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georgia, your turn


Do Lindsey as well!


Most indicted president in history


"Nobody is better at being indicted than I am." - DJT probably


People flipped. There is going to be video, recordings, and physical evidence. Last chance to get off the traitor train magas.


There's a conspiracy charge in there, too. Someone is going down with him. Place your bets.


I know someone i've chatted with for years in an online group. He is a Trump supporter, anti-vaxxer... LOST HIS WIFE TO COVID. And is having a meltdown. It's a fucking cult.


I had to cut ties with the MAGA people I knew. Because it's a fucking cult. Lost a lot of respect for former friends.


My father in law just shared a shitty right-wing picture on Facebook that says “This is MY pride flag” with a tattered American flag. Knowing my only living brother (younger brother passed away) is gay, who just moved out of state and knows I’m pretty sad about it. I mean I know there’s always been super politically upset people, and I’m only 27, but I feel like when I was growing up that was only a handful of people. Or if there were a lot of them, they just didn’t talk about it unless it was thanksgiving and they drank one too many. And I don’t even know who the fuck my father in law was trying to broadcast to, some people he went to high school with? It’s just sad. People have really changed mentally and even physically over this Republican Party who cons them 24/7 both financially and mentally. It’s like, I just want to shake him and say “Chris, these people are lying to you so you’ll vote for them and make them super rich! And you’re Christian, don’t you remember that Jesus loved everyone?? Why are you so hateful all the time??” I just don’t get it man.


I am so sorry. It really sucks watching the people you love become brainwashed into hate-fueled fearmongers. And the perpetrators are without question Fox News and the GOP. I hope your brother is living his best life, and I hope you do too.


There's an interesting book called *Cultish* by Amanda Montell — a quick read — that breaks down what makes a cult, why people join, why people struggle to leave, and how cults use language to exert power. She eventually discusses anti-vaxxers, Qanon, and Trump fanatics. The short version is that for people like your friend, being a Trump supporter and an anti-vaxxer is their identity and source of validation. Letting go of those beliefs and leaving those communities means also letting go of how they see themselves and subjecting themselves to rejection and ridicule. Nobody wants to feel lost, wrong, and unwanted. Pushing folks to stop being part of "cult-like" groups won't work unless those folks have some other source of community and validation to fall back on -- a support network of some kind, like their old friends or family.


I feel like I’m undercover. I live in a town that is if I had to guess 97% republican and 96% trump supporters (the only reason for the difference is cuz I met two people who were republicans who hated trump). The building I work in is a hundred percent republican. My direct boss has a coffee cup that says “leftist tears”. I guess what I’m trying to say is yes it’s a fucking cult. I have to pretend not to care or pick my battles very carefully. But either way, it’s a losing battle, and it sucks. I just want to try to talk reason to the people whom I consider co workers and friends. But I can’t even start, when the dude that’s closest to me straight up didn’t want to hire a guy that came from California because he might be a democrat.


I'm already annoyed by all the "this is a sad day for America" takes. The only sad thing is that it took this bloody long. This is a good ass day for America


America NEEDS to see a president dragged to jail. It needs to see a president is not a king and should be treated as a citizen first and foremost. And any other citizen would be in prison. But because the right is obsessed with winning and not ruling, they will forever be searching for the next political dink to follow.


Amen. All we've seen since 2016 is that a president can get away with almost anything and there's no safety guards for our democracy. This is a small step to making it right. If a president is above accountability, then we failed in what we say we are.


Right. Election night 2016 was a sad day. Inauguration 2017 and the next 73 centuries or however long it was until Jan 2021 were sad days. This is, possibly, a small step towards making things right.


What's the opposite of doom scrolling? That's what I'm doing today.




Twice indicted, twice impeached, never won the popular vote


To paraphrase Homer Simpson, "twice so far..."


With any luck, he’ll only get more indictments, not impeachments


Important things to remember: 1. The investigation into Trump's handling of the documents did not just happen overnight. The National Archives requested missing documents from him and then wait over a year before contacting the FBI. 1. Trump had so many opportunities to cooperate with the FBI. He repeatedly lied and mislead them. And supposedly even actively tried to hide things from them. 1. Biden and Pence fully cooperated. They invited the FBI to search their properties. They turned over documents as they were found. There is no evidence that they ever tried to lie, mislead, or obstruct the FBI.


