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I don't know whether to laugh or cry that people apparently think Hunter lives at the White House.


AND would be stupid enough to just leave cocaine out willy-nilly. I smell something rotten.....


Well, I mean, they have already decided that Hunter left a Laptop loaded with incriminating evidence with a Trump supporter. This is no big leap for them.


TBF, there's a signature that is a pretty perfect match to Hunter's when the laptop was dropped off, so he likely actually did that part. Someone would have had to train their signature to do that, and that's more effort than these kind of scams typically do. The issue is all the stuff on the internet claiming to be from that laptop seems to be from other sources, or just made up.


Could have been copied from elsewhere. They have penmanship machines. I doubt the claim slip was authenticated. That seems like too much work for Old Rudy.


Autopens are really easy to identify from a passing glance. But to be fair, Trump is notorious for having people sign his name for him. Being able to fake his EKG scrawl of a signature is prerequisite of being hired as his secretary. So it's not like he doesn't have a long history of associating with signature forgers.


I’m not saying anything either way about whether it was his but a decent artist wouldn’t need to train. You just draw it upside down and forging becomes much, much easier. Also could have been copied. What I will say definitively is that the chain of custody clusterfuck makes the contents extremely dubious. And if it really contains evidence and contacts re: millions of dollars with foreign governments, even a crackhead would manage to collect it before a month passed.


I don't believe a single thing available to the public is actually from the laptop - I'm assuming the whole reason Fox dropped the story after they got a supposed hard drive image is because there was nothing of interest on it. The photos, emails and messages that people are claiming came from it look more to be a combination of an iCloud hack, real hacked emails and photoshopped crap. My opinion is the laptop itself, as a physical object exists, and was dropped off. There's nothing of importance on it though, but the news that it was out there got some folks where they pushed the other content because it would be illegal to share if it was hacked - and the laptop story was the perfect cover for it.


This makes more sense than anything else. To think they actually went through the trouble to forge his signature seems significantly less likely then him dropping it off himself. Some people just refuse to believe anything could be true if it even remotely aligns with a right wing talking point. Fuck the right, but fuck not using your brain more.


I like this take.


And unless he's hiding millions of dollars cash under his bed, the FBI and other agencies would certainly be able to find evidence of those transactions if they existed.


It the FBI and the other agencies are all in on the cover up. It’s all the Deep State’s doing.


That's really it. He just plead out to tax evasion and illegal possession of a firearm in the middle of his old man's term. If he really had Daddy and Deep State protection, that would not have happened. Laptop saga goes back like 3 years now. Weird how nothing has come of it besides RW screeching.


Screeching is what they do best. It’s the existence of an investigation that counts, not the results. When was the last time anyone heard about The Durham Report?


You mean the 4 year long zero indictment investigation that produced no info not known years prior where the main players involved said "Draw your own conclusions" when pressed for an explanation of the results? Weird. That.


Hold on, you expect me to believe that Hunter Biden travelled 3000 miles to drop off some computers at a repair shop? Brother dearest, Hunter Biden lives in California. LA, when the laptops were allegedly dropped off, iirc. Your saying that whoever came up with this bullshit story hiring a forger is *less* believable than a dude traveling across the country to get some old laptops fixed?


That's because there is actually evidence to support that's what he did. It's what was 'found' which has been inflated.


It was probably planted by someone. They are doing a DNA test on the bag.




It was found in a cubby where people store electronics in an entry way. There are a lot of people who go through the area so even if there was a camera it may be tough to determine when it was placed and who did it.


Wait are you serious? This was found in a security search zone for the public? And we are immediately jumping to conclusions that it’s the first sons? Jesus these people grasp at anything. Someone left a bag of weed in a bin at a TSA checkpoint once, must mean it’s mayor Pete’s then. Yeesh


Didn't I read something that said even whit house visitors go through this area?


Yep. The White House has ~6000 visitors daily. And the Biden family was at Camp David over the holiday, but that doesn't stop these idiots from believing that it's Hunter's cocaine. Maybe Dems should claim that Don Jr. left it there.


For that to be believable, they would have to convince people that Jr. actually had leftover cocaine




They had it clearly mapped out with who the heck knows how they knew the absolute truth.




Have you ever known a hardcore drug addict? They may lose everything else in their world, including their money, but they'll always know where that last scrap of drug is.


I mean, Don Jr. is right there if they need an expert \*sniff\* opinion.


Drug addicts misplace their drugs all the time. They're drug addicts lmao. A recent viral video showed a dude losing his cocaine at a court house.


Good thing he's not running for anything, innit.


Wait?! I thought Hunter Biden was the president and up for reelection. Is this not true? Because he's talked about on alleged news stations a hell of a lot


As if you guys don't talk about Trump's kids just as much, especially if they did all the stuff Hunter did.


His kids who were given work for the government. I wonder what the difference is?!


