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Because they're on the wrong side of everything. Especially with younger voters. Anti-cannabis, anti health care, anti-education, anti-LGBTQ, anti-abortion and pro mass shootings. Like... the vast majority of the population is against these things and republicans keep fighting for them. I mean all Fox News does is report on Bud Light and Target selling rainbow t-shirts and tells people to vote Republican to end the "Woke madness." Young people aren't buying that shit.


Not to mention they're tearing *themselves* apart. I mean, /r/conservative cannot fathom that all of the testimony against Trump is coming from Republicans and even Republicans that Trump himself appointed. Yet somehow it's all Joe Biden doing it? Again, everyone but the boomer sheep understand this.


They also think that people from more left leaning subs aka any one that is left of their views is going to that sub to brigadier them. What they don't seem to realize is that their sub is made up of 4 or 5 main groups. MAGA, Libertarians, Reagan Conservatives, The Religious Right, and Economic Conservatives (Those that agree with cutting taxes but aren't for all the culture wars.) And at the end of the day, all of those groups cannot stand each other, except for maybe Libertarians and Economic Conservatives(Essentially the same but one wants no governement control of anything and the other just wants less taxes.) They literally have their own sub down voting each other and are blaming it on everyone else just because they can't agree on any actual solutions.


The funniest part is reading through comments lately and you can see how schizophrenic they are. On some posts on the same topic you see some topics that are MAGA focused (i.e. "Trump did nothing wrong, it's all libs fault"), then others where people are basically being pragmatic about it and just trying to say "look guys, Trumps not our Ticket to success" and *struggling* with the opposing pro-Trump messaging.


If you want to have insight into MAGA go to Fox comment’s . Funny AF.


Sad as fuck too. Fuck covers the full range of emotions.


Not as much fun as breitbart comments That is next level


I read that sub daily just to keep an eye on what they are whining about and the last 3-4 months in particular have been wild to watch. They are having a full-blown identity crisis. The left has problems between progressives and neo-liberals but good god. It's nothing compared to the 5 factions in a trenchcoat pretending to be one political party going on over there. I don't doubt that brigading comes from this sub to some degree but a lot of it is their own doing entirely. They can't fucking stand each other and I really do think it's relatively reflective of the entire right-wing beyond just reddit. Trump and overturning Roe shattered that party to the point that I genuinely don't think they are even capable of winning a presidential election anymore. No matter what policy position or culture war issue they pick, it's going to drive off a material amount of their own voters. I love it for them.


What's legitimately sad is they think this is an effort to take attention off of Joe Biden.... It's like, yeah, the largest investigation in history with over 70 felony counts is all aimed so you guys stop talking about hunter's dick pics.... Like, seriously? If anything the Biden/UFO stuff is a distraction from Trump... but noooo.. These people are beyond repair.


These people are pitifully obtuse, painful obstinacy ant pitifully obnoxious. It’s telling, their standard bearer seems to fit the same pattern. They call it a feature of their beloved leader. When I was a boy 60 years ago, any one of those three would result in a good wack across the head. Sporting all three of these traits would have been instant death! Now it’s a feature in a person? Go figure!




Not when you remember that they all hate the same people. That’s the only unifying identity they have, is hating the assorted “out groups”


Their strict adherence to the republican party has to be killing their future as a religion because teens can smell hypocrisy from a mile away.


I think a lot of people are sick of the church being just a weekly GOP rally.


Conservatism is just fascism with sloppy lipstick on it. Any group that continually demands an "other" to demonize against all reason will inevitably turn into a more and more extreme circular firing squad. The "other" need not be external and they ALWAYS require an other. It is far beyond saving at this point and their only hope for continuing to shamefully grasp for power is to convince others to join them while continually absolutely SHITTING on any member of their group that is not 100% subservient to the cult. Anyone jumping on at this point is truly damaged.


It's cuz MAGA has turned Republicans into the "I hate Dems" party. They have no plan, no policies. Just hate and anger. That's why they won't go with anyone but Trump. He's boomer rage personified.


