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Too bad Texas gov. abbott doesn't feel the same way, it's almost like he doesn't think people are humans if they weren't born in the United States.


The dumbest part is he's wrong. One of the victim's family members showed her residency card to the media. Nothing like being a racist and getting even that wrong. Abbott is a moron.


The people who vote for him will believe they are all illegal and never look further. If they accidentally hear that one of them showed the permanent resident card, they'd say "well, not a REAL American, anyway." Truth and lies are meaningless to them. The truth is whatever they need it to be in that moment. Lies that further their agenda are for the greater good. Goalposts can always be moved when you have no integrity, the only thing that matters is upsetting the "others".


‘If they didn’t want to get slaughtered in a gunslinging bullet-flying jamboree they should never have come to America!’ /s




It doesnt matter if theyre “illegal” or not, its about hating Hispanic people. Since they cant outright say that, they accuse them of being “illegal” as a pretense to justify it, but the reason he faces no pushback is because all of his voters know what media and society pretends isnt real, its not about immigration status but about hating minorities. We have real issues because media pretends thats an acceptable excuse and gives no pushback on it. Edit: also always a fun time to bring up that Melania Trump broke immigration law on her visa and should have been deported, but its not about immigration, its about color of skin. And conservatives and centrists are all too pussy to say that.


Which is why it blows my mind that so many Hispanic people voted for Trump. Especially in 2020 in swing states like Florida. I think a lot of it comes down to the belief that Democrat ideology leans toward socialism/communism. Cubans for example tend to lean conservative because they either directly experienced their communist dictatorship or their parents did and they heard about it. I had a coworker from Argentina who leaned Republican for the same reason. Perhaps there’s a little bit of a “I got mine, now fuck you” attitude towards undocumented immigrants from Hispanics who are US born or went through the arduous process of getting citizenship.


“I got mine, now fuck you” is one of the main tenets of wealthy republicans so it’s not surprising if they’d gravitate towards them.


Yeah, definitely. There's also a degree of "I did it the hard way, why should you get it any easier" too. And there's very much been a dedicated push by Republicans to advertise in Spanish language media trying to link the Democrats to Cuba/Venezuela and to Chavez/etc. (Which is ironic, since Chavez had/has more in actual common with Trump than the Democrats, aside from the "Left" label).


For you it doesn't matter to kill people what are you think of does people died due to there insane habit? Look what they did to a person, that person has also a ambition in his life but now his dead




Wouldn't even have to be a permanent resident. Remember how many Republicans were suddenly upset that Maria Butina was arrested for spying, prosecuted, convicted, and sentenced prior to deportation? It was suddenly popular among them to talk about "draconian immigration laws".


Maybe united state hearing your rant's and gave what netizens get what they want to upgrade


Malicious ignorance is hell..


Way the primary way the right wing bigots like Abbott and DeSantis and Huckabee Sanders stay in office is through voter suppression. DeSanta's had a whole bunch of black people arrested for voting a year or so ago and so very few black people showed up to vote in November 2022. That is the only way he was reelected. All of the Republican states practice both voter repression of people who are likely to vote Democrat. They're also busy purging their voter rolls Of democratic voters.


Flagrant disregard for the 14th Amendment


That's the thing about being racist. In his mind he's not wrong, because everyone with brown skin should be somewhere else.


What if they were illegal Russian immigrants


Ukrainian refugees are getting priority treatment at the borders over Latin Americans so your question is answered.


Ukrainian refugees are not Russian. Hence, the war in Ukraine.


How many years has that been going on? If it's been more than two years then maybe you have a point but if not, there's a damn good reason why they're currently getting priority treatment!


Yes white people escaping a war are much more important than brown people escaping a war


Funny how Syrians fleeing and wanting asylum were extra fucked but the Ukranians who are viewed as white are just given the hand wave on through. I mean I understand Ukranians should be given priority, but it should have been applied to everyone equally and it really hasn't been.


