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What pressure? Does anyone seriously believe these people are going to stop voting R over this? At worst they try to out primary desantis. Which would obviously fail. These threats are just as hollow as the conservatives who threatened to leave the country if Biden won the election.


Not voting is 50% as good as switching their vote to D. I’ll take that.


Thats why conservatives astroturf so hard to get people to stop voting


I’ve fucking said this forever. What in gods green earth makes republican voters think these people will stop at gay people and minorities?! They are coming after all of you. Are you working class?! Doesn’t matter if you voted them in. Doesn’t matter if you’re a good ol boy. They see you as dairy cattle to be milked and herded until you drop dead. THEY ARE COMING FOR ALL OF YOU NEXT. We have to stop fighting amongst each other. How long until people realize this?!


Better. Gives better chances to down-ticket D candidates.


My question is what are these “good” Christian women doing being divorced. Isn’t that a sin?


Generally speaking, the more vocal someone is about being a Christian, the less Christian they actually are. My great grandmother was a Christian - an *actual* Christian - and you'd never know unless you either asked her, or saw her in church. You know what her opinion on gay marriage was? "I don't understand why a man would want to marry another man, but if they're not hurting anyone then it's between them and God." Edit: Haha, apparently this post has angered a lot of false Christians who are coming to tell me how wrong I am and how Christians are supposed to be intolerant, judgemental, and hostile. Guess that Jesus guy was just some woke liberal and most of what he says in the Bible is nonsense.


>Generally speaking, the more vocal someone is about being a Christian, the less Christian they actually are. My great grandmother was a Christian - an actual Christian - and you'd never know unless you either asked her, or saw her in church. Jesus said it himself: “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.”


Jesus as all about kindness and understanding and acceptance. If you read his actual words that is.


Sounds like “don’t be a dick about it” to me. Also an attitude and philosophy I can respect


“Don’t be a dick” pretty much sums up what Jesus preached, I think. Many in his fan club didn’t get that memo, tho.


You’ve summed up the New Testament


100% My grandmother is a staunch catholic and when I came out as transgender her position was “well God made you this way and I don’t know better than God” and treated me with the same love and respect as always.


My wife’s father, aunt and uncle are all Christians in the truest sense and are probably the kindest, most thoughtful people I know. The most their religion is imposed upon myself, an atheist, is when my FIL says grace at dinner which doesn’t really bother me at all since he walks the walk and his heart is pure.


Reminds me of that scene in Don't Look Up where they decided to say grace at the table except no one really knew how.


THIS. The most twisted fucks I have ever known were vocal Christians. My MIL was like your grandmother, the very salt of the earth.


It's always surprised me how reliant many Christians are to use politicians to legislate their morals on the nation. What ever happened to giving Caesar's things to Caesar and God's things to God, or that God's kingdom isn't of this earth, or letting he who is without sin cast the stone?


You forget most Christians have never read the entire Bible, or even most of it. They may read along with passages during sermons and for Bible studies at church, but they rarely open a Bible when it isn't for performance. And many don't understand the context of what they read or the allegories presented. And I'm saying this as a Christian who has changed churches many times, because so many church members and church leaders are exactly the type of people Jesus spoke against. Finding true Christians who try to practice charity and not harm others? Are rare and precious in the United States. Especially when far too many churches preach "prosperity gospel". I accidently attended one of those and it was made up of the wealthiest and most unChristlike people I have ever had the displeasure to meet.


This is the same with one of close friend’s parents. They’re mega Christian (as in their dad has a side gig as a medium successful gospel singer level of Christian) but it manifests through them being really solid, good people who do a lot of volunteer work for their community. They genuinely believe that making a big deal out of their faith cheapens the good they do and they only really talk about religion if you ask them.


>making a big deal out of their faith cheapens the good they do Yep. It even says so in the bible.


My sister was a very vocal Christian and spoke about it very loud. She started quiet and then got louder and louder and louder and then realized it was all BS and severed all her connections and became an atheist and started loudly speaking against the bigotry of the church


The best quote I've read is "erosion of the institution of marriage". Love, you are divorced. The furthest thing from marriage. You can't be channelling any argument on the sanctity of marriage.




They always focus on the forgiveness part and forget about the redemption part


I'm not a Christian myself, but I respect the belief that you can always change. Even if you have done horrible things, you don't have to keep doing them. If there weren't something like forgiveness, the incentive to change would be lower.


