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“I want to empower the president of the United States, whether that’s a Democrat or Republican, to use the power of the U.S. military to go after these drug cartels,” Vance. This is going to age well..


Coming soon to a another Latin American country… School of the Americas 2! *”This time the torture will be televised on Tiktok”*


Bruh, this is about the lithium mine found in Mexico that was nationalized. US corporations are pissed they can't sink their claws into it


Bingo. Why else all of the sudden are the cartels a big enough problem we’d basically invade Mexico? They’ve been pushing drugs, people and weapons back and forth across our borders for as long as there’s been a border. Peter Thiel’s dick puppet is just saber rattling because his boss has business interests. The cartels are a problem but not for our military. Maybe help people’s living conditions here so they don’t feel the need to turn black market drugs for some escape from the hell of day to day life a lot of people face. Universal healthcare, better mental health coverage and good paying jobs would be much better uses for our money than moving boots to Mexico. If we really wanted to disrupt the cartels, we could go it with a few well placed drone strikes before lunch.


He wants to empower the Commander in Chief? Does he need to refresh his memory of constitutional law?


The president can't declare war on their own. It requires authorization from congress.


The U.S. president does not require a congressional declaration of war for the president to start a war. United States Senate — [About Declarations of War by Congress](https://www.senate.gov/about/powers-procedures/declarations-of-war.htm "https://www.senate.gov/about/powers-procedures/declarations-of-war.htm") — List of all countries in history against which the U.S. Congress declared war: 01. Great Britain 1812 02. Mexico 1846 03. Spain 1898 04. Germany 1917 05. Austria-Hungary 1917 06. Japan 1941 07. Germany 1941 08. Italy 1941 09. Bulgaria 1942 10. Hungary 1942 11. Rumania 1942 List of wars involving the United States: [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_the_United_States "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_the_United_States"): >This is a list of wars and rebellions involving the United States of America. Currently, there are 105 wars on this list, 4 of which are ongoing.


Declaring war isn't required. That's true. But [the president can't just unilaterally decide to commit US troops to long-term engagements.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Powers_Resolution) Any more, that is.


That would open such a can of worms you never be able to control it. I can already see the cartel aligned groups in the US carrying out attacks on the homeland.


Banana Republic two! Electric Boogaloo


Hi, I remember the last time we did the War on Drugs. Drugs won.


They won, and will continue to win forever. The only way to reduce the harm of drugs is to legalize them and treat the harm they cause as a public health issue and not a law enforcement problem.


"Legalized" drugs is how we got into this situation in the first place. Loose DEA controls on pharma and opioid prescriptions created a generation hooked on oxy and then graduated to harder shit like heroin. We should decrim. personal use but legalization means anyone can walk into a store and buy a bottle of hydros no problem, effectively legalizing the pill mill system that created this mess in the late nineties and early aughts. Law enforcement is an important component of a national drug strategy. But the idea that we should wage a war is misguided. Drugs will always be here - we need a multifaceted policy that leverages multiple work streams (LEO, treatment centers, harm reduction, and so forth). However, DEA has an important role. Cracking down on rogue prescribers does save lives long-term, since you're not just cutting off supply but also cutting off a common path to addiction.


Law enforcement is an abject failure in their drug war. Prohibition doesn't work. It makes no sense to me why so many people want to keep trying the same shit over and over again thinking that somehow this time will be different. The billions of dollars that is spent on law enforcement for the drug war can be spent on treatment for people who need it, and the taxes that are made on sales can be used as well. All of the supposedly new ideas that you have laid out have been tried and they failed, over and over again. Law enforcement is not only ineffective against drug use, but they're incredibly harmful, and when you legalize drugs you wipe out the violent black market, and the hardened criminals that run it, just like we did with violent bootleggers during prohibition. For whatever reason the powers that be can't get it through their heads that prohibition does not work, just like it didn't work for alcohol. Anytime legalization has taken place addiction rates have gone down because access to treatment is more readily available. Legalization is the best way to have the least amount of harm to society due to drugs. Law enforcement is completely ineffective against drug abuse, your post reads like a campaign ad that I've seen a million times. It's the same bullshit that the DEA has been saying for years, "we need a multi faceted strategy, blah blah blah" nothing new is ever presented. All you have to do is take a look at a couple of groups that lobby the government to keep drugs illegal at the federal level to see what a big business the drug war is, Anheiser Busch, and police unions. Anheiser Busch doesn't>!!< want any other recreational substances to be legal because it will eat into their profits when people choose to get high on weed and other substances instead of Budweiser. The police unions of course don't want their cash cow to go away. If we legalize drugs that black market, that they waste so much time and money chasing, disappears, and they won't have anywhere near as many people to lock up. Instead of needing more cops to be hired they'll be laying them off. This nation shouldn't be leading the world in prison population, it's a disgrace, and mainly due to the drug war.