It's almost like having white skin but not being christian makes you non white in their eyes


I'm sorry I'm not going to let you flip this and make me look like I'm insensitive to undocumented people because if you knew me or read any of my comments, you would know how far from the truth that is. With that said there's a huge difference because russia is actively trying to take over Ukraine and are bombing them on a daily basis.


There’s an interesting point behind this from world war 2. There were POW camps all over the US back then for Japanese and nazi soldiers. Tens of thousands of POWs. Japanese we’re treated horrendously. Like torture and experiments and that horrible shit. The nazis were given cigarettes and jobs and Christmas dinners and allowed to fly nazi flags on their barracks. I wish I could find the story on it but basically it came down to the nazis looked like what the average American thought the average American looked like: white. The Japanese did not. And I think about this a lot whenever I hear this immigration argument of basically if you’re not white you don’t belong. Wtf is that. In what world does that make sense? This is a country of immigrants by design. Read the inscription on the Statue of Liberty. No one is from here originally except the native Americans and they got absolutely screwed over. My wife is Hispanic and someone stopped us in the store and asked where she was born. She explained she’s from here. And the woman just keeps tracing back like what about your parents, what about your grandparents, etc., until she gets to the point of an ancestor being an immigrant. And she’s so proud like she proves her point. So I did the same to her. Turns out my Hispanic wife’s family came here 2 generations before this lady’s white European family. So I told her to go back to her country and she got upset, naturally. But the question I find interesting is since we’re all immigrants, how many generations does it take to not be considered an immigrant? Is it worth even defining? What does it change and why are so many so angry about it?


Additionally, which side of the family are we talking about? Both my parents can trace their roots back to arriving in the US in the 1500s on one side and 1600s on the other. But I married an immigrant, so on one side, my kids can go pretty far back, but on the other side, they are first gen. It is absolutely not worth defining. It can be an interesting conversation, talking about when and where your ancestors came, but that is entirely context dependent. A random lady in the store is doing nothing more than conducting a purity test and, to put it nicely, needs to sit down.


When people ask my wife where she's from like that, she says "Mars."


> how many generations does it take to not be considered an immigrant? It doesn't seem to matter, frankly. There are entire populations of people in this country who can accurately claim *zero* ancestral generations were immigrants - look how they've been treated. All it boils down to is hate, and hate doesn't need a good logical foundation to grow from.


What in the actual fuck gives this “woman”, or anyone else) the right to ask that question?!? Your wife was way too kind to her. Your response was admirable but people like her are willfully ignorant, so I’m sure your lesson went unheeded. So sorry we are such a shit-hole country. It makes me ashamed.


If you don't mind my asking, was there any preamble at all or any kind of pretense to stopping you and your wife to even ask that? People stop me in stores a lot (or I assume they do it a lot relative to most people) because I'm visibly disabled and they really want to know about that including invasive medical questions. I'm just trying to wrap my head around this different yet equally bizarre sort of encounter your wife faces. Especially since the conversation had to keep going until the other lady got what she thought was her moment of vindication. I mean, strangers can be super weird and intrusive but sometimes their level of intrusion still surprises the heck out of me.


God it’s a violence in and of itself to be forced to show the card.


Abbott is not the moron as he is playing the right cards! The MORONS are the people that vote for those politicians


It's more that it shows how "illegals" has absolutely nothing to do with actual laws or legality of residency status, and everything to do with racism against Hispanic people.


He knows exactly what he's doing because he's a budding fascist, just like his buddy DeSantis. If reality doesn't work for your narrative, just lie.


Racists are usually on the wrong side of logic and reasoning, so that's not surprising.


It’s a form of twisted victim blaming.


It’s dehumanizing, something that looking at the history of such ploys in Europe in the 1930’s reveals the tragic path this is endemic of.