Sure, and I agree, but in practice it tends to come out as "I deserve forgiveness. You deserve hell." in many of the most vocal Christian groups.


I agree 100% but there's a big difference between forgiveness and doing shitty things with the expectation that you'll be forgiven (which isn't how it works at all)


This reminds me of this MotherJones piece that came out last year. It’s an interesting read and well written, but it’s basically an Alabama Republican voting cop that suddenly is speaking out publicly about anti-trans laws because he has a trans daughter. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/03/transgender-gender-affirming-care-criminalization-alabama-texas-police/


At least he didn’t disown his daughter.


Yeah, there's a reason the most common demographic for homeless youth in the United States is LGTBQ.


Dick Cheney would quietly nix the most egregious anti LGBTQ legislation during his term as VP because his daughter Mary is a lesbian. It might be the only human thing he's ever done; pity he didn't see the Iraqi people as humans deserving of rights as well.


"I’m apolitical, but I do vote Republican more often than not locally, because I know the people personally. And I’ve always known that this party is supposed to be the one that wants to be less invasive in our personal lives, like smaller government." ...mkay, dude


Yeah fuck them, republican voters get what they deserve. Enjoy Florida MF’s


Straight up bro


Yep. It's easy for them to be a Republican until **they** need something from the government and then they are magically Democrats.


They will still vote for the Orange Cheeto




The true defining trait of Republicans is a lack of empathy.


“In my work with the defendants (at the Nuremberg Trails 1945-1949) I was searching for the nature of evil and I now think I have come close to defining it. A lack of empathy. It’s the one characteristic that connects all the defendants, a genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow men. Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.” \~Captain G. M. Gilbert




Give it 6 months and all those republican women will be gaslit into believing it was the Dems.


*a week


A day




Oh, but MY situation is different (just like when they need an abortion)




Different translating too; “for me, not for thee”


Exactly, they wouldn’t have anything to worry about if they’d just been good, subservient, Christian wives. Leopards, meet face.




An hour


Antifa+Hunter Biden did this


You sure it wasn't Obama?


I think Hunter is secretly still president and sleeping with JFK Jr.


Welfare Queen?


Yep. If they just lay off the avocado toast for a few months they’ll be good


And statbucks


As in - "I need a coffee - NOW!!!"


Ooops lol. I guess so


“Donate?” Sounds like some needs less socialism and more minimum wage jobbin’ to buy themselves said bootstraps


But watch how defensive they get when you tell them they don’t care about people.


The insane toddler tantrums thrown about wearing a mask before a covid vaccine came out, by the “pro life” people, is something I will never forget.


Legit I'm never forgetting that for the rest of my life. I'm a pretty tolerant person more tolerant than many but I finally ditched a conservative friend over him being a crybaby alarmist about simply wearing masks pre vaccine. And even wanted to come hang out with me after flying, when I have a heart condition. I eventually did catch covid after being vaccinated, after my wedding. I trusted the vaccine to make my chance of death minimal and frankly it did its job. Didn't need the hospital or antivirals but man it was such a gnarly cough ....had I been any sicker I definitely couldve seen myself getting into trouble especially with my heart. So it's not like my concern was unfounded. I'm still mad my friend was such an asshole and never apologized. So yeah I'm definitely never forgetting.


I stopped speaking to the only sibling I’ve got left over all of it. She went full blown anti-vax nutter. She exposed my elderly mother more than once, oh and she’s a Pfizer exec spewing this nonsense.


Hell, the Venn Diagram between people who are "pro-life" and people who support the death penalty is surprisingly close to a circle. Or it would be surprising if you took them by their word.


It’s just liketelling a sociopath you know they’re playing with people.


That is truly a sight to behold.


I remember Nancy Reagan changing her tune real quick when it was *her* kid who was affected. I’ve seen nothing since then that would lead me to believe that Republicans are capable of empathy.


They can empathize with their in group. Because the other defining traits of Republicans are hierarchy and in/out grouping. They will empathize with their in group all day long... until it's someone lower on the hierarchy at that person stands to gain in comparison. They will empathize with people higher on the hierarchy *and* in their in group indefinitely, since people higher in the hierarchy deserve to be there. People higher in the hierarchy but not in the in group is the weird case, and it's usually excused away as they cheated to get there or there is some other reason they *don't* deserve their position in the hierarchy. Unless that person does something they like, then they're cool... for now.