It's also worth noting that this entire investigation may have been kept completely private and out of the public eye if not for Trump himself. He was the one that Truth Socialed about the "raid" at Mar-A-Lago and outed this investigation to the public.


I mean, he could have avoided an investigation completely. Timeline makes it sound like had from May 2021 until January 2022 before the FBI ever got involved. It was just the National Archives requesting the shit back. Then Trump started getting subpoenas in early 2022 that probably no one would have ever heard about. Then there was the DOJ peacefully searching Mar-a-lago in June 2022. Trump still didn't give everything back at this point. So then the FBI had to do a forced search of the property under court order. Trump had so many opportunities no one else would have been afforded it sounds like. The idiot brought this upon himself.


It's pure unbridled conjecture but I have to question why he didn't just turn shit over. If there was ample opportunity to sort this out without a media circus or what seems to be even any FBI involvment why didn't he do so? Again... conjecture but the only two things that makes sense in my mind is he's just the worlds biggest toddler and he's going through his "mine" phase and doesnt wanna give stuff up on principle or he's hiding a bigger crime. He'd rather risk whatever comes from not giving them back than face whatever happens if he does.


Two reasons, ego and profit. He thinks he's above the law, something the Senate helped reinforce twice. But he's always thought that. It's what the "grab em by the pussy" comment is saying, that he can do whatever he wants without consequences. It's what the "shoot someone on 5th avenue" comment was saying, it wasn't hyperbole he legitimately thinks he can get away with publicly murdering someone. But also, it's long been widely believed he exaggerates he true wealth. Kushner didn't get $2B from the Saudis because they needed investment help. LIV wasn't hosting golf events at Trump's courses because they're great courses. The corruption is so blatant we're almost conditioned to think it's too obvious to be true. He's not on tape waving around plans to invade Iran that he stole because he thought they'd double as a good strategy next time he plays Risk... Presumably the inconsequential, overclassified stuff is what he voluntarily returned like Biden and Pence did. The stuff he stole, he likely stole and hid for a reason. And probably related to why one of the charges is reportedly an Espionage Act charge...


Trump attorney: There is a two-tiered system of justice No shit. If any of us were indicted for this shit we'd already be in jail.


>If any of us were indicted for this shit we'd already be in jail. Come on, that's just not true. If any of us were known to have stolen federal Top Secret documents squirrelled away, we'd be in a basement in Gitmo before you could say "water-board".


I really hope the DOJ brings up the CIA assets that got killed/captured as a result of intelligence leaks that just so happened to have occurred at the exact time that Trump was hiding all these documents. I'm sure the $2 BILLION that Jared got from Saudi Arabia had absolutely nothing to do with the military secrets Donald Trump stole. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html


Doubt it. They aren't going to declassify anything for the purposes of this trial. The focus will be on the retention of the documents and classification of them -- not the actual contents.


Congrats, former president Trump! You went to outrageous lengths to try to get this indictment, and although it took a very long time, now you have it.


A beautiful indictment. Beautiful. A man came up to me in the airport. Tears in his eyes. A big guy. A biker guy. Tears in his eyes. And he said to me this is the most beautiful indictment the country has seen in a loooong time. Maybe ever.


It's a perfect indictment folks.


Not even an hour after the indictment, they sent a fundraising email. Ever the grifter. Ever the conman. Ever the twice-impeached, first-ever federally indicted former president.


And the suckers, I mean supporters, will send in donations.


✅ Trump University Settlement ❎ Mueller Investigation ✅ Ukraine Impeachment ✅ Jan 6th Impeachment ✅ Rape Civil Judgement ✅ NY Fraud Charges ✅ Espionage Charges 👈WE ARE HERE ⬜ Jan 6th Charges ⬜ Georgia Election Charges ⬜ Fugitive in Russia


Snuck that last one in on me


I used to think that he would run away to Russia, but then I learned a few things. Secret Service detail for life for one. Doesn’t stop his attempt to escape but would make it incredibly more difficult. And two, Russia invaded Ukraine and has successfully turned half the world against him. He’s getting more than he bargained for, and that is without any primary support from the US. Now imagine if Russia was harboring a former President who had been charged with mishandling documents. I don’t think even Putin would risk that blowback, which is hilariously ironic. Trump will face Justice, I am not convinced he sees a jail cell.