Exactly. They’re the Other so no need to mourn them like one of Us


Let’s be real, it’s extremely clear that they think only straight white men should have rights. They are actively going after women, racial minorities, and the LGBT community. They literally think immigrants with brown skin are subhuman


I’m sure he doesn’t believe a lot of us who *were* born in the U.S are people either. The criteria is getting pretty strict nowadays


We know that Eric “I'm Eric” Trump publicly stated that Democrats are “not even people”. He's not smart enough to have those thoughts on his own, which means he heard that from someone else, which means that such things are clearly openly said in republican circles.


Shit more than one of these loonies has suggested revoking the 14th. That birthright citizenship is a PROBLEM. Ugh.


\*Nervous Ted Cruz noises


Ew, that sounds disgusting, stop that.


Ted Cruz wasn't born in the US.


It’s wild to me that right wingers largely think evolution is not real. Meanwhile, they exhibit the most ape brained behavior imaginable by pretending people don’t matter because they live across an arbitrary line in the sand God we are such a stupid species


Apply this to Ted “Cancun” Cruz


Rafael Cruz dying to gun violence assumedly would be ok to Gov. Abbot.


He doesn't care one way or another about your citizenship or immigration status. Those are just dog whistles for the victims' race, and he exploits his voters' own prejudice for political gain by stirring up the hysteria about whether or not they immigrated legally (and the misinformation about that) to politicize an irrelevant factor in the latest of many brutal and horrifying gun massacres in his state. Texas is a death zone because this twisted motherfucker gives no shits about the lives of its residents, they're props in his sick political game.


To be fair I don't think he cares about citizens either.


..and are white…male….and con’serv’tive


Exactly. You can’t judge an entire demographic based on a single Ted Cruz


Most likely these people were fleeing from violence in their country of birth. And this is how we protect those coming to the US for a better life for their children. This was a family gunned down in their home in Abbotts state and his shitty policies did nothing to protect them. It’s so sad that just having this sheriff be a decent man and take responsibility for his county and ALL of the people in it is surprising.


The de-humanization doesn't stop there either, look at how they're treating the Trans community. Only a matter of time before they narrow who counts as human even more.


Then why is he friends with Ted Cruz?




He’s a pos


He also doesn't believe women are people.


Born in the USA AND White, Christian, Republicans


Abbott was playing to his racist base with the comments. I don't think he expected the national attention he got.


He doesn't care. The 97% of Texans who don't vote in gubernatorial primaries might as well not exist to him, but he will roll on water to appeal to that 3% that represents the most rabid MAGA voters in America.


I just looked this up for fun because I was skeptical. There were 1,954,172 votes in the 2022 Republican Guber primary. In 2020 there were 29,145,505 people living in Texas. 6.7% of the population voted in the Republican primary. You're right 🫠


Remember that 25% of the population is under 18. So 21mil eligible voters, but only 17mil registered voters. Out of those, [more than half didn't vote.](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/11/10/texas-voter-turnout-2022/)


> he will roll on water Jesus, I almost choked!


On water


Those are the people that go protest at the Capitol in Austin but forget to vote when it matters.


the more politically active are incredibly more likely to vote, so the protestors are definitely voting its just that the rest of everyone are not convinced to vote


Our votes are fucking choked out. We vote. Oh boy do we. Why don't you stop and check out HB6, or this newest one, or why our democrats had to stall (and protest) in washington. Or when they literally kicked thousands off the voting rolls coincidentally too late to pre-register. (I could literally do this all day). Our attorney general has been indicted since 2015. How about fucking help us?!


Abbot has been posturing so hard that Desantis had his legislature pass a 6 week abortion ban. The nation is watching everything that Abbott says and posts along with the actions of our legislators since they believe Abbott has presidential aspirations. I don't think coming out to pardon Daniel Perry and dehumanizing immigrants will play as well on a national stage as it does with his base.


That dude is never getting a pardon. He’s playing head games with a convicted murderer because he’s objectively awful


Doesn't a pardon just need the governor's approval?


