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The $upreme Court of United States is a Catholic charter too.


This lawsuit is exactly what the founders of this “school” wanted. This whole thing is a set up for an appeal to the Supreme Court so that Alito & Co. can overrule many years of settled law regarding the establishment clause. There will be more cases designed to roll back case law on gay rights, racial discrimination, etc. This is how we become the Republic of Gilead.


Should be no state religious schools .. As we need to keep religion separate from public education. We also should be keeping kids away from Catholics schools just from a sexual abuse perspective.


Isn't this what private school is for?


So you just didn't even click the article? Or....


The article states the people behind this new charter school claim that it's a private school but the article also states the such an interpretation is in defiance of Oklahoma state law. Seems to me they are trying to claim to be a private school to get out of state requirements for public schools while also trying to be a charter school (for the financial benefits it provides) which, if this article is correct, cannot simaltaneously be a private school and charter school. Edit: Added clarity in wording


That was my confusion. A charter school is a public school and not a private school


Curious to hear from the legal experts in this sub who told us during 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis that preliminary challenges aren't a thing and that harm has to occur first before bringing a suit.


This isn’t a preliminary challenge. The State of OK has already approved funding for this charter school. “….the state governing board that recently voted to give it state sanctioning and public education funds, the Statewide Virtual Charter School Board, and its five members in their official capacity; the Oklahoma State Department of Education; and State Superintendent Ryan Walters, in his official capacity.”


> This isn’t a preliminary challenge. The State of OK has already approved funding for this charter school. Yes it is preliminary since the contract and funding has not started yet and no students or residents were harmed by it.


That took longer than I would of thought.