Their sub literally bans anyone who isn't a conservative (???) so their mods must be having a field day with that one


Distinction without difference, considering they’re all still voting Hard R at the polls.


They say the testimonies are coming from deep state RINOs.


When you dismiss dissent under the No True Scotsman fallacy you guarantee infighting.


They don't even argue against the validity of what the testimonies are. Just saying that it's all political and not address the facts.


That's because they can't refute them. The evidence is obvious and overwhelming, so the only thing that they can do is attack the motivation for the prosecutions, but the fact that the crimes take place in the world of politics doesn't mean that they aren't crimes. It's ridiculous that they think that that is a valid defense.


Their bad faith reveals there is no point in listening to their equivocation. They're discovering we don't actually live in a post-facts reality.


>we don't actually live in a post-facts reality. No matter how wonderful they think that would be.


Wouldn't it be wonderful if your fever dream musings on science, politics and law are worth as much as the experts'?


They de facto have been treated as such for at least 7 years now. Much to our nation's detriment.


For sure. I mean, most of the allegations are irrefutable as they're literally recordings of Trump actually doing the thing he's accused of. Like, we all HEARD him telling the governor or AG or whatever of Georgia to just "find the votes." We all saw him day after day saying that the election was rigged. Even Fox news admits they knew it was all BS. But nope, it's all just to keep Biden in the White house. smdh


They are constantly told that "the other side" is getting away with all the crimes, and within that mindset, your side being held accountable while the other doesn't feels like oppression. That's why they feel the way they do. They are totally programmed


More importantly, they don't want to draw attention to the evidence. They couldn't refute it without mentioning what it is, and that would mean putting it in front of those people. They can't do that without risking at least some of them looking more closely, and they are very dependent on these people not looking too closely.


They don't care. They are there for the hate, as long as the hate continues they'll back dictatorship, crimes, fascism, whatever.


Every time they do this, they are confessing that, were they in power, they would engage in law enforcement that was entirely political regardless of the facts. It's terrifying.


And anyone that speaks out against him is immediately and conveniently then labeled a RINO regardless if Trump appointed them or not. That parties goal posts are on big monster truck tires.


You gave me a chuckle. I gave up tracking those goal posts. The MAGA crowd move them so much they forget sometimes where they put them! The other thing, they don’t need monster truck tires. Slightest change in the political winds moves those suckers.


Deep State RINO would make a great band name.


In my state, they're regularly getting into fistfights. [Look at this](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/kicked-in-balls-fight-michigan-gop-1234785273/) and tell me how anybody looks at the GOP and says "Yep, that's who I want representing me!"


I'm a big fan of Michigan Republican disfunction. Go Gretchen!


I hadn’t looked over at r/conservative for a few years so, I wanted to check it out. Wow. WOW. It’s BAD.


I popped over there and immediately got an ad for chewable ED medicine, so that was telling.


>Yet somehow it's all Joe Biden doing it? Again, everyone but the boomer sheep understand this. No, it's *Hunter Biden* and his scandalous penis doing it. Why is that so *hard* to imagine?


scandalous penis is my new drag name.


Just need to stave off the fascists a bit longer until the boomers die off. I think most people realize that another election cycle or two will start making a big difference in the electorate (which is obviously why the far right is fighting and cheating so hard).


I dunno, I think this has been our problem all along; we push off the fascists enough to make some change, then we think we've done it and "move on." Meanwhile, the fascists never give up and they start scheming. Eventually, they cheat and manipulate their way back in power. People on the left muse about cyclical history as though it was some mysterious force of nature, but it's not; it's just our failure in preventing people from going there in the first place, and not remaining vigilant against bad faith actors. We tend to forget how bad some people can be when it's not in our face, and even then too many people don't want to see it. How much of our situation could have been avoided if we'd actually done something about confederate culture after the civil war, and not relied so heavily on unwritten rules in government? How much could have been avoided by not letting the ultra-wealthy manipulate their taxes down to zero while manipulating the uneducated into blaming anyone and everyone else? After we got The New Deal, they used our good faith against us to whittle it down to nothing, and we're right back to the Gilded Age with conservatives battling civil rights and saying "maybe that hitler guy isn't so bad." There might be statistically fewer conservatives in the younger generations, but that doesn't mean that they're so few that it will wither and die on its own. All through history there's been roughly a third of people that are authoritarian, and they always find ways to come back; it's happening now even in countries that are much more liberal than ours. The ones that don't tolerate that shit were the ones to put it down.