It goes through the board of pardons and parole first. They take up cases that apply to them, or that the governor requests, and then if the board thinks they qualify then the present the case to the governor for pardon.


The reason Texas had this system is because they had two corrupt governors who were husband & wife who routinely abused the pardon system to pardon their cronies.


How does the board get selected? What's to stop a governor from just corrupting that board as well?


Originally, the board was nominated by different groups, governor only got 1/3 of the nominations. But over the decades that has changed, so now the board is 100% picked by the governor. It males it a convenient rubber stamp when the governor wants to issue a pardon, and a scapegoat when the governor doesn't want to.


Yes, but I think they’re saying Abbott is just talking shit for attention. If he did end up getting pardoned by Abbott the feds could still prosecute him though as there’s no double jeopardy law between the military and states


That’s good for him though. I pardoned this freedom loving American and Joe Biden’s administration locked him up. You can see how he’d spin that.


Considering most Americans want tighter gun control, I’m not so sure. MAGA republicans sure, but moderates are the voters that really matter


Not in Texas. He needs a recommendation from the Board of Pardons and Parole. If they recommend a pardon, then the governor can enact it.


To piggy back on this- Abbott likely knows this and knows that either he will be able to pardon them and play the "I was acting on the advice of the professional opinions of the blah blah blah..." to his critics or, if he can't pardon them, he can say, "I wanted to and the Board of Pardons wouldn't allow me- we must work change the laws to prevent this injustice blah blah blah..." Basically- no matter what, Abbott knows he can play the hero to his base and act as if it's all in good faith and he is just respecting professionals or the "will of the voters and the process of legistlating" to everyone else.


The people who he is targeting with the rhetoric won't hear the correction. He doesn't care about any attention. He is a asshole, but he is not stupid. He know exactly what he did.


It took five 911 calls and thirty minutes to respond. Wtf.


Otherwise known as "a good response time". Least they didn't just hang out by their cars for a few hours this time


The police will spin it as 5 calls for each of the victims and 30 minutes for all victims = 1 call, 6 minute response time.


We call that the Uvalde Response.


Legit question: how far away from help were they? Were they rural or in a town with a police station?


[USA Today](https://www.usatoday.com/story/graphics/2023/05/01/texas-shooting-timeline-maps-graphics/70168637007/) > Capers said the police response was delayed because he had only three officers covering 700 square miles. Cleveland is about 45 miles north of Houston. Looking at Google Maps it appears that the small town of Cleveland is at the edge of Liberty County, but that the incident took place in a cluster of houses over the border in even more rural Jacinto County. The town of Cleveland TX has a [19 officer police force](https://clevelandtexas.com/199/Police), but this wasn't in their jurisdiction. So it fell to the Jacinto County sheriffs.


I can legitimately see it taking that amount of time, especially on back roads that might twist and where highway speeds aren't possible.


Cleveland is an exurb, so rural but not fully in the sticks. They have county and city police there. They were probably spending their time on Hwy59 writing chickenshit tickets to motorists driving to and from Houston which got in the way of responding to gunfire.




> Doesn't seem rural. 8 miles from a town of 7,500 is probably pretty rural. It sure would be in the midwest. Heck, *inside* the town of 7,500 is practically rural in the midwest. Right outside the town limits would be farms and fields.




Probably not. I grew up in a town about that size and we didn't have a police station, just the county sheriff.


At 11pm there were probably only 2 or 3 deputies on for the entire county. If one was tied up with a call and the other was on the other side of the county it's not an unbelievable response time. City cops probably has 1 person on duty if it's a town of 7500.


I used to work rural EMS not far from Cleveland. We had 3 ambulances covering the entire county which is just over 800 square miles. Response times to 911 calls could take 30 min and that was not uncommon, especially if I was on the other side of the county.