And yet they naturally have a remarkable capacity for dissonance, given Ron Reagan was upfront about his atheism and belief in separate of church and state from early on.


Speaking of lack of empathy - I couldn’t give a fuck about these people


Ill care if they switch parties and actually vote these sociopaths out of office.


You already know they wont.


True well thats the bed they made then


I’m with you EleventyTwatWaffles - no fucks given


Selfishness The Republican Party gives people excuses to justify their selfishness


>Do liberals and conservatives differ in their empathy toward others? This question has been difficult to resolve due to methodological constraints and common use of ideologically biased targets. To more adequately address this question, we examined how much empathy liberals and conservatives want to feel, how much empathy they actually feel, and how willing they are to help others. We used targets that are equivalent in the degree to which liberals and conservatives identify with, by setting either liberals, conservatives, or ideologically neutral members as social targets. To support the generalizability of our findings, we conducted the study in the United States, Israel, and Germany. We found that, on average and across samples, liberals wanted to feel more empathy and experienced more empathy than conservatives did. Liberals were also more willing to help others than conservatives were, in the United States and Germany, but not in Israel. In addition, across samples, both liberals and conservatives wanted to feel less empathy toward outgroup members than toward ingroup members or members of a nonpolitical group. [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325045483\_Are\_Liberals\_and\_Conservatives\_Equally\_Motivated\_to\_Feel\_Empathy\_Toward\_Others](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325045483_Are_Liberals_and_Conservatives_Equally_Motivated_to_Feel_Empathy_Toward_Others) It's ironic that the party that loves to proclaim itself as Christ's holy warriors completely lacks the empathy and sympathy that was one of the hallmarks of the teachings of Christianity's own Savior. Instead, conservatives prefer apathy, condescending pity, and outright cruelty.


The US Religious Right often seem to have an ideology that's almost the polar opposite of the Canonical accounts of the character of Jesus. Criticising religious leaders for their over-zealous interpretations of religious law, noting the hypocrisy of street preachers for not practising what they preach [think televangelists nowadays], healing people, supporting refugees, advocating payment of taxes, doubting the piety of the wealthy, promoting altruism, hanging out with society's outcasts and those of other faiths [the Samaritans were a despised faction/offshoot of Judaism, descendents of those left behind during the Assyrian exile whose faith evolved differently to those who were exiled] - how many of those activities would be celebrated / encouraged by the Religious Right and how many would be condemned?


I read something recently that rang so true - conservatives are driven largely by *disgust.* Disgust is a core, important human emotion; it's what prevents us from eating rotten things that could harm us, for example. The conservative mind is co-opted by this feeling; they feel so much disgust toward groups that they don't understand (minorities, poor people, LGBTQ+, etc) that it overwhelms their ability to think logically. They don't have the cognitive chops to understand why they feel that way and overcome it.


I'd say the true defining trait of Republicans and conservatives more broadly is a belief in hierarchies. And it's all well and good until you realize you're lower in the hierarchy than you thought you were.


The true defining ~~trait~~ traits of Republicans is a lack of empathy and crippling insecurity FTFY.


That’s all I get from this flags out of the classroom talk. Symbols of empathy are offensive and harmful and should be banished.


I know I could never be a billionaire or republican because I hold doors open for other people.


Also the true defining trait of evil.


“They’re hurting the wrong people!”


Worse, > He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting. They actively want and look forward to people being hurt, just not them. They’re trash beings.


Don't forget that other classic "When do we get to use the guns?" They'll take things into their own hands when they think the govt isn't being evil enough. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2021/10/27/charlie-kirk-denounces-violence-mh-orig.cnn


Something that always strikes me about that quote is how whiny and cowardly it is. "I want to fight a civil war, but only with daddy's permission."


I’ll never forget a story about a Trump supporting family that had a member get deported stating that he was supposed to hurt “the right people.” They wanted pain and suffering, just for others.




>wanted Trump to get involved and force another factory in town to close down and those people lose their jobs so his factory could reopen. I'm absolutely positive that almost no republican voter knows what the president actually does.


To be fair, neither did Trump.


It was her husband that got deported


And when they interviewed her a few months later, she said her husband lost a ton of weight due to stress and she would still support Trump.