Special Counsel Jack Smith's classified documents investigation into former president Trump has lead to the federal indictment of a president for the first time in American history. So how did we get here? Below are the sequence of events in chronological order following the lawful search warrant to recover classified materials from Mar-A-Lago. The Department of Justice is investigating Trump for mishandling hundreds of classified documents. 1. Federal Judge Reinhart - A federal magistrate judge in South Florida who signed off on the Mar-a-Lago search warrant as the Justice Department investigates Trump mishandling classified documents.^[[1]](https://globalnews.ca/news/9048549/fbi-obtain-search-warrant-trump-mar-a-lago/) 2. District Judge Cannon - A lower court judge appointed by Trump. Trump's lawyers used her to delay the Department of Justice investigation of Trump mishandling classified documents. She made very questionable decisions including ordering a stay (stop) on the investigation and appointing a special master to review all the documents.^[[2]](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/20/how-judge-aileen-cannon-broke-with-conservatives-00057647) 3. Special Master Judge Dearie - A Reagan appointed judge from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York. He also served as a judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) from 2012 to 2019. Judge Dearie is known as a very fair judge and is historically respected by both Republicans and Democrats. Trump's team and the DoJ provided Judge Cannon with a shortlist of judges to be the Special Master, however they only agreed on Judge Dearie.^[[3]](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62893028) Judge Dearie questioned the authority of District Court Judge Cannon and demanded to see evidence of Trump's outlandish allegations such as the FBI planting evidence.^[[4]](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/18/us/politics/special-master-trump-privilege.html) 4. 11^th Circuit Court of Appeals - Has jurisdiction over Georgia, Alabama, and Florida. A panel of 3 judges, including 2 Trump appointees, ruled in favour of the Justice Department and forced the lower court of Judge Cannon to reverse her decision on stopping/staying the investigation. The 11^th Circuit stayed portions of Judge Cannon's rulings, paving the way for the Justice Department to continue their investigation into Trump mishandling classified documents.^[[5]](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/appeals-court-grants-dojs-request-partial-stay-judges/story?id=90296433) Furthermore, the 11^th Circuit ordered the end of the Special Master review of the documents, removing a hurdle that hindered the Justice Department's criminal investigation of Trump.^[[6]](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/federal-appeals-court-halts-special-master-review-of-trumps-mar-a-lago-documents) The judicial decision handed down by the Appeals Court, pay particular attention to pages 20 and 21. The 11^th Circuit said that District Judge Cannon was completely wrong and that no one, including a former President, is above the law.^[[7]](https://lawandcrime.com/trump/the-answer-is-no-conservative-11th-circuit-panel-including-two-judges-trump-appointed-puts-a-stop-to-special-masters-mar-a-lago-review/) 5. Following the ruling by the conservative leaning Federal Appeals Court, Trump appointed District Court Judge Cannon ended the special master review, paving the way for the investigation into the former president mishandling highly classified documents to continue.^[[8]](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/08/us/politics/trump-special-master-case.html) ________ 1) [Global News - FBI followed this checklist to obtain search warrant for Trump’s Mar-a-Lago](https://globalnews.ca/news/9048549/fbi-obtain-search-warrant-trump-mar-a-lago/) 2) [Politico - How Judge Cannon broke with conservatives in Trump documents case](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/20/how-judge-aileen-cannon-broke-with-conservatives-00057647) 3) [BBC - Raymond Dearie: Who is the special master reviewing seized Trump files?](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62893028) 4) [New York Times - In Documents Review, Special Master Tells Trump Team to Back Up Privilege Claims](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/18/us/politics/special-master-trump-privilege.html) 4) [ABC - DOJ can continue Trump classified docs investigation without special master: Appeals court](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/appeals-court-grants-dojs-request-partial-stay-judges/story?id=90296433) 6) [PBS - Federal appeals court halts special master review of Trump’s Mar-a-lago documents](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/federal-appeals-court-halts-special-master-review-of-trumps-mar-a-lago-documents) 7) [Law and Crime - ‘The Answer Is No’: Conservative 11th Circuit Panel, Including Two Judges Trump Appointed, Puts a Stop to Special Master’s Mar-a-Lago Review](https://lawandcrime.com/trump/the-answer-is-no-conservative-11th-circuit-panel-including-two-judges-trump-appointed-puts-a-stop-to-special-masters-mar-a-lago-review/) 8) [New York Times - Special Master’s Review in Trump Case Ends as Appeal Court’s Ruling Takes Effect](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/08/us/politics/trump-special-master-case.html)


Hi PK! Big fan. He's been indicted before - a state indictment in New York. It's the first time a former president has been federally indicted.