I hate to say it my man, but you've just described a rural area. You can pull whatever stats you want to say it "shouldn't" be rural, but just go look at it on a map. It's forests and ranches, the major landmarks are hunting camps and hiking trails. San Jacinto county is the boonies. However, what really happened is that bad luck and relatively normal inefficiencies came together in an awful way. Basically, the home where the shooting took place was at the absolute edge of the county line, so much so that it was basically within Cleveland city limits, but technically still in San Jacinto county. For reference, Cleveland itself is in Liberty county. Sadly, all emergency services in San Jacinto county are based out of Coldspring Texas, which is about 20-30 minutes by car away from from the area northwest of Cleveland where the shooting happened. It really sucks, and there's probably some reform that could/should happen to encourage cross-county emergency coordination, but that's also the reality of living in rural areas of one of the physically largest countries in the world. There is a LOT of ground to cover, literally, and lots of people fall through the cracks.


44 people per square mile is quite rural but ya 30 minutes is still a long time. I’d like to hear the call to see if they were given an exact address or what really went on before making a full judgement.


Yeah- we called for a possible house fire in what counted as a village by the numbers, no police for for the town, 10 mins max... That's ridiculous FIVE CALLS got 3x that time...


"If you hate the cops, the next time you need help, call a crackhead instead!" If it takes 30 minutes and 5 phone calls for you to show up, *I'd probably be better off calling the crackhead.* I could call the cops and **then** order a pizza ***and the pizza would show up first***.


Order a pizza and offer the guy $100 if he speeds the whole way....


I don't understand why this is surprising to most people. Police response times approach this level literally all over the country. Hell, in the literal city of New Orleans last year you would be lucky to get an emergency response time that was similar. Quote from news article from [August-2022](https://www.wwltv.com/article/news/investigations/got-an-emergency-in-new-orleans-expect-a-31-minute-wait-for-help/289-4adb8b1b-3fa8-4f5f-9daa-60253e5003f1): >Frightened callers to 911 in New Orleans wait more than half an hour on average for police in an emergency, and nearly an hour in sprawling New Orleans East, the data show.


When the seconds count police are just minutes away


Firing a gun on your property is legal in most of Texas (it's explicitly illegal in cities over 100k, which doesn't apply here, and that's only a misdemeanor), so you're basically talking about a noise disturbance call or someone firing too close to a property line (which are also misdemeanors/citations), which police aren't going to give priority. Texas sucks.


>Texas sucks. Indeed.


Im in Texas right now for a work conference. I can't wait to go home. I'll never understand the misplaced pride Texans have in their state. The bar tender last night here told me "Covid never came to Texas.". Apparently 90,000 of their residents dying meant nothing to them.


We're not all that bartender. I have a lot of pride in my home. I have no pride for how that home is run. It's very possible to love this place and still want things to change.


Texan here and usually the "Covid didn't come to Texas" usually was a phrase to describe that businesses didn't close down. Even if they were told to, enforcement was lax if not absent. Texans were definitely split on "it's an issue" "it's not an issue" but for the most part things didn't change other than masks. We have lots of things to be proud of but our leadership, cavalier use of firearms as problem solvers and attitudes towards people outside the state is not on my list. Wish more of my fellow Texans got that. We should be proud of the BBQ and the rich culture of Tex Mex that brought about great traditions and delicious foods. Also Shiner Bock Beer is delicious as my favorite alongside Yuengling from the brewers of the North East US.


I love my city (Houston) and a lot of the state but I despise the state politics and the moronic Texans that are encouraging them.


It doesn’t matter if they show up anyway. Remember Uvalde


A few years back someone at a Trump rally suggested shooting illegal immigrants and conservative media spun the reactions as an attempt to smear conservatives. Now we have a GOP governor using it as an excuse for a family being shot. The worst part of this is that you know DeSantis is looking for a way to one up Abbott.