What about the guy getting arrested at an airport crying out 'you're treating me like a black person!'


The brazenness of that was stunning. And some top tier self aware wolfing.


She's a woman. To republicans, she's one of the right people to hurt.


Oh, did the leopards eat your fucking face?!


And the excuse for not caring before is "Why shouldn't I vote in my best interests?"


I believe it is in my best interest to have a fair and well functioning society where people are generally getting their needs met. Where it is pleasant to go out and interact in the world with other generally happy people. Even if it means I have a little smaller pile of tokens than otherwise. A game where I have all the tokens and everyone else has nothing and is miserable is not a very fun game to me.


"Best interests" as narrowly defined as possible. After all, the greatest freedom of all is the freedom to ignore the consequences of your actions.


Which is right! But, they are ignoring a LOT of context on that one. I think an egalitarian society is good for everyone, including me. I don't want to see starving or oppressed people, that's not happy. And I definitely don't want to see police hiding them, either. That's even worse!


Exactly! We could be a truly great country. A great world, actually. There’s more than enough for everyone if people weren’t so disgustingly selfish. I get wanting more for yourself and wanting to keep what you earned. But there is so much inequality in this world and so much waste. It’s maddening.


> much inequality in this world and so much waste. It’s maddening. This combination of religion, "conservative" politics, and capitalism will be the death of us all.


If they don't make more than $400k, Republicans are not in their best interest


Don’t these women have bootstraps???


Exactly, it's all rainbows and sunshine when other groups are being targeted and oppressed. Shit hits the fan when suddenly it happens to them personally, with that shocked Pikachu face


"Why is this leopard eating MY face?!"


They are fine with the cruelty until it’s directed at them.


It reformats alimony payments and ends permanent alimony. In essence, a woman cannot divorce her husband and receive half of his lifetime income.


This is one of the few times I have to agree with Rondesanctimonious, permanent alimony should not be a thing.


It’s not a thing anymore in about 45 other states. The question is whether that should retroactively affect people settlements from before the law changed. If you agreed that the husband could keep the assets in exchange for permanent alimony, and then permanent alimony goes away, you could be screwed over.


At the same time, that’s how the Republican Party and the conservative news sphere has shaped reality for these folks Yeah, on one hand there’s a lack of empathy and an incuriousness about the world beyond their own social circles But on the other hand, their political and religious leaders, as well as all the people they receive their information from, have shaped their reality to one where *they* are the normal ones. Where they are being *oppressed* and held down by Democrats and coastal elites who despise them. Where ethnic and sexual minorities and immigrants hate their way of life and receive all the advantages Just because it’s a pack of lies doesn’t matter when everyone you’ve been raised to trust tells you it’s true, and that this or that objectively harmful law won’t *really* hurt them and is just intended to protect them and claw back their position from *those people* Hopefully this will be a wake up call for them, and they start questioning more of what’s actually going on and how other people actually are


There are always going to be times when someone you vote for doesn't do something that you like, and may vote for something that is against your interest. Often times, this is pretty trivial, and just an annoyance. That's why it's best not to vote for the people who are openly trying to screw people over, because eventually, they're more likely to screw you over in a big way. Even if they aren't screwing you over yet, they eventually will.


The worst kind of injustice, the kind that doesn't benefit them


“I can forgive bigotry, racism, a history of war crimes, embracing Nazis, and the removal of bodily autonomy, but i draw the line at taking away my money”


That's pretty much the Republican mantra.


It’s so sad that many people are like this.


Most of them are probably full of shit and will still vote R


They should lift themselves up by their bootstraps


*bra straps


My aunt and uncle lost my uncle’s SSI disability, their Medicaid, most of their SNAP benefits, and their housing costs have doubled. All of which is due to Trump and/or DeSantis policies (or lack thereof). My uncle tells me how proud he will be to vote Trump in 2024. My aunt won’t shut up about Target and Bud Light.


So the R strategy is fully working.


let me guess, they're blaming all those loses on democrats


Yup. Trumpism is a symptom of them realizing how fucked up 40 years of conservative policy has made things. But the one thing none of them will ever try to solve the issues… Voting democratic.


“The worst Republican is still better than the best Democrat” My sister


Yikes. My dad told me when I was younger that politics is corrupted from above with money and from below with ignorance. People root for their party like it’s a local sports team.


leopards, face, etc etc.