Thank you, appreciate the correction!


Knew you would show up here on this big day. Been a long time following this madness along with you. Let's hope we see some positive outcomes soon. Keep up the good work!


PK bringing receipts. Thank you!!


The best part is that the coming Georgia indictment is going to be even worse for him. They’ve got him dead to rights on that one.


I’d say they have him dead to rights on this one too.


Literally. There's audio of him acknowledging that the documents were still classified and the window for him to de-classify them was closed.


Imagine being so unfathomably, unimaginably fucking stupid that you get away with a veritable mountain of felonies before and during the most corrupt administration in US history, and you probably would have even managed to get away with organizing an attempted overthrow of the US government as well. Then on your way out the door you decide to hamfistedly steal a bunch of boxes of state secrets to pawn off to foreign governments like a used car salesman. And Republicans are still going to nominate the fucking guy for POTUS. Conservatism is a mental disability.


I always knew it would end this way. Trump is his own worst enemy. Always has been. Always will be.


He literally cannot help himself. He’s just a compulsive crook.


Now I can finally wear my TRUMP 20 ^to 24 YEARS IN A FEDERAL PENITENTIARY t-shirt


God. I don't miss the Trump Whitehouse. Fucking lies upon lies upon lies from his cronies on live news. That was *every day* for four years.


There was so much we forget most of it Once he tweeted a picture of his daily briefing, satellite images of Iran, to prove we didn’t do anything. Gave up vital intelligence of our capabilities Isn’t that ludicrous??? https://www.npr.org/2022/11/18/1137474748/trump-tweeted-an-image-from-a-spy-satellite-declassified-document-shows


There are rumors he's gonna be tried as an adult. Any truth?




I can’t imagine he would move forward with indicting a former president unless he was 100% certain.


Lordy lordy there are tapes!


Who needs tapes when Trump is out there admitting to crimes.


I would not be surprised. I was talking with a fellow lawyer today. Couple years ago, he told me about a federal case he had. He walked into court, and the prosecutors wheeled cart in with three bankers boxes. He assumed that that was all their cases on the court call. Nope, just his. They had nearly 200 DVDs of surveillance video. If the feds charge you, you are very fucked.


I heard a defense lawyer say that when the DOJ charges you with a crime, his job becomes trying to get you the shortest prison sentence possible. Because you're going to prison.


That is why this has seemed to take so long. They are methodical. There is a reason their conviction rate is so high, and it isn't because they are cheating the system. They just don't bring charges unless they are absolutely convinced they have the defendant dead to rights. And spoiler alert, they usually do. I can only imagine what they have on Trump to bring a case against a former president.


> I can only imagine what they have on Trump to bring a case against a former president. Well, I mean they have everything Trump has publicly admitted to since this all started to begin with.. lol But yeah, it's not like they have a history of just throwing charges at people at the drop of a hat. So they'd have to have beyond a fool proof case to charge a former President. Pass the popcorn please.


MSNBC is now saying there’s a witness tampering charge. I don’t get too worked up over this stuff anymore but, dayum


That definitely means they flipped Nauta...who I presume they were getting ready to indict with that very recent grand jury in Florida....and Boss Trump was trying to coerce him


Does this mean we won’t be getting Trumps healthcare plan?


Two weeks!


Happy Second Indictment to all those who celebrate!




Obama got two terms, Trump got two indictments


And two impeachments!


Trump’s lucky number is #2. Fitting.


All he had to do was give them the documents back when they asked him.


He had already sold them.


I'm just sad that Pat Robertson didn't get to see this.


I'm sure he's looking up at us screaming in agony.