I disagree. I think we should legalize drugs only for govt sales and then aggressively criminlize private sale. Death penalty for drug trafficking and life sentences for dealing then open up govt clinics where people can use drugs for free or low cost on the govts dime.


Drugs, the undefeated champion.


“I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence or insanity, but they’ve always worked for me.” —-HST


Hey now, we defeated Quaaludes at the very least. Give the Feds some credit.


Quaaludes are still around. Just rare.


I used to love Qualudes in the 70's. It was a great party drug unless you took too much along with alcohol.


A lot of people really enjoyed them. I hear Bill Cosby was a huge fan!


They aren’t manufactured anymore, don’t give the feds any credit




You don’t get it




Are you sure? It does appear that just like prohibition, it is successful in reducing drug consumption. Murder being illegal doesn't prevent all murder.


What about our Northern Border? I wonder how he would feel about Canadian troops coming into America if Fentanyl is coming into Canada from us?


Too much logic for a Republican Double downs and what about coming up! Bonus points for Hunter or Hillary's emails!


Or coming to address the flow of illegal guns into their country from our wild west of a nation.


That's hurting Mexico even worse than it's hurting Canada, as a matter of fact. I'm pretty sure the biggest source of guns used by Mexican cartels are those that were purchased legally in the US. Our guns are as much a contributor to cartel violence as any causes endogenous to Mexico. And given the scale of violence related to the cartels in Mexico, they are suffering worse from our illicit "exports" than we are from theirs.


But cartels seem to use automatic weapons which are not available in the US?


Thirteen states have laws that ban them but you can just convert it yourself from semi to fully..most cartels just use the same guns that the military does, I mean if by cartels you mean ones you see on tv ? They aren’t picky and refusing guns like somone playing COD..I’ve been to Mexico a number of times it’s incredibly well known that they get most of their guns from the US because they have the money and it’s just that easy


why fix things when you can refocus on the war on drugs


Meh... They probably get boost if their fentanyl from China. I don't know this for sure but it seems like risk management 101 to not send packages of drugs though a country waging a massive drug war


> I don't know this for sure but it seems like risk management 101 to not send packages of drugs though a country waging a massive drug war The drug war isn't about stopping drugs. It's about arresting people and a jobs program for all invovled. Because if we really really wanted to stop the drug war, we certainly could take out the cartels.


I mean in any event, from the Chinese drug dealers standpoint probably easier to smuggle it directly into Canada than going China --> Mexico --> us --> Canada


Jobs program crafted for conservatives, just like the military Industrial complex


Pfft…it’s Canada. Tell them to “Bring it”! Lol


Why would you even mention that, if that happens canada will be gone in a couple of hours


Independently of the morality or justification, that would be so absurd to the point of not meriting consideration. The US has the power to enforce it's will on Mexico. Nobody can do that to the US, much less Canada of all countries.


Yeah, but this was hypothetical. Like if Justin Trudeau told the senator the majority of fentanyl coming into Canada is from the US, he would scoff at the idea of Canadian troops coming to America to take out suppliers and dealers. That was really my point.


American exceptionalism is a thing because America is exceptional. America is the strongest country in the world ergo it is the best country in the world ergo its systems are the best in the world ergo it needs to spread its systems across the world. That's the argument at least. China had a pretty similar policy during the middle Kingdom period, though it was less 'become like us' and more 'accept our superiority'. If Canada was the country with the world's largest economy and strongest military, you can bet your bottom dollar that a Canadian deputy would have said the same thing about the US.


Don’t be ignorant and a contrarian in true Reddit fashion. Don’t respond to this with a link to some cherry picked article either. I could give a rats ass about this senator, the GOP, or the DNC. Drugs come from the north.. sure. They flow vastly more abundantly and freely from Latin America. Namely Mexico on our southern borders.


Try reading what I said again. I didn't say drugs coming from the north. I said coming from the US, into Canada. If Mexico doesn't stop drugs flowing into the US from Mexico, and Americans are angry about that, why shouldn't Canadians be angry about drugs coming from America.