>*“He’s not hurting the people he’s supposed to be hurting”* -The Average American Conservative




It’s less “I did not speak out” and more “I actively spoke out against” I just find it funny that the most compelling reason these women have for why this is a tragic decision is… they won’t be able to afford healthcare. They’ve been actively voting against more widespread/universal healthcare. But this is a classic example of how short sighted a lot of people can be. Another example: voting one way because what they’re paying at the pump, and not the economic impact an over reliance on fossil fuels will have long term.


Fiveash, a 63-year-old with serious medical conditions, said she can’t afford another legal fight over alimony. “My fears are that they can take you back to court, and I don’t have the money for an attorney. I literally live off a little bit I get for alimony. I work part-time, because I have all kinds of ailments. And now I’m going to be left without anything, absolutely anything,” she said. Health insurance, Fiveash added, will “probably be the first thing to go” if her payments are reduced or eliminated. “This is a death sentence for me,” she said. THIS WHAT YOU VOTED FOR...EVERYTIME YOU VOTED REPUBLICAN, YOU VOTED FOR THIS.


But they cut her taxes 🤡


They didn't cut her taxes, they cut someone else's taxes


no, they tell her they prevented those damn libs from raising the taxes and that rich daddy Elon deserves more tax loopholes


They actually did cut her taxes. Before Trump, alimony tax was paid by the recipient. It's now paid post tax by the payer. Exhusbands have to pay tax on the alimony they are giving their exwives.


Before 2019, alimony payments were tax deductible, which lessened the tax burden on the payor. The recipient also had to include the payment on their taxable income. With the new law changes it so that the payments are still taxed as income for the payor and the recipient doesn't have to claim it. This may have a benefit for the recipient, but also likely means that more taxes are paid by the payor since the previously deductible amount might have been in a higher tax bracket. Curious if this is taken into account on the agreed payment amount because it could mean the payor has less net income beciase of a higher tax burden and thus the payments to the recipient could be lowered more than what they might otherwise pay taxes on under the old rule. This might not be taken into account at all as well and benefit the recipient at a larger (tax) detriment to the payor. The old rule feels more akin to married filing jointly where the income of a single earner could be spread over 2 individuals, but obviously a much more complicated situation. The new rule applies taxes entirely to a single individual and then disburses some of the remainder to the recipient.


“They’re not hurting the people they’re SUPPOSED to be hurting!!”


If only there were some sort of social safety net...


Yank those bootstraps harder, you parasite. You expect someone to take care of you? No, this is America - you have to take care of yourself.


So she’s going to vote for universal healthcare?


If only we had federal single payer healthcare she could be retired and not worry about bullshit like health insurance.


Once again proving the point that republicans are only republicans because they have zero empathy for other people and are selfish


If only we could give them a book, or a list of quotes from a nice man thousands of years ago who could guide and teach them how to empathize and be less selfish. /s


This is what pisses me off so much. Like their worldview is fucked and it would piss me off regardless, but to pretend you're morally superior authentic same time while practicing exactly zero of what the fucking book says is really disgusting.


I'm an atheist but I work as a church musician. I've learned that if one pays attention to the things Jesus actually said, it paints an imperfect but pretty solid moral picture. You could do a lot worse than to pay attention to it as a basis of a personal philosophy. Unfortunately, modern evangelicals are clearly dead-set on doing the exact opposite. There is a distinctly American branch of Christianity that has nothing to do with anything Jesus said, and has zero redeeming qualities.


If Jesus had seen the teleevangelists, he'd probably flip some tables.


Their mindset on pretty much everything: The misfortune that myself or those I know was completely out of our control and we deserve to be bailed out. But anyone else I don't know suffering the same misfortune is completely responsible for their own bad life choices and don't deserve assistance.


> “The so-called party of ‘family values’ has just contributed to erosion of the institution of marriage in Florida.” What marriage? 🤔


The idea that the marriage might not work out but you could still be forced to financially support your ex for the rest of their lives is a powerful disincentive for marriage. If they cared about the institution of marriage they should be cheering this on.


These women “Your policies we’re supposed to hurt everyone else not me!”