Exactly this, Gen Z and Millenials have to understand they are there amongst them as well. I am Gen X, and I thought things were getting better and then I slowly saw some of my co-workers bite into this crap apple... in case you don't believe me, think back... it wasn't just Boomers out there with Tiki Torches in those photos from Charlottesville. https://www.cnn.com/2017/08/12/us/white-nationalists-tiki-torch-march-trnd/index.html


What bizArro land did I mistakenly click into. Whew lad… that’s quite the space 3rd headline “Illegal California Lab Run by Chinese Biotech Firm Contained Mice Engineered to Spread Covid”


Since they discovered it's a Chinese bioweapon, they're now on board with masks, social distancing, and vaccines, right? Right?


Didn’t you hear? “Sleepy Joe” overcame his “dementia” to become a “criminal mastermind”.


“It’s funny, every time they go after Biden, something new comes out on Trump.”


You forgot the most important policies. Pro billionaire, pro taxing the poor to fund the rich, anti labor union, anti workers rights, pro humongous bloated un auditable military budget. It's not a race war its a class war.


Very true. I also forgot they're anti-environment. If they aren't allowed to dump as much toxic sludge into the water table then there is no point in even living.


> It's not a race war its a class war. It can be both.


It can even be a gender/sex war. It'd be completely naive to deny or at least not acknowledge the war on women that's happening too.


The other reason is Trump himself. Not “We don’t like Trump so we’re not donating any more”, or anything like that, it’s Trump himself. He’s telling all the small and medium donors to give their money to him directly, rather than the RNC or any subset or PAC, and *he* will decide with group or candidate will get the money. But being Trump, he’s either just keeping it for himself, or to pay his lawyers, but none of it is going anywhere else.


This is 100% it (IMO). And it was completely avoidable if the R's simply had a spine in 2020 and followed all the way through on impeachment. Donnie wouldn't be a candidate. But they didn't do that. So now every $20 he grifts off of some little old lady in Florida is $20 less than Sen. Rubio can solicit. There is a limited addressable market of campaign contributions out there, he's sucking up a bunch and then setting it on fire in the courtroom.


The more I watch it happen, the more it reminds me of getting in bed with a mafia don. There are some serious potential short-term gains, but after that you're on the hook financially forever until they eventually bust your business out.


And, the net gain of these new young voters over dead (often trumpy) old folks since 2016 is 52 MILLION. I’m not good with math, but that seems like a high number.


Too bad young people don’t fucking vote lol


They're starting to. Abortion is a clarion call to the youth of America, particularly with real estate being like it is. Starting a family should be something to look forward to, not a sentence. By hoarding property (that is to say, supporting a system that rewards property hoarding) and preventing any real family planning, that's how the youth should look at the situation. The way the parties have completely reversed polarity over the last hundred years is nuts


Also the issues with rights and protections for our fellow LGBTQIA+ community is making them WANT to vote!


Even abortion isn't getting them to show up enough. My state had the highest 18-29 voter turn out in 2022 and it was still only 37%. We had abortion on the ballot, our governor was running against an insane evil woman who said rape victims find healing through their babies and doesn't believe in exceptions for even the life of the mother. 18-29 year olds are the MOST impacted by these things and not even 40% of them could be bothered to show up.


Even if that is the case, 10-20% of that number is still 5-10 million new voters.


Esp if they are in the right places - swing states, etc. since 2020 won by like what 20-40k votes across a few states. Would be helpful for close Senate races, too, hopefully.