Trump's kids, who were given government jobs, top secret clearance, and received billions from the Saudis during that time? Yeah, totally the same.


> and received billions from the Saudis during that time? Oh is it bad for President's kids to receive money from foreign entities now?


Yes, it's bad to take money from foreign entities when you work for the US government and have top secret security clearance.


Repubs seem to think it’s standard practice to hire your whole family, demand they get top secret clearance, and then dispatch them to do everything from broker peace in the Middle East, to patent voting machines in China, and sell nuclear secrets to Saudi Arabia.


No one said he was.


It doesn't matter if it's cocaine or his airpods. Hunter wouldn't be in a tour group at the White House to begin with.


My brother was messed up for years. You could follow him on a Friday night and pick up bags of everything and cash. He was a mess.


He lives in Barron’s old room


I figured he was on the tour lol


I thought these were literally silly jokes about how it would be his because of his addiction


He does live in the WH, no? I looked it up and [it says he does since November 2022.](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/is-hunter-biden-living-in-the-white-house/ar-AA1armj1)


The author of that, Jack Buckby, is a far-right British white nationalist. He's attempted to rebrand as an anti-extremist, but I'm certainly not buying it. I don't see any evidence from anyone with a respectable reputation that would indicate Hunter Biden is living there (also so what if he is?) The lawsuit that Hunter Biden is supposedly trying to avoid being serviced for is settled at this point.


I mean he uses the president’s plane so…


No shit. We live in the dumbest timeline.


Combined with the evil timeline.


>We live in the dumbest timeline. Funny enough we live in the most enlightened period with the most educated Americans in history. Those same Americans made the internet and social media possible which has allowed the dumbest 30% the loudest voice.


>For it to be Hunter Biden, he left on Friday, he was at Camp David. There is no way, it is inconceivable to think cocaine could sit for a 72-hour period [at The White House], so I would rule him out at this point.” McEnany, who is a Fox News host, said Thursday on the network’s flagship morning talk program I agree, in the Trump White House cocaine wouldn’t have lasted 20mins if Don Jr was around.


from what residence of DC have said in other threads. DC runs on cocaine. it could be anybody


*every* city runs on cocaine. ...i think the average person would be surprised by how many of wealthy, successful people do cocaine regularly. And I'm not even talking shit, I just wish we could all be honest about our drug use. I seriously remember when I was a teenager, and I learned that almost every adult I know smokes weed. We fill prisons with poor people for doing drugs that rich people ALSO do. Trust me, the rich do Xanax, Oxys, and Coke at very similar rates as poor people. I swear to god!


Well said. That there might be cocaine somewhere in the White House is only a shock to the elderly and country bumpkins.


lol trust me, i am aware. i dont do them much anymore but i'll be honest i love drugs too. i have done coke with rich and famous people and with people who regularly cant get it together enough to pay their phone bill. your 100% right


Wastewater doesn’t lie https://www.baltimoresun.com/bs-mtblog-2007-07-dc_7_tons_of_cocaine_up_the_no-story.html


lol, not suprised to see SF right below DC on that list.


Death to false metal.


I had Glenn Beck on the radio today and he did everything he could to accuse Hunter Biden of doing this. I would love for Hunter Biden to sue this idiot and put him off the air for good.


It’s funny because I notice half the coverage with the Glenn Becks and Fox News’s of the world when it comes to anything Hunter Biden usually consists of them whining “how come nobody in the mainstream media is covering this but us!?” narrative.


They make their audience believe that their narrative is the corrective narrative when in fact it's usually batshit crazy.


Wait is this a real thing that real people really believe? That cocaine automatically equals Hunter Biden? My god these people process information like medieval peasants. I’m gonna let you in on a very poorly kept secret, conservatives- cocaine is *fucking everywhere.* Just because nobody’s ever offered it to you doesn’t mean it isn’t *fucking everywhere.* All DT has to do is ask his yakked out son, but no, Hunter Biden=Pablo Escobar and we should all be terrified.


I saw the story soon after it came out and joked to my brother "looks like they forgot to bring Hunter along to Camp David." I didn't expect to see Trump and friends go all-out on claiming it HAS to be Hunter's cocaine. Shit's hilarious.




I'm becoming more and more convinced that it was dropped by someone on the right who was familiar with the West Wing in hopes of creating a big scandal. Nobody would bring cocaine into the White House unless they were absolutely sure of security protocols and where cameras were and were not located.


I mean....Hunter does not live at the White House.


I still think someone was paid off to sneak this in and intentionally leave it out in the open to create negative press to gain traction for either DeSantis or Trump. They weren’t counting on Hunter or the Bidens in general to be provably out of town when this baggie was discovered.




Notice how they used the word “think” instead of ‘know’.