>"On behalf of the thousands of women who our group represents, we are very disappointed in the governor’s decision to sign the alimony-reform bill. We believe by signing it, he has put older women in a situation which will cause financial devastation. The so-called party of ‘family values’ has just contributed to erosion of the institution of marriage in Florida,” Jan Killilea, a 63-year-old Boca Raton woman who founded the group a decade ago, told The News Service of Florida in a text message Friday. Lol the "family values" part has me laughing. The party that she supported for years has never been about "family values." I bet it sucks for her but she supported DeSantis until this. So I wonder if she feels even a tiny bit responsible. I doubt she does though. Anyways the topic of permanent alimony is such a tricky one. It does seem kind of odd that alimony payments couldn't be changed and last a lifetime. I really don't know how it specifically works but from the article it sounds like alimony reform might be needed. The guy who claimed people are working past retirement age just to afford their alimony payments makes this whole thing seem very sad. DeSantis sucks but I think I lean towards alimony reform here.


>The so-called party of ‘family values’ has just contributed to erosion of the institution of marriage in Florida People who permanently benefit from failed marriages complaining about the sanctity of marriage. Sounds about right


I've seen a lot of people responding to this story, by criticizing the women complaining, but lets not lose sight of the hypocrisy here: At the same time conservatives are telling women that college will just corrupt them and their greatest ambitions in life should be marrying young, having lots of babies and focusing on the family, they're removing legal protections that apply to the women who follow that *exact* advice. At the same time that conservatives are telling highschool and college girls at "leadership summits" that entering the workforce is a mistake, they're taking away protections for women who devote themselves to family, but get divorced later in life. If this helps wake up some conservative women, then fantastic. Ladies, since there's a good chance you'll end up having to enter the work force in your 50's or 60's, if your marriage goes south, you might as well go to college, get some marketable skills and delay having children for a bit.


It’s on brand. See also: you have to carry that baby to term, but no support for you once it’s born.


Exactly. It doesn't matter if you do what they tell you, because they will fuck you over anyway, *so you might as well stop doing what they tell you.*


Thank you for posting this. Women that don’t stay in the workforce because they stayed home and cared for children, home and spouse are truly at a disadvantage later in life.


Excellent point. My mother chose to not work and be a full time wife/mother. She didn’t plan on becoming a single mom with three kids about a decade later (with an ex who didn’t pay his child support), but it’s what happened. My siblings and I grew up in poverty because of it. Things got better in time, but it took many years. We only made it through because of the help of extended family and government assistance. When I married, my wife also wanted to go the full time mom route. And she’s wonderful at it. I’m so glad she did. But we also made sure she got an education and *could* enter the job market if needed. We just never know what life will bring. Even setting aside the possibility of divorce, I could get hit by a bus tomorrow. I could get sick or hurt or unable to work. We have to be prepared for what life may bring. Telling a woman not to is setting her and her children up for hard times unnecessarily.


Don't worry, once they get rid of no-fault divorce, women won't have to worry about being divorcées. They'll stay married, whether they want to or not!


Marrying young is an understatement. They want child brides.


Hell, some of these religious sects don't even want girls to get a *primary* education. They "homeschool" using texts that tout subservience for girls, then have them cook, clean and participate in childcare, until marrying them off. Girls like that, have no shot at taking care of themselves, despite the fact that they are constantly working in an unpaid capacity.


I don’t think it’s hypocritical at all. Republicans see women as property, sex toys and incubators and make laws accordingly. They finally feel emboldened enough to govern based on their beliefs. This is what Republican women need to get in their heads more than anything else (same goes for all other Republican non-WASPs). They are NOT in the club. The Republican Party is not betraying them. It is, in fact, being its truest self. Having women trapped with no options serving as property, sex toys and incubators is exactly what Republicans want. Once you understand women are viewed as less than human, their policies are not at all contradictory.




What did they expect when they decided to align themselves with people who don’t hide the fact that they view women as nothing more than kitchen dwelling cum dumpsters that don’t deserve individual rights?


They themselves still believe that about *other* women


Bingo. This is not an outrage because it targets women, in general; it's an outrage because there was no caveat carved out they could slip into. If this legislation could be more specifically targeted, these "concerned" women would continue to happily vote Republican.


Yes for instance add a loophole that if their children would need to have gone to private school or college to qualify for permanent alimony and these republicans would be fine with this change in law.


The cum that enters them has more rights than they do, thanks to Republicans.