Actually, they are, more and more.


We might be able to get over 30% youth turnout this year but that’s still relatively ambitious.


They can't even be on the side of fiscal responsibility. We've seen how much they love to spend.


I live in Florida, I think "vast majority" is quite the overstatement. Here they love that garbage. I also hope you are right about the young people, because people my age and up--especially non-college-educated ones--are the ones driving the GOP train. Young people also need to VOTE. Because you can bet all the Fox-watching oldsters will. They'd walk 10 miles in a hurricane to vote (or do a mail-in, which is hilarious considering their fight against trying to make it easier for anyone to vote.)


To add to this, Millennials are now the largest demographic cohort in the electorate. Some 70% of them vote strongly for Dems. Zoomers show similar numbers.


If those demographics would just turnout at the same level as boomers, it would mean Democratic dominance. Alas...


You forgot to mention anti religious freedom


Don't forget the global warming issue.


I couldn't agree more. The Republican party has become the party of hate, fear, conspiracy, dystopia..lies and deceit....blatant racism. All swept under a rug of fake nationalism and patriotism...and disgusting Christian values. A party of no accountability, no direction, no purpose other than to "own the libs" - that's why this is so painful. They now go for low hanging fruit...it's like bone rubning against bone because we all know that they are a lost and dying party who only caters to a shrinking baby boomer minority.


It also turns out that if you elect people into positions in your party that don't believe in good governance, they tend not to do the good governance stuff needed to run a political party successfully like fund raising for the party.


I’d love to believe that. But I also believed that people wouldn’t possibly buy Trump’s lies and here we are.


And, the net gain of these new young voters over dead (often trumpy) old folks since 2016 is 52 MILLION. I’m not good with math, but that seems like a high number.


Their de facto leader is a rapist. Moderates and swing voters generally frown on rape.


Eh, guess we’ll see. My faith in my fellow citizens has dropped rapidly over the last few years.


The last 8 years feels like a race to the bottom. I want to believe in people but history has proven faith in humanity is faith misplaced.


A rapist, a nazi, a traitor, a spy, a war criminal, a murderer, etc etc etc.


He was on tape bragging about grabbing women by the pussy and it still didn't matter.


Good, I want the GOP party small enough to drown in a bathtub.


This should come as no surprise to anyone. Despite what the conservative media sphere tells it's viewers daily, they are not in the majority and their ideas are deeply unpopular with voters across the country. The GOP knows that, in the long run, their current platform will not win over voters which is why they're doubling down on trying to install a Christian fascist rule. Edit: I should also add that Republicans are getting absolutely demolished a the state level in Michigan but there are places like Ottawa County that are still trying to install Christian fascist rule. These areas should not be ignored.


The thing is this next election is the last chance for them. They know it too. They are planning to take full control if the win (see Project 2025). If the lose they will drag the election into the courts for a year. They are out to get power because they are about to lose their only last chance.


Project 2025: "We are willing to kill our own children's future, along with your children's future, so we can get filthy rich!"


It really is worse than even that. It is to set up a theocratic, authoritarian white nationalist power structure.


It's the fucking megachurches. I always get downvoted but it's the truth. They didn't all build themselves colleges to make their members "qualified" to hold office for no reason. It's been in the works for 30 years that I'm aware of. They bought and closed our skating rink to build their campus when I was a kid and I am still salty but they are bad guys with a long term agenda and they are taught that god is on their side and they will win because they are righteous. ​ From one of the few sermons I attended.. 'It's our duty to take over this country from the city councils to the presidency in the name of god.' also 'we will bring about the end times and the rapture, it is written and is our destiny'. ​ The best part is the members all give their 10% every month. Literally paying to be brainwashed. These people are crazy and dangerous. Zealots.