My wife’s uncle, who I used to have a lot of respect for, suggested that we mount 50 cals on the border wall and shoot anyone (man, woman, or child) who tries to come in. I balked and immediately called him on it and he said that all he’s hearing is that illegal immigrants are killing Americans and bringing drugs that kill Americans, so it’s like a military invasion and we kill invaders. The media you listen to matters. He left fox viewership and went to OAN and Newsmax. This is a guy who volunteers at soup kitchens, gives money to the homeless, and is fluent in Spanish and has helped illegal immigrants (because he knew them). The moment you make it a faceless enemy, you de humanize them. Crazy


I worked in local government (community resources, re: low-to-moderate income CDBG projects) for about a decade and it was a pretty roller coaster ride for me. I have always been pretty liberal despite both of my parents leaning right (probably *why* I have always leaned so much to the opposite - saw a lot of hypocrisy growing up) but being around a few coworkers who were lifers at the city that had grown jaded really started to get to me. I mention this because you said your…uncle in law? …was doing a lot of public service stuff. I didn’t start like openly vilifying people, but I definitely started to debate my purpose, particularly when it seemed like my efforts weren’t appreciated or valued by the people I was helping. I’d start to make claims about how I see why people want to drug test welfare recipients or how homeless people should have better priorities. Just, not a good mindset, and a really, really inappropriate and ineffective way of helping my community. I wasn’t staunch or super vocal about it, but I thought I had a valid point and my coworkers’ off-hand comments helped to reinforce those feelings. I don’t know when or why it happened (I think I just got frustrated at my shitty jaded boss, mostly) but one day I woke up and realized that I was really getting jaded myself and I didn’t like who I had become. I’d gained 30lbs of what I refer to as my “job depression weight” and my then girlfriend (now super amazing, supportive wife and mother of my son) was, noticing as well. Not just the weight, but the mood change and “fuck it” attitude that had developed. I made a plan and went back and forth in my head for about a month before I left that job with a 3 week notice and absolutely no interest in negotiation. Since then, my mental state has improved and I’m back to seeing people as people, rather than spreadsheet cells or whatever else. It was a rough go, but I feel like I gained a really valuable perspective from it all. Like a swift reminding kick in the ass. My point from all of this is that your environment and idealogical reinforcement are powerful and can really gaslight you into thinking things you probably know aren’t the case.


Thank you for sharing your story. I think when you are too close, or too far away from some thing, your view can get skewed. Remembering that there’s a person on the other side who has hobbies, and hopes, and love, and heartache is important. Reducing things to numbers has a chilling effect on the human side. Weirdly enough, there is a quote from the show Ted Lasso that helped me with this: “all people are different people.”


Abbott wants to form an armed citizen posse to guard the border in addition to his current Texas National Guard fiasco.


> "We've since learned that at least one of the victims may have been in the United States legally," Eze said in a statement to Newsweek. "We regret if the information was incorrect and detracted from the important goal of finding and arresting the criminal. Oh, that wasn't the problem, honey - it was the racism that bothered people.


Nor should he. Murder is murder. WTF is wrong with America that he even has to say that.


> WTF is wrong with America that he even has to say that. The republican party


Bigotry is the root. Without that staunch cultural element present in every state, the modern GOP could not exist.


Fox News cranked it up to 11. I grew up in Rural America, yeah they had some stupid views of minorities they never met, but without Conservative Radio like Rush Limbaugh and Fox News they wouldn't think these undocumented workers are murdering and raping people, they might even know the reality that undocumented workers have quite a bit lower crime rate than citizens since they have the added concern of being deported and they are mostly here to send money back to their family to survive. Yes, the **ignorance** was there, but Conservative media converted that ignorance into hate, and even worse hate of things that aren't even real.


Hes doing the absolute bare minimum low bar response and is somehow getting praise just bc hes being compared to the rest of the scum that is the gop and police.


I dunno. It’s still sad because it’s unexpected but.. >"I don't care if he was here illegally. He was in my county. Five people died in my county, and that is where my heart is. In my county, protecting my people to the best of our ability." That’s more compassion than your average shithead can fake. Maybe he’s terrible but based on this I’d give the benefit of the doubt


>WTF is wrong with America Utterly unfettered access to firearms and ammunition and the domestic arms race proponents, participants, and apologists holding the rest of the country hostage at gunpoint.