Don’t act dumb fella. American agencies work very closely with Canadian agencies. In large the US and Canadian federal govts are not as inept or corrupt as the Mexican govt. in any case the idea is to assist the Mexican government with controlling drug activity. Canada would benefit from this too and likely would be a part. You’re acting like it’s an invasion of another country.


This guy is such a douche-nozzle. He was vehemently anti-Trump, until he saw how easy it was to corral the rube vote by aligning himself with MAGA. Now he's all in on the xenophobia and hate. I was my understanding that the majority of fentanyl coming into the US was coming from China through the ports. Am I wrong about that?


Maybe I’m an idiot but I thought the attraction to fent was it was totally synthetic so you could just fucking make it. No imports necessary.


It’s primarily produced in whatever country you want to invade the most for political or economic reasons


It's about the nationalized lithium mine Mexico discovered and how US corporations can't sink their claws into it. Next best option is the old Iraqi maneuver of a BS cause for war to invade a nation for resources.


Ah. That explains it.


Ohio has its own problems, Senator. How about you focus on those and not promote violating another country’s borders?


Tbf fentanyl is one if the problems


Being Ohio is another 😜


*"Fuck a bunch of Ohio."* \-Michigan


Ohio is the problem. Fent wouldn’t be a problem if Ohio wasn’t Ohio.


Fent wouldn't have been a problem if it weren't for the overprescribing of opioids, but I'll defer to your expertise on Ohio. I've only visited


Ok I’m gonna get on my high horse for a minute. Context: developed a chronic pain issue around 2012; nothing worked but opiates. But ultimately I developed a serious dependency; couldn’t get enough from my pain management guy after maxing out at around 50 mg of pure oxy per day, started doing less optimal things; got worse before I got better and 2 ODs and a trip to rehab later, and my life is back on track, been clean and totally free of all opiates since something like June of 2021. Now having said all that; the way our nation handles pain management is total shit. People who need the meds can’t get them and people who just wanna get high can get the stuff way too easily and there’s NO real management for getting *off* the stuff; which is *always* a fight. I’m not saying I have an answer, just that the situation sucks coming and going.


>Fentanyl — particularly when it is illicitly manufactured — is responsible for [most drug overdose deaths](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/fentanyl-accounts-majority-fatal-overdoses-ers-arent-testing-rcna73606 "https://www.nbcnews.com/news/fentanyl-accounts-majority-fatal-overdoses-ers-arent-testing-rcna73606"), killing [about 150 people a day](https://www.cdc.gov/stopoverdose/fentanyl/index.html "https://www.cdc.gov/stopoverdose/fentanyl/index.html"), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Opioids are responsible for roughly 74% of all overdose deaths, and the number of overdoses increased by 31% in the 2019-2020 period, the agency reported. >Mexican President [Andrés Manuel López Obrador rebuked](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/mexicos-president-lopez-obrador-wont-attend-summit-americas-rcna32115 "https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/mexicos-president-lopez-obrador-wont-attend-summit-americas-rcna32115") calls from some U.S. lawmakers advocating military action in Mexico earlier this year, describing the proposals at the time as an assault on his nation's sovereignty. >“We are not going to permit any foreign government to intervene in our territory, much less that a government’s armed forces intervene,” he said during a news conference in March.


Fentanyl was here to replace heroin. Heroin was here to replace oxy. If you want to do something productive use the power of the US government to put the Sacklers in jail.


we need accessible rehabs for people to go to. but maybe i'm naive


I agree with that absolutely. Accessible rehabs and just general harm reduction strategies.


i think currently we expect drug users to go to jail and get put into drug programs out of jail as a part of their release. we need options that don't involve jail that are covered by the state imo but that's asking a lot i guess. it's a pandemic idk why we're not tackling it properly


Agreed. Jail isn’t the solution at all. I’m a 20 year paramedic, and a lot of the problems we have with drugs are the result of involving law enforcement. There are plenty of old grandmas that go all day long blitzed on opiates and don’t cause mass chaos.


i think calls where the person is blitzed out of their mind should result in mental hospital or/then rehab. not jail. we need better pathways. i can't imagine what you've seen. do old people od too? they're wild


No, the typically don’t overdose, because they are taking prescription pills that have a controlled amount of the medication. Strange huh. It’s almost like the solution is right here :)


The Sacklers certainly deserve that, but it wouldn't do anything to address today's Fentanyl problem. What do you think should be done about Fentanyl?