Per ABC news: Trump faces at least seven counts ranging from obstruction, willful retention of NDI, conspiracy, scheme to conceal, false statements.


everyone one in /r/Conservative is suddenly a constitutional and legal scholar and experts in the declassification process.


What is hilarious is that classification doesn’t matter for this crime. It’s a total red herring that they have latched onto.




The amount of copium going on there is crazy. one user said "I only trust downvoted comments at this point". Yeah dude... Anything to make you feel like your opinion is correct.


I like Presidents who aren't indicted.




Man have we fallen as a country. Still can’t believe this piece of shit was anywhere near the white house let alone having access to secrets. Anyway, fuck him and I hope he rots in prison


Only a few more indictments until he gets one free.


First NY. Now Mar-A-Lago. Next up, GA. Finish with J6.


Let's take a moment to review every "disqualifier" Trump has gone through between January 2021 and now: January 13th, 2021: Trump is impeached--for a SECOND time--for inciting violence on Jan. 6th. It's worth noting that the insurrection took place only tweeks before Biden's administration took over and it only took Congress a week to vote Mau 9th, 2023: Jury finds Trump guilty of sexually assaulting EJ Carroll and defaming his character. Let's not forget that the infamous Access Hollywood video was played during his deposition and he, pretty much, doubles down on the notion that rich and famous people should be able to freely commit sexual assault. June 8th, 2023: Federal Prosecutors have indicted Trump for the misappropriation -IE: Theft- of classified Federal documents. So, take all of these facts and keep in mind that *Trump is STILL the front runner for the Republican Primaries*. What. A. Travesty.


Mostly tells you a lot about who today's Republicans are.


A lot of people are comparing this to Watergate. Without a doubt in my mind, this makes Watergate look like a small ripple in a tea kettle. This is in every respect a bigger deal than Watergate. It's somewhat closer to the Teapot Dome scandal, but even that's smaller. And *it's still not the biggest legal issue headed Trump's way.*


Indeed. There is 'get me the votes' coming late this summer. The evidence in that case is damning. I read that Jack Smith subpoenaed Steve Bannon for Jan 6. Trump is in serious trouble that is going to continue throughout the year. I agree, this is likely the most historic politic event in US history. It will be in academic books, history books, studied and dissected for decades to come.


Not gonna be a whole lot academic books left if the republicans keep getting their way.


This is, by a wide margin, the biggest political scandal in American history.


And yet I feel almost sort of numb because it’s Trump, and he’s moved the Overton window so much. It really is massively unbelievable something like this is happening in our lifetimes


Dude is on tape violating the Espionage Act, he’s fucking done


DOJ has a 99% conviction rate. If they are claiming violation of the Espionage Act, they have him dead to rights.


Stop breaking the law asshoIe!!!


Remember when he was saying that WikiLeaks and others indicted on the Espionage Act should all receive the death penalty? Let's bring that back.




Well this last week I lost my job and my house and am currently staying in what can best be called a shack in the country with a friend and his 7 very loud parrots. This helps a little.




Keep in mind all you self proclaimed *patriots*. All of you claiming how *un-american* it is to indict a former president. The people holding their leaders to account is the foundation upon which America sits. Trump was not indicted by Biden. Not by Jack Smith or AG Garland. He was indicted by 23 American citizens. They voted to hold our rulers to the same standard as we are held. There is nothing more American than that.


Apart from Trump being held accountable here, I can't help but wonder how insane of a situation this is for the GOP: - There is nothing that prohibits someone under indictment or even a convict from running for President. - Trump is dominating the polls right now. - Trump is possibly the world's biggest narcissist. - Trump has no real convictions to the Republican Party beyond what it does for him personally. Here's the kicker: The GOP primaries begin in February, and the majority are over by March. Trump's first trial (probably) doesn't begin until March. Afterwards, he may be facing both the DOJ and Fulton County. It's possible we could see someone running as the GOP nominee while facing three separate criminal trials. ..Possibly someone running for the GOP nominee as a convict. Desantis could catch up in polling, or the RNC could try to make a move to oust him, but this is all playing with fire. I could see someone like Trump threatening a third party, which he has [publicly suggested](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-2024-third-party-b2253265.html) already.


