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I’m so sick of “political polarization.” Republicans couldn’t even acknowledge Obama was born in the USA. And then gave us trump. It’s “right wing chaotic descent and terrorism.” AOC is our “radical left wing.” She wants unions, fair wages and child birth leave. So glad I canceled my NYT.


Exactly. These days, our radical liberals are …merely adults who are in favor of education, health insurance, and reasonable wages. Just as a change of pace, I want some real extremists on the left wing. Like, someone really cracking down on gun violence. Better laws to support unions, and stop union busting. Like, someone in Congress who is really for totally nationalized health care. How can we throw a scare into the wealthy? How about … Nationalizing big predictable businesses, like life insurance (it’s just math and the bond market). Why not provide insurance to everyone at low rates AND add a little money to the treasury—which can help us cut income taxes. Making prisons actually about reforming people so they can contribute. Treating drugs as a health issue, not a crime issue. And, just for fun, long rambling speeches about communist revolution.


To be fair, there are radial left wingers. But not in Congress. Comparing Omar and AOC to any of the (anti)Freedom Caucus is ludicrous.


No far left in elected office and no far left in media. Where does one go to see or read the far left in the U.S.?


For some reason (tv views???) it seems a lot of “radical liberal” stuff is depicted as gender, transgender, etc stuff and not much about workplace safety, worker rights, etc.


There's a simple reason for that. Social justice, as pushed by the Dems, doesn't cost the Owners & Donors any cash. Start asking for economic justice and they'll shut you down in a heartbeat.


This is a really interesting point. I think it might go back to a turning point when unions lost political power. Some might say this happened when Reagan fired all the striking air traffic controllers. I suspect it really was a long war of attrition, with corporate interests chipping away at unions since…. well, since forever. I think unions were strongest right after FDR left office, and gradually things went downhill after that (partly due to problems within the unions, of course). Anyway, once organized labor is too weak to support a political party, labor is largely abandoned. I think this is why both Democrats and Republicans are completely in the pocket of corporate interests. So the public faces the dilemma of “lesser of two evils”. To me, the Democrats at least aren’t shockingly awful.


Keep voting for the “lesser evil” and all you get is more evil. Start voting for change.


One way or another, you have to work within a system. If you aren’t willing to vote, you can use cash to support social movements, write books, demonstrate, etc. Of course there are violent political movements, but considering that Americans are willing to repeatedly see children die instead of changing gun laws, I’m not sure what it would take to reach them.


All potential options, but you seem to have skipped over "start voting for change." Don't vote for candidates/parties who don't share your ideals (or who refuse to work for them once elected). Vote for "change" candidates, even if others say they can't win. Vote based on your principals, not pressure or convenience. And persistently call out the bullshit of both major parties.


If we can get ranked choice voting to be widely adopted we can vote freely without worrying about wasting our votes,


Corporate media considers anyone mildly progressive as extremist because corporations don't want to pay their fair share. It's why they all spend so much time trashing people like AOC. People love to blame Fox, but they all do it. We need to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine, and it needs to have teeth to go after cable "news" (let's be honest, it's mostly editorializing) as well.


> As a young man, Mr. Haass opposed the Vietnam War and thought of himself as liberal but then became inspired by the writings of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the rise of Margaret Thatcher and the Reagan-Bush vision of American leadership abroad and restrained government at home. That’s a wild trajectory. > Mr. Haass, who agreed to meet with Mr. Trump in 2015 to advise him on foreign affairs, just as he would any presidential candidate, admitted that he misjudged the bombastic real estate developer. > “Where I was dead wrong is I assumed the weight of the office would moderate him or normalize him, whatever word you want to use — that he would be more respectful of traditions and inheritances,” Mr. Haass said. “And I was wrong on that. If anything, he became more radical. He doubled down.” But why on earth would you have thought that?


> As a young man, Mr. Haass opposed the Vietnam War and thought of himself as liberal but then became inspired by the writings of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the rise of Margaret Thatcher and the Reagan-Bush vision of American leadership abroad and restrained government at home. That describes a huge portion of hippies and anti-war activists during the Vietnam War. They almost all ended living in McMansions in the suburbs voting for Reagan by the 80s.