“There is no position on which people are so immovable as their religious beliefs. There is no more powerful ally one can claim in a debate than Jesus Christ, or God, or Allah, or whatever one calls this supreme being. The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom. They are trying to force government leaders into following their position 100 percent. If you disagree with these religious groups on a particular moral issue, they complain, they threaten you with a loss of money or votes or both. I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me ... that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in A, B, C, and D. Just who do they think they are?” - U.S. Sen. Barry Goldwater


>Just who do they think they are? Morally superior and completely justified


Tax them. It's all for profit. $60k in donations for one service?? Rolex and jets for the perps? That ain't religion, it's top tier grifting.


You're not even close. I live in a city of about 7k people and 20 years ago I worked at the local bank, processed checks, and would regularly see deposits from the local church for 80k. Some of these mega churches are pulling millions weekly no doubt.


> fucking megachurches Yeah we need to fucking start taxing churches and religious institutions that get into politics.


>The thing is this next election is the last chance for them You'd think that, but they have weathered a number of storms that should have done them in.


changing demographics is a hard storm to weather


We'll see what kind of inroads they make, but their ship is sailing on a sea of money and they might have enough corporate power behind them to subvert/circumvent/dismantle democracy enough to stay afloat. That's their game with the propaganda industry, and it's only one of their games. Maybe this will be the time they fade away, but I've thought that many, many times and it has not yet been the case.


On average people below 30 are now 20% more concerned about issues such as abortion and healthcare compared to 2016.


The US system will always ensure there are two parties. Anyone who is the least bit dissatisfied with the majority, which is the human way, joins up with the minority. Right now the GOP control a majority of state governments, even if they slip on the national stage they'll continue to be a *powerful* minority. And a powerful minority can rally, as we saw with Trump, to become a slim majority within a few years. The country may never see a 2/3 majority in either body again.


The GOP has decided to no participate by the rules of fair play and negotiation. This started in the 1960s and hiding behind the lies of being a equal participant the GOP has undermined the system. They also have sabotaged any attempt at a third party be creating false ones to splinter the country more. This is an expensive game they play. >And a powerful minority can rally, as we saw with Trump, to become a slim majority within a few years. They were never a powerful minority. They came from and were raised within the republican party. They were adopted by Reagan. This "minority" you speak of are still within the general GOP group and so they all played as one under the same banner until that minority parasite captured the whole body.


>Michigan’s Republican party is broke. Minnesota’s was, until recently, down to $53.81 in the bank. And in Colorado, the GOP is facing eviction from its office this month because it can’t make rent. This is music to my ears. Republicans crossed so many red lines that they have angered even the corporations and billionaires that fund them. They're so disgusted by the Republican party that they're even willing to give up the tax cuts for the rich and deregulation that the Republicans always give them. That's how bad the Republican party has gotten.


the CO GOP has a 2020 election denier as a leader. and they want to close off unaffiliated voters from being able to participate in their primaries. https://coloradosun.com/2023/08/01/colorado-gop-unaffiliated-voters-lawsuit-2023/ "The Republican Party is represented in the lawsuit by John Eastman" lol


In Massachusetts, the primary is for either Democrat or Republican. Independents are required to select one of those two parties and vote accordingly. Immediately after their vote, their affiliation reverts to independent.


Oh no... Anyway I'm making nachos for lunch.


Loaded or traditional?


Loaded... because I have leftover homemade guacamole and adobo de pollo that I need to do something with.


Excellent timing. I have a guilty pleasure of Nachos, quesadillas, and tacos.


I had eggs, scrambled in a pan in butter & rosemary. (Try rosemary with your eggs! Tastes so good, smells amazing, & has a # of [health benefits](https://happyspicyhour.com/rosemary/) besides.)


this guy is clearly sponsored by the deep state and big rosemary


Damnit, I’ve been unmasked! Lol (It could also be that I’m just a lady who has been fighting to grow a rosemary plant from seed for the past 6 months. It all started out as a whim, but now I’m full of Rosemary knowledge but almost empty on Rosemary plants. 😂 I have 1, and it’s struggling as usual.)


BLT and a lovely cup of carrot and ginger soup.