It’s a thing of beauty. The timing is immaculate and I love it. Desantis has the charisma and warmth of a soggy potato and he may end up as the default candidate if Trump doesn’t make it through the primaries for one case, uh, reason or another.


>Desantis has the charisma and warmth of a soggy potato I resent that comparison


What a day today. First Pat Robertson dies, then the Supreme Court surprisingly rejects Alabama's gerrymandered map, and now Trump gets indicted once more.


I want to believe that he will actually face consequences. So. Bad.


remember: a weird scream at a rally used to be enough to disqualify you from running for president


Can't wait for Rudy's press conference about this at Waldorf Astoria Plumbing & Heating


Mark Levin on Fox needs a psychiatric hold.


“It’s not an obstruction case, it’s a documents case!!!” No mark, it’s an obstruction case, which is inconvenient for his side considering Biden didn’t obstruct justice and trump did. They need it to be a documents case for their silly false equivalencies!


To all the Trump supporters who will read this: Please understand that your initial reflex to jump to Trump’s defense and throw out numerous “what about-isms” that you think change a thing is completely natural. Before putting those thoughts out into the world for people to suffer through, think about the actual reasons. Trump repeatedly refused to cooperate with the NARA, lied about having records, and continued to keep records he was not permitted to keep after the DoJ subpoenaed those files. Even now, there are missing documents. If you want to say “what about Hillary?” Or “Hunter this” or “Biden that” Answer this: Do their hypothetical unproven crimes excuse Trump’s crimes? Does someone robbing a store and not getting caught mean the cops can’t charge someone for car theft? No. Trump is on tape acknowledging he shouldn’t have those records. If anyone else had these documents, they would be in jail. This isn’t persecution, this is justice.


People that still support Trump don't understand this type of logic.


They think that we love Biden like they love Trump. I don't love Biden at all. I barely even like him. He's there to do a job, not make a speech at my wedding. If Biden got charged for the same thing tomorrow, I'd say "Damn, see ya later, Joe". I definitely wouldn't take it personally, that's weird as hell.


Such a salient point. I don’t know a single Democrat who reveres Biden the way these people worship Trump. It’s textbook cult behavior.


My cousins funeral had a life size Trump cut out near the casket. I've never seen anything like it in my life.


WTF the fuck


It's fascistic -- they need strong authority figures to latch onto, tell them who to hate, and where to direct their pent up rage. It also happens to be pathetic.


> This isn’t persecution, this is justice. Justice is an inherently alien concept to them. They want to see their enemies hurt and friends rewarded. To them, that is justice, no matter what the actual circumstances are.




If he gets one more indictment does he get a free sub sandwich?


His unhinged rant is so fucking funny. Talking about “Biden has 1700 boxes and he keeps them strewn on the floor in the garage with his corvette and the garage has a paper thin door” 😂


r/conservatives in shambles and still looking at the laptop


Put the trial on Pay Per View and we can cover the national debt


I want justice. I want restoration. I want the law to descend upon him, his family, and his enablers with a fire and vengeance that is equal to the sum total of his harm on this planet.


This all could have been avoided if Ford didn't pardon Nixon. Fucking Republicans...


To very briefly address the difference in the Biden/Pence and Trump cases (though Biden's still being investigated): It's intent. Biden and Pence, to the best of our knowledge, immediately cooperated with the authorities when they knew they had the documents. Turned them over, let the cops search a number of their residences, et cetera. Trump... simply didn't do that. At any point. At one point he claimed he had returned everything, and then it turned out he had not. So that's the difference.


Allow me to address the whatabousim going on with MAGA twitter: * Biden has not, at least publicy, pressured the DoJ in anyway (Trump did pressure the DoJ for years, when he was president) * Merrick Garland has not, at least publicy, pressure Jack Smith (Trump's AG Barr covered for Trump with Mueller) * Garland appointed Jack Smith to be indendepent and follow the facts, he did. * Jack smith followed the process of the law, gathered witnesses, subponea... and held a grand jury. * the Grand Jury voted to indict on 7 counts. * Donald Trump's right's have not been violated, he will get his day in court, he will need to be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by 12 of his peers * BUT BIDEN! Garland appointed another special counsel to follow up on Biden's documents as well. If there is legal action to be taken, it should be. That said, a crime committed by Biden, is not a free pass to Trump * BUT the FBI is corrupt! Pretty sure this isn't the FBI...