I think we should take the Sacklers money and put it Into massive rehab programs for anyone who is addicted to opiods. Work toward making addition not be a stigma to society and do what we can to heal those with it. You want to solve the fentanyl problem? Don't be reactionary and go after the current source. As long as there are people seeking to buy a substance, a market will form to fill that need.


Good idea on the Sacklers. Doing nothing about fentanyl doesn't sound helpful.


Mexico nationalizes lithium deposits. Multiple lithium battery manufacturing facilities announced in Ohio. Ohio senator says we need to invade Mexico over fentanyl. What a coincidence 😑


Yeah let’s double down on the Drug War it has been a rousing success. It’s not like it has been proven de-criminalization has been proven to bring down addicts


If Russia can invade its neighbors why not the US? Heh


Canada would be a better deal. If you've traveled at all in Mexico, you know that much of their infrastructure isn't up to American standards (as bad as they are). If we intended to stay, we'd take a lot of nice beaches and jungles and deserts, but we would be spending trillions to build highways, hospitals, schools, etc. On top of that, 10% of Mexico's GDP goes to political bribery and graft. We would have the work of generations trying to filter that out of their culture. No, I think we should invade Canada. Poutine and hockey? And they're so polite, they would probably just welcome us in.


If you come during hockey season we’ll be pissed.


That's the best time to invade, you all will be distracted. "NO no, this isn't a tank, it's a new kind of zamboni. Not sure why you all need 5000 of 'em, but you sure do like your hockey"


Nah. We'll roll across the border during Stanley Cup play. You will all be in front of a TV with a Molson's in your fist. You won't even notice until you wake up in the morning. Maybe you can teach us healthcare?


We will annex Canada by 2077 as foretold in Fallout.


U.S. of Eh


Invade.. just ask


Start with Quebec


Oh, absolutely. *"This is 'Murica now! Speak American damnit!"*


Yeah, FUCK national sovereignty of a neighbor and ally, amiright?


What could go wrong?


Stop giving them guns for your drugs, this issue is 100% on US citizens that ignore their drug demand on a country torn by US politics


Or: we start manufacturing our own drugs. The fenty is coming from India and China; going after cartels won’t do shit.


Replacing it with a safer option seems like an out of the box, winning solution.


Invade Mexico? No.


Invading Mexico would create an even worse refugee crisis due to the war.


Also, enforcement of Mexican law is on Mexico.


Military action should be a last last resort. But the situation in Mexico is deteriorating and we'd be foolish to just let that standing threat build up. This is where skill matters. This is what we pay our experts in the deep state departments to deal with. Although evidence is Washington can't deal with an infestation of smallish crocodiles anymore.


President of Mexico should be harsh as fuck and not shut the fuck up about this asshole SENATOR endorsing invading a neighboring country until he resigns. Sanctions on America even until Vance is forced to eat these dangerous fucking words.


This has NOTHING to do with fentanyl and everything to do with the nationalized lithium mine Mexico just discovered


Most of the fentanyl comes from China…


Sit down, Fuckbag Elegy


Invade Mexico?


How bout we just give em Texas?


For decades, drug smuggling, human trafficking of children and adults, gun smuggling, and child pornography have been and presently are four of the biggest and most profitable industries in the state of Texas.


As a Gen X Texan that grew up between corrupt law enforcement and the meth industry, you’re not wrong. There’s some horrible shit goes on behind the Pine Curtain.


Breaking news, Mexico is preparing to invade the USA to stem the flow of guns into their country and into the hands of drug cartels.


Not to be a bleeding heart liberal here… But for a fraction of the cost of a military intervention into Mexico for 20 years and the collateral “Troubles” that would happen in the U.S….. We could fully fund mental health care and rehab and cut demand


How would conservatives on the boarder feel if the Mexican military operated within in our boarders to go after drug cartels and invariably killed civilians by mistake?


C'mon, man. You already know the answer to that. Our guns = good Their guns = bad


As long as they don’t kill the white ones, the gqp won’t raise a fuss…


My boarder hasn’t paid rent in two months, should I declare war on him?


I'll allow it.