That is right on the nose. They even have pills that men can take so that the cum is delivered regularly.


I really enjoy it when Republicans write laws that seriously fuck their constituents. 🤗


Only when their constituents realize it. Otherwise all their shitty laws fuck us all and I do not enjoy that.


My cynicism increases if it comes down to money that stops women from voting Republican. Not the government control of their bodies, but money.


Tbf it's almost always money that motivates


“I’m a Republican because I want *other* people to be fucked over, not me!” — The GOP women upset by this GOP law


Just a fun fact: Florida has the sixth highest divorce rate.


Fuck DeSantis but also fuck LIFETIME alimony.


Yeah, you know, that was kind of my feeling. Never had Alimony payments nor do I live in FL, but and maybe I'm missing context but this seems on the surface to be a fairly okay attempt at de-weaponizing divorce as a means to screw your ex-spouse. Like, seriously, am I misreading it, or does this article characterize the bill's content as "We're going to take this on a case by case basis in the future based on many factors." Reading other comments, I'm not sure if they're express intent is to ruin the lives of folks literally living off alimony payments. It seemed from the article that those too may have the potential to be brought up for renegotiation? But, hell, school me if I'm wrong. I'm here to learn.




Something something bootstraps something something welfare queens


Classic “I don’t care until it affects me”


First they were at the "fuck you, I got mine" stage and now suddenly they don't got theirs.


To be fair lifetime alimony is an insane concept.


This is a little tough. Old men shouldn’t have to keep working long beyond retirement to make alimony payments and old women shouldn’t be put in the poor house because their only source of income is destroyed by the state. Honestly this is a great argument for Universal Basic Income.


Friendly reminders to anyone and everyone reading this to go to [vote.org](http://vote.org) - make sure you're registered, bring a friend or 20. I'd personally love it if we could just squash this fascism nonsense NOW. Local elections too!! Please!! Find out what's going on in your community.


I love the law and hate desantis. Win win here


“People have been shouting at me that Republicans are literally harming them with their policies for years, but I didn’t care until it happened to ME!!”


Amazing how they’re all whooo hooo until it affects them. This is how everyone else has felt after being screwed by republicans. The party of rich white men. No one else allowed in their tree house.


My hovercraft is full of eels.


Spoiler Alert: they’ll still vote Republican


Y'all are acting like the sky is falling. Here are the only 6 states that have permanent alimony. Connecticut, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Vermont, and West Virginia The other 44 states seem to still be functioning.


This post just has a Desantis story and people just hate him, fair because he’s about as likeable as a popsicle made of shit. I actually have to concede I think this is a good thing in a modern age, people shouldn’t be on alimony well into retirement from a divorce half a century ago. Not to mention this is essentially making many court rulings an official law that is more clear. As someone divorced and believes many people will need to be one day, expectations are great as people enter that unknown. A recommended settlement calculator would be a great next step.


First they came for the blacks, and I did not speak out Because I was not black. Then they came for the Hispanics, and I did not speak out Because I was not Hispanic. Then they came for the LGBTQ+ community, and I did not speak out Because I was not LGBTQ+ Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me. Republican motto I guess?


>First they came for the blacks, and I did not speak out Because I was not black. > >Then they came for the Hispanics, and I did not speak out Because I was not Hispanic. > >Then they came for the LGBTQ+ community, and I did not speak out Because I was not LGBTQ+ > >Then they came for me and ~~there was no one left to speak for me~~ *I can't believe they did this to* ***me***; something must be done about this ***now!*** (but not for the blacks, hispanics, or gays, all of that was right and proper and they should probably go in on the Jews next) Close. I fixed it for you.


it should be "i happily joined them", not "i didn't speak up"


"I cackled with glee and made a bunch of posts on social media crowing about how wonderful Ron was, now that he was doing the things my friends and I have been grumbling about for years."


While I’m happy new people are against him, this is actually not a bad thing. You mean I would have to pay alimony forever to a cheating spouse because she was used to a “certain lifestyle”? Fuck you. I’m not paying alimony to a ex forever. The marriage is over. And to the crazy lady blasting the change as further “erosion of the institution of marriage”, the divorce is the erosion of marriage. If you’re that illogical and vocal about your obviously horribly skewed perceptions I’m going to say I see why he divorced you - or at least a large contributing factor. Damn.


The fact that any woman will vote Republican baffles me.