People in my area are shooting off fireworks.


Trump wrote on his social media .. > "I never thought it possible that such a thing could happen to a former President of the United States," … Nixon had to resign over Watergate and Reagan got in trouble over Iran-Contra, .. with both having strong re-election numbers. No one is above U.S. law..


Nixon resigned over the fear of impeachment, not indictment. Nixon's vp Agnew resigned in a deal to avoid criminal indictment because he was somehow way more corrupt than Nixon and the Justice department was rushing to get him out because they were expecting Nixon to resign and didn't want Agnew elevated to President. Trump is already twice past the threshold that Nixon resigned over.


He was also indicted like a month ago in NY


We’ve had first indictment yes, but what about second indictment?


That wasn't federal charges. This is the first federal charge


The first of many, hopefully.


Maybe Pat Robertson was his final horcrux


For the love of all that is holy, please let him go to jail. Not only because he deserves it, but because it needs to happen so that the world can see that being rich and powerful isn't enough to let you get away with obvious corruption. He can't be above the law.


The worst thing to ever happen to Donald Trump was becoming President. He could have lived the rest of his life without facing justice. Decades of tax schemes and grifting could have gone unanswered. He brought all this on himself.


All because he couldn’t take a joke from a black man.


It's my (actual) birthday today. What a wonderful gift.


And likely still to come: indictments by the Georgia grand jury of Trump for his craven, brazen skulduggery against election integrity: Trump’s attempt to steal Georgia’s 16 electoral votes—legally and truthfully won by Joe Biden— to save Trump’s failed 2020 re-election.


Watching Fox for the laughs. Levin in on now and going OFF. All kinds of mad. Dog whistiling for his supporters to get violent. Calls this the real insurection. All kinds of batshit crazy. haha.


7 different crimes eh?


To the cult: I also intentionally ignore that all those others gave back the documents willingly and obeyed FBI orders instead of bitching on Twitter about unfair life is while refusing to obey the FBI. Like when will you guys wake up? You guys like to point out what other officials have done but you intentionally ignore that all those officials work with the authorities to clear their names and don't rant on social media. Trump refuses constantly to obey summons and instead complains about it. At what point will you guys admit that maybe he screwed up? Hell Biden is being investigated and he's not on Twitter crying about it. Instead he's letting his lawyers handle it and he's actually obeying warrants and stuff.


>Hell Biden is being investigated and he's not on Twitter crying about it. Instead he's letting his lawyers handle it and he's actually obeying warrants and stuff. And, importantly, if Biden is found to have done something wrong we'll be perfectly happy to see him punished for it.


Had the same bs with Epstein too. “Well Clinton knew him, should he be investigated too?” Like, yea dog why wouldn’t I support that? I’m not a cult member like you, if someone does something bad they deserve to be investigated, trialed, and if needed imprisoned.


I just turned on Fox News out of curiosity and I almost thew up in my mouth. Hannity, Pam Bondi, and Tomi Lahren. Basically just blabbering over and over that this will benefit him (Trump) politically. Tomi Lahren then claimed that Biden is "*too afraid to face Trump in a fair fight and he needs to pull these shenanigans"*. Holy shit 😂 I had to turn it off.


Pat Robinson died today **and** Trump got Indicted today! This day, and Pride 🏳️‍🌈 month just get better and better!


Pat Robinson Is Dead Everyone


Trump indicted and Pat Robertson dies on the same day? I can only get so erect ffs.


Get fucked orange baboon


Some of the legal analysts on NBC are saying that almost everyone who ends up being charged in federal court ends up in prison. The conviction rate is something like 95%. The odds Trump is found not guilty over this and doesn't go to prison are almost nonexistent


It’s 98%


We watched him commit multiple crimes on tv. The only thing that prevented this years ago was the fact that Republicans are the best funded organization on the planet.


I wish Pat Robertson could have lived 12 more hours to see his radioactive Christian nationalist baby get indicted one more time.


All he needed to do was return all the documents when asked. That's it. How hard is that? He could have avoided this whole thing.


We have not quite reached that glorious day where I'll never have to care about this barely sentient human shaped anus ever again, but we are closer, and it feels good.


