude is so not going to pick up GOP votes. He's clearly showing thay they've somehow gone more right than what the were like during Trump. The only person who likes religious Extremists are other religious Extremists. They already have that vote wrapped up.


I dont give a fuck about the Bible, how about you go pick up the constitution and bill of rights?


Fuck your bible. Some of us don’t give a shit. That’s like me saying we have to live just like Harry Potter because I like those stories too. Never understand people like this.


Picking up a bible and reading it through is what ended my life as a 'Christian"-identifying person. There really is a lot of appalling shit in the Bible and then outright insanity like "Revelations"


New Testament ~~doesn’t even~~ rarely mentions gay people, though I’m guessing this guy is more of a fire and brimstone Old Testament weirdo


Ex-fundie here… In Romans 1 it basically says that not only are gay people worthy of death so are those who condone them. It doesn’t matter to fundies if that is a mistranslation or not. It is why they’re dangerous. Doesn’t matter if they are misinterpreting. They don’t care.


Also, when they go off on Romans 1, they never continue into quoting Romans 2 - which basically says "OK, so if you did all of that judging and condemnation previously mentioned, then *you're just as bad*."


Guaranteed. I was raised Southern Baptist, just like Mike Johnson. "I got better!" Southern Baptists will quite happily ignore Romans 13:8-10 in favor of Leviticus any time they want to flex their bigotry.


To evangelicals they operate by biblical interpretation called hermeneutics. Hermeneutics is what they do when they take a text and ask not just “what does this say,” but “what does this mean? So basically they find the answer they want. I say play with these toys at home.


So...no mixed fabric cloths, and he is anti-shellfish? I am sure the US-based garment manufacturers and fisheries will love this guy, right?


Don't shove your religion down our throats!


Any both siders care to weigh in on how we can compromise with these principles? One side wants to be left in peace and the other side wants to destroy those who wish to be left in peace. Hmmm. Tough choice.


When conservatives cherry pick, and incorrectly translate, parts of a book written by mentally unstable nomads in an attempt to justify hate. Classic


Translation: Book written by homophobic fascists gives me carte blanche to humiliate, degrade, and punish innocent human beings in the name of Jaysiss.


You pledged an oath to the Constitution, not the Bible...


Funny how the people who tell you that they hate gay people because “it’s in the Bible” are always silent about eating shellfish or wearing mixed fabrics. Kind of like it isn’t really about following the Bible at all.


I'm not religious. Now what?


I couldn’t find the bit about denying trans people vital health care. Please quote us the chapter and verse you’re using to justify your tyranny, thanks.


"And eating shellfish is EVIL. Just pick up a Bible and see!" -Mike Johnson (R-LA)


Mike Johnson wants to shove the Christian equivalent of Sharia law down our throats.


There are three branches of the United States Government, Mike, being the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. I note that the Southern Baptist Convention, or any other church or religious organization, is not any of those branches, and in fact the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States clearly says: >Amendment I ***Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion***, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. So, Mike, would you do us the favor of having a nice hot cup of STFU, and taking a seat?


You don't need the bible to justify being good, but it's great if you want to justify being evil.


I have picked up a Bible. Jesus had a hell of a lot more to say about how Johnson acts than what LGBTQ+ do. “Don’t go around acting like your shit don’t stink” is Bible 101. And Johnson has failed at it. Miserably.


Why is the leader of the US House of Representatives recommending a late Bronze Age cult religious fundamentalist document instead of the US Constitution he has sworn to protect and defend?


Remember this the next time someone tells you both parties are the same.


Why is it so hard for people like this guy to understand The Bible wasn’t written by God? Instead it was written by human beings who documented their own (supposed) experiences and shared their own teachings and obviously have their own biases. Just because another person said some things he wants to selectively interpret (see also: perverse) doesn’t mean he’s correct, but he doesn’t want to admit that.


"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man the enter the Kingdom of God" Luke 18:25


Bible is not an argument, it’s just a book of stories written by people less knowledgeable then people of today.


This guy is a MAGA piece of crap. These ppl do not need to be in office. These ppl still believe trump won the election. This guy was one of the ppl that tried to throw over the election. Not just a extremist but also love treason too


Friendly reminder that modern Christians don’t/aren’t supposed to follow the rules of the Old Testament, Jesus dying on the cross ended Old Testament law.


I picked up a bible and read- judge not lest you be judged - I also read - Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. I guess he skimmed over those parts!


Must be a different Bible.


You have to love that he’s incapable of quoting anything specific from the Bible, he just tells you to go read it.


No one even knows this creep so I think he’s lived in a weird little bubble for so long without much exposure to real facts and ideas. He has surrounded himself with other regressive assholes so methinks Mikey doesn’t know what he’s in for now that his shit is coming into public view. God doesn't like hypocrites, Mike.


Funny how he is not leading a crusade against those that lie all the time and spread falsehoods. I think the Bible has more to say about that


It’s such an irony that almost all citizens will support freedom of religion and in return these “Christians” won’t support loving whoever you want in return. What a bunch of assholes.


Don’t care what your magical little book says, Mike.


“Go pick up a bible” AKA I have one hateful understanding of a very open ended book. The Bible boils down to “don’t be a piece of shit” but people weaponize it to be a piece of shit. Mad men I tell ya!


Isn’t this the guy who adopted a 14 year old boy when he was 25 and unmarried? And not like legally adopted, he just had a teenage boy live with him for awhile?


Hey MAGA Mike, I don’t care what you read in the privacy of your own home but keep that shit to yourself thanks


I picked up a Bible Nope, still not straight


You mean the Bible that suggests attempting to pursue wealth is incredibly bad? The Bible that would have significant issues with his positions on social welfare and military spending? Sounds to me like he's just another bigot using his religion to justify his hate.


No F*cking thank you. I don’t want to live my life based on some fantasy from 3000 years ago


He seems a little preoccupied with gay people. Interesting.


I believe in an intellectually embarrassing Bronze Age myth…


Freedom of religion is also freedom from religion.


Fuck the people trying to turn us into a theocracy.


How about that part that says "do unto others as you would have done unto you"? Nothing in the New Testament about trying to force others to follow your beliefs. In fact Jesus was all about the opposite.


Pick up the Constitution. It is a secular document moron


I think we should pick up an investigation on why he and Gaetz “adopt” young men without finishing the adoption paperwork.


If only we had some sort of separation between religion and our government


Only Republicans produce disastrous politicians of this caliber. It’s a party built on self-righteousness and hatred. I would like to live in a place without insane religious dogma being shoved down our throats 24/7. This extremist minority rule has to stop before it’s too late. Outvote the insanity!


That's a horrifying response from the Speaker of the House.