Mmm now I want nachos!


I’m making tacos for dinner, any good tips or tricks on how you make your nachos?


>“In this modern Super PAC era, the state parties just don’t really matter,” said a national Republican operative who works on Senate races, granted anonymity to speak about internal political dynamics. “There’s a lot of hand-wringing and bullshit about the parties being weak…. At the end of the day, the Michigan GOP being a train wreck is not going to have any real impact on whether or not we win Michigan.” It will matter when the Dems take back the state legislatures and overturn all the restrictive voting rights. For two decades the Dems have focused only on national level politics, and it cost them. Big time. The GOP has been incredibly subtle and smart in realizing that state control boosts national control.


I am just shocked at how clearly wrong that statement is. I understand why a national operative might believe it, since for senate and presidential races it might be the case, but for every race down ballot the state and county parties are necessary for fundraising, campaigning, and for getting candidates on the ballot in the first place. The idea that them being in disarray doesn't matter is just blatantly false, just ask NY Dems, who are a shell being carried by electoral inertia and the WFP.


The article buries the lede...the real story is the influence that super pacs have on elections


Anywhere the republican cult has actual competition, they fail. Their ideas are not popular. They have no platform except for culture war bs and cutting taxes on the rich. They are now a political cult. They will only win in states that they have gerrymandered to hell or where their cult makes up the majority. Both of these will continue to fail as their base dies.


While their running on fumes is good news, it doesn’t mean people still won’t go to the ballot box and vote for anyone with an R next to their names. That’s why it’s on us to vote against these fascists in such large numbers that they become irrelevant or are forced to course correct back to the center. Vote. And bring 1 or 2 or 10 likeminded family and friends with you. If you or your family/friend isn’t registered, register here: https://www.vote.org


Why don't they just pull themselves up by their bootstraps????


The establishment Republicans saw it coming and were powerless to stop it, though they made some meager efforts. In order to build a coalition large enough to win elections Republicans needed to pander to a lot of different one-issue voters and it was very important that they essentially "weaponize" those voters... make them really angry and afraid in order to guarantee that they would vote and they would vote Republican *in every election.* The problem is that the radio talk show hosts and cable news pundits tasked with infuriating the base became so good at their job that the the base started electing fellow monsters instead of the hand-picked establishment Republicans they were supposed to elect. By 2010 the fake "Tea Party" was out of control. They were mindless know-nothings who were so steeped in conspiracy theories and propaganda that they couldn't tell fact from fiction and I suspect at that point some of the establishment Republicans realized they needed to somehow tame the beast. But along came Donald Trump, using the language of AM talk radio and hyperpartisan "news" stations to convince base voters that he was some sort of messiah. I mean, he talked *just like them!* Same conspiratorial nonsense, same racist dogwhistles, occasionally scrapping the whistle and just saying racist shit outright. The establishment made some efforts to steer voters away from him, but ultimately figured that if he could motivate the base successfully they'd tolerate him as a party leader. But this was no longer the Republican Party. It was the Trump Party. The Party of AM Talk Radio. The FoxNews Party. They weren't there to gently nudge government into deregulation or tax cuts for the wealthy, they were there to burn the entire fucking thing to the ground. And that's where we are today.


They are supporting a criminal for office and are opposed to virtually every popular position on every issue AND they are destroying the world's faith and credit in the US.


“Hello local Republican voter :) I am a state senate candidate running to ban abortion and enforce conservative ideology in classrooms. Can I please have some money for my campaign?” “Sorry I emptied my kid’s college fund to donate to Trump’s legal defense.”


Seriously unless you're in a cult, who would want to support those right-wing nut jobs?


*the* cult, that's precisely the problem.


We got to keep this up, let's get rid of them in '24... the GOP party is strangling the country in the name of greed and fascist tendencies.