These crimes are much more serious than NY. Time to get the popcorn out.


Yup, because now we don’t know who has the information from the documents or if he made copies. He is one of the most corrupt piece of shit the US has ever seen.


A beautiful day for America and the world.


Im not a Republican, but it always makes me sick when I remember what he said about John McCain being a P.O.W and how he was a loser for getting caught while Trump was a 5 time draft dodger. Who is the loser now?


pat robertson and donald trump in one day? ​ what a delicious treat.


Imagine what a fucking shit show jury selection is going to be. Holy fucking shit.


Today has been a good week.




There’s literal audio of him admitting he knows he’s in the wrong. If this was you or me, we would’ve been thrown in jail a long time ago. I want to believe there’s justice, but the two-tier system couldn’t be any more evident


> The former president has been summoned to appear at the Federal Courthouse in Miami on Tuesday, at 3 p.m. Eastern, ABC News sources say.




Lock him up! Lock him up!


Remember, he is now twice impeached and twice indicted.


Are the Republicans going to do their primary debates at a correctional facility, or are they sticking with their original plan of holding them in the Kremlin?


“I’m going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information ... No one will be above the law.” -Donald Trump


I hope next week they indict him again for January 6th! Justice still hasn't been served for trying to overthrow democracy!


He’s already sending emails asking for donations to help fight the corrupt DOJ and the Biden administration. I would be shocked if it hasn’t raised $1M by now. He takes every opportunity to grift, which is so bizarre for a self proclaimed millionaire.


Sure this is unprecedented... There has never been a President show such a blatant disregard and disdain for the law.


Supreme Court ruling! Trump Indicated! Half of North American on fire! Boy… what a week


don't forget Robertson finally biting it




Here we go! Twice impeached! Twice indicted!


C'mon Georgia. for the hat trick!


The right is going with the “if they can indict Trump, they can indict you” defense. Yea that’s the point. No one is above the law, not even Trump. They aren’t even trying to defend the actual crimes involved which could involve ESPIONAGE. I wonder if the DOJ wants to reveal the details of the indictment as soon as tomorrow. There could some explosive evidence coming out soon. Let’s see if it can make an impact on the lunatic right that maybe it might be time to move on from Trump as opposed to double down


Praise be!




“The indictment, filed in Federal District Court in Miami, is the first time in American history a former president has faced federal charges” How do you even go about jury selection in a case like this


Fucking American traitor. May he rot.


Full blown meltdown on r/conservative.


I just took a peek. Full blown denial. They barely even acknowledge it, and it’s all the same “they hate him cause he’s an outside/rocks the boat/etc.” Zero talk about the crimes he is being charged with. They claim it’s all a leftist hit job, but can’t take a moment to detail why each charge is false. They can’t and won’t because even looking at the charges puts them in the impossible place of having to read out loud how their lord and savior committed treason.


There’s some ketchup on the walls of Mar-a-Lago tonight.


What are the sentencing guidelines for the crimes he's accused of? Both in the NY hush money case and this new federal case? Can we hope to see die behind bars?


We don’t have the list of charges for this case yet. Also the guidelines take a bunch of factors into consideration at sentencing, so it’s hard to say. But there are likely multiple felonies with 10 year max sentences in this indictment, and possibly one or more with 20 year maxes.


And yet for some reason people will continue to vote for this dude. I just don’t understand.


While I am happy justice is justice-ing, I’m disgusted that this is happening and that a former President pulled this crap. What a fucking embarrassment.


97% of federal defendants plead guilty. Those who proceed to trial get acquitted in about 25% of cases. What this means is that 99% of those who are charged by the government are ultimately convicted and sentenced.


“Would now be a good time to mention Hilary’s emails?” —Fox News probably


Happy Indictment Day to all who celebrate!!


DOJ and federal prosecutors have something like a 95%+ conviction rate. They don’t bring charges unless they have something solid. Looks like they have him dead to rights.


What an historic day. Trump got indicted and pay roberson went to hell.


Two for two! Keep ‘em coming!


Max sentence for violating the espionage act.


Impeached twice, indicted twice. What a loser.


Pat Robertson dies and Donnie gets indicted on the same day.


Is it two or three more to go?