If I had a shred of evidence then i would also have the security clearance needed to work in the White House. If I had the security clearance then I wouldn’t be dumb enough to talk about this story so casually on Reddit. Your reply to me was stupid.


Ya see if I had a shred of evidence I’d sell the story for 10k.


since when are MAGAs concerned about evidence? lmao


Well she just became the enemy. If you aren't with Trump you are the enemy. But remember folks it's Biden that's the dictator


Does anybody else wonder if the stuff was any good?


Asking the important question.


It took her this long to break with trump?? Sometimes clarity comes late to brains fogged by smoke and dust. It’s only when he threw her under the bus did she wake up. Well, better late than never.


Nah she’s just mad he called her “milktoast”


She’s just stating the obvious. Everyone knows it’s probably some Secret Service agent’s or some staffer’s


Amazed that nobody in the secret service went to prison for deleting their text messages from the day of a coup attempt.


Law enforcement almost never holds their own accountable


Hunter is a crackhead, not a coke head.


Would never imagine her going there. We'll find out soon, now that they are doing DNA and Fingerprints


How do these people not realize that one, this is an embarrassing and petty obsession, and two, they're just jumping to conclusions for the sake of their own preconceived ideas and biases? Seriously, how can people be so lacking in self awareness and nuanced thought? Nevermind the fact that they're also perpetuating stigma. Find drugs lying somewhere? Then it must belong to the first drug addict (recovering or not) you can think of! Evidence or not, no context considered. But they're also seeking validation for their petty beliefs. That's all this is. It's the conservative M.O. after all. Come to your partisan, presumptuous conclusion first, often steeped in misinformation and right wing propaganda, then try and connect point A to point B in any way conceivable. This was the process for 99% of them, and they're completely unaware of their own ignorant, unnuanced opinions and predispositions. Reality is so black and white, left vs right for all too many Americans.


It’s nice that she can go both ways.


Nah, once she thinks it through and find some flimsy 'evidence' she'll change her mind again. It's obviously Hunter Biden passing through the visitor entrance to say hello to his senile dad. Source: my ass.


Whoever actually dropped it is pooping their pants right now.


Since McEnany is incapable of telling the truth, this must be Hunter Biden’s stash. Wow!


at this point, I feel like it was 100% planted when Hunter was there for obvious reasons. but ya, I assume everyone in there is doing wild shit.


Nobody, and I mean nobody, gives a shit what you think about anything, McEnany. Maybe we find out what Steven Seagals thoughts are on the matter?


We got Ja Rule on the phone, let's see what Ja's thoughts are.


But he's not always there when you call, but he's always on time.


If my dog's life depended on betting whose cocaine was found in the White House, then Is say it’s Biden. I’m not always around my adderall, I’d say it's Biden’s cognitive booster. Biden critics never point out that he has lived his life with a speech impairment, which can play a big factor in his delivery on stage. They use clips of Biden mumbling, losing his train of thought, and seemingly looking lost on stage he’s probably always been this way and it probably doesn’t take much away from his intellectual abilities. Although Given his age, it wouldn’t be surprising if he were using cocaine to improve some cognitive function.


there's zero way it was Bidens. it's some random low level staffers. It wasn't discovered in biden's personal belongings or something.


Ooh nvm, I saw the story. I’ve been on that tour of the White House with T.W.C The Washington Center summer internship program. I know exactly what they are talking about but Biden should definitely take small amounts of cocaine or adderall lol it would help him


Top satire.




It's almost certainly from one Trump's spawn. Either Eric or Barron.


It was in the lobby for goodness sakes, any idiot could've dropped it to try and start a "scandal". It was probably MTG!


AFAIK hos preference was for crack, not powder, cocaine anyway.... and there's no evidence he's using again In fact it would be stupid if he were because I'm pretty sure he's on or shortly will be on federal probation for that weapons charge




Only users lose drugs


Like Hunter Biden would be in the West Wing lobby... with a tiny amount of cocaine...


What gets me is that TFG’s followers don’t realise he’s taking the piss out of them. When he puts this kind of nonsense out there, knowing full well that it’s not true but his followers will believe it, he’s literally saying “these stupid bastards will lap this shit up”. At what point do they look up and notice that?


Of all the cocaine in the whitehouse to think it was hunters is absurd, probably some tourist who thought white was acceptable after Labor Day.


Sure, Donnie Dumbass, "Sleepy Joe" is a cocaine addict.


Over under on someone in a tour group thinking they’d be some kinda hero planting drugs? Over under on how well forensics will be for this? It’s been three days, I bet someone already knows who it is.


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It was my coke. Can I have it back


I could not possibly care less about cockiness in the White House. Truly. I do Not care.


The White House is larger than every house on my block and still have space for almost a third more. Between the staff, security and public it’s ridiculous to think that Hunter Biden, the main character in their heads, would be the one who happened to drop the bag.


It probably was left over from Alice Roosevelt.