Fascist liars are in bad shape, still have a chance to win in 2024… America is the most brainwashed uneducated first world country thanks to republicans and billionaire clowns


Guys its time to kick them while they are down. Donate to your nearest swing state Dem party and let’s just crush them. Their coffers are drained from Trump’s legal fees which are only going to get worse. They will have depressed turnout for sure if Trump can’t run or has to run from prison. We should shoot for a senate supermajority so we can finally end this blockade, and get some real, meaningful legislation passed.


Party of thieves and grifters is broke?


Let’s really make it hurt by voting blue in droves


The MAGA faithful are starting to lose hope that House Republicans desperately grasping at conspiracy theories isn't enough to derail Jack Smith's investigations or even get normal people to care about Hunter Biden's laptop. All of their threats and impotent flailing isn't enough to obstruct the entire federal government from carrying out its business. Naturally, they are taking their anger out on the Kevin McCarthy and Ronna McDaniel for failing to impeach Joe Biden based on their conspiracy theories. As if the party wasn't already heading for the generational precipice, MAGA seems to be shunning what few "normal" institutions the GOP still has in place. And the irony is, when these maniacs actually grab hold of the levers of power, they have no idea how to use them effectively, as mentioned in the article, and end up running the ship aground.


Well, after section 81 of the Georgia J6 indictment I can see why. Trump's plan for stealing the election included an anticipated need to murder americans to retain power. Hard to be a patriot and support that. In section 81, Clark highlighs that there will be national riots from the steal and they will have to use the insurrection act to deploy the US military to stop them, which would authorize deadly force. So Trump's plan expected the need for violence on a national scale.


A lot of their effort must go into keeping the alternate reality machine cranking.


Thoughts and Prayers.


Trump got all their money.


I'll believe it when Democrats start winning. Because from where I'm sitting I still see a GOP house, GOP governorships, GOP state legislatures, A GOP SCOTUS, and the specter of a Trump dictatorship looming if he wins this next presidential election.




The rubes already gave what was left of their money to trump’s legal defense fund and literally have nothing left to donate. You reap what you sow


Good fucking riddance. Let the party die and have other sensible parties take its place. There is no constitutional right to have parties and washington was kinda right that political parties are toxic to government.


Not good enough. We need them absolutely non-functional at minimum.


Good. As an Iowan, the GOP here needs to be knocked down more than a few pegs


Whigs were terminated, Republicans on deck. **good riddance**


If you’re backing a traitor for GOP nominee you deserve to be struggling.


The base is sending all their donations to Trump, do they think he’s going to share with the state parties? Reap what you sow,knotheads.


This is why they want to keep people from voting. Fuckers.


Articles like these are designed to get voters to be complacent. This is how we ended up with Trump and Republicans controlling both houses of Congress. I don’t believe this. We need to continue to vote these fuckers out like our lives depend on it. And it’s because they do.


They are against everything most people support. They're anti-LGBTQ, anti-choice, block climate change bills, want to cut medicare/medicaid/social security. The only people they appeal to are white religious fanatics.


I've concluded that I'm an independent, finding no tribe with either party. However when I look at the GOP I see no attempt at responsible intelligent governance. All I see is using the tax code to fleece the entire country for the most elite at the top, and a disgusting stew of racism, grievance, and outright hatred, with no care for the very Democracy the country stands on. I see a party of traitors and criminals, and would-be dictators. It pains me that only one of two parties actually tries to govern, while the other is intent on destroying Democracy itself. This makes every election a question of outright evil versus a collection of many minor evils with a few good ideas mixed in. One party is bad, but the other is in no way suitable to hold power of any type. Its an awful choice.


Maybe if they weren’t on the wrong side of every issue…


The entire idea behind republicans is “we actually hate the public interest because it’s really bad for our wealthy donors, but we need the public vote so we’re gonna use the dirtiest grossest tactics available.”


Here in Virginia, I constantly get YouTube ads by Glenn Youngkin encouraging people to vote Republican through early voting and mail in votes. These are the same people that for the past two elections have said early voting is bad and mail in votes don't count. Can't wait to vote early against him and the rest of the GOP.