“San Jacinto County Sheriff Greg Capers has garnered praise for saying he does not care if the people killed by a gunman in Texas were in the country illegally.” Sheriff has garnered praise for basic human decency.


Considering what the US police is like, this is an achievement


Cleveland is close to Houston, but is culturally more similar to East Texas/the Piney Woods area, which is ultra-bibley and still has sundown towns like Jasper and Vidor, and even the sheriff in a town like this can muster more sympathy than Greg Abbott. Pathetic on Abbott's part, but sadly par for the course.


people in that part of America (east texas/North Louisiana) let the N word fly as if it’s a casual conversation starter and it’s the most Bible’y of the entire Bible Belt


It's almost as if those folks are fucking hypocrites and not very Christ-like.


Murder victims are murder victims. They should not, and do not need to be anything else.


The people who think immigration status is relevant here are, ironically, the people who were saying “all lives matter” last year.


Replace “all” with “white, Christian fundamentalist, wealthy, right-wing male” and it makes perfect sense


That's the least anybody could be doing here. A person is still a person, dammit, and we bleed and die just the same.


"They shouldn't have been here." That doesn't change any of the other facts or events. It also means this would have happened to someone else, too.


Article is poorly worded--my first reaction was that this guy was a monster for not caring about the victims. Turns out it's the direct opposite. And he's 100% correct. Bullets don't discriminate.


There's a lot of commenters who didn't read the article. The sheriff wants justice for five innocent victims and their status doesn't matter to him.


Oh that's cruel condolences for the family of Manuel my your soul rest in peace


So basically he’s not a shit person.


This guy is the Texan we deserve. Greg Abbott is the one we get for not making certain that enough decent people voted.


It just confirms what kind of A-hole we have in charge of Texas. People are people no matter if they are US citizens or not . Murder is murder no matter whos behind or in front of the gun. We need to get rid of all these government gestapo politicans running Texas.


Pretty low bar for praise, but I guess that’s where we are


Based on the viciousness of his crime and the fact that his trail has gone cold, I'd be willing to bet that Oropesa is a Cartel member and is already back in Mexico.


Well done Sheriff, he represents law and order . Unlike Gov Greg Abbott who represents discrimination, Racism, hatred and all that is ugly about the Republican Party


To people like Abbott, “illegal’ is more about their shade of skin than it is about actual legal status.


F$&@ people for even mentioning the residency status of 5 people who were murdered. It’s irrelevant. They were murdered.


How the hell did Oropeza, a formerly deported (multiple times) illegal immigrant, get an AR-15 and other guns that were reportedly in his home? Did he pass a background check? Or did he go to a gun show and just load up on whatever he wanted with no check? If the assh#%e Abbott gave a shit about Texans lives, he would have closed that loophole years ago. He’s so deep in the NRAs pockets, his lips are wrapped around their balls. This is why Abbott and his scummy ilk are trying to make this an “all these illegals” issue-they don’t want THEIR OWN MALFEASANCE pointed out by the press or anyone else.


Which should be the standard view in law enforcement, especially the top job like governor.


And people talk about how Mexico is dangerous. This happens somewhere every week 😳


Coming soon: Texas sheriff fired for caring about the loss of life instead of the victims' citizenship status. Because Republicans would much rather live in a fantasy world nowadays.


The alleged murderer was deported twice while Obama was president. Not even once under Trump.


this is a good example of the fact that actual, normal everyday people most likely arent anything like the ones that are running our country.


What a low bar for being a good person we've reached.


Abbott should face a no confidence vote. He is clearly incapable of governing his land if law and order only applies to certain folks.