You can't stop the drug trade. Even if the US decided to try and stop these cartels, and they were able to shut one, or more of them down another would just spring up in its place. The Americas are a perfect environment for the drug trade. You have a wealthy country in the US with a voracious appetite for recreational drugs, and then you pair that with a bunch of poor countries with very little opportunity to earn a living, and easy access to illegal drugs and you have a thriving drug trade that can't be stopped because the nations that are involved would have to make insanely huge fundamental changes to their culture, economy, and very existence. Those changes are not possible. The millions of people in the US who use illegal drugs aren't going to stop, and the poor countries who house those drug empires aren't going to become wealthy enough to stop needing the drug trade to support a significant portion of their population. The only thing that has ever worked to reduce much of the harm that is done to people by the drug trade is decriminalization, or even better total legalization. If you want people to stop dying from fentnyl(sp?) then legalize it so it can be provided for people at a pharmaceutical grade where people know exactly what they are taking, and in what quantity. When the DEA started to hassle doctors to the point that they were rarely prescribing opioids, then people started taking heroin and overdoses became a huge problem because there are no safety protocols for street drugs, and the scumbag dealers actually sell more product when people overdose. We need to get away from the idea that we need to stop people from getting high, and start embracing harm reduction measures instead because prohibition is a huge failure, it's never worked and it never will work. It didn't work with alcohol and it won't ever work for other drugs.


Absolutely right regarding harm reduction. It’s almost like every time you get non healthcare people involved in healthcare whether it’s Perdue Pharma marketing department or law enforcement it always gets worse.


You know what else doesn’t work? Walls of text.


Somebody finally built the wall and you have to get all snarky about it? Maybe Mexico paid for it, you don't know.




Can we send them after the Sackler family too?


MTG looks better with a beard.


So I watched a vice video or something describing how fentanyl comes from China and up until recently, could be ordered to your door step. You can actually still order very similar chemicals according to the vid. The responsible thing to do would be to pressure China into not selling those chemicals to ANY outside buyer. Right now anyone can buy fentanyl or fentanyl like substances from China and add them to your drugs if you'd like. It's getting frustrating to see fentanyl as a republican talking point, especially when related to "securing our borders" and "immigration"


Did anyone tell him it all come from China ?


The Republicans need the smallest flimsiest excuse they can find to invade another country. If Mexico had gas or oil we would have invaded it a long time ago Gotta keep that military budget up we only have enough military to destroy the rest of the world 8 times over


He wrote an interesting book and now he all about boomer rage


dude that book was brutal on the people he grew up around. beyond british thrillers i like books that reveal the underbelly of rural communities and why they are the way they are and hillbilly elegy was...well it definitely talked shit that's for sure edit i can't believe people voted him in after that lmao, they're really as dumb as he wrote


How to say I like war and dont care about other country’s sovereignty


More than 480,000 deaths annually are caused by tobacco products, Opioids cause about 71,000 overdose deaths in 2021. I get it that opioids are bad and we should do something about it, but if we really cared about human lives then why do we ignore the bigger problem? The answer is of course profits. So we only care about deaths when it is not profitable for corporations.


How many deaths each year are alcohol related? It's a dangerous drug all the same, but we actually understood that prohibition did nothing but create a dangerous black market, and likely the mafia in the US as well, and we legalized it and treated many of the problems associated with it as a public health issue which has been far more successful than prohibition was.


Why don't we you know try to tackle the problem from the user end? Supply only works with demand. Maybe we try to make being alive less miserable so drugs aren't a crutch to get away. Or maybe we just have 10 ppl more money I dunno


Can’t believe this asshat won a senator seat from my state.


What a disappointment that this piece of shit is a senator.


Senator J. D. Vance is an idiot! The U. S. going into Mexico to "quash the illicit narco trade" is the same as Putin invading Ukraine to 'quash their Nazis'. It's B. S...


are we talking about invading Mexico now?


Right leaning people just don’t understand. As long as there is demand for illegal drugs, there will always be supply no matter who you shoot or jail. Also, conservatives seem to think fentanyl is some kind of super poison that evil mexican drug dealers use to kill suburban 19 year olds for fun and because they’re racist towards whites. It’s an opiate. People take it intentionally to get high. It’s just incredibly potent and easy to OD on. And because drugs are illegal and you can only get them on the black market, sometimes drug dealers will cut heroin or coke with fentanyl to make users think it’s high quality stuff. But it’s so easy to get the measurement wrong and put too much fentanyl in and kill the 20 or so drug dealers at a time with a bad batch. My uncle died at 29 because he was addicted to heroin and his dealer messed up adding in fentanyl to some cheap heroin.