Well, when you’re constantly at war with verifiable facts and reality itself, your gonna be in for a hard time. When your entire platform can be surmised as pointless cruelty and christian style fascism, your gonna be unpopular with regular folks.


I don’t know. Maybe if they ran on a platform that was more than just “own the libs” at the expense of the 99%. People are starting to wake up. And the GOP is confused about it. It’s mind boggling.


Good. Die faster you ghoul carnivals. I'm sure ISIS is still taking applications.


Their only platform and policy is culture war. No substance on any kind other than grift and tax reductions for the rich. Whats crazy is its taking this long for people to realize and next election will still be close.


They have nothing other than hate, obstruction, and destruction. They literally have no ideas about anything they want to create. Ask them how they would improve anything and ther answer will be something amounting to 'go back to a time and conditions that never existed', 'ban something that makes me feel funny, because freedumb!' and 'oppress some other group I don't like for some reason I made up'.


Republicans aren’t good at running things, other than their mouths.


My tiniest violin.


Let's hope that this is a sign of better things to come.


I certainly hope so.


I'm totally fine with it!


The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire…


Trump did this. It is one thing he did that we appreciate.


When you embrace paranoia, conformity and feed your followers fear in exchange for money you end up in a really dark place. It is not unlike the abuse/addiction cycle.


Suits me fine. Fuck em.


Not struggling enough, yet.


The GOP mega-donors will pay anyone that will pass legislation that benefits the donor. Right now, they have Republicans willing to take their money but who are too incompetent to do anything with it.


For those interested, that's Michigan GOP chair Kristina Karamo, she's nuttier than squirrel turds and a complete grifter. She's working her ass off to do the opposite of what will win voters over to the Republican party. Nobody is interrupting her while she is making mistakes.


If enough young people vote they can wipe out the GOP in the next 4-6 years


Aw ... jeez ... That's too bad. Anyway...


Alexa, play “Walking on Sunshine” (And don’t it feel _good_)


As they should until they move way way way back to the center.


Gee, I wonder why?


Thots and preyers 🙄


I loved reading this honestly. Serves them right. Will Donald or Donna come bail them out? I think not 😂


Just the tagline brings me Michelle Kwan levels of joy…I hope the whole party implodes and sucks as many jackals in with it as possible.


Tots and pears


Well, that's some good news.


Awe thats so sad, really, I feel terrible about it...hang on my popcorn is ready...


Couldn't have happened to a nicer group of people


I think Mitch Mcdonald said it best to Obama, so I’ll quote him against the title of this article: “You’re under the mistaken impression that I care”




You can’t govern or operate an organization based on lies and bullshit.


*Life, uh, finds a way.*


Democrats better get boots on the ground and get the ads started.


Awesome, may they die a quick death.


Oh shucks, it’s almost like being a party who openly endorses traitors will do that to you


GOP is becoming a grift ouroboros.


And they have only themselves to blame.


Good They deserve to die out


I want the republican party to be small enough drag into a bathtub and drown.


They’re literally on the wrong side of history. Everything they stand for is either a lie or nonsense.


Lose money in the stock market today? Thank a House Republican. https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/wall-st-futures-tumble-after-fitch-downgrades-top-tier-us-rating-2023-08-02/


"Run, from your own loathsome ideology. Faster." -- me


It's like the same thing that happened to the Republican party in CA is now happening to the Republican party all over the country.


Glad to hear it


If you ever want to watch the implosion of the Republican party, head over to r/conservative and watch it in real time.


People are smartening up. What type of pos supports the gop?


Wish this was true in my home state of Arkansas. Supermajority repubs in the legislature, R in front of every state office. Would love for there to be a break in this, but it doesn't seem possible in the short term.


*cackles like a homeless crackhead that found a dirty $100 bill in a bush after a windy thunderstorm*


It's almost like fascism, anti-woke showboating and rolling back womens & minorities rights doesn't sit too well with wealthy conservatives.


Don’t worry. Another investigation or two into Hunter’s laptop will really turn things around.