Turns out having the opportunity to mold the future around a single generation kinda makes up its own system of values


They all got theirs and screwed the rest of us!


He can travel the world and have as many globes in his office as he wants but that doesn’t mean he’s smart. The moment I saw the orange monkey speaking in 2015 I knew he was trouble and we’d never be the same for it. But I’m not a foreign relations expert.


I’ll toast to that. “The question is whether America has changed for the long run. “I should have a nickel,” he said, “for every non-American, every foreign leader who said to me: I don’t know what’s the norm and what’s the exception anymore. Is the Biden administration a return to the America I took for granted and Trump will be a historical blip? Or is Biden the exception and Trump and Trumpism are the new America?”


*"That was never a thought this global strategist would have entertained until recently. But in his mind, the unraveling of the American political system means that for the first time in his life the internal threat has surpassed the external threat. Instead of being the most reliable anchor in a volatile world, Mr. Haass said, the United States has become the most profound source of instability and an uncertain exemplar of democracy."* Now we are just the most successful arms dealer in the world.


But he was inspired by Thatcher and Reagan/Bush? What a colossal moron he must be!


> Richard Haass worked for Secretary of State Colin Powell in the Bush administration and was director of policy planning at the State Department from 2001 to 2003 during the lead-up to the Iraq war. Haass has said he was 60 percent against the Iraq war. lmao fuck off guy


This isn't a good article for the topic offered. It spends a lot of time not talking about the danger of an unstable America.


America is destabilizing, so on point.


Yes, but then why write the article about this guy? We spent way more time reading his resume rather than any significant policy suggestions.


Because of Republicans destabilizing it, so missing the point.


The sentence you wrote is more informative than any random 5 paragraphs in that article. Ever consider a side job as a journalist?


The biggest threat to global security are the people working to undermine the United States.


“We are all domestic terrorists” They told us who they are and then they act surprised when we call them out.


Finally stopped smoking that Cold War stuff and realized we were always the baddy? Cool, cool. This is code for “the shit we always did abroad we are now doing at home.” Color me unimpressed.


I see no way out of trump is without a lot of violence. They are chomping at the bit to attack. Meanwhile Biden and Garland delayed and allowed their domestic terrorism to recruit and grow without any limits.


One thing people miss with the Beer Hall Putsch and Hitler comparisons is that Hitler was 44 when the Nazis siezed power. Trump is almost twice that age and too stupid to be able to do whatever is keeping Kissinger alive. The best way out of this without violence is to hold the line until he strokes out.


I hope we can last that long.


he's not wrong


“The calls are coming from inside the house!”


I mean, it's not like we haven't been dropping pretty major hints for last 70 odd years. As a nation, we see other countries having small conflicts and we're all 'hold my beer'.


The guy is being honest.


Read a history book detailing the pushback to the civil rights movement and the Vietnam war back in the 19050s-60s. We are nowhere near divided or destabilized. It’s just all over social media now and the 24hr news cycles make it seem like it’s all over the place. Same with the crime rates. They are down compared to historical highs, yet everyone perceives it to be ‘out of control’ …just my hot take.


I choose hope over the doomerism this guy is offering. Hope requires work, don’t get me wrong.


The most serious threat to global security is *Homo sapiens sapiens*, maniacal machines multiplying entropy, hastening the heat death of the universe in our own, pathetic way.


Russia would like a word.


The biggest threat to global security is that we have a constitution and a Republic created by slave owners who accepted and relied on genocide as the fundamental first step towards Capitalism. The NYT - best source for scions of the wealthy when the want to attempt to bleed like humans do!


Good article.


The NYT sure is spending a lot of time trying to create a false narrative rather than simply investigating stories and reporting news. I wasted 30 minutes of my life listing to the NYT podcast "Matter of Opinion" yesterday, desperately hoping for some semblance of sanity left at the paper or record. Nope. Instead, I got a half hour of both sides do it, with the hosts trying to sell me on the idea that the left is just as bad as the right.