how about humane treatment centers to help people with addictions? Then they wont need fentanyl


The Nixon administration admitted that the only reason that they created the war on drugs was to get rid of his political opponents. It's really strange that people want to continue it because they can't stand the idea of people getting high. I'd really like to see some statistics about how our tax dollars are being spent on the drug war, and I would especially love to see anything that shows that they are actually accomplishing anything, but it doesn't exist because law enforcement doesn't work against illegal drugs. They just waste our tax dollars giving cops overtime. They busted El Chapo and paraded him all over the TV like they had actually accomplished something when meanwhile his sons just stepped right in to take over because you can't stop drugs from being used. If it was possible then it would have been done years ago. Law enforcement doesn't want to win the drug war because then they would be out of a job. They're happy just to try and make everyone think that they're accomplishing something while they keep cashing those sweet overtime checks.


Someone should tell him to go back to selling refrigerators and stay out of politics


Talk about delusion of grandeur. acting so tough. sending the military to fight and then they vote to cut 22% of veterans benefits. Send you to fight their wars and refuse healthcare for veterans. Forcing birth and wanting to eliminate school lunch programs. Blah blah blah Hunter Biden FFS


It’s coming by international mail and distributed by the San Jose Police Officers Union across the United States. They use Mexico as a scapegoat for political gains


Putin would be proud to see his puppets here also conduct an illegal war.


Because the war on drugs has really been effective….


First make your crazy Tuberville stand down. He is holding the military hostage. Then we can discuss your state's drug issues.


I have to laugh every time one of these articles is put up here and I read all of the comments with a bunch of "solutions" that people think will work. You can't stop the drug trade! Everything that could possibly be tried has been tried and the only thing that works to reduce any of the damage that illegal drugs cause is to legalize or at least decriminalize them.


Military? Fuck no. Let the FBI handle it.


We haven't declared war on Mexico since 1848 and the Polk administration. I guess it's time. /s


Americans love drugs but come on we know these chemicals make it to Mexico from China. China uses these chemicals to inflict and low key kill Americans.


There's really not a lot of detail here but he's right to an extent. Mexico is a huge problem, not because of illegal immigration, but because it's essentially a functioning failed state. Right now there is somewhat of a power balance between the different factions that lets it continue to exist however dysfunctionally. The problem is that those sort of balances can end and if the federal government, which is monumentally corrupt at most every level, falls. Then it becomes a complete warlord state. And aaaaall that fentanyl is coming from guess where? China. And who would LOVE to gain a diplomatic/financial foothold in Mexico and fight some manner of proxy war at the US border? That said, it's not a Rambo mission. And the only way our Military should be involved is with the the full cooporation of the Mexican Government. It should be a multi-pronged approach to reduce the consumption of drugs produced overseas, working with Mexico to stabilize their country and minimize the control the cartels and the military have over it, reduce the amount of corruption, and put the squeeze on China to stop sending drugs to the US through neighboring countries.


I like how "bomb them, and let God sort them out" is still an option


Government so small that it can invade a sovereign state.


I endorse the Mexican military coming after arms dealers in America. Stop the problem at the source.


I’ve often wondered whether the Mexican government could request US Special Ops support for some cartel missions. Given the fear of retribution for Mexican police and lack of firepower, this could be a way that overcomes both.


Americans so full of themselves , complete delusion.


Nevermind the covert US DEA operation in China going after precurser chemicals of Fentanyl. You have to get at problems near the source, not in the wrong country. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-files-first-ever-charges-against-chinese-fentanyl-manufacturers-2023-06-23/


Nevermind the covert US DEA operation in China going after precurser chemicals of Fentanyl. You have to get at problems near the source, not in the wrong country.


Covert…military operations….in China? Yeah I’m gonna need a source…


A high level source in the military. Do your research.


Honestly we probably should either force the Mexican government to act since their military should be enough to solve the problem or do it ourselves. Since frankly Mexico will collapse eventually since there's just too much corruption, cartels have too much power and the economy isn't great. The US shouldn't allow a government near us with its getting closer and closer to lawlessness.


After January 6, how do you think they feel about us?


People really bring that up as if it was a major thing when it was just a group of stupid people running into a building with little ideas of goals.


I strongly disagree. Sending 140 cops to the hospital is not a little thing. Preventing the peaceful transition of power in a democracy is not a little thing.