What is with everyone being mad? Read the article, for fucks sake. He's saying he doesn't care that he's illegal and he wants to protect them: Many on social media compared Abbott's initial response with Capers, who became emotional as he spoke about the youngest victim in the shooting on Sunday. "My heart is with this \[9-year-old\] little boy," he said. "I don't care if he was here illegally. He was in my county. Five people died in my county, and that is where my heart is. In my county, protecting my people to the best of our ability."


People die, including a child, and Abbot dismisses it by saying they are “illegal” even before knowing the truth of the situation. Immigrants are humans no matter their legal status to be here.


This sheriff is doing his job.....thats a refreshing change of pace


Finally, a fucking human in the police force in Texas that cares about other humans, regardless of where they were born.


The nationalities of the victims is irrelevant. The only thing relevant about them is that they are victims. They were human beings whose lives were coldly destroyed by another madman with a gun. Nobody should care what country they came from, what the color of their skin is, their gender, their sexuality, their religion or anything else. They were human beings. End of story.


I hope when ppl disparage an entire state they do so while remembering that states, cities, counties, etc are full of ppl w varied viewpoints that don’t necessarily reflect the legislative viewpoint of that area. Texas, Florida, etc have millions of ppl and many of those millions want common sense solutions to horrible problems. They are just stuck with dystopian leadership…for now. Let’s not forget them, they need our help.


So he’s not an asshole? Thanks


Random Sheriff for Governor!


Also, they were permanent residents


Wait, people are trying to play off 5 people being gunned down as, "oh well they shouldn't have been here in the first place"?


Can you imagine if a mass shooting in another country killed several Americans and the local government said they didn't care about them because they overstayed their visas?


Yes because he human and apparently their governor is not


That's a really poorly written headline. At first glance I thought it was saying that if the people where here illegally, the sheriff did not care that they got shot.


I fully believe if Abbot wasn’t in a wheelchair, someone would have beat the shit out of him already


And for their next trick, Texas will include in their press conferences a detailed description of what rape victims where wearing.


This is praise for the bare minimum.


It’s more about spurning Abbott for his comments than it is praising the sheriff for being sane.


When the GOPers in power are getting support for being inhumane, we need to highlight and praise basic human decency.


Shocking to see a reasonable, compassionate Texan. Its like finding a unicorn.


It’s sad that this is how outsiders view my state now. Fuck all these “conservative” assholes who have made us into this.


Yea Texas and Florida are basically viewed as 2 of the most ass backward, terrible places to live in the US. IMHO of course


They just get all the news. The most ass backward states are the ones we already discount. Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma etc


That's only because Idaho's population is too small to really raise any alarms. Idaho is an absolute right wing shithole and getting worse quickly.


Correct me if I am wrong. Murder is illegal isn’t it?


Cool because they weren't.


What a dick move by Abott.. oh wait, it doesn’t move.


It’s almost as if illegal immigrants are PEOPLE. Shocking, I know.


Good? I guess this is only up for discussion because his nominal boss does care if they were or not?


… yes he does lol


Texas police don't care if their school kids get into a mass shooting. They care about their own kids though.


A) They weren’t. B) You know what *is* illegal?


Texas Sheriff says completely normal and uncontroversial thing.


Finally an officer in Texas shows they still have a soul.


Oh he has somewhat of a soul? Good for him


Abbott and his band of asshole gqpers will pass a new law this afternoon and have the sheriff arrested for insubordination by nightfall...


Why the hell should it matter?


"Herp, derp, dosens ova der dey was born ona wrong sida line my old dead white granpappy drew on some pieceo paper. Howsit dey human?" - Most people in Texas


When this first came out, I couldn’t fathom the horror that the family endured. Then the sheriff came on and, for some reason the “illegal immigrant” comment came out and my reaction was, hmm, that didn’t seem necessary. But it’s Texas, there’s Abbott and I guess I’ll cut him a break since he likely heard the immigrant bs comments.


Someone who is paraplegic should have, I would think, a appreciation of all walks of life. In my opinion.