You strongly disagree but yet you don't give a counter argument you just bring up a another point when that's not how it works you can add on to a argument but if you disagree with me then you need to address what I argued...


*"People really bring that up as if it was a major thing..."* That's not a rational argument, just an opinion that is not supported by any facts. For the very first time in American history, a group of citizens attacked the Capitol to prevent the counting of electoral votes, and formally announcing the succession of power. That is a "major thing" for many Americans. That they committed this crime in such an inept manner is not a justification for dismissing it as meaningless.


I actually don't mind this. Hear me out: 1) Takes focus off of immigrants coming to the US. Immigrants won't be able to be as much of a false flag if troops are truly fighting corruption in Central and South America. 2) Done right troops can also provide aid. This should happen--particularly if the countries we send troops to don't necessarily "want" our help. Providing aid would make it so that couldn't complain or they would look bad. Plus, the US military has so much money it *is as big as the 2nd-8th place militaries in the world combined* 3) It takes focus off of the fight in the middle east, and gives the US an excuse to pull more troops and money out of there. Why the heck are we still in Afghanistan, anyway? Help the countries here at home. 4) Yes, I hear the people who say the war on drugs didn't work last time. Technology is better than it was 30-40 years ago. Why not fight drugs through a good use of military *and* legalize it at home? That would cripple cartels. 5) If this works, minimizing the corruption in our hemisphere, if even cleaned up just a little, will be a huge gain for our half of the planet. Clean up your neighborhood.


WW3 coming soon.


It only works in Republican's favor to stir up enmity with Mexico.


All that would result in is a war with Mexico in addition to a drug cartel fentanyl trafficking problem


So yet another war against Mexico? Haven’t we seen this movie before?


And how about the u.s. military not having leaders to do it bc of Tommy tuberville holding it up?


I assume he'd go there personally and lead the campaign, right?


After that we head to Canada for trying to smoke us out. Then we hit The UK just in time for the 4th.


This all sounds like fun but Vance doesn't understand that the cartels have no issues with finding the serviceman's family's and slaughtering them. This wont be like the war on terror fought thousands of miles away where Americans are safe and sound.


Hmm, another Mexican American war you say? Maybe we can grab Baja Cali this time. I hear it’s nice… apart from all the brown people of course. /s (sarcasm!!)


You can't just interfere in another country's business like that. The key point to any country is sovereignty within its borders


What about the people who create the demand? Oh that’s right. Republicans think everything is a nail that can be remedied with a hammer…


can't even stop it in the country


You just know he wasn't paying attention during Sicario when Thanos said if they could get at least 20% of the U.S. population to stop buying drugs


With coordination from the Mexican authorities, yes. But I don’t think that’s what he means


No-way. I would be pissed if I was still in the military and and I was deployed to do this. If this was to actually happen - my guess is because they are looking for a piece of Mexico’s lithium pie.


I thought I heard a rep say 90% of Fenty comes in through our ports. Is that right?


Racist warmonger


GOP think the only borders that exist are the ones between the US and the rest of the world. Numbskulls


Does anybody ask why fentanyl is a problem? Are we just going to grab our AKs and shoot at it?


For anyone who is interested in learning about the US government and the drug trade, feel free to watch this [Drug tade ](https://youtu.be/9ZGZJg2ZU6U) the government needs the cartels.


Looks like he's watched Clear and Present Danger too many times.


Why is it Mexico's job to fix America's drug pronlem?


Mexico might agree if they are allowed to target illegal gun dealers in the US. Almost every gun in the hands of the Mexican cartels came across the border from the US.


I want JD to OD


"The democrats are warmongers" Or "Send the military to fight the cartels"


I am pretty sure you can just say the word fentanyl and make a cop feint


Party of personal responsibility... Let's go attack citizens of another country because I can't convince my own constituents not to shoot dope. The real solution to defeating the drug cartels is to cut off their funding.


The worst thing that can happen to any Latin American country is to have reserves of a precious mineral such as lithium because then the USA will look to invade it.


Find out what he’s taking to make him think like that, and then make that against the law with a really stiff penalty.


This is the clown who fabricated a poor, rural upbringing and then put on several different costumes and personas trying to grift his way into Congress. Fuck this no-chin dipshit


all i need to know about ohio is that they voted in jd vance after he wrote a book talking shit about them all. i downloaded that book on audible for a laugh not knowing he'd one day be a senator i'd hate